1/28/91 8:00:47 PM Opening "CHAT012891" for recording. Apple // Education Forum Chat :: Topic: Teacher Utilities :: January 27, 1991 AFL Gayle : Hi, Deborah! What are some of your favorite programs for teachers to use? Deborahlyn: For teacher use only or teachers to use with children? AFL Gayle : Either. The subject is teacher use, but we're flexible. :) Deborahlyn: The one I use the most is the Kalamazoo Teacher's Record Book. AFL Gayle : I'm not familiar with that one. Can you tell us more about it? Deborahlyn: It's an easy to use grade book type program. You can use grades, percentages, Deborahlyn: points. It will give statistical data, print graphs, and average grades of course. AFL Gayle : Who makes it? What is the cost? Deborahlyn: Hartley makes it. I think it was around sixty dollars. AFA Bard : What's the format? Is it spreadsheet-type like Gradebusters? Deborahlyn: That is one of the options AFA Bard : Minervah!!!! Welcome to the chat! Deborahlyn: I think it is recommended more for elementary teachers. BCS Frank : Minervah, hi AFL Gayle : Minervah, what is your favorite teacher utility program? Minervah : I am interested in hearing about this. Hi Frank, Gayle. Minervah : Gradebusters if I could use it. AFL Gayle : Gee, looks like gradebooks are the overwhelming favorite. Bard, how about AFL Gayle : telling us what we can find in our own AED libraries? AFA Bard : OK.. just a sampling... Minervah : I don't take daily grades with what I teach now. AFL Gayle : What do you teach, Minervah? AFL Gayle : What do you teach, Deborah? Deborahlyn: I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave. Something has come up. Good night! Deborahlyn: Sixth grade in a small Christian school. AFL Gayle : OK. Before you go, I want to tell you you've won 1 free hour of online time. Minervah : I teach computers. AFL Gayle : You said one of our secret words, Gradebook. :) Congratulations! Deborahlyn: How? BCS Frank : Congrats, Deborahlyn! :) Deborahlyn: Thank you. AFA Bard : ()()() Deborah! Minervah : Yeah, that's great. AFL Gayle : It will appear as credit on your account in a few days. Deborahlyn: Thanks again and bye. GerryR5 : Congrats, Deborah!! Come back again soon! :) AFL Gayle : We've still got some more free hours left, Minervah. :) We've got more secret AFL Gayle : words, but you've got to talk to get them. :) Deborahlyn: I shall! Minervah : SUPERCALIFRAG...., is that one? AFA Bard : In our library you'll find: Wordsearch 4 - a terrific utility program... also.. AFA Bard : LOCKOUT GS.. a utility that password protects your GS control panels! That's a GOODIE! Minervah : What does wordsearch do? AFA Bard : And... even a program that generates IEP's for special ed. teachers. AFA Bard : The wordsearch program takes a generated word list and prints a wordsearch. It's got some special AFA Bard : features, though, like control of how the words are placed and even the ability to print a full size AFA Bard : key. Minervah : Interesting. AFA Bard : What other utility programs do you use, Minervah? AFL Gayle : It's got an easy to use AppleWorks like interface, too, Minervah. The person AFL Gayle : who wrote the program is online and is very receptive to users' suggestions. Minervah : Printshop, a lot of MECC programs, etc. Minervah : Great. BCS Frank : Does lockout protect both the CDA and NDA CP's? AFL Gayle : I think it just locks the CDA control panel, Frank. Right, Bard? AFA Bard : Just NDA, I think, Frank. You DO know about the jumper block, right? BCS Frank : No. What jumper block? AFL Gayle : Jumper block?? AFA Bard : In the GS, there's a jumper block (lil' number that you can cap or uncap to enable or Minervah : Graphics is getting bigger at my school. What about on- line help? AFA Bard : disable the control panel. The Apple folks showed me that one. :) AFL Gayle : Where is it, Bard? I've never heard that before. GerryR5 : Where exactly is it located, Bard? BCS Frank : For graphics... Scott will be glad to help there :) Minervah : OK. AFA Bard : Yeah, Minervah. Anyone know of a good graphics converter program? Frank? AFA Bard : (Opening GS now.. :) Minervah : Impressive. AFL Gayle : We have an Apple // Graphics forum, Minervah. AFL Scott (Gentry) is the Forum BCS Frank : Yes, Graphic Exchange by Robert Wagner. AFL Gayle : Leader there and is very helpful. Minervah : When? GerryR5 : Or SHR Convert..which is being updated and released commercially now... AFL Gayle : We're going to be talking about one next week, as a matter of fact, Bard. Our AFL Gayle : guest next week is Roger Wagner. We'll be discussing HyperStudio and The BCS Frank : GrEx goes from to just about every Apple II and many MAC formats. AFL Gayle : Graphics Exchange. BCS Frank : Yup, have heard good things about SuperConvert too. AFL Gayle : SuperConvert is the new version of SHRConvert. Put out by Seven Hills Software, AFL Gayle : the people who make GraphicWriter III. AFA Bard : Can't get to the exact location without taking out my hard drive, Frank & Gerry..Ask your local Apple dealer to show you! BCS Frank : Tip, keep your copy of SHR Convert... it has a GIF reader not in SuperConvert. AFA Bard : Welcome MARTY!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : Hi, Marty! What is your favorite teacher utility program? AFL Marty : Teacher utility? BCS Frank : HyperCard, Marty? AFL Gayle : Minervah, Marty is the Forum Leader for the Apple // Productivity Forum. He AFL Marty : AppleWorks AFL Gayle : knows a lot about graphics, too. :) AFL Gayle : That's my favorite, too, Marty. :) AFA Bard : AppleWorks with TO enhancements, that is. :) AFL Marty : AppleWorks does all I need in terms of reports, grading, database, etc. BCS Frank : Yup, AWorks is a great all around ed workshop. AFL Gayle : Which TimeOuts do you consider essential for teachers, Bard? AFL Marty : Even without the TimeOut enhancements it's a decent workhorse. The copy I AFL Marty : use in school has no TimeOut modules installed. Minervah : I have to go. Someone else wants to use the phone. Bard, call me with those questions. GerryR5 : Come back again soon, Minervah! :) Minervah : Bye, everyone:) BCS Frank : Bye, Minervah AFL Gayle : Those pesky voice phone users. ;) Bye, Minervah! Thanks for coming. :) AFA Bard : Nite Mary! Minervah : Nite Bard AFA Bard : Anyone out there got a scanner yet? AFL Marty : Another reason AppleWorks is so popular amond educators is that a great BCS Frank : UltraMacros & SuperFonts, Marty? BCS Frank : Yup, got the Quickie. AFL Marty : many templates for education exist for it... AFA Bard : You like it better than the others, Frank? AFL Marty : plus we now have the TI&IE to distribute them. AFL Gayle : Have you got InWords yet, Frank? AFL Marty : And The AppleWorks Educator to tell teachers about them. AFA Bard : InWords = OCR software Gayle? AFL Gayle : Right, Bard. AFL Marty : I have just about every TO application there is, Frank. BCS Frank : InWords is back ordered... but the kids love the scannner GerryR5 : Right, Marty....they are here on AOL, right? BCS Frank : as a fast way to enter their art into graphic programs. AFL Gayle : Who did you get your Quickie from, Frank? AFL Marty : Yes. Both TI&IE and The AppleWorks Educator are online. AFA Bard : How "fast" is it? (Gayle.. that's a LOADED question!) BCS Frank : Also love TI & IE StoryWorks with AppleWorks. AFL Gayle : Is the Quickie easy to use? AFL Gayle : All right, Smartie Bard. I DID capitalize it! ;) GerryR5 : LOL!!!!! BCS Frank : Took by 9 year old daughter about a minute to learn to enter simple BCS Frank : line art. But the multiple settings can get complicated for diff grey tone effects. AFA Bard : How steady does your hand have to be, Frank? BCS Frank : Not too bad... I don't think the ruler is necessary, but