APPLE // EDUCATION FORUM CHAT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1992 8:00 PM (ET) AFL Gayle OK. Well, Bard and I and many others here use MECC, so we can talk while we're waiting for Mark to get started. Bard, go ahead. :) AFA Bard Thanks, Gayle! MECC's been around for quite some time. It began as the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium - a group of educators from a variety of levels interested in making quality educational software. Somewhere down the line, they began to realize that their software was GOOD and was very marketable. They then went "public" and it became a Company, instead of a Consortium. Currently, MECC produces over 100 titles for the Apple II line and is now developing titles for Macintosh and Messy-DOS computers. If my notes are correct - they now have about 7 titles for each. All the literature we receive from MECC says that they will CONTINUE to actively develop for the A2 platform, though. That makes ME very happy! So.. what's YOUR favorite MECC program???????? MaryEz Are they going to abandon the GS? Can they write GS software that utilizes the standard GS setup? MaryEz Rather than needing two 3.5 drives. AFL Gayle Mary, we'll have to hold those questions until Mark gets to Gerry's. Sorry. AFA Bard Mark'll have to take that one, but I do know that they now ship many titles AFA Bard in a 3.5" format. Some DO take advantage of the GS tools. AFL Gayle You can find MECC online in the Industry Connection. (But do NOT go there AFL Gayle now! :) Keyword MECC gets you there. AFA Bard What's the most popular MECC program used in YOUR school??? MaryEz Many require 2 3.5 drives which makes it difficult in a lab situation that has the standard 3.5 & 5.25 AFL Gayle There are 20 new MECC titles for the 91-92 school year for the Apple, some of them GS specific. MaryEz I love Story Weaver but can't use it because of the drive situation. AFL Gayle 2 Storyboo Weaver titles for the GS. AFA Bard Mary.. tell us about Storybook Weaver. AFL Gayle Mary, do you have a network? My notes from the MECC Support area says it runs AFL Gayle on AppleShare. AFL Gayle StoryBook Weaver, that is, among other titles. MaryEz I have a Digicard network but you need a special MECC disk to copy to the hard drive. AFA Bard (The crossloader, Gayle) MaryEz Right. AFL Gayle Right. I believe it's called the crossloader, isn't it, Bard? AFA Bard What is Storybook Weaver? MaryEz It is a program which allows kids to put a variety of object into a picture and then write a story MaryEz using the scene created using the objects. People, things, vehicles, animals etc. AFA Bard Neat! Does it save in an "exportable" format? MaryEz You can choose a page with a picture or a page which is just text. MaryEz It gives you a cover page with place for title, author, and information. You have a choice of MaryEz several borders to put around the title page. AFL Gayle To answer an earlier question, Bard, interestingly enough, it's the old MaryEz You can change the size, color, and flip the objects. AFL Gayle standard titles at my school that are the absolute MECC favorites. Elementary, AFL Gayle volume 7, which has been discontinued long ago, and Oregon Trail. (new version) AFA Bard And Number Munchers? MaryEz It takes a lot of time and takes forever to print but it is fun. AFA Bard (Sounds alot like Children's Writing & Pub., Mary) AFL Gayle For some reason, my Number Munchers disks love to crash a lot. AFA Bard Must be heavy use? MaryEz Better than CW & P. But I don't use it because of the drive situation. I can't run around stealing AFL Gayle Maybe or the copy protection scheme that year. Our problem is our copy disk is AFL Gayle at the BOE. MaryEz drives from half the computers to give me two 3.5 drives on the others. AFA Bard Not a problem, Gayle. A feature. :) AFL Gayle That may be why Elem., 7 is so popular. It's not copy protected. :) AFA Bard We actually have a FULL TIME employee who does nothing but copy MECC products AFA Bard for our 65 schools! AFA Andy :) AFL Gayle I know. Lots of systems do in our state. AFA Andy Same here. AFL Gayle So what are the most heavily copied disks in your district, Bard? MaryEz Do you have inservices to show teachers how to use the software in curriculum related ways? AFA Bard The favorites you mentioned, Gayle. Elem. likes Number Munchers and