8/29/93 7:58:25 PM Opening "Chat Log 8/29/93" for recording. Susan G2 : What are we discussing tonight? AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is favorite books for educators. Susan G2 : Hmmmmm......... AFL Gayle : What books are most helpful for you, Susan, in your teaching? Susan G2 : AOL is my book now. AFL Gayle : LOL! :) Susan G2 : I don't really use any. AFL Gayle : Besides AOL... AFL Gayle : Aren't there any titles you particularly recommend for your students, Susan? Susan G2 : Well the one I wrote. AFA Bard : Absolutely, Susan. :) AFL Gayle : You wrote? Who published it? Susan G2 : English for Success by Domine Press. It is an adult ESL book AFL Gayle : I'm not familiar with that publisher. Where are they located? AFA Bard : Domine or Domino, Susan? Susan G2 : San Diego. They do a lot of bilingual stuff. Susan G2 : Dominie Susan G2 : Used to be Dormac AFA Bard : Ah! Susan G2 : Dormac sold out and turned into Dominie Susan G2 : Publishing companies are worse than airlines AFL Gayle : Yes. Most publishing companies are owned by big conglomerate companies. AFA Bard : Like Paramount Pictures. :) AFL Gayle : Yup, Bard. Susan G2 : Yup. I use books mostly as resources. Susan G2 : How about you Gayle? AFL Gayle : Well, the books I use are mostly tools of librarianship, like Senior High School Catalog. AFL Gayle : And other bibliographies like that. Susan G2 : How about Bard and Marty? AFL Gayle : Of course, books and other materials as resources for the classroom is what my job is AFL Marty : I don't use books much in my word processing course (except for the AFL Marty : text book). AFA Bard : Well.. I use two favorites for my job-- Peter Senge's "Fifth Discipline" and Stephen Covey's AFL Marty : I do use the newspaper a lot though, for extra credit assignments. AFA Bard : "Principle Centered Leadership" - a must read for AFA Bard : anyone in education, I think. Susan G2 : What do you use. I am going to start teaching my ESL students word perfect this week. Any recomendatio AFL Gayle : all about. :) This past week I've been working mostly on high school English required AFL Gayle : reading lists. Susan G2 : recommendations? AFL Marty : I urge my students to type their school reports. Sometimes they listen. AFL Gayle : What kinds of extra credit assignments do you get from the newspaper, Marty? News AFL Gayle : about new computer products? AFL Marty : I usually pick something controversial... from the editorial section... AFL Marty : I ask them to type the article and then to type up their own original AFL Marty : opinion. AFL Gayle : Hey, I like that idea, Marty! :) Susan G2 : That is a good idea! AFL Marty : I do have news articles too though... computer products, new uses for computers AFL Marty : etc. AFA Bard : You ever use CNN Newsroom, Marty? AFL Marty : No I haven't. AFL Gayle : Marty doesn't really have much time for that, Bard. He sees his students only for 9 AFL Gayle : weeks. AFA Bard : Or Science & Technology Week- both have lots of technolgy stories (focusing on WHY use technology). AFL Marty : uh... 6 weeks but who's counting :) AFA Bard : Time? These can be archived and used whenever. AFA Bard : Hiya Rick! AFL Gayle : And they are suppoed to become computer whizzes in that time. ;) RICKP47 : Hi folks! What's the topic for tonight? AFL Marty : I shall keep those in mind, Bard. Thanks! AFL Gayle : Sorry, Marty. I thought 6 weeks would be WAY too short. ;) AFL Gayle : Rick, the topic is JUST for you... books for educators. :) AFA Bard : We actually use those for our SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY six week electives in our middle school. It's a AFL Gayle : What books do you use in your work? AFA Bard : real hit with students/parents. RICKP47 : Thanks Gayle! We start back on Tues! AFL Gayle : Gee, you Northerners are lazy. ;) We Southerners have been at work for a couple of AFL Gayle : weeks. ;) RICKP47 : I just try to keep people current with some magazines. Susan G2 : We are running a book list contest in the English teaching section this fall. I hope we get lots of Susan G2 : ideas to post in the libraries. AFL Gayle : What are your favorite mags for teachers, Rick? AFA Bard : That's a neat idea, Susan. Susan G2 : I hope we get lots of ideas. RICKP47 : Arithmetic Tchr, Reading Tchr, nothing real special. Susan G2 : are there magazines for Arithmetic Teacher? RICKP47 : Susan, I saw your contest in some e-mail from Tooter and look forward to seeing and sending RICKP47 : some lists. AFL Marty : Arithmetic Teacher is a magazine. Susan G2 : Great Rick! AFL Gayle : Arithmetic Teacher IS a magazine, Susan, published