1/31/93 7:58:04 PM Opening "ChatLog13193" for recording. RRooter : *Fanfare* Hello all! AFL Gayle : RRooter MUST be related to TooT! ;) RRooter : RRooter : You don't have to split RRooter : o o o a BANANA SPLIT :-) RRooter : &&&&&&&&&&&& RRooter : \ &&() () ()&& / RRooter : _\ .((((((((((@ /_ *Fanfare* RRooter : AFL Gayle : Is that Joe, I see? BCS Frank : Hi guys :) AFL Gayle : Hi, Frank! :) RRooter : Elementary, Doctor Gayle! BCS Frank : How come you aren't watching the Super-Game? RRooter : ( ) RRooter : | BobFrost : Hi, RR & Frank RRooter : | RRooter : | AFA Bard : The Rooter Tooter? RRooter : AFL Gayle : I could ask the same question of you, Frank. ;) BCS Frank : Mary, Hi, LTNS! :) RRooter : Here now, not rooting. BobFrost : It's a blowout, does Dallas remember Houston? BCS Frank : Oh, that's easy, I don't follow basketball. MaryEz : Hi, I hope Buffalo gets it together during half time!!! AFL Gayle : OK. Our topic tonight is Greatest Hits of the AED Libraries! As always, we have AFL Gayle : a free hour to give away. Y'all are regulars, so I'll dispense with the rules AFL Gayle : for winning that hour. :) AFL Gayle : Bard, take it away! Tell us about our libraries. :) AFA Bard : Well... it seems Michael Jackson's done it again - a million dollar performance on a grand scale -but AFA Bard : we're here to talk about the TERRIFIC files in our libraries! :) AFA Bard : I feel like I'm somewhat preaching to the choir, though. :) AFA Bard : So... before I tell YOU anything... YOU tell ME what you've downloaded lately from the AED AFA Bard : libraries! Mary, Frank, Toot, Bob? Latest downloads? AFA Bard : : RRooter : I hava a library sitting here next to me (Toot speaking) AFL Gayle : My latest download was the chat log from last week, since I missed the chat. :) BobFrost : can't remember the last one. I do remember that I had trouble unshk it. AFL Gayle : Indispensible for keeping up with what everyone is saying. :) AFL Gayle : Did you get it unshrunk, Bob? BobFrost : Probably confusion going from Mac to AII and back BobFrost : I've still got it but it's real small yet. BCS Frank : Hmmm... latest download? Been a while, I've been editing our own PD stuff. AFL Gayle : LOL! :) Did you download it on the Mac? BobFrost : It's just a matter of making the time to figure it out AFA Bard : The files that cause the most problems seem to be those packed on the A2 with SEA. AFA Bard : We'll be glad to help, e-mail me details, Bob. :) AFL Gayle : Which file was it, Bob? (I'm sure Bard can help you puzzle out how to make it AFL Gayle : larger. :) AFA Bard : Anyone else download things from our libraries lately? RRooter : *Zzzzap* BobFrost : No, AII but everything works so much easier on the MAC AFL Gayle : Is that a plug for the sounds in the ScrapBook Library, RR? RRooter : :-) AFA Bard : OK... here are some tips on those files folks in my school system found really--- neat! MaryEz : *fanfare* RRooter : Great sounds *Tasty* to be had in the ScrapBook Library in the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH). AFA Bard : I'd love to hear if you've seen/downloaded them! AFA Bard : First -- teachers at one of our elementary schools used the INTRO TO SIGNING STACK (HS) in our AFA Bard : Winter Survival library to learn more about American Sign Language. AFA Bard : Three teachers in another school used HICKORY TEACHES TIME with some special ed. students who BobFrost : I asked for a GS specific version, hoped it would be Mac-like but it's just a AFA Bard : were having trouble telling noon from midnight. :) BobFrost : 3.5 version of apple II AFA Bard : The STATISTICS and CURVE FITTING program (found in our NEW FILES LIBRARY) is a GREAT program, AFL Gayle : Prettier pictures than the A2 version to sign on to, Bob. ;) AFA Bard : according to a middle school math/physics teacher. AFA Bard : Finally -- several students have used GROUND TRACK (New files) to track the shuttle and several AFA Bard : zillion other moving targets in space. This release is really terrific! AFA Bard : Have you folks seen any of these? BCS Frank : I haven't, but that curse fitting program sounds interesting. AFL Gayle : I saw the Intro. to Signing Stack and Hickory when they were first uploaded, AFL Gayle : Bard. Haven't looked at them in a long time. AFA Bard : Curse fitting, Frank? AFA Bard : :) BCS Frank : akk... curve fitting... AFA Bard : I think I like your program better. :) BCS Frank : ... almost as much fun as a keyboard instruction program. :) AFL Gayle : Yes, Frank. Now we'll wait for you to upload the curse fitting program for us. AFL Gayle : :) BCS Frank : AFL Gayle : Keyboard instruction, you say? Check out our New Files Library for a new AFL Gayle : version of Intermediate Keyboarding AND a survey about keyboarding. :) BobFrost : Last week I asked if anyone knew of a DTP for A2 that imports text & graphics AFA Bard : LOL! Indeed, Gayle! That's a GREAT program. BobFrost : anyone seen one? AFA Bard : Roger Wagners The Graphics Exchange will help you get the graphcs from Mac/IBM into an A2 readable AFL Gayle : Not sure exactly what you are asking, Bob. Publish It will import graphics AFL Gayle : and text files. AFA Bard : format. THen you can import into PUBLISH IT or other programs. AFL Gayle : In fact, about the only DTP program that I know of that does NOT import text AFL Gayle : files is Children's Writing and Publishing Center. Most of the other programs AFL Gayle : do. BobFrost : Ok, the only one I have so far is CWPC. BCS Frank : You can import teach files and ASCII files easily enough. AFL Gayle : Ah. That explains the question. :) CWPC will import graphics but you have to BCS Frank : And Teach on the GS will read MacWrite 5 files. AFL Gayle : type the text in. BobFrost : Now to get the principal to give me more $$ no problem right BCS Frank : Bob, have you got System 6.0? AFL Gayle : Publish It is not really that expensive, Bob, but if you're using a //e, you'll AFL Gayle : have to have a mouse or joystick for it. BobFrost : No sys. 6.0. In fact no GS at school and no hard drive at home. AFL Gayle : That requirement holds some people back. You're all set if you have a GS. :) AFL Gayle : Oops, I see. No GS at school. BCS Frank : You don't need a HD though its very handy... AFA Bard : Welcome Westerburg! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Westerburg! BobFrost : I do have some e's with mouse(s) or is it mice? You'd think a teach would know BCS Frank : Use your GS at home... with the nearly free System 6.0 package BCS Frank : which includes Teach for the GS you can translate the Ma files AFL Gayle : Well, it looks as though most of you are already quite familiar with our BCS Frank : to Apple II ProDOS ASCII files. AFL Gayle : fabulous libraries, so unless there is any objection, we'll have an Open Chat AFL Gayle : tonight. :) Continue talking about DTP programs. Wonderful topic. :) BCS Frank : Hmmm... I thought it was meese.... AFA Bard : Meeses? AFL Gayle : Mice! BCS Frank : Meeses... plural of mices. BobFrost : Another thing, I'd like to scan student photos and use them on "author" pages AFA Bard : No.. Frank.. that'd be Meesii (it's Latin, you know) AFL Gayle : Computer Eyes will do that for you, Bob, but that's more money from the AFL Gayle : principal. ;) BobFrost : How tough will this be. I will have access to Computer Eyes soon AFL Gayle : Piece of cake with CE, Bob. You won't even have to scan the photos. Hook up AFL Gayle : your camcorder and photo the kids live and save it to disk. BCS Frank : Ahhh, Latin rodents... not up on them. :) BobFrost : but I still have no hard drive for the Apple. Go from Mac to GTE and such?? BobFrost : Sorry, I meant TGE BCS Frank : Bob, you