9/6/92 7:50:34 PM Opening "Chat Log 9/6/92" for recording. AFL Gayle : Hi, David and TooT! :) DavidW4206 : Hi AFC Tooter : Good evening, :-))) Little Scrapper!!! AFC Tooter : David, I think you told me what you teach, but I forget. AFL Gayle : Hi, Robert! :) DavidW4206 : Normally I teach History, for the past two years I have run the Magnet at Lincoln Magnet H.S. AFC Tooter : Hello Robert!!! Glad you could make it! *Welcome* AFC Tooter : Was that the computer magnet? DavidW4206 : Hello Robert, I am anxious to get to know you.:-) DavidW4206 : A communications magnet AFC Tooter : Robert seems to have just dropped out. He is from Pennsylvania. He AFC Tooter : teaches at a Mennonite school DavidW4206 : I see, this will be a very interesting evening indeed!!! AFC Tooter : I hope so. We won't start for a few minutes yet. AFC Tooter : What are you teaching now, David? DavidW4206 : I am looking forward to the experience. This is my first time and I am new to the process. AFC Tooter : We have an Ed chat here every Sunday eveniong at this time. Stephen800 : Whats up? AFL Gayle : Welcome, Stephen and Leni! :) AFC Leni : Hello DavidW4206 : I do not have a teaching assignment but more of an Admin. type of job. Stephen800 : yo guys, how do I become a AFC or AFL ? AFC Tooter : Hello all. Stephen, I don't think we've met before. Are you a teacher? Stephen800 : yes, im a teach AFL Gayle : Stephen, you have to be selected when there is an opening in a forum. AFC Leni : What do you teach, Stephen? AFC Tooter : What do you teach? Stephen800 : when is there an opening available? Stephen800 : yes I am a teacher of a 5th grade class this year. AFL Gayle : Right now, there are none in this forum. AFC Leni : I teach 4th and 5th grade, too Stephen800 : where? AFC Tooter : We have lots of grade 5 teachers online. Not sure why that grade seems so popular here. AFC Leni : So. CA AFC Leni : Because it is such fun, Tooter! DavidW4206 : I am trying to find communications opportunities for my high school. Stephen800 : NY for me actually Long Island AFC Leni : Opposite ends of the nation, Stephen... Stephen800 : yeap, about 3K miles apart:) AFC Leni : There are many highschool folk on line, too,David AFL Gayle : Welcome back, Robert! :) AFC Tooter : But I'm originally from NYC. DavidW4206 : I can see that with response delays it is easy to come in in the middle of some thought and seem rude Stephen800 : is this a Mac or IBM forum? AFC Leni : Hello, Robert! RobertZ10 : Hello! AFL Gayle : Neither, Stephen. Apple // AFL Gayle : However, we welcome ALL educators! Stephen800 : I'll be right back, I'm getting tons of IM's:) AFC Tooter : But all computer types are more than welcome!!!! AFC Leni : I use Mac and Apple II, for instance RobertZ10 : I wanted to see if the Pirates won this afternoon. They didn't :( AFL Gayle : OK. There comes our wyrm. We'll start in just a minute. DavidW4206 : I also use mac AFC Tooter : I have a list of online projects coming up as soon as Gayle gives the word so don't stray far. AFC Tooter : Hello Huck! AFL Gayle : Hi, DC and Huck! :) DCBrower : Hi! AFL Gayle : And Cletus, Welcome! :) AFC Tooter : Hello DC and Cletus. HUCK99 : Hi :) Cletus H : Hi all AFC Leni : Hello Huck, DC, Cletus! Cletus H : Has the topic been set for tonight? Stephen800 : i'm back DavidW4206 : Hello to all from the "upper left hand corner of the map":-) AFL Gayle : OK. Let's get started! Our topic tonight is School to School Projects. We have AFL Gayle : a free hour to give away tonight. The rules for winning the hour are you must Stephen800 : !!! AFL Gayle : say the "secret" word in context AND stay until the end of the conference! DCBrower : please? AFL Gayle : Without further ado, I'll turn the conference over to our School to School AFL Gayle : Projects Consultant, AFC Tooter! Stephen800 : what is this word? DavidW4206 : Do I need to see the duck in order to say the majic word? AFL Gayle : Stephen, only TooT and I know what the word is but it's something that's AFL Gayle : pertinent to tonight's topic. AFC Tooter : Thanks