9/12/93 8:01:45 PM Opening "Chat Log 9/12/93" for recording. AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is Schoolhouse Projects. :) AFL Gayle : Hi, Carolyn! :) AFA Bard : Welcome, Carolyn! Just in time! AFC Tooter : Hi Carolyn! DUNMORE : Hi All:) AFL Gayle : We have our traditional free hour to give away tonight. :) SandyE : the Sweetwater Saints are going to be involved in the first Scrapbook Session AFC Tooter : Leni may be along. I didn't warn her until earlier this evening. AFA Bard : Yea! Hellos this Thursday, right Toot? AFC Tooter : Yes, Sandy. It sounds like it will be a great group. My kids are ready to go. AFC Tooter : HELLO DAY is, indeed, Thursday. AFC Tooter : Mine are NOT siants, Sandy. AFC Tooter : siants = saints SandyE : Neither are mine, Toot (siants or saints) AFL Gayle : Shepaugers. :) AFC Tooter : Yes, Shepaug Spartans. AFC Tooter : But all of you know what's happening in the Schoolhouse. SandyE : We are having a theme, however. It's 3 soc studies classes and the Theme is "Georgia, My Home State SandyE : and Why I love it" AFC Tooter : Yes, I read that. Good topic. AFA Bard : Great topic! AFC Tooter : We haven't gotten that far. The class will choose our topic (I hope). AFC Tooter : If any of them like Georgia foods, they can do a CookBook entry. Any good recipes for grits? AFC Tooter : What IS the secret ingredient? AFA Bard : Is this a grits fixation you have Toot? (:: searching cabinet for extra box of grits to send AFA Bard : to Tooter ::) :))) AFC Tooter : It sticks in the mind as well as the ribs. AFA Bard : Secret ingredient... hmmm... Sandy? AFL Gayle : I have a recipe, TooT. Put it ALL on Toot's plate. :) DUNMORE : Through a little sand in your farina AFC Tooter : Carolyn's got it. AFA Bard : LOL, Carolyn! MaryEz : Grits and red eye gravy, right! AFA Bard : Ummm... indeed, Mary! AFC Tooter : Red eye gravy? DUNMORE : Yum yum. AFA Bard : made with coffee, dark and yummy SandyE : Cheese is the secret ingredient in grits (this from a transplanted Georgian) MaryEz : How about biscuits and gravy? DUNMORE : Now you are talking good stuff. SandyE : Have any of you heard from a guy named CJ4Short? AFC Tooter : Cheese grits with biscuitsa and gravy? AFC Tooter : We've all heard from a guy named CJ4short. AFL Gayle : Yes, Sandy! :) AFA Bard : now you've got me hungry... (:: racing to cabinet for snack ::) MaryEz : I'd rather have home made Boston baked beans. AFC Tooter : CJ even sends out more mail than I do. SandyE : Will any of you have any time to join in his projects? MaryEz : My favorite dessert when I was a kid was Cottage Pudding with Lemon Sauce. AFL Gayle : LOL, Toot! :) And even LONGER mail than you do, too! AFC Tooter : My son built one of his waterfalls for a science project last year. DUNMORE : Ive seen him on ine a few timesHe is going to be a guest on Ttalk on9-23 International Education, Sand SandyE : I seem to remember cottage pudding from a long ago time in Ohio. It is white and lumpy? MaryEz : Is it me or things very slow tonight? AFC Tooter : I'll try to be there. AFA Bard : Yup.. slow node, indeed. AFC Tooter : Things are fine in the northern part of the state, Mary. AFL Gayle : I had a lot of trouble logging on. MaryEz : AOL has a cold in the nodes tonight! SandyE : LOL Mary! All stopped up, right? AFC Tooter : That's because your computer is out being fixed, Gayle. JRD21 : Does anyone know any words with the suffix phobia?????? DUNMORE : You need AppleCillyn AFL Gayle : No, Toot. I have another computer. AFC Tooter : Hello JRD! Welcome to the AED chat. MaryEz : Cottage pudding is rather like a stale cake which then soaks up all that nice lemon sauce. JRD21 : Does anyone know any words with the suffix phobia?????? AFL Gayle : agoraphobia MaryEz : Are we doing your homework, JRD? JRD21 : I need about 30 more SandyE : Acrophobia DUNMORE : Triskedecaphobia Fear of Friday the 13th SandyE : Clostrophobia SandyE : (fear of closed places) AFC Tooter : Phobiaphobia. AFA Bard : hydrophobia (fear of water) SandyE : TechnoPhobia AFL Gayle : computerphobia AFA Bard : Arachnophobia (a movie and a fear of spiders) MaryEz : bridgephobia - those people don't like the Q bridge in New Haven. AFA Bard : Technophobia- noone here has that one. ;) AFC Tooter : Hello Geo. Welcome to the Apple Ed Forum chat. Are you a teacher? AFL Gayle : Technophiles here, Bard. :) AFC Tooter : Gritsophobia GeoHENKEL : yes-computers DUNMORE : Where do you hail from JRD21 : more AFA Bard : Yankeephobia MaryEz : What grade, Geo? AFC Tooter : Where do you teach? GeoHENKEL : nj middle school SandyE : Cool!! Geo, me too! JRD21 : are all these real like yankee phobia MaryEz : CT middle school, here. AFA Bard : Xenophobia AFL Gayle : TooT, how about telling George about Schoolhouse Projects? GeoHENKEL : mary-what hardware AFC Tooter : What part of NJ. We have a lot of NJ teachers on AOL. JRD21 : more MaryEz : Apple IIgs JRD21 : any more phobias AFL Gayle : Why do you need these, JRD? SandyE : Is Pat a teacher also? GeoHENKEL : teach in medford, south part of state near Phila. MaryEz : We're doing his/her homework, I bet!! JRD21 : 2 pts. extra credit for each one I find JRD21 : Gayle do you have more AFC Tooter : Do you know Ferdi Serim from Plainfield/Princeton area? AFA Bard : GEO- just checked COMPTON'S - no help there! AFL Gayle : Uh, I think your teacher wanted YOU to find them, JRD! Try the dictionary! AFA Bard : Gayle-- this is as good a resource as a dictionary! ;) AFA Bard : (and far more creative!) JRD21 : no she didn't . she told me to use this service AFC Tooter : Or see if the online encyclopedia has any listing for phobia. GeoHENKEL : this has gotta be harder than the dictionary JRD21 : a few more AFA Bard : did it, Toot-- no listings under FEAR or PHOBIA :( JRD21 : please AFA Bard : Still thinking, Geo & JRD.. hang on... MaryEz : My granddaughter (2nd grade) looked up PATENT tonight on AOL Comptons. AFC Tooter : Geo, tonight's topic is really the Electronic Schoolhouse, the place where teachers go to start or to AFC Tooter : join online class link projects. Have you visited the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH)? JRD21 : Bard or Gayle, anymore?????? AFA Bard : anglophobia JesseJames : hello, I'm trying to find out where info is on teaching English as 2nd language ? AFA Bard : claustrophobia GeoHENKEL : no, i got my lesson plans ready for Mon. AFL Gayle : ::thinking, JRD:: MaryEz : Bard, you are to EASY! MaryEz : too EASY, that is! JRD21 : thanks gayle AFC Tooter : What kind of info, Jesse? We are here to talk about linking classes. We have several ESL classes AFC Tooter : involved in online projects. AFA Bard : xenophobia is fear of strangers AFC Tooter : Good one, Bard. JRD21 : is that it?????? MaryEz : ROTFL JesseJames : I'm looking for adult ESL lesson plans, starting school tomorrow , afc tooter AFA Bard : that's it for me.. I'm phobia'd ou! AFC Tooter : Gayle, how does Jesse get to the English area of TIN? AFA Bard : ou = out JRD21 : gayle are you still thinking. thanks bard JRD21 : Gayle????? AFC Tooter : Jesse, if you send e-mail to SusanG2, she will be a great help. She is an ESL teacher in California. AFL Gayle : Bard, it's in Idea Exhchange in TIN. He needs to use keyword TIN and then select it from AFL Gayle : the menu. SandyE : Tooter, who are those classes (Visalia, CA) who are adult ESOL classes? AFL Gayle : Make that Exchange. :) SandyE : They are usually involved in Scrap sessions. AFA Bard : (actually, Toot asked the question, Gayle) JRD21 : Gayle???? thinking???? AFL Gayle : Yes, JRD. JRD21 : thanks AFL Gayle : OK, then Toot! :) AFC Tooter : Got that, Jesse --> TIN/IDEA EXCHANGE/English teaching. I hope you'll also JRD21 : anyone else know any phobias???? AFC Tooter : visit the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH). It's a great facility for any teacher who wants to lin AFC Tooter : link classes to classes around the country. There is AN ADULT JRD21 : Is that all there are? AFC Tooter : ESL CLASS BEGINNING IN THE SCRAPBOOK WRITING PROJECT THIS SandyE : I may be devoloping a JRD21phobia AFC Tooter : THURSDAY. AFA Bard : :) Sandy! :) AFC Tooter : Sorry for shouting. My pinky missed. AFL Gayle : JRD, when is this assignment for extra credit due? JesseJames : Yes I did, thanks so much for your help. But what is SCRAPBOOK AFA Bard : JRD-- try checking in the PET CARE forum - you might find some there. JRD21 : Tomorrow, why?????? MaryEz : Good one, Sandy! SandyE : Last week?? AFL Gayle : If not tomorrow, I'd suggest going to your school library media center and finding a AFL Gayle : language book. They will list lots of phobia words. AFC Tooter : ScrapBook is an 8 week project where writers describe people, places, traditions that are AFA Bard : (Go KEYWORD: PET, JRD) AFC Tooter : special about where they live and contribute them to our ScrapBookUSA. We are filling in the JRD21 : thanks AFC Tooter : the country with descruiptive essays. Along the way, students exchange essays and share ideas. MaryEz : Our kids are going to write about their family heritage because our overall school goal is our MaryEz : roots. AFC Tooter : If you visit the Electronic SchoolHouse, you'll find lots of info on that and on other projects. SandyE : Mary, I'm impressed that you have an overall school goal! JesseJames : So that's an online interactive program ? AFC Tooter : Yes, Mary and Sandy are past and present participants. DUNMORE was also a participant. So was Bard. AFC Tooter : He was the grand-daddy of participants. MaryEz : It was supposed to be WW II chosen by the principal but staff rebelled and so we are doing imigration MaryEz : and roots. AFA Bard : uhm.. maybe the grandSON, Toot? AFL Gayle : Bard, a granddaddy? Has Tosh been busy? ;) I thought Bard was only an uncle and papa. AFC Tooter : LOL. Trying to age you. MaryEz : Bard is a Prince!!! JesseJames : Ok. I'm going to keyword out of here. Thanks again ! AFC Tooter : Bard and I started the project, Jesse, with an online exchange almost five years ago. AFC Tooter : So long. Good luck in finding what you need. AFA Bard : (:: blushing ::) Thanks, Mary. ;) MaryEz : Bye, Jesse. SandyE : JesseJames: Your students would love Scrapping with us...consider joining us. AFL Gayle : Prince Charming? ;) DUNMORE : Were you ever a frog? AFA Bard : (:: totally blushing ::) Too kind, Lady Mary and Lady Gayle! (ribbitttttt....) MaryEz : or Lord Bard! SandyE : You won't believe this...but my daughter (12) came home today and said she kissed a frog near our lake AFL Gayle : LOL, Sandy! :) SandyE : It did not turn into a prince (or a Bard) AFC Tooter : and what happened, Sandy. Did you have a guest for dinner? MaryEz : *MadHen* AFC Tooter : Oh. Slow fingers. SandyE : No, but she's been washing her lips since 4PM AFC Tooter : *frog* DUNMORE : Tell her she has to kiss a lot of them before she finds Prince Charming AFA Bard : WHAT! Did you tell her she'll get warts.. or did you hit her with the old "your lips will fall