might well consider a Quickie scannner rather than computer eyes. AFL Gayle : Will the CE be Mac or A2? BobFrost : A2 AFL Gayle : And your DTP is on the A2? If so, no need to convert. AFL Gayle : I think (?) if you make the photos DHR, CWPC will import them. Not sure about AFL Gayle : that one. I know it will import some A2 types of pictures. BCS Frank : Right, scan on the IIe or IIGS and you're home free. BobFrost : If I get Publish It it will be for A2. Just have to get this stuff in and play BobFrost : I'm just trying to do anything to get some of the other teachers to use BobFrost : computers AFL Gayle : Know that problem well, Bob. AFL Gayle : How about a student newspaper? TooTer has some people interested in getting BCS Frank : Hmmm... useually the best shot there is to find a limited task AFL Gayle : a collection of those started here on AOL. RRooter : Getting pictures from Quickie into PublishIt is a snap. BCS Frank : the computer can do ... say a student newsletter, or BCS Frank : a grades report. BobFrost : I need to shrink these right? Is the shrinker on AOL software" AFA Bard : We've repurposed some of our A2's using science probeware. They're fighting over them again. :) AFL Gayle : The newest version of ShrinkIt is available in the Apple // Utilities Library, AFL Gayle : Bob. AFA Bard : KEYWORD: AUT AFL Gayle : There's one on the AOL disk, but it's an older version. AFL Gayle : Maybe why you were having problems if that was the one you were trying to use. BobFrost : And how about up dating the grants room. I know it's a problem for all but BobFrost : money is still tight AFA Bard : Great idea, Bob! AFL Gayle : Grants Room, Bob? Where is that? BobFrost : I think it's in ESH isn't it. I found it a couple times but I sometimes wander BobFrost : and find myself lost AFL Gayle : Oh. The Grants Chest, you mean. :) BobFrost : Yeah, that's it, sorry for the confusion. AFL Gayle : I'll mention to the person in charge of it that we've had a request for more AFL Gayle : up-to-date information. Thanks for the suggestion. :) BobFrost : I'm also trying to get the school to sign up for CNN so that my bill for AOL AFL Gayle : So are you getting your Computer Eyes with grant money? BobFrost : might get smaller. AFA Bard : Welcome Rox! AFL Gayle : Now that's a great idea, Bob! Definitely inexpensive way to get AOL! BobFrost : No, our T&G teacher is bringing one in and I get to play! ROX5193507 : Hi, I just thought I'd step in and listen for a minute AFL Gayle : T&G=talented and gifted? BobFrost : Yes AFA Bard : Uh-oh.. Toot/Joe got booted. BobFrost : Isn't it awful the way we use educationalese. BCS Frank : ROX, you picked a good place... :) AFL Gayle : The biggest problem, Bob, is educationese varies from place to place. ROX5193507 : Well, so far I don't seem to have much to input into any conversation BobFrost : Hi, Rox ROX5193507 : Hi Bob BobFrost : Just teachers trying to find money, it's always the same. AFL Gayle : Not THAT'S definitely the truth, Bob! AFA Bard : How about the America 2000 grant - anyone apply for that one? AFL Gayle : Re-Hi, Joe and Toot! RRooter : We fell off. AFA Bard : Re-hi Toot & RR! Must be the iceburgs? BobFrost : Is RRoter the same who was in Nome last week? AFL Gayle : Actually, Bob, RRooter is masquerading from CT. RRooter : Maybe the fellow "in Nome" was visiting elsewhere last week, and again this week? RRooter : RRooter = RRJoe + Tooter AFL Gayle : I always thought Joe was from Gnome. ;) AFA Bard : It's the Spotster!!!! Spottysoft : {{{Gayle}}}} :) AFL Gayle : Hi, Spotty! :))) Spottysoft : Hey BardMan!!! :D RRooter : or IS an Gnome? AFA Bard : What's up Spottaroonie? BCS Frank : Spot, reHi :) AFA Bard : Anyone win the Bud Bowl yet? Spottysoft : (Hi Frank.... I missed you earlier... was downloading one of Marty's TrueTypes) BobFrost : Well, SOMEONE