those AFL Gayle Interesting comments from Mary and Bard. I was discussing needing BOTH of those AFL Gayle on Friday when our curriculum supervisor called and asked how to make MECC AFA Andy I have set up a user group in my area that does just that, Mary. :) AFL Gayle better utilized in the schools. AFA Bard disks that are mostly arcade-style programs. Oregon Trail is still our 1. AFA Bard Mary, we do "what new with MECC" updates at instructional fairs and teacher AFA Bard inservices in our district. Not enough, though. :( AFL Gayle What are some of the other arcade games besides Number and Word Munchers. MaryEz I just wish kids would not put nasty words on the tombstones! I have to keep erasing them! AFA Bard LOL, Mary! IC Gerry His car is coming in the driveway...just had to send hubby out and he appeared... AFA Bard The Wood Car Rally disks are hot. Have you folks seen that one? MaryEz We do a M & M project with MECC Graph that the kids like. AFA Bard Sounds, tasty, Mary! AFL Gayle So, Andy, tell us about some of the things your user group does to introduce AFL Gayle MECC to the teachers. AFA Andy M&M projects are always fun :) MaryEz We use Wood Car Rally and then make Lego cars to test also. AFL Gayle Tell us about Wood Car Rally, please, Mary. AFA Andy Well, we haven't started on the MECC stuff yet. We will start uses MECC next.. AFA Andy week. AFL Gayle So what is on tap for next week? :) AFL Gayle Hi, MECC Tech! :))) AFA Bard He's Back!!! MaryEz Wood Car Rally give you the opportunity to test 3 variables: shape, weight, and lubrication and AFL Gayle Thanks, [[Gerry]] AND Dallas! :) IC Gerry Give him a sec to catch his breath..:) MaryEz see how far a car will travel. MECC Tech I'm baaack!!! IC Gerry Just part of my support for my IC vendors..:) AFA Andy How to use Oregon Trail to add depth to Social Studies. AFL Gayle We will, Gerry. We'll let Mary finish with describing Wood Car Rally. AFA Bard And wait 'til they see Wagon Train 1848, Andy. :)) AFA Bard Welcome Eric! AFA Andy I haven't seen that one Bard, I have heard good things about it. :) GS ERIC Hi guys..can't stay long....just have to ask andy a few questions :( AFL Gayle Eric, could you do that via IM, please? Our guest just got online after some MaryEz After using Wood Car Rally, the kids build Lego cars send them down a ramp to test weight, speed, AFA Bard Hope they're MECC questions, Eric. :) AFL Gayle problems. Thanks. MaryEz and length of run. AFL Gayle Mark! Hi! :) Mark1001 Hi Gayle! AFA Bard Great idea, Mary! Then you could use MECC Graph to graph the stats! MaryEz Right! MECC Tech I'm set - fire away! AFL Gayle Let us know when you're ready to start, Mark from MECC, please. :) IC Gerry HI Mark & Mark..:) AFL Gayle OK. Go with your earlier questions, Mary, please. AFA Bard Welcome Dennis! MECC Tech Hi Dennis! AFL Gayle I believe we had a question about site licensing arrangements for next year, MaryEz MECC Tech, I am concerned that the new MECC policies will make it harder for schools to get DennisJ26 Good evening ! AFL Gayle Mark. Seems they aren't going to be what we are accustomed to? MaryEz MECC software. AFL Gayle Could you tell us about that, please, Mark? MECC Tech How do you feel it will be tougher to get what you need? AFL Gayle What will the policy be next year, Mark? AFL Gayle I've only heard grumbles from other users, not what the changes will be. MaryEz 1. Are they going to support GS, IIe, Mac and MSDos? Do we have to have a license for each of MaryEz those platforms? Jeff Kline Hmmmm whats the topics in here tonight?? MECC Tech Our site licensing is much like it has been in past years. We have added IBM and Macintosh. AFL Gayle Jeff, the topic is MECC software. Jeff Kline What is MECC? MaryEz Will they support the standard GS format of 2 different size drives? AFL Gayle Unlimited copies as in the past for next year, Mark? AFL Gayle MECC=MN Educational Computing Corp. MaryEz Rather than requiring 2 3.5 drives. MECC Tech We will continue to support the IIGS - although the new product offerings will be limited. Jeff Kline OIC GS ERIC How limited??? Jeff Kline Are they moving to PC's yet?? MECC Tech There are seperate licenses for each platform. AFL Gayle They already have, Jeff. MaryEz How much will they cost? Jeff Kline I see.... MECC Tech There is a discount if you want to add a Mac or IBM