2/10/91 8:01:53 PM Opening "CHAT021091" for recording. AFL Gayle DLampert AFA Bard RagenT BCS Frank MaryEz GerryR5 IES Coord Tom Snyder GerryR5 AFL Marty TEACHER ms AFL Gayle : Welcome to the Apple // Education Forum! Please check your HotShot for the schedule of conferences for this rest of this week. This month in AED we are featuring our Direct Connect members. Our guest tonight is Dave Lampert. Our discussion will beYour mail has been sent about Tutor Tech and hypermedia. I have two free hours to give away tonight to the two lucky people who are the first to say the secret words that Bard and I will be looking for. We don't use protocol here. We ask that you try to not interruptRe: Attach to log?AFC Tooter someone else, but please feel free to ask your questions at any time. Before we begin, I have a couple of announcements. MidgeF is in the hospital with pneumonia. Please send her email get well wishes! I am delighted to announce that Techware has announced that RagenT's Vision and Light stack has won their stack contest!Your mail has been sent Congratulations, Ragen! :) Applause!!!!!! That stack is in Tutor Tech's Library here in AED/Direct Connect. Welcome, Dave! :) AFA Bard : ()()()() Ragen! BCS Frank : Way to go, Ragen :) GerryR5 : Yeah!!!!! Ragen!!!! MaryEz : ()()()()()Ragen!! AFL Gayle : That's all. Y'all can ask your questions, etc. now. :) RagenT : <---(Bowing) Thank you very much! DLampert : It's a tremendous use of color! I think it's going to be in the next Stack Exchange Catalog AFL Gayle : Wow! When will that be published, Dave? DLampert : an article, and maybe as a commercial product soon AFL Gayle : Does Ragen get anything but glory for winning? DLampert : The SE Catalog next issue is March 1991, to be mailed out in about 2 weeksYour mail has been sent There are prizes that Ragen can choose from.. but (silly me) I forgot what the list is... AFA Bard : Can you remind us of the address, Dave?? (For SE Catalog, that is.) GerryR5 : GMTA, Bard..;) DLampert : If you sent in a TT reg card, you're on this mailing list automatically, else write to Techware, POB 151085, Altamonte Springs, FL 32715-1085 or call 1-800-34-REACH or 1-407-695-9000 AFL Gayle : You get them when they have them, Mary. I haven't had any in ages, either.Guess we're due for some soon. :) DLampert : Call in about 2 weeks for the next catalog for best results We regularly mail every month or so, AFL Gayle : Can we have a peek at what will be in the catalog besides Ragen's stack? AFA Bard : Mark! Welcome! IES Coord : :) DLampert : things like SE addendums, or SE Contest stuff... if you didn't get mailings, it's a possibility the card was lost.. so call 1-800-34-REACH and say "put me on the mailing list" MaryEz : I want to tell you that I have been most impressed with the tech help given me by Matt. He is very patient!! DLampert : For the first time, the SE catalog lists a bunch of... RagenT : Me, too. He has been very helpful explaining things to me. DLampert : third party stacks and TT-compatible hardware at discount and a bunch of public domain stacks AFL Gayle : Hmm... So we should have had a more recent mailing than about a year ago? DLampert : I'm also proud to announce our new stack designed here at Techware... AFL Gayle : Great, Dave! I'll look forward to that catalog. (Guess I'd better call and DLampert : Melissa Donnelly, who has already created a half dozen super stacks... AFL Gayle : make sure I'm on the mailing list. :) DLampert : in a few weeks... AFA Bard : Dave... for the benefit of those who may not know about Tutor Tech, can you give a brief product description? DLampert : We're going to go into high gear now, and do more mailings with more timely info... Tutor-Tech is a hypermedia authoring product that works on the Apple IIe, Ic, and IIgs It only needs 128K Although it runs on the less sophisticated Apple IIe's, it offers the Mac-like/GS-like interface I've seen many teachers, parents, and kids... AFA Bard : (Welcome Doug! We're talking with Dave Lampert of Tutor Tech fame!) DLampert : begin creating lessons, adventure games, and