by NCTM. Susan G2 : Does it have hands on ideas to use in the classroom? AFL Marty : Companion mag is the Mathematics Teacher (grades 9-12). RICKP47 : Lots of hands on ideas, Sue AFL Gayle : So is your media center all finally in shape and moved into, Rick? AFL Marty : afk RICKP47 : All set and ready for the annual dinosaur hunt! AFA Bard : Welcome Aussie! AFA Bard : Oops.. Susan G2 : He must have been flying....bard RICKP47 : And I now have two other elem media specialists as well! :) AFL Gayle : Dinosaur hunt? What's that, Rick? RICKP47 : in district, that is. Susan G2 : Is the NCTM online? RICKP47 : Gayle, as a culminating activity for a dino unit the second grade does in Sept. AFA Bard : No, NCTM's not online. Their offices are in Washington, D.C. RICKP47 : I have teachers and other adults throughout the school take large cardboard dino pieces RICKP47 : like the smaller models you can buy. Susan G2 : Is there a phone number? RICKP47 : The kids have to answer a question and then they draw a name and hunt out the piece. AFA Bard : In one of the 200 boxes somewhere in my house are my copies of NCTM publications. Do you have the AFA Bard : number Gayle? RICKP47 : It all gets assembled in the media center and stored on the bookcase. AFL Gayle : No, Bard, I don't. :( RICKP47 : Whew!:) AFL Gayle : Neat idea, Rick! Susan G2 : What kind of name do they draw Rick? A Dino name? AFA Bard : Great idea, Rick! AFL Marty : bak RICKP47 : They draw a name of a staff member and then have to AFL Marty : Goodnight all. RICKP47 : say," I am a paleoontologist looking for fossils. Do you have any? AFA Bard : Nite, Marty! Susan G2 : Bye Marty RICKP47 : They even get to wear a pith helmet. RICKP47 : Bye Marty. Susan G2 : Ah I get it. Neat idea. AFA Bard : Great! Bet you hide the rock picks, though. ;) RICKP47 : I got the models for about $35 RICKP47 : Funny, Bard! RICKP47 : The art teacher helps them make fossil replicas. AFA Bard : Ever thought of setting up a real "dig" in your schoolyard? AFL Gayle : Hi, Carolyn! :) RICKP47 : We are working towards a more interdisciplanery unit style of teaching Susan G2 : That is what Leni did this summer. RICKP47 : Bard, how could that be done? AFL Gayle : Whole language, Rick? AFA Bard : Are you familair with the concept of a transect? RICKP47 : Nope, bard. Susan G2 : nope Bard AFL Gayle : Nope, Bard. We're not even familiar with transect, either. ;) AFA Bard : Simply choose four or five areas around your school grounds and use string and stakes to rope off a AFA Bard : one meter square. (Smaller if you don't have lots of patience, or lots of land!) AFA Bard : Then, have students draw a picture of the surface, showing all plants and any living things. Then AFA Bard : have then choose one small area, say 3-4 in. square within the transect and DIG a 6 inch hole. Take AFA Bard : all the dirt and sift it. They'll find rocks, probably some creepy-crawlie things and maybe AFA Bard : something interesting. It might be a nail or a coin- but it gets the point across. Then they AFA Bard : write a story/journal about how the artifacts came to be there and how long they believe they've AFA Bard : been buried. ONce complete have them replace all the soil and make it as close to the original AFA Bard : plot of dirt as possible. A neat science-language-math activity, huh? DUNMORE : You can also simulate a dig in a kiddy pooland apply Bard's idea indoors. Or in cupcakes! RICKP47 : Maybe extend that to a future explorer examining a bag of trash from today AFA Bard : Cool! RICKP47 : Great idea Bard! Susan G2 : Yes, a great activity but one that will need approval from administrators RICKP47 : We have two new ones this year. They'll love it. AFA Bard : Especially when the kid's father, the construction worker, brings in the back hoe. ;)) RICKP47 : They'll think it was past practice. :) Susan G2 : LOL Rick RICKP47 : Then we can get the dump owners involved and extend it to recycling! RICKP47 : The possibilities are endless AFA Bard : Excellent, Rick! Susan G2 : Very good. Susan G2 : What a unit!!! RICKP47 : I should not be getting this excited about a school project. I'm still on vacation. AFL Gayle : LOL, Rick! :) Susan G2 : Lucky you. AFA Bard : Anyone ever heard of Graeme Bass? Susan G2 : Nope AFL Gayle : No, Bard. Who is he? AFA Bard : Did I spell his last name right, Gayle? AFA Bard : It might be Base. RICKP47 : He wrote two books for kids. great pivcture RICKP47 : pictures. One is an alphabet book, right? RICKP47 : Australian, I believe. AFA Bard : there are four now, Rick... RIGHT! He wrote Anamalia (an illustrated alphabet book!) and, my