File: Date: 8/28/94 Start Time: 8:00:34 PM End Time: 9:01:40 PM Participants: AFA Bard, AMYCOFFEY, BCS Frank, BHOUSER, BsballMom, Bug143, Jfritsch4, Kitters, MaristR, MaryEz, Neelie Y, NYteachNY, PamErwin, Susan G2, TonyM15442 AFA Bard : Welcome to AED! Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! NYteachNY : Hi all - handle is Gary AFA Bard : Gary.. what do you teach? (besides wonderful children) NYteachNY : Used to teach Chem, Bio, and Comp. Sci. MaryEz : I got a color scanner and a color printer and Newton. Just can't hang onto my money! AFA Bard : A NEWTON? Cool! MaryEz : Getting ready for retirement. AFA Bard : What are you up to these days, Gary? Welcome Bhouser! Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! BHOUSER : Lo, all AFA Bard : Bonnie... wave to Gary (NYteachNY!) NYteachNY : Starting my own business - digital video and multimedia for Chem instruction (HS, and AP) MaryEz : Great, Gary. Sounds interesting! NYteachNY : THIS IS EXPENSIVE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AFA Bard : Excellent, Gary. Are you targeting simulations, application software or what? Susan G2 : The science instructor at my school wants to do a project for his health science class... NYteachNY : I tutored so many A students this past year in CHEM and AP I thought that individual tapes that follow BHOUSER : What grade levels do we have represented? Susan G2 : topics covered are family relationships, nutrition and sexually transmitted diseases....... NYteachNY : my instruction sequence were viable. Susan G2 : Any ideas? MaryEz : 5/6 computer classes, Bonnie. AFA Bard : BHouser... K-12 Computer Coordinator (was a 6=8 science teacher). NYteachNY : Susan - there are some new CD ROM family medicine editions with great pictures of disorders. Susan G2 : Adult Education coordinator and ESL instructor. NYteachNY : Deficiency diseases, STD diseases, cancer, aids, etc. BHOUSER : You're over my head. Be back on Tuesday... MaryEz : Gary, are these appropriate for 5th and 6th graders. AFA Bard : (*remember folks- a FREE HOUR will be awarded at chat's end! *) Welcome Joann.. we're talking about possibilities for using AOL in science and math. NYteachNY : The CD ROM edition is straight forward and encyclopedic - if taught in the proper manner, with just the right info/time it would work! MaryEz : Hi, Joann. *Welcome* AFA Bard : Gary.. ever thought of coupling your stuff with CNN's Turner Multimedia videos? Sounds like a great match! Welcome Sue! NYteachNY : My original thought was to have hardcopy materials that accompany each video tape and market through blockbuster video, etc. AFA Bard : Hiya Neelie Y! Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! Neelie Y : HI, AFA BARD. Those topics don't fit my field - 12th grade English. AFA Bard : Well, Neelie, be sure to visit the ELECTRONIC SCHOOLHOUSE to find out about topics that might more closely match what you're looking for. OR, you could consider a project that integrates the science and your field! :) NYteachNY : Don't give up on us Neelie - worked with English teacher in creating CHEM long range research projs. Neelie Y : Thanks for the tip about Elec. Schoolhouse. I'm new to AOL this week and am still stumbling around. Susan G2 : Neelie interdisciplinary mixes produce beautiful results. AFA Bard : Neelie... what kinds of things do you teach in 12th grade-- is it LIT? NYteachNY : The kids really seem to internalize the integrated material more easily!! Neelie Y : It's actually AP English with a focus on British Lit. Susan G2 : So NY do you have anything related to health science? NYteachNY : Here I'm also a pharmacist and I never really decided to do a health series - just CHEM and BIO. AFA Bard : Neelie.. sounds great. Ever thought of using the Travel Forum here online for a study of Britain- then and now? Welcome Cindy! Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! Susan G2 : How about gophering to England.... AFA Bard : Great idea, Susan! Neelie.. after you check out the Elect. Schoolhouse (Keyword: ESH), check out TIN (teacher's info. network) and the INTERNET CENTER. Plenty to explore! Susan G2 : keyword is gopher. Neelie Y : Travel Forum also sounds interesting - I'll look into that. I'm always looking for new angles. AFA Bard : BFrank! Welcome!Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! BCS Frank : Hi, y'all, sorry I'm late. AFA Bard : Neelie.. I used the Travel forum with a group of 11th AP students in a tennis/computer camp this Susan G2 : Wonderful movie on CS Lewis called Shadowland.....such a tear jerker.... AFA Bard : summer. It was a riot. I had 'em booking "virtual hotel/plane" reservations all over Europe. They learned much about geography,culture, money and time! Bug143 : This is education? AFA Bard : It is, Bug! Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! Welcome Cindy! Bug143 : Cool! BCS Frank : CS Lewis himself could be the subject of a bunch of movies, not to mention his sidekick Tolkein. :) Bug143 : Bye! I'm leaving so soon because I'm just checking things out right now! AFA Bard : Nite, Bug! Bug143 : Bye! BCS Frank : Come back often, Bug :) Bug143 : OK :) Neelie Y : I'm signing off, too. Day One of school is tomorrow. As usual, I have mixed feelings about it. AFA Bard : So... the big question of the night.. is it possible to use AOL to teach MATH? (G'night Neelie! Thanks for joining us!) BCS Frank : Hmmm... you could use AOL to practice statistics. AFA Bard : How, Frank? BCS Frank : It's great for polling all sorts of groups.... you can do sorts of all, ahh, sorts, in the user directory... The financial sections are replete with statistical data.... Try keyword "Fool" for one such area in which there are many contests to see who can predict PamErwin : hi, everybody BCS Frank : market statistics. AFA Bard : That's an interesting idea, Frank. Never thought of the directory thing. BCS Frank : Pam, Hi :) AFA Bard : Hiya Pam! Welcome! Frank.. never saw that area before. Who is Motley? BCS Frank : Of course lots of the statistics you might generate from AOL would be faulty, but detecting that is good education too. He used to write for the Ruckhowser report, and his brother is an academic... looks interesting. Sorry about the spelling. Hmmm.... AOL has weather maps... should be able to use that for something. AFA Bard : Ah.. Gardner & Gardner. Pam.. any ideas on using AOL for science & math? PamErwin : I'm not sure what I'm doing this year. I used WORLD LINK last year. Would like to get in on some of AMYCOFFEY : OOPS...sorry to interfere... AFA Bard : Welcome AmyC! Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! PamErwin : of the National Geographic projects...acid rain, too much trash, etc. AMYCOFFEY : would love to stay, but cannot...just looking around... PamErwin : Have any of you used telecommunications projects with your kids? AMYCOFFEY : Of course I have.. BCS Frank : Hi, Bye, Amy... come back soon! :) AFA Bard : It'd be interesting to do some consumer math projects with the online shopping, too! Yes, Pam! AMYCOFFEY : all the time... BCS Frank : Yup & you can use the classified ads as well. AMYCOFFEY : Bye, Frank...It is me, Jane!! under an alias AFA Bard : (** Remember.. free online HOUR given away at chat's end! **) PamErwin : What have you done; I'm looking for something for Gifted 9-12 year olds. BCS Frank : By any name, Hi, Jane :) AFA Bard : Pam.. you might check the Electronic Schoolhouse (Keyword: ESH) under School-to-School project links. What's your main area of interest, Pam? PamErwin : Our theme for our program (pull out gifted) this year is INTERACTION BRINGS CHANGE. That leaves BCS Frank : How about doing scientific critiques of some of the science fiction posted in OMNI online? PamErwin : room for all kinds of things AFA Bard : Excellent, Frank! PamErwin : That sounds great. What age students are you involved with? AFA Bard : How about an online scavenger hunt, Pam? BCS Frank : Hmmm... how do you catch a scavenger? PamErwin : Yes, that sounds great. Could you be more specific? Again, what age youngsters or teens are you guys involved with? And where are you located? AFA Bard : Sure.. choose a topic beforehand.. like TALENTED PEOPLE, then sneak in before class and find Susan G2 : Pam there is also a great agricultural project being started in the ESH....You might want to check it out. AFA Bard : areas online where they can find something out about people who would fall into that category. Give 'em clues, but no answers. The final product- a summary of how they decided WHERE to look, what they found, and their ideas for more places to explore. <-- Atlanta, Ga BCS Frank : "First item: a Shakespearean verse. 