other stacks... within hours of getting a hold of TT and learning the funny "MOUSE" After they get a hang of the mouse, the tools and menus seem to come naturally AFL Gayle : Ragen, you're a Tutor Tech user. Can you give us an idea of how long it took you to learn how to use it? DLampert : Tutor-Tech also addresses video technology... RagenT : That's what I like about it. So many schools have a mix of IIe's & GS's that DLampert : you can show videodisc movies or VCRs movies and use the Video Overlay Card RagenT : TT was the only route to go (with pleasure).. MaryEz : I have been using TT with the Pioneer LV4200. Very easy to use once you get your sequence right. Once in a while the mouse seems to be frozen when you boot. What would cause that? RagenT : I haven't deliberately (yet) because we wouldn't have been able to use the software. DLampert : I wish the videodisc player commands were easier, but at least Tutor-Tech can send any command! AFL Gayle : So for those of us who don't have videodiscs, can you explain a little how DLampert : If the mouse freezes, you may have a joystick online which says "USE ME!" Do you use a joystick? AFL Gayle : this works, please, Dave? The user boots Tutor Tech and it runs the videodisc MaryEz : No, no joy sticks. We just reboot and it seems to be OK AFL Gayle : (Assuming the proper stack is loaded in TT, of course. :) DLampert : Do you use IIc? I'm talking to two at once :) MaryEz : GS IES Coord : How soon will the newest version be released? DLampert : Tutor-Tech documents you create are called stacks: a stack of pages AFL Gayle : NO problem, Dave. Go ahead and answer Mary's question. :) DLampert : each page can send commands to the videodisc player (or other device) GerryR5 : HI Ben! :) DLampert : when the person browsing your stack gets to that page. AFA Bard : Bye Ben! DLampert : Then the videodisc player plays the appropriate movie or frame or effect that was preprogrammed (did I say "Program") into your stack. What kind of mouse do you have? MaryEz : I find that I can only put one command to the player on a page, is that correct? DLampert : Do you have any special stuff in your GS? You can put many commands on a page MaryEz : I have the mouse that came with the GS, no extra stuff in the kid's computers. Just your basic 512K GS RagenT : I understand...What kinds of things are on videodiscs for TT to use? ie... DLampert : For instance, say you want to play a movie, show some text and graphics, and then play another movie, and wait for a response You type the first play cmd on the page, draw or copy the text and graphics, type the next videodisc cmd, and that's it. Tom Snyder: Hi DLampert : You may need to use the "Ready" command on the command line after play cmds AFA Bard : Welcome Tom.. we're hosting Dave Lampert from Techware! Glad you could make it! DLampert : to wait until playing is complete before continuing There are plenty of things on videodiscs nowadays... not as much as on VCRs, but it's coming Optical Data and National Geographic have titles on many MaryEz : I would like to see you publish an addendum to your documentation that goes into more detail with the AFA Bard : Remember, too, Mary that you can REPURPOSE virtually ANY videodisc for use with Tutor Tech AFA Bard : or other hyper-programs. MaryEz : use of the laser disc. AFL Gayle : Does Tutor Tech work with certain videodisc players, Dave, or any of them? DLampert : educational areas, and I even noticed Indiana Jones movies at my local videodisc rent shop MaryEz : I do that all the time. GTV works great with TT AFA Bard : Also look to CNN, ABC NEWS and NASA to come out with more videodiscs in the VERY near future! AFA Bard : Uh oh... looks like Dave got bumped! :) RagenT : Where did he go? AFL Gayle : Uh oh. We lost Dave! :( AFA Bard : Gerry.. have you used Tutor Tech? MaryEz : I'm sure he'll be back!! AFL Gayle : Kicked offline, evidentally. :( GerryR5 : Unfortunately, I don't have it, Bard..:( AFA Bard : Rehi, Dave! :)) GerryR5 : I wish I did tho... AFL Gayle : Gerry, I thought a teacher at your school had won it? DLampert : My modem went surfing AFL Gayle : Hurray! He's back! :) MaryEz : Gerry, it's definitely worth the money!!! DLampert : Back again... AFA Bard : Dave... were your ears burning??? Here GerryR5 : Yes, but that is school. I don't teach there. I need a copy of my own.. AFA Bard : is a quick question... any truth to the rumor that your new release is due out soon? DLampert : I was saying... I even saw an Indiana Jones movie on videodisc at the local videodisc rent Tutor-Tech 3.0 (what I've been slaving at)... (suspense) is going to be out in the latter half of this year RagenT : Is there any copyright rules about incorporating videodiscs into own stacks? MaryEz : Will we be able to upgrade? DLampert : Any more detail will leave me eating my words RagenT : Can't wait! AFA Bard : ()()))) You WILL come back and announce it here first, RIGHT DAVE? DLampert : The upgrade is like normal: $30 It's a major upgrade, minor upgrades are $20 Copyright: if you create a stack that uses videodiscs then your users will buy the videodisc along with your stack RagenT : Of course! DLampert : You can't remaster the videodisc yourself (that would be pirating), but just using the videodisc is fine You are not really incorporating the videodisc image into your stacks, just frame number reference to the video images MaryEz : Can you take clips from the disc to tape without violating copyright? DLampert : YES RIGHT, TT 3.0 will be announced here when it ships Although Ragen and Midge will probably have a copy before (as Beta) AFA Bard : You heard it here, folks! Thanks DAVE -- we'll be rooting for you! :) Yea Ragen! Copying video from videodisc to VCR and then distributing or selling the VCR RagenT : Oooh, boy! Means I gotta make more stacks! DLampert : tape is almost definitely ILLEGAL except if you got special licenses MaryEz : No, not for sale but in a project by a kid. AFA Bard : Hmmm.. Gayle.. does the Fair Use Doctrine apply here? DLampert : I really don't know; if it we're Tutor-Tech, it'd be fine, but videodiscs? AFL Gayle : Dave, if I try to use a stack that has "turn your videodisc on now" in it, will-- I still be able to use the stack? (without the videodisc?) I.E. TT will use it if it's there, but will work OK without it? DLampert : And you don't have a videodisc? AFL Gayle : Right. DLampert : If you use a SuperSerial card, it will ignore the commands that are sent into nevernever land GerryR5 : I don't know too many schools with videodisk players.. DLampert : so you can use the stack, but you'd miss the video of course AFL Gayle : A SS card in any slot, you mean? What about if I have a GS? Right about missing the video. I just wondered whether those commands made it inaccessible to those who didn't have the equipment. DLampert : Also, if the stack tries to send a command to a slot which has no cards in it it may very well go BYE BYE (exit to ProDOS) AFA Bard : Welcome Kip! MaryEz : For instance, Dave, if a kid were doing a stack on artists and wanted to show examples from the Nat'l AFL Gayle : But it would be fairly easy to delete those commands out of the stack? DLampert : The GS printer/modem ports behave like the SS card KipKippley: Thanks! Sorry I'm late. Long distnace phone call! MaryEz : Gallery of Art and wanted to tape their whole report to take to the art teacher and show on VCR would that be pirating? AFA Bard : (We're hosting Dave Lampert of Techware.. creator of Tutor Tech !) DLampert : The commands are text lines typed right on the page. If you want to chop 'em KipKippley: I know! DLampert : just use the Teacher program to chop 'em KipKippley: :) DLampert : That would not be pirating. AFA Bard : Dave.. is TT networkable? If so.. how much? AFL Gayle : Did you have any questions for Dave, Kip? Are you a TT user? AFA Bard : (Welcome Marty!) DLampert : I can't be sure if it falls under FAIR USE though Tutor-Tech works on a number of network systems: KipKippley: I'm doing a Hypermedia workshop for educators in the Omaha area in the next coi AFL Gayle : Seems to me it's OK as long as it's used just in the classroom, i.e. not widely