11/26/90 8:00:59 PM Opening "chat1125" for recording. AFL Gayle IES Coord RagenT AFA Bard Negotiator DougB5 Teacher pk AFL Biblia AFL Oli Kitterer MaryEz GerryR5 IES Coord : Hi Bard, how are the penpal letters coming? ;) AFL Gayle : Leftover turkey, Gerry? ;) GerryR5 : Waiting for Bard's essay in my mailbox about the great summit meeting leftover duck, Gayle..I got outvoted for duck a l"orange/// AFA Bard : Mark: Should be Monday. :) Gerry... wish you could have been at the BardnToot Summit! AFL Gayle : They were there. They conquered, Gerry. End of essay. Gee. That's a re-written wrym! It's an Open Chat. AFA Bard : How's everyone tonight???? GerryR5 : Me TOO, Bard..It was KILLING me!!!!!!!!!!! :) No, Gayle....LOTS more than that!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : TooT embarrasses Bard by ordering Pepsi in the Coke Capital of America. ;) AFA Bard : Welcome Negotiator!!!! Negotiator: good evening, all AFA Bard : (Who told you Gayle!) ;) AFL Gayle : Who else but the orderer? ;) AFA Bard : I forced him to eat grits, though. :))) He said they were somewhere between cream-of-wheat and wallpaper paste. AFL Gayle : You didn't?! How mean! ;) I definitely won't come to Atlanta any time soon then. ;) I think that's insulting the wallpaper paste. ;) GerryR5 : See?/ I TOLD oyu there was more..and no one has told me that stuff..;) AFA Bard : Now Gayle... are you telling me that you're one of those "home fries" people? Grits Forever!!! GerryR5 : me too, Gayle!!!!!!!!!! Hash browns here..;) AFL Gayle : I hadn't heard the forced to eat grits either, Gerry! Nope. Neither, Bard. Toast is my bread for breakfast. GerryR5 : I hadn't heard the Pepsi stuff..:) AFL Gayle : Welcome, Negotiator. This is an Open Chat tonight, so feel free to wing your AFA Bard : Me too Gayle... I just love sharing the natural wonders of the South with our visitors... hahaha AFL Gayle : questions and controversial topics our way. :) Free hours for the most thought provoking questions and topics. AFA Bard : Have you folks seen the GREAT new stuff in the AED libraries?? AFL Gayle : Tell TooT to come to NC. We're the home of Pepsi. :) Tell us about them, please, Bard. :) AFA Bard : Here's a couple of great files to get you interested... AFL Gayle : Bard has been busy in the stacks today releasing 4 new files. AFA Bard : Into Shakespeare? (The OTHER Bard!) Besides our HAMLET stack (now in Stackware library) there's a brand NEW file called SONNET 55. A great HyperStudio interactive tutorial. DougB5 : Bard, I should tell you that I didn't draw the Apple picture! I simply converted it from the Mac and colorized it! :) AFA Bard : Yep... WHat Doug's referring to is a GREAT picture for the //GS just released in AED's NEW FILES Library... Tell the folks about it, Doug! DougB5 : It's a desktop picture which stars and Apple (the fruit kind) wearing a tassel! stars AN Apple, not and apple AFA Bard : It's really terrific! Use GRAPHIC EXCHANGE to convert it into a Print Shop graphic and use it on your next sign!!! :) DougB5 : For those who do not have the DeskTop Pic NDA, it's available in the Utilities section! KEYWORD AUT! AFA Bard : Thanks, Doug. Doug's been uploading LOTS of super goodies lately!!! Another file that looks really DougB5 : There's an idea. I suspect it'll be a little lacking in detail as a PS pic AFA Bard : great the recently released "TOTAL RECALL" demo program. This is a disabled version of an expressive vocabulary training program especially designed for English as a second language folks. It looks Mahvelous! And... a couple of "oldies but goodies".. try the FLASHCARD MAKER (teacher's tools) and DESCRIPTIVE WRITING REBUS (1st place winner in the 1989 CLM contest!) DougB5 : Bard, what do you think of the Sonnet 55 stack? AFL Gayle : Have you looked at it yet, Doug? How does it compare to yours? AFA Bard : You missed the big promo, Doug. Just