you all for coming and *Welcome* to our annual start-of-the-year chat about AFC Tooter : online class projects *fanfare*. While people are still arriving, let me mention some AFC Tooter : of the projects teachers have spoken to me about in recent weeks. All are posted in AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH). There is a lot to cover, so to save time, I Stephen800 : *Welcome* AFC Tooter : will just list projects briefly. When we open the chat, feel free to ask about any of Stephen800 : to you too AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Kath!) AFC Tooter : these. If your questions are not answered here, send me e-mail or post a question on AFC Tooter : the SCHOOL TO SCHOOL board in the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH). AFC Tooter : Here are some of the projects which are being planned: AFC Tooter : AFC Leni is organizing three: 1. a project to share local slang expressions, the local AFC Tooter : phrases of fad language that have colored the speech of young dudes for generations. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : 2. She has also written rules & seeks participants for a weekly quiz game. The theme AFC Tooter : is this fall's Presidential election. Students will earn points for writing good AFC Tooter : questions on the election and answering them. AFC Tooter : Look for the very real possibility of an AOL National Student Election on Nov. 3! AFC Tooter : What an exciting conclusion to our Election Project that would be! AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : 3. Leni, SusanG2, NinaTE, and ToddS30 have been talking about Stephen800 : ? AFC Tooter : collecting recipes and related stories from the 1st and 2nd ScrapBook exchanges and AFC Tooter : publishing a real cookbook of student memories. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : Speaking of ScrapBook, Luling1 has promised a chapter of the ScrapBook to be titled AFL Gayle : (Hang on a minute, please, Stephen.) AFC Tooter : Louisianna Storm in which elementary students tell about their experiences with AFC Tooter : hurricane Andrew. Watch for it in the ScrapBook Library. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : ClairK1944 would like to organize classes to play online chess. I wonder if we could AFC Tooter : coax some SeniorNet members into the competition? AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : NSRC MMS has brought his National Student Research Center to AOL and will review and AFC Tooter : publish student projects that demonstrate a solid grasp of scientific method in AFC Tooter : research and argument. AFC Tooter : NSRC MMS (John Swang) apologizes for not being able to be here tonight but AFC Tooter : sends the following note about the journal that he produces of NSRC materials AFC Tooter : "Please let everyone know that a first special edition of the E-Journal of AFC Tooter : Student Research is now on line. I hope someone will download it and AFC Tooter : print it up and then let me know how it looks." AFC Tooter : The E-Journal is in the NSRC Library. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : *LookOut*, AFLBobloo tells me that he is ready to help organize another season of the AFC Tooter : Online Academic Bowl. Bob has regularly organized Bowl games that have as many AFC Tooter : laughs *LOL* as questions. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : GregPL, AFLZobkiw and I have been talking with a few others about a project linking AFC Tooter : MUSIC CLASSES and possibly student writers. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : Scott62 and the Dead Teachers' Society have created ScienceNet with AFC Tooter : the idea of increasing contact between real scientists and grade school students. They tell AFC Tooter : me they are lining up scientists and plan to publish the results. