12/15/91 7:59:23 PM Opening "Chat Log 12/15/91" for recording. AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is Holiday Wish List. For all of you AOL lovers, of course, AFL Gayle : we have a free hour to give away tonight. The rules are as always. You must AFL Gayle : talk to win and say the secret word in context, as well as stay until the AFL Gayle : end of the list. AFL Gayle : I'll start off with my Wish List. For anyone who has a GS, I'm sure we're all LavonneS : Hi everybody. AFL Marty : (A Visit from St. Woz 1991 in finished. :) AFL Gayle : waiting for Roger's elves to ship us our HS 3.0 updates. :) AFA Bard : OUTSTANDING, Marty! I want it now!!!! AFL Gayle : Great, Marty! Is it in ATB or in APR? AFL Marty : ATB MaryEz : Explain, please, Marty! AFL Gayle : ATB=Across the Boards, Mary. AFC SteveB : (A lull in the CONF as people rush to read St. Woz! :) AFL Marty : Just read ATB. Everything will become clear. AFL Marty : :) AFL Marty : Speaking of HyperStudio 3.0... AFL Gayle : Marty always write a wonderful Visit from St. Woz. I'm delighted he's updating AFL Gayle : it. :) AFL Gayle : Yes, Marty? AFL Marty : I'm sorry to say that I'm disappointed. AFL Gayle : Why is that, Marty? AFL Marty : It crashes (hangs, actually) on me frequently... AFL Marty : for no apparent reason. AFL Gayle : Uh oh. :( So the reports I've been reading on the boards aren't just user AFL Gayle : induced. :( AFL Marty : No they aren't. AFL Marty : I can't always duplicate the crashes either. Very strange. LavonneS : What does Roger say about those hang ups? AFL Marty : Roger has been out of town, so he hasn't been online. AFA Bard : (Marty's also posted St. Woz from 1988 and 1989. This effort is a great one, too! Check ATB in the AFL Gayle : Well, I know that Scrappers from every state are on Tooter's list. What are AFA Bard : ST WOZ folder for information.) AFL Gayle : the others of you looking for? AFA Bard : System 6.0 for the GS? AFC Tooter : I'm looking for a scanner. Any suggestions? AFA Bard : Rob a bank? AFL Marty : I've heard good things about the Quickie. MaryEz : ScrapBookWorld and every teacher in the computer lab for a curriculum related project. AFC Tooter : *PigGrunt* AFA Bard : <-- partial to flat bed scanners AFL Gayle : Doe the Quickie work with a Mac, Marty? (That's what TooT would be wanting.) AFL Gayle : The Quickie works great on the GS! :) AFL Marty : Oh. Sorry, no. AFC Tooter : I'm using Quickie at school. It works wonderfully. AFL Marty : I'm an Apple II person. MaryEz : I've ordered Quickie, and Xapshot! I don't know if I'll get approval by the powers that be. AFL Gayle : I didn't think so. Well, then, why do you need a scanner, TooT? AFC Tooter : Just scanned a whole newsletter into AppleWorks with it on Friday. AFA Bard : Welcome Drib! AFL Gayle : So am I, Marty. :))) AFC Tooter : Our Xapshot has been ordered. AFA Bard : You'll like Xapshot, Mary. We use it often! AFC Tooter : Whispering ----> for my Mac. MaryEz : Do I just use it with Computer Eyes like my video camera? AFC Tooter : Yep. AFA Bard : Yep. MaryEz : Thought so. