Date: 3/13/94 Start Time: 7:59:09 PM End Time: 9:04:20 PM Number of participants: 21 Participants: AFA Bard, AFC Imma, AFL Gayle, Anthon2077, BobFrost, BrianC7286, BrianCrter, Cnslr Kraf, DCPete1277, HYPERGUY, IreneB2823, JIZZO, KATHERI859, MACBILL501, MacLorac, MaryEz, Rick Hoo, Rsim, SandyE, SteveD7311, StevenS161 AFA Bard : OK folks... let's get started.. first a couple of messages "from our sponsor"... MaryEz : How long before AOL will have full Internet capabilities, Bard/Gayle? AFA Bard : If this is your FIRST AED chat, we don't use protocol- just ask questions whenever you geel AFL Gayle : RSN, Mary. ;) AFA Bard : appropriate. Our Topic tonight is SURFING THE INTERNET. Remember that some lucky participant MaryEz : RSN? AFA Bard : will win a FREE ONLINE HOUR at the end of tonight's chat! (RSN- real soon now) AFL Gayle : Real Soon Now, but in computer talk, that means real soon could be any time. ;) AFA Bard : AND... here some news about INTERNET on AOL! MACBILL501 : thanks..what is the best beginner book on Int.? AFA Bard : (Welcome Raven- we're just beginning!) MaryEz : The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet is one. AFA Bard : Final testing of internet NEWSGROUPS (topical messages) and GOPHER (database access) is going really well! Look for the release of these areas VERY soon! Welcome Irene! Mary-- that's INTERNET for DUMMIES, I think. :) AFL Gayle : INTERNET BASICS by Steve Lambert and Walt Howe is good, Bill, although it does AFA Bard : That is a great source. AFL Gayle : have a slant towards Delphi. INTERNET for DUMMIES is NOT for beginners, though. IreneB2823 : Thanks. I'm a real beginner AFA Bard : True, Gayle. There is a copy of the "Incomplete Guide to the Internet" here in the Internet center Rick Hoo : Internet Tour for Mac is not bad, AFL Gayle : The book I mentioned is published by Random House, $27.00 MaryEz : Will AOL have FTP ability? AFA Bard : online. (Keyword: INTERNET CENTER). Drop by there later and download it if you're looking for LOTS of information. AFL Gayle : Eventually, Mary. AFA Bard : Mary.. FTP is not in the initial release, but is in the planning. FTB=FTP. Does everyone know what FTP, Newsgroups and Gopher are? MaryEz : Will the cost of AOL go up with all these resources available? AFA Bard : Nope, Mary. How about you Rick Hoo? Have you "surfed the net" yet? Rsim : no, please tell us about ftp ...AFL Gayle : There are several Internet files in our Other Files library here in AED. SteveD7311 : Hello. MACBILL501 : help me with GOPHER please AFA Bard : Hiya Steve-- we're chatting about INTERNET> Rsim...& Bill.. here's the QUICK list... ( [[ hiya Sandye! ]]) AFL Gayle : Hiya, Sandy! :)) Congrats on Teacher of the Year! :)) SteveD7311 : O.K. I'm listening MaryEz : Gopher is aptly named because you can "go for" information almost anywhere in the world. AFA Bard : FTP stands for FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL, that's the way the Internet transfer's FILES (much like SandyE : Thanks, Gayle, I'm still floating! AFA Bard : downloading from here on AOL, only a bit more complex.) Rick Hoo : Not through AOL MaryEz : *Fanfare* The Teacher of the Year!!!! Sandy AFA Bard : NewsGroups are "topical news threads" that allow you to tap into a conversations that are going on all over the world. NewsGroups have names like alt.telecommunications... the "alt" stands for SandyE : Thanks, Mary (even my kids'-watching TV-heads turned at that one) AFA Bard : "alternative"-- this is the "area to watch" because there's some risque material to be found in the "alt" newsgroups. Luckily, though, the VAST majority of information found on the Internet is Rick Hoo : Can I get a SLIP to Internet through AOL? How? AFA Bard : clean, interesting and very useful! :) Was that muddy enough for everyone? ;) Rsim : a good start MaryEz : Gayle, I'm looking for evaluations of Library Catalog Systems. Can you tell me where I could find info on Internet. Rsim : but what is the best way to start? AFA Bard : (Welcoem Bob!) SandyE : What's a SLIP? BobFrost : Hi, all! Rsim : Alot of my friends have given up after endless hours AFA Bard : Gayle-- you do Library of congress.. I'll try RSim's question. :) SandyE : HiYa! Bob, how's FoolProof? AFL Gayle : Not a SLIP on AOL, Rick. BobFrost : Sandy, Let you know when I get it. (about 2 weeks) MaryEz : Not Library of Congress, Library Catalog Systems!! AFL Gayle : Library catalogs systems, Mary... subscribe to LM_NET That's the school library media specialists' listserv. BrianCrter : Hey all. AFA Bard : Welcome Paul & Brian-- we're chatting about the INTERNET! BrianCrter : Sounds good. I'm new new new to it. AFA Bard : RSim.. as far as a good way to START surfing the internet.. If you've seen "Internet" the *old* way, through text-based interfaces on office/university MACBILL501 : me to Brien...i really want to learn but it seems so intricate AFA Bard : networks, you'll LOVE AOL's interface. Searching databases and collecting/reading newsgroups is VERY easy. Rick Hoo : If not a Serial Line Internet Protocol, How about PPP? BrianCrter : Probably relative to the old way, yes. AFA Bard : MACBill.. it *is* big-- I felt the same way when I started not long ago. I just concentrated on MaryEz : The first thing I did when I got on was to join a listserv and just watch the mail (called lurking) AFA Bard : one area-- the GOPHER (database) searches and the interface did the rest! (Several Internet services will be released by AOL *very* soon!) BrianCrter : I think I'll lurk some. SandyE : OK, now I know SLIP, so I give--what's a PPP? BrianCrter : What's a good newsgroup? BrianC7286 : HAS ANYONE TAKEN ANY OF THE ICS COURSES MaryEz : ICS? BrianCrter : I like actual news, such as politics, if that gives you an idea of what I'm looking for. Preferably something coming out of Russia Rsim : Is there a description of coming AOL Internet services? AFA Bard : I like alt.hardware.powerpc, Brian. It has some great information about the new machines from Apple. :) MacLorac : Can one do patent searches on the Internet? AFA Bard : Yes, RSim.. check the INTERNET CENTER (Keyword: INTERNET CENTER) online. Gayle-- patent searches? Rick Hoo : Point to Point Protocol MaryEz : I took a course in Communications II from Iceland. I applied for CEU's and got them. First teacher in CT to get CEU's from Iceland!!!! AFL Gayle : Don't know, Bard. Let me look in my books for a minute. BrianCrter : Where are you guys from., Gayle and Bard? By the way, I'm thinking about buying a PowerPC Mac. Thanks. AFL Gayle : I'm from Goldsboro, NC, Brian. How about you? AFA Bard : You and half the world, Brian. ;) (I'm from Atlanta, Georgia) BrianCrter : Kingsport Tn. Ever heard of it? AFL Gayle : I surely have, Brian! :) BrianCrter : About 90 miles east of Knoxville. AFA Bard : By the way the NEWSGROUPS listings will have a *search engine* in which you can type in keywords BrianCrter : Hey, alright. AFA Bard : to find the newsgroups you need. Get ready to READ, though. I subscribed to about 5 and had AFL Gayle : Patents... Not on Internet that I can find. You can find them on CompuServe and GEnie. MaryEz : Bard, how soon is soon? @;-> BrianCrter : search engine? AFA Bard : almost 3400 messages in ONE DAY! Luckily you can ignore or select them. :) MacLorac : Thanks! BrianCrter : NO WAY! 3400? !!! AFA Bard : Mary-- dunno. Things in testing seem to be terrific, though. AFL Gayle : That's the Patent Research Center. AFA Bard : Yup-- remember, Brian, there are an estimated 120,000 new Internet users signing on every MONTH nowadays! AFC Imma : Newsgroups have been running for a couple of weeks. Gopher RSN :) MaryEz : You learn how to scan very quickly, Brian. BrianCrter : Quite a growth rate. Where do all these people hook up? AFA Bard : How about some of your OTHER folks out there? What are YOUR Internet experiences??? SandyE : 3400 messages!!! I would die from shock! AFC Imma : I have a question about internet in elementary classrooms... AFA Bard : Go Imma! ;) SandyE : 120,000 new users!!!!! where are these folks