3/24/91 -- 8:00:05 PM Opening "AEDLOG0324" for recording. LOGGED BY AFA BARD... AFL Gayle : Welcome to the Apple // Education Forum! Our topic tonight is a new program, Q Learning System from Quality Computers. Our guests are Gary Morrison, Programmer; Jacqueline O'Dell, University of Arkansas, Beta tester for program, and Walker Archer, Quality Computers, Software Development and Acquisitions. Please be patient while I tell you about the program. Introducing the Q Learning System. As class sizes at all levels from kindergarten to college grow in student size, teachers are faced with the problem of how to provide individual instruction for their students. The Q Learning System Course Manager now makes it possible for any teacher to individualize instruction for students at all grade levels. What is the Q Learning System? The Q Learning System administers tests, scores tests, and keeps an electronic grade book that tracks and manages each student's progress. Now, you can spend more time with each student rather than grading tests and posting the grades. Students can work at their own pace and take tests over any number of units until they demonstrate that they have achieved the objectives satisfactorily. The Q Learning System carefully monitors each student's progress and chooses the tests in the order you specify. Tests are created in AppleWorks and converted to a text file which is used by the Q Learning System. You can also have assignments, projects, and lab projects which are easily entered into the electronic gradebook and monitored. But, what about security? Q Learning System has three levels of security. First, you have the option of allowing students unlimited testing, or you can require them to see you or your assistant to reset their disk after each test. Second, the student must enter his/her name at the beginning of each session and it is matched against the name that is stored on disk. Third, you can use the System.3 Security Checkpoint that requires the student to answer 3 randomly chosen questions to verify his or her identity. You can use the security editor to enter 6 to 12 questions of your choosing (e.g., your favorite color, last four digits of your phone number, etc.). But, how do I track the student's progress? Each time a student completes a test, there is a report specifying the score, the objective associated with the item(s) missed, and the related pages in the textbook or reading. The student also has the option of printing a progress report that indicates the status of all units, assignments, projects, and lab projects. The instructor's disk maintains a master grade book. When the grade report is printed, it indicates each students grades and the grade level (e.g., A, B, C, D, or F) achieved. Archive reports which summarize each test, the answers, and dates for all tests and projects can also be printed. Finally, you can print an item analysis of the test items to determine which items you need to revise. Do I ever talk with the students? Gary says, "We have found that after using this system for three years, that we have more time to work with each student. Most of our time is now spent one-on-one tutoring, answering questions, or motivating students. The Q Learning System also includes electronic mail on each student's disk that we use to send and receive messages. We seldom have a student complain that he or she cannot talk to the instructor. What effect does this type of instruction have on the grades? There still are a few D's and F's. Overall, there are fewer C's and a lot more B's as a result of increased motivation and effort on the part of the students. Some of the students work extremely hard and finish all the work a few weeks early. Others work until the very last minute to earn the grade they want. After three years of using this system, Gary feels confident in saying that overall performance has improved in the course. But will it work in my class? Instruction only works when you want it to. The Q Learning System can help you individualize the instruction in your course or classroom. Of course, you will probably need to change some of your teaching methods. You will find that you now have more time to motivate each student, to have individual and small group discussions, and to answer probing questions that indicate young mind is working. Yes, the Q Learning System can work in almost any class (well, maybe not in one on basketball or choral music). If you can individualize the instruction in you classroom, you can use Q Learning