Log: Apple // Education conference held Sunday, February 2,1992 at 8:00 PM ET. AFL Gayle Since the wrym has run, and the official AOL clock says it's time to start, AFL Gayle we will. TooT will do the official introductions. My part is to tell those of you who didn't see the wrym or the sign on screen, that a lucky person tonight MaryMnTooT Hi ALL. AFL Gayle who uses the secret word IN CONTEXT will win one free hour of nonprime time AFL Gayle AOL! :) The rules are you must stay until the end of the chat to be eligible. AFA Bard <--- official "word watcher" :)) AFL Gayle OK, TooT. Go! :) MaryMnTooT |**********\******{S Drum Roll Start}******/*********| MaryMnTooT Welcome to the second in a series of chats with visitors from the other side of the world. MaryMnTooT This series of chats is the first step in initiating a new area on America Online MaryMnTooT to help you with various kinds of global links. MaryMnTooT Such links range from pen pal links (currently via snail mail) MaryMnTooT to full teacher and student exchanges. MaryMnTooT For more information about the kinds of services that will be MaryMnTooT provided in the future Global SchoolHouse, MaryMnTooT send e-mail to LisaS4. MaryMnTooT Be patient as you wait for a response from Lisa, as MaryMnTooT she will be on the road until February 11th. MaryMnTooT Sitting beside me tonight is Mary Madej from Miskolc, MaryMnTooT the second largest city in Hungary. MaryMnTooT Mary arrived at my school last week after serving three weeks MaryMnTooT with the Vermont legislature. MaryMnTooT She has been busy since then, meeting with classes and individual students, and, as I have quickly learned, MaryMnTooT she is very much a professional teacher. MaryMnTooT In her own country, in addition to teaching English, MaryMnTooT she teaches literature, art, and music from all over the world. MaryMnTooT Mary has a strong interest in environmental issues and MaryMnTooT has been seeking ways to raise consciousness of these issues among the young people of Hungary. MaryMnTooT As she will tell you, these concerns are particularly critical in her part of the world. MaryMnTooT In one amazing project she has described for me, students MaryMnTooT in her school have been rebuilding a village. MaryMnTooT Mary is also politically active and has many thoughts on the transition MaryMnTooT from the old communist regime to the future. MaryMnTooT She can tell us about teaching under the watchful eye of communist bureaucrats MaryMnTooT and about current attempts to implement a national curriculum. MaryMnTooT Some day it is very likely we may read that Mary has been elected mayor of Miskolc. MaryMnTooT And now, without further delay, MaryMnTooT I invite you to ask your questions of Mary. However, please, MaryMnTooT try to wait for previous questions to be answered before asking additional ones. MaryMnTooT Who wishes to ask the first question? NinaTE I was wondering what you find most interesting about education in the US? MaryMnTooT Ed in U.S. is entirely different from in Hungary... MaryMnTooT Personality of the students is more important than academic achievement in the U.S.. Hungarian kids are hard MaryMnTooT workers, but less independent. MaryMnTooT GA. Mama Toot Mary, how would you COMPARE education in Hungary to other parts of the new central/eastern Europe? MaryMnTooT There is not much difference. The most important thing is that we are trying to cooperate with former MaryMnTooT socialist block countries. MaryMnTooT GA NinaTE How much influence does the government have on education MaryMnTooT Unfortunately, far too much because they give the money. MaryEz You talked about environmental issues. What is the biggest environmental problem you have in Hungary? MaryMnTooT Great question!!! The answer: disastrous. Low grade gas polluting air, water soil. RagenT Mary, Welcome!How do you approach teaching environmental issues in your school? MaryMnTooT Everywhere is gray muck coating the ground, buildings, everything. MaryMnTooT Two different approaches... NinaTE Do all students have equal access to education?Are teachers Respected? MaryMnTooT Ecology - monitoring water quality, etc. CWSoldier Hello :) MaryMnTooT Global issues is the other method... CWSoldier Just wanted to drop in and say Hi. MaryMnTooT What are the most serious problems of the whole globe. We compare ourselves with them and make MaryMnTooT our kids aware of human responsibility. Also ShirleyC8 How much religious freedom is there? Is religion addressed at all by schools? AlW1 When you say gas, what exactly are you talking about? MaryMnTooT we try to act locally. We are restoring an abandoned village. NinaTE Could you tell us about