Apple // Education Chat Sunday, January 10, 1993 8:00 - 9:00 ET -------------------------------- SandyR IA : Hi! I made it AFC Tooter : Hi Sandy. AFC Tooter : I just got here, myself. SandyR IA : I was in the schoolhouse...exploring. AFC Tooter : Find anything you like? :-) AFC Tooter : Hi Gubo! Hi Gayle! SandyR IA : Lots of stuff...but I was mostly looking at Scrapbook stuff. AFL Gayle : Hi, Gubo, Sandy, and TooT! :) Gubo : Hi everybody AFC Tooter : I hope you have lots of questions or suggestions. Gubo : I'm unsure of what even to ask AFC Tooter : Guy, is that the same JFK School as the one I visit in Southington? AFL Gayle : Welcome, Mary! :) Gubo : Nope were in Enfield MaryP IA : Hi AFC Tooter : My CT geography is so bad I don't know where Enfield is in relation to Southington. I only know that AFC Tooter : Enfield has good salaries. AFC Tooter : Used your salary schedule to negotiate our contract a few years back. Gubo : Yes it does...we're south of Springfield Ma, 15 miles north of Hartford AFL Gayle : Welcome, Marty! :)) AFC Tooter : Oh. Now I've got you placed. CECA meetings are held at JFK in Southington. AFL Marty : hi AFC Tooter : Hi Marty. Nice article in AWEducator! Gubo : I hope your negotiations (scary word nowadays) was more successful AFC Tooter : Very successful back then. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Becky and Steve! :) AFL Marty : Article? By me? BeckyCR : Thanks AFC Tooter : We got a 12.96% raise :-) AFC Tooter : By you, Marty. AFC SteveB : Hi everyone! AFC Tooter : And by me, too. Gubo : Recently???? AFL Marty : Haven't received AWE yet. AFC Tooter : Not a chance, Guy. This year we took a freeze. AFL Gayle : Me, either, Marty. :( AFL Gayle : What have we missed, Toot? Gubo : We took a freeze too! Lucky to still be teaching at the middle school.... AFC Tooter : ::::: lips are sealed ::::: AFL Gayle : OK. Let's get started. :) AFC Tooter : Becky!!!!!!!! AFC Tooter : Hello Mary! AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is ScrapBook, USA. Our "guest" is none other than our very AFL Gayle : own forum consultant, AFC Tooter. :) BeckyCR : Yes it's been a while hasn't it AFC Tooter : Becky, I haven't spoken to you since l;ast year. Gubo : Easy question: what's the scrapbook project all about? AFL Gayle : Feel free to jump into the conversation at any time. AFC Tooter : Good start, Guy. AFL Gayle : We'll have a free hour to give away at the end of the chat to the lucky person AFC Tooter : ScrapBookUSA is generally an 8 week project in which students of all ages, from different parts AFC Tooter : ScrapBookUSA is generally an 8 week project in which students of all ages, from different parts AFL Gayle : who says the secret word IN CONTEXT. TooT, go ahead. :) AFC Tooter : of the country contribute to a ScrapBook of all the places we live. Classes sometimes contribute AFC Tooter : chapters which tell of a specific theme, "Grandparents," "Holiday Traditions," "My Fears," AFL Gayle : (Welcome, Bob. :) AFC Tooter : "Things where I live that remind me of the Civil War." (The last contributed by a school in rural AFC Tooter : Georgia.) AFC Tooter : As they write, they use the facilities of AOL to get to know each other, and exchange questions & AFC Tooter : information, & sometimes much more. Often an eight week exchange will end with an online AFC Tooter : costume party. BeckyCR : When I got started, it really helped to order the scrapbook handbook AFL Gayle : (Welcome, ILove. :) AFC Tooter : Yes, there is a ScrapBook ToolKit which I sell for $25. It is not required for AFC Tooter : the project, but some terachers have found it useful. Gubo : Where does one get the handbook? AFC Tooter : Directly from me. Write to me and I'll give you details. I accept check or school PO. AFC Tooter : The book is 70 pages with a table of contents so you can use it as a reference as you AFC Tooter : participate in the project. Gubo : Is this a little more than