Date: 11/21/93 Start Time: 8:00:04 PM End Time: 9:02:34 PM Number of participants: 14 Participants: AFA Bard, AFC Tooter, AFL Gayle, Elaine 100, JHaneyZZ, JVH Ltd, KKathrineK, MaMiller67, MaristR, MaryEz, NGC224, Pinckneyvl, SandyE, Susan G2 AFA Bard : Welcome! Our topic tonight is AMERICA ONLINE IN THE CLASSROOM. Last week we heard about some great online projects like Scrapbook USA and a couple of new projects from the halls of the Electronic Schoolhouse---this week, we're focusing on using AOL in other ways in the classroom. So... it's time to be innovative and creative and let the ideas fly!!! So.... anyone out there got any ideas for using AOL in the classroom? SandyE : Hi All! Well, of course, there's the obvious, like online encyclopedia... AFC Tooter : And anyone who wants a free copy of the schoolhouse news, just let me know. It includes lots of new projects now taking place in the Electronic SchoolHouse. KKathrineK : I want a free copy AFA Bard : Why use the online encyclopedia when there's one in your media center, Sandy? SandyE : There's following expeditions (like the one going on in Antartica right now)..the 85 (is he 85?!) AFC Tooter : 88 And he's in the South Pole. AFA Bard : It's THE COOPERS! Welcome! We're discussing the use of AOL in the classroom! Hiya Elaine & Sandy! Hope you brought your ideas! SandyE : Ok, Ok, so I got my poles confuse..won't be the last time. AFA Bard : Again, Sandy. Why use the online encyclopedia if you've got one at school? SandyE : Well, it's often more up to date than the books in the media center... JHaneyZZ : Tooter>Please E-mail me the info. about Elec.Schoolhouse SandyE : ...and it's more fun (so the kids tell me) AFC Tooter : And it can teach basic search strategies that are becoming essential for real research. Will do, JH and KKath. SandyE : Thank you, Tooter..... AFA Bard : Aha, Sandy! How about some of the less mentioned areas online- like TRAVEL or LIFESTYLES-- can Elaine 100 : Now that I am out of the classroom, I do not get to use all this great technology. AFA Bard : anyone imagine a way to use THOSE areas in the classroom? SandyE : Travel...yes! AFC Tooter : Bard LOVES travel!!!! KKathrineK : Thank you tooter AFA Bard : :) You've got THAT right, Toot! Sandy-- how to use travel??? AFL Gayle : Because the one in the media center was bought 3 years ago, Bard! :) AFC Tooter : You're very welcome :-) SandyE : Many classes do travel units and have to plan trips, right down to the expenses AFL Gayle : Also, the one in the media center requires you to look in lots of volumes to SandyE : of the trip. Some have to call the airlines, but most would prefer to check it out online JHaneyZZ : Does AOL give any special rates to schools, teachers, or grad. students in education? AFL Gayle : find the cross references. Online, the walking is done for you. :) Elaine 100 : What a great way to use interdiscipinary units. Boy combining travel w/math science, etc. SandyE : They can also get weather reports since part of the unit involves packing the correct clothing AFC Tooter : Only slightly special, JH and only to schools who use lots of time. SandyE : Yes, Elaine. In fact, it WAS an Interdisciplinary class where I first taught this unit. SandyE : Kids had to make their own passports, research cities to be "visited". It was quite a rich unit Elaine 100 : How would a school use this with only a 50 minute period. Way to go Sandy using all areas. AFC Tooter : It's a real math problem to untangle the rates of the various rent-a-cars, but it's all available online. AFA Bard : Good point, Toot. It's hard for *anyone* to sort through all the car rental stuff in real life! SandyE : Elaine...the unit went on for 5 or six weeks. Ideas were formulated and the online used by small AFA Bard : Some real-world problem solving! SandyE : groups as the needs arose. Elaine 100 : Did you work with a team of