5/16/93 7:59:51 PM Opening "Chat Log 5/16/93" for recording. AFL Gayle : Hi, Mary! MaryEz : What's on the agenda tonight? AFL Gayle : Hypermedia AFA Bard : We're serving HyperPizza tonite. :) AFL Gayle : Or whatever else you'd like to talk about. :) AFA Bard : Welcome RudyNRex! AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is Hypermedia. No guest... Just sharing of everyone's AFL Gayle : experiences with using Hypermedia. Of course, sounds are appropriate to NinaTE : I see...then you must be able to add sounds and send them to others. How? AFL Gayle : hypermedia, too. :) AFA Bard : Looks like a hyper group to me, Gayle. Susan G2 : :-) NinaTE : Hyper....and I just wanted to relax! AFA Bard : OK.. it's POLL time.... MaryEz : Yes, Sandy BobFrost : What's the best program to keep kids out of Mac stuff? AFL Gayle : Very astute observation, Nina. :) MaryEz : AT Ease works well for us BobFrost : Some of our teachers keep getting their desktop messed up. AFA Bard : what HYPERMEDIA programs do you all use/have experience with? Hyperstudio, Tutor Tech, etc.? NinaTE : I heard that there were lots of problems with that Mary AFL Gayle : Yes, Bard. ;) HyperStudio, MaryEz : Tutor Tech SandyE : Hypercard, Kid Pix Companion AFL Marty : (An Apple IIGS, Bob :) AFL Gayle : Tutor Tech MaryEz : I want to learn Media Text AFL Gayle : LOL. Good one, Marty. :) AFA Bard : ((With AT EASE, Nina? We love it!)) AFA Bard : Media Text, Mary? Tell us about it... NinaTE : I have Tutor Tech and Hypercard but haven't used htem extensively. I really want to get going though SandyE : I'd like to hear about both Media Text and Tutor Tech--don't know either Susan G2 : I ordered Hyperstudio and am just waiting for it to come in. BobFrost : Yes, Marty NinaTE : You don't have trouble with At Easse messing up printing? Does it keep the kids out of the system MaryEz : I saw a really neat project done by a high school kid on Madam Curie using Media Text and laser disk NinaTE : folder and let them save their file but not see anyone elso or delete files? MaryEz : The good thing about it is you don't need to be hooked to the laser disk to write the script if AFL Gayle : Sandy, Tutor Tech is a program that runs on 8 bit Apple //s. There is a SandyE : Is it At Ease that has a problem with the Writing Center? MaryEz : you have the frame #s to use. AFA Bard : Yes, Nina- but MenuMaster Mac and MacSecure may be a better choice. Send me e-mail and I'll mail you AFL Gayle : Company Support area online that has a library that has a demo disk of TT. AFA Bard : a comparison chart between At Ease and other programs. At Ease comes out behind, but it's AFA Bard : simple BY DESIGN. MaryEz : Kids use their own data disks, Nina. NinaTE : Sorry if I got off on the wrong track...back to hypermedia SandyE : Thanks, Gayle, I'm sure our Apple IIe lady knows all about it...it was new to me. AFA Bard : Who makes Media Text? MaryEz : I have forgotten. I can find out. It is for the Mac. SandyE : Bard, I've been so bad (and busy), I haven't given proper time to the new MacSecure you sent MaryEz : Tutor Tech also allows you to script with out being hooked to the laser disc. AFA Bard : (( Sandy, I want to talk about that in our meeting later this week! :) )) NinaTE : I was thinking of having the kids fool around with tutor tech at our summer camp AFA Bard : Nina.. GREAT! how old are the kids? DUNMORE : does the Hyperstudio for Mac allow you to interface with a laser disk? NinaTE : What kinds of things do you have the kids do? MaryEz : I think HyperStudio requires you to have the laser disc connected to the computer. GS that is. NinaTE : The kids are 6, 7 and 8th graders SandyE : Bard--about MacSecure (or me being bad and busy)? AFA Bard : Yes, Carolyn, in fact, the software is VERY easy to use! MaryEz : Tutor Tech is fairly easy to use, Nina. AFA