AFL Wiggy Welcome to the Apple II Education Forum and tonight's AFL Wiggy conference about VideoDisc technology in schools. As AFL Wiggy usual, you will have to wait a couple of minutes be- AFL Wiggy fore we can get started so that you can read these AFL Wiggy wonderful announcements (now's the time to hit the AFL Wiggy kitchen for a snack!): AFL Wiggy Be sure to be online on Friday night for the Apple II AFL Wiggy Graphics Forum's conference with Virtual Realities. AFL Wiggy This company is about to release a new digitizer for AFL Wiggy the IIgs and has stated that they plan much more for AFL Wiggy the future. Let's all be there to learn more and to AFL Wiggy see if the IIgs does have a future with them! Friday AFL Wiggy night at 9:00 pm in the AGR Conference Hall. AFL Wiggy Be sure to visit Direct Connect here in the Apple II AFL Wiggy Education Forum. Find out about Roger Wagner's pro- AFL Wiggy ducts. Learn how easy it really is to control a AFL Wiggy videodisc player when you read the messages in the AFL Wiggy Tutor-Tech area. Find out what's new about Appleworks AFL Wiggy and Education in the AppleWorks Educator area. And be AFL Wiggy sure to welcome the Teachers' Idea & Information AFL Wiggy Excahnge when they join Direct Connect this week. AFL Wiggy CONSTRUCTION AHEAD -- YOUR A.O. DOLLARS AT WORK! AFL Wiggy The Apple II Education Forum and the Macintosh AFL Wiggy Education Forum are about to join forces to bring you AFL Wiggy a special area devoted to non-computer-specific AFL Wiggy topics. ScrapBook USA, America Online's project to AFL Wiggy link schools throughout the country, will have its AFL Wiggy own area. Until then, you can still find all sorts AFL Wiggy of information about ScrapBook in AED's Let's Discuss. AFL Wiggy Apple Computer has been advertising the Macintosh as AFL Cheryl timing is everything ;) AFL Wiggy the multimedia solution for classrooms. According to AFL Wiggy their reasoning, if you can afford the Videodisc AFL Wiggy player and controlling software, then you can afford AFL Wiggy to buy a new computer to controll the videodisc. I AFL Wiggy know that my school cannot afford to buy both the AFL Wiggy Videodisc and the Macintosh! AFL Wiggy One of the things Apple has neglected to tell us all, AFL Wiggy though, is that the Apple II (even the lowly IIe) can AFL Wiggy control the Videodisc technology already out there. AFL Wiggy The Apple II has had this capability for years. There AFL Wiggy are a number of sources for VideoDiscs and for the AFL Wiggy software to control the VideoDisc players. Among them AFL Wiggy are... AFL Wiggy Optical Data Corporation AFL Wiggy (800) 248-8478 AFL Wiggy National Geographic Society AFL Wiggy (800) 368-2728 AFL Wiggy MECC AFL Wiggy (800) 228-3504 (800) 782-0032 in MN AFL Wiggy We also happen to have with us a very good source of AFL Wiggy of information on Videodiscs and software! Tutor-Tech, AFL Wiggy the Hypercard-like application for the Apple II family AFL Wiggy of computers allows you to move through Videodiscs AFL Wiggy with little trouble at all and allows you to EASILY AFL Wiggy author your own lessons incorporating videodiscs. AFL Wiggy Dave Lampert, from Techware is here to help us out. AFL Wiggy Welcome, Dave! DLampert Thanks, Jim. DLampert Hi all. AFL Wiggy And of course... I am not done with Macros even yet... AFL Wiggy :) AFL Wiggy AFL Wiggy Before we get started, I would like to do a brief AFL Wiggy summary of how videodisc technology is important to AFL Wiggy the classroom. AFL Wiggy The advantage of videodiscs over video tape is easy to AFL Wiggy see. First, the picture quality is superior to video AFL Wiggy tape. Second, the sound quality is better than any AFL Wiggy thing you can use with your computer or stereo. Most AFL Wiggy important, videodisc players allow you to jump AFL Wiggy instantaneously from one section of a video to another AFL Wiggy section. AFL Wiggy This can be very important. Let's say you are doing AFL Wiggy a lesson using the videodisc of the collection from AFL Wiggy the National Gallery of Art. You may want to jump AFL Wiggy from a picture from Monet's early career to one from AFL Wiggy his later years. With a video tape, you would have to AFL Wiggy fast forward and hope to stop it in the right place. AFL Wiggy With videodiscs, you can jump directly to that spot. AFL Wiggy In order to