2nd item, a food recipe, etc.?" AFA Bard : Exactly, Frank. A common theme helps. Whattaya think, Pam.. would this work for your students? PamErwin : I like it!!! BCS Frank : Hmmm... like 20 items from 20 cities... maybe like Brooklyn hot dogs, and so forth. dogs ^^^^ AFA Bard : Oh.. I LIKE that, Frank! What would they get from your city? PamErwin : How about white hot dogs from Rochester, NY BCS Frank : Lobsters, and Revere silverware. AFA Bard : Umm... white hot dogs, Pam?? WHAT? BCS Frank : <-- Boston. AFA Bard : Welcome Baseball Mom! :) PamErwin : We're the only place I know that has red and white hot dogs. They're porkers, and delicious BCS Frank : Or even better, witches, from Old Salem Village, where I live. PamErwin : Great! BsballMom : Hi! I just "discovered" this room. Are you all teachers or involved in education? BCS Frank : Do red and kinda dusty green hot dogs count? AFA Bard : I love it. You'd probably get a peach or two, some Grits and a hunk of rock from Stone Mountain from Atlanta. PamErwin : Last year my students were involved with Tom Holloway from CHATBACK in Great Britain and BCS Frank : Hi, Baseball, yup! :) AFA Bard : (Our cafeterias serve green hotdogs, don't everyone's?) Yes, BaseballMom. PamErwin : after the Hubbell telescope was fixed I asked that kids" What if the telescope develops problems .... do you think that there might be someone or something out there that doesn't want to be discovered? and then Tom sent strange messages from sherose - an alien approaching earth. BCS Frank : There ya go! Assignment: how to detect & identify intelligent life "out there." AFA Bard : Ooo... great topic! I'll bet the folks on DS-9 are laughing their heads off! Sherose! GREAT! BCS Frank : Once they finish that one, "How to make friends with same?" PamErwin : And he really got them thinking about what was going on on this third planet of yours. BCS Frank : Sherose??? PamErwin : Wooops,,,, third planet of ours. Susan G2 : Pam wouldn't be interested in health science would you? AFA Bard : That reminds me of the movie where the kids visited an alien ship and they were watching Lucy reruns. Hiya Roger! BCS Frank : hmmm... counting.... 1...2... earth...? PamErwin : Sure Susan. What do you have in mind? MaristR : Hey, just got back from our opening of the year picnic. AFA Bard : Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! Susan G2 : Not sure yet...but the health science teacher is looking and it is my job to help him find something PamErwin : Math.....are any of you involved in Math Olympiads? Susan G2 : I just want it to have be real and useful. PamErwin : That's a really worth while activity. AFA Bard : (** Remember.. free online HOUR given away at chat's end! **) BCS Frank : Health science project on AOL? Susan G2 : Maybe you and I could come up with something we could do together.... He and you could do together with me as a go between. PamErwin : Susan....I can't think of anything off hand... Will ask the science coordinator of my building what he might have in mind. Susan G2 : Appreciate it Pam. BCS Frank : poll a random group about health, weight, diet, smoking? AFA Bard : Susan.. what about something with statistics-- like polling different schools online about their weight, diet, etc. Gosh.. GMTA, Frank! Kitters : What's the topic? BCS Frank : There is the disabilities group on AOL... lots of health data. AFA Bard : Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! Susan G2 : Frank that is great where do you get these ideas? Kitters : thanks AFA Bard : Welcome Kitters! BCS Frank : Topic? We're practicing online telepathy tonight. :) Susan G2 : With two different schools at different parts of the country we could see if location makes a difference BCS Frank : The hard part is finding a place to put them all. :) MaristR : I wanted to do something with flu shots and how many people actually got the flu last AFA Bard : Susan.. you might also check the food forums in Lifestyles & Interests. BsballMom : How would you go about polling schools online about a subject? MaristR : year but I got called for jury duty. AFA Bard : BSball.. most schools might be identified through a search of the member directory. Or you could visit the ELECTRONIC SCHOOLHOUSE (Keyword: ESH) and see what schools are online doing other