System. Is it available? The Q Learning System will be available in early March from Quality Computers. It will be sold with a site license that allows you to use in a single school building (K-12) or in a single academic department at the college level. Contact Quality Computers for pricing information. What are the system requirements? You will need an enhanced Apple IIe, IIc, or IIGS with one 3.5 inch disk drive or two 5.25 inch disk drives. A printer is necessary for the reports. Although it is helpful to have more than one computer in the classroom, you can implement an individualized approach with only one computer. Who developed Q Learning System? The Q Learning System was developed by Gary R. Morrison a professor at Memphis State University. The system was developed for use three years ago for an undergraduate course he teaches. Since then, a number of refinements have been added to the system as a result of testing with over 300. Dr. Morrison is also the author of RepairWorks, THE APPLE HARD DISK PRIMER, as well as numerous articles on computer-based instruction. Gary is also the "author" of all of that information. We have one free hour to give away tonight. No protocol. Go ahead with any introductory remarks you'd like to make, Gary. GRMORRISON: Thanks for the neat intro and explanation -I'll take any questions anyone has AFL Gayle : WalkerA1 is Walker from Quality Computers and JOdell is Jacqueline, a beta tester. No protocol. Go ahead with question, Vernon. Pest II : Hi Gayle. Could you briefly describe the user interface for the program.. I've seen some neat things which were cripped by the interface design AFL Gayle : Gary, what does the interface look like? GRMORRISON: I've tried to make it as simple and easy as possible. Each section for the instructor has a scrolling menu for selecting functions. For the student, they mostly input one key stroke... For example, when selecting a unit to test on, they enter the unit number (e.g, 1) LavonneS : Can the system be used on an Appleshare network? MaryEz : Networkable? Ray40 : We already have a network, will this work with Digicard network system? GRMORRISON: We have had very good luck with beginning students learning to use it. It is not currently working on a network. Each student needs a separate data disk that keeps his/her grade record. Basically, for security reasons, we decided not to make it networkable AFA Bard : Is this a BASIC program? GRMORRISON: Yes, Bard it is written in compiled Micol Basic that has a VERY fast screen I/O routine. LavonneS : Is there curriculum core at each level or is it a shell that we put in material GRMORRISON: Being compiled however, the students cannot get to the code Lavonne, it is a shell that you use to enter your own tests. Pest II : Which is to say that the program itself has been compiled to machine language.. GRMORRISON: Quality is interesting in publishing tests for a variety of curricula that teachers develop GRMORRISON: Yes, Pest II GRMORRISON: Let me return to the interface question earlier, Jacqueline, could you describe how easy/difficult it was for you and your students to use the system? LavonneS : Are the tests all multiple choice? or fill in correct responses? JOdell : I had 50 students set up and use the program last semester...with only knowledge of AppleWorks as their total computer experience..they had NO trouble using the Q system GRMORRISON: You have two options for tests, multiple choice or true-false. Each tests consists of 10 items. There is also a provision for a Form A and B so students can repeat a test with different items if they fail the first. Ray40 : Have you used the Q system to teach Appleworks? GRMORRISON: Jacqueline? JOdell : Ray, I use Q to help reinforce the use of AppleWorks...yes GRMORRISON: Let me explain how we use it to teach AppleWorks. My course has two parts--educational media and computers. We test over the textbook on media, and then require projects such as word processing document, a spreadsheet, etc in AppleWorks. All these projects are entered as project grades in the Q Learning System and make up part of the student's grade. Thus, a student cannot proceed if they do not have both the tests and project done. AFL Gayle : Gary, what's the cost? :) GRMORRISON: Let me ask Walker, since Quality is setting the price. AFL Gayle : OK, Walker. We'll give that question to you. :) GRMORRISON: I know the price will be for a site license. Walker A1 : The price hasn't been set yet. We are still debating single installation prices. What