the village you are rebuilding? AFL Gayle OK. Let's hold questions for a minute until Mary can answer the ones we've MaryMnTooT RELIGION: Religion is free in Hungary. Religious studies are optional. AFL Gayle asked, please. :) MaryMnTooT Gasoline from cars. MaryMnTooT The village is about 700 years old. It is in a remote place. It was abandoned by local farmers because MaryMnTooT the communist regime forced them to establish coops, so they moved to the cities because they could n MaryMnTooT not make money in the village. NinaTE What do you hope to accomplish? MaryMnTooT The coops were established in the late 50's and early 60's. The village since then and there is only MaryMnTooT one person who was born in the town, now. MaryMnTooT We hope to develop it into a private enterprise for tourism. Students are doing the work. NinaTE What kinds of things are they doing? MaryMnTooT GA MaryMnTooT they take part in MaryMnTooT community activities like spring cleaning, building, painting, farming, animal care. GRayM FROM RAY IN DENVER: DO STUDENTS IN YOUR HOMELAND USE CALCULATORS IN DOING THEIR MATH?? TI-81 AFL Gayle OK. Time to ask more questions. Remember, we have a free hour to give away. :) NinaTE That sounds exciting, is there any way we could help? AFA Andy Mary, you said that the children in Hungary are less independent. Do you see. that as good or bad? MaryMnTooT CALCULATORS: Almost everybody uses them. ShirleyC8 Are many people emigrating from Hungary? MaryMnTooT To help, send information about environmental projects in U.S.. that would be appreciated. Thank you MaryMnTooT It is bad that Hungarian children are less independent because they are the future decision makers and MaryMnTooT I want to teach them to be able to decide their own future and not be led by others. GRayM Is the American Peace Corps coming to your country? AlW1 Mary, do your students and teachers use computers? If so, is there anyway to reach you from A.O. MaryMnTooT The Peace Corp is there. The first group arrived two years ago. MaryMnTooT TOOT talking. They do use computers and we are working on the issue of linking. NinaTE How are teachers treated in Hungary? Is it a respected position? MaryMnTooT There is also a letter now posted that will tell you how to establish a pen pal link with Mary's students. MaryEz Maybe I could be the link for now. Just get me the Internet address and we are in business. MaryMnTooT COMPUTERS: I use computers teaching English as a foreign language, but most don't know how to use them. I have a pupil who helps me to use the computer, but much help is needed. We have lots of IBM computers that government bought, but not the training to use them. MaryMnTooT TEACHERS: NinaTE What age student do you teach? MaryEz Sounds like home!!! MaryMnTooT You have to deserve respect on your own. Teachers in general are not respected. They not paid well. MaryMnTooT I teach like your middle/high school. RagenT What kind of support do you get from your parents, community for your efforts? MaryMnTooT age 14 -18. GRayM The Eastern European countries are many years behind western Europe, how big and how long will last MaryMnTooT PARENTSUPPORT: MaryMnTooT They are great. They transport the kids in their own cars when we go to our village on the ShirleyC8 Are students "tracked"? If so, how? Tests??What age? MaryMnTooT weekends. They supply us with food. I only have to cook for 43. MaryEz ONLY!! RagenT :) Wonderful! NinaTE Do your students, for the most part, come from intact families? (2 parents) MaryMnTooT No tracking within the school, but they must pass tests to get into my school. It is a special MaryMnTooT school. Other schools also have no tracking. MaryMnTooT My school is exceptional in that most families are intact, but it is not true in other schools. MaryMnTooT Hungary has a very high divorce rate. NinaTE How is your school special? ShirleyC8 How many days per year do students attend school? MaryMnTooT Good question. We are a language school. We teach selected kids. MaryMnTooT Because we teach them both humanities and sciences in German and in English. MaryMnTooT Hungarians speak Hungarian but we have our classes taught in English and German. MaryMnTooT Some classes are taught in Hungarian, lower level classes. MaryEz At what age do you students begin to learn languages other than Hungarian? ShirleyC8 Are most teachers female? Male? Administrators? MaryMnTooT School begins the first Monday in September. School ends in June, the second week. MaryMnTooT We have two one week vacations and several shorter holidays. MaryMnTooT We have snow days for skiing. ShirleyC8 Are you paid based on college degrees and experience? MaryMnTooT