Welcome to Quality Computers' first issue of Enhanced Technology. We are proud to offer you this publication as a way to help you, the educator, make sense of the ever-changing world of computers. We hope to provide you with sufficient information that you will be able to spend less time trying to make the computer work, and focus more on how the computer can work for you. Since this is our first issue, we will take a moment to introduce our company to you. After that, we have an article covering the basics of modeming, and a short section on how to optimize your time while on the phone with a technical support representative. Our last article providesa few hints and tips on stretching your computing budget. At the end of this edition we have included a phone listing which includes a large number of both sales and tech support numbers for most major computer related companies. Please feel free to pass copies of this file along to friends, colleagues, and others you feel may be interested. If there are any recommendations you would like to offer us, we would be delighted to receive any suggestions via email at one of the following addresses: Genie: W.ARCHER2 A.O.L.: Qualitycom Delphi: Qualitycomp CompuServe: 73472,543 or 72133,3245 Pro-Quality: Sysop The Quality Computers Story Quality Computers is one of the largest mail-order firms in the business today, and one of the market leaders in the education field. Quality was able to make the migration from the Apple II to all major platforms used today along with our customers, as well as provide information and materials to educators. In the following paragraphs is a brief history on how Quality Computers got to where we are today. Quality Computers started in 1984 with a young man, a good idea, and a basement. The young man was Joe Gleason, and the idea was to bring power and performance to the Apple II at an affordable price. The resulting program (RAMUP) was a utility which was able to store several programs in expanded memory and switch between them almost instantly. Quality Computers became an authorized Applied Engineering dealer, making it possible to sell not only the RAMUP software but also the memory cards themselves. Soon Quality carried a full line of hardware and software for Apple II computers. By 1988, Apple II hard drives were finally reaching affortability. Quality Computers was one of the first mail-order companies to sell and support a complete line of Apple-compatible hard drives, and once again developed a software system (EasyDrive) to do for hard drives what RAMUP did for expanded memory. In late 1990, Quality Computers began selling its own line of hard drives (the Q-Drive) providing customers with unparalleled value and performance. Quality has since produced an entire line of house-brand peripherals, including the Q-RAM GS, the Q-Modem, and the Q-RAM IIe. In 1989, Quality Computers started Q-Labs, its software publishing division. In addition to EasyDrive and RAMUP, Q-Labs also published RepairWorks (an inCider magazine Editor's Choice), SuperPatch, Talk is Cheap, First Aid With Reddy, Signature, FlashBoot, SixPack and the System 6 Bonus Pack. In 1991, Quality bought Sensible Software, and in 1992 they became the exclusive distributor of Beagle Bros' Apple II line, including BeagleWrite, Platinum Paint, and the extremely popular TimeOut series for AppleWorks. Under the Beagle Bros' name, Quality published TimeOut Grammar and an upgraded Platinum Paint, with many more new products and upgrades waiting to be released. Since Quality Computers was founded on the Apple II computer, we're proud to offer support to loyal Apple II users through II Alive, a new publication for home users and hobbyists. With Apple II support rapidly disappearing, II Alive will be an important avenue of support for Apple fanatics everywhere. One of Quality's most enduring contributions has been Enhance -- a publication to provide customers and educators with valuable information about their computers and the things they can do with them. It is mailed to Quality Computers current customers -- and, of course, prospective customers. To this day, each issue of Enhance is being read by literally hundreds of thousands of users. Quality Computers has always supported educators via Enhance (which now focuses primarily on educational technology), the Teacher Bonus Program, and a great selection of educational computer products at excellent prices. In 1992, Quality expanded warehouse space to carry a full line of educational products for Apple II, Macintosh, and the IBM platforms, including the hottest new multimedia and CD-ROM products. Also in 1992, Quality Computers started Q-Vision, a new video production department with state of the art equipment. Now each and every Q-Drive comes with a "technician on tape" to ease installation and assist in troubleshooting. In addition, the System 6 Bonus Pack includes a video tape, and other instructional and promotional video tapes are available as well, including such titles as, AppleWorks 4 Video, Q-Tips Videos, and our EET informational Video. 