5/19/91 7:58:57 PM Opening "chat.05.19.91" for Chat Log recording. BCS Frank :Hi, Gayle, Bard :) AFA Bard :Hiya Frank, [[Mary]]! BCS Frank :& Hi Mary :) MaryEz :Hi, everybody!!:) MaryEz :If I disappear every now and then, I'll be back. I'm creating slideshow disks for our art show AFL Gayle :Hi, Mary! :) MaryEz :Tuesday night! AFA Bard Art show? Neat! MaryEz :Hi, Gayle. BCS Frank :What applications are you using? MaryEz :They have included Computer along with the Music and :Art displays and concerts. IC Gerry :HI all..;) AFL Gayle :Hi, Gerry! :))))))) AFA Bard :Welcome Ger! BCS Frank :Hi, Gerry! :) MaryEz :I am using Dazzle Draw which makes a slide disk then I :will transfer to video tape and add background music BCS Frank :That's great, Mary... good to see the computing arts :get recognition. MaryEz : Hi, Ira. How goes it? Sherlock4 :Hi, guys, sorry I'm a few secs. late:) AFA Bard :Welcome Ira!!!!!!! IC Gerry : HI Sherlock!!! AFL Gayle : Hi, Ira! I was just wondering where you were. :) Whew! AFA Bard : Sherlock Lives! Sherlock4 : hey, Frank. Yep, just got back from Reichenbach Falls! AFL Gayle : Jim Carlisle sends his regrets. He wanted to be here, : but his daughter's IC Gerry : Is anyone here planning on joining the Academic Quiz :Bowl on the 31st? :) BCS Frank : Good to see the reports of your demise were all wet! :) MaryEz : Sorry, Gerry, I just can't get it together for that. Maybe next year AFL Gayle :baccalaurette (sp?) is tonight. IC Gerry : Yes, Gayle? Slow node there? :) Sherlock4 : good for Jim, BCS Frank : If I had a school, Gerry. :( AFA Bard : Me, Gerry! Do we get question templates this year? IC Gerry : WE got them..they were supposed to be in by last Friday...:) IC Gerry :I'll send you one..just a sec..:) AFL Gayle :Hi, Ted! :) Sherlock4 :'s it going? MaryEz :*Welcome* AFA Bard : Hiya Toot!! BCS Frank : Tooter... Hi :) AFC Tooter: Mary!!! Sherlock!!!! Gayle!!!! Gerry!!!! Frank!!!! AFL Gayle : For any of you who missed the occasion, a HAPPY :BIRTHDAY to Ted! :))) (Last Wed., th 15th was the official day. :)) AFC Tooter:::::blushing:::: AFA Bard : What??? Arghhh... I MISSED it? Happy Birthday, Ted!!!! AFC Tooter: *Ridiculous!* Sherlock4 :happy b-day to you, happy b-day to you, happy b-day :dear teddy, happy b-day AFC Tooter:*Monkey* Sherlock4 : to you MaryEz :*Clink-Klank* AFL Gayle:LOL, Ira! :) BCS Frank : Ted, Happy Birthday & many happy returns. :) AFC Tooter: Bard, hiding in the wings. Hi Bard!!!! Thanks all. Sherlock4 : I type fast! AFL Gayle : OK. Our guest tonight is Ira Garvin, better known as Sherlock. :) He has written articles for the AppleWorks Educator about StoryWorks. We have 2 free hours to give away to some lucky people. (Mary, your chances are great. ;) IC Gerry :Happy birthday, Toot..same day as AFCSteveB..:) IC Gerry :Go for it, Mary!!!! :) AFL Gayle :StoryWorks is a text only hypermedia program published :by TI&IE. AFC Tooter:Also same as the U.N.. Only I'm not that old. I'm half :way. AFA Bard :(Got it, Gerry, thanks!) AFC Tooter:Sorry Gayle. Keep trying. AFL Gayle :OK. Ira. It's all yours. Do you have any opening :remarks to make? AFA Bard :Welcome Marty! Sherlock4 :Well, I think most of you know about StoryWorks (hi, :Marty:)), I have AFL Marty :Thanks ;) Sherlock4 :found that it has as many possiblities in all subjects :as our imaginations BCS Frank :Hi, Marty :) Sherlock4 :can come up with, esp. with 1.1 the newest version. AFA Bard :(Welcome Lavonne!) Sherlock4 :Hi, Lavonne! LavonneS :Hi everybody! AFC Tooter:Hi Lavonne. Sherlock4 :I have not found a subject that cannot find a use for :StoryWorks. MaryEz I have only looked at it