4/12/92 7:57:09 PM Opening "Chat Log 4/12/92" for recording. AFL Gayle : Well, we have a small, but interested group, so we'll go ahead and get started. AFL Gayle : Our guest tonight is MFC Gary, Gary Hayman, author of Magic File Cabinet. AFL Gayle : He'll tell you all about his product, and, then, as usual, we'll open up the CWSoldier : Sorry I'm late. AFL Gayle : floor for your questions. Welcome to AED, Gary! :) AFA Bard : Hiya Mike! AFL Gayle : Please introduce MFC for us. :) MFC Gary : Thank you for having me here. I am pleased to discuss THE MAGIC FILE MFC Gary : CABINET with your audience. We have done an interview on the Apple MFC Gary : Productivity area, but this is the first time to acquaint educators MFC Gary : and people interested in education who "stalk" AOL with the important MFC Gary : uses of this program. MFC Gary : Well, I guess you all want to know what THE MAGIC FILE CABINET IS AFL Gayle : Something that automatically files all of my papers for me? ;) MFC Gary : The MAGIC FILE CABINET transforms your existing or future AppleWorks AFA Andy : :) CWSoldier : *&$#!@ I got knocked offline. Once again, I'll try those statements and questions. MFC Gary : data bases by "adding button" to each record. When these buttons CWSoldier : Hi there. Sorry I'm late. Is there any protocal tonight? :) MFC Gary : (macro key presses) are activated, information related to theat data AFL Gayle : Hang on for a minute, Mike. No protocol, but we're letting Gary introduce his MFC Gary : base record "pops" to your screen. The information may be short, long AFL Gayle : product first. :) Then you can ask all of your questions. :) MFC Gary : or in any AWP format you want. It could be notes, records, tables, MFC Gary : letters -- anything that can be written (no graphics other than text MFC Gary : graphics). When you are through reading, or writing, a simple button MFC Gary : (macro key press) quickly takes you back to your data base. MFC Gary : Over.... MFC Gary : Waiting... AFL Gayle : OK. Mike, you can have the first question! AFL Gayle : Everyone, just jump in with questions. :) AFA Bard : (Hiya Ragen, Toot, Mary!) CWSoldier : No real question here, just wanted to get in on the talk that really interests me...Apples in Ed. MFC Gary : Let me give you some more information AFA Bard : Are there any limitations to the amount of information in a MFC file? MFC Gary : Not really -- just your computers memory AFL Gayle : BTW, we have a free hour to give away tonight to the lucky person who says the MFC Gary : You are using your normal AppleWorks data base AFC Tooter : Hello everyone!! *Rooster* AFL Gayle : secret word. The word must be in context and you must stay until the end of the AFL Gayle : chat. :) Of course, you have to talk to be eligible. :) MFC Gary : There is an associated WP file that contains volumes of RELATED text material MFC Gary : Your normal AW data base is limited with 30 categories and 76-78 character MFC Gary : entries. MFC Gary : The MAGIC FILE CABINET now lets you attach volumes of text material to each AFL Gayle : Gary, can you link just ADB to WP files or could a DB be linked to another DB? MFC Gary : data base record. MFC Gary : Gayle, the program links the DB file to a WP file -- not another DB file. AFA Bard : Gary... have you tested your program with TimeOut and other utilities? MFC Gary : The idea is to have much information that is related to the DB record MFC Gary : available to you AFL Gayle : Bard, it uses TimeOut. UltraMacros is a TimeOut application, required for MFC. AFA Bard : OIC MFC Gary : Yes, You must have UltraMacros 3.1 installed with your AppleWorks 3.0 AFL Gayle : How about telling us some specific ways teachers could use this program, AFL Gayle : please, Gary. MFC Gary : OK AFL Gayle : (Y'all don't be shy. Please jump in with your questions. :) MFC Gary : Suppose that a teacher has a DB on her students. MFC Gary : You can use MFC for noting comments and information relative to the students MFC Gary : For example, you migh thave information for tests, lesson plans, schedules MFC Gary : conversations with parents, deportment