File: Chat Log 12/12/93 Date: 12/12/93 Start Time: 7:58:26 PM End Time: 9:10:20 PM Number of participants: 13 Participants: AFA Bard, AFC Tooter, Elaine 100, LeslieG1, MaristR, Martine536, MaryEz, NetwrkBBS, SandyE, SkiDude007, Susan G2, Wigster AFA Bard : *Welcome* *Welcome* *Welcome* *Welcome* *Welcome* Welcome to the Apple // Education Forum Conference! Tonight's topic: Holiday Wish List! Here's your chance to tell us all what's on YOUR list from your techno-Santa. ;) A free hour (ho-ho!) will be given away, as always, at the end of the chat based on who says the "secret word"- in context, of course. :) So... on with the show! OK, what do YOU want from Techno-Santa???? Hiya Leslie! LeslieG1 : Hey there! LeslieG1 : hmm AFA Bard : Think HARD- Santa's listening! :) Hiya Mary!!! :) I'm listening for Leslie's techno-Santa wish list! MaryEz : Hi all! How are you? LeslieG1 : I am lucky... I get most techo goodies with my job I would like a recordable CD though MaryEz : I would like Apple to deliver the order I put in last Sept. 22! They keep saying it will be here soon LeslieG1 : hahahaha what was it for? AFA Bard : Have you called the (gasp!) 800 number, Mary? MaryEz : 5 Mac LC II's and a Centris 660AV with CD. Now it is 5 LC III and a quadra 660. I talk with my LeslieG1 : do both of you have the education 800 number? MaryEz : rep at Apple weekly. LeslieG1 : afk hubby came home with groceries... brb MaryEz : I can't understand how Apple operates at all. AFA Bard : Yup. 1-800-800-APPL now also gets you Ed. Buy info. ;) Mary-- what's your rep. telling you? MaryEz : First it was they would be delivered the end of Oct. then end of Nov. now who knows. I know there are 20 LC III's in the next town waiting to be picked up and returned but I can't get them! AFA Bard : Hmmm... what is the configuration of your LC III's? MaryEz : I originally ordered LC IIs and they ran out so they tell me I will get LC IIIs instead. They sent the monitor for the 660 six weeks ago but the computer hasn't come yet. I don't know what to do. AFA Bard : Did you get the AV monitor? MaryEz : Yes. AFA Bard : Who is your rep? MaryEz : Another guy I know got his computer but not the monitor. Sue Buckmaster. AFA Bard : Susan!!! Welcome! We're chatting about our holiday wish list! Mary-- I've got an idea-- let's chat briefly after the chat. ;) Susan G2 : OH I have lots of things I want but not this Christmas. MaryEz : I got really upset with her this week because of all the computers being sold at such low prices in Sears etc. OK. Any help would be appreciated, Bard. Susan G2 : Who were you upset with? AFA Bard : Now, Susan.. there must be SOMETHING! How about a Quadra 660AV? ;) Susan G2 : Mary? There is everything bard. But this Christmas they aren't coming. MaryEz : Apple, Susan. Susan G2 : Because of their prices, Mary? Hi Sandy! MaryEz : No, because I am still waiting for an order I sent in Sept. for school. SandyE : Just returned from a Hannukah party. Potato pancakes sitting heavy on the tummy Susan G2 : Not here. AFA Bard : Indeed! Sandy-- what's on your techno-wish list this year? Susan G2 : Here it is 60 and sunny. Although we had a big rainstorm yesterday MaryEz : Did you see the news today about all the babies born as a result of the blizzard last March? SandyE : Ok, Susan, don't rub it in...we know Calif. weather is always perfect, right? Susan G2 : LOL nope just most of the time Sandy. SandyE : BW: My wish list? 27 more copies of HyperStudio and the time to teach it Susan G2 : No Mary I didn't . SandyE : Want more? A networked building and the Macs to communicate AFA Bard : I can see the dollar signs now, Sandy. :) MaryEz : I love HyperStudio. You should see Tooter's stack about ScrapBookUSA. It is superb! Susan G2 : Sandy only thinks about work. How about for your own home? Yes I did but couldn't figure out how to quit at the end. I will probably buy the real thing from him SandyE : Mary: I can't wait to see it, but I want 9600 before I attempt to download it! What's Tooters stack about? Susan G2 : It shows all about scrapbook AFA Bard : Coming very soon, Sandy. ;) MaryEz : I would like to network my home so that I could print from my powerbook in my lap downstairs to the printer in my computer room upstairs. SandyE : For my home...a maid to clean it... Susan G2 : LOL me too SandyE : Bard's house is networked, right Bardy? Susan G2 : How