briefly, Ira. It looks :complicated to me. Sherlock4 :Mary, let me first repeat a statement from pt.1 of my :article. My first intro. to storyworks were the libraries online and what I noticed was that many of the initial stacks were done by elementary :school students and soooo, my feeling was really how difficult could it :be? I think I have more education and skill than a 4th Grader, although :there are administrators Sherlock4 who are not quite sure. AFA Bard ::) Ira! Sherlock4 :The complications and/or difficulties arise as WE :attempt to expand stacks IC Gerry :LOL!!!!! Sherlock4 :beyond the initial simplistic stacks. HOWEVER, I found :that if I went "simple" Sherlock4 :for my 1st 2 or 3 stacks, I got better as I went and :the construction of Sherlock4 :more involved stacks lost their "mystery" AFL Gayle :Question, Ira. What is the difference in a more :involved stack? What extras Sherlock4 :My 1st 2 or three stacks were merely quizzes and :tutorial (extra-help/remedial AFL Gayle :does it include that the simple one might not? Sherlock4 :type stacks.) Sherlock4 :A simple stack, is just a series of review-type :questions with some simple :feedback that can be used either in coop. groups/ :individually by the student :or withing a single computer classroom. A more complex :stack would go from simple review and/or tutorial to this type of example. Sherlock4 : 1. Gettysburg Address and then Sherlock4 : 2. off-the line vocabulary and AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Prize! :))) IC Gerry : HI Joel..:) Sherlock4 : 3. off-the line information re:the Battle of Gettysburg : 4. its place Sherlock4 : in the Civil War re:turning point and AFA Bard : Joel! Long time no type! Sherlock4 :5. sound and mousetext added along with Sherlock4 :6. score-keeping and or grading. Sherlock4 :as you can see, it CAN get very involved if you want. Sherlock4 :the simplicity of it all is that pre-planning can make :even something such Sherlock4 :as this stack relatively managable in it's creation. Sherlock4 :The USE is the easiest. AFA Bard :How are kids when they get around Storyworks?? Have :you tried teaching them to use the AW templates? Sherlock4 :Yes, I have. In the beginning of the school year, I :set up cooperative Sherlock4 :learning groups with my 11th graders and the 1st 5 :Tasks for each group was Sherlock4 : involved with learning the rudiments of aworks.3.0 word : processing and Sherlock4 : stack writing. I took care of the initial stack : transfer information and Sherlock4 : had them concentrate on research of material and : mapping and writing (typing) Sherlock4 : the stack information and direction they wanted their : groups' stack to take. Sherlock4 :by Jan. they could all write a stack of their own. AFL Gayle :Have you submitted those stacks to TI&IE, Ira, or maybe :you could upload some of them to our libraries here if the students agreed? AFA Bard : Ira... do you require a "map" before your kids begin? :I've found that they get bogged down in Sherlock4 :Yes, I have given 2 to Jim and they will be coming out :soon (he says :)), AFA Bard :endless loops if they don't have one. :) AFA Bard :Great, Ira! Sherlock4 Yes, I do require a map. It is, as you, know Bard, :relatively easy to make Sherlock4 one; esp. if it is an easy stack. AFL Gayle :Could you upload a template of the map that you give :the students, Ira? MaryEz :Is there a way to make Storyworks interact with a laser :disc player? AFA Bard :It's not really a give, Gayle. It's a flowchart of the :branches of the program. Sherlock4 : Mary, no. One of the map temps. I use came from a back T.I.I.E. :disk, I will have