1993 was a banner year for Quality Computers. We started the year off by adding the Q-Drive CD to our hardware line. One of our proudest moments of the year was a partnership with Claris (makers of the famous AppleWorks); this would allow us to take over distribution and technical support, as well as to release AppleWorks 4.0. In late 1993, from Q-Labs came our EET line of software which featured TestBank, Math Curriculum Manager, and the Physical Science Toolkit, all designed for the educational market. In 1994, Quality expanded its educational attitude with our interest in GOALS 2000. This is a government subsidized program to achieve a higher standard of education. With all this, plus our Low Price Guarantee and our "Customer for Life" attitude, Quality Computers has nothing but your best interest at heart. Modem Basics by William Carver If you got this newsletter via modem, you already know the benefits of online communication. So, skip this section if you have and pass a copy of this file to someone you know that doesn't have a modem. Digital Telecommunications... Why communicate at all? Your computer has worked just fine over the years. It has worked diligently, and tirelessly performing every task you ask of it. With all this performance given to you all these years, your computer deserves to be connected with others to broaden its horizons and yours as well. All you need to connect is a modem and a phone line. Chances are, you have at least one of those. By connecting your computer to others, you can get information needed for a report, manage your stocks, run your business from home, keep up to date with your hobbies and interests, exchange letters, data, pictures, and ideas. You will also find other people who use the same computer and software to do exactly what you do with your computer and software. People exchange ideas everyday about everything from cooking to writing the next super program. Quality Computers and other software developers have even used online services to communicate with those who help us to test software before it's release. Our last project (AppleWorks 4) involved over 200 people in the testing. Just think, 400 disks, 200 stamps, 200 envelopes reams of paper and countless hours were saved by sending the updates to the service. Then, the testers could sign onto the service and with special permission transfer the files to their computer and play with the software. If a problem was found, a special area called a bulletin board is used to post the error. There, other people can verify the error and the programmer could get not only the report of the problem, but see a full discussion of it. You can use a modem in the same way by connecting to such services as America Online, Genie, Compuserve, Delphi or even Prodigy. Each of these services have their own unique features. But these features are too numerous to mention here. You may also connect to a multitude of small private BBS systems. These are like that little corner grocery except that most of them are there as a hobby of the operator and they're usually free of charge. You'll find many of these local boards Beyond the Basics Most people start out with inexpensive 2400 baud modems. The term baud relates to the speed of the modem. Then if you're getting more serious about telecommunications, generally faster modems with more features are available. Today's higher speed modems sport such features as error correction, data compression and even caller ID as well as fax send and receive capabilities. The Qmodem v.32 bis modem even has a feature called "Silent answer" which can automatically distinguish between a regular voice call and an incoming fax call. Here are some of the features to look for in a high speed modem: * Send/receive fax Send/receive fax is just as it sounds. The ability to send and receive fax transmissions without the use of paper. You can send a fax directly from your computer. Sometimes you don't even have to leave your program. Some software lets you treat your fax modem as a printer so that it works across many software packages. This is most common in Windows and Macintosh applications. Fax documents can also be sent via online services. America Online, Genie and Compuserve have such services for about $2.00/page. *v.32 compression Today's modems can achieve real speeds of up to and above 14,400 baud. That's up to 6 times faster then the average 2400 baud modem. However, V.32 compression allows text to be transferred at up to 57,600 baud. That's up to 24 times the speed of a 2400 baud modem. This speed applies mostly to text being transferred over the lines. However, if the files you are sending have been compressed with one of the many utilities available, your transfer rate will be somewhere between 6 times and 24 times faster then a 2400 baud modem. So by spending a little more on the modem, you'll save money in the long run on phone bills and connect time. *MNP error correction Anyone who has a modem and doesn't live alone or is forgetful like me has experienced the frustration of line noise. Sometimes, an unwary person will pick up the phone not knowing what that noise is and start