recommended it to the crowd before you came in. :) DougB5 : I hesitate to download a 50+ minute file, Gayle, so I asked the author to mail me a copy! :) Sorry, AOL! I'm sure it's excellent, though... what Shakespeare stack isn't? :) AFL Gayle : Ack, Doug! Tell you what. Come up with a thought provoking question, and I'll give you a free hour so you can download it. :) AFA Bard : What an idea! Go Doug, Go! DougB5 : Good grief, that would be wonderful. Ok, thought provocation time: AFL Gayle : Serious question, Doug. Do you get many requests for the same thing (i.e. please send me your file?) and if so, do you mail them to the requestor? DougB5 : Gayle, I've been flat out dissappointed in the number of people who comment about downloads compared to the number who download. DougB5 : If I ever did receive such a request, gosh YES! I'd be happy to mail the copy out. FEDERAL EXPRESS! AFL Gayle : OK. Another question (I'll give you the free hour for your help. :) Do you write to authors of programs that you download? DougB5 : Heck yeah! I write to other hypermaniacs like ANDY RW, RSMILLER, BUSYBILL! AFA Bard : How about you Negotiator, Mark.. do you generally comment to authors??? AFL Gayle : I'm not trying to do an inquisition. Just trying to find out ways to stimulate more interest in our libraries. :) DougB5 : (I still owe you a provocative question, it's on its way!) Negotiator: Tooter has encouraged me to comment to scrapbook writers. I am beginning to. AFA Bard : Great! How about you, Mark?? AFL Gayle : Great... Waiting. Yes, please do, Negotiator! It really helps to encourage them. AFA Bard : Welcome RAGEN!!! Tonight's "open Chat" Jump right in! AFL Gayle : Hi, Ragen! AFA Bard : Ragen.. can you remember the last file you downloaded??? AFL Gayle : Question for Ragen. Did VCR Companion finally record on your VCR for you?Screen Name: Teacher pk AFA Bard : Welcome Paul! Tonight's chat is "open topic" feel free to jump in! DougB5 : Question to Bard, Gayle: Do you think it's worth it for me to make a stack AFL Gayle : Definitely thought-provoking, Doug. Any ideas? (I'm sure Mark is all ears for your suggestions, too. :) DougB5 : (very similar in structure to the Hamlet stack) but for Romeo and Juliet? Teacher pk: Thanks for the invitation. RagenT : No and I'm flusterated! The local TV station has an Amiga that does magic so they will show me how to use it. DougB5 : I have the text for R&J and Julius Ceasar right next to me! AFL Gayle : Definitely, Doug. That play is studied the most of any of the Shakespeare plays (Romeo and Juliet, I mean) Welcome, Leonard and Paul! :) AFA Bard : YES, Doug. They're great! I've ALREADY used one of the stacks myself! :) AFL Biblia: Hi all! AFA Bard : Welcome Leonard!! AFL Gayle : Did you get someone else's TV to use, Ragen? RagenT : As to last the last download, what do you mean specifically, DougB5 : Have you? Then here's my question: Do you suppose a stack with a play's complete text is viable in the sense that people will actually use the stack to achieve its purpose, ie READ THE PLAY in the hyperstudio environment? I mean, do you think picking up a book is a little less cumbersome than loading GS/OS 5.02? AFA Bard : Ragen.. we were just discussing if people generally commented to authors after download. Do you? AFL Gayle : Well, Doug. Students are attracted to the computer more than a book (as much asit pains me to say that as a librarian) AFA Bard : Doug.. the strength of your stackware is that students can use it as a REVIEW or an INTRO. to the plays. I've found that full text is probably not worth it. Some interesting buttons that ask questions or bounce the user to another point in the play might be welcomed though. :) RagenT : Well, I've spent most of my time on line in forums. But, when I download some-thing I like to respond. I think that is one reason they are there for