make the jump, though, you need to have AFL Wiggy software that will tell the videodisc player where to AFL Wiggy jump. Hypermedia, such as Tutor-Tech, is the perfect AFL Wiggy software to control the player. You can add buttons AFL Wiggy which will do this task for you. And using the AFL Wiggy Video Overlay Card, you can even view the image on AFL Wiggy your computer's monitor! AFL Wiggy Of course, not any videodisc player will allow you to AFL Wiggy do these searches. You need to use a player that has AFL Wiggy been specially designed for this task. Pioneer has AFL Wiggy been the leader in this technology. Their LD-V2000, AFL Wiggy LD-V4200, and later videodisc players are the best AFL Wiggy selling of the lot. Sony is now marketing videodisc AFL Wiggy players that can be controlled by computers. AFL Wiggy And so, with that brief overview out of the way, we AFL Wiggy can now get down to some serious discussion. Again, AFL Wiggy we never use protocol here in the Education Forum, but AFL Wiggy please let others finish before you start your AFL Wiggy comments. I am done now. Does anybody have any AFL Wiggy comments or questions? If not, I have a few for Dave! FJC1 Yes FJC1 Can text overlay be saved with FJC1 Tudor Tech Software DLampert FJC,... DLampert Tutor-Tech saves the frame number info, ... DLampert and playing speed, etc, as well as what else... DLampert is displayed on the screen (text, graphics, etc.). DLampert The text and graphics is created by the teacher... DLampert whether a videodisc player is connected or not,... DLampert if you're using a videodisc, you can define an area... DLampert on the screen (with the Video Overlay Card) to display the DLampert video from the videodisc (controlled by frame 's). GA FJC1 YES......but can it be saved for future use?????? DLampert The video image is not digitized itself, if that's your question. DLampert Otherwise, the Tutor-Tech stack saves all the text and graphics... DLampert along with the frame numbers to be later sent to the player. GA AFL Wiggy FJC... with the Video Overlay card, the text can be placed right on top of the video graphic. Just AFL Wiggy put the text right on the screen. :) AFL Wiggy If you have never seen the Election '88 demo, I urge you all to visit a trade show where Dave and Dan AFL Wiggy demonstate Tutor-Tech and the Videodisc! :) GerryR5 Are a LOT of schools able to afford this tehnology? DLampert The prices range all over the place, from the Pioneer 2000 at $600. AFL Wiggy Gerry... They can afford it with the proper planning.. My school bought a videodisc player... AFL Wiggy my school bought computers... but, they didn't buy a videodisc player that can work with the ocmputer AFL Wiggy planning ahead is important! :) GerryR5 Certainly IS, Wiggy! :) ATHENA1 hiTeaching technologies has a program that lets you run a videodisc from inside ATHENA1 AppleWorks AFL Wiggy And Athena... Yes... The Appleworks controllers have been around... They are great! Optical Data AFL Wiggy (see the macros at the beginning of the program) has the AW controller listed. :) PhyllisKee How difficult is it to have a videodisc "made to order"? DLampert Some companies sell videodisc players with all the necessary cables... DLampert like Ztek of KY. They have all the cables to make it work. GA AFL Wiggy Phyllis, the videodiscs are very expensive to make... AFL Wiggy But have no fear... There is a new controller on the market that allows your computer to do AFL Wiggy searches of video tapes... While not as quick as a video disc, it is easy to make your own video AFL Wiggy tapes. :) GerryR5 any idea on price, Wiggy? AFL Wiggy Gerry... The problem with that is that the controller software has been written...but written AFL Wiggy for developers.... It hasn't been released to the public (I am hoping Tutor-Tech will use the AFL Wiggy controller)... and it will mean getting a special VCR that can accept commmands from the computer. DLampert VCRs are supported by TT also, but that's another conference. PhyllisKee Ok, then what about the possibility of recording on a CD, as in THOR-CD? Will that require a totally.. PhyllisKee different hookup, as with a disk drive, or could it also be used in the same way? DLampert Phyllis, CD right now is only read only. PhyllisKee DL.. I understand that Tandy owns the rights to a read-write CD to be released