is your house networked Bard? AFA Bard : :) Disgusting, isn't it? (LocalTalk- extra jack in most rooms, Susan.) Well..LOOK WHO'S HERE! Hiya Ted! Susan G2 : Since we are just cozy with the four of us, may I ask an off topic question? Hi Toot AFA Bard : Speaking of HyperStudio stacks. ;) SandyE : Hi, Ted! MaryEz : *fanfare* Speak of the devil! AFC Tooter : Many familiar faces here tonight :-) *Fanfare* AFA Bard : Sandy wanted to know more about the ScrapStack, Toot. Susan G2 : Yes *fanfare* SandyE : Hey, some of us are trying to sleep here....keep it down. AFC Tooter : there are several ScrapStacks... MaryEz : I was just talking about your super HS stack! AFC Tooter : There is the HC stack that Babz made which is still in the ScrapBook Library. AFA Bard : (Welcome SkiDude! We're chatting about what we want form Techno-Santa!) SkiDude007 : How old is every one? I'm 11. SandyE : Very OLD skiDude MaryEz : I'm 62 AFC Tooter : The HS stack is also in the ScrapBook Library, but only a demo version that is about 1500K. The full SandyE : Over 30 AFA Bard : I'm 11 x 4 - 10, Ski. ;) NetwrkBBS : Howdy Susan G2 : Over 30 and almost over 40 AFA Bard : Welcome Network! We're chatting about what we want from Techno-Santa! Join in! AFC Tooter : I'm old enough to stay up past 8. SandyE : Ok...well, then...over 40 NetwrkBBS : Tehcno-Santa? AFC Tooter : The full ScrapBook HS stack is four disks long and can be ordered from me through the mail. AFA Bard : Network-- it's your chance to share your wish list for computer-related hardware and software. What AFC Tooter : Sorry, but it costs :-( Susan G2 : I am going to do it Tooter AFA Bard : would you like to see fall down YOUR chimney? MaryEz : Consider one ordered from me, Toot. NetwrkBBS : Stack? SkiDude007 : I wan't my two front teeth back. SandyE : HD disks, Tooter or DD? Is there a cost, or just postage? AFC Tooter : HD disks, Sandy. Cost is $25. NetwrkBBS : I would like a Centris File Server to handle the Nove Term BBS/File server AFC Tooter : PO's accepted. SandyE : Don't worry, SkiDude, they'll be back--bigger and better than ever. AFA Bard : OK, Network.. what size disk drive? MaryEz : Well worth it! NetwrkBBS : Optical 2 Gig SkiDude007 : Ha ha! AFA Bard : Hiya Rog! We're chatting about "Holiday Wish Lists!" Network wants a HUGE fileserver. ;) AFC Tooter : My chimney is too small for a 660AV. AFA Bard : What do YOU want from Techno-Santa. :) AFC Tooter : A CD ROM drive would fit, however. MaristR : Hey, guys can't stay long because I have vistors. NetwrkBBS : I am trying to hook up the educational districts from several states and the businesses to be used on line at school or home to enhance education. MaryEz : I would like my building networked with 2 Macs with CD is each classroom and a lab on each floor. AFA Bard : Hmmm.. are you an Internet Node, Network? Welcome //Pro. :) Nice costume. :) MaristR : I wish for teachers that remeber how to save files to the right place. AFC Tooter : Be sure to visit the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH), Netwrk. AFA Bard : LOL, Roger! I know what you mean! NetwrkBBS : Sure will, Tooter MaryEz : and color printers and a cd juke box. SandyE : Roger! I'm with you...and kids who would stop putting their disks in their dirty book bags! AFA Bard : Only two Macs per classroom, Mary? NetwrkBBS : Our school has a CC:Mail (Yuch) based Basic IBM type server that few people touch. MaristR : I also wish for computer that don't bomb out on Friday afternoon just as I'm leaving and MaryEz : That's a beginning, the rest will come next Christmas! AFA Bard : LOL! What do you wish they had, Network? QuickMail? MaristR : have the whole school paper saved on the hard drive. NetwrkBBS : I'd prefer a Nova Term type system. GUI and easy! to use. AFA Bard : Anyone else out there have schoolwide electronic mail? NetwrkBBS : I wonder, if IBMs are so great, how come so few people actually like them? MaryEz : We are starting a BB. Thinking of using First Class with an old Mac II as the server. SandyE : Roger, did you have a bad week? How about a week full of viruses (my week 2 weeks ago!) What a pain NetwrkBBS : AFA, Yes, we have semi-school wide mail. AFA Bard : Agreed, Network. :) I like First Class, Mary. Our local Atlanta Mac Users Group (with over 1000 MaristR : Sandy, I sure did. Which computers had your virus? Macs or DOS? AFA Bard : members) maintains a nifty First Class board. SandyE : Mary, I use First Class with the Emory U. BBS. It's really wonderful! LOVE IT AFC Tooter : Devereaux-Glenh9olme school in town has a schoolwide e-mail network. We don't even have a network. AFA Bard : Devereaux-Glenh9olme Toot? NetwrkBBS : Nova Term is like FIrst Class, only it is easier to manage in the SysOp side. MaryEz : The old Mac II can handle 24 phone lines. I knew there would be a use for it!! AFA Bard : Anyone out there wishing for Newtons?? AFC Tooter : Fumble-fingered. Nope. Elaine 100 : Evening all. AFA Bard : Hiya Elaine!! We're just getting our WISH LISTs together! What would like from Santa? (Technology- NetwrkBBS : No newtons here. SandyE : Hi ELAINE!!!!! AFA Bard : wise. ;0) AFC Tooter : Hello, Elaine. MaryEz : Haven't figured out why I need one. I like my powerbook so much. Susan G2 : Hi Elaine NetwrkBBS : Time to go shopping the Electronic way. TTFN. AFC Tooter : *Welcome* SandyE : I see Newtons in the future for kids in classes. Someday....... AFA Bard : Have fun, Network.. keep us posted! AFC Tooter : I have to leave to plan an online costume party. Bye all. Elaine 100 : How about a powerbook? I don't think Santa is that rich this year. AFA Bard : Nite, Ted... thanks for coming! OK. Elaine. Which one? MaryEz : I saw a wonderful letter on Internet from a guy who has an ataxic cerebral palsied child who is using AFC Tooter : Tried to send a balloon and it didn't trigger. I may have work to do. Elaine 100 : I'm not that fussy. I would take any one. SandyE : Bye, Toot...see you Tuesday (in disguise)! AFC Tooter : Nite. Susan G2 : Night ted. Elaine 100 : Nite Toot. MaryEz : a Newton. The Newton had no trouble learning the childs writing. AFA Bard : Really, Mary? Wow! Susan G2 : Yup imagine students zapping notes to each other in class. AFA Bard : Or answers, Susan. ;) Elaine 100 : I just read an article on the Newton. Problem was that it must be keep in the cover. Is that true? AFA Bard : Of course, it could make faculty meetings a LOT more fun. :)) Susan G2 : I got a demo of it at a conference and it had no trouble recognizing my handwriting and that is a feat Elaine 100 : I could see myself jotting notes all the time. MaryEz : I now play card games on my powerbook during staff meetings. Everyone thinks I am diligently taking notes. Elaine 100 : What is the price of the Newton? AFA Bard : It's selling for around $699 retail here in Atlanta, Elaine. Elaine 100 : Mary I am jealous. Wow, I don't think Santa has $699 for me either. SandyE : I can imagine staff meetings with Newtons in hand...what a laugh! AFA Bard : OK.. here's a LOADED question.... MaryEz : Shoot, Bard. AFA Bard : If Santa could add something to AOL to make you new year merrier.. what feature(S) would ya'll want?? you=your SandyE : I'm still waiting for Susan's question...Susan did you ask it? Susan G2 : Complete internet access now. No Sandy I'll ask later. SandyE : Agreed, Susan! Complete internet AFA Bard : 2 votes for Internet Access.. MaristR : I'm really hoping Santa brings me a second hard drive for home. SandyE : 9600 MaryEz : Quicktime movies. AFA Bard : GOOD one, Mary! Soon, Sandy! OK... here comes another tough one... ready? AFA Bard : LOL! Hiya WIGGY! Susan G2 : Ready Bard MaryEz : Magazines with photos. Wigster : Hi all! Susan G2 : Hi Bard I mean Wiggy. MaryEz : Hi, Wig, how is New Hampshire? AFA Bard : What AWESOME software are you wishing for these days? Susan G2 : LOL I must have had bard on the brain. Wigster : Bard... Wiggy... We're all the same. :) AFA Bard : :) Susan-- it's not fatal, I hope. ;) Sandy's wishing for more HyperStudio... How about you Elaine? Wigster : New Hampshire is cold and snowy. :) Wigster : I was in England 3 years ago at this time. 4 inches fell and the entire country closed down. Not MaristR : I love it when they close school even before it snows. Wigster : even trains could run. Elaine 100 : I am also having trouble, the board says, sorry the host could not respond. What is happening? AFA Bard : Uh huh. It snows here 1/2 inch and everything closes, doesn't it, Sandy. :) Elaine-- they're doing system maintenance. :) MaryEz : A cold in the nodes, Elaine. Wigster : Uhoh... too many people probably are online right now. :( Elaine 100 : Trouble with FL, we never have a snow day. Then again we never have to make up days at the end of the MaristR : Well, I have to ge dinner is ready. I'll try to get back later. Elaine 100 : year. AFA Bard : Rog--- see ya! SandyE : Yes, but Elaine, you get to have Hurrican Parties! Bye, Rog.... Wigster : I no longer have an end of the school year. I am now year-round staff. No summer vacation!!! :( AFA Bard : Remember.. a FREE HOUR goes to the luckiest user at conference end! MaryEz : BRB SandyE : Wiggy, I take it you're no longer in the classroom Wigster : Nope. I work in the central office now. Elaine 100 : This is the first time I experienced this. It slows down my thoughts. I wish they would clean their nodes. SandyE : Or blow them, Elaine AFA Bard : How much delay are you experiencing, Elaine. :) ROTFL, Sandy. Elaine 100 : How true, lucky one has not hit here in Central FL. Elaine 100 : Wig, how do you like year round? Wigster : Well, I just started the new job. The schools are still on the old schedule. But now that I am a Wigster : paper pusher, I have to stick around. Elaine 100 : I would say a couple of minutes after I type it appears on screen. It even takes a long time to send SandyE : you do what Bard does Elaine 100 : an instant message. MaryEz : Wig, you're not an ADMINISTRATOR are you? AFA Bard : Going there soon to help with their Tech. Plan, Sandy. :) Wigster : I am director of Technology... and other stuff. AFA Bard : I'd stay away from IM's when the system's running funny, Elaine. :) MaryEz : Great! Congratulations! AFA Bard : Really, Sandy? We'll talk about it later! ;) Wigster : I am also the Development Director (for inservices), chief grant writer, and help out the SandyE : Elaine, sometimes logging off and back on helps....What do you others think Elaine can do.. Wigster : principal in one of the elementary schools. I think the problem is probably her node. Things are fine here. MaryEz : Are you happy with all that? I would think you would miss the classroom? AFA Bard : You have a one word job description too, Wiggy-- B-U-S-Y. SandyE : Wigster: I am currently taking a grant writing course from our county grant writer, and trying to write 3 grant proposals. What a grin! Wigster : Well, I haven't been away from the classroom long enough to miss it yet. And I am plenty busy. I don't have time to miss anything except dinner. (budget time here. We present it to the school board tomorrow night). AFA Bard : We're just beginning our budget cycle, Wiggy. Exciting and frustrating all in one! Wigster : I just finished one proposal a few minutes ago... I start a second one tomorrow. They are killers. MaryEz : Have fun!! Will the Board of Finance screw it up after the BOE gets through with it? Elaine 100 : I have news too, I just got accepted to get into the administration program. I hope that is a good move for me. AFA Bard : AWESOME, Elaine! Congrats! SandyE : Congrats, Elaine!!!! AFA Bard : Welcome Martine! Wigster : Once the BOE finishes with it, it goes directly to the voters at Twon meeting. The big controversy Martine536 : Hi! What's up??? MaryEz : I would hate to be an administrator. I can't believe all the nitpicking garbage they have to put up with. Wigster : this year is doing away with the Athletic Director position. SandyE : I'm with you Mary! AFA Bard : We're chatting about lots of things, including our Holiday Wish lists, Martine. Wigster : I am just learning about it, Mary. Martine536 : oh... Wigster : I want peace and love for all mankind. AFA Bard : Martine.. what do you want (hardware/software) from Santa? SandyE : How can they do away with the AD...will the programs continue? MaryEz : Right now, I would like electric foot warmer. My feet are cold!! SandyE : Sports are very important to kids in middle and high school! Martine536 : We're looking at a Quadra 660AV, but last night on MCM, someone told me not to Wigster : Well, In every other school in the state, a teacher is the AD... His/her salary with a stipend. Elaine 100 : I am going to log off and try to get back on. Maybe I can get into a new node. SandyE : LOL, too. It's C O L D in Atlanta Wigster : We pay a man $44,000 just to be AD. Martine536 : said it would outdated in March...Gosh, I'm disappointed! AFA Bard : Martine... EVERYTHING will be outdated by March. :) SandyE : Good luck, Elaine! MaryEz : You're kidding, Martine. I've been waiting since Sept. for one and now it's outdated already!!!! AFA Bard : It's VERY confusing in the