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : Last year NinaTE coordinated a highly successful project for students at risk. She will AFC Tooter : be back again this year to carry it further with new students. AFC Tooter : Exchanging "I Am" poems is a high interest writing activity for "at risk" learners AFC Tooter : and a great way to get them talking to each other about important issues. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : A folder has been developing in SCHOOL TO SCHOOL containing math word problems AFC Tooter : written by sixth graders. MaryEz has invited classes to join her in writing and AFC Tooter : answering word problems developed from the things students find around them. Be AFC Tooter : sure to count your cookies before the *SnackAttack*. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : There are additional possibilities waiting in the wings. DougIL has written to me AFC Tooter : about something called Hiding Howard, Opalescent told me she would be back with her AFC Tooter : New Hampshire writers, ready for some writing exchanges, LisaS4 will be back from AFC Tooter : Moscow with student exchanges and opportunities to host visiting teachers, and there AFC Tooter : are teachers looking for pen pals domestic and foreign, AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : and then, there's ScrapBook AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : The first ScrapBook Writing Project exchange of the new year begins on September AFC Tooter : 17th. Help us to build our ScrapBook of all the places we live and the people, AFC Tooter : traditions and treasures that make up our lives there. And of course join us for a coast AFC Tooter : to coast *FoodFoodFight* at the end of 8 weeks of ScrapBooking. AFC Tooter : There are now more than 100 chapters in the ScrapBook. They come from 23 states and Canada. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : Now, I'll open the floor to questions about any of THESE PROJECTS or any NEW IDEAS that AFC Tooter : you have to offer. Just try to allow time for answers before asking new questions. *Drumroll* AFC Tooter : Begin *Drumroll* AFC Tooter : ********************** GO ********************** Stephen800 : ? AFL Gayle : OK. Stephen had the first question. Go, Stephen! AFC Leni : Hi Kath, LouJane :) Stephen800 : you cant say the word, or you must say the word? Cletus H : ? AFL Gayle : You must say the word, Stephen. Stephen800 : oh, AFL Gayle : Go Cletus! No formality here. :) AFC Tooter : I know that was a long list, but start anywhere. Any questions or ideas are welcome. Cletus H : Ok I had a question from a teacher to me AFL Gayle : The topic tonight, Stephen, School to School Projects. AFC Tooter : OK, Cletus. DCBrower : Let's start with slang...what qualifies as local slang? any examples? Cletus H : She needed Ideas for her students utilizings Apple II's in the classroom Cletus H : intergrating into a network and accessing local Cletus H : databases Cletus H : that's it any ideas? AFC Tooter : Hello MIDGE and Lou Jane - long time no see!!! DCBrower : What does she teach? Cletus H : She teaches dislectic students Stephen800 : Computers are used to teach student computer litercitty MIDGEF : I just said "Oh the Ed Forum! AFC Tooter : Cletus, does the school have a modem and phone line? Cletus H : Grades 4-12 i think AFC Tooter : Hi Babz! BABZ001 : Hello everyone from MA AFC Leni : DC, in my area, a current slang word is still "rad"--does that help? Cletus H : Nope I suggested she buy a 9600 baud cheap AFC Tooter : Well, many of the projects just mentioned would fit. I know they went by quickly, but they are listed AFC Leni : Hello, Babz and Midge :) AFC Tooter : in esh Cletus H : Phone yes AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH) AFC Tooter : anmd this chat will be logged and available later. Kath HMB : Hello everyone, I'm jazzed abt participating in the White House project. Where do I get info for ?'s DavidW4206 : I hate to interupt, but I am interested in how schools handle the billing for AOL access? AFC Leni : From the newspaper, for starters, Kath... AFL Gayle : OK. Stop questions until we can get those we have answered, please. AFC Tooter : Kath, the election project is