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Drib! Our topic is our Holiday Wish List. What is on your list? AFA Bard : Get plenty of extra "mini-discs" though. :) AFC Tooter : Aren't they re-usable? MaryEz : Why, can't you reuse them? AFA Bard : Only if you have lots of time to transfer the images to your hard drive.. and a HUGE hard drive. :)) AFA Bard : Welcome BFrank! AFC Tooter : I had expected to be able to transfer the snaps to floppy and then re-use the Xap disks. MaryEz : Hi, Frank, Good to see you. AFA Bard : Yes, Toot. Just takes time. :) BCS Frank : Huge Hard Drives?!? I'm in favor! AFC Tooter : Hi Frank. CECA???? Drib : Gayel, uh... my list... it's TOO LONG! AFL Gayle : Frank! Hi! :) MaryEz : Don't have any hard drive on my GS. AFC SteveB : Hey Frank! :) AFL Gayle : Well, what's at the top of the list, Drib? :) AFA Bard : That's OK, Drib... we all have long lists. What on top of your list? AFA Bard : (GMTA, Gayle!) AFL Marty : Express is on my list. AFL Marty : and Formulate. MaryEz : Are we talking person list or school list? Drib : hmm... the top would be... AFL Gayle : What are those, Marty? AFL Gayle : Both, Mary. AFL Marty : Express is a print spooler CDev for the IIGS. AFL Marty : Output is printed to disk, then to your printer... Drib : I don't know what would be the top of my list, maybe a ZIP 10mghrtz.. AFL Marty : the net result is that control of the computer is returned to you sooner. Drib : Hiya' Roy. QuackDuck : Hi guys, what's up? AFL Gayle : Welcome, QuackDuck! Holiday Wish List is our topic. One free hour to be given AFA Bard : Welcome Quack! We're talking about our Christmas Wish Lists! Jump right in! AFC Tooter : Hi Duck. What's on your holiday computer wish list? AFL Gayle : away. LavonneS : School list are more interactive video disk programs. Just got AnimalPathfinder MaryEz : Power source in my back room so I can use my printers with my Digicard fileserver. AFL Gayle : Who makes it, Marty? AFL Marty : SevenHills will publish it, once it's out of beta testing. QuackDuck : Hmmm.. a GS/DSP card and a 1g Drive :) AFA Bard : Animal Pathfinder? Tell us more, Lavonne! AFL Marty : They'll also publish Formulate, a mathematics formula editor. AFC Tooter : Only one g? LavonneS : Interactive hypercard program runs on Mac. Brings Nova programing from video LavonneS : disk onto another monitor QuackDuck : within reasonable cost...:) AFL Marty : Do they make a HyperCard IIGS version? AFL Gayle : Will Formulate require another program to use it, Marty, or is it sort of a AFL Gayle : mini word processor? LavonneS : I'm not sure. Came from Scholastic and we were looking for good stuff to AFL Marty : Nope. It's a "formula processor". LavonneS : do with our new Mac LCs AFL Marty : More accurately, a formula construction set. Drib : I gotta' run guys, I got finals next week :( to study for :( :( :( :( :( :( :( QuackDuck : I gotta run to the BBS zoo :) AFL Gayle : Good luck, Drib! :) BCS Frank : Bye & Luck, Drib :) Drib : (It's gonna' be HELL!!!!!!!!!) AFA Bard : good luck! Drib : thanks. Drib : I'll need all I can get... AFL Marty : It could be worse. BCS Frank : Use the Force, Drib... :) Drib : not much... Drib : LOL! AFC Tooter : I've gotta run also or KidToot doesn't even get in to college. Relinquishing computer. Merry and AFL Marty : =I= could be the one who has to take the finals. AFC Tooter : Happy to all. Drib : HAHA! AFC Tooter : *and the fight goes on* BCS Frank : Many Happy, Tooter! :) MaryEz : Same to you, Tooter! LavonneS : Toot, buy the kid a computer :))) AFL Gayle : LOL, Marty! I like your attitude. ;) AFL Marty : :) AFC Tooter : So long. She has the IIe, but she want to use the Mac. That's where all her stuff is now. So long. AFL Marty : ugh AFL Marty : afk.. downloading file AFC SteveB : Uck. AFL Gayle : Gee, KidToot should learn to like her Apple //e better! ;) AFA Bard : LOL! AFC SteveB : :) AFL Gayle : So, how about the rest of you? Steve, Bard, what's on your Holiday Wish List? AFL Gayle : (You, too, Frank. :) AFA Bard : Welcome