Bard : ((Sandy... both. }:> ) BobFrost : gotta go, Bye DUNMORE : Is the Mac easier than the Gs version? SandyE : Bye, Bob, nice to see you! AFA Bard : Nite Bob.. enjoy 70 degrees in AK! Susan G2 : I've gotta go to. Dinner time here in CA! MaryEz : By Bob NinaTE : Am I thinking of the right program? I use it on an Apple IIe SandyE : Carolyn, I've heard it is Super easy and wonderful (if a tiny bit buggy still) NinaTE : 70 in Alaska...WOW! MaryEz : Yes, Tutor Tech can be used with the IIe or the GS. AFL Gayle : Yes, Nina. NinaTE : That's what I tthougt. I got to meet the president of the company at the International Computing SandyE : I'm having our school SandyE : OOPS, let me try again NinaTE : conference in Boston last March and he sent me info on an update that sounded quite interesting SandyE : I'm having our school's first Technology Exposition (I made that one up) this Wednesday. Lots of SandyE : new software for the teachers to try out. I'm nervous. There'll be a laser disk for them to NinaTE : What happens at your Exposition? SandyE : try also. I'd wanted to have HyperStudio, but haven't gotten it yet.,. AFA Bard : Wow! GREAT idea, Sandy.. time? NinaTE : Is it for parents too or just teachers, Sandy SandyE : Bard, all day Wed 5/19. SandyE : Nina, the lab will be closed to students and the teachers will drift in on their planning time SandyE : and try out all the new stuff I've gotten my hands on. A few reps will be there too. NinaTE : I wanted to try something like that at night for the parents and community members SandyE : I'm offering free lunch on our post school planning day to 4 teachers whose names are drawn SandyE : That's call *incentive* AFL Gayle : Gee, I was just thinking it was called bribery, Sandy. ;) (Just kidding. :) SandyE : Nina, my friend Sherah Carr did that all last year. One night every other month SandyE : Right-O Gayle! NinaTE : How did it go, good attendance? SandyE : Sherah gave free software and targetted different things each meeting. DUNMORE : It is a good idea to get the teachers to see what is outv there AFA Bard : Ugh.. that's Administrative Staff Meeting (Pipeline) day for me. Sorry I can't be there, SandyE : It went really great, except towards the end of the yeat, it sorta petered out AFA Bard : Sandy. May I send a "virtual Bard"? AFL Gayle : Certainly you don't meet ALL day, Bard? NinaTE : By the way, is anyone available Tuesday night around 7:30. I'm going to be speaking to some parents SandyE : Yes, Bard, send the VB. You're always in my lab anyway, sitting on my shoulder-saying "try this" NinaTE : about telecommunications and I thought a demo was in order AFA Bard : Unfortunately, yes, Gayle. That's what we district people do- meet, phone, meet, phone... ;)) AFL Gayle : LOL, Sandy! :) AFL Gayle : Welcome, Krazy! AFA Bard : Hiya Krazy! KrazyCoupl : hlo SandyE : Carolyn, What time zone are you (I'm awful at time zones) DUNMORE : Central Datlight saving SandyE : If you're CT, and I'm ET, then your 7:30 will be 6:30 here, yet? NinaTE : SAndy, That was me....Nina And I'm in your time zone DUNMORE : Yes You've got it. AFL Gayle : Sandy, it was Nina who needed someone. AFA Bard : Sandy.. Nina's in our time zone. :) NinaTE : WAs that like the Twilight Zone???????? AFA Bard : .. or the Ozone? SandyE : My eyes are crossed tonight, Tuesdays I don't get home til 7:20 KrazyCoupl : the dead zone DUNMORE : I'm glad you asked Sandy. You are just broadening your horizens NinaTE : Calzone...for us Italians SandyE : Sorry, Nina, it would have been fun! AFA Bard : ROTFL, Nina! :) NinaTE : HUH?? AFA Bard : Rolling On The Floor, Laughing! :) AFL Gayle : You might try Toot, Nina. NinaTE : He's usually availaable, I will. I think I'll call on all my ESP people! Just though of it! SandyE : Does anyone run Soft PC on their Macs? SandyE : I have a super