an electronic penpal? AFC Tooter : Hello Bob. We were just talking about the ScrapBook project and the curriculum handbook that is AFC Tooter : a guide to the project. AFC Tooter : Yes, Guy. AFL Gayle : [[[[[Jim]]]]] Hi! :))) Wigster : Hi Gayle! Hi all! AFC Tooter : I have found that pen pal projects rarely get going for most kids. AFC Tooter : Wiggy! BobFrost : I seem to remember a note about someone who would give an online BeckyCR : So many schools are now using the writing workshop approach to writing and Wigster : Hiya, Toot.... How could I stay away after the invite you emailed me? :) AFC Tooter : This is a project with a clear goal and a finite length of participation. BeckyCR : this fits in perfectly with students having a real audience MaryP IA : Is the scrapbook mostly stories written by students? BobFrost : presentation to teachers to show some of the uses of AOL. BeckyCR : Bob that's what I've been interested in too. AFC Tooter : Yes. Anyone can contribute, but most have been grade schoolers. We have had some college and adults AFC Tooter : contribute, however. AFL Gayle : Hmmm... I'm not sure where you saw that information, Bob and Becky. Usually, SandyR IA : I would like a copy of the guide. Where do I send? AFC Tooter : I think most of us who run the boards are happy to meet groups to chat if we can work out the AFC Tooter : scheduling. AFC Tooter : Sandy, just send me e-mail and I'll send you the address. Gubo : Does anyone assist in coordination and topic selection? AFL Gayle : online presentations are done by a local teacher, although we can usually find BeckyCR : I thought I saw womething from Pax5 about doing it. AFL Gayle : someone online to help demonstrate. BobFrost : My fellow teachers at school get tired of my rantings. If we can arrange AFC Tooter : The topic is set broadly by the ScrapBook. It is about the places we live, but that can be interprete AFC Tooter : d very broadly. BobFrost : for someone else to get at them, they might listen. Right now they just BobFrost : see computers as another subject they don't have time to teach. AFC Tooter : I think Pax is hard to reach now, but if you send me e-mail, I'll help you set something up, Becky & AFC Tooter : others. Wigster : ::sigh:: I sure do know the feeling, Bob. :) Gubo : Bob we have that problem at my school too! AFL Gayle : Bob, what is your position at your school? AFL Gayle : I.E. Are you the computer teacher? AFC Tooter : Bob, working computers into the curric is not a simple project. MaryEz will tell you all about AFC Tooter : spending years earning teachers' trust and participation. BobFrost : I, teach keyboarding, word pro., and some DB work to 3-5 grades for Wigster : <---Computer teacher/coordinator for the school district. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Schubie. We're talking about ScrapBook, USA. BillM10309 : Has anyone heard of the SAS Institute and know if there is an on-line service to access the SAS base ? BobFrost : half the day and teach 4th grade content area in the afternoon. AFL Gayle : Then ScrapBook's a natural for you, Bob. The kids can do their writing in AFC Tooter : Telecomm is one good way to pull teachers in. It has an aura of magic to most. AFL Gayle : their English class and you can help them with the typing and telecomm aspect. AFC Tooter : Hi Schubie and Bill. AFC Tooter : No knowledge of SAS Inst, Bill. SCHUBIE : Greetings from Souther Ca. MaryEz : {fightgoeson} AFC Tooter : Becky's students wrote some wonderful essays for ScrapBook last year. AFL Gayle : What is the SAS Institute, Bill? I'm not familiar with it. BeckyCR : I've used scrapbook with 3rd, 7 and 8 graders. I teach in a lab and sometimes AFL Gayle : (You need an S, Mary.;) BobFrost : Don't get me wrong. The teachers I work with are all supportive of what I AFC Tooter : Mary, right on cue. I just mentioned you. MaryEz : *fightgoeson* AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : _ AFC Tooter : |=| AFC Tooter : | | BobFrost : do. It's just that expanding beyond the basics takes more time BeckyCR : think it would be easier doing it in my own classroom-motivation and all. AFC Tooter : / .