Chat Log: Sunday April 26, 1993 Apple // Education Forum Topic: OPEN CHAT ----------------------------- AFA Bard : Welcome folks! AFA Bard : It's OPEN TOPIC night tonight--so your ideas are our discussion topic! AND--- I *DO* have a free hour AFA Bard : to give away. :)) AFA Bard : Has this been a busy news week or what? How are your students coping with all this? SandyE : We almost had a "rumble" at my school. A racial incident no less SandyE : I would like some ideas from folks about getting grants. Since there's no money these days, I'm SandyE : thinking of searching for grants. Has anyone been successful at this. Where to start? AFA Bard : Welcome Carolyn!!! It's OPEN TOPIC and we're chatting about GRANTS -- any ideas for SandyE who's AFA Bard : looking for bucks to fund telecommunications, etc.? MaristR : Has everyone seen the changes on AOL charges starting May 1? SandyE : Yes, the new schema should save us some $ DUNMORE : Hi all. You are right up my alley with grantsmanship .I used to be a grants officer AFC Tooter : Yes. What a great bargain! Great bargain unless you're only a sometime user. SandyE : WoW!!! Where does one start. AFA Bard : GREAT! Carolyn! Any ideas? MaryEz : BRB MaristR : Has everyone seen the changes on AOL charges starting May 1? SandyE : Yes, the new schema should save us some $ DUNMORE : Hi all. You are right up my alley with grantsmanship .I used to be a grants officer AFC Tooter : Yes. What a great bargain! Great bargain unless you're only a sometime user. SandyE : WoW!!! Where does one start. AFA Bard : GREAT! Carolyn! Any ideas? MaryEz : BRB MaristR : We are trying to equip entire lab using matching grants from IBM and their employees. DUNMORE : The ational science foundation has some possiblities. You local colleges at the state level DUNMORE : may have someprograms and ask your superintendent to send you all requests for proposals AFA Bard : So, Carolyn.. the National Science Fdn. and local colleges are a good place to look? SandyE : Thanks Carolyn, that's a place to start. I also think there is a county person who assists with SandyE : this task. Bard, is it Helen Thomas? AFA Bard : Not Helen Thomas, Sandy - Gwen Gant (822-6500) DUNMORE : Yes there are three pots of gold to the grants rainbow. Federal State & local. SandyE : Got it, Bard, Thanks. I'll call tomorrow. AFA Bard : Carolyn.. are there helpful publications that list some of these grant publications? AFA Bard : Hiya Leni! AFC Leni : Hello, all :-) DUNMORE : Most of the time the feds filter it down through states of colleges but they can't get the $$$ MaryEz : *Fanfare* SandyE : Hi Leni, welcome back, Mary (you're so subtle) DUNMORE : without you so partnerships are formed. AFC Tooter : {{{{{Leni}}}}} AFC Leni : For ME, Mary?????? LOL, Sandy. SandyE : Speaking of partnerships...that's another one of my goals is to find technology partner AFC Leni : Hiya Ted :-D AFA Bard : Carolyn, there are no fewer than SIX state colleges and 5 private colleges within 65 miles of Sandy.:) DUNMORE : There some publications that are good The first is the Catalog of Federal Doministic Programs SandyE : Our school has a business partner now (the police dept.), but I really want a *technology* one AFA Bard : Sandy-- why not work on Hayes Microcomputer- they're right around the corner from your school. :) DUNMORE : The second is the Federal Register never buy either go to a Federal depository library AFC Leni : Hi, Susan :-D MaryEz : We received one grant this past year from Southern New England Telephone Co. I have tried for another SandyE : Bard, I've tried and tried. Short of running through the building naked, I've been ignored MaryEz : for next year. AFA Bard : Welcome SUSAN! Susan G2 : Hi are talking about grants here? AFA Bard : WIGGY! AFA Bard : Sandy--- maybe the subtle approach would work? Wigster : Hiya, All! AFC