10/8/90 8:08:08 PM Opening "chat.10.7" for recording. AFA Bard IES Coord TEACHER rs AFL Gayle AFC Tooter Sherlock4 LavonneS RagenT Negotiator BCS Frank TEACHER ms TEACHER pv Teacherdcf TEACHER sp LavonneS : Hi Gayle,Bard, Tooter and everybody AFL Gayle : Welcome to the Apple // Education Forum! AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is Online Learning Opportunities from the Interactive Education Services. AFL Gayle : IES Coord, Mark Hulme, and other TEACHERs from the IES will also visit us to tell us about their coursesad Before we welcome our guests, a couple of announcements. Please toggle to your menu at the top of your screen, and select HotShot. AFL Gayle : There you will find announcements about our education chats to be held this week. AFL Gayle : Finally, this announcement is only for the women in the audience. (Sorry, guys... ;) Please be sure and read the folder in Forum Business called : Women---I Need Your Help !! Please help PeggyCole with her research. AFL Gayle : We don't use protocol in AED. Just be polite and don't step on your neighbor's toes. :) OK. We're through with the formalities. (Obviously, there's a learning curve AFL Gayle : to that program. Sorry for the delay. ;) OK, Roberta, would you like to tell us about your work in IES first? AFA Bard : Hiya Ragen! Welcome back to AED! AFA Bard : Welcome Negotiator, Frank! AFL Gayle : By the way, we do have free hours available again tonight to those who say the secret words. :) TEACHER rs: Thanks Gayle TEACHER rs: I am the online Algebra teacher TEACHER rs: I have formal classes on Sunday night and tutoring sessions on Monday and Tuesday TEACHER rs: When are your classes Sherlock? Sherlock4 : I am the online world history/global studies teacher Sherlock4 : Sunday 8-10 TEACHER rs: Tutoring sessions? HOmework Help? AFC Tooter: It's 8:10 now and it's Sunday, Sherlock. Sherlock4 : formal classes Sherlock4 : class does not begin until---what's the date mark? TEACHER rs: Well we are in inter session right now LavonneS : When the teacher is away the mice will play :) Sherlock4 : classes do not begin until the end of oct. IES Coord : Oct 22nd Sherlock4 : i will also be hosting the afterhours coffeehouse BCS Frank : Do students need to register in advance? Sherlock4 : come in for coffee and danish Sherlock4 : mark why dont you explain registration IES Coord : For the courses they do. IES Coord : But for Academic Assistance sessions they can drop in for help. IES Coord : We have two main areas^ IES Coord : One has the 8 week courses which have a $20 registration fee. It is found in the Online Campus. IES Coord : You can register for courses in the Registration Center. IES Coord : The other area is called the Academic Assistance area. AFL Gayle : What is the keyword for that, Mark? IES Coord : There are no charges there other than the usual online fees. IES Coord : IES is the keyword for the main menu. IES Coord : Homework is the keyword for AcA (Acad. Asst Center) IES Coord : Registration is now open for our 8 week courses. IES Coord : Teacher rs is teaching algebra. AFL Gayle : Thanks, Mark. :) (Wow, to have homework be a GOOD word for a change. :) IES Coord : And Sherlock4 is teaching Global studies. IES Coord : Be sure to ask them about their courses. :) AFL Gayle : (Reminder... Free hours to be given away tonight, but you can't win if you don't talk. :) Sherlock4 : i love talking "typing" on a.o. AFA Bard : Mark, can you say something about the Teacher Pager? IES Coord : Okay, the Teacher Pager is a neat new service that is currently operating for the Mac members. IES Coord : If you will use keyword Teacher Pager you will be presented with IES Coord : window in which you can send a question to me and also there isa IES Coord : button you can tell me what level you are. AFA Bard : Thanks Mark! Neat! Welcome PV and MS... can you take a second and introduce yourselves??? AFL Gayle : What happens if you are not online at that time, Mark? IES Coord : And there is a window for you to