projects. Susan G2 : Well Bsball you could poll in your community and then post results on aol. Kitters : what was that about the disabilities forum - is someone researching disabilities? BCS Frank : You might not have to poll schools... poll people in the lobby.. or any other random way of generating a target list. AFA Bard : Welcome TomaBH1! Tonight's chat topic-- science & math projects on AOL! Susan G2 : If more than one school polled their community you could then compare results. BCS Frank : Of course any sample from AOL will not be truly "random," AOL membership skews all sorts of characteristics, but that's part of the lesson. Susan G2 : True frank that is why a community sample is better and to compare the results of two communities. Kitters : brb AFA Bard : Hey.. Susan.. how about hooking up with a senior citizen through the Intergeneration Link area and BCS Frank : Kitters I mentioned the disabilities forum cause we're looking for AOL health science projects. AFA Bard : setting up an interview or two about how health, and how we view it, has changed over the years? BCS Frank : Right, Susan... not to mention control groups. Susan ^^^^ Susan G2 : or perhaps just ask questions to different generations a bout their eating habits to form some opinions AFA Bard : Yeah.. that's it! Cool! Susan G2 : We could interview kids, adults, senior citizens from various cultural backgrounds. AFA Bard : Speaking of KOOL.. you might check out the Generation to Generation links area in the KOOL area online for some "newer generation" folks for that survey. Susan G2 : ::thinking I had better save this log....:::: AFA Bard : KOOL= "Kids Only Online" BCS Frank : 1) get data, 2) get differientation, 3) explain differences, 4) critique structure. AFA Bard : (The log will be posted in the Apple Ed. Forum New Files area tomorrow!) BCS Frank : ... then try again. :) Susan G2 : Frank....... If this teacher agrees, would you like to help out? BCS Frank : Sure.... AFA Bard : I take it, Susan, that you've discovered Keyword: Health? Susan G2 : Thanks!!!!! BCS Frank : e-mail me whenever.... :) Susan G2 : We will publish results in the local newspaper for the application... Now....just to sell the idea.... AFA Bard : Great! Don't forget to publish the results on AOL as well! Susan G2 : Of course.... I will work up the plan and post it in ESH and see if anyone wants to play along....but first I have to sell it... The teacher has to think it is a good idea. BCS Frank : Yup getting projects started is often... .... not easy. AFA Bard : You might also look at alcohol from a student's perspective. Places online they could explore: PamErwin : Well, great meeting you all. Must sign off. Will sign on again. Like to bounce ideas around. Helps AFA Bard : Keywords: Wine, Health, encyclopedia, and, of course INTERNET CENTER! PamErwin : me out a lot. BCS Frank : Across the Boards... the Recovery folder. AFA Bard : OK.. time to award the free hour! Susan G2 : *****drum roll*** BCS Frank : ... drum roll.... AFA Bard : First.. BCS Frank : :) Jfritsch4 : did i get here in time for the free hour AFA Bard : next week.. Join us for our weekly Apple Education Open Chat. Our regularly scheduled guest, from ACOT has been rescheduled for Early September. :) And now... reaching into the BIG pot-o-screennames... TonyM15442 : hi everybody AFA Bard : The winner of AOL Ed. Forum's FREE ONLINE hour for tonight is.. PAMERWIN of New York! Yea Pam!!!!!!!!!!! MaristR : *YEE-HA!* TonyM15442 : good for u Susan G2 : Yes!!!!!!!!!Yea Pam!!!!!!!!!! BCS Frank : Congrats, Pam, ya DID it!!!! :) AFA Bard : The free hour will be credited to your account within 72 hours!!!!! THANKS, EVERYONE, for joining MaristR : *FIREWORKS* AFA Bard : us here in the AED forum!!!!!! Yippee!!!!! BCS Frank : All the way with Pam today! :) TonyM15442 : how many teachers out there looking forward to starting a new year Susan G2 : Good night...and will be hearing from me. MaristR : We've already started. Susan G2 : Bye everyone. TonyM15442 : we start on Sept. 7 BCS Frank : Thanks, Susan :) AFA Bard : Remember... our weekly education chats are held from 8-9 ET in this conference room! TonyM15442 : bye MaristR : When do you get out? AFA Bard : Happy SCHOOL to you all! Folks, thanks for joining us! See you next week, same AOL time, same AOL channel!