the downloading, to receive other input. DougB5 : Are you a librarian? Hey, I work at a library. And some of my best friends are librarians! :) AFL Gayle : Yes, Doug. My job is as a school librarian media specialist. DougB5 : I see, Bard. So you think the Hamlet stack should be modified to contain a little quiz section, maybe a bit more interactivity? Is that a word? AFA Bard : Ragen: GREAT! Doug's uploaded a few great stacks, etc. He was just commenting that lots of folks don't respond. AFL Biblia: I don't think that the comment buttons are directed to anyone but the forum personnel. AFA Bard : Right, Doug. Exactly. YES! INTERACTIVITY! RagenT : I am beginning a Tutor-tech stack, a reading packet for The Red Pony. AFL Gayle : That's correct, Leonard, unfortunately. AFA Bard : Great, Ragen! UPLOAD it! :) AFL Gayle : Can you tell us a little about it, Ragen? DougB5 : So with that in mind, have the "forum personnel" received any comments that we'd like to hear? RagenT : I think the stack should compliment the book and help the teacher rather than be the book. DougB5 : This is certainly true, and I felt when I made the Hamlet stack that itwould benefit the reader by allowing for searching (OA-F to find a string.) RagenT : It is still on paper and brainstorming but it should be done by Xmas. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Mary! Free hours for thought-provoking questions tonight. Tonight is an Open Chat. AFA Bard : Hiya MARY!!!!! :) Welcome. RagenT : Hi Mary. MaryEz : You want thought provoking tonight?!!!}:> DougB5 : Ok this one's my REAL thought-provoker: I read an article recently which said that America is falling behind because of the short (relative to other countries) school year. What is the opinion here? AFA Bard : Yep, Doug. A great feature! You might try some "hot linked" words within the text, too. YOu know, when student clicks on Canterbury, it brings up a dialog box? REHI Gerry! AFL Gayle : Yep. Surely do. (You have to work for free hours around here. ;) AFL Biblia: Hi Gerry! GerryR5 : Hi!!!! :) DougB5 : Bard: Unfortunately with the current HS software it is not possible to linktext-windowed text to other text or other cards. Nexus does that, but Nexus is, how shall I put it... not very high quality as hypermedia authoring languages go. AFA Bard : Not true, Doug... just hide an "invisible button" behind it and link it to another page. Using XCMDS it's also possible to bring up a window (of sorts). DougB5 : Bard, the text windows scroll, remember? How is it possible to have a button "follow" a text window? MaryEz : Doug, are you interacting with other devices with your stack? ie. Laser discs? DougB5 : No, I have a "skeleton" GS here, pretty much. No hard drive, no extra memory,no expensive peripherals! :) AFA Bard : Ahhh... I was thinking more of static text... although linking to a full card with text window would be OK too. DougB5 : But it really does wonders, to tell you the truth. AFA Bard : Mary.. what experiences have you had with laser disk interactive software for GS? MaryEz : I've been using Tutortech to interact with a laser disc player and creating science lessons DougB5 : I guess you could take a scene and divide it up into hundreds of cards. That would be a little akward, to say the least. AFA Bard : (Welcome DKreisberg!) RagenT : Wow, Mary! DougB5 : Did anyone ever attempt to answer the question about our school year? RagenT : What kinds of things do you put on the laser disc? AFA Bard : What videodiscware are you using? Visual Almanac? AFL Gayle : Not yet, Doug. We're holding that for the laser disc discussion. :) GerryR5 : <--is trying to learn Tutortech... MaryEz : We do a pre and post test on the computer using Tutortech to create the test. I use the Optical Data Physical Science disc. DougB5 : Is tutortech very similar to Hyperstudio, in terms of power? Is there an