6/30/91 8:01:09 PM Opening "chat063091" for Chat Log recording. AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is CNN videos. Our esteemed Forum Assistant, Bard, is AFL Gayle : our expert on this topic. We have one free hour to give away to the lucky AFL Gayle : person who uses the secret word tonight. Ground rules... the word must be used AFL Gayle : in context, and you must stay until the end of the chat to be eligible to win. AFL Gayle : I'll turn it over to you now, Bard. :) TEACHER ms: Thanks, Gayle !! AFA Bard : Thanks, Gayle! First, some background.... Six years ago CNN decided to work with teachers to develop an idea they AFA Bard : had to use video in the classroom. After looking at hundreds of hours of video, they decided to put AFA Bard : together a set of classroom materials based on the Sunday broadcast The Week in Review. In the next AFA Bard : two years, interest grew and a new division of CNN - dubbed Turner Educational Services, Inc (TESI for AFA Bard : short) was born. The neat thing is, they hire ONLY former classroom teachers as full time and part- AFA Bard : time consultants. During the next few years several more products emerged - CNN SCIENCE ACCESS AFA Bard : which is based on the futuristic Science and Technology Week program is the project we're AFA Bard : currently working on. In addition, TESI has just released over 30 re-purposed videos. Now you can AFA Bard : get anything from the fall of the Berlin Wall to interviews with professional authors - complete AFA Bard : with educational materials written mainly for grades 6-12 - for under $20.00! If this sounds AFA Bard : like somewhat of a commercial -- I'm guilty. In the past few years, using these services has really AFA Bard : energized our school and our district. Our students now write and discuss world events and AFA Bard : technology advances every day. It's really exciting! The video/classroom products are AFA Bard : delivered via online services like MCI and GTE - and, hopefully sometime in the future, AOL! They AFA Bard : are also available via fax and snailmail. Whew... I'm worn out already!!! Gayle??? AFL Gayle : Great introduction. Thanks, Bard. Anyone like to open with questions for Bard? Negotiator: These videos are hypercard stacks or what? BCS Frank : Woof! Sounds like a new kind of medium! AFA Bard : The videos are either ones you get a license to tape from CNN or buy a videotape. The classroom AFA Bard : materials are delivered via modem. Through a really amazing service called X*Press X*Change AFA Bard : local cable services are actually delivering the CNN NEWSROOM guide (based on the CNN NEWSROOM show AFA Bard : broadcast on CNN at 3:45 am every morning) through the CABLE into classroom computers! It's amazing! AFA Bard : ga BCS Frank : So you tape the morning show, BCS Frank : and download the guide, BCS Frank : for use the SAME day? Negotiator: So, I could request a topic, as Scud missiles and CNN would play a tape and you would send me a guide? BCS Frank : Like, real-time history. :) AFA Bard : *B * I * N * G * O * Frank! The other services - CNN NEWS ACCESS and CNN SCIENCE ACCESS are based AFA Bard : on once a week shows, CNN NEWSROOM on once a day. And CNN NEWSROOM is FREE!!!!! AFL Gayle : No, Bob. You get what the teachers determine is the news of the day from CNN. AFA Bard : Negotiator... currently CNN still programs the topics daily themselves - however, they rotate AFL Gayle : The guide is tied into it. AFA Bard : topics: International, Science, Editor's Desk, etc. ga BCS Frank : -- but only available for schools, eh? AFL Gayle : They're really teachers' guides, too. They include sample quizzes, projects, Negotiator: Is there any way to suggest topics for CNN to cover? AFL Gayle : books to read, etc. AFL Gayle : Great question, Bob. What about it, Bard? Can they? AFA Bard : No Frank - anyone can get CNN NEWSROOM free - especially if you're an education-related group. BCS Frank : Hmmmm.... AFA Bard : Negotiator: They get ZILLIONS of letters each day. :) AFL Gayle : Frank, all you have to do is set your TV up to tape at 3:45 am on CNN, and AFL Gayle : you'll get it. AFA Bard : However, Gayle, remember that the Education Fair-Use doctrine does NOT apply to cable. Frank TEACHER ms: Is that everyday ? BCS Frank : What are the chances for getting the tape and package for a particular day... AFA Bard : needs to call the handy-dandy toll-free number 1-800-367-3170 to get his license (verbal then AFL Gayle : Monday through Friday, Murray. (which seems like Sunday to Thurs. when you AFA Bard : written). AFL Gayle : are going