7/28/91 8:06:06 PM Opening "chat0728" for Chat Log recording. AFA Bard : Midge! Welcome! MIDGEF : Hi MIDGEF : Wow, crowded AFA Bard : :))) How's your summer so far? MIDGEF : I was yawning through TV and said AED! MIDGEF : Pretty good AFA Bard : Yea! Well - we'll just have to make this exciting! :) MIDGEF : Working on Delta Drawing and designing stuff AFA Bard : Sounds like you're pretty "sold" on DD. What kinda stuff are you working on? MIDGEF : Also writing two Tutor Tech stacks MIDGEF : I'm redesigning the demo disk files to a tutorial format MIDGEF : and making classroom charts and disk sleeves AFA Bard : Disk sleeves? How? MIDGEF : and writing lessons for workshops or to share online AFA Bard : (YES... share!) MIDGEF : Cindy Field of Incider has a disk sleeve MIDGEF : template which is in the Productivity area from a long time ago MIDGEF : I have been making them for all the Apple II software I need quick directions MIDGEF : for MIDGEF : Tutor Tech, Delta, MECC software etc. AFA Bard : A template for AppleWorks? Can you give me an example of the type of directions you give? (A GREAT AFA Bard : idea!!) MIDGEF : She has a 3.5 version for the November column MIDGEF : It's a Publish it document MIDGEF : but I do have an Appleworks version (from Softdisk) MIDGEF : I type what is on my saved files (like my lessons and memos) for AW files MIDGEF : and my "million" Print Shop designs MIDGEF : My teachers love them. I put how to shut sound off and teacher controls etc. MIDGEF : I'm hoping my design reaches the November issue AFA Bard : Ah! LOL! Have you seen PS Companion's "small picture" printer? It's great to print a "catalog" AFA Bard : of print shop images somewhere in the school. Your idea is great -- I especially like putting the MIDGEF : Yes and I have a 5 inch thick binder of printouts and AW file librarian AFA Bard : teacher commands on the folder. Like MECC's CONTROL-A command that everyone forgets. :)) AFA Bard : Those AW and print shop files really pile up! MIDGEF : Keeping organized is my full time job (and harder with my Mac) MIDGEF : But, my main interest is Delta right now AFA Bard : I know what you mean. How do you organize your diskettes (physically) in your classroom? MIDGEF : and the fun I'm having with my local school MIDGEF : I don't have a real classroom MIDGEF : I just help teachers when they want me or I do workshops MIDGEF : with Inservice Grants AFA Bard : Right.. I remember. :)) Here's an idea I picked up from another AOL user that you might pass along... AFA Bard : to organize the disks for a class period, use masking tape to make a grid pattern on top of a AFA Bard : large table. Number the grid to correspond to numbers on the computers. This way, each student AFA Bard : knows where his/her diskette is, you'll know what computer is vacant and also what disks are late AFA Bard : in coming back at period's end. Simple - but effective. :) MIDGEF : That's good! I needed that when I taught with RagenT in a lab setting MIDGEF : It was fun..and the kids loved it but some of the classroom teachers resented MIDGEF : us because we had a fun teaching relationshop with the kids MIDGEF : I am tired of teaching teachers who don't want to learn AFA Bard : Resented? Really? Probably just jealousy. THEY could've taking the time to learn just like you did. AFA Bard : I say.. "let them eat our dust!!" :)) MIDGEF : And that's why I'm working on Delta AFA Bard : I'm also glad there are folks like you to help "kick them" into the 20th century. :)) MIDGEF : I don't need the teacher AFA Bard : Why do you perfer DD to other graphic programs? MIDGEF : Well... MIDGEF : It's cheap MIDGEF : No input device needed MIDGEF : or to break MIDGEF : the kids pick it up fast MIDGEF : it prints easily MIDGEF : and MIDGEF : kids learn MORE about the computer than any