DLampert : AppleShare, VELAN, CORVUS, etc. AFL Gayle : distributed or sold. (But I'm not a lawyer. ;) MaryEz : Digicard?? DLampert : If you have less than 50 students on the network, they can all use KipKippley: couple of months and have the "other" media demos. Not Tuto Tech, tho'.d DLampert : the Student program with no extra charge! AFA Bard : Wow a deal!!!! Excellent! DLampert : The standard package at $195 already includes the license AFL Gayle : The Tutor Tech demo is available in Direct Connect here, Kip. DLampert : If you want many teachers to use it (up to 50) on a network or site, KipKippley: Terrific, Gayle! Thanks! DLampert : the Multi-Teacher license at $200 is available MaryEz : Dave, can I import a Dazzle Draw picture or a DLampert : That's like 50 copies of Tutor-Tech for $395 MaryEz : Computer Eyes picture into TT? KipKippley: How many stations will it support, Dave? AFL Gayle : And the wonderful thing about that demo, Kip, is you can view any of the stacks in the library with it, too. Just can't change or create, of course. RagenT : Mary, I have been scanning my line drawings and using my own art. AFL Marty : Have you considered supporting $C8 fonts under Tutor Tech? MaryEz : I don't have a scanner. KipKippley: 50? DLampert : Kip, you can call us at 1-800-34-REACH to get other special demos and DLampert : presentation materials KipKippley: GREAT! DLampert : when you want to do a hypermedia workshop on TT DLampert : for the Apple IIe/c users out in the world! AFA Bard : Dave, have you ever thought of packaging student disks with textbooks? DLampert : Mary, Tutor-Tech can import from any single hires or DHR image which includes images from ThunderScan, LighteningScan, Quickie, ComputerEyes and then, also, Newsroom, and Printshop AFL Gayle : What about new Print Shop vs. old Print Shop and Print Shop GS, Dave? Which RagenT : (I have, Bard...ie reading packets to go with quality literature..ie Red Pony) AFL Gayle : work in TT? DLampert : Kip, Tutor-Tech supports as many stations as you need. 50 Student stations are built into the standard license KipKippley: Is it also runnable on IIGSs? DLampert : and additional stations are $2/computer MaryEz : Yes, Yes Kip. AFA Bard : Right Ragen.. those stacks are famous! I think Dave could package his with textbooks and make a KipKippley: That should cover it, then! AFA Bard : fortune! Not to mention it would help kids learn! DLampert : PrintShop imports after converting to ProDOS AFL Gayle : Marty asked about supporting $C8 fonts, Dave. Have you considered supporting DLampert : the new PrintShop files (type $F5) can be imported after converting using' AFL Gayle : them in TT was the question. MaryEz : It runs the video disc player from the modem port on the GS, Kip. DLampert : the utility I've put in the Stack Exchange area here in Direct Connect MaryEz : You have to set the control panel to 4800 baud DLampert : PrintShop GS uses the GS res, so it can't be displayed in //e, //c graphics KipKippley: Thanks, Mary! DLampert : Marty,... AFL Gayle : So does your modem still work then, Mary? (assuming the modem is only 1200 or 2400 baud) DLampert : Tutor-Tech 3.0 will support GS fonts with ease DLampert : That opens alot of possibilities RagenT : Dave, what about other fonts than what are available in the font menu? GerryR5 : Great news, Dave! :) AFL Marty : I agree. MaryEz : no, you have to reset the control panel to use the modem and reconnect the modem. No problem! RagenT : Answered my question before I asked it! DLampert : TT 3.0 comes with several new GS fonts which look especially good in DHR AFL Gayle : Oh, OK. Thanks, Mary. :) MaryEz : I did with ease during my Bd of Ed presentation. AFL Gayle : OK. Quick break to announce our hour winners for tonight. MaryEZ won one free hour for using the word, Sequence. And RagenT won one hour for using videodisc. DLampert : The fonts in the font menu now will be called something like "OLD.9" & "OLD.18" AFA Bard : Yea!!! Congrats to Mary and Ragen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : Congratulations, Mary and