sometime in the ... PhyllisKee next couple of years. Would it be worth waiting for that technology? DLampert Phyllis, many things will happen in a couple years. Soko I think I lost you Dave, Can you use TT to call the frame from a disk, and Soko while still in TT ask TT to turn on the overlay card, all as part of the stack DLampert Soko, yes! TT controls videodisc player and video overlay card... DLampert on a page by page basis. Soko Thanks - I guess it is time to mail away for the latest edition ..... FJC1 Any products available like "MacRecorder" for the GS? AFL Wiggy Is Macrecorder the audio digitizer? FJC1's magnificent! AFL Wiggy There are many audio digitizers... Audio annimator by applied engineering is the high end... AFL Wiggy Roger Wagner's sound digitizer that comes with HyperStudio is definitely the low end! :) FJC1 That's what I wanted to know..gues I should have asked!! LennieS1 Can you use audio animator to work with TT? AFL Wiggy Well, Tutor-Tech has a neat afdd on piece of hardware... DLampert TT now works with Echo speech... DLampert You can create speech (both robotic and digitized voice). AFL Wiggy It is a tape player that tutor-tech can control. That way you get better sounds (and use less memory! DLampert Wiggy just mentioned the Tutor-Talk device, which is... DLampert a tape recorder plugged into the game port.... DLampert you control it like a videodisc player, and your voice can be... DLampert recorded on the tape (perfect clarity) and no memory used up! GA DLampert More about VCRs, we want TT to control the old type VCRs as well as the new... DLampert Sony models. GerryR5 That would be GREAT, Dave.Not many schools I know of can buy NEW VCRs now! DLampert There will be OAT BRAN videodisc players. GerryR5 oat bran??? ATHENA1 ditto, gerry DLampert Haven't you seen the OAT commercials? DLampert Low Cholesterol video tech. PhyllisKee Hmm. video good for the heart??? Soko It is not the $500-1000 for the player that seems to be the problem, it is the Soko high cost of disks for use , Optical Data's stuff is great but $300 + FJC1 SOKO....some of the disks have 40hours+ on them...that's what I'm told Soko FJC- I can see the value, but I cant go to the principal and say lets spend Soko for the player and 2-3 sets of stuff to run on it --- never mind a computer Soko interface! GerryR5 OUr schools are still trying to buy computers. :) FJC1 Shae with other schools perhaps??? FJC1 Share!!! Soko Yes- I am anxius here to start a regional disk library, we do it now w/ Soko software AFL Wiggy Be sure to look for National Geogrpahics new sets of VideoDiscs... They have their own controlling AFL Wiggy software... and they have new releases due out at the end of this month. RonniP Does anyone by any chance know of any interesting research or articles about CAI in math or science? AFL Wiggy Ronni... Yes... in our libraries here in AED we have the Apple Research briefs... RonniP How do I get to the research Briefs? AFL Wiggy Lots of briefs about research done on CAI. Lots of statistics. In the Articles and transcripts lib. DLampert Gail Fitzgerald from Iowa Univ. was doing research with CAI motivation... DLampert in all subjects... DLampert and she used TT as the authoring system on the Apple II's. DLampert The Optical Data stuff is enuf for several classes of TT lessons. RonniP Thanks for the research info, I'm on my way to check it out! Bye! FJC1 Get this.....I had an entire system dumped on my desk... FJC1 now I'm in the learnign process DLampert What system? GerryR5 LUCKY YOU, FJC1!! AFL Wiggy I wish things like that would drop onto my desk! :) FJC1 Mac..Optical Data PHY. Science..all cabeling GerryR5 me too, Wiggy!!! FJC1 25" high resolution monitor FJC1 and many other crumbs AFL Wiggy Aha! Using the Mac... well, that should be pretty easy... Be sure to check the Optical Data catalog DLampert 4200 videodisc? AFL Wiggy for some nice ideas. :) Soko AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! My left arm for such a drop FJC1 Yes! GerryR5 Ditto, Soko! :) FJC1 Don't make me feel bad!! ATHENA1 Wow! FJC1 I'm here to SHARE!!! AFL Wiggy No... once you get into it, you should have no problems. It's easy. :) Soko FJC - GET TUTOR TECH - it is so easy to write stuff for Optical Data w/ Daves Soko stuff for the Apple //GS, you have the right cables AFL Wiggy And take it from