teachers on this unit? KKathrineK : Sandy. How many computers do you have in your classroom? SandyE : Three of us wrote the unit during the summer and expanded upon it as it was used by teaching teams Kathrine: I have 28 (that's not a fair answer) I'm the facilitator of a Mac lab in Lawrenceville, GA Elaine 100 : Lucky Sandy with 28.. how many of us are that lucky. AFA Bard : (She's WAY more than a facilitator- she's a techno-Queen!!) SandyE : Classes come to the lab to use the computers for everything from LA, Science, Math, Etc. Etc. KKathrineK : What age kids, Sandy SandyE : Middle School 6-8 Very mixed racially, culturally, economically--you name it Susan G2 : I don't know I like not having enough computers to force students to learn how to work together. Elaine 100 : Sandy do you work with the other teachers in your school to use the computers most effectly? KKathrineK : What software do you have installed? JHaneyZZ : I had 15 Mac Plus machines in my 4th/5th gr.class last year, but they were only networked in the bldg. AFA Bard : JH-- have you discovered MECC's Wagon Train 1848 for Mac networks yet? It'd be GREAT for your lab! AFC Tooter : But, Bard, don't forget our online version of that wagon train in the Westward HO! project coming up after the new year. JHaneyZZ : Yes. I'm not in a lab though. This is a regular self-contained classroom! AFA Bard : Ah, yes, Toot! JH- with a couple of Phone-Net connectors & System 7- you've got a network! :) (Of course your Plusses probably don't have System 7! ;) ) KKathrineK : You have 15 Macs in one classroom? How can you be so lucky? AFA Bard : How many out there use CNN Online- or even knew that the area exists??? SandyE : Elaine--to answer you--yes, I work very closely with all the teachers to integrate technology into AFA Bard : Hiya Bill! We're chatting about AOL in the classroom! SandyE : their lesson's the name of the game. JVH Ltd : Hi! You probably remember me better as JimVH4 JHaneyZZ : I have a network, but I want to get into AOL or Internet with my students. KK>Dist.220 has 1 mac for.. SandyE : Katherine...we have a wide variety of software from ClarisWorks 2.0, Kid Pix, MacUSA, MacGlobe, Math Pinckneyvl : We use CNN newsroom at our school.. SandyE : Blaster Mystery, AlgeBlaster Plus, HyperStudio, Dr. Brain....we have been blessed! AFA Bard : Remember that we'll have full Internet access on AOL very soon! JHaneyZZ : every 2 students in 5th & 6th grade. This ratio follows the kids as they move into higher grades. AFA Bard : CNN, Bill... how are you using it? Pinckneyvl : We download the file and put it in the Media Center. Teachers then Xerox it and use it in their class SandyE : Same for us Bill. Pinckneyvl : That seems to work pretty well... AFA Bard : Welcome to the AED Conference Room, CATZ! We're chatting about AOL in the classroom. Susan G2 : I read in T3 a nice idea. The teacher put the CNN newsroom topics up on the board and had students Elaine 100 : Sounds like your schools are much more technolgy oriented than schools here in FL. We just do not have the $$. Susan G2 : look in USA today to find further information on the topics. They picked the topic to research. AFA Bard : Does everyone out there get T3 magazine? Pinckneyvl : There are some great PostScript files on the olympics available on GCEduNet for downloading. Elaine 100 : No. KKathrineK : What is T3 agazine? AFA Bard : It's a quarterly periodical from Turner Ed. Svcs (CNN). Any idea how to get on the mailing list, Susan? (Bill--- why not upload those to AOL!!) AFL Gayle : No, Bard. Don't get it. Susan G2 : No idea Bard. Pinckneyvl : I'll give it a try. They are quite large but worth it... SandyE : What all is in T3? AFA Bard : Call 800-344-6219 for information about T3. It's a magazine that features highlights & ideas about Susan G2 : Well last month there was an article about how different teachers use