3/28/93 8:01:03 PM Opening "Chat Log 3/28/93" for recording. LavonneS : Hi what on for tonight? AFC Tooter : Now all we need is Adam. AFC Leni : You were too busy, Susan :-) MaryEz : It was for 10 year olds, Susan, I don't think we qualified. AFA Bard : Integrating Computers into the Curriculum! AFC Leni : Great topic! AFA Bard : Look who's here-- DAVIDSON DUDE! MaryEz : Check out the Favorite Authors in Student to Student ! AFC Tooter : Shucks, Gayle. I was going to surprise you by remembering without being reminded. AFC Leni : Hi, Davidsonrp!!! TEACHER ms : Yeah, Davidson man :) DAVIDSONRP : Evenin' Ladies & Gents! :))) AFC Leni : :-) AFA Bard : Mary.. I agree with everyone that the Favorite Authors project is one of AOL's best ever! AFC Leni : Yep! MaryEz : We were doing Math Blaster Mystery this week. I love that program and so do the kids! AFL Gayle : Forget I said anything then, Toot. :) AFC Tooter : Hopefully FAVORITE AUTHORS is the start to an ongoing tradition. Susan G2 : Math blaster mystery, what is it? MaryEz : I have 70 Favorite Authors but I promise I won't put them all in the folder. MaryEz : 90 kids took part in that event. MaryEz : Some collaborated. AFC Tooter : Put all you want in the folder. Thgere's no limit to the number of messages one can put in a folder. AFA Bard : [[ Sandy! ]] MaryEz : Hi, Sandy! AFC Leni : Yes there is Toot....it's 500! AFC Tooter : Sweetwater posted ScrapBook FAVORITES today. So did Baldwin. :-))))))))))))) AFC Leni : Hi, Sandy :-) MaryEz : Math Blaster Mystery is a Davidson product, Susan SandyE : *Hi* Wigster : Hi all! AFC Leni : Hi :-) AFC Tooter : Gee, Leni, you're turning into a real Techie. I never knew that. AFA Bard : Hiya Wiggy! MaryEz : Baldwin still has more to come. I have been typing all weekend to try and get the oneliners finished. AFL Gayle : [[[[[Jim]]]]] :)))) TEACHER ms : Hey Wiggy !! DAVIDSONRP : Hit it MaryEz AFC Tooter : Wiggy *Fanfare* !!!!!!! AFA Bard : Hey Marty! Welcome! MaryEz : Hi, Wig, will you be in town over Easter weekend. I think I'll be in New London. Wigster : Sheesh... I've got to get the sounds. I hate reading fanfares. And I can afford to put sounds AFC Tooter : Spuds? AFL Marty : Hi Wigster : on now... 12 megabytes of RAM! :) AFC Leni : Hi, Marty :-) AFL Gayle : Welcome, Marty! :) Wigster : Marty! AFA Bard : 12 Megs! You could launch the shuttle with 12 MB, Wiggy. ;) AFC Tooter : Congrats on getting all those smarts, Wiggy. AFC Tooter : Hi, Marty. Wigster : Yep... I have almost everything I want. One (or two or 3 ) more purchases and I am complete. :) Wigster : For now. MaryEz : I wish my head had 12 megs of Ram, maybe I could remember what I'm supposed to be doing. AFL Gayle : Well, our topic tonight is Integrating Computers into Your Curriculum. This AFL Gayle : is a participatory/sharing topic. Also, of course, we have a FREE hour to give AFL Gayle : away again tonight to some lucky person. :) AFC Tooter : duck Wigster : Mary... I probably will be in town during Easter... we don't get our vacation until a week Wigster : later. DAVIDSONRP : Thought MaryEz was going to chat briefly about Math Blaster Mystery! to Sue AFL Gayle : Poor Wiggy! Gee, I thought our vacation was late! Wigster : Well, I find it easy to integrate computers into my curriculum. I teach computer science. AFL Gayle : Mary, tell us about Math Blaster Mystery, please. :) SandyE : Math Blaster Mystery is a BLAST AFL Gayle : LOL, Wiggy! :) SandyE : My students love it a lot more than AlgeBlaster which is harder! Wigster : I was thinking of going down to NC, Gayle. I figure it will be nice and warm by the last week in Wigster : April. AFL Gayle : Great! Yes, it will! Please come! :)) MaryEz : The math teacher and I have a hard time with level 4! SandyE : There are 4 areas to choose from: 1) follow the clues 2) weigh the evidence DAVIDSONRP : I have a hard time demoin' it! Very challenging program! SandyE : and the other two have gone out of my head SandyE : One is about guessing the right