Tooter : Wiggggggggggggggggggggggggy SandyE : Gee, I thought that was subtle AFC Leni : Hi, Wigster :-D AFA Bard : Yes, Susan-- it's OPEN TOPIC and GRANTS is the topic of choice right now. REMEMBER - I've got a AFA Bard : FREE HOUR burning a hole in my pocket to be awarded at chat's end. :)) MaryEz : Hi, Wig, just got home from NH! Wigster : Hi Mary!!! DUNMORE : MMary Ask for a list of succesful bidders and conbtact them Also ask the grantor for ideas to improve TEACHER ms : Hey Wig :) Wigster : <--- Met Mary in NH! AFA Bard : Isn't she WONDERFUL, Wiggy? Wigster : Hello, Murray. MaryEz : Had lunch at Lui Lui's on Saturday. AFA Bard : I had to fly all the way to ARIZONA to meet her. :) AFC Leni : Hey, Murray....didn't know you were here :-) Wigster : That she is, Bard. We are lucky to have her her. DUNMORE : ypir applications and keep trying . If you get one grant in 10 applied for you are a professional! SandyE : Carolyn, sounds like it could get discouraging. AFA Bard : So it's mainly a numbers game, Carolyn? Any more tips? SandyE : Bard, back to Hayes, how to approach them? AFC Leni : That is so discouraging, Carolyn. It takes so darned long to write them...! AFA Bard : Sandy-- via modem? ;0 Wigster : LOL, Bard! MaryEz : I am very lucky. We have a grant writer for our system and she does quite a good job. Knows all AFC Leni : Booooo! DUNMORE : It is but it is are only option . There are 2 kinds of grants at your state level entitlement and comp MaryEz : the lingo! SandyE : Bard, don't laugh, I know Denis Hayes has an internet ID.... TEACHER ms : Hey Leni ....yep I was hiding from you :):) AFC Leni : (that was for Bard, Mary) Susan G2 : We have one too but she never writes technology grants. AFC Leni : We don't even have one :-( DUNMORE : competetive . THE ENTITLEMENT ONES GO TO THOSE WHO FILL IN the blanks and jump through the hoops MaryEz : Ours loves technology grants! Susan G2 : I wish Mary. DUNMORE : the competitive one are contests but the odds are stacked with the smart grantsperson. SandyE : To change the subject a little, since this one a little depressing, what Susan G2 : Leni was telling me about this major grant that was on core. Susan G2 : What was it Leni? AFA Bard : Core, Susan? MaryEz : She is doing her Doctorate at Columbia and uses Internet for her research. SandyE : everyone got planned for the summer (technology-wise) AFC Leni : It was a statewide grant for technology, Susan. Susan G2 : Oh, sorry. I thought just maybe.... AFC Leni : CORE=CA Online Resources for Education AFC Leni : Internet through the CA Technology Project, Bard. DUNMORE : The magizine Teacher has a section each month on grant possibilities. MaryEz : LogoWriter, Lego/Logo robotics, Illustrated word processing, and telecommunication for me this summer MaryEz : and NECC, of course. AFC Leni : Something like that for me, too, Mary. AFC Leni : I got hired again for GATE summerschool last week :-) AFA Bard : Great, Leni! MaryEz : Great, Leni! SandyE : What's GATE summer school? AFC Leni : :-) Susan G2 : What is GATE? TEACHER ms : GATE ? MaryEz : GMTA. Bard AFC Leni : Gifted and Talented AFA Bard : If you have time, Mary-- check out Roger Wagner's new HyperStudio Mac. WONDERFUL! Susan G2 : Neat!Leni AFC Tooter : I've got to run all. Have a great chat. *SnackAttack* DUNMORE : Technology and Learning Magazine lists some for computers . AFC Leni : Bard, I want to use that this summer, too. SandyE : Bye, Toot, talk to you soon. AFA Bard : Nite, Toot--- happy laundry! MaryEz : Bye, Toot, have a good day tomorrow. AFC Leni : Bye, Ted {{Ted}}}}}}} AFC Tooter : So long, friends. MaryEz : And Tuesday. Susan G2 : Bye Toot AFA Bard : Leni- it looks like a really great product - have you seen it? AFA Bard : (HyperStudio Mac) AFC Leni : No...I plan to, though :-D Susan G2 : Is it expensive? MaryEz : Easier than Hypercard? SandyE : It does still have a few bugs, thought, right Bard? AFC Leni : I hope Roger will even help us with it. Susan G2 : <---spending all her money for a trip this summer. AFA Bard : Supposed to be almost as good as HyperStudio GS :))) The latest beta version I've got is really AFC Leni : Always the dreamer.! MaryEz : Will he be presenting it at NECC? AFA Bard : bug-free... it should retail for about $99 (same as Hypercard Development Kit) SandyE : Susan, THAT sounds fun...where are you going? AFC Leni : He will be at CUE in May, Mary....i'm going to check it out! AFA Bard : Yes, Mary. His session is right before mine. :) AFC Leni : Hi, Jane! AFA Bard : Welcome JANE! GA JANE : Hello AFA Bard : Mary Jane, that is. :) SandyE : Hi, Jane, we met in Columbus last week. Good to see you. GA JANE : Thanks MaryEz : Can't wait to see you, Bard! Watch for the white haired mystery woman in your audience. AFC Leni : You guys are soooooo lucky! AFA Bard : You mean the one with the million dollar smile and an expression so bright she lights the room? ;) MaryEz : Aw shucks! AFC Leni : Maybe NECC for me next year.... :-) AFC Leni : Bard....that was lovely! AFA Bard : FFMS (Mary Haverfield) and TRICKUM (Sherah Carr) will also be there. ;) Wigster : I hate it when I fall offline and can't get back on. AFA Bard : I'm TRYING to convince SANDY to go. :) MaryEz : More rolly, polly than last time, I'm afraid. AFC Leni : GO, Sandy! AFA Bard : Welcome back Wiggy--- the "journey is the reward..." :) SandyE : Sandy really WANTS to go, TRULY...I'm still trying to find out EXACTLY when the foreign exchanger SandyE : arrives AFC Leni : :-) Wigster : Heck, I played a game until the lines were clear. I lost. Susan G2 : What does it do? Hyperstuido? MaryEz : Wig, are you going to NECC this year? AFA Bard : Node roulette? :) Wigster : Nah... Tetris. :) AFA Bard : HyperStudio is much like Hypercard, only it supports color, enhanced animation and much more. AFA Bard : It has buttons, cards, stacks and all the things you're used to. It's EZ too! Wigster : That's the best part. It's easy. AFC Leni : That's the best part...EZ! Wigster : Beat you to it, Leni. :) MaryEz : Who me?! Susan G2 : Easier than hypercard? Is there a PC version? AFC Leni : Yup! AFA Bard : The new HS for Mac also supports Quicktime movies and VCR/LASERDISC control at the click of a mouse! AFA Bard : No PC version - yet. :) MaryEz : When will it be on the market, Bard? Wigster : Bard... Is Roger working on a PC version? I would love to beta test it. AFA Bard : Word has it that it will be released mid-Spring. Dunno about a PC version - he's pretty APPLE loyal. DUNMORE : Have any of you seen the new item by Lapis that leys you hook your Mac up to the VCR and lg screenmoni AFC Leni : Gotta go, guys. This was great fun, as always. Bye :-D Wigster : Yeah... But he was Apple II loyal and went to Mac. It would be the greatest thing to come along for AFA Bard : G'night [[[[ Leni! ]]]] SandyE : Bye Leni, nice to talk to you Wigster : those of us using PCs in education. AFA Bard : Carolyn... it's called the L-TV card. It's WONDERUFL! DUNMORE : you can also record what you do on a VCR tape and play it backk to other classes. AFA Bard : Do you know right off hand how much it costs? Wigster : Bard... You really like the L-TV card. I had read some not-so-good reviews. SandyE : As an alternative to the Lapis card, someone suggested looking into external boxes that do DUNMORE : I just got mine after collecting 30000 cans to recycle it is fantastic!!!! SandyE : the same thing. Then you are not bound to the machine that has the card in it DUNMORE : $299.99 AFA Bard : Wiggy- it certainly has it's uses. IF you have a big screen TV and hate the washed out colors you AFA Bard : get with low-budget LCD panels- L-TV is a great work around! AFA Bard : Welcome ARubino! DUNMORE : It leaves LCD