dialing. This causes long streams of language written by trolls to come across your screen; or worse, you could be disconnected five minutes before the end of a three hour transfer of your great American novel to the publisher 10 minutes before the deadline. MNP correction comes to the rescue. If any of the above things happen, both modems will stop and then renegotiate the connection until a suitable line is regained. This stops errors completely. You can still be disconnected if the noise lasts long enough. Usually 1/2 a minute. It's rare that someone doesn't realize the modem's on the phone at that time. MNP error correction is also good for those little cracks and pops that happen everyday on telephone lines in rural areas. Just think.. No more funny characters in the middle of the word unless someone without an error correcting modem has posted to an online service. *Access security Access security is great for business users and those who call home for the sensitive documents. With this feature, you can set something as simple as a password to your modem when answering to a full callback system. With a callback system, the user would call your machine and then sometimes enter some type of ID and password. Once that's entered, the modem will hang up, wait a few seconds and then dial a number that's stored in the modem. Some modems can call back to only one number. Others can call up to five or more. This feature is one of the most secure of an access security set because it limits the callers to those who know the password to the modem, and then, they need to be calling from a number that the modem already knows. Such features assure that the person calling is supposed to be there. *Voice processing Voice processing is one of the latest new features to arrive on the modem market. Voice processing allows your modem to act as a voice mail system for your telephone system. With the right software, you can combine voice processing with caller ID to give certain messages to certain area codes, assign priorities for which messages are the most urgent (read the boss has called) and have them moved to the front of all the messages on your system. Some software can even team up with the voice processing modem to direct calls to many people or even provide an automated information system much like the new system we installed at Quality Computers. So, whether you're new to the online world or a hardened expert, there are still parts of the Information Superhighway that we still have not driven. There are faster cars, safer cars, and more interesting sights to see . Which modem should you purchase? You can ask your local user group, online friends or call Quality Computers to help you determine which system is right for you. If you're calling Quality Computers, mention this newsletter and receive $10.00 off your purchase of a Q modem 14.4K Baud modem. Tips To Reduce Time On Tecnical Support Phone Calls Eventually, everyone must make a call to technical support in order to get through a tough problem. Whether you call on your lunch break, planning hour, after school, or at home, you don't want to spend more time than is necessary on the phone. While there is nothing you can do about the constant busy signals or the obnoxious hold music, here are some tips to help keep down the connect time: Things to have ready before calling for technical support: I) Type of computer: a)processor/type(//e, IIfx, Quadra 800, 486, Power PC, etc.) b)amount of memory installed c)additional peripherals: 1)number/type of disk drives 2)hard drives 3)scanner 4)printers 5)mouse/trackball 6)CD ROM's, sound cards, etc. d)operating system being used II) Software: a)version number b)additional add-on's or patches to software To better avoid a technical conflict when ordering multiple items, only install one item at a time, and then check to ensure that the computer is working as expected before installing any other hardware or software. Before calling technical support, please be sure to attempt the following: Check for any addendum's or 'read me' files as these will contain the most recent configuration information for your purchase. If there is a telephone number for the original manufacturer of the software/hardware, attempt to call them first, as they will have more information on their own products. If at all possible, be near the computer with as best a description of the problem as possible, including any notes you may have taken. Try to have the computer ready to simulate the problem again as this may be requested by the technician in order to more fully diagnose the difficulty. Having all of this information available will result in quicker response time from the technician and therefor a shorter call, which will save you both time and long distance charges. Keep all original packaging in case there is a need to return the product. Stretching The Computing Budget As budgets becoming more restraining, it is increasingly important that schools attempt to stretch their computing dollar to it's potential. Granted, with students battering and reconfiguring the systems, this isn't an easy