problems, achievements etc. MFC Gary : Just by clicking on the student's name, the information "pops" to the screen MFC Gary : for you to examine, or even use as a basis for another docment. AFA Bard : What are the printing options? MFC Gary : Over.... AFL Gayle : OK. More questions for Gary? MFC Gary : Since you are in AppleWorks anyway, all the AW printing options are there. RagenT : I was a few minutes late, what I am wondering is, MFC a program that can be RagenT : used by itself or must it be used with AppleWorks? What other RagenT : programs could it be used with? MFC Gary : ************************** MFC Gary : * THE MAGIC FILE CABINET * MFC Gary : ************************** AFL Bobloo : Ohhhhhhhh Love dem macros... :) MFC Gary : YES, it is only used with AppleWorks. AFA Bard : El Macro strikes again! MFC Gary : It is an UltraMacro task file that fits with your AW folder. AFL Gayle : Then you'd LOVE MFC, Bob! The macros make things fly across your screen. Truly AFL Gayle : amazing! AFA Bard : Tell us about the demo, Gary. MFC Gary : You are really using macros to make the thing work. CWSoldier : Does MFC come with any already prepared printing templates or Macros that the teacher... AFL Bobloo : I'm also curious how you link kids... and if it's relational or not MFC Gary : The DEMONSTRATION version of THE MAGIC FILE CABINET (MFC) is on AOL! CWSoldier : could start out with and therefore get involved with as soon as possible? MFC Gary : THE FILES HAS BEEN PLACED IN THE SOFTWARE LIBRARY AND CAN BE FOUND IN MFC Gary : THE APPLE PRODUCTIVITY area. MFC Gary : Soldier, There are alot of sample files with the disk for you to use and MFC Gary : experiment with. AFA Bard : (Keyword: APR) MFC Gary : It is a relational product. The program finds the relation in the other MFC Gary : document. And the info is instantly on the screen. Let me give you an MFC Gary : example. Let's say you gave an assignement for students to prepare speechs MFC Gary : of the Presidents. The data base would have the President's names. MFC Gary : Clicking on a name would bring that President's speech to the screen. AFL Gayle : Mike, the demo in APR shows specific ways that teachers can use MFC. MFC Gary : Then going back would take you to the DB ready for the next name. AFA Bard : And it's only a SIX minute download! Sounds great! MFC Gary : There is alot of information in the DEMO for you to play with. AFL Bobloo : Tis indeed fascinating.. MFC Gary : I give many examples of how it can be used. AFL Bobloo : No problems with 6.0, correcto? CWSoldier : Great, I must confess however, since I haven't gotten the IIe card for my Mac LC. MFC Gary : Remember, the DEMO is a DEMO. It has the look and feel of the real MFC CWSoldier : And, I must confess...I really miss my IIgs sometimes... MFC Gary : but many of the automatic features are left out. They come with the real MFC Gary : program. CWSoldier : like this time :( AFA Bard : Can you tell us a bit about your background, Gary. Is this your first terrific product? AFL Gayle : Mike, buy the card! This program is worth having it. :) MFC Gary : No problems, BOB, since it belongs with 8bit AppleWorks. CWSoldier : What I'm trying to do, is find out all the features for my future use in the classroom. AFL Gayle : BTW, Gary's company is called Magical Software. His logo is a rabbit in a CWSoldier : That is...If I can ever get a classroom. MFC Gary : Bard, You may have seen many of my programs published on SoftDisk or Uptime CWSoldier : Oh well, back to the program at hand. :) AFL Gayle : magician's hat. Marty has made an icon for MFC that can be found in AUT. AFL Gayle : Gary, what programs have been in SoftDisk and UpTime? MFC Gary : Soldier, the DEMO and the tutorial on the MFC disk will give you examples. CWSoldier : Great, I'm sure the folks at the school will go wild over it. CWSoldier : So, Gary what gave you the idea of developing MFC? MFC Gary : Let's MONEY MONEY, SCRAMBLED WORDS, HAYDENS MINUTES, ALPINE MUSIC, many more.. AFA Bard : Alpine Music... yeah! I remember that! MFC Gary : I had the need of placing more information in the limited DB MFC Gary : I found that this system would allow me to gather as much as I wanted and AFA Andy : We must have losy Mike again :( MFC Gary : paste it to the DB by a key click. AFA Andy : losy=lost CWSoldier : Got &%$#@! knocked offline again. CWSoldier : What did I miss? MFC Gary : There is a national Geneology publication that will be featuring MFC AFA Andy : Wow! That's great :) MFC Gary : for use with Geneology buffs who own Apple IIs AFA Bard : Super! MFC Gary : Last November there were reviews in NAUG's Forumn and the Journal of the MFC Gary : Washington Apple Pi. MFC Gary : December saw inCider/A+ make some comments about it. CWSoldier : That really interests me since I'm a history, geneology nut. CWSoldier : Andy just a plant nut too. :) MFC Gary : There is an area on AOL that has a lot of information on MFC AFA Bard : (Mike does re-enactments - ala his screen name!) MFC Gary : MFC is an excellent tool for history notes attached to DB events AFL Gayle : Gary, I don't think we've mentioned price and where to order MFC from yet. MFC Gary : Ready for a shock CWSoldier : Do you thing MFC would work well with footnotes? MFC Gary : MFC costs only $15.00 plus $2.00 s/h MFC Gary : Maryland people have to add .85 tax CWSoldier : (Bard, I didn't realize you knew so much about me ;) AFA Bard : WHAT???? $15.00????? Wow! MFC Gary : Footnotes.... are they in the DB? AFC Tooter : Bard knows everything about everyone. AFA Bard : And nothing about anything. ;) CWSoldier : Only $15.00, I'm sure that will be of good news to those school systems currently under proration. MFC Gary : THE MAGIC FILE CABINET comes with a UNIQUE TUTORIAL that allows you to MFC Gary : have FUN while you learn the program. There are only two MAJOR MFC Gary : commands but there are a number of MINOR commands that automate MFC Gary : everything for you -- to cut down on your work. AFL Gayle : The full fledged program comes with lots of example and a great tutorial. The AFA Bard : Proration? How about poverty? AFL Gayle : demo will give you a good taste of what the full fledged program offers. MFC Gary : There is always a HELP SCREEN instantally available to you. CWSoldier : Well, most people don't put footnotes in the DB. But I have found that if you use a DB.. AFL Bobloo : Is there a site license available for schools? AFL Gayle : Another neat feature of MFC is the basic macros you need are listed prominently AFL Gayle : at the bottom of the screen for you. CWSoldier : it makes your notes more accessable and more easily referenced. However, I've never found... MFC Gary : The find, help and goback macros. CWSoldier : anything that adequately utilizes a footnote DB. MFC Gary : I can arrange an inexpensive site license. CWSoldier : MFC seems like it would do the trick. MFC Gary : Soldier, you can keep the reference material names in the DB and get MFC Gary : the footnotes by clicking on the records. AFA Bard : A great idea, Gary! MFC Gary : One teacher has told me that all the students names -- various sections CWSoldier : That is a wonderful idea...seems like it would really do the trick for BOTH history and english... MFC Gary : are in her data base. She can do sorts by class and then click to find CWSoldier : teachers. MFC Gary : information that she has placed relative to each student -- notes galore. MFC Gary : The DB acts as your Table of Contents and the click takes you to the proper MFC Gary : page for your text information. CWSoldier : That also sounds like it would make a wonderful tool for Chapter I programs. CWSoldier : Since Chapter I programs must keep extensive records on student progress, test scores,... MFC Gary : Sorry, Soldier, I don't know what a Chapter I program is. AFA Bard : I agree, Mike. It would be great to store student data or IEP information. CWSoldier : conduct, etc... MFC Gary : Now I understand. AFL Gayle : Chapter I is a government funded federal project for remedial reading and math, AFL Gayle : Gary. CWSoldier : I'm sorry, Chapter I is federal funds that are allocated to help students in special needs areas... CWSoldier : such as reading and mathematics. MFC Gary : Perfect