File: Date: 4/17/94 Start Time: 7:57:34 PM End Time: 9:03:59 PM Number of participants: 9 AFA Bard : The topic of tonight's chat is: CNN/TBS & You! We're waiting for our guest, TBS Lynn alias Lynn Clater from Turner Educational Services, INc. C Kup : That's why I am here. Are you the host? AFA Bard : Yes, C Kup! Are you an educator? C Kup : Assistant high school principal for over 2,000 students AFA Bard : Jeesh! Where? C Kup : Findlay, Ohio. Are you the TBS Education Reporter? AFA Bard : Great! I am the Technology Coordinator for a large school district in N. Atlanta, GA. I've worked as an educational consultant for TBS and for almost 10 years. C Kup : My wife calls me a CNN junkie. AFA Bard : Me too! During Desert Storm you couldn't pry me away with a crowbar! C Kup : Your job sounds very interesting. AFA Bard : It really is. It's neat having access to all the terrific resources down at CNN. If you ever get to Atlanta, be sure to let me know-- the tour is great! C Kup : We were giving birth to our first son during Desert Storm and I was trying to find out what kind.... of war heads were on the skuds hitting Israel. AFA Bard : LOL! Did you name him Norman? C Kup : Now we have our own 3 year old skud. No Nate. It is after my late grandfather. AFA Bard : A wonderful name (I have a cousin, Nathan, that's a mortgage banker- loaded!) AFA Bard : How familiar are you with CNN/TBS and their resources for education? (Let's make the best of our time until our guest arrives!) C Kup : Not at all. AFA Bard : Were you aware that teachers/administrators from around the country help them write materials? C Kup : All I know is that they have CNN for the classroom; but know nothing about it. AFA Bard : It's really a pretty nifty arrangement. TBS has a subsidiary called "Turner Ed. Services, Inc." (TESI for short). TESI produces TONS of educational materials based on their zillions of hours of video. They hire out some of their work to a company of teachers called Teachable Tech. T.Tech was started about 12 years ago by 2 former teachers. I joined them as a consultant their first year and have been with them ever since. Now they employ teachers (via modem) all over the country! Anyone heard of CNN Newsroom? C Kup : Sounds fascinating :) AFA Bard : Anne, are you a teacher? AnneH48931 : I teach in a computer in a lab situation! AFA Bard : Excellent! Say howdy to CKup, an assistant principal from Ohio! I'm Bard Williams, AOL remote staffer & part-time consultant for TBS (among other things!) ;0 C Kup : Hi Anne. AnneH48931 : Hi Ckup from ohio! I 'm in Oklahoma AFA Bard : <-- Georgia! Toot's from CT C Kup : You can call me Craig. AFA Bard : So.. back to CNN! Has everyone been to the CNN area online? (Great, Craig!) C Kup : No C Kup : I am new to AOL AnneH48931 : Computer Ed to 1st through 6th graders! AFA Bard : The CNN area online can be reached with keyword: CNN. Try it LATER! ;-) AnneH48931 : I like the idea of Cnn newsroom. but I'm having trouble interesting teachers? What is the s crapbook? C Kup : Thanks Bard, I will do that. AFA Bard : Welcome MA1229! The topic of tonight's chat is: CNN/TBS & You! AFA Bard : Anne-- have you used CNN Newsroom? AFC Tooter : I will send to both of you. AnneH48931 : sounds great maybe next year, not enough weeks left in our school year, 26 days and counting C Kup : Who is the special guest? AFA Bard : ** Remember folks, a FREE ONLINE HOUR will be awarded to a lucky participant at the end of tonight's chat! ** AnneH48931 : No, I have never used the news room , I think I read somewhere is was on at Ok time. AFA Bard : CKup.. our special guest is the Manager for AOL Online Services for Turner Broadcasting... she must've had trouble signing on. :( C Kup : Might want to tape it. AFA Bard : CNN Newsroom is a commerical-free news program for kids that airs each night at 3:45 ET. It's 15 minutes long. It's FREE, too! The teacher's guide (which includes background info, activities and blackline masters) is available HERE on AOL at keyword CNN. (It's also available via LearningLink, local (statewide) online services and by fax!) AFA Bard : Anne-- you said you're having trouble convincing folks to use Newsroom? C Kup : Is the Newsroom similar to Channel 1? AnneH48931 : Yes I having trouble with people just finding my My room! AFA Bard : LOL, Anne! Craig, Newsroom is very different from Channel One. Channel One essentially