would all of you suggest for a retail price? AFL Gayle : Any ballpark figures yet? LavonneS : Will there be any demo for preview to help us decide as a district for spec ed? GRMORRISON: Yes. I am finishing up a demo disk this weekend. AFL Gayle : Great! Can that demo disk be uploaded here online? Pest II : How does this program differ from other programs like it...say, StoryWorks, for example? GRMORRISON: Write Quality Computers on your school stationary for a copy. LavonneS : DLM put out an excellent math program that WORKS but the price is out of this GRMORRISON: I have not seen StoryWorks, so I cannot respond. LavonneS : world and discourages our district from adopting it district wide basis GRMORRISON: Lavonne, what price would be appealing to you? AFA Bard : (Welcome Muad Dib!) Muad Dib4 : Hello all LavonneS : Well the lab pack for that math program was $75 for 5 disks and each child has to have his own. Walker A1 : QC wouldn't have any problem with uploading the demo, but it would be a large download. :) JOdell : Pest II, Storyworks is interactive..more like Hypercard... where Q is a true management system... AFL Gayle : No problem, Walker. Yes, Gary, upload it to the New Files Library here in AED GRMORRISON: Ok, Lavonne, we will be charging one fee for all the disks. You can then duplicate as needed for no additional fee. JOdell : was that at all helpful? AFL Gayle : and Bard will release it very quickly. :) LavonneS : That translates over $50 per child for add,sub,mult,div Pest II : Perhaps a little. This question was actually for someone elses benefit GRMORRISON: Our's is a site license which means you get one set of disks to duplicate rather than purchase lab pac AFL Gayle : So is the disk not copy protected? Walker A1 : Copy protection!? Ick!!! GRMORRISON: No, it is not copy protected. There are four floppy disks for the instructor and one for the AFL Gayle : Thanks, Walker. That's what we like to hear. :) GRMORRISON: student. You can also get one 3.5 for each if you need it in that format LavonneS : the site license is much more practical, thanks AFA Bard : What about flexibility in format and type of questions? AFL Gayle : OK. Keep those questions coming. We still don't have a winner of our free hour. Walker A1 : Correct me Gary, you can install the teacher programs on a hard drive, but the student needs... GRMORRISON: Is there anyone interested in writing tests for Quality in a curriculum area? Walker A1 : a separate disk. GRMORRISON: Yes, Walker, the instructor disk can run from a hard drive. LavonneS : Yes, I think I would be interested, if you are the programmer, I just write in GRMORRISON: Instructions are included for installation. LavonneS : English JOdell : I have a host of test items now in content areas from my student's demos of Q Pest II : A question for Walker -- does Quality Computers (or Q-Labs) have a catalog of all of their producs? Ray40 : If it is not copy protected then it should be useable on a network, we can set GRMORRISON: Does he have a catalog!!! AFL Gayle : The test writer would just have to use AppleWorks, Gary? Ray40 : individual student areas on our network. GRMORRISON: Gayle, yes, you write your tests in AppleWorks following the format we provide. Walker A1 : Pest II... yes. We send the Enhance Newsletter to all of our customer, which contains a catalog. Walker A1 : Plus we also have a separate educational catalog. AFL Gayle : How about an address, Walker? GRMORRISON: Ray, each student must have a disk with a specific volume name. AFA Bard : Toll free number, Walker GRMORRISON: We did it for security reasons and to make part of the program work. LavonneS : For phonics and spelling could we require student to input specifics in blank? Walker A1 : We should mention, you do not HAVE to have AppleWorks, though most people have... any text editor will work for creating tests. Pest II : But, could the program be installed on the net work and the data disks used on the individual workstations? GRMORRISON: Lavonne, not in this version. Maybe one of the next versions. Pest II : (or are they only data disks?) GRMORRISON: Yes, any text editor will work. Walker A1 : Address, well you could just call our 800 order number to order a catalog. (800) 443-6697 GRMORRISON: Pest II, I could make a network version if there is an interest. It would take some modifications. AFL Gayle : Jacqueline, what do you like best about the program? How has it helped you and your students? JOdell : Lavonne...yes, you should be able to do cloze test items if you