AED Chat :: March 8, 1992 :: Apple // Education Forum Topic: Scrapbook 5 and other Great Ideas! ---------------------------------------------- AFL Gayle OK. Tooter has some introductory remarks that he will make and then we'll AFL Gayle begin questions. :) AFL Gayle So be quiet for a few minutes until TooT has his say, please. :) AFC Tooter __________________________________ AFC Tooter | {S Welcome} | AFC Tooter | {S Drum Roll Start} | AFC Tooter | *SILENCE PLEASE* | AFC Tooter | {S Rooster} crows loudly* | AFC Tooter |__________________________________| AFC Tooter AFC Tooter Hello all. There are lots of exciting new projects taking shape on AO for linking classes. AFC Tooter Just yesterday a new folder was added by a teacher (still anonymous) looking to exchange AFC Tooter student poetry in May. A teacher named "Energy" has written to me about something called AFC Tooter "Geography American Express," but I'm not quite sure what it is. SandyRoss is looking for AFC Tooter students to play online chess with her students. The place to look for and advertise for AFC Tooter linking project is the "Looking to Link - School to School (StoS)" folder in AFC Tooter the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH). The projects just mentioned are still AFC Tooter vapor projects, but the following three projects are already really getting started: AFC Tooter AFC Tooter 1. NinaTE has ten 7th and 8th graders identified as "At Risk." Nina has some ideas on how to use AFC Tooter AO to link them with students across the country, and there seem to be a whole crowd of others AFC Tooter online who are interested in this project. AFC Tooter Please share your questions and ideas when I open the floor in a few moments. AFC Tooter AFC Tooter 2. LeniD and IsabelC have been planning a cross-country weather project. Thay have planned a AFC Tooter first link for their classes sometime next week, and AFC Tooter have shared a variety of materials on weather machines. AFC Tooter AFC Tooter 3. The fifth and final exchange of this year's edition of the AFC Tooter ScrapBookUSA Writing Project is AFC Tooter scheduled to get started with posting of a HELLO LETTER from each participating class. This AFC Tooter will take place on AFC Tooter ------------> Tuesday, March 17th, so AFC Tooter there's still plenty of time to join up. AFC Tooter ScrapBook is a well established program here on AO. More than 80 schools have already added AFC Tooter chapters to our ScrapBookUSA. This is a great way to teach writing, computers use, AFC Tooter music, science, geography, and almost anything else. AFC Tooter AFC Tooter Now, I'll open the floor to those of you who have questions or comments about the projects AFC Tooter mentioned or who want to make a new proposal. The only thing I ask is that you try to limit AFC Tooter discussion to one question at a time. Who wants to start the discussion? Go ahead (GA). MaryEz I would really love it if some of you would pick up on my Math word problems project which has died! AFC Tooter One more late breaking announcement: MaryEz The folder is in St to ST. AFC Tooter The initiator of the poetry exchange is Opalescent who has a bunch of HS creative writing AFC Tooter kids who have written highj quality sample scrAps and AFC Tooter he is very anxious to start projects with them online. Now, go ahead with questions. NAPOLI What's the goal of the at risk project? AFC Tooter Mary's Math project is great. Do you want to say a few words, Mary? NinaTE The At Risk project is designed to help kids who have had little success NinaTE either academically or sociallly, make connections with other kids, feel better NinaTE aboiut themselves and learn some real world communication skills. LeniD Mary, I would love to know about your math project, too. What grade? MaryEz Sure, I started the word problems as an extension to the first ScrapBooK session. We researched MaryEz facts about Guilford and used them to create some word problems for others to solve. The folder is MaryEz still in the Student to Student area but has had no action for a while. We thought it just might be MaryEz a neat way to get some math writing done. AFC Tooter Yes, our sixth graders wrote some. Great way to relate math to "real world" and writing. NAPOLI LeniD, How will it work?