Soko... before Tutor-Tech was here in AED, Soko tested the support line at Techware. AFL Wiggy He found out that the Tutor-Tech people are very supportive of their software. Of course, now it AFL Wiggy is even easier. Leave a message in Direct Connect and Dave will get back to you. :) DLampert I link in on Saturdays, my only free time :) DLampert Does anyone out there have Pioneer 6000's? AFL Wiggy Dave, I don't. That was going to be my question. Does Tutor-Tech support the 6000's? DLampert It is mostly in industry, not in education... DLampert We support all but the 6000... DLampert but were working on it. GA FJC1 Any comment on Voyager software for event making? Soko <--- Wrote several simple TT stacks w/ Optical Data's Voyager stuff Soko and the disk, I gave the stacks to the school that let me borrow the 4200 for a Soko month -- the video player & disks were in the Supt's office for a year, nobody Soko knew what it was GerryR5 Sadly, that often happens, Soko. DLampert Put these great stacks out in the TT Forum! AFL Wiggy We do have the place for them, Soko! Now all I need is the videodisc player. :) GerryR5 Yes, please DO!!! :) ATHENA1 In my school I found six computers in a locked bathroomn! AFL Wiggy LOL! Sounds like when I ran the AV department. I found all sorts of good stuff. Sadly, I found no AFL Wiggy computers or VD players. :( FJC1 Is it easy to move around..within FJC1 the program DLampert Have you seen Macintosh HyperCard? TT works the same with pages. DLampert You can freely move around and edit. AFL Wiggy I find Tutor-Tech easier, Dave. :) I am not real good at scripting. :) FJC1 Pages meaning individual cards DLampert Page=Card (we don't want it to seem like an interface card!) AFL Wiggy Why oh why can't I find somebody who has a videodisc player???? :) FJC1 Wish you lived in Indiana! Soko I told Wiggy my story of meeeting w/ the CT State Dept of Ed, who are hot to Soko develop a training product w/ video disks Soko ALL MS-DOS DLampert Great, I just sat up! Soko I was crushed DLampert oops DLampert Persuade! DLampert I wonder what equipment they have to begin with. Soko But we at least got invited to the dance, so we can do a little shimmy & shake Soko now that we are there AFL Wiggy I can't beleave it... IBM is making it into the classroom. :( GerryR5 Sad, Wiggy....:( Soko No this will NOT be a classroom application, it will be a teacher training Soko activity FJC1 Anyone imported animated windows to aid hearing impaired or enhance an existing FJC1 set of cards?? AFL Wiggy Can you tell us more about that, FJC? FJC1 A small window is written with an animating FJC1 program FJC1 and then imported to a video stack as overlay text....make sense?? AFL Wiggy I see... I haven't tried that... but I have often thought that it would be a good idea. DLampert A TT video stack? FJC1 A stack prepared by HyperAnimator FJC1 transferred to a stack of video FJC1 instructions FJC1 on a specific program should work????? DLampert Hi TIIE Jim, I'll be at the FETC Daytona! TIIE Jim I'll stop by and say hello. ATHENA1 Will TT be at CUELA in Palm Springs in March? DLampert I'll have to check on CUELA. AFL Wiggy I was wondering, Dave (I may have missed it earlier). Will Tutor-Tech be using the VidClip AFL Wiggy software/hardware for the control of VCRs? DLampert We are working with the VidClip technology... DLampert and will have a version out soon to use it. AFL Wiggy Super... When I saw Bernie Gifford display it at AppleFest, I knew that it would be perfect for AFL Wiggy TT. :) DLampert We may however have an internal version of it - I'm not sure. LennieS1 Tell us some of the new features on the next TT and its release date. ATHENA1 Yes, please DLampert We want to make VCRs and videodiscs accessible by the same commands... DLampert so one stack script can work with all media. AFL Wiggy good idea! :) FJC1 super idea!! DLampert What have I gotten myself into?!? DLampert We haven't announced a firm date... DLampert and we're loading up on all th features,... DLampert more for videodisc players (like the 6000!)