off AFA Bard : if you do that again" thing? SandyE : Amen, Carolyn SandyE : No, I was laughing too hard to say much of anything to her. SandyE : Say, are there some new sounds? I didn't hear *frog* AFL Gayle : She could circumvent the frog by directly kissing Bard. ::ducking:: :) AFC Tooter : Me either ;-) SandyE : She's love to....She thinks he's the cat's meow AFC Tooter : It may be time to get some class to make a new set. SandyE : Now, if that saying doesn't date me, nothing will. DUNMORE : But what if it is the Ugly Duckling? AFA Bard : My, My.. isn't Lady Gayle getting frisky tonight? AFC Tooter : *Duck* MaryEz : I think it's going to be one of those nights. Everyone is a little nutsy! SandyE : So...gang...what other projects will you all be involved in this year? CNN? AFA Bard : Sandy.. have you checked out OMNI and TIME online yet? Neat references! SandyE : TIME online has been a hot topic at this house lately. Mike is very interested in seeing it. AFC Tooter : Lots of things brewing in the Schoolhouse. MathTeach will have her daily math AFC Tooter : questions going by mid October. DUNMORE : Omni is great. I have been wondering what the future will bring as more magazines go on-line DUNMORE : How will they make money? AFL Gayle : Welcome, Ron! :) AFA Bard : Hiya Ron! ZippedGS : did you like it a lot better? how about the animation on the title screen? NJMAUGron : Hey, I've been noticed! NJMAUGron : Yes, using it right now. NJMAUGron : Thanks for the Loud and warm welcome. AFA Bard : More e-mail about the program on the way, Zip! SandyE : I'm curious...what's your Amer Indian Stack, Zip? AFA Bard : Hopefully later this evening, Toot. NJMAUGron : Yes, fill us in. ZippedGS : (There's a new stack on the way...) it's about the Native American Indians and also the Am. Indians of today... AFC Tooter : Great. I will need some student stacks to show to teachers at my school later this year. ZippedGS : it will basically be an encyclopedia for students, but I will have music SandyE : HyperCard? ZippedGS : samples, graphics, art, and references in there ZippedGS : no, HyperStudio ZippedGS : it will be definitely useful for teachers, which I am not DUNMORE : Wow Where can we get it? ZippedGS : (I'm a Senior in High School, eheheh) NJMAUGron : Is this North America only, or do include South and Central as well? ZippedGS : It's not done yet, but I would definitely appreciate some sound clips of ZippedGS : native american music (indian music) ZippedGS : North America Online ZippedGS : (Only) hehehe ZippedGS : oooops ZippedGS : feel free to download the new version when it comes out...I would appreciate ZippedGS : any and all comments on it... AFL Gayle : In AED New Files Library, Carolyn! BettyK1 : Hello... I'm a computer teacher from eastern Long Island... New York ZippedGS : and I will release it as freeware when done :) DUNMORE : Thanks Gayle AFL Gayle : Welcome, Betty! :) ZippedGS : the OLD version is in the file section right now!!! do not d/l that! AFA Bard : Welcome to the AED conference room, Betty!! AFC Tooter : Hello Betty. Our topic has wandered a bit, but we were talking about eshh. AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH). ZippedGS : get the new one called Much Better Native American stack or whatever it is ZippedGS : called :) ZippedGS : the archive is called something like NAB2.shk or something like that :) BettyK1 : ...what is the Electronic SchoolHouse? AFA Bard : OLD version is gone, Zip! ZippedGS : hi sheryl AFA Bard : Hiya Sheryl!!!!!! ZippedGS : cool! ;) thanx bard SherylM : Hi.. ZippedGS : hold on AFA Bard : Get my note on AMUG? AFC Tooter : That's the place on AOL where teachers