answer from a grid supplied by the program AFC Leni : Hmmmm.....sounds like a good challenge...wide range of ability and skill levels? SandyE : VERY DIFFICULT-but great for logic. Susan G2 : How low does it start? TEACHER ms : Yes, very difficult AFC Leni : Is it problem solving or algorithmic? AFC Leni : Or both :-) AFA Bard : Both, Leni. MaryEz : All operations, whole numbers. Then + - integers, fractions, decimals etc. AFC Leni : (good guess) AFC Leni : That is a good range, too! AFA Bard : Lots of teacher options, too, for individualization. AFC Leni : Does someone have a favorite to share to show the "flavor" of the problems posed? DAVIDSONRP : MBM helps students develop strategies for solving math problems and stimulates TEACHER ms : Yes, it covers the whole spectrum DAVIDSONRP : critical thinking, including inductive and deductive reasoning! AFC Leni : Wow! MaryEz : I am working with a gifted child (gr. 5) as a challenge activity. He is also doing Joe and Arlo SandyE : My personal favorite is Weigh the Evidence. MaryEz : math word problems. DAVIDSONRP : Working backwards, Identifying relevant info., SandyE : Students are presented with three scales. the first scale has 4 weights upon it. Each weight SandyE : has a value on it. Students are given the goal and must move the weights to either one of the other MaryEz : and irrelevant information, too. DAVIDSONRP : elf editor, Pop up clacilator test maker to print your own tests! SandyE : scales so that the weights add up to the goal number. Only restriction is that you must NOT AFA Bard : (Hiya Andy!) AFA Andy : Hi Bard :) MaryEz : Clacilator? ; ) SandyE : put a heavier weight upon a lighter weight at any time. So, they must plan and think as they move DAVIDSONRP : Calculator AFA Bard : Joel... I really like the test-maker. That's just one feature that makes this a dandy program. :) AFC Leni : It sounds terrific! DAVIDSONRP : How did this become a Davidson seminar! I'm thrilled your remember MBM! Susan G2 : This program sounds great! Is it new? MaryEz : It also keeps record which is important for this child for parents. DAVIDSONRP : Susan G2 (govt. person) now that new ! AFA Bard : Davidson programs are terrific, Joel. :) AFA Bard : Anybody else found other programs that help to integrate computers into the curriculum? AFA Bard : Like Tom Snyder's stuff, perhaps? AFC Leni : Hi, CJ :-) TEACHER ms : What is the price now, Joel ? CJ4Short : Hello all! MaryEz : I love Tom Snyder's National Inspirer! AFA Bard : Welcome, CJ! We're talking about integrating computers into the curriculum... DAVIDSONRP : $29.95! AFC Tooter : Mr. Waterfalls!!!! :-))) AFA Bard : Tell us a bit about NI, Mary! AFC Leni : I use Tom Snyder's "stuff", when applicable, Bard. AFA Bard : :) Leni :) TEACHER ms : Thanx SandyE : I also like MacUSA. 8th graders studying GA. History have been using it bunches to compare SandyE : GA to other states in the US. DAVIDSONRP : Thank you one and all for the kind comments about a Davidson educational sftwr. AFC Leni : I am using that and the MECC State Database as we work on U.S. georgraphy! AFC Tooter : There was a review somewhere comparing MacUSA with USGeograph. They preferred the latter. SandyE : They have FINALLY learned how to use all the applications together. They take a map from AFC Tooter : I think I have the title right. Something looks wrong. SandyE : MacUSA into KidPix, doctor it up, take it into ClarisWorks graphics, enlarge it to full page and SandyE : print it. I'm so PROUD of them!! AFA Bard : USA Geograph, Toot. (From Mecc) AFC Tooter : Fantastic, Sandy. They're really learning their way around. AFC Leni : I would be, too, Sandy! SandyE : What does USGeo have that MacUSA doesn't. Is it database-ish? AFA Bard : Wonderful, Sandy! AFL Gayle : (Dumped again. :( AFC Tooter : The review pointed out that the sections of the program were better integrated. Also, data was presen Susan G2 : Wow that is wonderful Sandy! AFC Tooter : ented in a more usable form. AFA Bard : Re-hi, Gayle. ;) SandyE : Also, kids last week were working on the 13 original colonies. Used some graphics of the states AFC Leni : We don't have Macs to use, so we use the MECC program in our lab and the Mac program in the classroom. AFC Tooter : When comparing data between states, MacUSA gives info in numbers of people, items, etc. Geograph AFC Tooter : gives info in percentages so comparison makes more sense. SandyE : brought them into Kid Pix, wrote a paragraph about each state on an individual KP screen, added SandyE : narration and made a side show. BLOWN AWAY, I am I am.. AFC Leni : I guess so!!!!! Double Wow! Susan G2 : Wow. That is amazing Sandy. AFA Bard : Gosh, Sandy... I've got to come SEE that! Amazing! SandyE : But, Toot, MACUSA has bar graphs and visuals...the kids seem to like that AFC Tooter : Geograph does too. DAVIDSONRP : Next time SandyE, try Kid Works 2, They can use a WP, full blown Paint Prog. & SandyE : BW--you know you are a welcome sight anytime. Do they let you out of your office? DAVIDSONRP : they can hear their story read to them! AFC Tooter : I haven't worked with it. I have worked with MacUSA. AFC Tooter : Just reporting what the review said. MaryEz : Great excitement!! The teacher I am working with on the Favorite Authors project just called to tell SandyE : DAVIDSONRP--tell me more about KW2 (now that I have stuffed my lab with KP and KP Companion!) AFA Bard : Not enough, Sandy. :) I feel the energy from Sweetwater all the way across the district, though. :) MaryEz : me she use the distribution list I made for her to write to all the teachers on Internet that have DAVIDSONRP : SandyE besides Kid Works 2 we have a Kid Pictures that's a Companion prog. to DAVIDSONRP : KW2 and Kid Pixs! MaryEz : registered for the project. And she did it without me!!!! Yea *Fanfare* AFC Leni : Excited, Mary????? LOL AFC Tooter : *Boing* MaryEz : I have a live one!!!! DAVIDSONRP : Kid Pictures features : Dot-to-Dot ,Coloring Book Pictures, Mystery Pictures, AFC Leni : Life is good :-) AFA Bard : Kid Pictures, Joel? What's that? Susan G2 : Well, I have to go. Great conversation. Do you have this chat every sunday? I'll have to join in again DAVIDSONRP : Paint by Number, Maze and Picture Gallery! AFA Bard : Every Sunday, Susan! PLEASE join us! AFC Tooter : Every Sunday, Susan...almost. CJ4Short : A suggestion for software: More plus - can be used as a slide show - you can import other software .. SandyE : Bye, Susan...Glad you could come by MaryEz : Sorry for the interruption but this is BIG Time excitement!! DAVIDSONRP : If your students love Davidson's Kid Works 2 or Kid Pix imagine the fun they'll AFC Leni : May I interject, too? CJ and I are planning a fun little project that some of you may want to be part AFC Leni : of. DAVIDSONRP : have by adding Kid Pictures images to these progs. Learning and fun go hand in AFL Gayle : NO problem, Mary! We appreciate hwo well the teacher has done. :))) AFA Bard : Ooooo... do tell, Leni!!!!!!! DAVIDSONRP : hand as they choose from over 50 images composed of games, pictures, and skill AFC Leni : LOL! We are going to have a Name That State Game in a few short weeks.... DAVIDSONRP : building activities! AFC Leni : (as soon as I work out the details). CJ is going to moderate for us! SandyE : Sounds interesting, Leni.. More, More. AFC Leni : Sandy....you may want to participate. AFA Bard : (sounds like something we should pass on to others in our district, Sandy!) MaryEz : I needed Name that State in the fall, Leni. SandyE : Of course, I want to. SandyE : Absolutely, BW AFC Leni : We will have the students submit questions, and then run it like a bowl game. TEACHER ms : Great idea :) AFA Bard : "Which state is the home of Coca-Cola?" AFA Bard : Neat idea! AFC Leni : Should be great learning and lots of fun! TheWizards are quite excited! DAVIDSONRP : Georgia! SandyE : I like it. I must confess I've failed at the CNN News game. I could never get it off the ground! AFC Tooter : Which