\ AFC Tooter : |-: | Doubly Bubbly AFC Tooter : | | | AFC Tooter : | . | |...| |...| AFC Tooter : |_|. | | :| |. | AFC Tooter : |. :| | .| | .| AFC Tooter : |_____|--------|___|-----|___|--- AFC Tooter : ready to *Ssplat* ? AFC Tooter : BillM10309 : It's a statistical based software system (System for Elementary Statistical Analysis) MaryEz : ROTFL Gubo : *Indigo*What are all these here :( AFC Tooter : It can be done both ways, Bob. If you are a computer coord, you can take care of the telecom and AFC Tooter : let the classroom teacher run the writing part. BeckyCR : Toot-do you explain what you just did? AFC Tooter : Guy, on Macs and Apple GSs you can trigger sounds. AFL Gayle : ROTFL=Rolling on the floor laughing, Gubo. You know the frown already. Gubo : Oh okay... BobFrost : I just need the right nudge to get them to go along. BeckyCR : I'm on a GS but didn't hear anything AFC Tooter : At the end of ScrapBook we have an online costume party which ends with an electronic foodfight AFL Gayle : Becky, you have to have downloaded the sounds and the SoundMaster CDA to hear AFC Tooter : coast to coast. AFL Gayle : them. BobFrost : Neither did I on mine. How does it go? BeckyCR : OK AFC Tooter : You have to put the sounds into your system, Becky. Last year we only had Mac sounds. This summer I MaryP IA : (Hi, Becky. This is Mary from Muscatine. Small World! AFC Tooter : translated them all so GSs can play too. Gubo : They want to take the computer periods off....*Quack* BobFrost : Where are these nifty sounds etc.? BeckyCR : Hi Mary AFC Tooter : All the sounds can be found in the ScrapBook Library in the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH). AFC Tooter : *Fanfare* Wigster : <---Has sounds turned off. :) AFC Tooter : We also use pictures at the party. Gubo : Where do we put the sounds??? AFC Tooter : Trial balloon!! If this is AFC Tooter : not properly lined up, ( ) BeckyCR : I recommend trying Scrapbook because it's a guided project with deadlines, etc. SandyR IA : I heard the quack, but not the fanfare. AFC Tooter : change your font to | AFC Tooter : a 10 pt. monospaced | AFC Tooter : font like MONOCO. | AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : That's because you're on a Mac, Sandy. AFC Tooter : Quack is one of the Mac sounds. AFA Bard : Hiiiiiiii Folks! AFC Tooter : Bard!! AFL Gayle : (Toot is talking Mac when he says check your fonts. :) AFL Gayle : Bard! Welcome! :) AFC Tooter : ( ) AFC Tooter : | AFC Tooter : | Wigster : Hi Bard! AFC Tooter : | AFC Tooter : AFA Bard : [[ Gayle!]] AFC Tooter : Nicely placed, Wiggy. AFA Bard : Hiya Wiggy! MaryEz : Hi, Bard, Happy New Year! Wigster : oops.... sorry, toot. :) At least the ! was in the right place. :) AFC Tooter : Questions have been flying fast. What did we miss? Gubo : 10 point monaco is small BobFrost : By the way, is there a GS specific version of AOL? MaryP IA : Is there only 1 toolkit or should you get a new one each session? MaryEz : Yes! AFC Tooter : Yes. It allows the pictures to fit without wrapping. AFL Gayle : Only one, MaryP. :) AFC Tooter : Only one ToolKit, Mary. BobFrost : Where do I go to ask for it? BeckyCR : I'll be using AOL with MACs this year instead of a GS. Any big changes I should AFL Gayle : There is a version of AOL for the GS, yes, Bob. BeckyCR : be aware of? AFA Bard : [[ Mary! ]] Great to see you online! AFC Tooter : I do plan to revise last summer, but may get to it this summer. AFC Tooter : Nope, Becky. Just easier to use. AFA Bard : Welcome Doug! MaryP IA : Thanks, Bard. I'm a novice just getting started with AOL AFC Tooter : Will you be Scrapping this year, Becky? Wigster : The Mac version is soooo wonderful! I use Apple II, PC, and Mac versions. Mac wins hands down. BeckyCR : I hope to get some classes into the 3rd session. SandyR IA : Can I have the class type on a IIe and somehow send through the GS or even the Mac? Dougamoto : THANK YOU, JUST PEEKING AROUND THE CORNER AFC Tooter : This is the APPLE forum, Wiggy. We're not supposed to tlak that way ;-) SandyR IA : Downloading and uploading still confuses me! Wigster : Sandy, that would be no problem at all. AFC Tooter : Yes, Sandy. AFA Bard : Sandy... lots of help online available there! Gubo : The mac version is much better...