Doomsday! Doomsday : Hi, folks. LavonneS : I'm happy with GS but likely to transfer to new school where EVERYTHING LavonneS : will be Mac AFA Bard : How about an accelerator card and a "no bugs" version of HS 3.0!? AFC SteveB : Dooms. :) BCS Frank : I just got my wish list for education, I think. AFL Gayle : What is that, Frank? MaryEz : I'll be using GS's for a long time to come. I hope I don't have to start writing my own software to MaryEz : use them. AFC SteveB : My wish is that every Mac will dissappear off the face of the earth. AFC SteveB : (And go to the moon. :) BCS Frank : The Adult Learning Center where I volunteer, due to be closed last Friday, AFL Gayle : LOL, Steve! :) Do you want anything for your GS, Steve? :) BCS Frank : was extended for the rest of the school year. MaryEz : Great, Frank! MaryEz : I'm bound to make the GS do everything a Mac can do!! AFL Gayle : Doomsday, what is on your holiday wish list? BCS Frank : Good to get a gift like that "early." :) AFC SteveB : Pointless is on the top o' mine! :) Doomsday : Dream, or realistic? BCS Frank : Mary, why limit your gs to what a Mac can do? LavonneS : So my school wish list is for Mac to do what GS does with video overlay card AFC SteveB : Mary, except crash! ;) Doomsday : Realistically, Pointless and/or a Laserjet. AFL Marty : I'll settle for a few surprise snow days. MaryEz : True, true. I guess I was limiting myself and the machine. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Keith! What's on your Holiday Wish List? Doomsday : Dream... Ahhhhh... How about the Duet board? KeithShoul : Hello AFL Gayle : Marty, that sounds great, but, unfortunately, we have to make up any surprse AFL Gayle : (surprise) snow days we get. AFL Marty : True, but that's like an interest free loan. BCS Frank : Dooms, if'n ya wanta dream, run "SoftMac" on a DSP card concurrently with UNIX. MaryEz : One great thing about the overlay card and the Digicard video net is that you can send the image AFL Marty : Take one off now, pay one back later. 0% APR MaryEz : to all computers in the lab. Doomsday : Softmac? AFL Marty : Do you run a lab, Mary? BCS Frank : Sure, kinda like SoftPC, only it ain't been written yet. Doomsday : Heheheheh. For what? MaryEz : Yes. Doomsday : Oh: I've heard of a neat trick. AFL Marty : I used to. AFL Marty : sigh BCS Frank : Well SoftMac should run on any gs, but run much faster on a DSP/gs. MaryEz : Come down to see it, Marty. I'm in Guilford. Doomsday : How about SoftCray? AFA Bard : Soft Cray! ROTFL! AFL Marty : Tempting. AFA Bard : Hi Keith, what's on your Christmas wish list? LavonneS : Marty, Used to? KeithShoul : hi, very little BCS Frank : Nah, I was thinking for that, a CrayCard, with it's own Liquid Nitrogen system. AFL Marty : Yes. Used to. AFL Marty : Nobody runs the lab now. LavonneS : Is it still there? Is it still used? AFL Marty : It's still there. Used only occasionally. BCS Frank : Another ghost lab? We got bunches of them up in Massachusetts. :( GS ERIC : Hello LavonneS : Oh no, budget decision?:( AFA Bard : Hiya Eric! We're talking Christmas Wish Lists. :)) BCS Frank : Eric :) Doomsday : Do roving scientist gangs break in and have rumbles? AFL Gayle : Hi, Eric! What is on your Holiday Wish List? AFL Marty : I have a full time teaching assignment. I don't have time to run the lab AFL Marty : anymore. BCS Frank : Right, Doom, only we call them user groups. :) Doomsday : LOL!! GS ERIC : Sensible Grammer, HS 3.0, a 2nd AE disk drive, Dragon Wars GS, Signature GS :) GS ERIC : hi frank Doomsday : HS 3.0: Ask Marty