state is the home of Pepsi Cola? AFC Leni : Want to add anything, CJ? AFC Leni : Try again, Sandy....it's good, too :-) AFL Gayle : What state is the home of Pepsi Cola? AFC Tooter : I do. I used to live across from the world headquarters. AFC Leni : Utah. CJ4Short : I'm boning up for the game! AFL Gayle : Right, Toot! What is it? :) AFC Tooter : NY AFC Leni : LOL AFC Leni : Way to go, CJ! SandyE : I will, Leni AFC Leni : (good) AFL Gayle : Wait. In what state was Pepsi invented, though, Toot? DAVIDSONRP : My house! Nothin' but Pepsi! SandyE : REALLY, Toot? Was there a Mr. Pepsi? AFA Bard : NY, really?? I didn't know that. AFA Andy : Sounds like Toots has been reading David Feldman's books :D AFL Gayle : No! Pepsi was invented in NC, Bard! New Bern, NC. TEACHER ms : NC, Gayle ? AFC Tooter : Perhaps Gayle knows if there was a Mr. Pepsi. I think it was all plagerized. AFL Gayle : Right, Murray! :) TEACHER ms : Right AFL Gayle : "Pride of the Carolinas, Pepsi is the pride." (Personally, I prefer Coke, AFL Gayle : though. :) AFC Leni : See how good this will be???? CJ4Short : Plagerized, is the right answer AFA Bard : [[[ Gayle ]]] TEACHER ms : Pespsi stock is a good investment. AFA Bard : Right, Leni.... it could be wonderful!!! AFA Bard : "Where's Uncle Remus' home?" DAVIDSONRP : Speaking of stocks! Should I BARD ??? TEACHER ms : Ga AFL Gayle : Must be in Gaw-ga, Bard. ;) AFL Gayle : Right along with Margaret Mitchell's home. SandyE : Yes, Leni..count us in. If you send me info, I'll make sure the others in Gwinnett County find out. AFC Tooter : How did you all guess??? ;-) AFC Leni : Great....thanks! AFC Leni : Yeah!! TEACHER ms : What do I win, Joel ?:):):) DAVIDSONRP : Thannxs Bard! What do you think?? DAVIDSONRP : A free 1993 Spring Catalog from Davidson with it's newest progs! AFA Bard : VERY solid, Joel. It's a go! AFC Leni : Good prize! AFC Leni : Hi, Cody :-) AFA Bard : (And Tara, Gayle!) DAVIDSONRP : Should I post the news release in the Davidson section ?? AFL Gayle : But of course, Bard. :) AFA Bard : Welcome Cody! AFL Gayle : Certainly, Prize! AFA Bard : Yes, Joel! CJ4Short : Teacher ms: you win a postcard with waterfalls :-( AFC Leni : Another good prize! TEACHER ms : Yeah !!! DAVIDSONRP : OK! I've been holding off! Thought it wouldn't be correct! AFC Leni : Murray loves postcards! TEACHER ms : Love to send postcards, CJ TEACHER ms : Would you like one of Graceland???:):) AFC Leni : LOL MaryEz : Is Davidson going to continue to support the IIe IIgs platform? AFA Bard : Complete with an Elvis stamp, Murray? DAVIDSONRP : Davidson's has also acquired a new affilaiate from England! As well as, AFC Tooter : Good question. DAVIDSONRP : The Software Toolworks, and they are distributing for MAXIS! CJ4Short : I was too old for CJ4Short : Elvids TEACHER ms : So was I :) AFC Leni : (never too old, CJ ) CJ4Short : Elvis SandyE : Are they the company with the cute horse and carriage that trots and rolls? DAVIDSONRP : MEZ That's a tough questions I'd say ..... yes! Lost Tribe is releasing a IIGS AFC Tooter : rolling horses? DAVIDSONRP : version! AFA Bard : Maxis made the SimCity, etc. programs. :) AFC Leni : Ah.....those are great! AFL Gayle : What is Lost Tribe, Prize? SandyE : No, the horses roll the carriage trots. DAVIDSONRP : Lost Tribe is produced by Lawrence Production creator of McGee! AFC Leni : ???? SandyE : What is Lost Tribe? AFC Leni : My head is spinning! CJ4Short : for Gayle - A Louis L'Amour pocketbook AFC Leni : Who's on first? DAVIDSONRP : The Lost Tribe is a leadership strategy game in prehistoric times teaches stude DAVIDSONRP : students critical thinking and decision making skills! SandyE : A LA Wagon Train 1848? MaryEz : Is there anything that deals with Sumer to Greece and Rome? AFA Bard : Maybe Wagon Train 100 BC, Sandy. :) SandyE : Does it run on the network? Can they work in teams? Is it expensive (make that the first ?) MaryEz : That's our gr. 6 curriculum SandyE : LOL, BW! DAVIDSONRP : Lost Tribe is: $49,95 to $59.95 ! CJ4Short : Is it Sierra software?? DAVIDSONRP : Six challenging scenarios, Intriguing random events, Over 80 photographs, Full SandyE : Whoa, horsies....