use of MFC. CWSoldier : Being federally funded, as you may guess, records and paper work are a must. MFC Gary : Does everyone realize that.... CWSoldier : MFC would surely make this job easier. MFC Gary : You MUST be using AppleWorks 3.0 and have UltraMacros 3.1 installed. AFC Tooter : Do MFC and StoryWorks get along? MFC Gary : Don't know -- MFC is an AppleWorks task file. MFC Gary : People are using MFC to keep track of their collections AFL Gayle : Don't see why they wouldn't coexist, TooT. MFC Gary : There is a fellow that is using it for his wine. Another for his airplanes. MFC Gary : Another is using it to track his tree plantings. MFC Gary : Several Doctors are running his office with it CWSoldier : It would also, or so it sounds, be a wonderful tool for the computer teacher... AFA Bard : Gary.. so are the files created from within the database, or separately in Aworks? MFC Gary : I know of a Psychotherapist who is running 5 offices with it. MFC Gary : The relational file is an AW WP file. AFC Tooter : That's the question, Bard. CWSoldier : who must keep up with the school's software collection, teacher's uses of the lab, student's ... AFC Tooter : It can be opened simply from within AW as a WP file? CWSoldier : use of computers, student's activities in classes, and a whole lot more. MFC Gary : Any collection would be aided by MFC. MFC Gary : Tooter, you are right MFC Gary : The thing you must do is to name it the same as the DB file.... CWSoldier : Also, sounds like it might help us in our user group keep up with our exponentially growing ... MFC Gary : except prefix it with a "W." CWSoldier : software library. AFA Andy : Gary, this is an UltraMacros Task File, right? MFC Gary : Example Toot.DB and W.Toot.DB MFC Gary : The MFC is a task file under UltraMacros 3.1. AFL Gayle : Definitely a great use for it, Mike! MFC Gary : Yes, anytime you need notes for your DB, it is available. MFC Gary : Did I mention that it works with your previous DB? You don't have to start MFC Gary : new ones. AFL Gayle : What's the current version number of MFC, Gary? MFC Gary : You just need two free columns. MFC Gary : The current version is 1.05 AFL Gayle : No, you hadn't mentioned that yet, Gary. Tell us how to modify old DBs. MFC Gary : No real modification at all... CWSoldier : You may have answered this when I got knocked offline, but... AFL Gayle : Hmmm... what is your upgrade policy? (Looking at my disk that says v1.02) MFC Gary : One column is named REF# and the other column is named "*" CWSoldier : What first gave you the idea of developing MFC? MFC Gary : The reference numbers are "automagically" placed in the column by the program MFC Gary : So are the "*" which indicate that there is information in the WP section. MFC Gary : Free upgrades..... I will be contacting the people. AFL Gayle : OK. Thanks! MFC Gary : All they have to do is to send me the old disk and a SASE and I will do the MFC Gary : update and send it back to them post-haste. MFC Gary : Soldier, I need more information than the DB allowed. This solved the problem. AFL Gayle : What kinds of features have you added in the updates? CWSoldier : What have you changed since the original realease? Anything major or just bug fixes? MFC Gary : Just slight cosmetic features. Also, someone had a very very large DB MFC Gary : and I made some adjustments that allowed him to use it. CWSoldier : That DB limitation seems to be a common problem. That was what I ran into with keeping footnote ... AFA Andy : I must go to work now, good night all!! CWSoldier : and note card information in my database. MFC Gary : Other refinements were some error trapping of some patches that people were MFC Gary : using CWSoldier : Talk to ya later Andy sorry you have to go. AFA Bard : ** FREE HOUR GIVEAWAY SOON! ** MFC Gary : Your problem has been solved, Soldier. AFL Gayle : What do you personally use MFC for, Gary? MFC Gary : Take a look at the DEMO to see if it meets your needs. CWSoldier : Hallelujah...hallelujah... :) MFC Gary : I use it for running MAGICAL SOFTWARE, giving me narrative information MFC Gary : relative to the business