to bed. ;) BCS Frank : ... sounds like it's make a great user group demo. AFA Bard : It is, BFrank. Science Acesss is particularly good - it always has something technology/education AFA Bard : related. BCS Frank : Bed? Who has time for that? AFL Gayle : It doesn't, Bard? I didn't know that. (Fair Use doctrine.) So what governs AFL Gayle : cable? AFA Bard : The teacher team writing the guides works at CNN from 11:00 pm till 3:00 am every morning!! ga AFL Gayle : Well, then, you can watch it live, Frank, while you're computing. ;) AFA Bard : Gayle... Fair Use doesn't cover cable because it's a PAY service. You must have express, written BCS Frank : ... well, would be worth while callng the number I think. AFA Bard : consent to tape and archive any cable video. CNN grants you the right to tape and archive FOREVER the AFA Bard : CNN programs involved. AFL Gayle : Right. I knew that. And all it costs you is to fill out the form. They even BCS Frank : What day of the week does the science access package issue? AFL Gayle : let me tape it at home where I have cable and take it to school where there is AFL Gayle : no cable. AFA Bard : Science Access is based on Science and Tech. Week that airs once on Saturday morning and again on AFA Bard : Sunday afternoon. The guide is uploaded (by our team) each Sunday by about 4 pm. ga AFL Gayle : Is that guide available on the same services, Bard? Isn't there a fee attached AFL Gayle : to that one? AFA Bard : There is a nominal charge for SCIENCE ACCESS and NEWS ACCESS. It's based upon your school or district Negotiator: Why should I tape the 3:45 a.m. abreviated program when I can tape the entire show, as Science and Negotiator: Tech Week? AFA Bard : but it's not that much. The guides are MUCH bigger and offer lots more activities and blackline AFA Bard : masters. BCS Frank : Whatsa blackline master? AFA Bard : Negotiator: The nightly show CNN NEWSROOM is a compendium of the day's news stories plus several AFL Gayle : For all you FrEdMail fans out there (if you aren't, see our Direct Connect AFA Bard : feature stories. It is not related to S & T. AFL Gayle : area :) some nodes of FrEdMail also carry the CNN Newsroom Guide, too. AFA Bard : Frank- a reproducible ditto master. BCS Frank : Ahh... ok. AFA Bard : You can also get any guide by FAX. And.. here's a REAL news flash... AFA Bard : if your school district uses ANY science textbooks by Prentice Hall publishing - they'll buy your AFA Bard : Science Access DISTRICTWIDE for free!! Oooooo! ga AFL Gayle : For how many years, Bard? As long as you use the textbooks or just the first AFL Gayle : year of adoption? BCS Frank : Now THAT's marketing! :) AFA Bard : I agree, Frank. Negotiatons are now underway to pick up Simon & Schuster too. :) Gayle - I think AFA Bard : it's just the fact that you use Prentice Hall. Middle Grades, I think. Negotiator: How do the teachers see the videos to put together the dittos, guides between 11 p.m. and 2 or 3 am? AFL Gayle : (How do the teachers make it to school in the morning if they're up at 3 am? ;) AFA Bard : The writing team meets at CNN's headquarters (downtown Atlanta) and get a glimpse of the show's AFA Bard : scripts and a few videos - then write to those videos. The show is on a half-hour delay, though, so AFA Bard : it is actually taped at 2:30 or so each nite for broadcast later. BCS Frank : Hmmm... need to start a user group for VCR programmers. :) AFA Bard : Gayle.. the teachers that write for NEWSROOM are no longer full time teachers. :) AFL Gayle : To give some of you an idea of what you might see, usually what I see when I AFA Bard : LOL, Frank. Does YOUR 12:00 still flash, too??? BCS Frank : :) AFL Gayle : am at the Athletic Club working out after school (around 4:30 pm) on CNN, is AFL Gayle : a lot of the news I then see the next morning on the CNN Newsroom. Usually the AFL Gayle : TV in the bike room is set to CNN Headline News. AFA Bard : Right Gayle. The programming is collected and summarized from other stories aired during that day or, AFL Gayle : But, Frank, I thought you were up to just press record on your TV at 3:45 am?;) AFA Bard : occasionally, that week. The news stories, however, are not "dumbed down" for kids, though, AFL Gayle : Err, on your VCR, I mean. AFA Bard : like the "other" service similar to this one. ;) AFA Bard : ga Negotiator: Tell us more about the nature of the guides, Bard. They are the advantage over just taping Headline Negotiator: News and using that AFL Gayle : Other service? You mean Channel One? :) BCS Frank : Sure, Gayle; it's just that I'm not connected to