to look it up. The others are those the kids did for :their own stacks. AFL Gayle :OK. Thanks, Ira. Mary and Lavonne or anyone else, how :about some questions for AFL Gayle :Ira? LavonneS :Will this run on 128K IIE? Sherlock4 :Also, as you know StoryWorks is in the Beta stages of :MS.Dos (I think). Sherlock4 :Lavonne, although it is a little tough, I have even :worked stacks on a 64K Sherlock4 :IIe. MaryEz :Storyworks sounded interesting to me because of the :possibilities to do Twistaplot stories. IC Gerry :HI Michael!!! :) AFA Bard :Welcome Michael! AFC Tooter:Will it ever, Lavonne! Takes very little memory. IC Gerry :HI Greg! :) Sherlock4 :They work great, Mary. AFA Bard :Welcome Greg. MaryEz :I have a reading teacher that doesn't see the :relationship between writing and reading and I MaryEz :thought this might do it. BCS Frank :What MS-DOS word processor base will you use for SW? GregS34 :Hi...Just checking the conversation out. GregS34 :If you have windows 3.0, Ami Pro is the best Sherlock4 :I think it may be Microsoft???? someone help me here, :is there such an animal? GregS34 :Microsoft Works IC Gerry :or Word..:) AFC Tooter:If you have a r4eading teacher who doesn't see the :connection between writing and reading, AFC Tooter:nothing will do it, Mary. AFA Bard :Take ALL of her books away and see what she does. :)) LavonneS :Assign her to teach writing next year:) MaryEz :How long do you think it would take 5th graders to :learn to use it when they only see me 1 period in six days. Sherlock4 :Mary, the answer really is in this question: How long :would it take them to Sherlock4 :learn the rudiments of Aworks? After that 1-2 pds. of :group work on how to Sherlock4 construct a stack would get them going. MaryEz :I tried to get her to use Microzines but she wants Word :Munchers.:((((( MaryEz : That's Reading???!!! Sherlock4 : Remember, guys, the manual is LESS than 60 pages long : and approx. 5x8" in size. So, how hard could any of it be????? AFC Tooter:Mary, teach it in one period, get them to make :something in the next. They'll know it. Sherlock4 : nope, soley by the T.I.I.E. Sherlock4 :lavonne. AFL Gayle :No, Lavonne. TI&IE- Teachers' Idea & Information Exchange, run by Jim :Carlisle. AFL Gayle :HyperScreen is the program from Scholastic. Sherlock4 :e-mail to tiiejim. Sherlock4 :or to me and I'll get the info. to jim. LavonneS How much does it cost? Sherlock4 :I believe it is less than $50.00 AFL Gayle :Jim also has an area under our AppleWorks area in the :Special Interest Group AFL Gayle :section of AED. MaryEz :You mentioned adding sound, I believe. How does that :work? AFL Gayle :$49.00, I think. Sherlock4 :for a copy with site lic. avail. LavonneS :Can it be loaded on more than one computer, need site :license? Sherlock4 :first, lavonne and then mary. Sherlock4 :1. The purchase of A COPY gives YOU the right to make :copies of the AFL Gayle :$49.95 Sherlock4 :program for EACH OF YOUR STUDENTS. Can you beat that :deal? Mary, sound is added by selecting 1 of the sounds (a :list is provided in the AFL Gayle :Phone for credit card orders (MasterCard, Visa) (402) :483-6987 Sherlock4 :manual as well as samples of them all on the Program :disk) then all you do Sherlock4 :is add the letter of the sound to the transfer :directive. and VOILA, as the say. Sherlock4 :Have you seen the Tutorial in The April/May AppleWorks :Educator? AFL Gayle :Building and district licenses are also available. Sherlock4 :If you have, 1 of the files on the disk that comes with :the subscription will MaryEz :I have it but just haven't had time to try it out :myself. It sounds interesting and the