Ragen! :) Applause RagenT : No kidding! I have such luck online! Thanks! GerryR5 : Congrats Mary & Ragen!!!!! :) KipKippley: <><><><><><><><><><><>!! MaryEz : Thank you, Thank you! I'm rich beyond all expectations!!:) BCS Frank : Mary & Ragen, Way to Go!! AFL Gayle : Our topic for next week will be Guy Forsythe with Kitchen Sink Software. :) RagenT : <><><> Mary! MaryEz : ()()()()Ragen }:> DLampert : It's good the secret word wasn't GROIUGDFLNVKLJDCFJNDFO AFL Gayle : However, continue with your questions to Dave now. :) GerryR5 : I love that name, Gayle! :) AFA Bard : Once again, we thank you ALL for attending tonight's chat! Please tell your friends about AED and Tutor Tech! RagenT : That sounds Greek to me, Dave! KipKippley: Or WYSIWYG! AFL Gayle : No, we use words that should logically be said in the chat, Dave. :) DLampert : :) AFL Gayle : We'd save that one for a word processing chat, Kip. :) DLampert : I know I missed some of the questions before, but which ones?? GerryR5 : Dave, what would be the price of TT if I just want to buy it for myself, not for a school? AFL Gayle : Back to a question that got lost when you got bumped... Can you use any MaryEz : Dave, I have used TT to create a pre/post test for students to take before and after a TT lesson on AFL Gayle : videodisc player with TT or only certain ones? GerryR5 : HI Murray!!! Long time no see! :) AFA Bard : Murray! Welcome! KipKippley: Will it import CD-ROM? MaryEz : sound using the laser disc on physical science by Optical Data. Great for the kids. DLampert : TT 2.6 (the current one) supports the Pioneer 2000, 2200, 4000, 4200, 8000, TEACHER ms: Hello All !!! DLampert : and many consumer models. Also there are compatible SONY models, TEACHER ms: Thanks Gerry and Bard :) DLampert : the SONYs like 1200, 1450, 1550 BCS Frank : Hi, Murray RagenT : How much do video discs run? DLampert : Great, Mary, do you want to put the pre and post out here online? MaryEz : $95 up I would say, Ragen. KipKippley: Will it import CD-ROM?d-RoM> KipKippley: oops! DLampert : Kip, CD-ROM can be used if the CD (or a partition) is mastered in ProDOS MaryEz : OK I just might do that, Dave. AFL Gayle : That inexpensive, Mary? Really? KipKippley: Thank you! RagenT : (Putting it on my wish list...) DLampert : you could then transparently use stacks or import pictures/speech KipKippley: :) AFL Gayle : Oh, wait a minute. The discs yes. I was thinking of the players. KipKippley: Does it have a digitizer? (voice) DLampert : Tutor-Tech supports the Echo Speech Processor (IIb/II+/IIc) MaryEz : I have one on Whales. It was $100. Also one on the Antiquities in the Louvre, $100, Gayle. DLampert : You can choose words or phrases from the Echo vocabulary dictionary KipKippley: Great, Gayle! Whew! RagenT : Graphics take so up so much room, Dave...you know how I "love" to use them. DLampert : and the digitized speech (compact!!!) is imported RagenT : I find that I run out of room and sometimes don't want to start a new stack yet BCS Frank : with regrets, have to go... great chat, Gayle & dave, thanks. DLampert : Good news, TT 3.0 packs graphics down another 60% over version 2.6 RagenT : Great! You gave me my wish! MaryEz : You are all invited to a chat in TIN on Wed. at 9:30 AFL Gayle : Dave, can you explain how the Cassette Control Device works that TT sells? AFA Bard : Well, folks... gotta do taxes! See you folks later. THANKS, Dave! You did a marvelous job!! AFL Gayle : There was a question about it in the message board. KipKippley: How about Quickie (or should I say OCR scanned) graphics? DLampert : Tutor-Talk is a tape-cassette player ... that can be controlled by the stack page by page the stack page says "Start playing" and the Tutor-Talk plays the cassette recording until it hears a 6 second silence (end of recording) RagenT : I wish I could use all these neat peripheral additions to TT! AFL Gayle : Similar to the videodisc player example earlier then? DLampert : then it automatically stops, and is ready to play the next recording called up by the next stack page or something 2/10/91 9:08:30 PM Closing file.