can live with multiple-choice distract Walker A1 : But our address is. Quality Computers, 20200 9 mile road, Box 665, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 AFL Gayle : Thanks, Walker. :) Pest II : Danke. Walker JOdell : Gayle, it is so simple to use..low-end startup. My teachers leave hr workshop ready to WORK. Pest II : It sounds like something I might want to post on our BBS (I'm not a teacher but AFL Gayle : Are those teachers who already know how to use AppleWorks? Pest II : I play one on AO) AFA Bard : :) Pest :) Pest II : Rather "about which I should post" JOdell : Also..no special/expensive equipment needed...just the machines teachers already have. AFA Bard : How about scoring options?? AFL Gayle : What kinds of reports does the program generate, Gary? AFA Bard : GMTA, Gayle! Pest II : (Makes me want to purchace Micol Advanced Basic!) JOdell : Gayle, my teachers know how to use AppleWorks or any word processor would do. GRMORRISON: The instructor can set the passing grade level anywhere from 50 to 100%. Reports???? well,,, First, after taking a test the student can obtain a printout that tells the objective # related to the item. And the relevant page numbers in the text. They can also print a status report that gives them their complete grade book. For the instructor, there is a list of all the students in the class. A data base of their names, addresses, phone numnbers can also be set up in AppleWorks. AFL Gayle : How does all of the student data disks info get compiled for the teacher disk? GRMORRISON: There is an item analysis you can run at the end to improve your test items. You can print the class grade book and it assigns grades. LavonneS : Does the report tell the % or just a letter grade? GRMORRISON: And, last but not least is an archival report for each student's work. The grade book gives the number of items correct out of 10. Remember, this is a self paced course. So the key is passing the tests at the criterion level you set. My course is the only one on campus a student can get an A in with all the tests at a 80%!!!! AFA Bard : Have you thought about editions of your product in Spanish or another language? GRMORRISON: Students retake a test until they pass LavonneS : Can any graphic item be included on the screen or is it all text? GRMORRISON: Well, Bard, if someone can translate for me. JOdell : Gary, can you tell us about the BBS section of Q? GRMORRISON: However, you can write the tests in any language. The system does have electronic mail... sort of Mail messages are stored on individual disks. The instructor or student can send mail to each other. The instructor can also "send" mail to all the students. AFA Bard : How about graphic items? (Lavonne's question) GRMORRISON: Lavonne, this version does not handle graphics. It's all text based. The Mac version will probably handle graphics AFA Bard : When will the Mac version be released? LavonneS : Whats the chance of adding some graphic capability? Pest II : what about a GS version? AFL Gayle : Will there be an IBM version, also? GRMORRISON: Lavonne, for the //e version, it is doubtful graphics will be used. We will have to wait and see for the GS version. LavonneS : How about the GS? GRMORRISON: I hope to have a Mac version ready sometime late next year. Then, I make work on the IBM version. Walker, any thoughts on the GS version? or a GS version? AFA Bard : Gary.. so basically the instructor boots the instructor disk and then inputs information from each of the student disks, right? Is the other transfer of information (mail, etc.) done simultaneously? Walker A1 : I think the best thing is to see how the //e version works out and then think about producing . a GS version. GRMORRISON: Let me explain how the mail option works by describing a scenario. First, you can set an option that allows a student to take only one test a day. This makes sure they study between tests. Walker A1 : It would probably be more pressing to produce a Mac or IBM version first. GRMORRISON: In between tests, you must reset their disks. When doing the test permit or reset, LavonneS : I would like to see Mac on teacher desk with access to student work stations GRMORRISON: you can update your master gradebook and send them mail. Basically, it is a transfer of data between disks. JOdell : All, I use the E-mail function to get students ready to use our University mainframe-- telec primer. GRMORRISON: Lavonne, the Mac will most likely be networkable. But again, each student would probably need a data disk for