fact that Sherlock4 :be the tutorial stack I created for the article. MaryEz :you can copy disks for your students is a plus.:) MaryEz :Would you need one for each student or would one for :each computer do it? Sherlock4 :That depends on your own facilities. In H.S. our kids :can go to the computer Sherlock4 :room in the library on their own time as well as the :time I provide when we Sherlock4 :are working within class time. Sherlock4 :so a copy is available there. Also, I make stacks and :a program available MaryEz :Or one for each cooperative group? I have 24 computers :in my lab but I have 250 kids every 6 days. Sherlock4 :for those who want to go and do some remedial studying :of vocab. etc. on their own. LavonneS :Would you see applications for HS science classes? Sherlock4 :Mary, I would have 1/computer. Sherlock4 :Sure, for openers, lavonne, I could easily envision a :stack created by kids AFA Bard :Lavone.. would be great for Chemistry - have students :write branching test stacks for determining AFA Bard :an unknown element/material, for example. Sherlock4 :to teach other kids concepts and/or info. in Earth :Sci./Physics/"Entry-level" Sherlock4 sci. and other things too. Sherlock4 :at the very least they could refresh and reinforce :vocabulary, formulas, etc. Sherlock4 :At the end of each of the 3parts to my articles, I :mentioned that I would have Sherlock4 :no problem offering and helping out anyone who ran into :a problem or was slowly Sherlock4 :working their way through StoryWorks, and I mean it. :In a small way I am Sherlock4 :paying Jim back for all the help he has given me by :taking some of the pressure off his back. Sherlock4 : So, feel free to ask away via e-mail re:any problems : and/or questions you may have. AFL Gayle :Ira, how about opening a folder in Jim's area here :online for the questions and AFL Gayle :answers? I'll bet a lot of beginners will have similar :questions. MaryEz :Is there a master disk for teachers and a user disk for :kids like TutorTech? AFL Gayle :Mary, the "master" disk is AppleWorks. Sherlock4 :No, you just copy the program disk and use aworks as :the "master" MaryEz :In other words can kids write stacks with their disk or :just use them? AFL Gayle : You just add the stack to the StoryWorks disk or you :can have template disks. Sherlock4 :The stacks are written in aworks and StoryWorks "works" :their stacks the Sherlock4 :way they designed it. AFL Gayle :They need AppleWorks to WRITE the stack, StoryWorks to :execute the stack. MaryEz :OK, I see.:) LavonneS :Does it work with AppleWorks 2.0, 2.1,3.0? Sherlock4 :It works with ANY version of AppleWorks, So there! Sherlock4 :As I indicated in the Tutorial, there is a convenience :to have 2 computers AFA Bard ::O Mary! Sherlock4 :side-by-side during the construction stage. BUT it is :merely a convenience and LavonneS :It's true. Took me an hour to figure out why I :couldn't read a file because Sherlock4 :not a requirement. LavonneS :it wasn't on 3.0 Sherlock4 :VERY funny Mary! Sherlock4 :Lavonne, here is a trick that I learned during my 1st :stack using 2.1 Sherlock4 :at school. I took it home and loaded it with aworks :3.0 JUST to use the LavonneS :Of course an hour does reveal that I may be a slow :learner! Sherlock4 :spell-checker. and saved it with 2.1 so it was still :readable at school for Sherlock4 further construction. AFL Gayle :Basically, if you don't use any of the special features :of 3.0, such as the AFL Gayle :TABS, it will work on 2.1. If you use one of the new :features, a flag is set. Sherlock4 :Right, Gayle! AFL Gayle : The only way to "recover" the file for 2.1 is to