Everybody must have a Univ. degree and we are paid based on experience, but not by degree. GRayM Do you see in your future an European commonwealth where East and West unite?? AFA Bard Great question Ray! MaryMnTooT 70% of teachers are female. Administrators are almost all women. ShirleyC8 Is there different pay for teachers or is pay uniform regardless of performance MaryMnTooT I do hope that east and west unite. We are associate members of the European community. MaryMnTooT There is no merit pay (Toot's words.) NinaTE Do you see similarities between US teens and Hungarian teens? RagenT Is pay set nationally or locally? MaryMnTooT Teens are all alike. Teens are teens. GRayM How many classes do you teach in a day and how many students per class?? ShirleyC8 Do you have access to satellite T.V. programming in your school? MaryMnTooT Government budget supplies local council for teacher pay. Pay is distributed locally. NinaTE Are there private schools in Hungary? MaryMnTooT I am exceptional in what how many classes I teach. Most teachers have 18 classes per week. They range from 30 students to 40 students per class. MaryMnTooT Yes, we have satellite TV in school and VCR's. We use them in classes. ShirleyC8 Is there any clerical help for teachers? Teacher assistants? MaryMnTooT Private Kindergartens and private experimental schools. That's all. My school is public. ShirleyC8 We don't have satellite at my school, and this year no educational T.V. due to budget cuts. MaryMnTooT One technician for video and copying, etc. That's all. MaryEz Tonight there has been a special on ABC about AIDS. Is there a problem with this disease in Hungary? NinaTE What types of opportunities are there for your students to further their study MaryEz Are you teaching your students about AIDS? MaryMnTooT No problem with AIDS (yet says Toot). 27 cases of AIDS in all of Hungary. GRayM What computer programming languages are taught in your high schools? MaryMnTooT But no information available about how many have HIV virus. RagenT When you return to Hungary, what would you say would be your most amazing RagenT discovery about the US that you would share with your students? AFA Bard ** Note: An edited log of this conference will be available tomorrow in the AED NEW FILES library. :) MaryMnTooT Students after HS compete for Univ study. There are one year college courses. NinaTE Is Univ expensive? MaryMnTooT AMAZING DISCOVERY: Everybody has the right to be different, and I like Americans because they smile. AFA Andy :) RagenT :) NinaTE :) MaryMnTooT University is free if they are accepted After tests. ShirleyC8 Is competition based solely on test(s)? MaryEz @;-) GRayM ) ShirleyC8 :) MaryMnTooT ROTFL MaryMnTooT Competition for college is based on test and personal interview and school grades. NinaTE If we visited your country, what should we be sure not to miss? RagenT What percentage make it? MaryMnTooT Don't miss MY SCHOOL! MaryEz Toot, let's plan a field trip!!! MaryMnTooT About 36-40% go on to college from all schools. RagenT What are the hottest professions for exiting students? NinaTE What foods are popular in hungary? What is the national drink? MaryMnTooT Mary has already invited me. Packing my bags now!!! MaryMnTooT Doctors, lawyers, economists. ShirleyC8 For academic credit? (field trip) MaryMnTooT I would like to develop good teachers to change the future. GRayM Good bye from Colorado. Come and try are skiing!! MaryMnTooT Popular foods are soups, paprikash chicken and pancakes. (not all together). AFA Bard Paprikash chicken....... Mmmmmmm! :) NinaTE What do you see as the most important thing to change for the future? MaryMnTooT GrayM, I'll try skiing when I get to Colorado on my next visit to U.S., (hoping) MaryMnTooT In Hungary, environment MUST be cleaned up. Economy must also change. MaryEz Did you enjoy your trip to NYC yesterday? NinaTE Is it difficult to get people to CARE about the environment? MaryMnTooT She has to say yes. I'm sitting here (Toot) but yes, I think she did., She wouldn't let me stop and MaryMnTooT eat because she wanted to see EVERYTHING. We spent 2 hours at the Museum of Modern Art. MaryMnTooT It is VERY difficult to make people care about the environment. Apathy and ignorance is our greatest enemy. RagenT Tired feet?:) What kind of services in education are there for special needs? NinaTE Ditto!!! MaryEz I guess the world is pretty much the same all over. NinaTE Are you coming to see the capital city (HTFD) we have a nice museum to ShirleyC8 Do most people in Hungary care about the environment as you do? Or are they MaryMnTooT There is special education only primary schools. After primary school they are