panels dead in their boxes. AFA Bard : (Remember, folks-- we're giving away the FREE hour just before 9 pm!) DUNMORE : Good to see you Ann Susan G2 : I don't understand. It is like an LCD panel but projects on a TV screen? AFA Bard : Sandy, have you seen the Lapis card? SandyE : Bard, Mike Smith (form Meiggs Magnet) suggested the box I mentioned. Ever heard of it? AFA Bard : Nope, Sandy. I'd like to find out more, though. DUNMORE : No you have to put the card into your cpu Wigster : I have read about it, Sandy. SandyE : Bard, Nope, haven't seen it yet, but then, I have no TV in the lab either Wigster : (I've got it in one of my mags here). AFA Bard : Susan- it's essentially a card for your CPU with outputs to a standard TV monitor. Susan G2 : So you can show the computer screen on the TV? AFA Bard : Yup. OR tape the resulting image onto a VCR. Susan G2 : That sounds great, but we have PCs at school. Old ones that you probably can't add a card too. DUNMORE : Yes those who run GS could do it with a $3.00 cord from Radio Shack but Mac users were not able to DUNMORE : do it until this came out. Susan G2 : What is GS? AFA Bard : Lapis doesn't make one for the PC, Susan. :( AFA Bard : Right Carolyn-- the GS could do it "outta the box!" AFA Bard : Apple //gs, Susan. :) MaryEz : Apple IIgs computers, Susan. Wigster : There are cards for the PC, though. Susan G2 : Not mine I don't think. They are old old ancient old. Susan G2 : They are the model 25s. AFA Bard : Right, Wiggy...check PC Warehouse for a couple of possibilities. Wigster : Sounds like the PC I have here in my computer room at home. :) DUNMORE : Tandy's need just a cord MaryEz : Got to go, people, have a good week. It's getting tough with all those adolescent juices flowing! AFA Bard : Unfortunately, none that I know of support the MCGA monitors on the older Model 25s. Susan G2 : Bye Mary. Wigster : Night, Mary... It was great seeing you! AFA Bard : [[ Mary! ]]] Have a GREAT week! MaryEz : Yup! Susan G2 : Even AOL doesn't support it but it works amazingly. SandyE : Bye, Mary, so nice to see you again! Susan G2 : At least AOL said that their software wouldn't work on the monitor, but it does. SandyE : Susan, AOL doesn't support what? Susan G2 : CGA monitor..that is what they said. Wigster : Hello, HarryT and AVWTC!\ AFA Bard : Welcome Harry! We're chatting about video-interface devices like the Lapis L-TV card... AVWTC : Hi Guys and Gals! Susan G2 : HiAVWTC AFA Bard : Welcome Bill! AFA Bard : Susan... and you've had no trouble accessing AOL? HarryT9562 : thanks! I will just sit back and learn Susan G2 : Not yet. AVWTC : Trouble? Susan G2 : I am afraid that one day I will crash and there will be no tomorrow. Wigster : Wow! I didn't know that AOL worked on CGA! AFA Bard : GREAT! (see, told you it was a GREAT service) :)) But then, I'm biased. ;) Susan G2 : It isn't supposed to. AFA Bard : Susan.. you're running the DOS version, right? Susan G2 : On another one it doesn't work. AFA Bard : (not WAOL?) Susan G2 : Yup. Wigster : I wonder if anybody has told AOL? AFA Bard : LOL, Wiggy.. I think she just did. :) Susan G2 : My computer doesn't support windows too old Susan G2 : It doesn't work on all of them though. Just themodel 25 AFA Bard : Did anyone out there happen to catch Apple's IMAGINE series on MacTV (via satellite)??? AVWTC : No, how was it? SandyE : What's MacTV? Wigster : Satellite??? Satellite??? Who can afford satellite? AFA Bard : Excellent! They had several shows - targeted especially for educators. Since WE don't have AFA Bard : access to satellite, a friendly neighbor taped it for us. :) AVWTC : Is this a regular program? Wigster : Ah! I never thought of that! AFA Bard : Shows included the FUTURE of EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY and INNOVATIONS in MATH & SCIENCE. It's not a Wigster : (Time to start looking in