(the at risk proj) MaryEz It is 6th grade. NinaTE Mary, that sounds neat, I'm going to check it out LeniD Me too! MaryEz But any grade could do it. Opalescent Is the forum on Scrapbook America? Opalescent LeniD At risk project is Nina, Napoli NinaTE I am not quirte firm on the "how" originally I had planned on all live communi AFL Gayle Yes, Opalescent. :) AFC Tooter Here's Opalescent. Welcome. I introduced your project at the start of the chat. Hi Entwife. MaryEz I think the answers could be sent by direct email instead of answering in the folder. NinaTE cation but so many are interested, I think we may strt out with some sort of NinaTE survey, letter exchange and then some live comm. BABZ001 I found a great program in AOL for at Risk students that I'm introducing this week to Gr 7,8 teachers. AFC Tooter For those who entered late, we are discussing a variety of class link project, a math word problem NinaTE I am also trying to think of a project we could all work on together. Something AFC Tooter writing project, a project for students at risk, a weather project, a creative writing project and AFC Tooter ScrapBook exchange 5. NinaTE kids in grades 7&8 are interested in. These kids I work with need social interaction more than anything. LeniD I have to tell you how excited my 5th graders were to participate in a "live" chat with Nina's class AFC Tooter Live chats usually get kids psyched. It's a great way to begin and end a project. NAPOLI NinaTe, I would appreciate it if you could keep me on your list. I need to go, BYe ALL AFC Tooter Hi Frank. LeniD Amen:-))) SteveA2581 why not just get the kids to use OnLine! This system is great, I don't think kids know about it. MaryEz That's what hooked us the very first time we scrapped!! TEACHER ms Oh, they certainly do !! IsabelC Mary, would your contact at Yale be interested in having an extra person attend your meetings?(me) LeniD We have one modem that has to be used with careful supervision and eye on the clock-can't turn em loos TEACHER ms I tutor elem math on here in IES AFC Tooter Maybe your students would like to write word problems and exchange them with Mary's kids, Murray? BCS Frank Hi, Tooter, et al :) Opalescent Does anyone out there have a group of Seniors that would be interested in a live chat? Opalescent LeniD Hi, Frank:) MaryEz Opalescent, why do they have to be seniors? SteveA2581 Opalescent, my point is that the kids should talk to each other. AFC Tooter My daughter is a Senior, O.. She might be willing to meet with them. Online one person can be as good AFC Tooter as a crowd. BCS Frank Leni :) LeniD I was thinking that, too. Cross-age can be good TEACHER ms Right, Toot !! AFA Bard Right, Toot! MaryEz Steve, at the cost of AOL it is necessary to monitor carefully what takes place from school. Opalescent They don't, I guess. But I think my seniors might respond better, being so sophisticated, you know! AFC Tooter Cross age can be fantastic. Once you get them by putting the "little kids" down. LeniD We are corresponding with college students via journals and all love it... SteveA2581 What is "AOL"? NinaTE I've been doing a writing conference project with Seniors and 8th graders AFL Gayle AOL=America Online NinaTE they respond just great!! AFC Tooter Bard and I started ScrapBook linking 9th graders and 7th. SteveA2581 Thanks, (my first time out) MaryEz That's what your using right now. America Online, Steve. AFA Bard :) BCS Frank Welcome aboard, Steve! :) LeniD Welcome, Steve--isn't it exciting?:))) LeniD Hello, Becky! NinaTE My At Risk kids work after hours, that is why I need a school from another time zone for the live chats SteveA2581 Yes, this is amazing. Should I ask how much it costs. I didn't when I signed up. LeniD Don't, it's depressing...:( NinaTE DON'T ASK!!Just remortgage the house BeckyCR Hello. This is my first time in a AOL chat room. NinaTE Hi Becky BCS Frank Nina, there may be other after-hours student groups as well. TEACHER ms Welcome Becky !!! Teacher jn HELLO Becky :)) NinaTE Let me at em BCS Frank Hope you enjoy, Becky :) MaryEz Hi Becky, Welcome. IsabelC leni, let's do a live talk on the 16 and scrapp on the 18. Scrap is just a class letter anyhow... BeckyCR That's been my concern with ScrapBook--the cost. SteveA2581 Hi Becky, welcome from an oldtimer! AFA Bard Hi Joel! LeniD Talking to California takes care of your problem, too, Nina. I have a middle school cohort who could help... MaryEz Nina, I'm more than happy to meet with any one at any time but it will be just L'il ole me. @;-> BeckyCR Steve-didn't you just say this was your first time? AFC Tooter Isabel, ScrapBook is an 8 week curriculum. Only the HELLO is a class letter. AFC Tooter Welcome back Entwife. TEACHER ms Hi jn :) NinaTE Please have them check the folder,Leni, I welcome all especially CAlif. Teacher jn Hi One & ALL, Bard, MS, Gayle, MEz ... IsabelC Tooter, I guess it will be clear to me when I read the kit. LeniD OK, Nina. Isabel--"mail letters" first? Then on line chat on the 16th? How many letters? SteveA2581 Yes, that was a joke, like the Bumper sticker - "I may be lost but I'm ahead of you" AFA Bard LOL! AFC Tooter Isabel, there is material in the ScrapBook Library (check PROJECT LIBRARIES in ESH) which should make AFC Tooter it all clear. The ScrapBok Curric guide will be in the mail Monday. BeckyCR Isabel, The printed ScrapBook really made it clear for me. LeniD The guide is great, Tooter:) NinaTE By the way, Toot, that's a GREAT piece of work even if you don't do ScrapBook MaryEz Sure is!!!! NinaTE it is worth having! AFC Tooter :::::blushing::::: LeniD Aw shucks... NinaTE () () () () () IsabelC I have 60 students but I think it would be difficult for your 35 to have to do 2 letters. Teacher jn Bravo! AFC Tooter {S Rooster} BeckyCR Is this the way classes communicate when they "get together"? AFC Tooter We hope. LeniD Isabel, one each then? MaryEz Isabel, don't worry about it. Tooter will give you all distribution plans. He is a great leader! SteveA2581 Goodbye, we'll be back. AFC Tooter I think Isabel got dumped. Perhaps she went to the library. :-((( AFC Tooter Goodnight, Steve. Thanks for coming. I'll be in touch. MaryEz Right, Becky, only somewhat more organized and yet the finale is rather chaotic!! BCS Frank Bye, Steve :) LeniD Becky, when Nina's class communicated with us it was not this chaotic AFC Tooter The finale isn't chaotic if my Macros don't start to battle with each other. MaryEz Right...... BeckyCR I really hope one of my classes can be online some day. But I won't be available MaryEz {S Look out/French fries} BeckyCR this Tues because my youngest has chicken pox. AFC Tooter Ugh!!! Chicky Pox!!! BCS Frank Sorry to hear about the pox :( BeckyCR My older 2 boys are trying to figure out what all this means. LeniD Becky, so sorry! What do you teach? NinaTE or Chicken PoPs as my kids call it BeckyCR I think the lastest reference was to online food fights. BeckyCR I teach a computer class to 5th-8th graders. MaryEz Correct! AFC Tooter Online foodfights have become a tradition with ScrapBook, but always with some surprise. AFA Bard I love food fights! LeniD Is that an inside joke? AFC Tooter Particularly electronic ones. {S Outer Space Hamburger} MaryEz Leni, you will just have to wait and see. We can't divulge all our tricks tonight! AFC Tooter Babz00's kids made some wonderful sounds, Leni which some of us have been tossing here. However, the MaryEz {S Pizza/tasty} LeniD Welcome back, Isabel...Shame on you tooter--always leading me on... AFC Tooter food fight that concludes ScrapBook works without sounds if you wish. AFA Bard {S Top Sirloin} BeckyCR I need to sign off and get my sicky to bed. AFC Tooter Before this gets totally out of hand, is there somebody with a sincere question to ask????? AFA Bard Give 'em a "get well soon" from us, Becky! MaryEz Good to see you Becky. Watch for our favorites. AFC Tooter Yes, Becky. Thanks for the fantastic Scraps. I've started reading them. LeniD Bye, Becky LeniD I have a sincere question...How are we matched up with classes in scrapbook? AFC Tooter That depends on the number of people in the Scrap and the special needs. I don't make any matches AFC Tooter until NinaTE Mary, what time does your day begin? Could we have that student make a morning connection? AFC Tooter we are ready to exchange. I usually try to give each school a selection of Scraps from different AFC Tooter places. If you look in the book it is explained. Before the exchange, I work out a distribution AFC Tooter plan which tells you how many Scraps to send where. You can expect 2-3 scraps for each one you send. LeniD How may schools are planning to participate at this point? IsabelC Does anyone know a way to disconnect the phones so I do not get disconnected? Help I have 3 teenagers AFC Tooter Often, I don't know how many schools until we get to Hello Day. Much as I try to predict and plan, AFC Tooter I ma always surprised when the day comes. Exchange 4 has been fantastic. Lots of variety. BCS Frank Isabel, do you mean call waiting? AFC Tooter Cut the cables to the receivers. IsabelC No, everytime my phone rings, I get disconnected from our chat and I have to sign on again LeniD Tooter--that's rather drastic...:-( AFC Tooter