some people do like to use a book edge as a guide. AFA Bard : Do you have a choice of graphic format? AFL Marty : TI&IE and AppleWorks Educator are in the AppleWorks Forum Direct Connect area. BCS Frank : My kids drew up pictures with black felt tip pens.... AFA Bard : <-- also loves StoryWorks!!! AFL Marty : I think they're in AED also... Gayle? GerryR5 : They are in here in AED too..under Special Interest Groups...in the BCS Frank : scanned in the images.... and we used Platinum Paint GerryR5 : Appleworks in Education section... AFL Gayle : Yes, they are, Marty. BCS Frank : in "WaterColor" mode to Colorize the drawings BCS Frank : without covering up the line art. AFL Marty : Speaking of StoryWorks... it would make a very good vehicle for teaching... BCS Frank : Yes, the Quickie software saves in the most common formats. AFL Marty : things that could be taught step-by-step. AFA Bard : Great! What made you buy a Quickie over the other scanners? (ThunderScan, etc.) BCS Frank : Yup, "Twist-a-Plot" text books. AFA Bard : Yes, Marty. I use it with my ESOL kids, too. BCS Frank : The Quickie is compat with both the IIe and gs, AFL Marty : It would also be a great way to distribute user manuals for software. BCS Frank : the Quickie is compat with InWords, BCS Frank : the Thunderscanner would tie up my AFL Marty : (if there was some way to bind the text to the program. BCS Frank : printer, and Vitesse was the company BCS Frank : that opened up handdscanning to the gs. AFA Bard : Right, Frank. As always, you've thought this one out! Whatta pro!!! GerryR5 : Frank is a deep thinker..:) BCS Frank : Nah, I read the back of the box! :) GerryR5 : I always learn a lot from his choices... AFA Bard : ROTFL! GerryR5 : :) GerryR5 : He has a great sense of humor too..:) AFL Gayle : Besides, Vitesse is online, too. BCS Frank : Yup, if we could write Xcmds for StoryWorks. :) AFA Bard : And they have a great upgrade policy, Gayle. BCS Frank : For a one time fee they will repair/replace their wares free for two years, BCS Frank : including all upgrades. AFA Bard : Fee? How much, Frank? BCS Frank : Or their regular upgrades are low cost, not much more than the cost of disks and/or chips. BCS Frank : The protection plan fee varies depending on how many BCS Frank : different Vitesse products are covered... BCS Frank : but I think the max fee for Every Vitesse product BCS Frank : is something like $60. BCS Frank : It's nice... either way is a good option and we get to choose as well. GerryR5 : I like being able to make the choice..:) AFL Gayle : Do you have any of their software programs, Frank? BCS Frank : Nope... have great respect for them, but I'm heavy into ProSEL. BCS Frank : I'd have no problem recommending them as a viable way to go. They also have a great GerryR5 : I understand they are easier to use than Prosel which would help beginners. BCS Frank : price structure where you can get all the Vitesse BCS Frank : utilities in one bunch... and BCS Frank : if you already have some you can cash them in when BCS Frank : you buy the full package. AFL Gayle : I was wondering about that, Frank. Joey told me most of the ProSel users he AFL Gayle : knows are switching to the Vitesse products. That really surprised me. BCS Frank : Vitesse Wings offers some real advantages over ProSEL... esp BCS Frank : the ability to open and read/play certain types of AFL Gayle : Which package is Wings? The desktop one? BCS Frank : files directly such as digitized sounds and many types of graphics. GerryR5 : HI Steve!!!! :) AFA Bard : Welcome Steve! BCS Frank : Yup, Wings is the Launcher. AFL Gayle : Hmm, I didn't know about that feature. Thanks for the information, Frank! BCS Frank : Hi, Steve :) SteveS80 : 'Lo all! SteveS80 : <---- First time on the service! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Steve! Well, you've come to the best place online. :) AFA Bard : How are things in Pennsylvania? SteveS80 : Is this CHAT area dedicated to Educational folks? AFL Gayle : Are you a teacher? AFA Bard : You betcha... it's only ONE of the online educational forum areas! SteveS80 : Nope -- just checking things out! AFL Gayle : Yes, it is, Steve. :) Were you looking for something in particular. AFL Gayle : This is the Apple // Education Forum. We have a chat every Sunday night from AFL Gayle : 8 to 9 pm. That's where you are right now. :) AFL Gayle : Anyone is welcome. :) SteveS80 : Oh, well, I was looking for some "techie" sorts! AFL Gayle : What computer do you use, Steve? BCS Frank : By the way many of the topics covered here are of use to "non-teachers." SteveS80 : Anyone here up to speed on the LC (I have an LC)? AFA Bard : <-- techie in teacher's clothing! :) (So, I might add are Frank, Gayle and Gerry!) SteveS80 : I am having BIG problems trying to run FrameMaker! AFL Gayle : Bard, haven't you used an LC? AFA Bard : Aha! You too? Which release do you have? AFL Gayle : What type of program is that, Steve? SteveS80 : Ummmm....not too sure!? SteveS80 : 2.1 I think! AFA Bard : Goto Apple Menu and pull down to About FrameMaker to see release number. SteveS80 : I keep getting BUS ERRORS, OUT OF MEMORY errors, etc. (I have 4 megs-it only requires 2) SteveS80 : I can't even get it to start running! When I launch it it bombs! BCS Frank : Have you tried swappin sequence of SIMMs? Can you check your SIMMs? AFA Bard : Steve... I suggest you visit the MGR (Mac Graphics) forum and leave your question. I doubt the SIMMS SteveS80 : Well, it appears that the SIMMS are OK. All the memory shows up on the finder! AFL Gayle : Steve, there is a Mac Graphics Forum online. The forum leader is AFL MacArt. AFA Bard : are the problem, though. Have you tried launching FM from the FINDER (not Multifinder)? AFL Gayle : They have a message board. It will be called Let's Discuss. You can find a AFL Gayle : folder there to leave your question. SteveS80 : Yeah, I tried from the Finder. Also I have Pseudo FPU (A utility that send all FPU routines to SANE AFA Bard : Use Open-Apple- K (brings up KEYWORD box) and type MGR and RETURN when you're ready, Steve. AFA Bard : Try disabling your INITS or unusual CDEVS. AFL Gayle : Their chats at held at 11 pm on Wed. Keyword MGR and you'll find their AFL Gayle : Conference Hall in the menu. SteveS80 : Is there a way I can find someone's user ID? AFL Gayle : Who do you want to find, Steve? SteveS80 : (I want to leave a message to a friend!) AFA Bard : Pull down the MAIL menu and choose Menu Directory. AFL Gayle : Bard can tell you how to find the Member Directory on a Mac. SteveS80 : All INITs and CDEVs have been disabled BCS Frank : All of them? BCS Frank : Hmmm, maybe FrameMaker needs some. AFA Bard : Hmmm.. try visiting the GRAPHICS or the MAC Utility forum (Keyword: MUT) or go from DEPARTMENTS Menu. AFA Bard : Steve.. are you using System 7? SteveS80 : No, I have system 6.??? something or other. GerryR5 : LC needs 6.0.7 AFA Bard : OK.. if you can't find help in MUT or MGR.. leave me e-mail and I'll work on it for you. SteveS80 : Well, folks -- gotta run...Married with Children is coming on! BCS Frank : akkk... have to be on my way... AFA Bard : 6.07 comes with LCd (right Gerry!) BCS Frank : Good luck, Steve! SteveS80 : Regards to all, nice chatting, will return a bit later! AFA Bard : Me, too, Frank! Great to see you all! SteveS80 : Thanks frankd GerryR5 : Night Steve!!! Come back again soon..:) SteveS80 : <--- Signing off! AFL Gayle : Good luck, Steve! :) GerryR5 : FrankD? BCS Frank : Night, all.... (Nope, I'm not FrankD :) ) AFA Bard : Undoubtedly a slip of the D, Gerry. :))) AFA Bard : Nite all! AFL Gayle : Bye, Frank. Thanks for coming! :) AFA Bard : Gayle.. will upload edited chat tomorrow. AFA Bard : Pray for Peace! 1/28/91 9:06:56 PM Closing file.