posted in the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH) . There AFC Tooter : is a sign up form there. Leni is here now and she has organized it. AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Bob! :) DCBrower : How about a database of current movie or video reviews, Cletus? Negotiator : good evening, all DavidW4206 : Hi AFC Tooter : Hi Bob. LTNS. AFC Leni : Hello, Negotiator :) Cletus H : DC? what do you mean a database of current movies? Negotiator : LTNS? Cletus H : Long time no see AFL Gayle : (Long time no see, Bob) DCBrower : Wasn't that the question? A database of something or other for dyslexic student AFC Tooter : David, billing has been something of a problem. I have an ed sign on number which I'll get for you in AFC Tooter : a second. There are also some new pricing schemes that should be avaiable for schools soon. Cletus H : Ahh I see nope I think She was asking for help more on setting up a network AFC Tooter : 1-800-827-6364 and ask for extension 5670. Ed sign-ons Stephen800 : I have my Mac IISI in my room MIDGEF : RagenT has her big Scrapbook bulletin board in place. Want me to take a photo? Cletus H : Utilizing the computers the school has now DavidW4206 : Thanks, I see that as the only roadblock to full speed on-line at Lincoln Magnet H.S. AFL Gayle : Yes! Please do, Midge! :) Cletus H : which are Apple II E, IIGS, AND IBM compt, AFC Tooter : Sure, Midge. She's the first official sign-up for exchange #1. MIDGEF : Some of my neigbor kids will be scrapping this year DavidW4206 : ?? AFL Gayle : David, go with your question. AFC Tooter : If that phone number does not solve your problem, David, send me e-mail and we'll talk further. DavidW4206 : What is the "exchange" AFL Gayle : Welcome, Marion! Cletus H : brb AFC Leni : Hello, Marion :) AFC Tooter : Are you referring to ScrapBook Writing Project exchanges? MIDGEF : brb DavidW4206 : Yes AFC Tooter : ScrapBook is an 8 week project in which classes write chapter for our ScrapBook of' AFC Tooter : all the places we live. At the end of four weeks the classes EXCHANGE essays and respond. AFC Tooter : The project has a core curriculum that runs from introductions on HELLO DAY thru DavidW4206 : I see, this could be integrated into all academic areas I assume? LouJane : Is anyone here interested in the exchange of math word problems? AFC Tooter : weekly sharing on CHRONICLE bulletin boards to the EXCHANGE and comments. We usually end with an AFC Tooter : online costume party and foodfight. Kath HMB : Yes to Stephen800 We have several from grants AFC Leni : It is a terrific project! My 5th graders did it last spring! We will do it later this year, too! AFC Tooter : Definitely, David. AFL Gayle : Yes, on the all academic areas, David! LouJane : We did a little last year, but seemed to need more direction. AFC Leni : Definitely,David! Marion8324 : Hi, is there a topic or are you chatting? AFC Tooter : Yes, LouJane. You missed my intro remarks, but there is a folder already AFL Gayle : Our topic is School to School Projects, Marion. AFC Tooter : started from last year and MaryEz is still interested in keeping the project running. DavidW4206 : Good, I have some excited teachers who are looking for a chance to commune with the world:-) AFC Leni : Just add your problems to the folder, LouJane. AFC Tooter : I missed you all last year LouJane. I thought you had vanished :-)) AFC Leni : It is exciting, David :) AFC Tooter : I think you will find a lot more teachers here and using the SchoolHouse this year. Have you visite AFC Tooter : recently, LouJane? LouJane : I meant in this room chatting now. I wanted to make contacts soon because I need to leave soon. AFA Bard : Hi folks! Negotiator : Bard AFC Leni : Hello, Bard AFC Tooter : MaryEz couldn't be here tonight, but she is still interested and will be able to get AFC Tooter : plenty of word problems to send. MIDGEF : Are a lot of my America Online friend coming to Boston for the EXPO? LouJane : Yes, I have visited the schoolhouse recently, but I didn't find a whole lot