picks feature stories and puts them between commercials in a program watched between periods (in most schools). Elaine 100 : That's a fact about the commercials on Channel 1, too many... AFA Bard : CNN Newsroom is today's news + one "desk" feature that focuses on a theme (science, technology, politics, etc.) It's designed for 5th grade and up, but is *not* "dumbed down" in the delivery. The news stories are the similar scripts to those that are read on CNN during regular hours delivered by "younger" anchors. C Kup : Is Newsroom designed for secondary or elementary? AFA Bard: The activity guide (available here on AOL- keyword: CNN) has activities for 5-12 grade. AnneH48931 : Is this a once a week or everyday thing? AFA Bard : The great thing about Newsroom is that you, as an educator, have unlimited rights to tape the show every week night and archive it FOREVER! You can either use parts of it that day (if your curriculum AFA Bard : matches the concepts that day) or archive it for later. You may not know that the "fair use doctrine" of using TV stuff for education does *NOT* apply to cable TV. CNN gives educators the right for this show, though, for free. C Kup : Do I tape it off of CNN from my local cable carrier? AnneH48931 : So we downoad the teachers information each day? AFA Bard : CKup-- it's on regular CNN. Anyone can watch it. ;) Right, Anne-- forom both state and national nets. C Kup : I will tape it Monday night and take a look. :) Actually, Tuesday morning. AFA Bard : Great, Craig. Of course, as they say in TV, there's MUCH more!!! CNN's latest goodie is something called the "Electronic Fieldtrip" C Kup : Go on. AFA Bard : EF's are really terrific journeys to out of the way places like the Everglades, a nuclear reactor, etc. The twist is this-- your students watch LIVE as the people on site tour the facility *and* through the magic of America Online, can chat LIVE with the participants (scientists, etc) during the session! The most recent EF is to Gettysburg! C Kup : Sounds amazing. Must the school subscribe to AOL? AFA Bard : There's a TON of info on the EFs in the CNN area under the heading: Turner Adventure Learning. Schools must be AOL subscribers (either through CNN or AOL) only if they want the interactivity, Craig. There *is* a small charge, per student to participate. But don't get sticker shock, plenty of teacher materials are also part of the bucks. (As well as a videotape.) C Kup : I will check it out as soon as we finish here. AFA Bard : Welcome Pheonix! The topic of tonight's chat is: CNN/TBS & You! *** Remember a FREE HOUR will be awarded at chat's end! *** Anne-- ever heard of VideoLink? C Kup : Is EF what the guest will be discussing? AFA Bard : Yes-- if/when she arrives. I'm getting concerned. :( AnneH48931 : No , is it the same as teleconferencing ? AFA Bard : Nope.. VideoLink is another CNN service. There's a nifty show that airs on weekends (once Saturday and once Sunday) called THE WEEK IN REVIEW. VideoLink is based on that program. And VideoLink: Science is based on the really terrific show called Science & Technology Week. It comes with a 15+ page teacher guide (activities, worksheets, etc.) that's published weekly. You can get it via modem as well! C Kup : Our school is big into fibre-optic distance learning. AFA Bard: Craig-- that might be VERY useful with the E.Fieldtrips! C Kup : Is there one piece of literature that highlights all these services? AnneH48931 : I know about S and T week I didn't know about the teacher's guide, thanks. AFA Bard : Well-- you could check all this stuff out in the CNN area here online and I'll give you the TOLL FREE number for info at the end of the chat. Of course, there's one MORE thing that I really like! C Kup : Go on. AFA Bard : Hiya BonBon! The topic of tonight's chat is: CNN/TBS & You! They're called TURNER MULTIMEDIA. CNN has taken lots of video and "repurposed" them for the classroom according to themes. Examples include: Health & Nutrition and "Not In My Back Yard" (Environment). C Kup : I think I saw the Not In My Back Yard docu. AFA Bard : Each video comes with teaching materials. Craig-- they are less than $20 each! There's a REALLY cool one on "Cold Sassy Tree" for your English Lit or Language Arts teachers. A complete list of titles is available in the CNN area online. **** Only 10 minutes until a FREE HOUR will be given away! *** AFA Bard: Who