cable anymore. AFL Gayle : Uh oh. Now that's a problem, Frank. AFA Bard : The guides usually provide a lot of background information about each story. In some cases it even AFA Bard : gives you a story contact that you could call. Typically, the blackline masters offer activities BCS Frank : But there are lots of BCS members who are tied into cable. :) AFA Bard : and information aimed at Bloom's higher level thinking skills, too. There's also a summary of AFA Bard : each story and information about suggested resources (like news magazines) that you can use AFA Bard : to get further info. ga AFL Gayle : (And they know how to program their VCRs, too, Frank? ;) AFA Bard : And, Negotiator, it's LEGAL. :)) AFA Bard : Welcome Toot! AFL Gayle : I notice in the catalog, Bard, that there is a multimedia package on Hurrican BCS Frank : Toot! :) AFC Tooter: Howdie all. Long time no see, Negotiator. Negotiator: Toot, home from the party early too, I see AFC Tooter: Emery is still there. AFL Gayle : err, Hurricane Hugo, for that "other" computer. Will that market be expanded to AFL Gayle : "friendlier" computers, too? :) Negotiator: Bard, I would like to do everything legally of course! AFA Bard : Yes... Hurricane Hugo was written by teachers and a company called Floyd Design here in Atlanta. IBM AFA Bard : paid them BIG bucks to release it only on IBM first. I think it's now available on MAC! :) More titles AFA Bard : to come, too. ga AFL Gayle : Hmmm, interesting, since this catalog just came at the end of the school year. AFA Bard : CNN has also released a bunch of videos for the classroom. Some of the titles are: "Stories to AFA Bard : Write About: Creative Writing", "Cold Sassy Tree", "Not in My Back Yard" and "Pinnacle: Fred DeLuca, AFA Bard : President and Founder Subway Sandwiches". Gayle-- the MAC version is scheduled for release at ALA her AFA Bard : e in Atlanta (tomorrow!) :)) Negotiator: Other titles: Ted Turner and Jane Fonda - The Inside Story; How the Braves Negotiator: Try to Play Baseball, ... AFA Bard : LOL!! Dont' forget Junk Bonds & You! :)) AFL Gayle : Tomorrow? Hmmm, ALA started yesterday in Atlanta. Ah, but the Apple Library AFL Gayle : Users' Group meets toward the end of the conference. Bet Apple is working with AFL Gayle : that. They usually have a booth at ALA. AFA Bard : Right. I've got tickets to go tomorrow afternoon. I'll keep you posted. BTW.. ALA is American AFA Bard : Library Association (for you other non-library folks!) ga AFL Gayle : Are there any plans to market any video for the elementary grades, Bard? TEACHER ms: Thanks :) AFA Bard : Currently, most of the CNN products are aimed at grades 4-12 - I can only tell you that they are AFA Bard : "thinking about it. " ;) AFL Gayle : Well, tell them to think harder about it, please. :) AFA Bard : The problem, as you might guess, Gayle stems from things like the amount of violence on TV these AFA Bard : days. It seems Ted DOES have a conscience! AFC Tooter: Only "thinking about it." Bard, the master of the AO wink. AFC Tooter: Boy is this node slow!! AFA Bard : If you teach Social Studies - there's a great video called "A Taste of Freedom" based on the USSR's AFA Bard : recent surfacing from Communism. Also... Third World on the Mississippi shows a chillingly frank ( PredatorX : hiya AFA Bard : no pun intended) portrayal of life and poverty along the mighty river. AFA Bard : Welcome Predator! PredatorX : <- z factor did u get mail? Negotiator: I'll bet 3rd graders would like to see Peter Arnett interview the Ninjo Turtles. AFL Gayle : Hi, Predator! We're talking about CNN Videos for education. AFL Gayle : (Yes, we got your mail, Z. Thanks! :) BCS Frank : That's Ninja. AFA Bard : LOL! Z FACTOR! Yup, Thanks Z. PredatorX : hi gayle, ok thanks :) PredatorX : ok bard....is it a problem? AFA Bard : Third graders might like "Eating Healthy for Kids" -- it focuses on fast foods. :) AFL Gayle : We just got it, Z. I doubt he's had a chance to unpack it yet. :) AFA Bard : Nope Predator. I'll send you e-mail asap. PredatorX : ok, thanks....c ya later AFA Bard : (Gayle is a mind reader!) AFA Bard : OK... now a chance for YOU to give input.. any topics YOU think CNN should cover in a video AFA Bard : summary??? AFA Bard : Negotiator, Frank, Toot? AFA Bard : Gayle? AFA Bard : Murray? AFL Gayle : "Eating Healthy for Weight Control," too. Hmmm... bet that would be a popular AFL Gayle : item for the faculty. ;) BCS Frank : Hmmm... anything about the online communities like AOL & GEnie? AFL Gayle : GREAT idea, Frank! :) AFC Tooter: Hmmmmmm. Eat anything and lose weight too