$50-$60 per station, right? DAVIDSONRP : moytion video clips, Dozens of simulations, Music & sound effects, On-screen DAVIDSONRP : pre-historic Guide to survival! SandyE : How much RAM needed? DAVIDSONRP : So far Lab packs & 2 Prog. Teacher Pack AFC Tooter : Ham and swiss, too, Prize? SandyE : I can see and hear Tyrannesaurus Rex now...attacking my poor 6th graders. DAVIDSONRP : It has a terrific sense of humor! AFL Gayle : LOL, TooT! No... Prize already ate that out of the package. ;) MaryEz : I love software with a sense of humor!! DAVIDSONRP : Recognizing physical features represented on maps, Managing people, time , DAVIDSONRP : resources, DAVIDSONRP : Understanding the role of beliefs & traditions in culture! DAVIDSONRP : Grades 3 to Adult! AFC Tooter : Speaking of sense of humor, have any of you turned on the ants speech bubbles in SIMM Ant? SandyE : One more time, DAVIDSONRP...$50-$60 for a lab pack with 2 prog teacher packs? DAVIDSONRP : No! Shame on you SandyE! SandyE : No, Toot...what happens? and can you run Sim Ant with only 4 mg of RAM? SandyE : Oh well, just asking...I lost the train of thought somewhere. DAVIDSONRP : 2 program teacher pack MS-DOS $49.95 Mac $59.95, Apple IIGS $59.95 AFA Bard : Uh oh... Gayle got dumped AGAIN! :(( SandyE : Still sounds like a deal.!!! AFA Bard : In just a minute we'll announce the FREE HOUR WINNER!!! AFC Tooter : As to what happens, you'll have to try it and see for yourself, Sandy. It's a hoot!! As to memory, DAVIDSONRP : Lab Pack $99.95 Ms-DOS, $129.95 MAC or IIGS AFA Bard : Very reasonable, Prize! AFC Tooter : I think so, but I have 17 meg so I have no problem. AFC Leni : That's not bad, Sandy :-) AFA Andy : I gotta go open up ABF. Night all! DAVIDSONRP : SandyE you asked about memory req. which palform ?? SandyE : Mac, of course, DAVIDSONRP :) :) AFA Bard : OK... Gayle's asked me to give away the free hour-- lucky she shared the secret word before she was AFA Bard : bumped!!! AFA Bard : Is everyone ready? DAVIDSONRP : ! meg for MAC AFA Bard : Can you stand the suspense? AFC Leni : Ready! AFA Bard : Will it be YOU? SandyE : Gee, that's great! AFA Bard : First... a commercial. :) SandyE : Thanks for all this info, DAVIDSONRP...you've been SUPER! AFA Bard : Be sure and check out some of the great online projects- like the FAVORITE AUTHORS project in AFL Gayle : (Trying Tymnet this time. :( AFA Bard : our EDCONNECTION libraries! MaryEz : Just like TV ;( AFC Leni : I second that! DAVIDSONRP : I'm finished w/ my commercial effort! :)) AFA Bard : We'd like to thank EVERYONE for joining us tonight... and now... Gayle.... our AFA Bard : free hour? AFC Tooter : And the great HyperStudio Lit Mag in the SCVHOOLHOUSE MAGAZINE library. AFA Bard : (BEFORE you get dumped again?) AFL Gayle : And I'll interject another commercial. Our guest next week will be Simplexity AFL Gayle : Software! Please come! :) AFL Gayle : Yes, go with the hour, Bard. SandyE : Sinplexity? AFA Bard : Tonight's winner..... AFC Tooter : *Duck* MaryEz : *Fanfare* CJ4Short : If I may add, that ya'll should check out MORE plus software - it's ideal for classroom work... AFA Bard : CJ4Short for the word "postcard"!! AFC Tooter : ......... AFA Bard : YIPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!! AFL Gayle : Makers of GS software, Sandy. See their Company Support area for more details. AFL Gayle : :) You can find it in AED. | AFC Leni : Yeah!!!!!! Huzza!!!! AFA Bard : Congrats, CJ!!! SandyE : Hey! Congrats, CJ4Short... TEACHER ms : Yeah, postcard :) AFA Bard : Huzza, indeed, Leni! (You're a riot!) ;) CJ4Short : What did I do???? AFA Bard : Uh oh.. it's the POODLE!!!!!! DAVIDSONRP : SandyE I'll send you some Davidson Official Kw 2 Pencils, some PostITS! AFA Bard : You WON a FREE HOUR, CJ! CJ4Short : Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaanxxxx !!!!