other program MIDGEF : with a 64K or 128K Apple MIDGEF : Even the dopiest teacher can learn it and print MIDGEF : Remember..we have used it for 6 years AFA Bard : Hmmm.. interesting. Can you give me an example of the kinds of activities you might do with kids or AFA Bard : teachers when they first meet DD? MIDGEF : We start out small by learning the first commands which are phonic based MIDGEF : D for Draw M for Move R and L to turn E to erase MIDGEF : and C to pick a color from a line at the bottom of the screen MIDGEF : We make squares and triangles MIDGEF : Houses, boats, cars etc. MIDGEF : Each kids picture is unique MIDGEF : Then we teach lettering and Kaleidoscope MIDGEF : and I do do some programming with it (kids adore that) MIDGEF : My older kids like to work on making polygon designs MIDGEF : That's the lesson I plan to upload MIDGEF : We should have a direct connect area soon AFA Bard : Sounds great... I like your idea about shapes/polygons. Some good geometry there -- do you take AFA Bard : measurements of the resulting figures or do any quantitative stuff with them? MIDGEF : Yes you can..we have some jr high teachers working on that MIDGEF : now I'm making pattern block designs AFA Bard : Neat! Ever try tessellations? MIDGEF : Math is my personal weakest area MIDGEF : Yes..I'm trying to work with some books that a teacher has and my old Logo MIDGEF : notes AFA Bard : Great! I've used LogoWriter for years to teach that - I'm no math wiz either, but these programs MIDGEF : I really love working with the first and second graders who can do anything AFA Bard : sure make it more enjoyable for me. ;) MIDGEF : I think kids understand math better than we did but... MIDGEF : science (I have a degree in Biology) is still the pits MIDGEF : so that's where Tutor Tech comes in AFA Bard : I agree (I have a degree in Earth Science). I think there's still a LONG way to go in those AFA Bard : areas. What kind of TT stacks are you working on? MIDGEF : I have HyperStudio and HyperCard but no classroom with hardware MIDGEF : Earth Science WOWWWWW AFA Bard : (Sounds VERY familiar!) MIDGEF : I am making my daughter take that his year MIDGEF : I KNOW if she doesn't she'll never get the opportunity again AFA Bard : I hope she has a good teacher. It can be terrific -- or sheer he*l! AFA Bard : Hiya RAGEN!!!! MIDGEF : Buddy!!!! RagenT : Hi Friends! MIDGEF : Tutor-Tech queen RagenT : Yeh, I can even find it now, Midge:) MIDGEF : Anyway...my stack will be Migration of the Monarch Butterfly AFA Bard : Welcome to our "intimate" chat! Midge has been telling me about her DD and Tutor Tech prowess-- AFA Bard : what have YOU been up to? AFA Bard : Migration! Awesome! With digitized pictures? MIDGEF : Ragen cleaned out her computer area RagenT : Up to the top of Mount Washington, about 6500 feet! MIDGEF : Yes I have Thunderscan AFA Bard : LOL!! Whatta view - huh? MIDGEF : She's dizzy..LOL RagenT : It was covered in fog, couldn't see a thing, not even the dropoffs! AFA Bard : :)) RagenT : I am not! RagenT : Just have too many kids:) AFA Bard : I'll bet coming down was a real "cliffhanger" :)) MIDGEF : I love to tease Ragen (did you know we live 5 miles apart?) RagenT : My son kissed all of us and the earth and made the statement that he was glad RagenT : to be alive! AFA Bard : 5 miles apart??!! Wow! You could practically shout out the window! Kind of ironic that you have AFA Bard : to call Vienna, VA to talk. :)) MIDGEF : I met GinniyT online and she lives closer AFA Bard : Great to be alive!! For sure! (Of course, a lack of oxygen makes folks say things like that!) Did AFA Bard : you plant an AOL flag??? RagenT : Not usally, it's just when we want to link up with you Bard;) AFA Bard : (::: blushing :::) More, more! ;)) MIDGEF : I never got the free Appelink Tshirt I was supposed