e said they might come visit us here Spottysoft : What's up?? Well.. the only thing not boring about the Super Bowl was the BobFrost : This blasted keyboard doesn't like me today Spottysoft : halftime show. :) BCS Frank : Ahhh, them TrueTypes do kinda get you. :) AFL Gayle : Why is that, Bob? What is/isn't the keyboard doing? Spottysoft : Well.. I decided I wanted Garamond.... :) AFA Bard : Michael Jackson looks more like Diana Ross every day, doesn't he? The show was good, though. :) BobFrost : it's an argument between my brain aand fingers Spottysoft : It was more a medly of his recent tour concerts... I caught the live one on HBO AFL Gayle : Oh, I see. Those are hard to resolve, Bob. ;) AFL Gayle : Welcome, Elana! BobFrost : so far it looks like a 0 - 0 tie Elana : Hello... BobFrost : Hi, Elana BCS Frank : Bob, I resolve that by just using one finger with which to type... BCS Frank : ... but it doesn't work too well. :) BobFrost : which one? AFL Gayle : Hmmmm... do Super Bowls have to end in a win or do they stop with a tie at the AFL Gayle : end? Spottysoft : Sudden Death Gayle.... AFL Gayle : <---Obviously not a Super Bowl watcher ;) Spottysoft : They would play additional quarters until somebody scored. AFL Gayle : Thanks, Spotty. :) Always know there will be an expert to keep me informed. :) BCS Frank : this lil' one here.... BobFrost : I don't think overtime will happen today. Buffalo gets a threepeat AFA Bard : The only one who scores in the SuperBowl are the people who sell the ads. :) RRooter : Everyone with a TV tuned to the SuperBowl and on right now, raise your hand . . AFL Gayle : LOL! Quite true, Bard! :) AFA Bard : ! BobFrost : ! Spottysoft : I have it on in the other room. AFA Bard : Hmmm... that's a 50 share! Not bad. :) AFL Gayle : Any new Apple ads this year? AFA Bard : Not on the SuperBowl.. look for some around February 8 though. ;) RRooter : Sure Spotty. We believe that. AFL Gayle : Gee, and I thought that was why they held the Super Bowl, to give Apple time AFL Gayle : to announce new products. ;) Spottysoft : Gayle.... AFL Gayle : What determines the winner of the Bud Bowl, Bard? AFA Bard : The advertiser does. It's all a plot to get you to watch the commercials. :) BobFrost : Like there isn't enough silliness attached to this game. BCS Frank : :) AFL Gayle : OK. It's the time you've ALL been waiting for. Forget the Bud Bowl. The REAL AFL Gayle : question is who won the Secret Hour at the AED Chat this evening? :) AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* AFA Bard : Drumroll............... AFL Gayle : And the winner is.... AFL Gayle : BobFrost! :) AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : Hooorrraaayyyy Bob! Yippee! AFA Bard : Way to go! BobFrost : What did I do? AFL Gayle : Congrats, Bob! :) BCS Frank : Congrats, Bob! :) AFA Bard : You WON, Bob! AFA Bard : A FREE HOUR! AFL Gayle : Won a FREE nonprime time hour, Bob! :) BobFrost : Gee, thanks. Shows what you get if you whine enough. BobFrost : Actually, that's what I tell the teachers if they don't like their computer RRooter : FOOOOOODFIGHT!!!!!!!!! BobFrost : lab. BCS Frank : Just -another- reason to drop by AED every week! :) AFL Gayle : NO, Bob! NOT whining! :) Your great participation! :) BCS Frank : Night, all..... AFA Bard : G'night Frank - thanks for dropping in! RRooter : I expected you to be able to hurl a few good hoagies, Frank. BobFrost : I'm going to see some of those new files with my hour. The bill payer will BCS Frank : Bye! :) AFA Bard : No hurling here, Toot/Joe! BobFrost : be more pleased than I. Bye all AFL Gayle : Great, Bob! :) AFL Gayle : Enjoy the files! :)) AFL Gayle : Next week, meet an educator from another country! :) Right here in AED. :) AFL Gayle : Good night, all! :) AFA Bard : Nite, Gayle!!!!!! RRooter : Night all. 1/31/93 9:05:50 PM Closing Log file.