task. With that in mind I have created a small list of quick and easy ways to make your computer investment last longer. Use a keyboard cover to keep dirt, crumbs and spills out of the keyboard. Not only will this help your keyboards last longer, it will make the labs look better (you can take the covers off during PTA meetings!). Choose the lab site wisely. If you have the liberty to do so, look for a room that stays cool even when the air conditioner goes out in June. Also, look for other factors like dust, dirt, water and accessibility- computer equipment probably shouldn't be kept in rooms near exits even in the nicest of neighborhoods. Surge protectors are an obvious choices for electrical outlets, but don't forget about the phone line leading to your modems. A good hard disk optimizer can save your drive a lot of unnecessary read/write time. Virus protection is always a good idea, while virus' are not as prevalent as several years ago, a talented student programmer can still wreak havoc. If several classes are using the labs, it is generally less harmful to leave the computers on unused for a few minutes between classes than to power down and back up several times each day(especially if on a network). Slowly create a network. Start by connecting all the computers in the main lab and then expand from there as the budget allows. Whenever purchasing new software, ask about network/site licensing, the cost is generally reduced when buying in volume. Use passwords or security software to protect important system files from curious students. Phone List (view in a monospaced typeface with 0 margins) Company Sales Number Tech Number 3COM (800) 638-3266 3M DATA STORAGE PRODUCTS (800) 328-9438 A2-CENTRAL (913) 469-6502 AAMAZING TECHNOLOGIES (714) 255-1688 ABACUS CONCEPTS (800) 666-7828 ABACUS SOFTWARE (800) 451-4319 ABLE SOFT (800) 545-9009 ABRACADATA (800) 451-4871 ACCESS SOFTWARE (800) 800-4880 800-394-3549 ACCOLADE (408) 296-8400 ACCULOGIC (800) 234-7811 ACE SOFTWARE (800) 345-3223 408-451-0112 ACECAD (800) 676-4223 408-655-9911 ACER AMERICA (800) 538-1542 800-637-7000 ACI US (408) 252-4444 ACOUSTIC RESEARCH (800) 225-9847 ADAPTEC (408) 945-8600 408-945-2550 ADDSTOR (800) 732-3133 415-688-0465 ADIC (800)-336-1233 206-881-6945 ADOBE SYSTEMS (IBM) (800) 833-6687 415-961-4992 ADVANCED GRAVIS COMPUTER (800) 663-8558 604-434-1807 ADVANCED VISION RESEARCH (800) 544-6243 800-544-6243 AEC MANAGEMENT (800) 346-9413 703-450-2318 AFTER HOURS SOFTWARE (818) 780-2220 AGFA (800) 424-8973 800-424-8973 ALADDIN SYSTEMS (408) 685-9175 408-761-6200 ALDUS (206) 622-5500 206-628-2320 ALIAS RESEARCH (800) 267-8697 800-267-8697 ALLIED TELESIS (800) 424-4284 206-821-2056 ALLOY COMPUTER PRODUCTS (800) 544-7551 508-481-8200 Alltech Electronics Co Inc (619) 721-7733 ALPHA SOFTWARE (800) 451-1018 617-272-3680 ALSOFT (800) 257-6381 713-353-1510 ALTIMA (800) 356-9990 ALTSYS (214) 680-2060 214-680-2093 ALWAYS TECHNOLOGIES (818) 597-1400 818-597-9595 ALYSIS (800) 825-9747 800-825-9747 AMAZE (206) 820-7007 206-820-4102 AMDEK (800) 722-6335 AMERICA ONLINE (800) 827-6364 AMERICAN MICRO RESEARCH AMR (714) 590-3900 AMERICAN POWER CONVERSION (800) 541-8896 AMERICAN SMALL BUSINESS COMPUTERS (918) 825-7555 918-825-4844 ANTEC (510) 770-1200 APPLE COMPUTER CUSTOMER RELATIONS (800) 776-2333 APPLE DEALER /USER GROUP LOCATOR (800) 538-9696 APPLE LINK (810) 964-2988 APPLIX (310) 914-0153 800-827-7549 APPOINT (800) 448-1184 800-448-1184 APPROACH SOFTWARE (415) 306-7890 APRICORN (800) 458-5448 ARCHIVE (800) 821-8782 800-227-6296 ARES SOFTWARE (800) 783-2737 ARISTOSOFT (800) 846-9726 ARTISOFT (602) 293-6363 ASANTE Technologies (800) 662-9686 ASD SOFTWARE (909) 624-2594 ASIA COMMERCIAL OF AMERICA CORP. (516) 763-0906 ASK SAM SYSTEMS (800) 800-1997 AST COMPUTER (800) 876-4278 800-727-1278 ASYMETRIX (800) 624-8999 206-637-1600 ATI TECHNOLOGIES (416) 756-0718 416-756-0711 ATTAIN (617) 776-1110 617-776-2711 ATTITASH SOFTWARE (800) 736-4198 800-736-2803 AUTODESK (800) 445-5415 800-228-3601 AUTODESK RETAIL (800) 228-3601 206-487-2934 AUTOMAP (800) 545-6626 AUTOMATED DESIGN SYSTEMS (800) 366-2552 404-394-2552 AVERY LABEL (800) 252-8379 818-792-2102 AXION (800) 829-4661 408-522-1903 AXXIS SOFTWARE (800) 394-3549 B & D COMPUTER REPAIR (312) 735-9010 B & R COMPUTER (619) 225-8281 BAKER & TAYLOR LABELS (818) 341-1953 BATTERY TECHNOLOGY (800) 982-8284 BAUDVILLE (800) 728-0888 BELKIN COMPONENTS (800) 223-5546 BERKELEY SYSTEMS DESIGN (800) 877-5535 BERKLEY SOFTWARE (510) 644-0926 BIBLESOFT (800) 877-0778 BIG RED COMPUTER CLUB (402) 379-4680 BIT SOFTWARE (510) 490-2928 510-490-9470 BITSTREAM (800) 522-3668 617-497-7514 BIZ* BASE (800) 833-8892 619-792-1367 BLOC PUBLISHING (800) 888-2562 305-445-6304 BOCA RESEARCH (407) 997-6227 407-241-8088 BORLAND (800) 331-0877 408-438-5300 BPI (800) 531-5236 BR0DERBUND SOFTWARE (800) 521-6263 415-382-4700 BRIGHTWORK DEVELOPMENT (800) 552-9876 908-530-9650 BROWN-WAGH PUBLISHING (800) 451-0900 BYTE WORKS INC (505) 898-8183 BYTES OF LEARNING (800) 465-6428 CAERE (800) 535-7226 800-462-2373 CALCOMP (800) 225-2667 800-458-5888 CALERA RECOGNITION SYSTEMS (800) 422-5372 800-544-7051 CAMINTONN/Z-RAM (714)-454-1500 800-368-4726 CAMPBELL SERVICES (800) 345-6747 CANON (PRINTERS) (800) 848-4123 800-423-2366 CANON (STILL VIDEO) East (714) 753-4002 516-328-5965 CANON (STILL VIDEO) West (714) 753-4002 714--753-4323 CARDINAL TECHNOLOGIES (800) 722-0094 717-293-3124 CASADY & GREENE (800) 359-4920 408-496-0474 CASTELLE (800) 359-7654 CAYMAN SYSTEMS (800) 473-4776 800-473-4776 CC:MAIL (800) 448-2500 800-562-4772 CD TECHNOLOGY (408) 752-8500 408-752-8499 CE SOFTWARE (800) 523-7638 515-224-1953 CENTRAL POINT SOFTWARE (503) 690-8090 CENTURY MICRO ELECTRONICS (408) 748-7788 408-748-7788 CERTUS (800) 729-6684 216-546-1050 CH PRODUCTS (800) 624-5804 CHARLIE'S APPLESEEDS (619) 566-0387 CHECKMATE TECHNOLOGY (800) 325-7347 CHEYENNE SOFTWARE (800) 243-9462 800-243-9462 CHINON AMERICA (800) 441-0222 CHIPSOFT (619) 453-8722 619-453-6860 CHRONOLOGIC (800) 848-4970 602-293-3100 CITIZEN AMERICA (800) 477-4683 310-453-0614 CITRIX SYSTEMS (800) 437-7503 800-437-7503 CLARION SOFTWARE (800) 354-5444 305-785-4556 CLARIS (800) 544-8554 408-727-9054 CLARITY (800) 235-6736 CLEAR SOFTWARE (800) 338-1759 617-965-5019 CMS ENHANCEMENTS INC. (714) 222-6313 714-259-9555 CNET (800) 486-2638 408-954-8800 CO-DU-CO (800) 735-1584 CODENOLL (914) 965-6300 COLORADO MEMORY SYSTEMS (800) 432-5858 303-635-1500 COLORAGE (800) 873-4367 508-663-8213 COMMAND COMMUNICATIONS (800) 288-3491 800-288-6794 COMPATIBLE SYSTEMS (800) 356-0283 COMPLETE PC (800) 229-1753 408-434-9600 COMPTONS NEWMEDIA (800) 533-0130 COMPUSERVE (800) 848-8199 800-848-8199 CompuTeach (206) 338-2002 COMPUTER ASSOCIATES (800) 531-5236 408-432-1764 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS (800) 854-7600 800-235-7618 COMPUTER SUPPORT (214) 661-8960 COMPUTERS INC. (800) 637-4832 COMPUTONE (800) 241-3946 404-475-2725 COMTROL (800) 926-6876 CONCENTRIC DATA SYSTEMS (800) 325-9035 800-325-9035 CONNECTIX (800) 950-5880 800-950-5880 CONNER (408) 456-3388 CONTACT SOFTWARE (800) 365-0606 214-484-4349 CORE INTERNATIONAL (407) 997-6044 407-997-6033 COREL (800) 836-3729 613-728-1990 CORNERSTONE TECHNOLOGY (800) 562-2552 COSMI (213) 835-9687 COSTAR (800) 426-7827 800-426-7827 CREATIVE LABS (800) 998-5227 408-428-6600 CTX (800) 289-2189 800-289-2189 CURTIS MANUFACTURING (800) 548-4900 CUTTING EDGE (800) 443-5199 CV TECHNOLOGIES (513) 435-5743 CYPRESS RESEARCH (408) 752-2700 CYRIX (800) 327-6284 800-327-6284 DACEASY (800) 877-8088 214-248-0205 DANDEM SOFTWARE (519) 974-3011 DANTZ SOFTWARE (510) 849-0293 DARIANA (714) 236-1380 714-236-1380 DATA ACCESS (800) 451-3539 305-232-3142 DATA TECHNOLOGY (408) 942-4000 408-942-4153 DATA TRANSFER (614) 436-6300 DATA TRANSFORMS (303) 832-1501 DATADESK (800) 477-3473 503-692-9601 DATAEASE (800) 243-5123 203-374-2825 DATASHIELD/TRIPP LITE (312) 329-1337 312-329-1601 DATASOFT (818) 885-1078 DATASTOR (800) 543-6098 DATASTORM (314) 443-3282 314-875-0530 DATAVIZ (800) 733-0030 203-268-0030 DATAWATCH (919) 490-1277 DAVID SYSTEMS (408) 720-8000 408-720-6884 DAVIDSON & ASSOCIATES (800) 545-7677 800-556-6141 DAVIDSON SOFTWARE (800) 556-6141 DAYNA COMMUNICATIONS (800) 531-0600 DAYSTAR DIGITAL (800) 962-2077 800-962-2077 DAYTON COMPUTER (800) 331-6841 DCA/CROSSTALK (800) 348-3221 404-442-3210 DCA/IRMA (800) 631-4171 800-631-4171 DELRINA TECHNOLOGY (800) 268-6082 716-855-3676 DELTA POINT (800) 367-4334 408-375-4700 DENEBA SOFTWARE (800) 622-6827 800-622-6827 DESCRIBE (800) 448-1586 DIAGSOFT (800) 342-4763 DIAMOND COMPUTER SYSTEMS (408) 736-2000 DIGIBOARD (800) 344-4273 Digicard (408) 956-8177 DIGICOM SYSTEMS (800) 833-8900 800-833-8900 DIGITAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH (714) 455-1620 DIGITAL VISION (617) 329-5400 DIGITALK (800) 922-8255 DISCIS KNOWLEDGE RESEARCH (800) 567-4321 DIVA (800) 394-3482 617-491-6913 DLM (800) 527-4747 DOVE COMPUTER (800) 849-3297 919-343-5610 DPT (407) 830-5522 DR. Ts MUSIC SOFTWARE (617) 455-1454 DRESSELHAUS COMPUTER (800) 368-7737 909-945-5600 E-MACHINES (800)-344-7274 503-626-5163 EAGLE TECHNOLOGY (800) 359-3502 800-733-2453 ECON TECHNOLOGIES (407) 365-4209 EDMARK (800) 426-0856 EFI (800) 877-1174 800-877-1174 EGO SYSTEMS / GS+ (800) 662-3634 ELECTRONIC ARTS (415) 571-7171 415-572-2787 ELITE BUSINESS APPLICATIONS (800) 942-0018 EMERALD SYSTEMS (800) 767-2587 800-366-4349 ENABLE SOFTWARE (800) 888-0684 518-877-8236 ENVISIO (612) 339-1008 EPSON (800) 338-2349 800-922-8911 EQUINOX SYSTEMS (800) 275-3500 EVEREX (800) 821-0806 510-498-1115 EVOLUTION COMPUTING (800) 874-4028 EXPERT SOFTWARE (305) 567-9990 900-988-4437 EXPERVISION (800) 732-3897 408-428-0660 FAIRHAVEN SOFTWARE (800) 582-4747 617-341-1969 FARALLON COMPUTING (800) 344-7489 510-596-9000 FARGO ELECTRONICS (800) 327-4622 FGS (FIFTH GENERATION SYSTEMS) (800)-873-4384 800-766-7283 FORESIGHT RESOURCES (800) 231-8574 816-891-8418 FRACTAL DESIGN (408) 688-8800 408-688-5300 FRAME TECHNOLOGY (800) 843-7263 408-922-2744 FREESOFT (412) 846-2700 FRESH TECHNOLOGY GROUP (800) 545-8324 FRF Repair (408) 452-0400 FRYE COMPUTER SYSTEMS (800) 234-3793 FUJITSU PERSONAL SYSTEMS (408) 982-9500 408-764-9388 FULLMARK INTERNATIONAL (800) 233-3855 FUNK SOFTWARE (800) 822-3865 FUTURE DOMAIN (714) 253-0400 714-253-0440 FUTURE