accompanying scripting language? AFA Bard : Ahhh... you've gotta get Visual Almanac, too Mary. There's a GREAT physical science sequence using roller coasters and playground equipment! AFL Gayle : Are you using the Grader program from Tutor Tech, too, Mary? MaryEz : Tutortech is easier to use than Hyperstudio and it can be used on a IIe with 128K GerryR5 : It uses less memory, Doug..will run on the IIe..which LOTS of schools have, BTW! Bard, where do we get that? AFL Gayle : Doug, look in the Tutor Tech Library here in Direct Connect. There is a demo of DougB5 : True it uses less memory... but as powerful? Not that I'm promoting HS! :):) AFL Gayle : both the Student and the Teacher versions of Tutor Tech. DougB5 : Thanks Gayle, I'll check it out. MaryEz : Hyperstudio requires more memory than I have ;) AFA Bard : Visual Almanac is from Apple Computer. It's $100.00 and includes a HYPERCARD stack, but the videodisc is easily adapted for HyperStudio use. :) AFL Gayle : They'll even send it to you US Mail if you call their 800 number, Doug. MaryEz : My GS are 512K. RagenT : With one GS in our system, that limits us to 128k Tutor Tech. GerryR5 : That lets us out,,we are just upgrading to 128K..on IIe's..:) DougB5 : Aw, Mary, memory's cheap! You'll just love Hyperstudio! :) AFL Gayle : OK. Let's talk about Doug's question for a few minutes. Should we have a longer RagenT : Now, there is another reason why we lag behind... when a school is "just" AFL Gayle : school year? (Or even another question, should the length of the school year be standardized across the country?) In NC, the kids go 180 days, but they go at least 200 in NY. RagenT : upgrading to 128 K. I had to beg for 128K on my hands and knees! MaryEz : I have used it. I digitized picture with Computer Eyes and put it in a Hyperstudio stack. It was fun AFL Gayle : I just got 128K in all of my IIe's last year, Ragen. AFA Bard : In GA.. 180 days (kids), 190 (teachers) AFL Gayle : Gee, guess no one wants to talk about lengthening the school year after enjoying a 4 day weekend. ;) DougB5 : I do... I was AFK for a sec Negotiator: Is there any way to search AOL using key words like in dissertation abstracts? RagenT : Who invented 180 days anyway with the summer off. Real people work all year why shouldn't kids go to school all year? DougB5 : I say yes, because there is poor retention over the long summer break. AFA Bard : Negotiator.. you mean for files, or text? AFL Gayle : Now that's an interesting question, Ragen. My guess is ages ago it was related RagenT : (Not that WE teachers aren't real people!) MaryEz : Don't you work during the summer anyway. Even if it's not teaching! AFL Gayle : to needing the kids in the fields for farming? Negotiator: I would love to search news, ed files, etc. on a key word. Is it possible? DougB5 : It's the kids we're worried about, not the teachers! Which is the future, hmmm? AFL Gayle : The flip side of that is, though, if we have school year round, then kids can't go to summer school. AFA Bard : Keyword search is possible in the news & info. section of AO. Use QUICKFINDER for file search. AFA Bard : Keyword: QUICKFINDER. AFL Biblia: Also, wouldn't all year sessions make for better utilization of the school plants? (and your tax dollars?) AFL Gayle : Yes, but more expensive, Leonard, to run school busses, pay staff, electricity,etc. AFA Bard : How about a 45 - 15 plan? 45 on, 15 off? MaryEz : It sure would, but how could the custodians do all the maintenance that's done in the summer? DougB5 : Yes, but the increase in taxes is necessary to facilitate a better tomorrow! :) AFL Gayle : Plus what about all of the teachers who continue their education (graduate school) in the summer? AFL Biblia: Possibly so, but on the other hand, you have an expensive property(s) sitting idle for x number of months... DougB5 : I'm not talking about DOING AWAY