student who is playing with Basic on my Mac that emulates an Apple IIe. Now he wants KrazyCoupl : SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH MY KEYBOARD AFA Bard : Why put a Volkswagen engine in a Rolls Royce, Sandy? SandyE : to play on the Mac as a PC. He's a VERY advanced kid who needs this extra boost. NinaTE : Has anyone tried the new Logo on the Mac...it is very interesting....and multimedia ie KrazyCoupl : oh... never mind AFA Bard : Krazy? Must be that Twilight Zone thingie.. ;) KrazyCoupl : :) KrazyCoupl : ROTFL... SandyE : My keyboard actually went bad once and (fortunately) was covered and replace under warranty AFA Bard : Nina.. I've tried LogoWriter Mac, is that what you mean? NinaTE : No, I've got that. I saw the latest version of LogoWriter and they haave added all kind os multi SandyE : I was going to introduce him to LogoWriter on the IIe, but my Apple instructor said he'll get it next NinaTE : media ability AFL Gayle : The new Mac HyperStudio is supposed to use some kind of LOGO for scripting. SandyE : year and asked that I not spoil it for him... AFA Bard : Sounds like a HyperStudio Mac candidate, Sandy. :) NinaTE : I'm going to be teaching LogoWriter in my summer camp.. and I've never done it before! AFL Gayle : Welcome, R5! SandyE : Yep, Bard, you're right! AFA Bard : It's great fun, Nina. If you really want to spice things up, get a hold of LegoLogo, too. KrazyCoupl : gotta go...RDBAS AFA Bard : SYOL, Krazy. :) NinaTE : They use that in Tech Ed ...I'm not allowed to touch it..they get nervous SandyE : This bright kid is doing LegoLogo in Tech Ed this 6 weeks. He's ultra amazing! KrazyCoupl : radical SandyE : RDBAS?? SandyE : SYOL??? DUNMORE : Legologo is really neat I use it with my science students they do amazing things AFA Bard : SYOL = see you on line! AFL Gayle : And RDBAS? SandyE : Thanks, Gayle, I was feeling telecommunistupid DUNMORE : They build cars and program them to race around a track. I can't get them to quit. AFA Bard : RDBAS= Radical Dude, Back in a Second. :))) AFL Gayle : Sandy, I have no idea what they were saying, either. Boy talk. ;) AFA Bard : (Krazy must be from California?) AFA Bard : Telecom is gender-friendly, Gayle. :) AFL Gayle : Nope, NJ, Bard. SandyE : Our Tech Ed teacher says that LegoLogo is a BIG hit! SandyE : Next question....my Macs are so tired...I'm sure the HD need defragging...Best Way? Anyone? AFL Gayle : VERY carefully, Sandy. ;) AFA Bard : CAREFUL, Sandy. :) Rebuild the desktop periodically. Norton U. wil defrag, but I don't AFA Bard : recommend it. :) SandyE : I rebuild more desktops that Carter has liver pills. NinaTE : What is deragging? SandyE : Why is it so dangerous? NinaTE : Defragging AFL Gayle : Defragmenting, Nina. AFL Gayle : Nina, when you save and delete stuff on your hard drive, the files get ByteSized : Can anyone comment on use of technology in classrooms? NinaTE : Is that if you have set up parts of your hard drive to house certain things, I never did that GBHALPERN : Does anybody know if Norton Utilities can rebuild bad sectors on floppies? AFL Gayle : scattered all over the drive. AFL Gayle : Defragmenting is gathering the parts together again. SandyE : I've had GREAT luck recently repairing cheap floppies with Symantic SUM NinaTE : How do you know when there is trouble? What does the machine do? ByteSized : I think the utils can rebuild data problems but no hardware errors AFA Bard : Wow, ByteSized.. that's a big issue! Can you be more specific? SandyE : Well, Nina, my poor machines are always out of memory. Can't run more than one thing at a time SandyE : and sometimes the Macs just lock up (no warning). AFL Gayle : Access time for files is longer, Nina, when files are fragmented. ByteSized : AFA, I mean is there alot of use in the classroom...how comfortable are the young