market right now.. PowerPC, clone-this, clone-that. Sigh. Martine536 : I know but should I wait for Power PC??? He said absolutley!!! Wigster : I am waiting for the PowerPC. SandyE : Bard, elaborate on that last one, please...are you talking Mac/PC technology? Martine536 : Mary---what do you mean? AFA Bard : I disagree, Martine. The 660AV is a terrific machine and it's UPGRADABLE to a Power PC. ;) Wigster : When the PowerPC comes out, I am going to get a PowerPC AV machine. Elaine 100 : I'm trying this again. Let's see if it is faster now. Martine536 : what's the talk about AD???Administrators?? I'm married to one HEHE AFA Bard : re-hi Elaine! SandyE : Wigs...PowerPC AV??? What do you think that will cost? Welcome back Elaine...Nodes better now? Elaine 100 : I think so. What a bore that was before. Too slow for me. Wigster : I am an administrator. We were just talking about cutting the AD's position at our High School. He SandyE : AD=Athletic Director Wigster : is the only AD in the state who is paid just to AD. Martine536 : what state??? Wigster : VT. MaryEz : What size district, Wig? AFA Bard : Free HOUR giveaway in ONE minute! :) Elaine 100 : I will need to take a 10 session course, so that I will get the know how of an adm. Wigster : We have a high school of about 1500 MaryEz : Every high school that size in CT has an AD! SandyE : Elaine, What's a 10 session course? 10 hours? Wigster : The AD in my last school was also assistant principal and taught two courses. This one is only Martine536 : In our area, my husband used to be AD and administrator. Now, AD is a teacher with 3 release Wigster : Athletic Director. Martine536 : preiods and 10 extended days. Elaine 100 : I wish, it goes from Jan - May. From 6 - 9 p.m. Wigster : Right... That's what we propose to do. It will save us $44,000. And the town is up in arms. AFA Bard : OK folks.... ready for the FREE HOUR? Martine536 : our hs has about 1500 studenst 10-12 AFA Bard : : SandyE : Whew, Elaine..long haul! MaryEz : Sure, Bard, *fanfare* Martine536 : yeap!!! AFA Bard : First a brief word from our sponsor... (THANK YOU Mary!) Elaine 100 : Ok, I'm now ready, nodes are clear. Wigster : How's your node, Elaine? AFA Bard : This is our LAST chat until the first Sunday of the NEW YEAR! So.. The AED staff would like to wish you and your family a VERY happy holiday season and hope that you get all the fellowship and food you can handle.... Our first chat of the New Year will bring news of some exciting changes in AED.. including some nifty new topics. Also.. if YOU'd like to be our special guest at an Apple // Ed. Forum Chat.. please send me your ideas! We're now booking for April of 1994! : And now.... The FREE HOUR GIVEAWAY!!!!! Tonight's free hour goes to our own "node-hungry" tennis pro's wife... Elaine 100- she said the secret word "Lucky"!!!!!!!!!!!! YippEE! Wigster : Yay, Elaine!!! AFA Bard : : SandyE : *fireworks* Elaine, way to go! Martine536 : Congrats!!! MaryEz : {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} Elaine 100 : Wow, I guess it was worth having stuffy nodes. Thanks. SandyE : Perseverance pays! AFA Bard : One last thing.. before we go.. let's make a Christmas Greeting-- anyone got any good words for folks in the new year? SandyE : Don't let those stuffy nodes get you down! Martine536 : take time for yourself!!! AFA Bard : Elaine? Wiggy? Park? Wigster : Wait for the PowerPC! SandyE : May all the virus writers get writer's cramp MaryEz : Be patient! Martine536 : Oh no really???? AFA Bard : Buy UPGRADABLE Macs! SandyE : Amen, Bard Martine536 : yes! I will Wigster : The way I figure it, Elaine, the upgrade from the Quadra will probably be pretty expensive. And I don't need a computer immediately. AFA Bard : Well... looks like we'll see you NEXT YEAR!!! (gasp!) SandyE : Just stay happy, healthy and don't eat TOO much! Martine536 : night!!! Elaine 100 : I want to be serious and wish everyone a healthy and happy holiday. MaryEz : It is so hard when they only give you so much money to spend. Wigster : Happy Holidays to you all! AFA Bard : Happy Holidays to EVERYONE!!!!!!! SandyE : I'm with you Mary, we're having to write grants to get $$ these days. Nite, all !! See you in '94 (EEEKS!) Elaine 100 : See ya all in 1994. MaryEz : Have a wonderful holiday! AFA Bard : Elaine-- your hour will be posted ASAP! Congrats again-- thanks for joining us. :)