... DLampert We'll make it possible for third party people and companies... DLampert to create their own drivers... DLampert so you can customize things. AFL Wiggy Dave is perhaps the most innovative programmer I know. He has certainly gotten the most out of the AFL Wiggy "lowly" Apple II! :) TIIE Jim Dave, I'd be interested in your feelings about the the future of the ... TIIE Jim Apple II line in general. Any inside info from Apple? DLampert I think the Apple II is strong, not just what Apple says or doesn't say,... DLampert but also because of how many there are out there. DLampert We will always continue to support the 128K owners out there! DLampert THey have enough memory to load in program segments as needed... DLampert (like AppleWOrks does) and they all have the double-res graphics.... DLampert (great output!). GA DLampert I've heard only good news from Apple about the Apple II :) TIIE Jim It's nice to hear some positive words about the future of the II !!! AFL Wiggy The Apple II will be in schools well into the 21st century... And Techware (and others) are making the AFL Wiggy Apple IIs sing! :) AFL Wiggy Now... When Apple gets done hearing about my seminars at AppleFest/NJ, they will perhaps change their AFL Wiggy mass marketing (at least for schools). I am going to show how the Apple II can do MORE than the Mac AFL Wiggy can using Hypermedia. :) Soko Wiggy=dragonslayer GerryR5 Can't WAIT to see that, Wiggy! AFL Wiggy Jim, there are lots of positive things coming out at Apple... Just check the transcript from the last AFL Wiggy BCS meeting! DLampert does video overlay, or just color stacks... that'd you need a Mac II for DLampert NEAT! I've always liked it when educators' eyes light up as the APple II... DLampert if a Macintosh even comes close to that technology>... GA AFL Wiggy Dave... That's what I keep saying... I have seen so many surprised people... especially when I AFL Wiggy stand around your booth at trade shows... When they see what the II is capapble. of, it's amazing. I AFL Wiggy even saw an Apple Education Rep's jaw drop... she had no idea that there was hypermedia for the II... AFL Wiggy and this was over a year after Tutor-Tech was introduced. :) ATHENA1 she doesn't read David Thornburg AFL Wiggy Athena... I have met very few Apple Ed Reps who read Thornburg... They don't read about the Apple AFL Wiggy II... they earn more commission seling Macs. :( DLampert We don't feel bad Wiggy, there are some people hiding in caves... DLampert who don't know what a HyperCard is yet! GA AFL Wiggy Well, all I have to do is get a videodisc player so that I can play around before hand. :) DLampert I know you'll get one. LennieS1 Is Hypercard stack translation still one of your goals with the new version of TT? DLampert That's an eventual goal, first we'll do a complete HyperTalk... DLampert script feature, and then do conversion. DLampert Probably a stack to convert files. TIIE Jim Dave, how many programmers are working on TT updates, etc. DLampert of programmers varies, usually about 5. DLampert We're at full steam now. TIIE Jim How would you characterize your site/district license sales for TT? DLampert Our site license at $4 a computer is very popular.... DLampert when sites have students creating the stacks... DLampert Gosh, 9 pm already! AFL Wiggy Well all... This conference has gone very quickly tonight! AFL Wiggy Don't forget that the AppleWorks forum meets directly after this conference officially ends... AFL Wiggy and this conference is officially ending. Next week, Dave will be back with us to tell us more about AFL Wiggy his plans for Tutor-Tech! ATHENA1 I really enjopyed this--my first time on-line AFL Wiggy Athena... I hope we see more of you... The Education Forum is a fun place... AFL Wiggy you should see us when we get controversial! DLampert We'll pick this up again next Sunday! ATHENA1 I look forward to it--and Dave, get the word out at CUEla. Wagner is always th LennieS1 Thanks for the info, Dave. BCN'U. ATHENA1 there AFL Wiggy Of course3, anybody who would like to stay on should feel free to... but many thanks, Dave... AFL Wiggy ]You made the night a success. I love TT! :) DLampert Now it's time to parachute out... (===---:)-< Soko Thanks as always Dave TIIE Jim Thanks Dave, keep up the good work! FJC1 Thanks Dave!!! DLampert Bye! Seeyoulater! ATHENA1 thanks, Dave GerryR5 Thanks, Dave! :) AFA GayleK Bye, Dave! Thanks for coming. :) DLampert Check out the TT demo disk in the TT Direct Connect area. DLampert Thank YOU Jim! GerryR5 :) ATHENA1 :) DLampert It's AppleWorks time AFL Wiggy Thanks all for being with us! I'll see you all next week. :)