SOFT ENGINEERING (713) 496-9400 FUTURUS (800) 327-8296 404-399-5390 GAMETEK (800) 927-4263 GATEWAY COMMUNICATIONS (800) 367-6555 GAZELLE SYSTEMS (800) 786-3278 800-733-0383 GCC TECHNOLOGIES (800) 422-7777 617-275-1795 GDT SOFTWORKS (800) 663-6222 604-299-3379 GENICOM (800) 443-6426 703-949-1031 GENIE (800) 638-9636 GEOWORKS (BERKELEY) (800) 443-0100 510-644-3456 GIBSON RESEARCH (800) 736-0637 714-362-8800 GIGATREND (619) 931-9122 GLOBAL VILLAGE COMMUNICATION (800) 736-4821 415-329-0755 GOLD DISK (800) 465-3375 416-602-4357 GOLDSTAR TECHNOLOGY (408) 432-1331 800-777-1192 GRABERT SYSTEM HAUS (800) 239-3223 800-239-3223 GRAPEVINE LAN PRODUCTS (206) 869-2707 206-869-2439 GRAPHSOFT (410) 290-5114 410-290-5114 GREAT WAVE (408) 438-1990 GROLIER ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING (800) 356-5590 800-356-5590 GRYPHON SOFTWARE (619) 454-3803 GUPTA TECHNOLOGIES (800) 876-3267 415-321-4484 HAUPPAUGE COMPUTER WORKS (800) 443-6284 516-434-3197 HAYES MICROCOMPUTER PRODUCTS (404) 840-9200 404-441-1617 HDC COMPUTER (800) 321-4606 HEATH ZENTIH (810) 772-0416 HELIX SOFTWARE (800) 451-0551 HELIX TECHNOLOGY (800) 364-4354 800-364-4359 HERCULES COMPUTER (800) 532-0600 510-623-6050 HEWLETT-PACKARD (800) 752-0900 208-323-2551 HITACHI AMERICA (510) 785-9770 HITACHI HOME ELECTRONICS (800) 369-0422 800-241-6558 HONEYWELL KEYBOARD DIVISION (915) 543-5566 HOUSTON INSTRUMENTS/SUMMAGRAPHI (800) 444-3425 800-444-3425 HSC SOFTWARE (310) 392-8441 HUMANCAD (800) 248-2746 HYPERGLOT (800) 726-5087 615-584-4379 IMC NETWORKS (800) 624-1070 IMPACT PRINTER HEADS (800) 777-4323 INDIVIDUAL SOFTWARE (800) 822-3522 800-331-3313 INFORMIX/SQL (800) 438-7627 800-274-8184 INFRALINK (703) 522-4412 INGRAM SOFTWARE (800) 456-8000 INLINE DESIGN (203) 435-4995 INMAC (708) 885-8383 INNOVATIVE DATA DESIGN (510) 680-6818 INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT INC. (516) 775-0660 INSET SYSTEMS (800) 374-6738 INSIGNIA SOLUTIONS (800) 848-7677 415-694-7694 INSYNC (602) 992-5515 INTEGRATED INFERENCE MACHINES (714) 978-6201 714-978-6202 INTEGRATED INFORMATION TECH (800) 832-0770 INTEL (800) 538-3373 503-629-7000 INTELLICOM (800) 992-2882 INTERPLAY (800) 969-4263 714-549-2411 INTERPRETER (800) 232-4687 INTUIT (800) 624-8742 415-858-6010 IOMEGA (800) 456-5522 800-456-5522 IQ ENGINEERING (800) 765-3668 IRWIN MAGNETICS (800) 421-1879 800-348-6242 ISLAND GRAPHICS (800) 255-4499 JEM SOFTWARE (303) 422-4856 JETFAX (800) 753-8329 JOVIAN LOGIC (510) 651-4823 KAETRON SOFTWARE (713) 298-1500 713-298-1500 KANSAI ELECTRIC USA (800) 733-3374 800-388-7062 KENSINGTON MICROWARE (415) 572-2700 KEY TRONIC (800) 262-6006 800-262-6006 KINGSTON TECHNOLOGY (714) 435-2697 714-435-2796 KNOWLEDGE ADVENTURE (800) 542-4240 KODAK (800) 255-3434 800-344-0006 KRAFT SYSTEMS (619) 724-7146 KURTA (602) 276-5533 LABTEC (206) 896-2000 LASER TOOLS (800) 767-8004 800-767-8005 LASERGO (619) 450-4600 LEADING EDGE (800) 874-3340 800-225-2283 LEARNING COMPANY (800) 852-2255 LENEL SYSTEMS (716) 248-9720 LEXMARK (800) 453-9872 606-232-3000 LIANT (800) 237-1874 800-833-3678 Lifestyle Software Group (800) 289-1157 LIGHTSOURCE (800) 231-7226 415-461-3030 LIND ELECTRONIC DESIGN (800) 659-5956 800-659-5956 LINK TECHNOLOGIES (800) 448-5465 LOGICAL CONNECTION (800) 238-9415 503-390-9375 LOGITECH (800) 231-7717 510-795-8100 LOTUS (WORD PROCESSING) (800) 831-9679 404-399-5505 LOTUS DEVELOPMENT (800) 345-1043 800-223-0303 LYBEN COMPUTERS (313) 589-3440 LYCEUM COMPUTERS (810) 574-2444 M-USA (800) 933-6287 214-490-0100 MACROMEDIA (800) 288-4797 MADGE NETWORKS (800) 876-2343 408-441-1301 MAGNA (408) 282-0900 MAGNAVOX (800) 722-6224 800-722-6224 MAINSTAY (818) 991-6540 818-991-6540 MALLARD SOFTWARE (214) 436-0044 214-219-0242 MANUGISTIC (800) 592-0050 301-984-5489 Manzanita (916) 781-3899 MASS MICROSYSTEMS (800) 522-7979 MASS PERIPHERAL SERVICES (408) 435-0462 MATHEMATICA (800) 852-6284 MATHSOFT (800) 628-4223 MATROX (800) 361-1408 MAXA (818) 543-1300 MAXELL (800) 533-2836 Maxis (510) 254-9700 MAYNARD ELECTRONICS (800) 821-8782 800-227-6296 MECA (800) 388-8000 203-259-2070 MECC (800) 685-6322 MEDIA VISION (800) 845-5870 800-638-2807 MEGAHERTZ (800) 527-8677 MEMORY PLUS DISTRIBUTORS (602) 820-8819 MERIDIAN DATA (800) 767-2537 800-755-8324 METRO SOFTWARE (800) 621-1137 MICASOFT (512) 629-4341 MICROCOM (800) 822-8224 MICROCOMPUTER ACCESSORIES (800) 521-8270 MICRODYNE (800) 255-3967 800-255-3967 MICROGRAFX (800) 733-3729 214-234-2694 MICROLOGIC SOFTWARE (510) 652-5464 MICROLYTICS (800) 828-6293 716-248-9150 MICRONET TECHNOLOGIES (714) 837-6033 MICRONICS (510) 651-2300 510-651-2323 MICROPERIPHERALS (517) 782-1262 713-446-8658 MICROPOLIS (818) 709-3300 818-709-3325 MICROPROCESSORS UNLIMITED (918) 267-4961 MICROPROSE SOFTWARE (800) 876-1151 MICRORIM (800) 628-6990 206-649-9551 MICROSOFT (800) 426-9400 206-454-2030 MICROSPEED (800) 232-7888 800-232-7888 MicroSpot (800) 622-7568 MICROTECH INTL (800) 777-4276 MICROTEK (310) 297-5000 310-297-5000 MICROTEST (800) 526-9675 602-953-4850 MICROTOUCH SYSTEMS (800) 866-6873 MIDISOFT (800) 776-6434 MILAN TECHNOLOGY (408) 752-2770 MINDSCAPE INC. (708) 480-7667 MINISCRIBE (303) 678-2335 MITSUBISHI (800) 