and shipping. AFL Gayle : How long did it take you to write MFC initially? (Rough estimate) MFC Gary : I also use it for record keeping of items packed in boxes and in storage. MFC Gary : I use it for an appliance history -- fix, replace, who to call, S/N etc. AFL Gayle : Hmmm... storage boxes. Great idea! CWSoldier : Well, seems like you have a real winner with MFC...something for everyone: business, education, etc... MFC Gary : It has a great use as a Phone Log. Just people's names in the DB and MFC Gary : conversations in the WP section. AFL Bobloo : Sounds a lot like HyperCard in AppleWorks... AFC Tooter : Gee you could even use it to keep track of Sunday Ed Chats. AFL Bobloo : Fascinating concept CWSoldier : It would also make a wonderful discover learning exercise. MFC Gary : Gayle, it took 20 minutes for the main idea -- and 35 more days for the clean MFC Gary : up AFL Gayle : Roughly how many users do you have now for MFC? CWSoldier : Keep information on figures of history for example and have students answer questions while exploring. MFC Gary : Many business people have purchased the program and are using it. CWSoldier : ..the database using specific search criteria. AFL Gayle : OK. Any last minute questions for Gary before we announce our winner for AFL Gayle : tonight? MFC Gary : Gayle, I would say, over 400 legal users, spread out throughout the world AFL Gayle : But first a commercial... No chat next week. Have a Happy Easter/Passover! MFC Gary : The problem is -- how do I get the availability announcements out. CWSoldier : Well since you can keep up with chats...I move that every AFA and AFC go out and buy a copy today! :) AFL Gayle : We will return on April 26 with Technology Planning as our topic. AFL Gayle : I think the demo is a great move forward, Gary. The concept sounds sort of AFL Gayle : abstract until you see it in action. Then, wow! It's worth the $15 just to AFL Gayle : watch how well the macros work. :) MFC Gary : Thank you Gayle AFL Gayle : And now for our free winner. AFL Gayle : CWSoldier will receive one free nonprime time hour credited to his account AFL Gayle : some time in the next week for using the word, macros! :) AFA Bard : ****** CONGRATS to MIKE!!!! (CW Soldier!) ****** AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Mike! :) AFL Bobloo : Alright, Mike... MFC Gary : Clap Clap AFL Bobloo : Sheesh.. and I thought I might have a chance to win... AFL Bobloo : hehe CWSoldier : Great I can use the money I just saved to get that IIe card for my LC so I can use MFC!!! AFL Gayle : A BIG thanks to Gary for being our guest tonight. To find the MFC demo, you can AFL Gayle : search in APR for the word magic. Or you can use keyword Software for one-stop AFA Bard : Yes, Gary. Can't wait to try it out! Thanks for sharing this great program with AED! CWSoldier : <---happy and grinning from ear to ear. AFL Gayle : shopping at Bob's place ;) and get the icon and the demo all at once. :) AFL Gayle : There is also an ongoing folder in APR under AppleWorks classic about MFC. MFC Gary : Thank you for inviting me, Gayle. Thanks to all. GAry MFC Gary : ************************** MFC Gary : * THE MAGIC FILE CABINET * MFC Gary : ************************** AFL Gayle : Please download the demo and show all of your friends, especially your fellow AFA Bard : An edited log will be posted in the AED New Files library if you'd like to catch up on things you AFA Bard : missed! AFL Gayle : educators. :) AFC Tooter : Thanks for cming and for making this great AppleWorks add on. Amazing how AW never stops growing! AFA Bard : ************************** AFL Gayle : The demo even has a handy order blank that you can fill out and print out from AFL Gayle : within AppleWorks. :) MaryEz : Can you do the demo without Ultra Macros? MFC Gary : Sorry, you must have UltraMacros for the DEMO. AFL Gayle : No, Mary. And you have to have the most recent update of UM, version 3.1 AFL Gayle : installed for MFC to work. AFA Bard : Off to edit the log. G'night folks!!!! AFC Tooter : *Goodbye* all. Hope you're all on vacation as I am. 4/12/92 9:05:27 PM Closing Log file.