3/3/91 7:50:39 PM Opening "aed030391" for recording. AFA Bard AFL Gayle RagenT AFC Tooter GerryR52 OXR BCS Frank MaryEz Cayee Morah Ray40 MaryEz : My Digicard network is in and works great!!!! AFC Tooter: Congrats. AFC Tooter: You're the lab expert, Mary. MaryEz : Moi? BCS Frank : Mmmm, glad to have experts online tonight. :) AFC Tooter: Yoi GerryR5 : BCS Frank : You wouldn't just happen to have a copy of that there lesson? RagenT : How did you get teachers interested in computers, writing and their curriculum? AFC Tooter: On the wall of the WC are signs which tease students into trying new commands. AFC Tooter: Make it fly with Apple Y (but be careful) BCS Frank : "Tease." I like that! RagenT : We still have teachers who won't accept word processed papers! AFA Bard : Great idea, Toot! I'd LOVE a copy of that! AFC Tooter: Yes, Frank. And lots more. AFA Bard : Ragen! You're kidding!! Why? RagenT : (I call that Apple-Yuk!) Ray40 : We still have teachers who won't bring the class to the lab. MaryEz : Me too! AFC Tooter: We have one teacher who won't touch a computer but who loves to require word processed papers. BCS Frank : Local high school has a lab without a supervisor... half the machines are down. RagenT : 'cuz they think the kids conned their parents into typing it all and because it doesn't do anything for their "handwriting" skills. Ray40 : I have even taught an Appleworks class at night as part ofour teacher develop- AFC Tooter: Anyone who is interested, there is a lengthy description of the Center in the AED and MED (I think)libraries. AFA Bard : I've heard THAT one before, Ragen! Ray... can you tell us a bit more about the lab setup at your AFA Bard : school? BCS Frank : Thanks, Tooter. :) MaryEz : Nobody will hand write in a few years. Then we all will be able to read the Drs. prescriptions! Ray40 : ment program and that still hasn't gotten people to try word processing. AFC Tooter: In addition to the AW lesson, Frank, there are about ten handouts that kids pick up as needed to solve the problems they face daily. One big program is the Center is the SchoolSpell from Beagle. BCS Frank : I am going to funnel your stuff into our local adult lit. program. Ray40 : We have 22 IIGS networked together with Digicard. AFA Bard : Mary.. another Digicard person!!! How long have you used Digicard, Ray? AFC Tooter: adult lit? MaryEz : Isn't it great, Ray! BCS Frank : Adult literacy training... English as 2nd language, Basic adult ed, etc. Ray40 : It was just installed (December-90). MaryEz : Mine was installed Wed. Cayee : I just received my first IIGS last week :) BCS Frank : Digicard seems to be on an upswing! :) AFL Gayle : [Acknowledged, Bard. Thanks.] MaryEz : Where are you, Ray? Ray40 : So far MaryEz. Now all I have to do is get networkable software and the teacher AFA Bard : Welcome Lavonne! AFA Bard : Welcome Fishburn, Mel! LavonneS : Hi everybody BCS Frank : Lavonne, Hi :) Ray40 : to use the lab. I am in northeastern Pennsylvania town called Kingston. Mel Ristau: hello guys, my first time to attempt an upload here... how come i have a dimmed "upload" button? Fishburn : I'm looking for the ed. comp lab discussion. Am I in the right place & time? AFA Bard : Yep.. feel free to join in, Fish. :) AFL Gayle : Mel, you can upload only in the New Files area. Mel Ristau: ok thanks MaryEz : You are all invited to TIN, Teachers' Forum, Wed night. Geography and Computers is the topic. Mel Ristau: bye, have fun MaryEz : Just a little advertisement }:> BCS Frank : Nice plug :) Fishburn : I am starting a 25 SI ;ab to teach composition at a Commun. College, and want info about using DATACLU Ray40 : MaryEz where are you located? AFL Gayle : Try keyword MED, for the Mac Education Forum, Fishburn, and post your answer in MaryEz : I'm sorry, that's Tues night! Guilford, CT Ray Ray40 : MaryEz Nice ad! AFL Gayle : a folder in the Let's Discuss area there. (Make that your question that you post. :) Fishburn : DataClub in lieu of a file server. I talked to the sellers they were all for it. I wonder what drawbks AFA Bard : Tooter.. you mentioned SchoolSpell.. what's that? Ray40 : Sorry can't make it, hope to take the kids at school skiing. AFA Bard : (Fish... there's info on DataClub in the MED Articles & Transcripts library. ) AFC Tooter: SchoolSpell is the Beagle School version of their spell checker. Our students use it to make spelling Cayee : lightening and thunder here...gotta go AFC Tooter: perfect while they also learn to spell and don't foul the dictionaries. RagenT : Bye Cayee AFA Bard : Bye Cayee.. thanks for coming! BCS Frank : Is SchoolSpell like QuickSpell only with the hints locked out? Fishburn : thanks, Bard AFC Tooter: Exactly. I'd really like to see somebody revise it with a little drill, too. The kids have DougB5 : Oh sorry about all these IMs, Bard, it