the satellite TV guides.) AFA Bard : regular program, but a series run once or twice by Apple. You can get copies of the programs for the MaristR : Schools can get a free descrabler from CNN if you have a satellite disk. AFA Bard : price of a blank tape + mailing. Contact Apple at 1-800-SOS- Susan G2 : What did they say about the future of educational technology? AFA Bard : Uhm... that's 1-800-SOS-APPL. :) AFA Bard : They can route you to the right place. :) TEACHER ms : Yep AFA Bard : Susan.. they talked much about voice input and the increased "portability" of technology. They also AVWTC : Sounds good! AFA Bard : talked lots about wider and wider area networks for schools. We can all dream... :) DUNMORE : Have you all seen the Scholastic Section here . They have a section Called Impact II Watch for news DUNMORE : about the National Teachers Summit held in Miami this week. Susan G2 : Yes, I asked for information. That sounds like a good program Impact II AFA Bard : That's KEYWORD: SCHOLASTIC, Carolyn? What is this Teacher's Summit? AVWTC : Is Scholastic a new area-never been there?? DUNMORE : It has been great for me I've won 1500 in grants and have another 500 coming for presenting tat will DUNMORE : buy a lot of programs. AFA Bard : Yes, it's new-- kind of in progress of being released. Not sure if everyone has access to it AFA Bard : yet. DUNMORE : It is about a month old Susan G2 : How did you get involved Carolyn? SandyE : Wow, Carolyn, sounds GREAT! AVWTC : Congratulations!! AFA Bard : (** Remember, a FREE HOUR will be given away in just about 10 minutes! You must be present to win! **) DUNMORE : Through our State they had a contest for good ideas and published the best in a catalog. Susan G2 : What state are you in? SandyE : Can one get a copy of the catalogue? DUNMORE : Impact II is headquartered in N.Y. I'm in Illinois Susan G2 : Tell us more Carolyn. How do you find out about what money is available? PNGuinFan : Hi there. AVWTC : Hi.. PNGuinFan : What's the chat? DUNMORE : Ask for one write the headquarters the #'s are in the Scholastic section Wigster : Howdy, PnguinFan! AFA Bard : Welcome Penguin Fan! :) We're wrapping up our Education "OPEN CHAT" - right now we're talking SandyE : Hi, Mike AFA Bard : about grants. PNGuinFan : Hmmm. PNGuinFan : I could use a grant. Susan G2 : We could all... AFA Bard : Couldn't we all! :) AVWTC : Amen! SandyE : Ah so DUNMORE : Each state has different ways of going about it and them\n all state network together for things like PNGuinFan : So, what does everyone do for a living? DUNMORE : the Summit Susan G2 : Do they have one in California? AFA Bard : T E A C H, mostly, PNGuin.. and you? Wigster : <--- HS Computer teacher/coordinator. PNGuinFan : Student... Penn State University. AVWTC : Sixth grade.. SandyE : MS Tech Coordinator DUNMORE : I'm pretty sure as CA is up on most of this stuff PNGuinFan : I'm going to transfer to University of North Texas to enter their computer program. Susan G2 : Hmm I asked for information online. I wrote to Impact II and got no reponse. PNGuinFan : "Computer Education and Cognitive Systems" will be my major. Wigster : Yay UNT!!!! (Used to live in Denton) AFA Bard : A great choice, Penguin. EXCELLENT reputation there for CScience. PNGuinFan : Yeah Denton!!! Susan G2 : Maybe I should try again? DUNMORE : This is a busy week for them as most went to Miami Tuesday try again. PNGuinFan : Good rep at UNT, eh? I thought so. TEACHER ms : Yeah, Denton :) MaristR : Anybody using Clarisworks? PNGuinFan : It also never snows there. PNGuinFan : I use ClarisWorks a lot. SandyE : I use ClarisWorks Daily (hourly, minutely) AFA Bard : Yes, Susan... try leaving a message with JOHNLENT (John Lent), the SCHOLASTIC forum leader. AVWTC : Some, but prefer new MicroWorks 3.0 Wigster : But boy, we sure got some amazing ice storms when I lived