write a time you would like the information by. RagenT : Can I get "credits", college or for increment? IES Coord : I then forward the info to the teacher best suited to answer. IES Coord : Gayle, other teachers get the page also...but I am always online. ;) AFL Gayle : LOL! Understood, Mark. :) TEACHER pv: I am a chemistry professor at the Air Force Academy. I've been tutoring chemistry on AOL for 2 years. IES Coord : Let's see I had another question... IES Coord : College credits we do not currently give..but IES Coord : some of our courses are excellent preparation for CLEPs. AFL Gayle : When are your sessions, Paul? IES Coord : Are you familiar with those? RagenT : No. TEACHER pv: Currently I'm on at 10pm (Eastern) on Tuesdays. :) IES Coord : Okay, stands for College Level Placement Exams. IES Coord : If you take the tests and pass you will be given credit for college courses IES Coord : without having to take them. :) IES Coord : You can get info on them at your local college. :) LavonneS : Is there someone online to answer physics questions? RagenT : Oh, so with a little documentation or "proof" I might be able to get superinten IES Coord : Yes Lavonne, I have several teachers that can RagenT : to accept as course for increment. I have so little time for self, that all IES Coord : help you with Physics. IES Coord : Do you have a Mac? RagenT : must be well spent. AFC Tooter: What are the academic areas currently offered? LavonneS : No, I am using a IIGS RagenT : Yes, what courses? IES Coord : Okay, then just email me when you need help. :) IES Coord : Okay, I need to access the list. IES Coord : Paul could you describe your course, and you too Sherlock while I do that. :) LavonneS : OK thanks, My husband is asking I'll get him started using EMail now:) Sherlock4 : I attempt to show the interrelationship between several themes and/concepts Sherlock4 : that seem to hang together through all of the civilizations and time periods Sherlock4 : in history basically, i use the n.y.s. curriculum as my guide because a)i taught it b)it makes sense c)I have to write questions for theglobal studies regents exams AFA Bard : Excellent, Sherlock. The Interdisciplinary approach dovetails nicely with the trends in SS across the country! :) RagenT : Ooooh, You spark my old anthropology (major) interests! Sherlock4 : we cover the following areas Sherlock4 : africa/ middle east/s.e.asia TEACHER pv: My course will examine the basic chemistry underlying curent "hot" topics such as radon, acid Sherlock4 : asia/eastern europe and the soviet union Sherlock4 : western europe and latin america Sherlock4 : japan and china TEACHER pv: rain and the greenhouse effect (to name a few). :) AFL Gayle : Wow! The Middle East, particularly, should be a hot topic of interest now. AFA Bard : Hi Larry! Welcome to AED! Sherlock4 : paul's info. sort of dovetails with Sherlock4 : one of the major themes change/technology TEACHER pv: Sorry - Sherlock - thought you were just describing your course -not teching it here! Sherlock4 : others are revolution Sherlock4 : cultural diffusion, etc. TEACHER pv: tech, tech (teaching) IES Coord : Okay, did anyone have any questions IES Coord : about their courses? :) AFL Gayle : OK. Murray, please tell us what you do online. IES Coord : Sherlock4's name will be TeacherIMG by the way. TEACHER ms: I teach American History .... IES Coord : To be created real soon now. :) AFC Tooter: I was wondering why Sherlock had no uniform. TEACHER ms: and I tutor ACT?SAT?GED Prep !! IES Coord : We have been busy with the catalog...have put off the little things like that. :D IES Coord : Okay, I have a list of the courses now. IES Coord : Feel free to ask me about any of them. Negotiator: Sherlock, my wife teaches global insights. What do you do on-line that she TEACHER ms: Also I maintain a History Contest Challege , that is lots of fun :) Negotiator: can join in? IES Coord : Creative writing IES Coord : Shakespeare BCS Frank : Do you have any teacher-ed or tutor-ed courses? TEACHER