coming from....does anyone have a life anymore? BrianCrter : I have a question about what AFC and AFL and AFA mean. AFC Imma : What can 4th-5th graders do on the internet (cheap, of course)? MACBILL501 : my experience with Internet is i just learned to spell it BobFrost : I hooked up to the NASA (Huntsville) system. A lot there for teachers. MaryEz : Our 5th graders are doing the Iditarod right now, Imma. AFA Bard : Bob-- you mean NASA SpaceLink? AFL Gayle : There is a listserv and Newsgroup related to computer technology patents. BobFrost : Only problem is that I have to use 1200 baud.:( MaryEz : Getting info from a teacher in Alaska and kids in Ohio. AFC Imma : What's taht, Mary? BobFrost : Right, Bard BrianCrter : How'd you do that, Bob? AFA Bard : SpaceLink is NASA's server located in Huntsville, ALA (home of SpaceCamp). Bob.. can you tell abou t some resources you found there? BobFrost : Brian, BrianCrter : thanks. AFA Bard : Notice, folks the extension on the end? BobFrost : Just started the other day. Sign takes awhile. Lots of info on shuttles and lots of GIFs available MaryEz : It is a dog sled race from Anchorage to Nome commorating the race to bring vacine during 1925 AFA Bard : the .gov indicates a GOVERNMENT entity, .edu means education, .com means commercial. :) MaryEz : diphtheria epidemic. BrianCrter : What do you do Bob? And can you get Hubble stuff on there? AFC Imma : Oh, *that* Iditarod! I though you were talking about some new server, or something. :) BobFrost : There is a section on Hubble. (I'm just another teacher messing around) AFL Gayle : LOL, Imma! :) MaryEz : Is there any other one!? BrianCrter : sounds fun. Hey, Gayle or somebody, how can I get my hands on a Gopher or WAIS program? BobFrost : I was afraid someone HADN'T heard of our Last Great Race!:)- Anthon2077 : ? Rick Hoo : Are the pictures from the current Moon orbit sat on NasaLink AFL Gayle : For what computer, Brian? MaryEz : There are images from Clementine available also. BrianCrter : Gotta Mac. BobFrost : Rick, if you mean Clementine, yes. I haven't gotten anything out yet. AFA Bard : Brian-- you don't need one with AOL's interface (when the Gopher access is released). Rick Hoo : Yes BrianCrter : No way! Wow! AFL Gayle : Have you checked MCM's libraries, Brian? AFA Bard : OK.. just figured out something... BrianCrter : Uh, well, sorta. MaryEz : What Bard? AFL Gayle : Easiest way is to use the QuickFinder in the forum right above the individual libraries, Brian. AFA Bard : ALL of you (later) can use keyword: INTERNET CENTER and see NEWSGROUPS and MAILING LISTS *now* ! The next area Gopher/WAIS will be available soon! Mailing lists are "subscribable messages" that come Rick Hoo : I heard the photo's a very high resolution and very good quality AFA Bard : to your AOL MAILBOX, your newsgroups are stored in a personal profile and don't effect your mail. :) Dandy, isn't it! AFC Imma : Oh no, everybody's going to leave...WAIT!!! It's my first time here...don't go yet! :) MaryEz : Anthony, did you have a question? AFA Bard : Yeah... WAIT! Don't leave! Especially since I've got a FREE HOUR in my pocket to award at chat's BrianCrter : Really, what do those AFA's and stuff stand for? AFA Bard : end. :) Anthon2077 : Where is the best place to network re: stocks/ethical investment? AFA Bard : Brian... AFC is AOL Forum Consultant. AFL is a Forum Leader (like Gayle) and AFA is Forum AFL Gayle : AFL=America Online Forum Leader; AFA=AOL Forum Assistant; AFC=AOL Forum Consultant AFA Bard : Assistant (who works for the FL). :) SandyE : Ethical investments? AFA Bard : Our FL is the BEST of course. :) AFC Imma : :-) AFA Bard : ROTFL, Imma. ;) BrianCrter : ahhhhhh,,, I see. Hey, quit telling Imma to rot in Florida. AFA Bard : AFCs and AFA's are volunteer remote AOL staffers. Now Brian.. ;) Rolling on the Floor Laughing. ;) MaryEz : Anthony, I don't know what you mean, but there is a stock area here on AOL. In fact you can create a SandyE : LOL, Brian! MaryEz : portfolio and watch it grow without