File: Chat Log 10/17/93 Date: 10/17/93 Start Time: 8:01:53 PM End Time: 9:05:45 PM Participants: AFA Bard, AFC Leni, AFC SteveB, AFL Gayle, AFL Marty, JeremyS314, MaryEz, SandyE, Susan G2 AFL Gayle : Using AOL in the Classroom is the announced topic, but we'll discuss anything you want to related to education. :) Are you an educator, Jeremy? JeremyS314 : In any classroom any grade AFL Gayle : What class and grade would you like to talk about, Jeremy? Susan G2 : Hi JeremyS314 : Not exactly gayle but I do teach other what I know I wish AOL was avaible at my childrens elementary school AFL Gayle : All they need is a computer and a little bit of money per month to have AOL. :) Oh, a modem and phone line, too, I meant to say. What grades are your children in, Jeremy? JeremyS314 : The moneys always seems to be the problem we have a modem and 4 macs LC2s My children are in K, 2, and 4th AFA Bard : Around here, Jeremy, the PTA's are paying for it. They voted $250 for the initial install & $40/month (more than enough) for online time. JeremyS314 : Where is around here AFA Bard : Just NE of Atlanta, GA. AFL Gayle : They can use a "regular" voice phone line, Jeremy, and for about $10 a month, JeremyS314 : I live in san mateo CA some schools have 25 macinthoshes others have 2 AFL Gayle : they can have an AOL account. Why the big difference, Jeremy? JeremyS314 : Does AOL have someone who will come to schools and discuss AOL JeremyS314 : The big difference is MONEY MaryEz : Hi, How are you all?!! AFA Bard : Not really, Jeremy, unless you want to buy us a plane ticket. :) Seriously, usually there's someone JeremyS314 : Some schools have it others do not AFL Gayle : Generally, someone local does it, like you, Jeremy. We can find "free" online AFA Bard : at your local technology conference doing a telecommunications presentation. If they're wise, AFL Gayle : time for you if you do a demo. AFA Bard : they're doing AOL. :) MaryEz : Where are you from Jeremy? AFL Gayle : Susan, are you near Jeremy? JeremyS314 : What would be great is if about 10-20 schools would go online Susan G2 : Sort of. JeremyS314 : MAryEZ I live in San Mateo, CA . Where do you live Mary Susan G2 : I live in Visalia which is about three hours south east MaryEz : Branford, Connecticut. I guess I can't do a demo for you! AFL Gayle : Jeremy, at the end of a ScrapBook, USA, session, sometimes the classes go Susan G2 : I will be in San Mateo in two weeks though talking about AOL for a CATESOL conference. Is there someon JeremyS314 : I know about 2 schools that are online but thats because Apple computer paid for eveything AFL Gayle : online. Also, we have an Academic Bowl with about 8-10 schools participating. Susan G2 : someone I can contact for you Jeremy to talk about AOL? JeremyS314 : Guess not MaryEz AFL Gayle : Have you been in the Electronic Schoolhouse yet, Jeremy? JeremyS314 : Yes susan our principal is Barabra Barnhardt 415 312-7544 Susan G2 : and what is your full name Jeremy? JeremyS314 : Jeremy smith AFL Gayle : Jeremy, does the school use the modem that they have for anything? MaryEz : Jeremy, ScrapBookUSA is now a part of our 6th Grade Language Arts curriculum. All 3 teams do it JeremyS314 : I havent been to Electronic Schoolhouse yet MaryEz : during the course of the year. Susan G2 : I will give a call. JeremyS314 : I'm not sure Gayle i will check our department is brand new AFL Gayle : In ESH there are several school projects, Jeremy, including ScrapBook, USA. MaryEz : Once you learn the ropes there are many ways to save time and money. AFA Bard : Jeremy, another way is to arrange a demo yourself- set up an LCD panel & invite teachers & other JeremyS314 : I do lean towards the macintosh side V.S PC which I dont like MaryEz : Including winning a free hour during this chat!!! AFA Bard : parents. We can arrange for some "special guests" (like us) from around the country. Makes for a great way to demo the service. JeremyS314 : Well I've