Here's some explanations of the programs for the TI-81 that I've written. conventions: Anything that could not be directly represented in text was given a symbol which represents the same thing. I think most of them are self- explanatory, but here are the symbols I used. sqr = square root. -> = store (pi) = pi. There is a pi key on the calculator. It is: ^ exec(progname) = run this program. substitue "Prgmx" for this, where x is the number corresponding to the appropriate program. Remember that the names of the instructions are not typed in directly, but are under the various menus which can be accessed. note: to save a little space in the programs, wherever "^2" is printed, use the squared key, which will perform the same job, using only one byte instead of two. programs: This is a description of the programs I in the file "TI.81.programs". All of the programs are written by Aaron Goldstein. program: RANGE This program simply sets up the screen according to my own specifications. The numbers it uses give screen ranges which result in pixels that are mathematically square(each pixel represents the same distance vertically and horizontally). program: MOVEVIEW I wrote this to move the viewscreen around. It simply changes the X/Y-min variables without changing the proportions of the screen. The only problem with it is that the Xscl and Yscl setting do not work exactly as I intended them to(eliminate these lines from the program if you wish, they will have no effect on its intended purpose). program: SIZEVIEW This was an effort to automatically change the size of the screen without changing its "shape". It takes the user input and changes the size of the screen according to that. The proportion of (Xmax-Xmin)/(Ymax-Ymin) does not change. program: PHASE This is a physics program designed to graph wave interference. It graphs the function sin(X), graphs a wave with a frequency and phase change given by the user, and then it graphs the resulting interference pattern. When it exits, it turns all functions on that are entered, so you may have to cancel those that you do not wish to graph. BTW: a phase change of +90 degrees, (pi)/2 radians is the equivalent of cos(X). program: CYCLOPS This was the result of playing around with ellipses for several hours last week. The Cyclops program doesn't serve any useful purpose, I just wrote it for fun. See what it does for yourself! :) I also have the MICKEY program on my calculator(draws Mickey Mouse), but I didn't write it, so I'm not going to upload it. If you like this stuff, tell me, or send me your programs. I think it'd be great to some other stuff. info: (about me -> Aaron Goldstein) I'm a junior at Nyack High School in Nyack, New York. I got a TI-81 graphing calculator about a month and a half ago, and I've been playing with it ever since. I also like to write programs for real computers. I've only uploaded one program(projectile motion), for the apple IIgs, and I'm thinking of trying to move that over to an IBM compatible. have fun folks!:) peace... electronic address: AOL - Breadmold1 - Aaron sten(don't write here, I check mail about once a month if that much)