security and data. AFA Bard : (welcome Midge!) LavonneS : That would be great, each student responsible for his own data disk MIDGEF : Hi everyone GRMORRISON: Acatually, you would collect the data disks and keep them secure between tests. LavonneS : Right, and relate to the data disks on my own time and respond to them individually. GRMORRISON: That's correct. JOdell : My resource/librarian will have my students' disk for checkout on a daily basis this summer. AFA Bard : Does the program prevent "retesting" based on system date or on # of startups? GRMORRISON: You have two options for testing.... One, you can set the parameters so the student can take only one test at a time. Thus, you have to reset their individual disks. The other option is unlimited testing. LavonneS : Jacqueline, did you test weekly, or what time frame, what subject areas? GRMORRISON: There is a provision hidden away for checking dates, but it has not been implemented yet. My students can test two times a week. Once per class time. JOdell : I allow students to test every other day or at their own pace..depends on course I'm using it in. This summer it will be everday except Friday. It only takes a couple of seconds to reset student disks. LavonneS : This seems ready made for curriculum based assessment in spec. ed. GRMORRISON: Yes, it is. AFA Bard : Good suggestion, Lavonne! JOdell : SPEC ED...IEPS testing..it would be superb! AFL Gayle : Well, it's time to announce our winner of our free hour. The lucky winner is GRMORRISON: I have also thought of suggesting it for enrichment. AFL Gayle : Pest II who used the word BBS. AFL Gayle : Applause GRMORRISON: For example, a bank of tests on novels the kids read. Let them test to show they have read it. AFA Bard : ()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Pest !!!!! AFA Bard : (Accepting the award for Pest II......) LavonneS : I would love to try to develop tests for IEP progress assessment AFL Gayle : A reminder that there will be no chat next Sunday. Enjoy your vacation! :) AFA Bard : Rehi PEST!!! You just won a free hour!! AFL Gayle : Also, no Adult Literacy Chat on Monday, April 1. Use the time instead to Pest II : how did I manage that? GRMORRISON: Lavonne, keep in touch with us at Quality, and we will let you know how. LavonneS : Contratulations to PEST :) AFA Bard : You said the secret word - BBS! :) Congrats! AFL Gayle : browse our Let's Discuss Message Board, our libraries, our SIGS, and our Direct Connect areas. :) Pest II : BBS was the secret word? Amazing AFL Gayle : Thanks MUCH to our guests, Gary, Jacqueline, and Archer! :)) GRMORRISON: I'll try to upload the demo later this week. Pest II : Thanks all...guests and hosts AFL Gayle : It's been a very informative chat. :) We'll look forward to seeing the demo AFL Gayle : soon. :) AFA Bard : Gary & Jacqueline & Archer for joining us! I'll release the demo as soon as it's checked! GRMORRISON: Lavonne, keep in touch with us at Quality, and we will let you know how. LavonneS : Contratulations to PEST :) AFA Bard : You said the secret word - BBS! :) Congrats! AFL Gayle : browse our Let's Discuss Message Board, our libraries, our SIGS, and our Direct Connect areas. :) Pest II : BBS was the secret word? Amazing AFL Gayle : Thanks MUCH to our guests, Gary, Jacqueline, and Archer! :)) GRMORRISON: I'll try to upload the demo later this week. Pest II : Thanks all...guests and hosts AFL Gayle : It's been a very informative chat. :) We'll look forward to seeing the demo soon. :) AFA Bard : Gary & Jacqueline & Archer for joining us! I'll release the demo as soon as it's checked! AFL Gayle : Applause for our guests. :) AFA Bard : ()()()()()()()()()() Pest II : (clapping) AFL Gayle : You should have the hour credited to your account some time later this week, Vernon. :) GRMORRISON: Thanks for having us. Pest II : I'll have to thank the folks at NYCENet BBS Walker A1 : Thanks! :) AFL Gayle : Our next chat will be on April 7. Our topic is Site Licensing. LavonneS : Quality -- keep up the good work in developing programs for education JOdell : ALL: For help and/or info on using Q..call me..501-575-5100...every day...JAcqueline GRMORRISON: And, repairing Apple Walker A1 : Sure thing! We have another one coming soon! Pest II : ...and if you ever need someone to do illustrations. :-) GRMORRISON: AppleWorks files !!! AFL Gayle : As a matter of fact, Walker and Gary will be our guests again on May 5 in a special 2 hour conference with the AppleWorks Forum. Topic, new educational products from Quality Computers.