learners? AFA Bard : ByteSized... my opinion is that there is still a serious staff development issue for TEACHERS, the SandyE : ByteSized--have you come to the RIGHT place.... ByteSized : That was what I imagined... AFA Bard : kids, when they get access (which isn't as much as it should be) do really well. More computers (and AFA Bard : other technologies) are used today than ever. More effectively, most of the time. :) AFA Bard : Sandy.. Gayle... Nina.. what do YOU think? NinaTE : Does anyone have any experience with word processors in the schools? ByteSized : This is my first conference here in AOL...Is there a structure to this thing? SandyE : Byte...sorta...loose structure AFL Gayle : Agree wholeheartedly, Bard. NinaTE : I agree, the kids are fine when they can get their hands on stuff. The teachers are another problem AFL Gayle : Actually, you came in on the tail end of the conference, Byte. We started out SandyE : Nina, I LOVE ClarisWorks and like (but don't LOVE) The Writing Center NinaTE : One day the kids will be the teachers and computer literacy won't be a problem. ByteSized : Are most teachers phobic? AFL Gayle : talking about HyperMedia tonight. Here in AED, we're not terribly structured. ByteSized : AED ? AFL Gayle : Some other forums use protocol, more formal. AFA Bard : Phobic? I don't think so. I think they're more afraid of the time they think has to be invested to NinaTE : No, I was talking about wordprocessors..hardware SandyE : I must disagree a bit. My teachers have been innovative and daring this year. What a GREAT group AFA Bard : "get literate". Most just need a "nudge". GBHALPERN : How about that program HELP! that's bundled with the utilities program and sold thru mail order AFL Gayle : Why buy them, Nina, and not a computer? AFL Gayle : Seems silly to have dedicated machines to me. DUNMORE : many are phobic but if you put a computer into their homes or on their desks they recover NinaTE : I agree, I think they are so fragmented that they just don't have the time, and can't see a real good NinaTE : reason for making the time, when there are so many other things to do AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* ByteSized : Is there time in the day for students to use technology? AFA Bard : Sandy... I'll be this is just the tip of the iceburg. More kids will do more things that will AFL Gayle : It's time to announce our FREE hour for this evening! But first, a word from AFA Bard : amaze you more often. :) AFL Gayle : your sponsor... AED! :) AFA Bard : (Apple // Education Forum!) AFL Gayle : Our conference next week is an OPEN Chat, so bring a topic with you! As always, AFL Gayle : we'll give a FREE hour away to a lucky winner! AFL Gayle : Our winner tonight is... AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* AFL Gayle : NinaTE for the word, record! AFA Bard : Hooooooorrrrraaaayyyyyy to NINA!!! Yippee!!!! ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() NinaTE : GREAT!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* Nina! :) AFA Bard : You won, Nina! SandyE : Way to Go NINA! NinaTE : *Sosumi* ByteSized : Congats to NINA... AFL Gayle : Remember our chat next week, 8 pm EDT, 7 pm CDT, 6 pm MST, and 5 pm PDT! AFA Bard : An edited copy of this chat will be posted tomorrow in our NEW FILES library! Don't forget to visit AFL Gayle : Make that MDT, of course. :) AFA Bard : there for a great peek at some NEW KEYBOARDING programs for the GS, too!!!! AFL Gayle : And the Apple //e, too, Bard. :) AFA Bard : New Keyboarding programs will be released tomorrow!!! AFL Gayle : We're very educational here, Sandy. :) You're welcome! :) NinaTE : Goodnight all.....It has been fun... I'm going to hit the sleep zone! AFL Gayle : Good night, all! I'm off to put in the free hour request. :) AFA Bard : Nite! 5/16/93 9:04:59 PM Closing Log file.