3/17/91 8:02:23 PM Opening "chatlog317" for recording. AFL Gayle : Our guest tonight is Ira Garvin, who is going to share some of his techniques AFC Tooter: Bob, long time no see! Negotiator: Good evening, all! AFL Gayle : for teaching social studies. You can find lots of his wonderful files in the MaryEz : Hi, Bob AFL Gayle : AED Social Studies Library. Just look for the uploader name, Sherlock4 (One of AFL Gayle : his other disguises. :) AFL Gayle : Ira, would you like to start out with a brief introduction about some of the AFL Gayle : files you've shared or whatever else you'd like to talk about? We're flexible. AFL Gayle : If anyone has a question, just jump right in with it. We have 2 free hours TeacherIMG: no! (ha, ha:) ) AFL Gayle : to give away tonight to the lucky people who say the "secret" words. You have AFL Gayle : to talk to be eligible. :) Negotiator: Secret Words: Gayle is great! AFA Bard : Welcome Midge! We're just getting started. ;) MaryEz : Ira, do you use any of Tom Snyder's stuff? TeacherIMG: Yep, I do. MIDGEF : Hi..a bit late...got mail from Cliff Stoll..just read his book TeacherIMG: I use decisions decisions; timeliner (there is a timeline in the library) that TeacherIMG: the kids made with it on WW II events. MIDGEF : Thanks to all for the E-mail get well wishes MaryEz : I particulary like National Inspirer for our fifth graders and Timeliner for the 6th graders. AFL Gayle : Sorry, Negotiator. Bard didn't choose those words. ;) TeacherIMG: We don't have the National Inspirer (opps we've got to watch the spelling with TeacherIMG: ted present MIDGEF : Much better and about half speed with my work (now free lance) Negotiator: Friar4 used the timeliner with his freshmen will good success. He built a template they added too. TeacherIMG: and logical selection of material. TeacherIMG: Well tell bob to upload the template, for heaven's sake! Negotiator: will = withThe file description has been updated. MaryEz : We use MECC's States DataQuest. AFL Gayle : (Great news, Midge. Keep up the good work. :) MIDGEF : :) Negotiator: It was a base that gave the kids what was generally going on and the kids had to fill in the specifics TeacherIMG: We will be getting Meccs geograph and geograph usa shortly. I also use several AFL Gayle : Have you used International Inspirer yet, Mary? (or anyone else?) TeacherIMG: different programs for self-test and/or evaluation. MaryEz : Ira, do you have any suggestions for the ancient cultures, Sumer etc.? MIDGEF : We don't have too many SS programs TeacherIMG: ok, 1st to midgef--The file description has been updated. MIDGEF : We use Snyder Math stuff TeacherIMG: One very simple one to use and cheap too. is StoryWorks from TIIE that uses TeacherIMG: aworks files. TeacherIMG: It is very good for remedial work, writing, evaluation, etc. Negotiator: My wife, Cindee, teaches global insights - a geography course and some of the kids use Sim City. TeacherIMG: The kids love it & can make their own stacks with it.The file description has been updated. AFL Gayle : StoryWorks is a flexible hypermedia (text only), but also great sounds that's AFL Gayle : very inexpensive. Check out information about it in our TI&IE section of our AFL Gayle : SIG, AppleWorks in Education. TeacherIMG: I just did a demo of it at the N.Y.S.Assn. for Computers & Tech. in Ed. & MIDGEF : I'd like to make an all about Bridgewater Tutor Tech stack MIDGEF : keeping SS close to home TeacherIMG: it went over very well. esp. with the element. & middle school people. TeacherIMG: Mary, re:Sumer etc. any good encyc. or ancient hist. text (esp. from nat'l TeacherIMG: geographic) will serve as good research for the kids to "build" storyworksThe file description has been updated. TeacherIMG: stacks, timelines, etc. MIDGEF : What no discussion about the kids favorite SS program???????? MaryEz : Oregon Trail? AFL Gayle : And be sure and upload all of those stacks to our libraries here. :) MIDGEF : YUP!!!! Morah : Is anyone using HyperScreen? TeacherIMG: Mine are 11th graders and they do like carmen where in the usa AFL Gayle : I just got it in on Friday, Morah. Are you using HyperScreen? TeacherIMG: we don't have o.t. MIDGEF : Carmen is big here especially when I wear my Carmen sweatshirt TeacherIMG: nor hyperscreen. AFA Bard : We like HyperScreen - like HS better, though. MIDGEF : Scholastic? AFA Bard : A Carmen sweatshirt!! (:: jealous! ::) AFL Gayle : Oregon Trail is still my students' all time favorite. AFL Gayle : Right, Midge. MaryEz : I'm having a terrible time with HyperStudio, Bard. MIDGEF : You too can have one..it's in a catalog Morah : I have just begun. My eighth grade daughter used it for a report at school. AFA Bard : Gayle.. wait'll you see 1848! (MECC's multi-user version of Oregon Trail!) TeacherIMG: this summer's project will be to really learn HS so the kids can do it. Mary, AFL Gayle : The Scholastic Microzines also sometimes have social studies themes for their MIDGEF : Is 1848 only for networked macs? TeacherIMG: HS is easy to learn if you've got a relatively good "clip art" library and/or TeacherIMG: scanner. AFL Gayle : Twist-a-Plot stories that the kids really enjoy. AFA Bard : Right, Midge - for now. :) TeacherIMG: they work well with storyworks--gayle. Morah : When you say HS are you referring to HyperStudio or HyperScreen? AFL Gayle : Right, Ira. TeacherIMG: STUDIO AFL Gayle : HS=HyperStudio. MIDGEF : I have both HS and Tutor Tech but like Tutor better MaryEz : It