*filedone* Wigster : All you have to do is save as a text file and any word processor can read it. AFA Bard : Indeed, Gubo - I agree! BeckyCR : I have students type on IIe and GS then save all to a 3.5" disk to send on GS SCHUBIE : I have a middle school jounalism class that hopes to Scrap this year. AFC Tooter : We are here to help when people have trouble with the online techniques, Sandy. Just send e-mail and AFC Tooter : we'll help you. MaryP IA : Do students write off-line? Our fourth graders aren't too fast. BeckyCR : But I print all files on MAC Laser printer for display on the wall with a map BobFrost : Sandy, have files saved as ASCII and then import to WORKS or whatever. AFC Tooter : Becky, you will find that ytour Mac makes it easier to bundle the files into sets. MaryEz : I hope some more schools will sign on for the upcoming session. It looks kind of lean right now:( Wigster : If you save as a text file on a 3.5 inch drive, the Mac can read it via Apple File Excahnge and then AFA Bard : Excellent idea, Becky! AFL Gayle : (You forgot the S, Wiggy. Should be fileSdone) BobFrost : I just figured out how to do that and the teacher who puts out a newspaper Wigster : be put into any Mac Word Processor. AFC Tooter : It's still early, Mary. I've had lots of feelers. Dougamoto : Ta Ta I must withdraw, lots of luck and love to you teachers,:) AFC Tooter : However, there are already 4 or 5 schools signed up. BobFrost : has found it easy to work with. She then imports to Publish It! BeckyCR : I'm looking forward to easier bundling with the MAC Toot AFL Gayle : Yes, MaryP. The students write offline and then post while online. AFA Bard : I've got lots of teachers waiting, Toot - I think you can anticipate more. ;) Gubo : Wigster, there is a new prodos file ext for system 7 that allows you to put in a prodos disk direct! SandyR IA : Wow! Then we can write at school and I can send from home. AFA Bard : Exactly, Sandy! BeckyCR : Yes Sandy that's what I've done. But now due to the Turner Network discount SandyR IA : Does it have to be a 3.5? I have only one computer that has a 3.5 diskdrive. AFA Bard : Although, Sandy, it's important to let the kids experience the "how" you send as well, I think. :) AFC Tooter : Apple File exchange will let Superdrives accept ProDOS disks. BeckyCR : we'll be able to do more online during the day MaryEz : Sandy, I use a GS at school and Mac at home with Apple file exchange works like a charm. BobFrost : When will admins. realize we need phones in our rooms? SandyR IA : I only have one GS. Wigster : Gubo... I know you can do it that way, too... but so few people in the real world know about system BobFrost : so we don't have to do this stuff at home away from the classroom Wigster : 6.0. :) AFA Bard : GREAT question, Bob!! After all, every OTHER professional has one. :) BobFrost : where kids can participate? BeckyCR : That's PK Sandy. It'll work. Gubo : When do you usually send your files and where do you send them? AFL Gayle : Good point, Bard. Hadn't thought about it that way. :) Wigster : <---- Has a phone line and modem in classroom. SandyR IA : What's PK AFC Tooter : Bob, one of the things we did in designing ScrapBook is to set up HELLO DAY so classes withoput MaryEz : Oh, Bard, you know us teachers are not trustworthy! We might make all those personal phone calls AFC Tooter : modems can get the feel of the project as it start. BeckyCR : I meant that's OK Sandy. I can't type and read at the same time. MaryEz : during the day. And run up those long distance charges. AFC Tooter : A number of teachers have run the project from a home modem. SandyR IA : I have a phone line and modem, but no Mac at school. AFC Tooter : Of course the magic is greater if you have the link in school. AFA Bard : LOL! Mary! Heaven forbid we would make actually be able to check in with kids/doctor during the day Gubo : Tooter, can you share with us the CNN connection.. BobFrost : Of course, being in AK does wonders with a time difference. AFA Bard : without waiting 15 mins. for a phone! Indeed! We're putting an extension line in all 180 elementary MaryP IA : Does the toolkit tell you step x step how to save & send? AFA Bard : classrooms in our district this year. ;) AFC Tooter : Sure, Guy. CNN INFO COMING UP: BeckyCR : Sandy you can use the GS ifthat's at school. AFL Gayle : Wow, Bard! That's great! :) AFC Tooter : To establish a specuial discount school asccount through CNN, get a schoolo PO number and call AFC Tooter : 1-800-344-6219 AFC Tooter : They will send you a special copy of AOL which will give you the great prices. Prices are: AFC Tooter : $25/month if you sign up for at least 4 months. That includes AFA Bard : Yes, Mary.. the toolkit is very thorough! Add the AMERICA ONLINE book, alnline, and you've got a very AFA Bard : thorough package! AFC Tooter : 10 hours every month which may be used any time AFC Tooter : of the day or night. BeckyCR : They told me thaere's a cap on the time so you don't exceed your limit but I AFC Tooter : That comes to just $2.50 per hour. BeckyCR : didn't understand what they meant. BobFrost : I wonder if they will support the Frozen North? Gubo : And the coordinating teacher could use the school's time at home right Tooter?? AFC Tooter : I'm not sure how they handle that, Becky, but you commit for the hours in advance. AFC Tooter : Sure. AFC Tooter : the way I use AOL in school, I make a copy of my master disk and set up an individual screen name BeckyCR : My 2 schools have sent POs but haven't heard anything yet. BobFrost : All this conversation and I know I'll want to review. Is there a way to AFC Tooter : for the teacher who is using the service. Then the teacher keeps a log of hours used and I can check AFC Tooter : online to see how much has been used. BobFrost : save this chat? I'm new to this system. AFC Tooter : Yes, Becky. Be porepared to wait a bit for CNN to get the new software to you. AFC Tooter : Yes, Bob. Chats may be logged. Bard, Gayle, is anyone logging now? AFL Gayle : Bob, the log will be posted in the library tomorrow. AFL Gayle : To log for yourself, toggle (Open Apple T) up the the file menu. Pull it down Gubo : Iam logging too :)*Simple Beep* AFL Gayle : and Open Log. You'll have to have a disk ready to log to. AFC Tooter : And I just saved the whole start of the chat if you're missing something, bard. AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : You don't have to split AFC Tooter : o o o a BANANA SPLIT :-) AFC Tooter : &&&&&&&&&&&& AFC Tooter : \ &&() () ()&& / AFC Tooter : _\ .((((((((((@ /_ *Fanfare* AFC Tooter : AFA Bard : Got that covered with Gayle, Toot. :) BobFrost : Thanks for the help. I have a tough time figuring out how to set prefix etc. AFC Tooter : Once again, Bob, if you have questions about that stuff, just send a note and we'll help. MaryEz : Great graphic, Toot! AFL Gayle : To set the prefix, choose Set Volume. Then type /data/ Data=ProDOS volume AFC Tooter : Thanks. AFL Gayle : name of the disk you want to log to. Gubo : How come nothings going to happen with the scrapbook 'til 21st? AFC Tooter : I set up four exchanges during the year, Guy. They each run for about 8 weeks. AFC Tooter : Of course schools can contribute to the ScrapBook without joining a formal exchange. BeckyCR : Any suggestions for topic for a chapter? Gubo : does the next exchange