spending a cent. BobFrost : Another interesting place on the internet is the Australian White pages BrianCrter : Australian white pages? KATHERI859 : Hi BobFrost : I found myself on University of Adelaide once looking for a friend AFA Bard : There's also a GREAT Internet resource online called ZEN AND THE ART OF INTERNET. It's online BobFrost : It's weird sitting in AK looking at stuff in Australia BrianCrter : Hi Katherine. You're not my cousin are you? AFA Bard : in FULL TEXT and searchable. (Keyword: Internet Center) BrianCrter : Katherine Talanian? KATHERI859 : Nope. Katherine Morris Where are you? AFA Bard : How about other folks... any INTERNET experiences, questions?? BrianCrter : What if you're lying and you're really my cousin? MaryEz : Bob, we were at the last space shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral by IRC with kids from Australia. BrianCrter : Tennessee. She lives in Boston. KATHERI859 : Alabama here. Hey Mary - how'd you like the launch? BobFrost : Brian, can't find the address right now. Will e-mail it later. BrianCrter : Bob- you mean the Sustralian white pages? MaryEz : A teacher from South Carolina, with a laptop and a cellular phone gave all of us a description of the BrianCrter : I mean Australian. AFA Bard : Also-- WIRED magazine (keyword: WIRED) is a super magazine for INTERNET sites. Besides being online, KATHERI859 : I work for NASA MaryEz : shuttle launch. It was exciting for all, kid and adult alike. AFA Bard : their magazine on the newsstands is terrific! Well written, very colorful. Last month they published BobFrost : Yes, Brian. Foudn other adresses in ONLINE magazine. AFA Bard : Bill Gates' Internet address- he got ZILLIONS of letters. :) BrianCrter : I was wondering if he had one just today. KATHERI859 : This is my second day using AOL. I've met some raunchy people on other boards. BrianCrter : We're all polite here. At least I hold the windows open for the ladies. KATHERI859 : age check MaryEz : We are wonderful here, Katherine! @;-> SandyE : We're very nice (and un-rauncy) Katherine KATHERI859 : 34/f BobFrost : We're not raunchy (at least not on Sundays) BrianCrter : I hate raunchy. 22/m MaryEz : 62.75 BobFrost : Big 4 KATHERI859 : 62.75 Mary? MaryEz : Yup. Almost 63 in May. Young at heart though! BrianCrter : Katherine, how did you get into a position allowing you to work for NASA (excuse my right-brainedness) Cnslr Kraf : Could you describe how the connection will work-- is it a menu or keyword only, and what do you do when you get to the area? KATHERI859 : Started working for them in 1984 before the Pres. & Congress began their NASA-bashing & froze newhires Cnslr Kraf : Does it look like a forum dialog format? BobFrost : Are the others here teachers, too? MaryEz : Computer teacher. BrianCrter : Man, that really makes me irate. I WANT SPACE PROGRAM FUNDING. AFA Bard : <-- teacher/administrator AFL Gayle : I am, Bob. :) KATHERI859 : YAY Brian! SandyE : <--- local school technology coordinator (whatever that is!) AFL Gayle : Kraf, it's a menu that looks just like the computer forums. Keyword is Internet. MacLorac : I'm a nurse. BobFrost : Neat title SandyE KATHERI859 : Wouldn't it be awe inspiring if we could go to Mars & see it live on t.v.? BrianCrter : I mean it. I can't believe people can't understand why it's important. Did you see the Simpsons a couple of weeks ago? AFA Bard : The connection is very simple. As a matter of fact, you won't necessarily REALIZE you're hooked SandyE : Yea! but the job description will kill ya! KATHERI859 : No, what was it about? AFA Bard : to Internet. That's what makes the AOL interface so special! Kids/parents/everyone will get info. BrianCrter : Homer called them and blessed them out right as they were having a conference about their need AFA Bard : from different places at the click of a mouse- from around the planet! BrianCrter : to appeal to the average American Blue-collar slob. They concluded that they were going to send just MaryEz : You will have to watch your bill