about it. GS ERIC : nice to see yo ufinally Doomsday : DWGS is cool. MaryEz : I'm afraid that they will break up the lab and put the computers into the classrooms where they will Doomsday : I ordered Signature last week. MaryEz : gather dust. AFL Marty : Don't ask. AFC SteveB : (You might wanna wait 'till HS 3.2. :) AFA Bard : Tell us about DWGS Doom or Eric? GS ERIC : well, I can always update :)_ Doomsday : BBL... Have a nice Monday, folks }:) AFL Marty : Adult Education uses them. Doomsday : DWGS is just like the original, only with nice music :) AFA Bard : Later. Doom! AFL Marty : Abuses them too. GS ERIC : To tell yo the truth, it is sitting right next to me,.... BCS Frank : Bye Dooms :) AFL Gayle : Bye, Doomsday! Thanks for coming! :) GS ERIC : We are going to Florida so Grandma and Grandpa came tonight :))))))) Doomsday : It is fun, if you enjoyed Bard's Tale. Buy it, and make sure to register :) AFA Bard : Loved Bard's Tale. ;) GS ERIC : Hey bard, we will be stopping at Atlanta :0 GS ERIC : hehe MaryEz : Bard has a tale? AFA Bard : hehe AFA Bard : Where in Florida, Eric? GS ERIC : Rotonda...south of Sarasota and Engelwood GS ERIC : I'm looking foward to AHW tomarrow!!! AFA Bard : Rotunda? LOL! A "round trip" for sure! (Ugh!) GS ERIC : yep LavonneS : We broke up our lab due to space crunch, computers to each classroom ... AFL Marty : <== rotund AFL Gayle : Are they used as much now, Lavonne? LavonneS : not too bad ..they are being used a LOT by most teachers MaryEz : Me, too, Marty. AFL Marty : We haven't done that yet. Still, there's nobody to maintain the computers. AFA Bard : NOT true, Mary! LavonneS : They are used differently of course, lots of Tom Snyder stuff AFL Marty : Small problems become major repairs. AFA Bard : Tough situation, Marty. Any refief in sight? BCS Frank : Hmmm... tried user group repair services? LavonneS : We have two district wide computer fixers, if they cannot handle it it is LavonneS : sent out for repair AFL Marty : Beats me. I didn't know I had a full time assignment until two days AFL Marty : before school started. MaryEz : We're still repairing Apple II+'s. Doesn't that make sense? BCS Frank : Nifty surprise, what? LavonneS : Oh, great. How was the initial planning push! AFL Marty : Initially, I was the one to take care of everything. GS ERIC : I got a free book from QC "The Apple Ii Enhancement Guide" LavonneS : Marty, what are you teaching now? AFL Marty : Word processing (8th grade) and keyboarding (7th grade) GS ERIC : I told everyone I knew to order from them so with my grandma's order.. AFL Marty : as part of an exploratory arts program. GS ERIC : they send the $6 book free. AFL Marty : I get new groups of kids every 30 days. GS ERIC : it pays to keep in touch AFL Gayle : Great, Eric! What is in it? GS ERIC : I know almost everyone there AFL Gayle : What did Grandma order, Eric? GS ERIC : verything you ever wanted to know about the II GS ERIC : my Dragon Wars LavonneS : What word processor do you use APW? AFL Marty : AppleWorks Classic. GS ERIC : I'm really not a gamer but I read and heard so many good things. AFL Marty : We use Apple IIc+ computers. AFL Gayle : How are those computers holding up under lots of student (ab)use, Marty? AFL Marty : Adult Education uses them also (3 times a week). LavonneS : Do you get them able to do all their content reports on WP in 30 days? AFL Marty : We've had our share of problems with them. AFL Marty : No I don't, Lavonne. AFA Bard : Welcome Richard! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Richard! Our topic is Holiday Wish List. AFL Marty : I do three basic topics... GS ERIC : What is yours Gayle and Bard??? AFL Marty : reports, personal business letters, and centered announcements. GS ERIC : Ho Ho Ho GS ERIC : Merry Christmas!! AFL Gayle : I'm wishing for my HyperStudio 3.0 update, Eric! (Except Bard and Marty inform AFL Gayle : me I should also wish for it to be debugged soon. ;) AFA Bard : Uhm... for the bank to raise the limit on my Visa card?) GS ERIC : I see AFL Marty : I vary them according to what they need for content areas. GS ERIC : hehe AFL Gayle : Hey! I like that idea, Bard! :) GS ERIC : Well I have to go....bye AFL Marty : For example, this cycle I will teach them how to do endnotes. AFA Bard : Nite Eric... AFL Gayle : Thanks for stopping by, Eric! Happy Holidays! GS ERIC : sorry I couldn't stay. you too...I will email you guys before I leave :) AFA Bard : Welcome Negotiator! LavonneS : Do they begin to use the keyboard with traditional fingering within 30 days? Negotiator : Evening,all LavonneS : What keyboarding program are you using? AFL Marty : Some of them do. AFL Marty : We work from a textbook. LavonneS : Do you think we should be doing keyboarding earlier? LavonneS : when? AFL Gayle : Yes, Lavonne! 5th grade! AFL Marty : The room I'm using was formerly a typing room for a high school. AFL Marty : We're using the textbooks they used to use. MaryEz : So you're doing keyboarding on typewriters? AFL Marty : No. That's how it used to be taught. LavonneS : I've been using type to learn from Sunburst with 3rd and 4th. Seems to be LavonneS : taking OK if slowly. MaryEz : Oh, I forgot. YOu use IIc+. AFL Marty : We are doing keyboarding with typing textbooks on Apple IIC+ computers AFL Gayle : Century 21 Typing textbooks, Marty? Better than here. :( I've been told I have AFL Marty : running AppleWorks. AFL Gayle : to teach keyboarding/Typing I using typewriters INSTEAD of computers, including AFL Gayle : some manual typewriters. :( AFL Marty : IMHO it's the most damn boring thing I've ever done. AFL Gayle : I FULLY agree, Marty! :) MaryEz : Are there any keyboarding programs that do not stress speed? AFA Bard : I agree Marty! AFL Gayle : Have you found any interesting ways to teach it? MaryEz : I agree too. I hate teaching keyboarding. AFL Marty : That's one thing that's nice about not using a program for keyboarding... AFL Marty : I can stress what I want to stress... LavonneS : I do like the Type to Learn program. It does not stress speed much, stresses AFL Marty : which is accuracy AFL Marty : They also learn AppleWorks commands, which helps them when they become 8th LavonneS : real words, real spelling patterns close to phonics instruction AFL Marty : graders. AFC SteveB : (Our teacher, for KBoarding, used to jusr have us drop into basic and start typing. ouch.) MaryEz : I use the Scratchpad activity in MECC's Communikeys and make my own lessons so that I have a part in AFA Bard : We use TTL, Lavonne. We like it too -- but wish we could move Keyboarding down to elementary school! MaryEz : what they do. I teach the home row and then all the finger extensions, one by one. BCS Frank : Coulda been worse, Steve, he might have used FORTRAN. :) AFL Gayle : LOL, Frank! :) AFC SteveB : :) AFL Marty : What's really weird is that I can't keyboard myself. AFL Marty : I never learned. MaryEz : So learn, already! :) BCS Frank : Anyone use the AW "direct typoe" feature, directly driving the printer? AFC SteveB : Marty, don't! ;) LavonneS : Thats why I was wondering at what age the two finger approach is