ms: The Amer. Hist couse is on Mondays 8 -10 IES Coord : Not in IES, but we are working toward that in TIN. TEACHER ms: cours IES Coord : Teacher's Information Network AFL Gayle : (keyword TIN) IES Coord : Send any questions about that to Edptom.Teacherdcf is from Bogart, GA. IES Coord : Gayle, you are working in there now too, correct? BCS Frank : ThanksTeacherdcf is from Bogart, GA. IES Coord : Intermediate French AFL Gayle : Right, Mark. Both AFL Cheryl and I work there now, too. IES Coord : American History AFA Bard : Aha! Teacher dcf's online! Welcome! (From MY neck of the woods!) Please introduce yourself!!! TEACHER ms: Yeah !!! Teacherdcf: Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late. AFL Gayle : No problem. You're just in time to talk about your classes. :) IES Coord : World History: Global Studies Teacherdcf: I'm a veterinarian and pharmacologist and I'll be teaching a course entitled "Drug Use and Abuse" IES Coord : Hi Sam. :) IES Coord : I am going to cover for Sam while he tells us about his class. TEACHER sp: Hi. IES Coord : I'll be back in a sec. :) AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, Sam! :) Please tell us about what you teach in IES. TEACHER sp: I'll be teaching Introducion to Music Theory and TEACHER sp: Introduction to Applesoft BASIC. AFL Gayle : When will those courses be held, Sam? TEACHER sp: Both courses will be two TEACHER sp: hour classes and will be eight sessions long. TEACHER sp: The BASIC class will meet on Saturdays from 8:30-10:30. TEACHER sp: The Music Theory will meet on Sunday evenings. AFL Gayle : Anyone who has questions for any of our Teachers, please feel free to ask them AFL Gayle : at any time. LavonneS : AM -PM? TEACHER sp: We'e trying to work out a time that won't conflict TEACHER sp: with the AED Conference. TEACHER sp: ga AFL Gayle : Thanks, Sam! :) AFA Bard : Thanks, Sam! :)) Teacherdcf: To be complete, my course will be offered on Wed. nights from 9:30-11:30 et. starting Oct. 24. AFA Bard : (Ooohhh that's scary when that happens!) AFL Gayle : Must be PM, since he said that, Lavonne. :) AFA Bard : DCF is talking about the DRUG ABUSE course. AFL Gayle : What level of student will that course be geared to, DCF? Teacherdcf: Anyone having a greater need to understanding LEGAL drug therapy for themselves or a loved one... RagenT : What kind of attendance do you have? Teacherdcf: might consider this course. It will actually spend more time with legal drugs we all use. Sherlock4 : any one have any questions for me? if not i've got to hit the sack---it wasSherlock a long day at the l.i. fair Teacherdcf: It will be designed so that a person with no medical background can follow how the drugs work. Teacherdcf: If the attendance question was for me, this Fall will be the first time the course is taught. AFL Gayle : Maybe Mark can give us a general reply to that question? BCS Frank : It sounds like an exciting experiment. BCS Frank : Thanks, Sherlock :) IES Coord : Yes, we have anywhere from 1 to 20 students. :) AFL Gayle : Thanks, Mark. :) Sherlock4 : bye :):):) TEACHER ms: ~The attendance varies in each course :) AFL Gayle : Bye, Ira! Thanks for coming. :) IES Coord : Generally the teachers tend to drop the course if there is a small enrollment. IES Coord : But some love teaching so much, they don't mind just teaching one. :) TEACHER ms: But not all ways AFL Gayle : Hmmm, guess that means that those who are interested better talk up the course TEACHER ms: :) AFL Gayle : to their friends and register early. :) BCS Frank : How well do students maintain disciplined topic focus via AO? AFL Gayle : Go ahead and answer, Sam. No protocol here. :) BCS Frank : didn't mean to scare anyone! AFL Gayle : Then you can answer, too, Paul. :) TEACHER pv: I've found that the students are usually very focussed - for financial reasons! :) TEACHER sp: In my classes, the students have been well behaved, always raise their hand (!) and stay right on task. TEACHER sp: It's really been fun teaching online. ga AFL