843-2515 800-344-6352 MMF INDUSTRIES (800) 445-8293 MONOTYPE (800) 666-6897 MOTION WORKS (604) 685-9975 MOUNTAIN NETWORK SOLUTIONS (800) 458-0300 800-458-0300 MOUSE SYSTEMS (MSC) (510)-656-1117 MULTI-AD SERVICES (800)-447-1950 800-228-9151 MUSTANG SOFTWARE (800) 999-9619 805-334-2240 MUSTEK (800) 366-4620 714-453-1309 MYLEX (800) 776-9539 800-776-9536 MYSOFTWARE (714) 965-0183 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR (800) 538-8510 404-551-1000 NATURE BOY SOFTWARE (508) 481-2911 NAUG (313) 454-1115 NCR (800) 746-4722 800-531-2222 NEC TECHNOLOGIES (800) 632-4636 800-388-8888 NETWORTH (800) 544-5255 NEW MEDIA GRAPHICS (800) 288-2207 NEW VISION TECHNOLOGY (613) 727-8184 613-727-0884 NEWGEN SYSTEMS (800) 756-0556 714-436-5150 NEWPORT SYSTEMS (714) 752-1511 714-752-1511 NISCA (800) 245-7226 800-245-7226 NISUS SOFTWARE (800) 922-2993 NITE OWL PRODUCTIONS (913) 632-9898 NO HANDS SOFTWARE (800) 598-3921 415-321-2925 NOESIS (213) 399-8208 NOLO PRESS (800) 992-6656 800-992-6656 NORTON-LAMBERT (805) 964-6767 805-964-6767 NOVELL (800) 453-1267 800-221-6402 NOVELL DESKTOP SYSTEMS (800) 274-4374 408-646-6464 NOW SOFTWARE (800) 237-3611 NSSI (ELGAR) (800) 755-7078 NUMBER NINE COMPUTER (800) 438-6463 OCCAM RESEARCH (617) 923-3545 617-923-3903 OKI SEMICONDUCTOR (800) 832-6654 ON TECHNOLOGY (617) 876-0900 OPCODE SYSTEMS (415) 856-3333 415-369-1676 Optimal Resources (800) 327-1473 OPTIMUM RESOURCES (203) 542-5553 Orange Cherry (800) 672-6002 ORANGE MICRO (714) 779-2772 ORCHID TECHNOLOGY (800) 767-2443 510-683-0540 ORIGIN (800) 999-4939 512-328-0282 OUTPUT TECHNOLOGY (800) 468-8788 800-468-8788 PACE TECHNOLOGIES (708) 564-0030 PACEMARK TECH (312) 384-5600 PACIFIC DATA PRODUCTS (619) 587-4690 619-587-4690 PACKARD BELL (800) 733-4422 800-733-4433 PALINDROME (708) 505-3300 PALSOFT (512) 854-8788 512-854-8794 PANACEA (800) 729-7420 PANAMAX (800) 472-5555 800-472-5555 PANASONIC (800) 222-0584 PANASONIC OFFICE AUTOMATION (800) 346-4768 800-726-2797 PARADISE/WESTERN DIGITAL (714) 932-5000 800-832-4778 PARANA (800) 472-7262 PASSPORT (415) 726-0280 PATTON & PATTON SOFTWARE (800) 525-0082 PAUL MACE SOFTWARE (800) 523-0258 503-488-0224 PC GUARDIAN (800) 288-8126 PC-KWIK (800) 888-5945 800-888-5945 PEACHTREE SOFTWARE (800) 247-3224 800-822-2821 PENMAGIC SOFTWARE (604) 988-9982 604-988-2616 PERFECT DATA (805) 581-4000 PERSOFT (800) 368-5283 608-273-4357 PERSONA TECHNOLOGIES (415) 871-6000 PERSONICS (800) 445-3311 508-897-1519 PFS (415) 962-8910 PINNACLE MICRO (800) 553-7070 714-727-3300 PINNACLE PUBLISHING (800) 231-1293 206-251-3513 PINPOINT PUBLISHING (800) 788-5236 PIXAR (800) 888-9856 800-937-3179 PLI (800) 288-8754 800-288-8754 PNY ELECTRONICS (800) 234-4597 POLARIS (800) 722-5728 POLAROID POLARIZER DIVISION (800) 225-2770 800-225-7618 PORTFOLIO SYSTEM (800) 729-3966 802-865-3300 POWER UP SOFTWARE (SEE SPINNAKER) (800) 851-2917 415-345-0551 PRACTICAL PERIPHERALS (800) 442-4774 805-496-7707 PREOWNED ELECTRONICS (800) 274-5343 PRIMAVERA SYSTEMS (800) 423-0245 215-668-3030 PRINCETON GRAPHIC SYSTEMS (404) 343-8138 800-221-1490 PRODIGY SERVICES (800) 333-5779 800-284-5933 PROMETHEUS PRODUCTS (800) 477-3473 503-692-9601 PROSONUS (800) 999-6191 PROTEON (800) 666-4400 508-898-3100 PROXIMA COMPUTER ACCESSORIES CORP (708) 619-9191 PROXIMA PDP (800) 447-7694 PSI INTEGRATION (800) 622-1722 800-758-8324 PSYGNOSIS (800) 438-7794 PURE DATA (214) 242-2040 800-661-8210 QMS (800) 523-2696 205-633-4500 QUALITAS (800) 733-1377 301-907-7400 QUALITY COMPUTERS (800) 777-3642 810-774-7740 QUALITY COMPUTERS (FAX) (313) 331-0663 QUALTECH DATA PRODUCTS (800) 628-4413 800-628-4413 QUANTUM (408) 263-8801 900-740-4433 QUARK (303) 934-0784 QUARTERDECK OFFICE SYSTEMS (310) 392-9851 310-392-9701 QUE SOFTWARE (800) 992-0244 800-553-2122 Queue (800) 232-2224 QUME (800) 457-4447 408-942-4100 RACAL-INTERLAN (800) 526-8255 800-526-8255 RADIUS (408) 434-1010 408-434-1012 RASTEROPS (408) 562-4200 800-729-2656 RAY DREAM (415) 960-0765 415-960-0767 RAYOVAC (608) 275-4694 REACH SOFTWARE (800) 624-5356 REACTOR (312) 573-0800 REALITY TECHNOLOGIES (800) 346-2024 800-521-2475 REDMOND CABLE (615) 478-5760 REFERENCE SOFTWARE (800) 872-9933 415-541-0226 RELAX TECHNOLOGY (510) 471-6112 RETAIL COMPUTER CENTER (810) 626-3240 REVELATION TECHNOLOGIES (800) 262-4747 206-746-1629 RICOH (DRIVES) (800) 955-3453 RICOH (SCANNERS) (714) 259-1310 714-566-3602 RING KING (800) 272-2366 800-553-9647 ROAD SCHOLAR (800) 243-7623 ROGER WAGNER PUBLISHING (800) 421-6526 ROLAND (MIDI products) (213) 685-5141 ROLAND DG AMERICA (plotters) (800) 542-2307 800-542-2307 RUPP (800) 852-7877 602-224-0897 SABER SOFTWARE (800) 338-8754 800-526-8086 SAMPO (404) 449-6220 SAMSUNG INFORMATION SYSTEMS (800) 446-0262 800-446-0262 SAMTRON (310) 802-8425 714-522-1282 SAYETT TECHNOLOGY (800) 678-7469 800-678-7469 SCHOLASTIC (212) 505-3000 SEAGATE SEAFOE (408) 438-8222 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY (800) 468-3472 408-438-8222 SECRETARY OF STATE (810) 372-6820 SEIKO INSTRUMENTS USA (800) 888-0817 408-922-1917 Sequential Systems (800) 759-4549 800-999-1717 SERVER TECHNOLOGY (800) 835-1515 SEVEN HILLS SOFTWARE (800) 627-3836 SHANA (403) 