set. AFL Marty : First I have to unlearn the way I'm now doing it. BCS Frank : "direct type" ^^ AFL Marty : You ever try to unlearn something? MaryEz : My Christmas wish is that all kids come to me typing 90 wpm like one of my 5th graders this year! AFL Gayle : That's the problem with having kids in Typing I in 9th grade. They don't AFL Gayle : want to unlearn their old habits. :( AFL Marty : I'm happy that my kids try hard and word hard (though not constantly) for me. AFL Marty : word = work BCS Frank : Of course, Marty... what do you think happened to all my old GEnie commands? MaryEz : With so many computers in homes, the 5th graders come with bad habits already. AFL Gayle : Particularly not this time of year, Marty. :) AFC SteveB : BRB! :) AFL Gayle : OK. It's the time you've all been waiting for, our free hour announcement! LavonneS : Communikeys worked ok with some kids. AFL Marty : The kids try, and some learn and retain the learning. AFL Gayle : But first a word from our sponsor, AED... ;) AFA Bard : Wonder when Nintendo will come out with a detachable keyboard and typing game? AFL Marty : Others don't learn how to keyboard but they do learn AppleWorks. AFL Gayle : Check out our new files library. We have some brand new HS 3.0 files uploaded AFL Marty : Seymour Papert only knows, Bard. AFA Bard : :)) Marty! AFL Gayle : by Teacher pk. We also have 2 HyperCard GS stacks just uploaded by GreenThumb AFL Gayle : Software. BCS Frank : "Mario Brothers Teach Ninja Typing?" AFA Bard : ROTFL! MaryEz : LOL! AFL Marty : Teenage Mutant Ninja Typists. AFL Gayle : Have a happy and safe holidays with your loved ones! :) We will be taking the LavonneS : Don't laugh, that would do it AFL Gayle : next two weeks off for a holiday vacation. Our next chat will be on January, AFL Marty : If they make it and it works, I'll get it. MaryEz : That's what so sad! We try so hard and the Turtles do it! AFL Gayle : 5 with Mark Hulme as our guest, talking about the Interactive Education AFL Gayle : Services online. BCS Frank : Well, Logo already had a chance to use turtles. AFL Gayle : Now for our free hour... Since it's the holiday season, AED has decided to AFL Gayle : give away TWO hours this evening! BCS Frank : Gayle! Your budget! AFL Gayle : Our winners are LavonneS for interactive and MaryEz for video! :) AFA Bard : **** Applause!!! Congratulations, Lavonne and Mary!!!! **** AFL Gayle : *Applause* MaryEz : Thank you, thank you! AFA Bard : *** Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to ALL of our AED friends! *** BCS Frank : How can they go on running an online service when they just -give- it away? LavonneS : Ho Ho THANKS, THANKS AFL Gayle : Well, the holidays only come once a year, Frank. I'll splurge a bit. :) BCS Frank : Congrats, Mary & Lavonne!!!! BCS Frank : Well, ok, Gayle.... :) MaryEz : Have a happy, everyone. We will have a full house. Kids, spouses, and grands coming for 5 days! AFA Bard : G'night folks. Have a safe holiday. Don't drink and drive. :)) LavonneS : Think I'll check in on User Grp forum about Native American project. Thanks LavonneS : again Gayle BCS Frank : Luck, Mary! :) MaryEz : I'll need it, Frank! AFA Bard : G'night, Gayle. I'll talk to you REALLY soon! AFL Gayle : Good night, all and happy holidays to all! BCS Frank : Night, Lavonne :) MaryEz : Bye, bye, Bard! AFA Bard : [[ mary! ]] BCS Frank : ... beaming up .... LavonneS : Bye AFL Gayle : Remember to use your extra vacation hours browsing in our AED Libraries and AFL Gayle : Message Boards. :) 12/15/91 9:08:42 PM Closing Log file.