more structure for the AFC Tooter : Negot. is there anyone whwere you teach who will have kids write word problems LouJane : word problems than last year. AFC Tooter : I think Mary has been looking to find teachers who are ready to give it a solid try. She can prod AFC Leni : LouJane, I added some last year, and Mary's class responded to them. It was fun... AFC Tooter : produce plenty. Negotiator : We exchange middle school math word problems last year about students' community - mostly with Mary DavidW4206 : At what level are the word problems aimed? I work at a Magnet H.S. and don't want to AFC Tooter : I'll be there, MIDGE! LouJane : I also added some last year and no one responded to them. AFC Leni : Sorry :( DavidW4206 : push the envelope of ability by havinf H.S. students write tough problems MIDGEF : I'll be scouting for you TOOT! AFC Tooter : Grade 6, David. Kids write them and solve them. AFC Leni : David, highschoolers might enjoy Road to the White House AFC Tooter : If you have teachers interested at the HS level, David, all that is needed is finding other teachers. AFC Tooter : Post an invite in School to School (StoS) and see what happens. AFC Tooter : Negotiator is a HS math teacher. Negotiator : Don't give away secrets, Toot DavidW4206 : I may have some interest, I need to check with staff. AFC Tooter : Hi Marty. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Marty! AFC Tooter : Ooooo, and Bard. AFA Bard : Hiya Marty! AFC Leni : Hello, Marty! AFL Marty : Hi AFA Bard : Toot! AFC Tooter : Is there anyone who has a new idea for a project they'd like to see. Anyone for online chess. DavidW4206 : ? Are there any plans for foreign language exchanges (Spanish, French, &c)? :-/ AFC Tooter : I get inquiries from time to time, David. I suspect we could find a partner. What grade? LouJane : I know a fourth grade class (and third) that would be interested in exchanging in German. They write LouJane : on the 3rd & 4th grade levels. DavidW4206 : We currently have hardcopy pen pals with several countries. We are a H.S. DavidW4206 : that has a communications magnet theme. Global Communications AFC Tooter : Post something in School to School (StoS) LouJane and I'll keep my eyes open for German teachers. AFC Tooter : That might be tougher than Spanish or French, however. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Greg! :) Gregpl : Thanks, Great to be here! AFC Leni : Hi Greg :) LouJane : Thanks! Gotta run. AFC Tooter : Hi Greg. Greg is a music teacher. I'm hoping his kids will set my poetry students poems to music :- AFC Tooter : :-) AFC Leni : That idea sounds exciting! AFA Bard : Great idea! AFC Tooter : Babz, we need to talk later. Don't run off 'til we've had a moment. AFC Leni : Kath, are you still there? Now might be a quieter time to ask your questions--or e-mail me.... Kath HMB : I think I will E-Mail. AFC Leni : :) AFC Leni : Chatting can be unnerving... Kath HMB : I have another interested 6th grade teacher watching here tonight BABZ001 : Toot, I will stay on...lot to tell you. AFC Leni : Great! AFC Tooter : Kath, what do you teach? AFC Leni : Hi, Sandy :) AFA Bard : Sandy!!!!!!!!!!! DavidW4206 : Very much interested in if a student exchange goes anything like a chat? Could be chaos!! SandyE : Hi All, I just got here...sorry to be late...What's new? Kath HMB : We are also trying to figure out how to have someone from the DO pay for this Kath HMB : I teach Us history SandyE : BARD !!!!!!! AFC Leni : Most of the work is done offline, Kath and David AFL Gayle : DO, Kath? AFC Tooter : I don't think our Scrap exchanges have been chaos and we've nearly mastered running the online parties AFC Tooter : so that they hoild kids attention, David. Kath HMB : District Office the big guys DavidW4206 : When I am in the classroom I also teach U.S.History. AFC Leni : So it is not so confusing or expensive AFL Gayle : Ah. I see. :) AFC Tooter : Ahhhh, and adm! DavidW4206 : Ditto:-) AFC Tooter : How big a school, Kath? AFC Tooter : Hi Sandy. Didn't get a chance before. For those who