CNN newsroom. AFA Bard : how to use AOL & CNN in the classroom. Some very famous people are featured in there. :) SUSANG2, for one! Susan G2 : Like Bard AFA Bard : ;) AFL Gayle : Famous people, like Bard Williams? :) AFA Bard : Next month, there's a doozy of an article about using the ONLINE CONFERENCE (like this) in your classroom. :) It should be out in January- uhm, not next month. JHaneyZZ : Does anyone know of any other sources of articles for use with a grad.thesis about online tele. use .. with 4th-7th grade gifted and talented students? AFA Bard : Electronic Learning usually has a telecommunications column, JH. Also, check KKathrineK : How much does it cost for a school to subscribe to AOL? AFA Bard : Dissertation Abstracts under telecommunications. I've see a few there. AFL Gayle : Check The Computing Teacher, JH. Pinckneyvl : $9.95 a month. AFA Bard : Kath- you can get it for the regular rate, or work a deal with CNN for $24.95 for 10 hours. (longer AFC Tooter : There's a great article on ScrapBook Writing Project in ISTE's Computing Teacher from last year ;-) AFA Bard : time limits are also available) JHaneyZZ : Thanks! At least I know I've been on the right track! AFA Bard : Yes, Ted! That was a GREAT one! AFC Tooter : December/January issue. KKathrineK : Who publishes the Computing Teacher? AFC Tooter : ISTE\ ISTE that is. International Society for Technology in Education. It's in Eugene Oregon. AFA Bard : How about the TURNER MULTIMEDIA stuff online- anyone use that? JHaneyZZ : Tooter> I just read that ScrapBook article today. AFC Tooter : Coincidences!!!! :-))))) AFA Bard : Remember, folks, we'll give away a FREE HOUR at the end of this chat to one lucky guest!!!! Susan G2 : My students have not been the same since we started integrating telecommunications into the curriculum SandyE : Nite, Bill....check your AMUG mail AFC Tooter : And you just got a mailing to suggest you read the favorites now posted in the Electronic SchoolHouse JHaneyZZ : Susan> Is that good or bad? AFC Tooter : Susan!!!!! When did you arrive? Definitely, good. I've seen the work Susan's students have produiced. I guess produiced rhymes with juiced. KKathrineK : How old are your students Susan? JHaneyZZ : So what are your students doing,Susan? SandyE : Anyone read BYTE magazine? Oct issue had a negative article by some curmudgeon named Pournelle about multimedia and kids. Susan G2 : My students are adults AFC Tooter : yes, Susan's kids are adults. ;-) Susan G2 : WE do everything and anything. I teach ESL so communciation is very important. We use the live chats to work on those skills. AFA Bard : Really, Sandy? Tell us about it! (and send me a copy in the courier!) Susan G2 : We do projects that involve the students. My favorite is Cookbook. JHaneyZZ : I read a great article about just that today. My, I'm reading a lot these days. Elaine 100 : Sounds great Susan, do you think it would also work with 12 and 13 yr. olds. SandyE : Only the first section was about that, I'll send it to you...the rest rambled about other things Susan G2 : Sure. Most of the people we work with are kids. AFC Tooter : Many of the students Susans "kids" share with are my 13 and 14 year-olds. Susan G2 : If you are interested in the cookbook, I'll send you a description by Email. We are going to publish this years in May. Elaine 100 : I'm confused, if a child can not read any English how do you get them on a live chat? Susan G2 : They learn fast. AFA Bard : Susan-- can you upload a description to the ESH libraries? Susan G2 : If it is alright with Tooter. It is his description from his last newsletter. AFC Tooter : We have been reading the wonderful recipes that students kids wrote all week. Incredible recipes and beautifully written. JHaneyZZ : What's ESH? Elaine 100 : We have several students from Haiti, Mexico and a new one coming from France without