kind of slipped my mind that you AFC Tooter: taken about a year to really get into it, but most do it without DougB5 : were talking to other people as well! :) AFC Tooter: being asked, now. AFL Gayle : Wonder whether someone could do a drill with macros, TooT? AFA Bard : (That's OK Doug!) BCS Frank : Neat... sounds like your school has learned a lot from you. RagenT : Does it keep track of their misspelled words? AFC Tooter: BevC started working something out. She'll send it to you free, but it won't work with AW 2.0 and the AFL Gayle : Do you use AppleWorks 3.0, TooT? AFC Tooter: dictionaries can still be altered by the students. RagenT : I'm still interested in "how" teachers incorporate WC into their curriculum? Can you give me an example? AFC Tooter: I do, but the WC doesn't. The problem is staying in touch with what the kids have at home. AFC Tooter: Class teachers will run an assignment like ScrapBook. They can work with kids in class while sending some to the WC to type or get help, or on some days they can BCS Frank : Toot, if they print files Aas ASCII they can take them home for AW 1.2. AFL Gayle : So you're saying the kids haven't upgraded to 3.0, TooT, at home? AFC Tooter: bring the entire class. AO and modem are also in the Center. DWink : Oh! AFA Bard : Hi, DWink! DWink : Just getting those tidy little bundles together. AFC Tooter: A few are in 3.0, but most are 2.0. That means if we switch to 3.0, they are locked out at home. We have one copy of 3.0 on gray disks hanging in a corner. Those who are advanced RagenT : Are there computers in their classrooms as well, or is your lab the only AFC Tooter: enough to need it, know where to find it. AFL Gayle : (Wishing I had some students with computers at home.) RagenT : computers available? AFC Tooter: We have about 8 floaters which teachers take into their classes, but most prefer to work with the Center. LavonneS : I have students with IBM compatible computers at home. AFC Tooter: DWink tewaches at the school and knows all aqbout the WC. Morah : How large is your school population? DWink : I cwertainly do teach at Shepaug! LavonneS : WC? RagenT : I recognized the name from Scrapping. Hi Dwink. AFC Tooter: Lavonne. We have a Tandy with Crossworks which we are just beginning to use to solve that problem. DWink : Writing Center DWink : Hi RagenT AFC Tooter: WC = Writing Center, not Water Closet. AFL Gayle : Could you tell us a little bit about CrossWorks, TooT, for those who might not DWink : We have a student pop or approx 350? DWink : That's H.S. AFL Gayle : be familiar with it? Does it work well? LavonneS : Thats good I wasn't sure !! DWink : Is that right Ted? AFC Tooter: CrossWorks is a neat program that comes with a cable to hook an IBM type computer to an Apple. The Crossworks program will translate directly from varous IBM WP programs into AW and back again. It AFC Tooter: works VERY EASILY. BCS Frank : Crossworks will also work via modems. AFC Tooter: Yes, but does not NEED a modem. The cable works beautifully. RagenT : Is Crossworks Prodos or MsDos? BCS Frank : Both :) DWink : Going Scrapping. I'll talk to you later, Ted. Bye all. LavonneS : They could just send WP files via modem ASCii files right? MaryEz : bye AFC Tooter: Crossworks translates between ProDos and MSDos. BCS Frank : Lavonne, You can send WP files or SS & DB files intact with formatting. AFC Tooter: You boot it in either computer. BCS Frank : You can't do that easily with ASCII. AFC Tooter: Yes, WP SS or DB, sorry. AFC Tooter: Also, you cut out the ASCII step. Morah : 'bye all. Thanks for the ideas. LavonneS : So I could send Apple works WP file and they could recieve and see it RagenT : You translate AW WP files to what??? Fishburn : thanks for the info, bye all LavonneS : with Microsoft works? BCS Frank : Right, Lavonne, among other formats. RagenT : (same question) AFC Tooter: AW can be translated directly into a range of standard MSDos WP formats. You choose from a menu. RagenT : I get it. LavonneS : I had one download news on Persian Gulf from Prodigy then bring it in LavonneS : and write a report using our own wp AFC Tooter: But you need both types of computers or AE's card. Does anyone remember the name? BCS Frank : AW <-> WordPerfect, Lotus 123, dBASE IV, etc. RagenT : You would have to have an IBM to receive...If I had a lab of IIe's and no IBM, AFL Gayle : PC Transporter, TooT. SteveCoach: Hello! What's the topic tonight? AFL Gayle : Computer Labs, Steve. AFC Tooter: Right, Gayle. Thanks. RagenT : but the student had IBM at home, I wouldn't be able to. BCS Frank : Ragen, that's where using a modem is handy... SteveCoach: Thanks! BCS Frank : send the file via modem to where ever the IBM is. AFC Tooter: If the student has a modem. RagenT : Right, Ted. BCS Frank : Yup... AFC Tooter: Most of our kids don't