AFA Bard : favorite, The Eleventh Hour- a wonderfully illustrated book that has kids solve a mystery at AFA Bard : an elephant-king's birthday party! AFA Bard : Yup. He's an Aussie. AFL Gayle : Is he both the author and illustrator? RICKP47 : I was born to be a reference librarian, right Gayle. ;) AFA Bard : I've used 11th Hour with Kindergarten students and high-schoolers. AFA Bard : Yup- he does both. AFA Bard : Absolutely incredible! RICKP47 : Very detailed illustration, and the books are available from Scholastic for points. AFA Bard : Yes, Rick. They're good enough for anyone's coffee table, too. ;) AFL Gayle : How have you used the 11th Hour with high schoolers, Bard? AFA Bard : Each illustration contains clues to the mystery on a wide variety of intellectual levels- from simple AFA Bard : words and hidden pictures to runes. They LOVED talking about the development of a mystery and AFA Bard : finding all the hidden clues! Susan G2 : I'll have to check it out. Might be something I can use with my Adult ESL students. AFA Bard : With the HS students- I even brought in plastic animal nose-masks. You should have seen them wearing AFA Bard : the masks and reading the book and solving the mystery! LOL! RICKP47 : I just finished a course on using picture books with older kids. Great ideas AFA Bard : Dr. Seuss works well with 7-12 too. RICKP47 : Have you ever used Bill Martin's Knots on a Counting Rope? Susan G2 : How do you use Dr. Seuss with 7-12? AFA Bard : tell me about that, Rick! Susan G2 : Nope Rick. AFA Bard : (I used Sneetches (sp?) to do a unit on racial harmony. ) Susan G2 : Ok first rick on Knots and then bard on Sneetches please. DUNMORE : Oobleck is good for acid rain. RICKP47 : The story of a blind indian child listening to a story by his grandfather AFA Bard : Yes on Oobleck! Susan G2 : Are Sneetches and OObleck both Dr. S books? RICKP47 : about his (the child's) life DUNMORE : yes RICKP47 : great for sequencing and imagery AFL Gayle : Yes, Susan, re Seuss. Susan G2 : Sounds wonderful. RICKP47 : And the pictures are great! Susan G2 : I hope you all send me these book lists. I want to use them all!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : Are you familar with the Sneetches story, Susan? Susan G2 : Nope. RICKP47 : Anyone made OObleck? AFA Bard : (The log will be posted tomorrow!) Susan G2 : I need to relook at some Dr. S books. AFA Bard : There are two kinds of Sneetches- star-bellied sneeches and those with plain-bellies. :) Get AFA Bard : the picture? DUNMORE : Another good book for children and adults is The Kapok Tree. You might try cross grade levels. Susan G2 : Yup and they don't like each other? AFL Gayle : The Knots on a Counting Rope was read as part of video we saw in an inservice AFL Gayle : workshop in June about working with execeptional children. Susan G2 : Is the video the story or just how to use it. RICKP47 : The best part about using children's books with older kids is that you can get through it in 30 mins. Susan G2 : I need to start exploring some of this stuff. DUNMORE : Oobleck is made by mixing cornn starch with water and a drop of green food dye. Susan G2 : Yuk then what do you do with it? AFL Gayle : Susan, the book was read and videoed as part of the video. RICKP47 : See if you can find someone in the whole language tchrs assoc., Sue. They can get you started and RICKP47 : keep you going. AFA Bard : Read the book, Susan, and you won't be able to do WITHOU it! :0 DUNMORE : The little kids feel it and watch it change shape ,it is a model of a non-Newtowian fluid for older 1, RICKP47 : Hi Karren!, Jump in AFA Bard : Hiya Candy! RICKP47 : Oobleck is just really neat stuff CandyC3 : Hi Bard, Hi All! KarrenW : Hi., I'll listen for a while AFL Gayle : Hi, Candy! :) Susan G2 : Hi Candy and Karren CandyC3 : Hi Gayle :) AFA Bard : And... anyone used any of Richard Lederer's books? (spelling may be wrong on last name!) Susan G2 : My students would love it it just sounded kind of yuk. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Karren! :) AFL Gayle : We're discussing your topic, Candy... books for educators. :) AFL Gayle : LOL, Susan! Very true. :) KarrenW : Has anyone suggested -- Maybe you know my kid by Mary Cahill Fowler AFA Bard : If you don't want to make it, Susan, Nickolodean sells some stuff that's just like it called- CandyC3 : Oh, Cool. Shall I do a commercial ;) AFA Bard : believe it or not - "Yak". KarrenW : About the joys and tears of having an ADD child. Gives teachers a real feel for what we go through Susan G2 : See Yak and Yuk...They kind of go together. AFA Bard : ROTFL, Susan. AFL Gayle : Sure, Candy. ;) Susan G2 : Waiting for Candy to do a commercial CandyC3 : Look for WHAT DO CHILDREN READ NEXT CandyC3 : coming out next year from Gale research. RICKP47 : Do you tie that into staff training for classroom modifications, Karren? CandyC3 : 2000 entries (if I don't die first) each one suggesting 5 other books to read CandyC3 : on the same or related topics. CandyC3 : End of commercial :) KarrenW : Hoping to this year. We have a new principal who is very interested in ADD Susan G2 : Wow Candy. Sounds enormous KarrenW : Also we have a self contained gifted class in the building and you can't always tell the difference.. KarrenW : between ADD and gifted Rcazabon : I have a request. I am a CS grad student. I am looking for info on 1960s New Math. CandyC3 : It IS! We have just passed 1350 and are chugging ahead. AFA Bard : Save, Candy, SAVE! AFA Bard : :) Susan G2 : LOL CandyC3 : Wow! What kind of info do you want? I was teaching first grade at the time. Rcazabon : I am having a hard time getting info on this topic. CandyC3 : I HATED new math.... CandyC3 : Trying to teach first graders to say commutative and associative RICKP47 : Forget new math! CandyC3 : was a pain in the association RICKP47 : Ouch! Candy :) Rcazabon : What I am looking for are things such as study guides, textbooks, etc.... Susan G2 : *ROTFL* AFA Bard : LOL! I remember that, Candy. Rcazabon- contact PRENTICE-HALL publishers (check with a local CandyC3 : :( Don't have any of those any more. Just the feelings AFA Bard : librarian for their address). They have an archive of old textbooks for sale. CandyC3 : of how confusing it was for everyone. DUNMORE : rcazabon Tom Lehr Wrote a great song about New Math called Hurray For New Math explains it all. Rcazabon : Frontline comments from educators who participated in this program. AFL Gayle : You might check with your local textbook person at a nearby school, Rcazabon, or CandyC3 : My total feeling is that it was fine for the kids who had a good grasp of AFL Gayle : a math teacher who's been teaching for a long time. RICKP47 : But, WHY, Rcazabon? CandyC3 : math in the first place, but death for the average or struggling kids. AFA Bard : Great timing on Candy & Gayle's last comments! :) AFA Bard : Interspersed conversation is so interesting, sometime! DUNMORE : I was teaching when it came in vogue what do you want to know . Why not try e-mail. CandyC3 : :) Rcazabon : I have scowered the libraries Georgia Tech and have come up with very little info AFL Gayle : I missed that Lehrer song, Carolyn. Can you give us a sample of the refrain? AFA Bard : Georgia TECH? Where are you Rcazabon? AFA Bard : <-- in Atlanta. Rcazabon : In Atlanta Susan G2 : Probably at the computer in the next house. AFL Gayle : Bard, got any new math books from your childhood? ;) DUNMORE : Hurayy for new math ,neeew math . It won't do a bit of good to review math--- AFA Bard : LOL! Try contacting Judy O'Neil or Pat Creel- they're the math coordinators in my school district- AFA Bard : Gwinnett County. (404) 963-8651 RICKP47 : Find a teacher's college around Atlanta. They might have stuff buried in the archives Rcazabon : One comment that I keep hearing, from those students who remembered, is that the math... AFL Gayle : Well, this has been a lively discussion. Welcome back to a new school year! We have one Rcazabon : they were being taught was considered to be irrelevant, reinforcing the notion that... AFL Gayle : free hour to give away tonight. Tonight that free hour goes to... DUNMORE : You didn't have to get the right answer if you understood the process. AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* AFA Bard : Yes- "disconnectivity" to a fault, Rcaz. I agree. AFA Bard : (Hiya Rog!) AFL Gayle : RickP47 for the word hands-on! Congrats, Rick! :) AFA Bard : Congrats to RICK!!!! RogerS34 : Hey AFA Bard : Yea!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : ()()()()()()()()() CandyC3 : Yay, Rick!!!!!!!!!!! RICKP47 : Allright! Susan G2 : Yea Rick BilMo : Hello, all. What's up tonight? Rcazabon : it was OK not to UNDERSTAND mathematics but OK on the mechanics of "turning the crank" AFA Bard : Rick wins a FREE HOUR! Susan G2 : *fireworks* AFL Gayle : Our topic next week will be an Open Topic and Pre-Labor Day Chat. :) DUNMORE : :) congratulations. Susan G2 : Well I am off. Great discussion bye. RICKP47 : I'll bring the beer. HOmebrewed of course AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, Susan! :) AFA Bard : Nite, Folks! The text of this chat will be posted in our AED New Files library sometime tomorrow. ;) 8/29/93 9:02:24 PM Closing Log file.