English. Help? AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH) the place where terachers on AOL go to start or join online class-link projects. Susan G2 : There is a post about that in the English teaching bulletin board Elaine. It is in the folder labeled JHaneyZZ : I'm glad I asked Susan G2 : problem center. Susan G2 : Let me see if I can dish it up and send it to you via email Elaine. AFA Bard : Haiti & Mexico, Elaine! Sounds like a challenge! SandyE : JH--ESH is a GREAT place to browse...tons of stuff to see and do. Elaine 100 : That would be great.I'm still trying to find my way around AOL and all these keywords and places to go JHaneyZZ : How are you all funding AOL time in your schools? AFA Bard : Our district uses PTA funds and "Chapter II" funds, JH. Elaine 100 : Challenge is a kind way of putting it. SandyE : might enjoy a copy of America Online Tour Guide by Tom Lichty. A great book AFC Tooter : Did you know you can get AOL purchase order accounts through CNN, JH? AFA Bard : Make that Chapter TWO. :) SandyE : It was on my Christmas list last year and Santa was good. I found out much about maneuvering through AOL using that book (exceeded my time limit as well) Elaine 100 : I'll put the book on my list along with the many other things. Let's see what happens. I might just JHaneyZZ : Tooter> How do you do that? SandyE : But it was worth it! Elaine 100 : buy it myself. AFA Bard : Really, Elaine? Any progress with your school? AFC Tooter : PO accounts can be ordered by calling 1-800344-6219. You need to sign up for at least 4 months at $25/month. That will give you ten hours each month. The price goes down if you buy more months. However, SandyE : Money problems...*ROTFL*...I'm thinking of standing outside my school with a hat in my hand AFA Bard : (That's the same number as for T3 magazine, incidentally.) Elaine 100 : Progress in what way. We train teachers to be ESOL but w/o materials & w/30+ students how do you help? AFC Tooter : with PO accounts you are protected. When the monthly funds are gone, the service shuts off, so no the theft of services is possible. KKathrineK : Have to put kids to bed. Thanks for the info. My kids want to know when the Kids On-line is going to b JHaneyZZ : Tooter> Thanks. Our PTO might go for it. I tend to be very convincing. AFA Bard : G'night, Katherine! Sure you don't want to stay for the awarding of the FREE HOUR in a few minutes? AFC Tooter : Go for it, JH!!!! Elaine 100 : We do not even have a PTO? AFA Bard : A live demo always sells 'em JH... especially if you can get someone else (like someone here?) to help you out online. KKathrineK : be up and running? AFC Tooter : Find a local business to adopt you, Elaine. SandyE : I volunteer, JH AFC Tooter : Kids Only online is thriving now, Katherine. SandyE : Tooter--I've been knocking on doors for a year now...looking for business's a tough job--any hints AFA Bard : See, JH!! You've already got a volunteer for an ONLINE GUEST!!! Sandy'll be great to give a Southern Perspective. ;0 Elaine 100 : Great Toot, we work with Lockheed at the Space Center, all they do is to send 85 mentors to our school AFC Tooter : Katherine, try keyword KOOL> After the chat!!! KOOL. = KOOL Elaine 100 : Don't get me wrong the mentors are great but money would also help a lot. SandyE : Yeah...I'll try not to D R A W L too much and use up time AFC Tooter : You never drawl on my screen, Sandy. JHaneyZZ : Sandy> Where are you exactly? AFA Bard : KOOL- Kids Only OnLine. ;0 A nifty place. SandyE : I teach in Lawrenceville, GA, live in Lilburn GA, but we're about 13 miles from Atlanta AFC Tooter : ditto! No, the ditto was for Bard's comment. AFA Bard : And JH-- where are you? Elaine 100 : It seems like everyone works in GA. AFC Tooter : I'm in CONNECTICUT!!!! AFA Bard : :) Elaine. We certainly don't rest! SandyE : Bard and I are in GA, Elaine is in FLA, Tooter is in CT AFL