Hello MacTar. We're talking about class link projects. BCS Frank In most areas you can kill that by adding *70,, before your dial in number. LeniD Hi, MacTar MacTar Hi all :) AFA Bard Or you can use 1170, :) AFC Tooter You obviously don't have teenagers, Leni. BCS Frank That will stop in coming calls, just for the duration of your online time. LeniD Isabel, with my system its 70 . My whole family is ready to kill me for tying up our phone.. MaryEz Or you can get another line like my family made me do. Now I can't be stopped!!! AFC Tooter One of Isabel's teenagers got another call. LeniD Poor Isabel. Good idea Mary, but very expensive in So. Ca. MaryEz Oh, well, I can't take it with me! ;) BCS Frank Heck, teenagers are expensive anyway. :) LeniD Oh, so true! MaryEz Tooter, how does session 5 look? IsabelC it just happened again. Sorry but where do I add the prefix you are referring to? LeniD I do it to the phone before I sign on BCS Frank On your AOL software you go to "set up phone" AFL Gayle Isabel, where you put in your Telenet number, put the *70 before it. AFA Bard Before the telephone number in the SETUP area. BCS Frank add the code to the front of the telenet or tymnet number. IsabelC Thanks you all. This is a real community. Glad you all agree. MaryEz I guess you know what to do now, Isabel. ;) BCS Frank You want * then "70" then ",," ... the commas are usually necessary. BCS Frank In some areas you may need a different code. AFA Bard A comma represents a dialing pause, BTW. NinaTE Before the time is up I just wan to say if anyone is interested in the At Risk NinaTE Project please leave a message in e-mail or in the folder in Sch-Sch- in Electronic School house. We need to get started by March 23 Blakester Can someone tell me where I can get the programs needed to run the WAV modules under the Windows Lib? AFC Tooter I'll add that it's always a good idea to support the online boards as they attract new people and keep BCS Frank Luck, Nina :) AFC Tooter all projects healthy. LeniD I'm looking forward to working with Nina on another project, weather with Isabel and Scrapbook 5 AFL Gayle Blakester, try keyword PAP for help with that question. This is the Apple // Education Forum. MaryEz We do weather too, but in the fall. AFA Bard Go KEYWORD PAP, Blakester. They'll be able to help you out. :) NinaTE I've gotten several inquiries tonight, I am looking forward to an exciting idea LeniD May I keep you in mind, Mary? MaryEz Sure thing, Leni!! LeniD Meanwhile, I WILL look for the math problems.. AFA Bard Remember, folks, that a (lightly) edited log of this chat will be posted in our AFA Bard AED New Files library sometime tomorrow morning. :) MaryEz I've just finished scrapping with all 250 6th graders. It is a great project. AFA Bard Also...... visit our New Files area for some neat new files to download -- AFA Bard especially if you're into SimpleScript! AFL Gayle OK. It's about time to close for tonight. Remember that you need to fill out LeniD At the risk of sounding like a "techie", this sure is fun! AFL Gayle a questionaire from TooT if you want to participate in the final exchange. Teacher jn What's this someone say MATH ?? AFL Gayle The Hello Day for that is March 17. All details are available in The Education AFL Gayle Connection, found under Special Interest Groups here in AED. Our guest next AFL Gayle week will be Jock Gill, from Delta Drawing Today! Power Industries has a Teacher jn Bard where's your pix in EL ??? I expected to see you in the magazine! :)) AFL Gayle special 30% off offer for this month only for AOL members! AFA Bard LOL, Joel! :)) I don't like EL since they sold out to IBM. :)) AFC Tooter If you want to join the next Scrap, please get your entry questionnaires in as soon as possible!!! :-) MaryEz Sorry, I will be missing this one. : ( AFL Gayle However, the principal that is in this month's Electronic Learning IS an AOL user, Joel. :) AFL Gayle And a Scrapper. Teacher jn Tell me about it and they asked me for an additional $3.00!!! AFC Tooter Missing this one??? I thought you were linking to distant places on this one? AFA Bard That's just like those Blue folks, isn't it? LOL! LeniD What is LOL? MaryEz Yes, but only with one class and as an intermediary. AFA Bard Well, folks. I'm outta here. It was GREAT to see (?) you all! See you AFA Bard online! AFA Bard LOL= Laugh Out Loud AFA Bard G'night! MacTar Looking Over Leni ;) AFA Bard ROTFL, MacTar! LeniD Ah, thanks... *************** END OF LOG ** AFA BARD **************