start or end then? AFC Tooter : It starts on the 21st. AFL Gayle : Starts then, Guy. AFC Tooter : That's HELLO DAY. AFL Gayle : Last exchange ended right before the Christmas holidays. AFC Tooter : Becky, there are several schools working on a ScrapBook CookBook which they hope to publish in the AFC Tooter : spring. AFC Tooter : There were several chapters last time on what it means to be a teen. BeckyCR : Your classes can be preparing hello letter before, and just send that day. Gubo : Will you match us up with another school...? AFC Tooter : Wasn't it your class that wrote about FAMILY HEIRLOOMS? AFC Tooter : Also GRANDPARENTS? SandyR IA : What do you put in the Hello letter? Gubo : Hello AFC Tooter : That's not the way I do it, Guy. Instead, I make a distribution plan when it's time to BeckyCR : Yes, Toot that was your idea and think it what a good one. They really had to Wigster : And will there be any high schoolers at all? I really want my students to participate. :) BeckyCR : think but that's nort all bad. AFC Tooter : exchange and you get between 2 and 3 essays for every one you send. That way you get a wide AFC Tooter : geographical distribution. AFL Gayle : They can participate, anyway, Wiggy. :) AFC Tooter : I'd have to go look, Wiggy. My ninth graders should be in this next exchange, I hope. MaryEz : We sent 113 essays this last session. We got essays from 5 other schools. It was great fun. AFC Tooter : However, most teachers have enjoyed the cross-grade links. BeckyCR : Are Opalescent(SP?)'s high schoolers participating? They are wonderful writers. Gubo : Protocol what's AFL and AFC? AFL Gayle : AFL=America Online Forum Leader BobFrost : Where do I find this log tomorrow? I'm logging now but the beginning escaped AFA Bard : AFA= America Online Forum Assistant :) AFL Gayle : AFC = AO Forum Consultant AFC Tooter : Opalescent had some students participate in the fall. They were not her poetry group, though. Gubo : Thanks :) AFL Gayle : Bob, look in the New Files library in AED tomorrow. :) AFA Bard : Gubo - translated, it means we're here to serve YOU! ;) AFC Tooter : Serving AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : HAVE SOME TASTY BARBECUED AFC Tooter : Wigster : Wigster = ???? AFC Tooter : --@&#&#( )&&#o&#&&#( )&#&#()&#&#&---O AFC Tooter : --@&#&#( )&&#o&#&&#( )&#&#()&#&#&---O AFC Tooter : --@&#&#( )&&#o&#&&#( )&#&#()&#&#&---O AFC Tooter : --@&#&#( )&&#o&#&&#( )&#&#()&#&#&---O AFC Tooter : . : . . : : . SHISHKEBOB!!! AFC Tooter : |.:.:.o..:..:..:.o..:..o.:..o...| AFC Tooter : _|ooOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOO|_ AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : *Fireworks* AFC Tooter : BobFrost : Did I notice a chat on using AOL in the class on 1/24? AFL Gayle : Yes, you did, Bob. :) BeckyCR : Great topic. Now if we could only get classroom teachers to be there. Gubo : *termbell* AFL Gayle : Bring some with you, Becky! Invite them over for the evening. :) BeckyCR : My son is reading this and is not too sure about idea Gayle. AFC Tooter : We'll also be having a Russian teacher as a guest in February. AFL Gayle : LOL, Becky! :) BobFrost : I think I'll try to get some here. Use an LCD. Better than home movies! AFA Bard : LCD is a GREAT idea, Bob. AFC Tooter : For your son, Becky: AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : ( ) AFC Tooter : ( O O ) Gubo : Time for more food Tooter, things are getting quiet!!!! AFC Tooter : ( @ ) AFC Tooter : ( \=/ ) AFC Tooter : ( AFC Tooter : ( AFC Tooter : O ( ) AFC Tooter : ( ) AFC Tooter : ( (() ()) AFC Tooter : () (() ()) AFC Tooter : * (() ()) AFC Tooter : * * AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : AFL Gayle : Ack! We don't eat poodles, TooT! BeckyCR : I think we missed something by not having a MAC???? AFC Tooter : Not unless you want to eat a poodle, Gubo. AFA Bard : Poodle Mania! Gubo : sorry i wrecked it... ;( AFC Tooter : Trial balloon!! If this is AFC Tooter : not properly lined up, ( ) AFC Tooter : change your font to | AFC Tooter : a 10 pt. monospaced | AFL Gayle : No, Becky. The graphics work on ALL computers. :) Just the sounds require a GS AFC Tooter : font like MONOCO. | AFC Tooter : AFL Gayle : or a Mac. :) BeckyCR : How do I change my fonts? AFC Tooter : Also looks best if chat room is set for single spacing. BeckyCR : Mine is double how do I change/ Wigster : <---Uses Monaco 9. AFC Tooter : I think only Macs can change fonts. Maybe DOS too. Gubo : anything besides monaco ....courier??? MaryEz : When are the hamburgers going to be ready? Wigster : DOS machdon't change fonts. AFC Tooter : That's in the SET UP section of the Apple software, Becky. Not sure you AFC Tooter : can change it from online. Wigster : Try again.... Dos machines don't change fonts. AFC Tooter : Don't leave now, though. AFL Gayle : DOS can change size of type, though, Wiggy. AFC Tooter : Thanks, Wiggy. BeckyCR : Nice talking with you all. Gotta go--get the kids to bed. MaryEz : Bob, where is Palmer, Alaska? BobFrost : Do I use e-mail or talk to get a GS specific version? Gubo : *Goodbye* Becky.. AFC Tooter : Are there other questions? So long, Becky. Stay in touch. MaryEz : Where's the beef? AFC Tooter : I've missed hearing from you. BobFrost : Palmer is 40 miles from Anchorage. Just a bedroom community. historically AFC Tooter : Beef: AFC Tooter : AFC Tooter : (_______) AFC Tooter : %%%%%%%%% AFC Tooter : (_______) CYBER-BURGERS Gubo : Good salaries in Alaska too... AFC Tooter : -------------------- rare! AFC Tooter : with a little katsup, mustard, and relish? AFC Tooter : BobFrost : significant in that it was started in Depression as farming community MaryEz : ONIONS!!! AFA Bard : | | AFA Bard : C| | AFA Bard : | | AFA Bard : ----- BobFrost : Pay is good. Summers are the reason to live in AK AFC Tooter : Good try, Bard. Hard without macros. AFA Bard : Hmmm... looks like the "tall cool one" macro is a little rusty. :) AFA Bard : | | C| | | | ----- AFA Bard : LOL! Forget it! :) Gubo : Rusty isn't the word.......... :) Wigster : Ack, I think that one leaks! AFC Tooter : We had a ScrapBook chapter from Nome, Bob. We'd love to get one from Palmer. MaryEz : You must be drink non-alcoholic beer, Bard! MaryEz : drink = drinking AFL Gayle : Bard is going to have to mop the conference room floor! :) AFA Bard : LOL! Again? AFC Tooter : Did I hear someone say foodfight? AFA Bard : Uh oh... DUCK everyone! MaryEz : peas MaryEz : mashed potatoes AFC Tooter : Not yet. False alarm!!! AFA Bard : *Quack* AFL Gayle : No, Toot. :) Wait a minute. :) BobFrost : We'll try to get someone going on it, I know someone at my school will like BobFrost : to try MaryEz : pizza AFA Bard : Wait, Toot! Business to conduct! Gubo : *Welcome* AFC Tooter : Yes. :-))) MaryEz : spaghetti o's AFC Tooter : Good, Gubo. You're learning fast. SandyR IA : spinach AFL Gayle : We have a chat every Sunday from 8-9 pm ET. AFC Tooter : |||| --> TRUCE DECLARED!!!!!!!!!! <-- |||| AFC Tooter : |||| ---> ALL HOSTILITIES CEASE AT ONCE <--- |||| AFC Tooter : |||| -----> That means STOP FIGHTING <----- |||| AFC Tooter : |||| ----------> CEASE FIRE NOW <---------- |||| AFL Gayle : Our topic next week will be an Open Chat! Anything related to education you AFL Gayle : want to talk about, we'll discuss. We'll have another free hour next week to AFL Gayle : give away. :) AFL Gayle : Now for the moment you've all been waiting for... AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* Wigster : Did I win????\ BobFrost : got to get these sounds AFL Gayle : The winner of our one FREE nonprime time hour goes to Gubo for the word AFL Gayle : ScrapBook! :) AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : Go Gubo!!!!!!!!!! MaryEz : *ROTFL* AFA Bard : ()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Wigster : Yay, GUBO!!!! AFC Tooter : Hoooray!!! FOODFIGHT FOODFIGHT FOODFIGHT FOODFIGHT FOODFIGHT AFA Bard : Hoorrrrraaayyyy!!!!!!!! Gubo : Yeyyyyyy*Indigo* MaryEz : {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} AFA Bard : (::::: ducking ::::) AFC Tooter : Antiballistic Peking *Duck...