locks up on me or I can only get 5 pages in a stack. Morah : Will HyperScreen stacks ever be "uploadable" like Tutor Tech? AFL Gayle : Morah, how about uploading your daughter's report to the New Files library? AFA Bard : Great idea, Gayle! TeacherIMG: HS is more involved than TT. Also, HS will "hangup" if there is not enough AFA Bard : Welcome SINGL BELL! AFL Gayle : Can't you make a stand-alone file, Morah? (I thought you could.) that others TeacherIMG: memory on your GS--Mary. SINGL BELL: Hi everyonon SINGL BELL: one AFL Gayle : can see. Just can't modify without owning HyperScreen. Morah : Would a self running stack be uploadable or do you need to save on a prodosThe file description has been updated. Morah : disk that requires the program? MIDGEF : Nice to know someone agrees with me, Mary AFL Gayle : Morah, I think you can just shrink the self running stack and someone can TeacherIMG: A self-running HS stack will run well & does not need a GREAT deal of mem. TeacherIMG: beyond the 1.25meg on the gs. Morah : I'll try it.Item has been deleted. MaryEz : TutorTech is much easier to use and works well with the laser disc player for multimedia. Morah : We are working with a 128K IIe. AFL Gayle : add ProDOS and run the stack. At least that's how their Slide Shop program Morah : okItem has been deleted. MaryEz : I have 1.25 meg but I still have trouble with HStudio. MIDGEF : Super Story Tree has self running disks too TeacherIMG: I have not yet had a problem with any HS self-running stack on the gs' at school. AFL Gayle : Have you used it very much, Midge? If so, feel free to upload those, too. :) TeacherIMG: Mary, if you want, we can see if there is some trouble you may be causing. TeacherIMG: also, a quick note to roger wagner via a.o. will get an almost TeacherIMG: immediate response. MIDGEF : I taught a workshop in Super Story Tree last fall AFL Gayle : Mary, are you running it from a hard drive? Sometimes lots of desk accessories MaryEz : Ira, what topics do you cover in your classes? And what grades?Item has been released. AFL Gayle : will hog memory and cause you problems. Roger Wagner has his own Direct MIDGEF : It's OK but is a lot of work and disk switching AFL Gayle : Connect here in AED. He answers all questions very quickly that are posted on his message board. Negotiator: Ira, how do you use these programs with kids. Do you have a computer lab? Do students work in teams?Item has been released. TeacherIMG: I teach Am.Hist. Rev. (gr.11) - present / participation in govt (P.I.G.) gr.12 TeacherIMG: and eco. grade 12 SINGL BELL: I used Super Story Tree on GS and did not have a lot disk switching MIDGEF : Same schedule as my kids High school MIDGEF : Yes GS is better AFA Bard : (** Note: there are some excellent P.I.G. files in the Social Studies library!) ;) TeacherIMG: Ah, Bob--now you get to it. I use 2 approaches. TeacherIMG: one is Cooperative Learning approach (teams) + the 1 gs in my room. MIDGEF : My daughter will take Modern World Affairs next year AFL Gayle : (Also some American history files in the Social Studies library, too. :) Ira MIDGEF : I hope the teacher has a computer TeacherIMG: 2nd is to use the 5 IIe's in the Reading Room and/or the 20 in the library. AFL Gayle : is quite versatile and generous in sharing his work. :)Item has been deleted. MIDGEF : I have World Geograph but I haven't even opened it yet SINGL BELL: I want that for my own children Negotiator: Ira, in the cooperative learning using computers, do you suggest any set group size? AFA Bard : Welcome Jedi! Jedi4 : HI AFC Tooter: Got to give up the phone to family business. Have a great chat all. Goodbye AFA Bard : We're talking about Social Studies with our guest TeacherIMG.. feel free to join in! TeacherIMG: 1st. to all--- I almost forgot. My wife's liver biopsy came back 100% clean & TeacherIMG: I thank you all for your prayers and support. TeacherIMG: :):) MIDGEF : Well, it's freezing in my computer room and I can't catch any more cold! MaryEz : Great!!! Negotiator: Great news about your wife! AFA Bard : Oh, Ira!!! That's FANTASTIC!!!! Give her our best! MIDGEF : Awesome! TeacherIMG: 2nd. to bob--I usually use some # that is divisible by 4 & if there is an MIDGEF : Good night all (I love AED night best!) TeacherIMG: odd # that goes to an "odd" group. TeacherIMG: 4 seems to be very workable. MaryEz : Aren't they all odd?;) TeacherIMG: :) mary! TeacherIMG: 5 is just managable TeacherIMG: the group revolves the chores: Negotiator: Friar4 uses groups of 2 or 3, not more than three when he uses the fill in the timeline activity. TeacherIMG: typer, writer, researcher, etc. I tried 2-3 and the problem arises when there TeacherIMG: is someone or more than 1 that is absent on the day(s) of work. TeacherIMG: this way, The file description has been updated. TeacherIMG: there are enough kids to pickup the slack. TeacherIMG: 1 is overall grade + bonus pts. for the overall project/group Negotiator: Friar4 makes the timeline completion a longer range assignment and we writing lab teachers assist. TeacherIMG: 2 is individiual grades based on their contribution to group activity + theThe file description has been updated. TeacherIMG: objective behaviors I am trying to get them to learn. TeacherIMG: Good for bob--we have no lab and no lab teacher assist. TeacherIMG: so there! TeacherIMG: you rich connecticuters.The file description has been updated. TeacherIMG: $$$$$ 3/17/91 9:02:23 PM Closing "chatlog317" for recording.