Gayle : Great! Model classrooms online. :) TEACHER ms: My students have always been very interested BCS Frank : Do you have downloads and other assigned readings for them outside of class? TEACHER ms: And have done some outstanding homework TEACHER ms: Yes, we do :) TEACHER sp: All of the Music Theory materials are in the form of text files to download. BCS Frank : This is sounding better and better :) TEACHER sp: Introduction to Applesoft BASIC uses "A Touch of Applesoft BASIC" for TEACHER sp: background maerial with additional problems and solutions to download. AFL Gayle : Go ahead with your comments, Paul. TEACHER pv: I have uploaded some HyperCard stacks - a quiz and a tutorial on stereochemistry. AFA Bard : Those sound GREAT Paul! Teacherdcf: I will have some Hypercard clinical cases for my students to work with... BCS Frank : Yup, stereochem's always been a hard text read without graphics. :) TEACHER ms: Each teacher has a message board and a library board :) TEACHER pv: Of course if someone at Apple would get us Hypercard 2.0 .... :) BCS Frank : Do you set up some of that material in HyperStudio for gs users? TEACHER pv: Apple's GS Hypercard will be Mac Hypercard compatible. BCS Frank : Yeah, That's one program we're waiting for! LavonneS : When will GS Hypercard become available anyway? AFL Gayle : Well, the wrym tells me we are almost at the end of our time. (But don't run away yet! :) BCS Frank : Maybe really soon this year or later. TEACHER pv: I saw a beta version last summer - it should be out soon! AFL Gayle : First of all, mark your calendars NOW to be here at the same time next week to discuss HyperMedia in the Classroom. Dave Lampert of TutorTech has already agreed to be here, and we will be contacting Roger Wagner. Please bring your ideas, too, of how HyperMedia has worked successfully for you in the classroom. RagenT : Oh, Neat! AFL Gayle : Now it is time to award our free hour for this week. RagenT is our lucky winner with the word, "credit." Congratulations, Ragen! :) BCS Frank : And Dave and Roger are worling on reading MAC Stacks into Apple II's as well.:) AFA Bard : Our last HyperMedia chat drew RECORD numbers.. tell your friends!!! BCS Frank : Congratulations, Regan!!!:) RagenT : You're kidding! I was quiet tonight! AFA Bard : ()()()()!!!! Yea! Regan!!! AFL Gayle : Thanks again to the staff of IES for participating in our chat tonight. Please visit them in their area and register for their classes. :) TEACHER pv: Yea Regan!!! AFL Gayle : Well, when you spoke, it was with the right words, Ragen. :) You might have RagenT : Gosh, I'm speechless. Thanks! AFL Gayle : won more if you hadn't been so quiet. ;) TEACHER sp: Thanks for inviting us, Gayle! Adios.... BCS Frank : Thanks one and all. A very imformative evening! IES Coord : We were glad to be here. :) Teacherdcf: Bye, all. IES Coord : Invite us again next semester! :) RagenT : It's really been informative! I may pick up a course in the near future! AFL Gayle : Sure, Mark. When does the next semester start? TEACHER ms: Thanks, Gayle :) AFL Gayle : (I know Oct. is the first one. :) TEACHER ms: Good, Ragen !!! IES Coord : See ya all later. :) AFL Gayle : Sure, Murray. Appreciate you and the others coming. :) IES Coord : let's see. IES Coord : I think in Jan or Feb. TEACHER ms: Oct 22 TEACHER pv: G'nite all. :) IES Coord : Make it end of Jan. :) BCS Frank : Have to run... night all! AFA Bard : Nite folks! AFL Gayle : OK. You're a guest in Jan. for sure, Mark. :) RagenT : Gayle, any more information on Acedemic Bowl? TEACHER ms: Yes, October 26 AFL Gayle : Ragen, I'll get it posted soon. (Sorry. It's been a really crazy week.) Line up RagenT : Like, deadlines for questions, sign ups? AFL Gayle : your team for Oct. 26. RagenT : We're definately in line...My last hurrah! AFL Gayle : Deadline for questions, soon. I'll post the info tomorrow. :) TEACHER ms: Deadline is the 17 AFL Gayle : Thanks, Murray! And thanks to EVERYONE who attended our chat tonite! :) 10/8/90 9:03:53 PM Closing file.