membership to your existing Apple II license. GS ERIC For instance, what kind of advertising and how many GS specific products... GS ERIC do you expect? AFL Gayle Mark, you say the offerings for the GS will be limited. Will the number of Jeff Kline Well, take care all. Gotta run and do some other stuff. Bye. AFL Gayle titles for Apple // overall be about the same? GS ERIC in a year MECC Tech Cost is based on enrollment as always. AFL Gayle OK. So there are no significant changes in site licensing for next year? AFL Gayle Question that has arisen. Say a school district has had a MECC site license AFL Gayle for several years but decides not to continue it next year. Can they still MECC Tech For 92-93 the Apple II membership will contain 1 GS product. AFL Gayle copy and use the disks from the previous years? GS ERIC new? MECC Tech Apple II titles will toatl 15 - only 3 less than last year. Mark1001 What will MECC have available for the MS-DOS platforms next year? MaryEz So if I want that product I would have to buy a site license to get it for my 28 GS's. GS ERIC Applause!!!! MaryEz Will that GS product require 2 3.5 drives? Mark1001 and is that development taking away from the Apple development? MECC Tech You do lose the right to copy when you cease being a member. Copy systems must be returned. MECC Tech But existing copies you have made can still be used. AFL Gayle OK. Thanks, Mark! :) MECC Tech The Macintosh and IBM product offerings have not been fully determined at this time... GS ERIC how much more than the Apple do you expect??? MECC Tech But I do expect there to be more titles for Mac and IBM than last year. AFL Gayle Can you tell us what subject areas we can look forward to for next year? What's AFL Gayle coming for the Apple //? AFL Gayle (Next year equals 1992-93 school year products.) MECC Tech YES, MARY THAT IS TRUE. MECC Tech Sorry, I did not mean to SHOUT. MaryEz Thanks. AFL Gayle (Note: Gerry wasn't dumped. She's moving downstairs to be with Mark. :) Mark1001 What's new for the II, then? Mark1001 (I don't have an upstairs...) :) MaryEz I am just so discouraged about what's happening with the GS. It will be a long time before any GS ERIC Sorry I can't stay, bye guys :( AFA Bard Mark = MECC Tech, too. :) MaryEz Macs are bought to replace mine. AFL Gayle But Mark (MECC) does in Gerry's house. :) Mark1001 (I know) MECC Tech Not all of the 15 products have been determined at this time. AFL Gayle Can you tell us about any of them yet, Mark? AFA Bard Any chance some of the Apple II products will be "network interactive" like MECC Tech I will post a full description of the new Apple II products in the MECC Forum ASAP. Mark1001 when will they be announced? AFA Bard Wagon Train 1848 for the Macintosh? AFL Gayle Thanks much, Mark! :) Speaking of your MECC area, I was happy to see you have Mark1001 there already is a WT 1848 for mac... AFL Gayle a library for demo versions there. But I was NOT pleased that there were only MECC Tech I know of no plans for any Wagon Train type products for the Apple II at this time, but I will.. MECC Tech pass the interest on. AFL Gayle PC and Mac demos. Will we see Apple // demos in there, too, soon? AFA Bard (hint, hint?!) MECC Tech I know that there will be a new Reading series (2-3) products. AFL Gayle Great! We need that! :)) Mark1001 what kind of reading? Supporting what approach? MECC Tech I don't know of any Apple II demos at this time. I may be able to post the MECC Sampler in the future. MaryEz Mark, at the risk of boring everyone, could you please state the MECC licensing policy for next year AFL Gayle Great! That would be helpful, Mark. :) AFA Bard (taking notes!) MECC Tech MECC Sampler is the disk you get with the Apple II Product Presentation Guide. MaryEz so that we can put down the rumors that are running rampant in Connecticut. MECC Tech Mary - what are the rumors. MaryEz That MECC is no longer going to be as supportive of education as it has been in the past. That is AFC Tooter We have heard that unlimited site licencing is a thing of the past. Cost will go up drastically. MaryEz is interested in the $'s. AFA Bard It IS a for-profit company, Mary. I've read the new MECC site license rules AFA Bard ad while they ARE higher in price, they're still not too bad. Except for the AFL Gayle [[[[[Wiggy]]]]] AFA Bard add-ons for Mac and IBM which