go to link there classes into online class projects. SandyE : Hey, glad you made it,SMc SherylM : Yes, but it was 2 days too late for this latest issue. BettyK1 : Are there people here looking to do this? AFC Tooter : It's a place where teachers plan great things to use AOL in their classrooms. AFC Tooter : There are people here who ARE doing this. ZippedGS : I didn't see it in there Bard? AFA Bard : Right-- old version gone- new version awaiting release. ;) BettyK1 : Great!!! So where do I find them... you??? ZippedGS : is there ANYONE who can find me some north american music and sample it? NJMAUGron : What's the best way to get started? AFC Tooter : The ScrapBook Writing Project start its new year on Thursday. Data Detectives is a problem solving ga AFC Tooter : game that is already underway. ZippedGS : ok :) AFC Tooter : Shaping Up is a descriptive writing project that is on-going. SherylM : Zipped.. what do you mean by north american music? AFC Tooter : You can find all that and much more by visiting the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH) and ZippedGS : i need some north american indian music, such as war dance, birth, religion ZippedGS : related dances, etc....and lyrics would be nice too AFC Tooter : opening the folder labelled School to School. Send me e-mail if you have questions. BettyK1 : So should I go to ESH now??? AFC Tooter : Or ask them now :-))) AFA Bard : Zip.. I know where you can get a Braves Chant. ;) AFC Tooter : Well, preferably after this chat ends in a minute or two. ;-) SherylM : What kind of sound files are you looking for? SandyE : Hi, Betty...some of my classes are involved in the project Tooter is talking about... DUNMORE : Have you tried the Bureau of Indian Affairs? Zipped AFC Tooter : Hello Sheryl. ZippedGS : just american indian music BettyK1 : SandyE... What grades? ZippedGS : that's all :) SherylM : Hi tooter. SandyE : Zipped-Sheryl is a Tech Coord who used to be a music teacher...you've hit the JACKPOT SherylM : Zip.. do you want computer sound files, audio tape? AFC Tooter : All grades from grade 2 through adult have done ScrapBook. Most of the projects work with ZippedGS : AWESOME!!! Sheryl can we swap sounds? :) AFC Tooter : a wide range of grade levels. ZippedGS : audio tape is cool, but sampled sounds would be nice too...i would prefer an SandyE : Betty-6th, 7th and 8th. The three classes this time are all 8th grades ZippedGS : audio tape because then I can get as much of the music as I want :) AFC Tooter : I've added you to my mailing list and will send you the last SCHOOLHOUSE NEWS after the chat is over. SherylM : Yes. Thats why I'm asking. I've got a pen pal thing going with a teacher in Wisc. who works on a SherylM : reservation. BettyK1 : SandyE... Where are you? I work with K-8... AFC Tooter : What do you teach, SherlM? SandyE : Betty, I'm in Lawrenceville, GA--just outside Atlanta (go Braves!) SherylM : I'll send email and ask. If you want to write the guy, his AOL name is Flaps Up. AFL Gayle : OK, gang, you're welcome to continue chatting, but I've got to run to a meeting. Our free BettyK1 : I'm in Southampton, NY... How large is your school? AFL Gayle : hour winner tonight is.... SandyE : Betty-Where is Water Mill? AFL Gayle : SandyE for the word, Scrapbook! AFA Bard : Yea... SANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : FREE HOUR FOR SANDY!!! ZippedGS : GOOD JOB! AFL Gayle : Our chat next week will be Scrapbook! :) SandyE : Hey! Thanks...love that free time (anytime) DUNMORE : Yea Sandy!!!!! AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, all! Good night! See you next week! 9/12/93 9:03:54 PM Closing Log file.