been trying to set up regular meetings but the schools has been a little slow MaryEz : Distance learning at its best!!!! JeremyS314 : they have other funding problems but I will push it AFA Bard : Jeremy, why not offer to fund it for ONE MONTH, include a demo and see if they like it? MaryEz : It makes a great way for PTO to support you. AFL Gayle : It's an excellent way to cover several curriculum areas at one time. JeremyS314 : I tols them my goal was to have a mac in everyclassroom so they could all go online with CNN and AFA Bard : My friend [[[[ Sandy! ]]]] SandyE : Hi All JeremyS314 : they all laughed said we would love to but its a dream MaryEz : Hi, Sandy! AFA Bard : Remember, Jeremy, telecommunications you can do with ONE computer! SandyE : Hi Mary...did I just read a Mac in every dream also JeremyS314 : The mac is so much easier for the students to use than pc JeremyS314 : I know AFA Bard SandyE : Amen Jeremy! MaryEz : Macs are wonderful!! I am sitting here in my recliner with my powerbook on my lap watching the JeremyS314 : When i was in high school we had a TV for everroom so I think a mac is possible MaryEz : world series and talking to you guys! JeremyS314 : I have a MAC LC 2, Powerbook 160, and Quadra 950 AFL Gayle : (Speaking of World Series, Bard and Sandy, what happened? ;) JeremyS314 : Whats the score of the game MaryEz : We don't have a TV in every room yet, Jeremy! or a computer, for that matter but we do have AOL and AFA Bard : Sigh. No comment. MaryEz : one phone line. Game just starting. Susan G2 : I just got back from the CUE conference and listening to David Thornberg for two days. Sego and a cable tv company and pac bell are all merging. JeremyS314 : Are any of you attending Seybold S.F this week AFL Gayle : What did he speak about, Susan? Susan G2 : The future of education AFL Gayle : And the future is... ? (according to David?) Susan G2 : He used AOL in front of about 2000 people as the way to access information teachers facilitating students accessing information AFL Gayle : Hurray for David T.!! :) Susan G2 : He also said that there is a service called Express TV MaryEz : I hope he had a large monitor!! @;-> AFL Gayle : No, Jeremy. What's happening at Seybold SF? Susan G2 : which gives you the wire services before the TV stations. JeremyS314 : I like AOL much better than Compuserve for use. I was turned on to AOL through San Jose Mercury News Well seybold is one of the best conferences in the US Susan G2 : He said all schools should have a free hookup to this and to call our cable companies. SandyE : I'm's not my night....bad Karma...anyone have time to fill me in? AFL Marty : Hello JeremyS314 : Conference taught by Bill Gates,Tim Gill, Apple, John Sculley Adobe etcc plus latest equipment AFL Gayle : What that Express Exchange he was talking about, Susan? What=Was Susan G2 : Maybe is that a cable service? It was express something AFL Gayle : That's a service offered by some cable companies. JeremyS314 : I think San Jose Mercury News has done a very good job promoting AOL AFL Marty : Does it work on Apple II computers as well? JeremyS314 : Well I have to go make dinner for my kids have fun Bye AFA Bard : Strictly an AF trick, Susan. :) AFL Marty : Be right back... I'm gonna get off this Mac thing. AFC Leni : Hello, friends :-) SandyE : Gayle, I hope I'm still on Bobaloo's (??) mailing list....The kids LOVED it AFL Gayle : Marty, you didn't have to leave. :) I could have told you it worked on my GS.:) AFC SteveB : reMarty :) I'll try it again... see how it works :) AFA Bard : I liked your old clothes better, Marty. :) AFL Marty : I much prefer the Apple II over the Mac. SandyE : Susan, I'm looking forward to meeting your teachers tomorrow night They sound like a brave, brave crew AFC Leni : Did Susan tell you all of the meeting of AOL West, this weekend? :-) Susan G2 : I am looking forward to you meeting them to. And with this extra added feature..... AFC Leni : Susan's