are (IMHO) exhorbitant. :) AFA Bard Wiggy!!! Wigster Hi All! AFL Gayle MECC is our guest this evening, Jim. :) We're just finding out about site AFL Gayle licensing for next year. Wigster Yay, MECC! MECC Tech Hi Wigster! AFC Tooter All that is true, Bard. Just trying to figure out what the difference will be. AFC Tooter Hi Wiggy!!! MaryEz In the past we have bought two licenses, one IIe and one IIgs and have had unlimited copying privilege AFA Andy I must go to work now. G'Night all :) Wigster Hiya, Toot! AFL Gayle Bye, Andy! Thanks for stopping by! :) AFA Bard Nite, Andy! MaryEz We have been told to copy, copy, copy this year because that will be the end of it. AFC Tooter MECC Tech Mark??? Mark1001 gotta go, too. Thanks all. AFA Bard Mary... our local RESA (teacher resouce agencies - state funded) are helping AFL Gayle Thanks for coming, Mark1001! :) AFA Bard us fund our license. Is that an option for you? AFC Tooter No. Everything in CT is shutting down because of the economy, Bard. AFL Gayle Mark, the question is will the district license be essentially the same as the MaryEz Our RESC will not be a copy center next year because of the new policy. We will have to go AFL Gayle past--unlimited copies if you have a site license in the 92/93 license? MaryEz 60 miles and spend a day to get new releases. MECC Tech You will continue to have unlimited copy priviledges. MaryEz We will probably not buy any MECC license next year. AFL Gayle Mary, we already drive that far in our county and have from the beginning. AFL Gayle Still well worth it, IMHO. MaryEz We will make do with what we have. AFL Gayle Thanks for that clarification, Mark. AFA Bard Thanks, Mark! AFL Gayle Sort of a techie question here for you, Mark. :) AFL Gayle I applaud your company for supplying librarians with full card catalog sets. AFL Gayle No one else has given us that kind of support. AFL Gayle However, now most of us are moving to online card catalogs and circulation AFL Gayle systems. Is (Will, please) MECC consider offering MARC MicroLif disks in the AFL Gayle near future as an option? AFL Gayle (I'm a school librarian, in case you didn't know. :) Wigster I think we all figured that one out, Gayle. :) MECC Tech I am not familiar with MARC MicroLif - but I certainly will pass your request on. AFL Gayle Thanks! :) Those who are doing your excellent cataloging will know what I'm AFL Gayle talking about or I'll be glad to give you more details later. AFL Gayle OK. More questions for Mark? AFL Gayle We're past our chat hour but will go on if Mark is willing while there are AFL Gayle questions, since we got a late start. MECC Tech I'm willing !!! :) AFL Gayle (Mark says now the network won't let Gerry back on. :( MECC Tech Any Macintosh questions! MECC Tech Any IBM Questions? Wigster I had a bit of trouble getting online tonight, too. AFL Gayle Well, you're in the Apple // Education Forum, Mark, but we'll allow questions AFL Gayle about the other products, too. :) Wigster IBM? Ick! (and I use them at my school) :( MaryEz Will you be doing Story Book Weaver in a Mac format? AFL Gayle Any "other" computer questions, Bard and Mary? MaryEz See above. MaryEz Will StoryBook Weaver come in a Mac format? MECC Tech There are no current plans for Storybook Weaver - Macintosh. I hope it does happen though. AFL Gayle Any more questions for Mark? AFL Gayle Mark, I know MECC is always highly praised in other chats we have online. I'd Wigster Well, I have to go... I wish I could have been here from the beginning... oh well, I'll just have Wigster to read the transcript. AFL Gayle just like to say I'm delighted to see MECC online and very responsive in your Wigster Nice seeing you all. Hooray for MECC! AFL Gayle support area. AFA Bard G'night folks!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle Bye, Jim! [[]] AFL Gayle Our chat topic next week is an Open Chat. Bring any and all questions and AFL Gayle topics you might have. :) AFL Gayle And {S Applause} for BOTH Mark and Gerry! :))) AFA Bard Thanks, Mark... GREAT job. Thanks to Gerry for your second floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MaryEz Thanks, Gayle, lively as always. I wish we could get as much excitement on educational issues in TIN. AFC Tooter Yeah!!!!!!!!!! **************** End of log *************** **************** by AFA Bard **************