463-3330 SHAPEWARE (206) 521-4500 SHARP (800) 237-4277 SHIVA (800) 458-3550 617-252-6400 Shreve Systems (800) 227-3971 318 424 9791 SIERRA ON-LINE (800) 326-6654 209-683-8989 SIGMA DESIGNS (800) 845-8086 SILICON EXPRESS (800) 999-6868 614-927-0052 SILICON SHACK (505) 293-4077 SITKA (800) 445-8677 510-769-8711 SL WABER (800) 634-1485 SLATE (800) 826-8071 602-991-6844 SMT SYSTEMS (800) 326-1638 SOFNET (800) 343-2948 404-984-9858 SOFTKLONE (800) 634-8670 904-878-8564 SOFTLOGIC SOLUTIONS (800) 272-9900 603-644-5555 SOFTRONICS (800) 225-8590 719-593-9550 SOFTSPOKEN (919) 870-5694 SOFTWARE GROVE (800) 793-0040 SOFTWARE MARKETING (602) 893-2400 SOFTWARE PUBLISHING (408) 986-8000 408-988-6005 SOFTWARE TOOLWORKS (415) 883-3000 SOFTWARE VENTURES (800) 336-6477 510-644-1325 SOLECTEK (800) 437-1518 800-437-1518 SOLIDEX (800) 722-1888 SONIC SYSTEMS (800) 535-0725 SONY (313) 344-4044 SOPHISTICATED CIRCUITS (206) 485-7979 Sound Management (800) 548-4907 SOUND SOURCE UNLIMITED (800) 877-4778 805-494-9996 SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE (510) 522-3584 510-522-1164 SPINNAKER SOFTWARE (800) 826-0706 617-494-1220 SRW COMPUTER COMPONENTS (800) 547-7766 800-547-7766 STAC ELECTRONICS (800) 522-7822 800-431-6712 STALLION TECHNOLOGIES (800) 347-7979 800-347-7979 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS (800) 762-4968 800-992-4762 STB SYSTEMS (800) 234-4334 214-234-8750 STF Technologies (816) 463-2021 STORM TECHNOLOGY (800) 275-5734 STRATA (801) 628-5218 STREET ELECTRONICS (805) 684-4593 805-684-4593 SUMMAGRAPHICS (800) 444-3425 800-444-3425 SUMMIT MEMORY SYSTEMS (800) 523-4767 SUN REMARKETING (801) 755-3300 SUN SYSTEMS REMARKETING (800) 821-3221 SUPERMAC TECHNOLOGY (408) 245-2202 408-245-0646 SUPRA CORPORATION (800) 727-8772 SWFTE INTERNATIONAL (800) 237-9383 302-234-1750 SYDOS (800) 437-9367 800-536-7936 SYMANTEC (800) 441-7234 408-252-5700 SYNERGY SOFTWARE (215) 779-0522 SYNERGY SOLUTIONS (602) 545-9797 SYNEX (800) 447-9639 SYNOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS (800) 776-8023 408-764-1000 Syquest (151) 022-6400 SYSTEMS COMPATIBILITY (800) 333-1395 312-527-4357 T/MAKER (415) 962-0195 TARGUS (714) 523-5429 714-523-5429 TDA/WINK DATA PRODUCTS (800) 624-2101 TEBR (914) 669-5421 TECHNOLOGY WORKS (800) 688-7466 800-688-7466 TECMAR (800) 422-2587 800-344-4463 TEKNOSYS (800) 873-3494 813-620-3494 TEKTRONIX (800) 835-6100 800-835-6100 TELEBIT (800) 835-3248 800-835-3248 TELEMAX (215) 343-3000 TELEVIDEO SYSTEMS (800) 345-6050 800-345-6050 TEMPLATE GARDEN SOFTWARE (800) 233-3569 914-337-0982 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS (800) 527-3500 THIRD WAVE TECHNOLOGY (708) 948-9208 THIRDWARE (800) 446-5987 THOMAS-CONRAD (800)-332-8683 800-332-8683 TIARA COMPUTER SYSTEMS (800) 638-4272 800-638-4272 TIMESLIPS (800) 338-5314 508-768-7490 TIMEWORKS (800) 535-9497 708-559-1331 TOOL TECHNOLOGY PUBLISHING (415) 459-3700 TOSHIBA AMERICA (800) 999-4273 800-999-4273 TOSHIBA DISK PRODUCTS (714) 583-3000 714-455-0407 TOSHIBA FACSIMILIE PRODUCTS (714) 583-3580 TOUCHSTONE (800) 531-0450 TRAVELING SOFTWARE (800) 343-8080 TRIBE COMPUTER WORKS (510) 547-7800 TRIO INFORMATION SYSTEMS (512) 795-8035 919-846-4990 TRIPP LITE (312) 329-1337 312-329-1601 TRUEVISION (317) 841-0332 TURTLE BEACH SYSTEMS (717) 843-6916 U-LEAD SYSTEMS (800)-858-5323 U.S. ROBOTICS (800) 342-5877 800-982-5151 UDS / MOTOROLA (800) 451-2369 ULSI SYSTEMS (512) 329-8220 Unicorn Software (708) 295-0818 UNISTOR (800) 422-2115 UTILICO MICROWARE (707) 257-2420 VALUESTOR (800) 873-8258 408-437-2310 VEN-TEL (800)-538-5121 800-538-5121 VENTURA SOFTWARE (800) 822-8221 800-822-8221 VERBATIM (800) 538-8589 800-538-8589 VERMONT MICROSYSTEMS (800) 354-0055 800-354-0055 VIDEO SEVEN (800) 238-0101 800-248-1850 VIDEO TECHNOLOGY COMPUTERS INC (708) 540-8086 VIDEOLOGIC (617) 494-0530 VIEWSONIC (800) 888-8583 VIRGIN GAMES (714) 833-8710 714-833-1999 VITESSE INC. (800) 777-7344 VOYAGER COMPANY THE (800) 446-2001 Vtech Computers (800) 967-4358 WACOM (800) 922-6613 800-922-6635 WALL DATA (800) 755-9255 800-927-8622 WALT DISNEY COMPUTER SOFTWARE (818) 973-4101 818-841-3326 WANG LABORATORIES (800) 835-9264 WANGTEK/WANGDAT (800) 422-2587 800-992-9916 WARNER NEW MEDIA (818) 955-9999 WEITEK (408) 738-8400 408-735-9348 WESTBROOK TECHNOLOGIES (800) 742-2442 800-742-2442 Westcode Software (619) 487-9200 WESTERN TELEMATIC (800) 854-7226 800-854-7226 WESTLAKE DATA (512) 328-1041 512-328-1043 WHITE PINE SOFTWARE (603) 886-9050 WORDPERFECT (800) 321-4566 800-541-5096 WORDSTAR USA (800) 227-5609 812-323-8814 WORLDWIDE VIDEO (201) 491-5147 201-541-5149 XEROX IMAGING SYSTEMS (800) 248-6550 800-248-6550 XEROX/X-SOFT (800)-334-6200 XETEC INC (913) 827-0685 XIRCOM (800) 874-7875 800-874-4428 XTEND MICRO PRODUCTS (800) 232-9836 XTREE (800) 634-5455 800-366-6067 XYQUEST (508) 671-0888 YOUR MONEY MATTERS (612) 922-9212 Z-RAM (714)-454-1500 800-368-4726 Z-SOFT (800)-444-4780 ZEDCOR (800) 482-4567 602-881-2310 ZENITH DATA SYSTEMS (800) 842-9000 800-227-3360 ZENOGRAPHICS (800) 366-7494 714-851-2191 ZIP TECHNOLOGY (310) 568-2002 ZOOM TELEPHONICS (800) 666-6191 617-423-1076 ZYLAB (800) 544-6339 ZYXEL USA (800) 255-4101