* one AFC Tooter : *MadHen* spotted on radar, heading toward Smoketown!!!! AFL Gayle : You should see it credited to your account some time later this week. :) AFC Tooter : *LookOUT*, it's a AFC Tooter : SandyR IA : Congratulations!!!!! AFC Tooter : *FoodFight* Gubo : *Quack* MaryEz : *pizza* AFC Tooter : *FOODfight* AFC Tooter : *FOODfight* AFA Bard : Jello.................::::::::::{| Splat! AFC Tooter : #@*&@#$#@%* AFC Tooter : Someone Firing *Zaaaap* PEAS! pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop splat MaryEz : *fightgoeson* Gubo : WQhayt a country!!! AFA Bard : Butter Pats on the ceiling.....................TTTT AFC Tooter : Tooter's Tossing Terrible, Tasty, Titanic, Triple cubed ice cream sundaes. *Gotcha* Gubo : #%$#*^%&^%(%( AFC Tooter : Glop! Oh no! Here come *Zzzzap* Bulbous Bouncing Beautiful meat Balls ooO AFC Tooter : oooooooOoOoOooOOO0000oooo *BullsEye**** AFC Tooter : Bouncing...bouncing....bouncing...bounding down hallways and past the AFC Tooter : Mississippi *Ssplat* BobFrost : thanks for your help. here's some moose liver pate! BYE AFA Bard : Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream!!! AFC Tooter : They're heading east, right through FREEHOLD and on toward WILTON, CT!!! Gubo : You guys are crazzzzzzzzY!! :)))))) AFC Tooter : *FightGoesOn* AFC Tooter : Here comes *crisp* toast over SAPULPA, OKLAHOMA! Gubo : Wilton? where's that?? AFC Tooter : Where the corn is as high as an Elephant's eye. AFC Tooter : South of Danbury! Wigster : <--- Has been to Sapulpa, OK. :) AFC Tooter : Well south. MaryEz : *tasty* AFC Tooter : Time to mop! SandyR IA : I have been there...Wilton that is. AFA Bard : Yea, SOUTH!!! Go Grits!!! ;) Gubo : maybe we can get together sometime, you get up this way?? AFC Tooter : Really, Sandy!! I'm impressed! :-) AFL Gayle : Thanks to everyone for coming! :) Please come again next Sunday. :) MaryEz : Come on down to Guilford, Gubo. AFC Tooter : I'd love to, Guy. AFA Bard : Anyone else out there going to NECC in Orlando this year??? Gubo : Keep in touch!! AFC Tooter : Or when you're here. I'm in Washington, CT near Litchfield. MaryEz : Me, me, and me!!! SandyR IA : Probably over the summer. I visit friends in Shelton and see quite a bit of CT. AFC Tooter : I'd love to meet you then, Sandy. AFA Bard : Great Mary! :) How 'bout you, Toot? Wigster : Orlando is a little closer to you than it is to me, Bard... But, heck, I sure want to go!!!!! AFC Tooter : Nope :-((( Nobody invited me to Orlando :-((( SandyR IA : Better go...I have to correct those papers I've been putting off. I'm becoming a good procrastinator. AFA Bard : You're invited Tooter!!!!!!! Wigster : Florida sounds sooo nice to these frost bitten NH ears. :) AFL Gayle : Good night, all! Off to put in the request for Guy's hour. :) AFC Tooter : I'll be in Maryland at MICCA in March, though. AFA Bard : Do it, Wiggy - this one's going to be REALLY special! MaryEz : Toot, want to present? SandyR IA : It has been fun! Wigster : Well, all, I have to head off... The house mates need the phone. Night all! AFA Bard : Thanks for joining us Sandy, et al! AFA Bard : See you ALL next week.. same AOL time, same AOL channel! :) Gubo : Do I have to do anything for the hour??? :) AFA Bard : Log will be posted in the AED "New Files" area in TEXT (readable by ANY computer) format tomorrow! AFA Bard : Nothing, Gubo. It'll "mysteriously" appear! Gubo : What a country!!!!! AFA Bard : Indeed! Gubo : *Goodbye* all! AFA Bard : G'night folks.. off to get ready for Monday! AFC Tooter : Goodnight all. Let me know if you have any questions, Guty. AFC Tooter : Guty = Guy. MaryEz : Bye, great to see everybody again. AFC Tooter : Bard... AFC Tooter : Just sent you the rest of the log. 1/10/93 9:14:20 PM Closing Log file.