to get MIDGEF : or I could have loaned it to her MIDGEF : for a flag AFA Bard : ;)) MIDGEF : Bard are you coming to Boston for MacWorld AFA Bard : I really wish I could! Toot will be there, I think. I'm heading to New Orleans to speak at a AFA Bard : conference there during that time. :(( MIDGEF : I decided not to attend this year AFA Bard : Why, Midge? RagenT : I think I might take kid TooT to the computer museum with Orestis (my son). MIDGEF : I would rather have gone to Kansas City MIDGEF : It's not on a weekend day, it's too expensive and I was a bit bored last year RagenT : and meet Tooter at Macworld, even though I don;t have a MAC. RagenT : Bored? MIDGEF : The Mac software is so expensive MIDGEF : and all the people are so stiff AFA Bard : The museum's GREAT! Software is expensive, Midge -- but it's all relative. Do you REALLY think AFA Bard : the folks are stiff?? You should sign on tonight and meet Guy Kawasaki in Center Stage.. he's about AFA Bard : as "non stiff" as they come! MIDGEF : He's great..like the "old" Mac people I met at other occasions MIDGEF : but now it's buy my Laser printer or upgrade for only $100 or else AFA Bard : Yup.. last time he was online it was a record crowd. He's wonderful. And full of mischief. :) MIDGEF : I enjoyed his book and I do enjoy MacWrite II and HyperCard MIDGEF : but my Mac is an SE and the monochrome is boring MIDGEF : No schools here will buy Macs this year anyway AFA Bard : boring.. hmmm.. did you know Radius makes an SE compatible color screen for about $299? Or.. you can MIDGEF : They can't even afford Ragen AFA Bard : sit back and wait for the color Mac portable. :)) AFA Bard : No macs? Funny -- around Atlanta that's ALL we're buying. Southern Operations (Apple's Atlanta MIDGEF : That's right...I'm waiting until all this gets cheaper AFA Bard : division) is reporting record sales. Our district just installed a lab at every HS and a few starter- AFA Bard : labs at middle schools. :) MIDGEF : Around here ...NO hardware will be bought at all even at High School RagenT : ...not even a mouse. MIDGEF : Good Ragen....heee heee AFA Bard : Ouch! Do you think it's a temporary measure just to cut costs.. or a long-term thing? RagenT : well...we could use a few with Tutor-Tech:) MIDGEF : Long term I expect double sessions in 2 years MIDGEF : I just want to get my kid thru high school RagenT : I agree, because there are greater needs, like teachers! RagenT : to spend money on before hardware. AFA Bard : OUCH! (again!) I guess (more) taxes are out of the question! Do you folks get money for computers, AFA Bard : etc. by selling school bonds? MIDGEF : Grants or parent group fund raisers AFA Bard : So what type of hardware might your typical HS have? RagenT : Excuse my ignorance, what is a school bond? AFA Bard : Down South (and, I suspect other places) the legislature lets each school district sell school MIDGEF : The high school has IBM's, Apples and a small amount of Macs AFA Bard : bonds -- essentially it's like "stock" in the system. The public, banks, whoever, buys shares and MIDGEF : but we teach typing on typewriters AFA Bard : the money goes to fund buildings, computers, etc. When the bond matures, the schools take repay the RagenT : Middleboro HS has Apple II e's and 3 IBMs. There are getting IBMs this summer, AFA Bard : holders with interest and then sell more bonds. RagenT : I think. AFA Bard : How large is Middleboro? AFA Bard : (students) MIDGEF : I think bonds were discussed here but failed MIDGEF : smaller than Bridgewater AFA Bard : <-- clueless about Bridgewater. How many students? RagenT : I'm not sure, big area, small population, very rural. I teach night school for MIDGEF : Bridgewater is a regional school at high school 1,400 students MIDGEF : 9-12 RagenT : a Business school, Appleworks for