are Fred and George? (Trick question!) AFA Bard: Hint: Saturday morning TV. Anyone? AnneH48931 : Fred and George Turner? AFA Bard : LOL! Anne, Craig, BonBon? C Kup : I dont know. AnneH48931 : Animal or vegetable? AFA Bard : Another clue... Wilma and Jane C Kup : CNN anchors. AFA Bard : C'mon BonBon, you know this one! AnneH48931 : Flinstones BonBonS : Jetsons AFA Bard : YES!!!!! And what in the world do THEY have to do with CNN? C Kup : Futuristic. AFA Bard : Close Craig! It seems Ted Turner felt creative one day and bought a company called Hanna Barbera- the ones who DRAW the Flintstones and Jetsons (and a zillion more). Then guess what he did? He made a WHOLE NETWORK out of them! The Cartoon Network is available in most cable areas and, you guessed it, it's HERE on AOL. Keyword: Cartoon network. And, you guessed it again, there are TEACHING GUIDES, in TWO languages, no less, to go along with some of the cartoons! Is that a hoot or what? C Kup : Does it work for secondary? AnneH48931 : no cartoon channell in Tulsa AFA Bard : (Hi Rog! The topic of tonight's chat is: CNN/TBS & You!) C Kup : We get the Cartoon Network. :) My son loves it. MaristR : Hey, Bard and all. AFA Bard : Craig-- I've seen it used successfully through 10th grade. No Cartoon Network in Tulsa? :( Call your cable operator and complain! ;-) Through the AOL Cartoon Network area you, and your students, can interact with the people who actually DRAW some of the cartoons, and some who do the voices too! "Attaboy, Astro!" C Kup : The art teachers would love it? AFA Bard : Hiya Susan! The topic of tonight's chat is: CNN/TBS & You! C Kup : I meant ! AFA Bard : Absolutely, Craig! Imagine when the Juniors come to class to learn about perspective drawing and get to watch the Jetsons! C Kup : I guess there is an educational value to the Jetsons after all. :) AFA Bard : OK.. before we award the FREE HOUR.. just ONE MORE thing... you are, no doubt, that Ted's married to a bright, physically fit lady? BonBonS : Jane Fonda C Kup : Yes. AFA Bard : Right, but don't worry, it's not Jane Fonda Online (although that's a thought!).. but the next CNN-sponsored AOL area is called NETWORK EARTH. It's an Environmental Forum stocked with an unbelievable amount of information about saving the planet. They have their own conferences, too! Check it out: KEYWORD: NETWORK EARTH. AFA Bard: Anyone out there get a magazine called "T3: Technology, Television and Teaching"? C Kup : No. AnneH48931 : no AFA Bard : It's put out by Turner Ed. Services and features lots of information about all the things we've SusanPITI : No AFA Bard : talked about tonight. It's FREE from CNN too. Hang on a sec and I'll get the toll-free number for you C Kup : Great :D SusanPITI : Thanks! AFA Bard : Here it is.. 1-800-344-6219. That number's for information about any of the things we've chatted about tonight and for a free subscription to T3 magazine. BonBonS : Thanks AFA Bard : OK.. now the FREE HOUR-- ready? AnneH48931 : to bad the special guest couldn't connect, but I learned alot any way, thanks Bard SusanPITI : Sorry I got here late! MaristR : Who was suppose to be the special guest? C Kup : Go on Bard. AFA Bard : You're very welcome, Anne. I'm gonna call Lynn Clater (head of Ed. Services for TBS) and scream at her. ;) By the way.. next week's chat topic is "Networking" (as in computers). 8-9 Sunday. :0 C Kup : Can I share this 1-800 number with my staff? AFA Bard : The free hour tonight goes to..... (yes Craig, please do!) The free hour goes to the person who said the "secret word" SECONDARY first... and that person is.... C Kup! AFA Bard: Congrats to CRAIG!!!! Applause for Craig, folks! ()()()()()()()()()()()() MaristR : WTG Craig. C Kup : :D SusanPITI : Yea!!!!!!! C Kup : Thank you. AFA Bard : The hour credit will be applied to your account within 72 hours. ;) BonBonS : Congrats! AFA Bard : Sorry our guest didn't show, but you folks made it interesting, anyway! AnneH48931 : Good for you Craig AFA Bard : Don't forget to visit the CNN area online (and the CARTOON NETWORK) soon! C Kup : Thank you very much. I am going to print out the conversation and share it with the department heads. AFA Bard : It was terrific to meet you all! If any of you need "navigational help"- just send me e-mail. The LOG of this chat will be posted in a few minutes in the Apple Ed. Forum NEW FILES area. Anne-- GREAT to meet you, too!