the brave one, Sandy :-) Susan G2 : No, I haven't had a chance yet Leni AFC Leni : GA, Susan :-) AFL Gayle : AOL West? Do tell, Susan! :) Susan G2 : Leni is better at it then I SandyE : Yes, AOL West, but some of us southerners are joining in. Susan G2 : We meet. Kathhmb, Janehmb Leni and I meet=met AFC Leni : Susan, you are a great storyteller! :-) Susan G2 : We met, we ate we drank we took pictures and we had a great time Not very descriptive, is it AFL Gayle : You didn't compute? :) AFC Leni : And Mr.Waterfall, and THAAG, and Connie MS....all at CUE! Susan G2 : We did that as well Right We visited the 21st century. SandyE : Hi Marty AFL Gayle : So what else happened at CUE besides this great gathering? AFC Leni : We played multiple computeres last night :-) AFL Marty : Hi Sandy Susan G2 : This was what it looked like to me. AFL Marty : (delayed reaction :) Susan G2 : But then I realized that the 21st century is here already. I am the one behind AFL Gayle : Not quite, Susan. 7 more years. AFC Leni : CUE was wonderful...Thornburg, Wagner, and other biggies....and little-ies, too :-) SandyE : in Roger? Susan G2 : Leni did a wonderful presentation AFC Leni : Yep :-) SandyE : Leni, what did you present? Susan G2 : So did Kathleen Ferenz AFC Leni : (that was to Sandy's comment, not Susan's)! Wizards to Waterfalls...Intergenerational Telecom. AFA Bard : Dave Thornburg is a stitch. Did he tell his famous toilet story? SandyE : Great topic...I love the idea of linking kids to seniors AFC Leni : It went well...Bard, he is hysterical...but I don't recall that one :-) SandyE : Great topic-Wizards to Waterfalls, not toilet stories...although that does intrigue AFC Leni : :-) SandyE : OK Bard. You're ON! Tell us the toilet story AFC Leni : Please! AFA Bard : He does a great story equating technology to a toilet seat... goes on and on asking folks what they'd do to IMPROVE one.. guess what people said they'd do to IMPROVE a toilet seat? (::: waiting for your answer ::) Susan G2 : Should use the new game feature. but.. SandyE : Make it make music when opened (like a PowerBook) AFA Bard : OK.. music... what else? Susan G2 : very nice AFL Gayle : OOhhh... Sandy is equating her PowerBook to a toilet? ;) Susan G2 : Let's wait for the answers SandyE : Well, you have to admit...the toilet WAS a fantastic its time AFL Marty : Cover it with fur AFA Bard : These are all great answers-- Thornberg's point is, though, that folks don't think BIG enough-- he says technology' AFL Gayle : (Where's Leni's answer? :) AFL Marty : Make them bigger to accommodate bigger bottoms? :) AFL Gayle : LOL, Marty! :) AFA Bard : is already there to do things like FULL MEDICAL DIAGNOSES just from testing your- er- well, you know. Susan G2 : (maybe she learned already and ran it) AFA Bard : Imagine your seat saying to you-- shouldn't have eaten those eggs this morning, sir, your AFC Leni : (hush!) AFA Bard : cholesterol count is 155! He says we need to think further into the future and think BIGGER about how technology could be used in a classroom. I'd say he's right, wouldn't you? AFC Leni : YES! SandyE : Agreed!!! AFL Marty : Will it give your weight and fortune too? AFL Gayle : Ohhh... great story! I'm going to use that with our Technology Committee at school! AFA Bard : I want one that does stock quotes. :) AFL Gayle : Uh oh... Online Enhancer just told me it's Meeting Time! ;) AFA Bard : Well- it's not ALL David's I think there are some Bard-isms there somewhere, too. ;) AFL Marty : Stock quotes? What if the bottom drops out? :) SandyE : I'm not sure I could handle a talking toilet. It's the last place on earth where NO ONE talks to me AFL Gayle : NEXT week, we WILL have 3D LOGO. as our topic! :) Mike promises to remember to come. :) SandyE : Marty!!! LOL ROTFL AFL Marty : (or if you received bum information :D) AFA Bard : ROTFL, Marty!!! AFL Gayle : Good night all and thanks for coming! :) SandyE : G'nite all Susan G2 : Good night