came in AFC Tooter : late, the chat began with a long list of current online projects. Kath HMB : 650 students, we are an interdisc team with SS, LA, Sci & Tec AFC Tooter : There will be a log posted later tonight and you can check back for that lust. DavidW4206 : Lincoln Magnet is 1300+ and only 1 of 5 high schools! No. 2 in terms of size. AFL Gayle : All of which will be available in the chat log to be posted in New Files AFL Gayle : later (probably tomorrow. :) AFC Leni : Hello Jmm :) AFC Tooter : Sounds perfect for ScrapBook which is cross curricular. AFC Leni : Scrapbook would be another terrific project for your program Kathleen Kath HMB : You bet Tooter, I was hoping for something this Spring cuz we are going with White house in Fall AFC Tooter : lust?? sorry. AFC Leni : :))) AFA Bard : Welcome JMM! AFC Leni : wondered if you would see that! AFC Tooter : OK, Kath. We have four exchanges planned. Dates are posted. JMM2 : hi AFC Tooter : Hi, get your PB yet??? ;-) JMM2 : no,I think the new ones will be out before I get mine AFA Bard : PB! (::: jealous! :::) AFC Leni : PB=Power Book? AFA Bard : yep AFC Tooter : My daughter should get hers next week if the schedule holds. AFC Leni : Now I'm jealous! AFC Tooter : Me too! SandyE : Tooter...I hope you have told all the p otential participants in Scrapbook USA about the toolkit that DavidW4206 : What new powerbooks? I have a 170 and technolust bigtime. SandyE : that is available. I find it to be a continuing source of information... AFC Tooter : I didn't say a word about the ToolKit. Thanks for reminding me. AFC Leni : And it is what allowed me to succeed first time out, Tooter! AFC Tooter : For those who don't know, Sandy is referring to the 70 page ScrapBook Curric ToolKit. AFC Tooter : Glad it has helped you both. :-))))) AFC Leni : Welcome back, Kath :) DavidW4206 : Where is the "toolkit" located? AFA Bard : Made the NYT Best-Seller list, didn't it Toot? AFC Tooter : And Kath missed the ToolKit announcement!! :-( AFC Leni : I'll tell her abut it, Tooter! AFC Tooter : It is a hardcopy book, David. If you contact me after the chat (or anyone else), I'll tell you AFC Tooter : how you can get one. AFC Leni : abut=about AFC Tooter : It's hard copy because the purpose was to make it simple and put all the info in one place. AFC Leni : Very concise, full of good ideas, and easy to follow... DavidW4206 : Thanks Toot! AFC Tooter : Computer coord's can keep one and give another to the classroom teacher and both be similarly informed Kath HMB : Thanks SandyE : It's also a SUPER resource to share with other teachers. It has lots of real life samples and AFC Tooter : Those who are thinking of joining the first exchange, please don't forget that HELLOO DAY is Sept. 17\ SandyE : the kids get a big kick out of seeing what others have communicated. I read some aloud to my classes. AFL Gayle : How about explaining what Hello Day is, TooT? AFC Leni : Yes, it is exciting to contemplate, Tooter! AFC Tooter : HELLO DAY is the kickoff of every scrap exchange. Each class posts a single HELLO LETTER to AFC Tooter : a folder in School to School (StoS). They introduce themselves and tell a bit about their school and AFC Tooter : sign with all there names. All this happens on just one day so that classes can see AFC Tooter : instant results. Often we have 15- 20 classes posting HELLO LETTERs on that day. For those AFC Tooter : who have no phone line in school, the next day the teacher can walk in with 30 or 40 feet of helloes. AFC Tooter : It usually gets the WOWS going :-)) AFC Leni : Very impressive way to start!!!! AFC Tooter : Also a good time for classes to arrange a brief online meeting with another participating class. Kath HMB : Wooooow you all are definitely creative! AFC Leni : Which knocks the kids socks off!!! AFC Tooter : By the way, Hoot66 had a way to involve data base creation in ScrapBook. DavidW4206 : This all sounds exciting, where are the exchange dates located? AFL Gayle : Welcome, Ferdi! :) AFC Leni : Hi Ferdi! AFA Bard : Hiya Ferdi! AFC