because you will get sucked into the black hole of Internet and never return to life as you know it. Cnslr Kraf : Will the addresses have to be in internet format, or is there a 'front end' for that too? DCPete1277 : I spend a lot of time on Internet; and still find it extemely clumsy...AOL saves amazing time BrianCrter : such a person on the Shuttle, and then Homer called them expressing his vehement disapproval of NASA KATHERI859 : People don't realize the good things the space program has done for them (MRI imaging, etc...) BobFrost : State of AK has a system that lets every educator on for free. It's great AFA Bard : CNslr-- the Internet format -- meaning something like "" (with the screenname BobFrost : and every state should have the same accessibility AFA Bard : followed by the service and type of service, will remain. MaryEz : Has anyone tried MOSAIC on Internet? Cnslr Kraf : yep tks :) KATHERI859 : If it weren't for NASA, we wouldn't have so many wonderful medicines. Thanks to microgravity research BobFrost : What is it, MaryEz BrianCrter : It's NOT EVEN SPENDING, either. We get three times our money back from the space program. DCPete1277 : NASA was very influential with more construction materials than anyone might think.. eps. insulation AFA Bard : MOSAIC is *way* cool, Mary! Have you tried it? KATHERI859 : People like you should lobby Congress Brian! BrianCrter : what's MOSAIC? AFA Bard : MOSAIC is one of several "front ends" for Mac/Windows computers tapping into a part of the MaryEz : I don't know but I have heard it makes using Internet much easier> BrianCrter : People like me can't argue. We're too right-brained. DCPete1277 : mcu of the current research with ceramic materials began with NASA BrianCrter : Too nebulous with our thoughts. AFA Bard : Intenet called the WorldWideWeb (WWW). It's a huge ring of connected databases with TONS of info.The BrianCrter : But thanks anyway. AFA Bard : Mosaic program logs in, and gives you a full graphic interface, including SOUND and PICTURES on KATHERI859 : A lot of folks think our money should go to homeless, welfare, etc. It would never help. AFA Bard : demand. AOL's interface is similar, but SOUND is not yet supported. StevenS161 : sorry to butt in, but I have a question. SandyE : How does one get Mosaic and could kids use it (for research for instance) BobFrost : Where does one find MOSAIC? DCPete1277 : Internet has massive libarary connections, but downloading ERIC Digest takes 3X AOL time KATHERI859 : If Congress would quit acting like we work for them instead of vice versa, we'd have more money MacLorac : Are you sure patent searches aren't in MOSAIC? SandyE : You're not butting in Steven---this is open chat MaryEz : Is MOSAIC available on AOL? StevenS161 : Is anyone here know anything about laptops? AFA Bard : MOSAIC is freeware from the NCSA (a supercomputer consortium) by e-mailing them at KATHERI859 : I can't see my laptop. LOL! BrianCrter : I would give money to increase teachers' pay, police pay, and the space program. It pays off. AFA Bard : Remember, though, you can't use MOSAIC unless you have an alternate Internet source. You won't really NEED it through AOL. :) KATHERI859 : When you run for office, let me know & I'll vote for you Bri! AFL Gayle : They might be, MacLorac. I was just looking in my books about the Internet to SandyE : Will do Bard, thanks! AFA Bard : What do you folks think about INTERNET for schools- should it be FREE??? AFL Gayle : search. Can't search INET directly right now. :) Yes, Bard! :)) BrianCrter : Thanks Katherine. KATHERI859 : As a computer-illerate (almost), can anyone tell me how to send e-mail? AFA Bard : How about others? Should Internet be FREE? BobFrost : NO QUESTION!!! Why should we eliminate kids from the best stuff available? BrianCrter : Yes. It should be free. AFA Bard : (Katherine--- hang on, I'll send you an instant message abou;that. :)) AFL Gayle : Hiya, Hyper! :) MaryEz : Absolutely, or at least a minimum cost, Bard. I get it from Yale for $100 