have the computer hardware or sophistication. Our problem is getting them BCS Frank : Or th3e student could bring in his MS-DOS notebook. RagenT : I think I find the biggest frustration from my students is the incompatiblility Cayee : Hi again AFC Tooter: running on what we have from whatever they have and back again. RagenT : of Prodos and MS dos. AFA Bard : Welcome Back, Cayee! BCS Frank : Regan, that hits us ol' timers too. AFC Tooter: That's what we have solved. Tandy has actually loaned us the computer for free. Cayee : storm passed through here AFL Gayle : Wow! That's great, TooT! :) RagenT : I think that the WC is great. So many times I see that computers has been taugh LavonneS : Even if he has a modem he would have to be on a BBS to receive mail unless BCS Frank : Way to go, Tandy! LavonneS : both computers are linking a once right? RagenT : t by the MATH teachers. We tried to incorporate writing and computers in our BCS Frank : Lavonne, if'n he's on a modem, just voice phone him, then RagenT : system too. BCS Frank : transfer files via modem... no BBS involved. MaryEz : Cross Works uses cables isn't that right, Tooter? AFC Tooter: Both computers with modems. All you need to do is dial and send. BCS Frank : Or set up a simple BBS for one line service at night. real easy. AFC Tooter: Yes. One cable between the CPU's. AFC Tooter: No modem needed, Mary. MaryEz : There is no software like Apple File Exchange for MSDos to Apple? BCS Frank : You can use the PC Transporter Board that way Mary. BCS Frank : That'll allow your Apple to read/write MS/DOS disks. MaryEz : OK AFC Tooter: The problem, Mary, is having drives that will accept the formats. BCS Frank : Also you can run MS-DOS stuff on your Apple. AFC Tooter: Even with transporter, you need a drive that reads MSDos. LavonneS : Will the new Mac LC read MS-DOS ? BCS Frank : For 5.25 you need a seperate MS-DOS drive. AFC Tooter: Yes, Lavonne. BCS Frank : For 3.5 PCT will use the Apple 3.5 drive. AFL Gayle : OK. You can stay and continue talking, but I want to announce our free hour AFC Tooter: New Macs can read all formats. AFA Bard : Free hour announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : winners for tonight. Ray40 wins one free hour for networked. Cayee wins one AFL Gayle : free hour for IIGS. AFL Gayle : Applause BCS Frank : Was the word Mac? :) Cayee : AFA Bard : )(()()()()()()()()()()()())!!! Hooray Cayee and Ray! MaryEz : What do I do? I was logging and went out of the room and came back. Did I lose my log? Should I sta AFC Tooter: I said DUCK, Gayle. BCS Frank : Ray, Cayee, Way to go!!!!! :) Ray40 : Thanks :) RagenT : Yeh! Congratulations! Cayee and Ray! MaryEz : start another log? AFC Tooter: Congrats. Spend it wisely in AED. AFL Gayle : Our topic next week is ACOT, Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow with guests, Dave Cayee : Gee that's great! I won the IIGS, too! from Scholastic! MaryEz : Great, Ray and Cayee!! BCS Frank : Mary, does your screen still say "logging" at the bar? AFL Gayle : Kittleson, from the Blue Earth Site, and Thelma Scott. AFL Gayle : You did? How, Cayee?? That's great! :)) Hurray for Scholastic! :) LavonneS : Congratulations! AFC Tooter: See a real expert at work AFL Gayle : (Who finally saw the light and removed their copy protection from their AFL Gayle : software. :))) AFC Tooter: Moof BCS Frank : Bless Scholastic! Cayee : Kids just love it...the rest of our computers are very old IIC's AFL Gayle : Thanks much to TooT for all of his information tonight. Sorry our stormy MaryEz : And of course, none of us are copying it!!!! AFL Gayle : weather here kept knocking me offline, but Bard and TooT and y'all carried on AFL Gayle : the chat fine. :) GerryR52 : Congrats, Cayee..I TOLD you this was a great chat to attend..:) RagenT : Certainly is! AFC Tooter: Gerry, you've grown. Cayee : it was fun. I'll try to make that chat on Tuesday. I love geography AFA Bard : Feel free to see some of TooT's (and other online teachers') writing work in action in our AFA Bard : EDCONNECTION library online! AFA Bard : Keyword: AED... Special Interest Groups... EDCONNECTION... look for SCRAPBOOK USA! AFA Bard : :) Plug, plug! AFC Tooter: ScrapBook Library, Bard? MaryEz : Don't forget, Computers and Geography on Tues in TIN, Teachers' Forum Conference Rm #1 BCS Frank : Geat discussion.... Tooter, I'll check out your files, thanks all! GerryR52 : Next week is the Minnesota Connection, Gayle? And I have to curl..:( Cayee : Ray40 : Thanks Tooter. RagenT : Night all. Great as usual! BCS Frank : Bye, gotta fly! AFL Gayle : Blue Earth, MN, right, Gerry. AFA Bard : G'night all! AFA Bard : (also flying!) MaryEz : Bye Frank AFC Tooter: Night. MaryEz : Bye Bard AFC Tooter: Goodbye Ray40 : Bye all, G'night. AFA Bard : Great Job, Toot! :) 3/3/91 9:06:07 PM Closing file.