Tooter : In the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH), there is a folder labelled SCHOOLHOUSE CALENDARS, David. Ferdi : Hi Everyone! Just got in from a late party! AFC Tooter : Welcome to the NJ contingent. AFC Leni : :) AFA Bard : Welcome to AED, Clair! AFC Leni : Hello, Clari :) ClairK1944 : glad to be on board AFC Tooter : Hi Clair. I have been asking for chess players. ClairK1944 : get any? AFC Leni : Sorry, CLAIR... AFC Tooter : Clair wants to find classes for online chess as I noted in my intro remarks. AFC Tooter : Not yet. AFC Leni : I think the SeniorNet area might be a good place to AFC Tooter : Yes, talk to me, Clair about posting something there. ClairK1944 : will do AFL Gayle : OK. We have a few more minutes left. Any more questions about School to School AFL Gayle : Projects? Ferdi : Any interest in solar sailing to date? AFC Leni : Oh, Ferdi, I have been following that too AFL Gayle : Not yet, Ferdi. AFC Tooter : Not yet, Ferdi. Gee, one of my computer eyeballs just closed. Never saw just one close. AFC Leni : Are you doing that project? DavidW4206 : Yes, are there any H.S. projects, or interested H.S's in telecommunications? Ferdi : We will in some form, however limited. We're going in the media center, opening up to the community AFC Leni : Exciting!!! AFL Gayle : Great idea to use the media center, Ferdi!! :)) AFC Tooter : Lots, David. ScrapBook, elections, slang, music, chess, solar sailing could all be HS. AFC Tooter : And there's more. Ferdi : I think most of my teachers will opt for scrapbook sessions 2 and later. DavidW4206 : Can you e-mail me some details so I can line up staff to participate?:-) AFC Tooter : OK. I cut back to just 4 exchanges this year, Ferdi. AFC Tooter : In which, David? Ferdi : That's enough to keep us busy! AFC Tooter : Hi Dad! AFA Bard : Hiya AprilsDad! DavidW4206 : ScrapBook, elections, slang, &c. AFC Leni : I will be happy to send you info about the projects I set up,David.. AFL Gayle : OK. It's that time you've all been waiting for, finding out who is our free AFC Tooter : Sure, David. Send me an e-mail reminder, though. AFC Leni : Hi, AprilsDad! AFL Gayle : hour winner tonight. But first, a commmercial. :) Our chat topic next week DavidW4206 : OK, Will do:-) AFL Gayle : will be technology for a new school. Our chats are always held on Sunday AFL Gayle : evenings from 8-9 pm ET. AprilsDad : Hey from Texas, Y'all! AFL Gayle : Now, our free hour tonight was won by... AFL Gayle : DavidW4206, for using the word exchange! Congrats, David! AFL Gayle : Every week we have a free hour to give away, but you have to come to the chats AFL Gayle : and participate to be eligible! :) AFL Gayle : Good night all and thanks for coming! I've got to leave now to request David's AFL Gayle : hour and go to a meeting! Happy Scrapping! :) AFC Tooter : It's around nine, and our chat time is about over. I want to remind everyone that the place to AFC Tooter : find an online class project or to start one is the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH). AFC Tooter : You'll find all the projects mentioned at the beginning of this chat listed there. AFC Tooter : You'll also find the FoodFight sounds in the ScrapBook Library there. Also, AFA Bard : Nite Sandy! See ya at the ranch! AFC Tooter : I hope that those who wish to join the first ScrapBook exchange Ferdi : Have a great start of year, all that have or are about to. Bye from me! AFC Tooter : will make plans to post HELLO LETTERS on September 17th. In the meantime, fill out the DavidW4206 : Bye, Bye now from lovely Tacoma, WA:-) AFC Tooter : ScrapBook entry form and post it in the folder in SCHOOL TO SCHOOL or e-mail it to me. Finally, AFL Marty : STEVE AFA Bard : G'night from Atlanta! ClairK1944 : see every body next week AFC SteveB : MARTY AFC Tooter : I'm here every day, so if you have questions about online projects, write and I'll try to help. AFC Tooter : Thanks for coming tonight and watch out for the AFC Tooter : Bye all. Thanks for coming. 9/6/92 9:06:03 PM Closing Log file.