placed in special ShirleyC8 willing to sacrifice it for industry/ MaryMnTooT institutions and isolated. I don't like them being isolated. MaryMnTooT Hardly anybody cares about the environment. NinaTE I guess apathy knows no geographical borders MaryMnTooT There are more serious problems. Unemployment and other problems distract them. NinaTE Do people own homes? MaryMnTooT TOOT'S note: My brother who is building a building in Hungary said that they could not put ShirleyC8 That is true here too. People need jobs. MaryMnTooT air intake ducts into the building because the air outside was worse than in the garage. ShirleyC8 I agree with your concerns, however. MaryEz What do you think about telecommunication and it's possibilities in the effort for world unification? MaryMnTooT There is a great housing shortage. We have a lot of homeless people, especially in the cities. MaryMnTooT Telecommunications is a miracle. RagenT Families? MaryMnTooT The only means for world unification!! MaryMnTooT It gets p[people close together. MaryMnTooT Ragen?? Again?? RagenT The homeless, do they include families with school aged children? MaryMnTooT Your question, Ragen? MaryMnTooT No, homeless are mostly single men. NinaTE Are your medical facilities good? MaryMnTooT Judiciary process is wrong... MaryMnTooT because a lot of judges are women. Homeless are mostly divorced men. MaryMnTooT and criminals. NinaTE Why divorced men? MaryMnTooT Medical training is very good, but hospitals are in very bad condition because of shortage of money. ShirleyC8 Has there been an exodus from Hungary as from some other countries? MaryMnTooT The wife takes the home and children and there is already a housing shortage. RagenT Is medical care socialized? MaryMnTooT No, very little exodus from Hungary. Hungary is becoming asylum for refugees from Roumania, Yougoslav MaryMnTooT , Viet Nam, Middle East, etc. AFA Bard Mary... if you could take a tourist from the US to ONE place in Hungary, where MaryEz Is there any manufacturing? If so, what? AFA Bard would that be? MaryMnTooT Free medical care for all. NinaTE As a Hungarian, what are you most proud of concerning your country? What do you NinaTE think you could teach Americans? MaryMnTooT Employees pay a monthly contribution for everybody's free care. MaryMnTooT Mary is teaching in my school. She teaches EVERYTHING. NinaTE I don't mean academically. MaryMnTooT I am most proud of 1956. We were the FIRST country to revolt against communism. ShirleyC8 Do most people live in houses or apartments? MaryMnTooT Perhaps we could teach Americans to survive. MaryMnTooT almost everybody lives in apartments in towns and houses in the country. AFL Gayle OK. Our time is almost over. First of all, I want to thank Mary for taking time MaryMnTooT One place to visit in Hungary: AFL Gayle from her busy schedule to talk to us. Our topic next week will be MECC software MaryMnTooT Tokay. Because of its marvelous wine called Aszu. ShirleyC8 Yes. This has been VERY interesting. AFL Gayle with the MECC online representative, Mark Schneider. AFL Gayle Remember to check out our New Files library. We have new files released almost AFA Bard Thank you, Mary. I hope your visit to the US leaves YOU smiling. :)) AFL Gayle every day. HyperStudio stacks are quite popular right now. AFL Gayle Now for our winner of our free hour... NinaTE Thank you Mary, I have enjoyed our chat :)! AFL Gayle Congratulations to ShirleyC8 for saying the word schools! :) AFL Gayle {S Applause} AFA Bard Wow!!! Congrats to SHIRLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! ()()()()()()()()() MaryMnTooT Thank you for allowing me to visit with you. Mama Toot I would love to meet you MaryMnTooT Yeah!!! Shirley. RagenT Yeh, Shirley!!! ()()()() NinaTE () () () () () ShirleyC8 Wonderful! Thanks. AFL Gayle One free non-prime time hour will be credited to your account later this week. AFL Gayle Thanks to all for coming! :) NinaTE Night! AFA Bard See you all next week.. same AOL time, same AOL channel! :) E D U C A T I O N C O N F E R E N C E S T H I S W E E K SUNDAY 2/02 8:00 pm Keyword AED TOPIC: Meet Mary Madej, English Literature and Environmental Issues Teacher from Hungary; Win a FREE Hour! MONDAY 2/03 9:30 pm Keyword AED TOPIC: AdLit: Teaching reading with Computer, Video, and Public TV TUESDAY 2/04 10:00 pm Keyword MED TOPIC: Discuss Music Education with guests from Mayfield Publishing. Win 2 free hours!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information on the Apple II Conferences, check the Apple II Education Forum (Keyword: AED). For more information on the Macintosh Conferences, be sure to check the Macintosh Education Forum (Keyword: MED).