Gayle : Not me! I'm in North Carolina! :)) JHaneyZZ : I'm in Barrington, IL, about 45 miles northwest of Chicago, My kind of town! AFA Bard : JH- have you checked out CHICAGO ONLINE yet? SandyE : Ok, tooter, I stand corrected (again) AFC Tooter : I've always wanted to go to Chicago. JHaneyZZ : Bard> Nope. Should I? Susan G2 : I have to go. Great chat tonight all. AFC Tooter : I wasn't correcting about the poles, Sandy. I think you were right. AFA Bard : Keyword: CHICAGO. ;) Absolutely!! It's got some great stuff! G'nite, Susan! Elaine 100 : Bye Susan. SandyE : Nite, Susan...See Ya SOON! AFA Bard : FREE HOUR TIME IS T-MINUS 8 MINUTES!!! AFA Bard : There's also MERCURY CENTER- an online area featuring news about the San Francisco Bay area. Great stuff! SandyE : What "department" is Mercury and Chicago? AFC Tooter : Hi, Rgoer!!! JH and Elaine will have to get the sounds ;-) MaristR : Hey Elaine 100 : Is there any quick guide sheet to find out all these keywords without have the book Sandy suggested. AFL Gayle : Newspapers. :) Just use the keyword, Sandy. :)\ JHaneyZZ : It's O.K., I just want to know. AFC Tooter : Elaine, just explore the areas that interest you and the keywords will come naturally. Don't worry MaristR : You can print out the key words under the help section of AOL. AFC Tooter : about getting all. Nobody knows all. AFL Gayle : Elaine, go to ABF (Beginners' Forum) They have some files with "maps" of the whole system. AFA Bard : Hiya Roger! AFL Gayle : Ask AFA Andy if you need help finding them. AFC Tooter : Also, try the DIRECTORY OF SERVICES. Elaine 100 : Thanks for the info. I guess I could stay here all nite. MaristR : Hey Bard AFA Bard : Ok folks... here are some VERY IMPORTANT announcements... : : First... there will be NO chat next week in AED- so you'll have plenty of time to digest your turkey. We'll resume TWO WEEKS from tonight, though- same time and place.... Also-- be sure to check out the ELECTRONIC SCHOOLHOUSE (Keyword ESH) for some great new SandyE : Too bad...this is the only exercise I get on Sunday AFA Bard : online projects! And now.... for the free hour.... AFL Gayle : Exercise, Sandy? AFA Bard : Drumroll, Toot? AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* AAFA Bard : The winner of the free hour for tonight is.... AFA Bard : JHANEYZZ for the secret word EDUCATION! Congrats to JHANEY!!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for JH! :) Elaine 100 : Way to go JH. AFA Bard : A free hour will be posted to your account within 24 hours!!!!!! Yippee!!! JHaneyZZ : Cool! This was my first chat, guys! SandyE : Congrats JHaney! MaristR : I need to get a drumroll wave file. AFA Bard : By the way.. a copy of this chat log can be found in the AED NEW FILES library tomorrow! AFC Tooter : Trial balloon!! If this is SandyE : It's favorite pooch! JHaneyZZ : Back to my research. Thanks again. AFA Bard : Well folks-- hope you all have a wonderful THANKSGIVING and get to see lots of those relatives Elaine 100 : See you in two weeks everyone. Have a great turkey day. AFA Bard : you never see any other time of the year. ;) SandyE : Nice to meet you JHaney Happy SandyE : Thanksgiving AFA Bard : You're VERY lucky, JH! Hope you'lljoin us again! SandyE : everyone JHaneyZZ : Maybe I'll be hooking up with you later, Sandy. I might need help impressing those PTO volunteers. SandyE : We have so much to be thankful for.....everyone remember that Anytime JH AFL Gayle : Now even *I* know that's not a bear, Toot! AFA Bard : And an extra special Happy Turkey to my online friends & cohorts in crime, AFL Gayle and AFC TOOTER! ()()()()()() AFL Gayle : BTW, where's the turkey, Toot? MaryEz : Hi, Just wanted to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" *fightgoeson* AFA Bard : In the microwave, Gayle. :) AFC Tooter : [[[[[Bard, Sandy, Susan, Gayle, and all]]]] MaryEz : Happy Thanksgiving!!! *gobble*