might be a better title. AFA Bard : Believe it or not, Gayle, I did that one. ;) I ate Hagen Daz the entire time! :)) AFA Bard : Great idea, Frank! AFL Gayle : LOL, TooT! You got THAT right! TEACHER ms: How about Larry King Live ? AFA Bard : Hmm.. Larry King... remember any particularly memorable ones that would play well in a classroom? AFL Gayle : Bard, how about one for teachers that would be a behind the scenes look at how TEACHER ms: hmmm let me think .. AFL Gayle : CNN Newsroom guides and programs are put together? It would be a great AFC Tooter: Citizenship and voter apathy!! AFA Bard : Ooo.. great idea Gayle. However, if you would COME TO ATLANTA, I could take you on a personal tour! AFL Gayle : promotional piece, too, of course. Might also be useful in high school TV TEACHER ms: I like all of his programs !! AFL Gayle : Production, etc. classes. AFA Bard : Me too Murray. Negotiator: An interview with President Bush for students BCS Frank : "A Schhol Day in..." Somalia, Hungary, Edinborough, Nome & LA. AFL Gayle : Yes, but, Bard, I could watch the video at hours other than 3 am. ;) TEACHER ms: Some would be appropriate for classroom :) BCS Frank : That's "School." ^^ AFA Bard : Good ideas!!! Maybe interviews with all living presidents? I like the School Day in... idea too! AFA Bard : I wish you guys were in Atlanta.. I'd hire you! ;) BCS Frank : hmmm.... :) AFA Bard : (that's guys and girls :)) AFL Gayle : The presidents idea is great, Bard. That would fit into our 3rd grade AFL Gayle : curriculum, too. TEACHER ms: Yes, that would be great !!! AFA Bard : Question.. anyone out there seen the Captain Planet cartoon series yet? Negotiator: Is he a star? AFL Gayle : No. What is that, Bard? AFA Bard : Toot? Frank? Have you seen it? BCS Frank : Follow a labor negotiation & strike, start to finish, from both sides. BCS Frank : Capt. Panet? Haven't heard of it. AFA Bard : Another GREAT idea, Frank. AFA Bard : If you can get Ted's WTBS it comes on frequently. Captain Planet is a really neat kids cartoon based AFC Tooter: Dumped. Strange noises eminating from the node. BCS Frank : The ideas are easy... it's the production that takes away your afternoons. :) AFA Bard : on the premise of ecology. Basically, this team of kids - from US, USSR, SA, Africa and Japan - who Negotiator: How the U.S. Congress makes a budget or makes and passes a law BCS Frank : Hi, Ragen :) AFA Bard : each hold powers of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Heart -crusade to save the world! It's really AFL Gayle : Ragen! Hi!!! :)))) AFA Bard : great! AFA Bard : Negotiator.. that's already in the works! GMTA! AFC Tooter: Ragen!!!! AFA Bard : Hiya Ragen! RagenT : Hello! TEACHER ms: Oh, I have seen it, Bard !!! AFA Bard : What did you think Murray? Negotiator: How about an interview with astonauts and a video tour of Cape Canavaral AFA Bard : Didya know Tom Cruise was originally cast as one of the voices? He couldn't make it at the last TEACHER ms: It is a good cartoon with an important message !!!! AFL Gayle : Great idea, Bob! :) AFA Bard : minute. Other voices are stars, too. :) AFA Bard : NASA already in the works, too. ;) TEACHER ms: No, I didn't know that :) BCS Frank : How about Lieracy Through the Ages, ie, Charlemagne needing readers, etc. Negotiator: How about pollution and what kids can personally do to lessen it AFA Bard : OK.. one more time: For information on CNN NEWSROOM call 800-344-6219. AFA Bard : Negotiator: One of the videos.. called Not in My Backyard.. covers that very thing. It's great! AFA Bard : Literacy.. hmmm! great ideas! AFL Gayle : Well, it's that magic time you've ALL been waiting for-- time to announce our TEACHER ms: How about one about Stone Mountain ?? AFL Gayle : last winner for the month of June of free AED hours. :) AFA Bard : YOU know about Stone Mountain Murray?? AFC Tooter: Oooooh, oooh!!!! AFA Bard : Oooooooooooooooo! TEACHER ms: Yes, a little AFL Gayle : Our winner tonight is Negotiator for the secret word, VIDEOS! :) AFL Gayle : *Applause* TEACHER ms: () () () () AFL Gayle : He was almost an instant winner tonight. :) Negotiator: Yeaah! All right! I accept the free hour! Yippee! AFA Bard : LOL! BCS Frank : Well done indeed, Negotiator!!!! AFL Gayle : Remember next week is party time! Time for an 3rd Annual AED Fourth of July AFL Gayle : Bar-B-Que and Beach Party. Bring your own topic. Open forum. Of course, there AFL Gayle : will be FREE hours for some lucky people who come. :) AFA Bard : Such as life... well folks.. got LOTS O MAIL to answer. I'm outta here...! Nite! 6/30/91 9:08:53 PM Closing Chat Log.