MacLorac : Yes, free to all schools! KATHERI859 : I have a Mac Performa 475 if that makes a diff. DCPete1277 : I am a teacher... Internet is pretty much free for most Edu. nets... but it still has many problems SandyE : Wait, I'm confused...if I'm AOL using Internet does it cost? HYPERGUY : Hello Gayle BrianCrter : Kath, I've got a perf. 475 myself. AFA Bard : Hyper! Welcome. AFL Gayle : It costs just what it costs to use AOL for that time, Sandy. HYPERGUY : Hello Bard, glad to be here. BrianCrter : I just got that soft FPU program. Is it any good? Does anyone know anything about it? Sorry for the tangent. MaryEz : That is $100 for unlimited use for the entire school year. KATHERI859 : Duh, how do I know my e-mail address? BrianCrter : It's your name, followed by AFL Gayle : It's your screen name, Katherine. BrianCrter : AFL Gayle : In your case for Internet, it's MaryEz : My address is on Internet or from Internet to AOL. BrianCrter : HA! beatcha! BobFrost : Are addresses Case Sensitive? AFA Bard : DC Pete-- we're finding in Atlanta that local edu nodes are maxing out and local schools can't get new accounts. BrianCrter : Good question, Bob. I dunno. BobFrost : Reach me at AFA Bard : Bob.. most internet servers auto-convert the address, but it's safer to use all lower case. AFL Gayle : Not really, Bob, on AOL. But AOL names on the Internet are all changed to lower case. AOL email doesn't care how you type them. DCPete1277 : Yes, this is one of the problems..we are at 25% of our node use and that is after one month AFL Gayle : HOWEVER, when you get into FTP and you're using a UNIX system, case is VERY BrianCrter : you guys are on the ball, you know that? AFL Gayle : important. readme and README are 2 separate files when they're on a system using UNIX. BrianCrter : Gayle, where do you store all your internet address names and the like? JIZZO : is anyone there MaryEz : Right, Gayle! I still don't understand FTP. It is very tricky. AFL Gayle : Thanks, Brian. We try to be. :) BrianCrter : yeah. you're good! DCPete1277 : Bard... we are thinking of setting up a new node and breaking down the local into smaller arms KATHERI859 : Well, I've got to go now. Enjoyed the chat & thanks for the info AFA. Have a good week. *Goodbye* AFL Gayle : They're printed on paper and tacked on my bulletin board in front of me. Very low tech. ;) AFA Bard : Brian-- you can store them in your standard AOL address book. :) MaryEz : Or in your note pad on your Mac. BobFrost : Bye, Ka..... stop by next week. AFA Bard : Any more INTERNET ideas/comments before we give away our FREE HOUR?? MaryEz : I LOVE my note pad!!! DCPete1277 : later... Pete BrianCrter : OH YEAH! silly me. SandyE : Gayle! I have a bulletin board at school like that--very low tech, but I can find those addresses AFL Gayle : Yup, Sandy. It surely does! And it can ::gasp:: keep those addresses for people I can't email to on AOL who aren't on the NET. MaryEz : Sandy, did you get my mail about the scraps? I couldn't download any of them. SandyE : Mary--no...haven't finished reading my mail yet...what happened??? MaryEz : Got error messages about file being unreadable. BobFrost : I'd probably use AOL interface if it didn't cost $12.00/hr! MaryEz : Please resend if you can. AFL Gayle : Didn't that same problem happen before in Scrapping? MaryEz : Were they text files? SandyE : I will! I hope no one else had the same problem..they were just files saved as text.... BobFrost : That's what they charge for we in AK to use local node. BrianCrter : Bob, how are you paying 12 an hour? Cnslr Kraf : $12 an hour? I thought AOL was $2.80 hr. AFL Gayle : Because he lives in Alaska, Brian. BobFrost : Actually cheaper to hook up to node in Seattle. But my long distance bill... Cnslr Kraf : ahso BobFrost : is outrageous! BrianCrter : (giggle) okay. MaryEz : AOL doesn't know Alaska is a state. SandyE : I'll download them myself Mary and resend them if they're ok...sorry for the trouble! AFA Bard : OK folks.... It's FREE HOUR TIME!!! : Ready? : BrianCrter : yeah! AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* MaryEz : *fanfare* BrianCrter : bombombombombombmbomb AFA Bard : But first.. the commercial (short)... BrianCrter : budallybuddallybufd AFA Bard : Join us NEXT Sunday, from 8 to 9 ET for a visit with our own AFC Tooter who'll discuss the latest projects in the popular SCRAPBOOK USA series. Also, hear about some brand new projects for kids & teachers (& parents) that are coming online very soon! It should be GREAT and if you don't win MaryEz : Please visit Student to Student board and read the Books for Discussion folder. Baldwin kids did AFA Bard : tonight-- you can win a free hour then, too! Also, after we end the chat in a few seconds-- be sure MaryEz : a great job this week with their books. AFA Bard : to visit the ELECTRONIC SCHOOLHOUSE (ESH) and check out all the neat online projects there *and* the INTERNET CENTER and get into those NEWSGROUPS! BrianCrter : AHHHH!! OOOOHHH!! AFA Bard : Remember.. your forum personnel (AF-types) are always available to help you! And now... Here it is.. the free hour winner for tonight for saying the word "CONNECTION" is... Don't you love suspense? Cnslr Kraf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BrianCrter : connection! connection!!! AFA Bard : You're the WINNER! BrianCrter : CONNECTION!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Kraf! :) AFA Bard : ()()()()()()()()()()()() SandyE : Way to go Cnslr Kraf!!!! MaryEz : *fightgoeson* Rick Hoo : connection AFA Bard : Yea Kraf!!! AFC Imma : Congratulations! Hooray! AFA Bard : Yippee! Cnslr Kraf : :) Thank yoiu very much :) BrianCrter : KRAF! AFL Gayle : Too late, Brian. :) HYPERGUY : Congrats BrianCrter : oh well. MaryEz : {}{}{}{}{}{}}}{}}{}{}}{}{} Cnslr Kraf : oops You.... AFA Bard : Cnslr said "connection" in context in one of his statements. If you'd like to see Cnslr's other Rick Hoo : Good By BrianCrter : Alright, Kraf. <---not a sore loser. AFA Bard : wonderful comments-- download the LOG of this chat that'll be posted in our AED New Files library sometime later tonight. :) AFL Gayle : Brian, we give a free hour away every week. Come again and you might win! :) AFA Bard : Brian-- maybe next week!!!!! AFC Imma : Thanks for letting me visit ;) Y'all stop by the DTP forum some Thursday night at 10 EST, y'hear! BrianCrter : It's been fun! You guys are pretty cool. MaryEz : Good Night, everybody. It's been great! AFA Bard : Thank you for joing us, folks! Have an *awesome* week! BrianCrter : Do I get a home game? Cnslr Kraf : Connection...... hmmmmmm. I'll have to use that word more often..... Nice Connection! AFA Bard : Stay warm, Bob! :) MacLorac : 'night! SandyE : G'nite all! BobFrost : Bye, all. I'm on Spring Break. Stuff to do. BrianCrter : Night everyone! AFA Bard : Brian-- maybe a can of Spam? ;-) Cnslr Kraf : 'night :) SandyE : Lucky you Bob!!!! AFL Gayle : Good night, all! Off to put in the request for the free hour. :) You're mean, Bard! ;) SandyE : Have a fun week. BrianCrter : Make it Spam Lite, and you're on. AFA Bard : :) Deal. HYPERGUY : Reallly enjoy these sessions - maybe more contributive next time. BobFrost : It doesn't matter much, Sandy. Still snow, but I love to ski!! AFA Bard : Monty Python movies on later tonight here in Atlanta. :) Just getting in the mood. :) Thanks HYPER, we'd love to tap some of your expertise too!!! BrianCrter : I'm outta here.... see ya! Gonna try out my new Soft FPU!! The FPU that is... uh.... SOFT! SandyE : Bard---which of your clones gets to watch TV? AFA Bard : LOL, Sandy. :) Virtual Bard is everywhere! SandyE : What did you mean about NECC? AFA Bard : Did you send a proposal to NECC? SandyE : Nope, missed the deadline--but wouldn't know what to propose anyway. I'm going to relax and watch HYPERGUY : Have a good week, all! Later. AFA Bard : Me too. :) SandyE : this year....maybe next year....I'd only do it with someone else...too chicken to solo AFA Bard : Off to edit the log... have a great week, you SUPER TEACHER OF THE YEAR!!!!!! SandyE : BYE!