with summer, for crying out loud! Heck no, we have to have SOME time off. Just less! AFL Gayle : What are you proposing, Doug? (or anyone else) DougB5 : The brain atrophies after a certain time period of disuse. RagenT : Nearly cooked your goose, huh, Doug? MaryEz : How about spreading it out over the whole year? or doing cycles? DougB5 : If we can limit our summer vacations to a time period just smaller than that AFA Bard : That time is 15 minutes for a middle school student, Doug. :))) DougB5 : period where atrophy kicks in, we have something. MaryEz : Bard, it's less the month before the holidays! AFA Bard : You said it, Mary. RagenT : What do we teach with all that extra time? DougB5 : 4 days per week for the entire year is also absurd. You then have 90 periods AFL Gayle : All of the stuff they haven't learned in the "regular" school year, Ragen. DougB5 : of forgetting material. AFL Biblia: The same as now... maybe let the student graduate earlier. Negotiator: We teach connections with the extra time. MaryEz : We wouldn't have to spend the first weeks of school reviewing, just keep on teachin' AFA Bard : How about 45 days ON and 15 days off with a longer vacation in each season? DougB5 : Actually, it would be 52 periods, not 90. Bad math. AFL Gayle : Good point, Mary. RagenT : The parents who work certainly wouldn't mind. DougB5 : How about a vacation period which increases exponentially with the progression AFL Biblia: They would, trying to schedule family vacations... MaryEz : No, Ragen, they hate it now when we have a day for inservice! DougB5 : of the school year. First weekend is 2 days, 2nd is 4 days, third is 8 days... AFL Gayle : If they were planning on using Big Brother and Big Sister to get Preschooler out of DayCare, they would, Ragen. Dream on, Doug. You never have the rest of your life off. ;) DougB5 : until you have the rest of your life off (independence) AFA Bard : exponentially? By 12th grade wouldn't you have LOTS of time off??? DougB5 : :) I know that! Is someone logging this chat? AFA Bard : Think about Japan.. they go more days, with longer hours and STILL got to special schools in the afternoons and weekends!! (LOGGING!) DougB5 : The students in Japan are miserable...(from what I hear) AFA Bard : ...and suicidal. RagenT : I think in Greece, they go more hours also. And half day Saturday. MaryEz : The students in USA are miserable too in many cases! AFL Gayle : The log will be in the New Files Library in a day or two, Doug. DougB5 : In the USSR they go 6 days a week, with shorter days. Good idea if you ask me AFL Gayle : You're correct, Doug. Suicide rate is highest in Japan among students, unfortunately. :( DougB5 : (<-- went to school in Leningrad for a month!) Negotiator: We could make the extended school year opional and try to interest kid to come MaryEz : Are any of you preparing your students for the 21st Century!!!?}:> AFL Gayle : Sure, Mary. We're teaching them telecommunications here on AO through the ScrapBook and other projects. :) AFA Bard : Hmmm.. a great idea negotiator. Maybe a time to show LINKAGE and apply what they've learned in more unstructured projects? RagenT : My son will graduate from high school the year 2000! Negotiator: Yes, we are investigating Chaos science, fractal geometry, . . . DougB5 : Hey, who said Chaos? Where's that taking place? Negotiator: As we learn new things we bring them to the kids RagenT : Problem solving, using brain not brawn. AFA Bard : Everywhere, Doug. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Oli. We're discussing making the school year longer. AFA Bard : Welcome OLI, Kitters!!!!!!!!!! Negotiator: Chaos science is a new branch of mathematics to describe nature. KITTERS : hi all, long time no see DougB5 : THAT's what my next hyperstack will be about!!! Chaos! Yippppeee! Yep, I've read Gleick. I love the stuff. Negotiator: Software is available on Chaos DougB5 : I even have a simple basic mandelbrot program around here... AFL Oli : As we enter this recession, I know of no school district that will be able to afford (salary-wise) a longer school year. AFA Bard : Check the AGR and MGR libraries for some simple Mandelbrot generators. AFL Gayle : Good point, Oli. DougB5 : Good point. AFA Bard : A good point, Oli. Would you pay higher taxes for a longer school year? AFL Oli : I would MAKE more! :) But, to answer your question.... maybe... MaryEz : In view of the fact that budgets had such a hard time getting passed this year, I doubt that it would be possible to get anymore money for education for any reason. AFL Oli : If I was convinced by someone that the educational value was there.Re: File released!ScottT11 RagenT : Oops, fell offline! AFL Oli : Personally, I could use the extra time to cover more material, and teach more thoroughly. DougB5 : I have to get going now, all. Later Bard, Gayle. Look for a CHAOS hyperstack in the weeks to come. Bye!Your mail has been sent MaryEz : Doug, you are chaos}:> AFL Gayle : Bye, Doug. One free hour will be credited to your account. :) AFL Oli : I hafta move along to my AppleWorks chat.. see ya. DougB5 : Thanks Gayle! Bye! AFL Gayle : Bye, Oli! Thanks for coming. :) AFA Bard : Thanks for coming Oli, Doug! AFA Bard : And more free hours, Gayle??? AFL Gayle : Now to announce our free hours for tonight. :) We're getting into the Holiday Spirit early with one free hour each for RagenT, DougB5, MaryEZ, and RagenT : Is it 9 o'clock already? AFL Gayle : Negotiator. Thanks for your thought-provoking comments and suggestions. No, MaryEz : Boy, did I use my free hours this month. All 7 are gone. WoW! Thanks, Gayle!:) AFA Bard : *** Congrats to Doug, Ragen, Mary and Negotiator!!! AFL Gayle : Ragen. 5 minutes left, but I wanted to announce it before people left. :) AFA Bard : ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Negotiator: Thank you, I like presents! :) AFL Gayle : Now for next week.... Start thinking about what is on your Holiday Wish List. RagenT : Wow! Thanks. You're right Mary, I already used my free hour up! MaryEz : /\/\/\/\/\/\ AFL Gayle : We'll share what we would like to receive as presents to enhance our computer system in the way of software and hardware. Don't forget to check out all of the wonderful new uploads in our New Files Library, and, as always, we'll be glad to see your uploads, too. We give out free hours for the best upload of the month, too. AFA Bard : And Gayle's American Express Number is... 3745-2345-122-3333. LOL!!!!!! (I wish!!!) Negotiator: I want a Mac LC, but they aren't availale yet! RagenT : LOL! AFL Gayle : Gayle doesn't even OWN an American Express card, Bard. AFL Biblia: 'night all! AFA Bard : Nite, Leonard. Thanks for coming! MaryEz : Bard, thanks for the ASCII files AFA Bard : TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! AFA Bard : You're welcome, Mary! MaryEz : Hi, Toot!!!! AFA Bard : BLTN, Toot! AFC Tooter: Hi Bob, long time no see. Hi all. RagenT : Hi, Toot! AFL Gayle : Hi, TooT! (While you were gone, we decided your school should experimentally Negotiator: You sent Toot back. Thank you, Bard! AFL Gayle : go year round. ;) AFC Tooter: Hi Bard, long time no see. AFL Gayle : ::Just teasing :) :: MaryEz : Tell us about your trip to Georgia! AFA Bard : Didn't want to, Bob. :)) Negotiator: Is it true you ate grits, Ted? AFL Gayle : Seriously, we DID talk about longer school year this evening. :) AFC Tooter: Atlanta is science fiction city. Now I know why Bard is so forward looking. AFL Gayle : Yes, is THAT true, TooT? AFC Tooter: He made me eat grit!!! ech! pah! RagenT : Forward looking? AFC Tooter: A man of the future! AFA Bard : You were SMILING when you poured the syrup on them! I have also been accused of having eyes in the back of my head. :) AFC Tooter: I hadn't tasted them yet. AFL Gayle : All teachers have those, Bard. :) AFC Tooter: LONGER SCHOOL YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((((((((((((((((((((((((( Negotiator: Is BardnToot gone forever? MaryEz : and mothers! AFC Tooter: Bard? RagenT : Right, Mary! AFA Bard : Bardntoot lives.. only to be resurrected on special occasions! MaryEz : No! That will never happen. Bardntoot never will die! AFA Bard : Here, Here! GerryR5 : Had BETTER not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFC Tooter: I wish I had room for TooTnBard. sounds poetic, no? Kind of a pied piper. AFL Gayle : Delete another screen name and you will, TooT. :) Negotiator: Somewhere over the rainbow . . . lives Bardntoot. AFC Tooter: I'll have to delete a family member for that. MaryEz : I wish I could have been with you! It must have been grand! AFA Bard : You CAN'T kick out Ma or the KID! GerryR5 : Gayle, I told then they shouold write up a short essay/report of their meeting to post in the AED AFL Gayle : Oops. No. Can't do that. GerryR5 : boards..:) AFA Bard : Deleting a family member can be hazardous to your account. :) AFC Tooter: It was a GREAT trip. NCTE left me full of new ideas and Bard was an inspiring host. RagenT : You mean cheaper! GerryR5 : I hope to meet BOTH of oyu guys some day!!!!!! MaryEz : What new ideas, Toot? AFC Tooter: to make it cheaper I'll have to delete Tooter. GerryR5 : and GAYLE too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RagenT : Good night, will I hear from you this week Tooter? AFA Bard : Good night, Ragen!!!!!!! Thanks for coming. Congrats on the free hour! AFC Tooter: I hope so. thanks for the letters. No kids to give them to until Tuesday. GerryR5 : Congrats, Ragen!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : Good night, Ragen! Again congratulations. :) MaryEz : Goodnight, Ragen AFC Tooter: I'm not sure when the pen pals club will meet again. I'll let you know. Congrats??? Tell me. RagenT : Thanks, everybody. If you can't get letters for this week, next will be a-o-k! AFA Bard : Santa Gayle gave away lots of free hours tonight, Toot. :) AFC Tooter: Ahhhh! GerryR5 : Great, Gayle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tis the season!!! :) AFC Tooter: Any free Watts lines? Negotiator: Praise be to Santa Gayle! :) GerryR5 : <--would like one of those also!!!! :) AFA Bard : You need a satellite dish with a microwave transmitter, Toot. Let's take up a collection? Uhmm.. about $100K should do it. :) AFL Gayle : Nope, TooT. But you can donate one to me. :) AFC Tooter: Great idea. I've got plenty of room. Negotiator: Tooter has a satelite dish GerryR5 : When are you all coming up to Minnesota to visit??? :) AFA Bard : Aha! Only the microwave station, then.. about $65,000? AFC Tooter: Not one that broadcasts, though I don't change clothes in front of the TV anymore. Negotiator: Tooters sattellite disk is covered with poison ivy AFA Bard : It's "ya'll", Gerry... not you all! :) GerryR5 : Tooter..you have NO sense of adventure!!! :( Bard, we talk differently up here in the REAL North!! LOL!!!! AFC Tooter: The TV person is too far away for adventures. AFA Bard : Oh.. I fergot.. "youse-guys" got yer own lingo. :) AFC Tooter: ya mean usns. AFA Bard : yousns? AFA Bard : you-uhns? MaryEz : Ayuh! GerryR5 : No..that is stereotypic..TOTALLY untrue!!!!!!!! AFC Tooter: Or as they say in Pittsburgh, unce. GerryR5 : unce??????? ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : ROTFL! AFL Gayle : They just talk in lots of !!!! up Nawth, Bard. ;) AFC Tooter: Bard, Ma TooT just figured out that the ugly animal was literally playing possum. GerryR5 : Nope..that is just ME!!!!! :) AFC Tooter: Youz and unce! MaryEz : maybe it's yunce! AFA Bard : Aha! The ugly animal is TRULY ugly! Nothin' uglier than a mad oppossum! :) GerryR5 : Gayle, you need to take better control over this group..:) Negotiator: Tooter, what did Bard feed you down south to make you like this? MaryEz : Like herding cats! AFL Gayle : Nope, Gerry. We're past the official chat hour. It's a free-for-all. ;) AFA Bard : meow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFC Tooter: We ate out frequently! AFL Gayle : Negotiator, I think it happened to both of them. Something in the ions when AFC Tooter: Chinese, Italian, chicken salad with cheeze and poppy seeds, what else? MaryEz : Did you see Theodorick? AFL Gayle : those two were in the same place at the same time. ;) AFA Bard : Definately preferable to eating "in"... Bard is not renowened for his culinary expertise! :) AFC Tooter: Yes, but he's in reach of a Pizza Hut, a rare delicacy where I'm from. AFL Gayle : Actually, I think it was the Coke, TooT. ;) (... a Cola, that is. :) AFC Tooter: He nearly killed me. I asked for Pepsi. AFA Bard : Coke? Toot? We're tromping on dangerous ground here. :))))) AFA Bard : What's a Pepsi? GerryR5 : ROTFL..they both definitely seem different..:) AFL Gayle : See, Gerry! It's been verified! :) AFA Bard : HFTCLOL! AFL Gayle : Come to NC, TooT. Pepsi is "the pride of the Carolinas." Invented here. :) GerryR5 : <--is a Coke fan..wouldn't touch that awful Pepsi..whose side does that put me on? :) AFA Bard : That's OK, Gayle.. we love you anyway. :) [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Gerry! ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] AFC Tooter: ginger ale? AFL Gayle : Actually, Bard, I don't drink, either. Water is my favorite drink. :) GerryR5 : Well, looks like it is Bard and Gerry..vs Gayle and Toot..:) LOL!!! AFA Bard : I don't like water, Gayle... GerryR5 : <--has been known to drink a bit,...:) AFA Bard : .. fish go to the bathroom in it. :))) AFC Tooter: Do they have water n Atlanta, Bard? AFA Bard : (stole that from W.C. Fields) AFL Gayle : Not in our city water they don't, Bard! GerryR5 : spitting out drink with laughter..;) AFA Bard : Water? You mean Evian? ... or Evian-ya'll? MaryEz : Perrier AFL Gayle : We confine our fish to the ocean and the river. :) GerryR5 : Gees, Bard..warn me when you have a line like that will you? I almost choked!!!!! AFC Tooter: I never pictured either of you as designer water types. AFL Gayle : When they're not on our plates, of course. :) Me? No designer water! I'm a poor school teacher, TooT! AFA Bard : HFTCLOL! Our fish are in schools, where they belong. :) GerryR5 : Gayle..you don't care where they come from as long as you don't know., Huh? :) AFA Bard : Do you ever wonder just WHERE that bottled water comes from? Can't you just see some greasy French guy ROTFL at the idea of the Americans buying his stuff? GerryR5 : Sure!!!!!!!! They DO!!!!! AFA Bard : (wish I'd thought of that!) GerryR5 : Just liike software comapnies giggle at us returning those cards..:) AFC Tooter: I have a whole well full of good stuff. Anyone want to go into business. AFL Gayle : Sure, Gerry. Just as Bard said. Our fish are raised in the finest schools. ;) AFA Bard : TooterWater? LOL! WaterTooter? (ugh!) It's gettin' late! MaryEz : Eau de TooT! GerryR5 : better than Bardwater???? AFA Bard : definitely! Negotiator: WaterBardntoot! AFA Bard : Right Bob! Vintage! GerryR5 : watch out...trying to teach Dallas to use the GS again..:) AFC Tooter: All wet. GerryR5 : this is hysterical!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : Must exit, stage right... gotta get ready for the chilluns' tomorrow. Did anyone else see TOOT's wonderful CHilly Willy posting in the S to S library? AFL Gayle : Yes, I did, Bard. :) MaryEz : Me too;) Negotiator: Night all, it's been fun. GerryR5 : haven't had tme..:( AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, Negotiator. Congrats! AFA Bard : See you all online! Again.. THANKS for coming!!! AFA Bard : * Log off * 11/26/90 9:20:56 PM Closing file.