change :it to a text file and AFL Gayle :then import it back in. BCS Frank :You can also move a AW WP file to a new WP file via MaryEz :I tell you, they do force us to learn to work around :things don't they. Problem solving at the MaryEz :highest level. Teacher jn:BUMPED off, again! I don't know if you use the same :phone # Ira, but lately ... BCS Frank :the clipboard, and the new file won't be flagged Teacher jn:this one is the pits! ;(((( BCS Frank :even if it's saved with 3.0, if no new features are :used. BCS Frank :Also there is a new text translator which will convert :AW 3.0 files to AW 2.0. AFL Gayle :Thanks for that tip, Frank. I wasn't aware of that one. ::) Sherlock4 :neither was I. AFL Gayle :What is that called, Frank? Who make it? AFL Gayle :Rather, makes Sherlock4 That's why frank is BCS and we're not. BCS Frank :It does get a little complicated. :) BCS Frank :It's shareware... I'm looking for the title. Sherlock4 :Not for BAHSTONITES> AFL Gayle :OK. It's time to announce our winners for tonight. But :first a short AFL Gayle :commercial... :) Our chat next week will be an End of :the Year OverView of AFL Gayle :School to School Projects and Plans for Next Year. Our :star guest is none AFL Gayle :other than AFC Tooter. :) AFA Bard :()()()()()!!!! Yea, Toot!!!!!!!!! MaryEz :Gail, can I do a commercial too? AFL Gayle:More free hours will be given away, as always, next :week, to some lucky winners. :) AFL Gayle OK. Short break for Mary's commercial. :) MaryEz :Wed at 9:30 Capitalism and the Schools. Thurs, The :Perfect Test. MaryEz :In TIN Teachers' Forum Conf #! AFL Gayle :OK. And now our winners... AFL Gayle :MaryEz for using the secret word TwistaPlot and Lavonne :for site license! AFA Bard : Whoa.. congrats to LAVONNE and MARY!!!! :Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MaryEz Yea{}{}{}{{}}{}{}{}{}{}{{} Sherlock4 :Yea for the GALS!!!! LavonneS :Great !!!! BCS Frank :Congrats, Mary & Lavonne!!! AFA Bard :Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!!!!!!! IC Gerry :Congrats!!!!! AFC Tooter:*Muy Mucho More* BCS Frank Re changing AW 3.0 files to AW 2.0... it's :"Change-a-File," on the BCS PD disk AppleWorks Utilities. IC Gerry :(I had to make up a test over the weekend..I am :slightly rusty..it was awful! :( ) MaryEz :*Boing* AFC Tooter:*Boing* AFA Bard :*Boing* AFA Bard :It's a trampoline! AFA Bard ::) AFC Tooter:*Monkey* MaryEz :Perfect Test: 5 T/f 5 fill in the blanks, 5 short :answer, 5 multiple choice, and 1 essay BCS Frank :*Gerald McBoingBoing!* AFC Tooter:*See a real expert at work* AFA Bard :Frank... YOU remember that too!??!?!? LOL!!! LavonneS :Gotta go, see you all next week. Thanks for the prize. : Love it. AFA Bard :Nite, Lavonne.. thanks fr coming! BCS Frank : Sherlock4 :nite and congrats. lavonne. If you need aid :re:storyworks let me know. BCS Frank :Night, Lavonne :) AFL Gayle :A great BIG thanks to Ira for guesting tonight. :) AFL Gayle :*Applause* AFA Bard :{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} Teacher jn:{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}|{}{}}{}{}{}}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} AFC Tooter:{}{}{}{}{} MaryEz :Ira, I'll be working on Storyworks this summer after I :get back from my 3rd honeymoon. AFC Tooter:{}}{{}{}{}{}{{}}{}{}{}{}{ AFA Bard :()()()()()()()()()()()()()}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}][][][][][][] Sherlock4 :{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BEET RED}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} MaryEz :{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{ 5/19/91 9:13:40 PM Closing Chat Log.