business students? MIDGEF : 2,400 Kto 8 AFA Bard : And what is the 9-12 computer to kids ratio? (your best guess?) MIDGEF : I counted machines at open house RagenT : (sounds like Midge, countin' computers:) ) MIDGEF : 25 IBM's, 8 Mac's and 15 or 18 Apples in a lab MIDGEF : scattered Apples and Mac in a few classrooms RagenT : GS's, Midge. MIDGEF : I was blatently obvious about counting them to get noticed AFA Bard : GS's in classrooms or in the lab? MIDGEF : some IIE's and GS's mixed RagenT : In the computer lab run by the Math department. MIDGEF : I could go look at the notes I took MIDGEF : My daughter says the whole place is antique RagenT : The JH where I taught is going to break up the lab. MIDGEF : and refuses to take computers (she's sick of teaching the teacher!) AFA Bard : :)) Here's to antiques! Breaking up the lab? In our system folks are bringing computers out of the AFA Bard : classroom into labs. Interesting, huh? RagenT : The teachers have already made dibs on which computer they want, and I doubt MIDGEF : In other words Bard...stay where you are RagenT : that it will be for student use. MIDGEF : At junior high No homework is allowed to be done on a computer RagenT : Wait until they see what junk they have to work with, lousy monitors, disk AFA Bard : :) Midge. "Where I am", actually, has changed. As of July 1st I was named as Coordinator of Tech. for MIDGEF : At high school they don't care..my daughter did it all in Appleworks RagenT : drives that need tune ups, and no software. AFA Bard : our 80,000+ student system. A different perspective, huh?! NO HOMEWORK ON COMPUTERS??? Preposterous!!! RagenT : I think thats great, Bard. AFA Bard : That sounds a lot like the librarian in our AFA Bard : district who refused to allow a bibliography in a term paper taken from an online database. I MIDGEF : It is scarey..since Ragen and I did so much work AFA Bard : "visited" her and helped her change her ways. :))) RagenT : The JH teachers are afraid that the parents are doing it for the kids. AFA Bard : If your parents are like mine.. they Couldn't do it for the kids. It's the kids that are teaching AFA Bard : the parents! MIDGEF : They are all OLD teachers (one is over 70) RagenT : Manoli is telling me to turn the computer off. Tell Midge, he says. MIDGEF : Ragen lets a 3 year old push her around AFA Bard : Over 70!?!?!? I'll bet she still won't use a touch tone phone, too! RagenT : Guess why;) MIDGEF : It's a he AFA Bard : Well.. folks here's the moment you've all been waiting for... AFA Bard : time for FREE HOURS. AFA Bard : It's a tight contest tonight... MIDGEF : and his name used to be the most popular first name for a man teacher RagenT : No kidding! AFA Bard : the crowd is overwhelming... AFA Bard : I kind of like his first name. :) MIDGEF : Coach AFA Bard : Aha! AFA Bard : Anyway... One free hour will be awarded to.. AFA Bard : BOTH MIDGE and RAGEN for saying whatever word I pick out from your chat. :))) It's fun playing AFA Bard : King while the boss is away! MIDGEF : Good to be da King AFA Bard : Anyway... it's been SUPER talking with ya'll tonight. :))) RagenT : Thank you Bard! MIDGEF : I loved it but before we go MIDGEF : do you want a Delta Demo disk for yourself? MIDGEF : It works on an LC if you want a 3.5 RagenT : Good seeing you Midge and Bard:) MIDGEF : Night Ragen AFA Bard : YES! YES! YES! You've really got my curiousity up now! :)) AFA Bard : Nite Ragen! AFA Bard : 3.5 sounds great! AFA Bard : Should I e-mail the address? MIDGEF : OK send me a mail address and if you want 3.5 or 5.25 and I'll mail MIDGEF : Yes MIDGEF : and a free disk sleeve AFA Bard : THANK YOU!!! You're terrific! PLEASE upload some of your goodies too.. they sound great! MIDGEF : OK night.. and thanks for the fun and free hours 7/28/91 9:05:38 PM Closing Chat Log.