there. AFA Bard : <--- CW user! DUNMORE : O yes it does snow there. PNGuinFan : I just ordered CW 2.0. MaristR : What form of Graphich do you need to insert in the word processing document. PNGuinFan : I'll have it by the end of the week. SandyE : Ahem! I want CW 2.0 (hint, hint) TEACHER ms : Was that in '85, Wiggy ?? PNGuinFan : When using graphics, it is best to create documents in the graphics environment. Susan G2 : I have to go. GOtta eat...:-) Great chat. Bye. AFA Bard : PICT or PAINT will do, Rog. AFA Bard : Thanks for dropping in, Susan! SandyE : Bye, Susan, good to see you PNGuinFan : Using frame links is just as simple as using the WP. Wigster : Nope... I was there in the late 70s and early 80s... I remember one New Year's day when there MaristR : I'm trying scan pictures in our DOS machine an transfer them to Clarisworks. MaristR : It's says you can use TIFF, but they won' PNGuinFan : Oh... Different story. Wigster : were 2000 people in the Cotton Bowl... Nobody could get there other than by walking. MaristR : t work. SandyE : I scan pictures and put them in CW on a Mac TEACHER ms : Wew had an ice storm in Memphis in '85 MaristR : Sandy, what scanner are you using? Wigster : I scan all the time from the PCs to the Mac... PNGuinFan : How about a GIF converter. Most of the graphics on line are GIF, right? AFA Bard : Scan them into standard format and use GIF.CONVERTER to translate it. SandyE : Rog, Apple One Scanner PNGuinFan : Hey, I was right!!! MaristR : We have a HP Desk Scan IIc PNGuinFan : I know my Macs. I hate PC's, though. Windows stinks.] AFA Bard : OK folks.... SandyE : Way to go, Mike, I love Macs also (used to be a PC fan) MaristR : Will GIF work in Clarisworks? PNGuinFan : Education uses Apples almost exclusively, right? AFA Bard : it's TIME... AFA Bard : .... to GIVE AWAY... SandyE : Rog, I think so AFA Bard : .......... A FREE HOUR! AFA Bard : But first... AVWTC : okay! AFA Bard : a word from our sponsor... PNGuinFan : Converted GIF files will work. TEACHER ms : Right, Bill !! MaristR : I'll try GIF files and see what happens. Converted to what? AFA Bard : Join us next week for the Apple Education chat when our guest will be Joel Fried of Pelican Software.. AFA Bard : And... AFA Bard : SusanG2 asked me to remind you that the next CNN Chat for Educators will be held this Thursday from AFA Bard : 11-1 ET (!argh!) in the CNN Conference room. MaristR : PNGuinFan, We have about 60 PC and only 15 macs. AFA Bard : And now... AFA Bard : A drum roll.... please? AFA Bard : C'mon folks... no drum roll, no hour. :) SandyE : *DrumRoll* SandyE : Well, *DrumRoll* AFA Bard : FREE HOUR goes to MARISTR for being the first to use the word "lab"!!! Congratulations to DUNMORE : I'll drink to that \_/ congratulations Marister PNGuinFan : Wow! AFA Bard : MARISTR!!!! Your free hour will be credited within 24 hours. :))) Use it ANYTIME you wish! :) SandyE : Roger!!!! Way to go!!!! AVWTC : Super! MaristR : WOW! That's almost as go as winning the Illinois Lottery! AVWTC : Enjoy! TEACHER ms : Congrats, MaristR !!! PNGuinFan : A free hour!!! Good for you! AVWTC : got to go...enjoy the week! AFA Bard : It was FANTASTIC to see all you folks again... and welcome to the new chatters, too! Join use next PNGuinFan : Well, I better go. I don't have a free hour to play with. AFA Bard : week... same AOL time... same AOL channel... :) TEACHER ms : Easier than the History Contest :) AFA Bard : Indeed! SandyE : bye, PnGuin...nice of you to join us this week AFA Bard : G'night folks. :) Enjoy your week. COUNT THE DAYS!!! :) MaristR : I don't have spend ours in library looking up the answer to the history questions. TEACHER ms : Hehehe TEACHER ms : Nite all !!! AFA Bard : Nite Murray! SandyE : G'nite all. it was super. Thanks for all the grant ideas, now to find the time to apply! 4/25/93 9:08:12 PM Closing Log file.