5/23/93 7:58:06 PM Opening "Chat Log 5/23/93" for recording. AFL Gayle : And waterfalls make a great topic for tonight. :) Our topic is Open Chat! :) AFC Tooter : No, but I remember a wonderful river with fall in WEisconsin that looked just like coffee to me. MrWatrfal : No, I'm just a bystander AFL Gayle : Are those in IL, Carolyn? DUNMORE : No in the Upper Pen. of Michigan MrWatrfal : Snapple is our official waterfalls drink AFA Bard : <<--- I LOVE Snapple! AFC Tooter : Does Snapple flow from falls like Quaker Oats was shot from guns? MrWatrfal : Upper Pen if Mi has ver 192 waterfalls according to my database AFA Bard : Now THAT would be a waterfall! It could flow with different flavors depending on the season. :) AFC Tooter : How many waterfalls in CT, CJ? DUNMORE : Nabisco Shredded Wheat comes from Niagra Falls it,s on the box picture MrWatrfal : Tooter, any fire crackers tonite - suggest you fire it off for Leni because of rocket science class. DUNMORE : That's why it gets soggy so fast AFL Gayle : LOL, Bard! ;) AFC Tooter : I have a potential chat guest and I'm wondering if any of you would be interested in having us AFC Tooter : arrange a visit. He recently got canned from a job with Northeast Utilities and is AFC Tooter : involved in a legal suit. AFA Bard : Hiya Jedi! AFC Tooter : He was canned because he was a whistle blower to violations in nuclear material handling. MrWatrfal : is that suite like to wear AFC Tooter : nor a suite of music, CJ ;-) AFL Gayle : Hmmm... Sounds like a guest for Network Earth, Toot. DUNMORE : yes why not put him on and let us know what is going on. AFA Bard : Homer Simpson with scruples? That does sound interesting. Maybe Network Earth or CNN? AFC Tooter : Well, I thought that perhaps over the summer, educators would like to talk with him. He subs in our AFC Tooter : school and is very articulate. He was a vice pres. until getting canned. AFA Bard : What's he doing now, Toot? AFL Gayle : He's welcome to come to any of our Open Chats, TooT (which are held almost AFL Gayle : every week in the summer.) AFC Tooter : Subbing AFC Tooter : I can send a news article which tells his story. AFL Gayle : Great, Toot! Please do that. :) AFA Bard : Speaking of VP stuff.. anyone out there following what's happening with Gore's Data SuperHighway AFA Bard : stuff? AFC Tooter : OK. SandyE : Hi Everyone, I guess I'm behind the times...what's Gore AFL Gayle : It's moving right along, Bard. :) AFA Bard : LOL, Gayle! SandyE : 's data superhighway..sounds like a new internet AFC Tooter : We are working on getting a telelink to Gore as the keynote for CECA this year. AFL Gayle : Libraries and schools are still a big part of the proposal. :) AFA Bard : He'll keynote at NECC this year, too. I think you'll see lots of libraries and others getting AFA Bard : on the bandwagon. AFA Bard : Welcome Jim! JimVH4 : Hi. It's been a long time. AFL Gayle : I think ? Ferdi has posted articles about it in COSN, Bard. AFC Tooter : What happened to CJ :-(( AFA Bard : Really, Gayle? I'll look later! Thanks! AFC Tooter : Boy, Gayle, you really get everywhere, don't you. AFL Gayle : There's been steady information on Internet about it. In fact, I think? I may AFL Gayle : have seen something about it over in the WhiteHouse, too. AFL Gayle : Just everywhere that has to do with education, Toot. ;) AFA Bard : Hmmm... I'll check there, too. AFA Bard : [[[ Mary! ]]] AFC Tooter : *Fanfare* ;-) AFL Gayle : Was there anything particular you were looking for, Bard? MaryEz : Hi,*fightgoeson* all! AFL Gayle : The legislation has been introduced. Hearings have been held. AFL Gayle : Hi, Mary! :) AFA Bard : I've heard that there's going to be a grant to hook one or more school systems into Internet as a AFA Bard : pilot. Wanted more information. AFC Tooter : One school system????? AFL Gayle : Oh! Now THAT sounds good! Hadn't heard that part. Would love to see that if you AFL Gayle : find it. :) AFC Tooter : One school system. That's like the sound of one hand clapping. MaryEz : Will everybody have their own account? AFA Bard : Several, I think, Ted. I'll spread the word as soon as I find something out! AFA Bard : Yes, Mary. It'll hopefully establish a "subnet" address... it'll be Bard@Gwinnett.edu :) MaryEz : Our school shares one account among all students and teachers. Not efficient!! AFA Bard : Who funds your account, Mary? AFL Gayle : You might also look in MCM, Bard. They carry a lot of information about AFL Gayle : Internet in the Internet Cafe. MaryEz : It has been a pilot project with Yale. Next year we will have to pay $100 for the year to keep it. AFL Gayle : How will everyone in Gwinnett access it then, Bard? AFL Gayle : (Using Gwinnett as our theoretical pilot. ;) AFL Gayle : That's still dirt cheap, Mary. AFA Bard : The @gwinnett is the subnet name... each school will hopefully have their own prefix... Sandy would be AFA Bard : sweetwater@gwinnett.edu :) MaryEz : Yale has provided Guilford High School, Adams Middle School, and Baldwin Middle School with an MaryEz : account each. AFA Bard : That's GREAT, Mary! $100 is a bargain! MaryEz : There is also one account for all students. AFL Gayle : But will she access Internet via modem or LAN, WAN, what, Bard? AFA Bard : I think it'll be WAN access. The actual Internet gateway would be at the district office (under my MaryEz : There is a project underway for K-12 in surrounding towns to have their own VAX at Yale. AFA Bard : desk?) and she'd sign on from the Mac on her desk, through the WAN (leased lines from school) to AFA Bard : access Internet. AFL Gayle : Is the WAN already in place in your district? AFA Bard : Sort of.. it only speaks DOS AFL Gayle : Who would fund that proposal, Mary? MaryEz : Yale is looking for grant money. I have just heard rumors. AFL Gayle : Bard is rich. Can afford it. ;) SandyE : Since our paychecks are frozen at the measly amounts that they are, I may help Bard light the wick. AFC Leni : Did CJ have a good time? AFC Tooter : Hope so. AFA Bard : LOL! Sandy! Bard is rich, Gayle? *NOT* Only if 5.25 Apple floppies are worth their weight in AFA Bard : gold. :) AFC Tooter : Doesn't he always have a good time? AFC Leni : :-) He usually does! SandyE : Anybody read the book-Mac Online-Making the Connection by Carla Rose MaryEz : Guilford is having its second referendum on Tuesday. Say prayers that it is accepted! AFA Bard : No, Sandy.. tell! AFL Gayle : Gee, if you find a place to convert floppies to gold, I want to know about it, AFL Gayle : Bard. :) MaryEz : the budget, that is! AFC Leni : Consider them said, Mary . AFC Leni : Yes, Sandy, tell of the book, please. SandyE : Just found it at the Library. compares CompuServe Prodigy AOL GEnie and other. AFL Gayle : Tell us about it, Sandy! :) Book report time. ;) DUNMORE : Can you order it on line?Sandy AFA Bard : Does it mention AOL, Sandy? AFC Tooter : I read that section in the book store on Saturday. AFL Gayle : So, did AOL win? :) SandyE : So far, I love it...of course, that's because AOL comes out on top. I've just skimmed the chapters AFC Tooter : It complains that we have no message threading but p[raises everything else. AFL Gayle : From your public library? Who is the publisher? AFC Leni : You skimmed and put it back, Ted? MaryEz : What is message threading? AFA Bard : Ooooo... how about finding the bibliographic info and mailing it to us? AFL Gayle : I thought we have message threading now. ;))) AFC Tooter : I think it was nearly $30. I had no choice. It was not on my shoppingl ist. AFC Leni : Please, do, Sandy. Good selling point for our school districts ;-) AFC Tooter : Not quite, Gayle. AFC Leni : What a good boy, Toot! AFC Tooter : No, bought $127 worth of CD's. AFC Leni : Message threading *is* nice. SandyE : from Windcrest Books (TAB Books-division of McGraw Hill)..some of it is beginner stuff, modems baud AFL Gayle : No, bad boy, Leni. He could give us the full info. if he'd bought it. ;)) SandyE : rate etc...then it gets to the good stuff. AFC Tooter : They weren't on my shopping list either. AFC Leni : Tsk, tsk, tsk.....! MaryEz : What is message threading, please? Jedi4 : DITTO AFA Bard : $127 in CDs? Wow! Must be the Pink Floyd box set, Toot? AFC Leni : You can make an Item of each response.... AFC Tooter : Message threading are the new message boards they are installing here where you can reply to each DUNMORE : Is it like putting a needle through a modem Threading ??? AFC Tooter : message independently. AFC Leni : and then add to them in sequence, so that reponses don't get jumbled the way they are here. SandyE : Yes, folks, I got it at my Public Library. AFA Bard : Oooo... I want it next-- let me know when you return it. :) AFL Gayle : Wow! ::impressed with your public library:: :) AFC Tooter : CI$ and Prodigy are threaded. SandyE : I have a husband who buys $127 worth of CD's so I rely on the Public Library! AFA Bard : Gayle.. we can even access the card catalog from home! AFC Leni : So is Iris. SandyE : Tooter, you and Mike would be real soul mates AFC Tooter : He and I should talk, Sandy. AFL Gayle : Hrumph! Some people obviously have better public libraries than others. ;) AFC Leni : No, you shouldn't, Ted! Keep them apart, Sandy! AFC Tooter : Does he have an AOL address, Sandy? AFC Leni : Uh, oh....! AFA Bard : Like you need someone else fighting over your computer, Sandy? AFL Gayle : Uh, oh... Better delete that screen name fast, Sandy. ;) AFC Tooter : Isn't it Mike's computer? AFC Leni : Boooooo1 AFA Bard : Uh oh, Tooter.. you're playing with FIRE now.!!! AFL Gayle : Toot!!!! How DARE you say that???!!! SandyE : No, Toot, he uses mine (mostly to check his stock portfolio--which is pretty small, but he "plays" AFL Gayle : Do you ever see Mike here??? AFC Tooter : :-(((( humble apologies ;-) MaryEz : You are looking for trouble, Toot! AFC Leni : How's the shoe leather tasting? AFA Bard : ROTFL! AFC Leni : Ok, we forgive you...this time! MaryEz : My computers are my computers, no touching! SandyE : He is a database administrator. Talks to computers all day long....won't touch one at night!!!1 AFC Tooter : Lucky you. AFL Gayle : Not allowed to touch one at night, perhaps? ;) SandyE : Has loved Macs since day one. Was ultimately supportive when I wanted to go back to teaching AFA Bard : Wait until you get your Newton, Sandy. :) SandyE : in orer to do what I do now....between he and Bard, I did it! MaryEz : Hi, Wiggy, how are the black flies? They ate me alive last weekend. Still haven't recovered! AFA Bard : And BOY did we come out on the WINNING end of that deal!!!! AFC Leni : I'll bet you did, Bard :-) SandyE : <----- [[[[Bard]]]] Wigster : I have yet to see a black fly.... I am worried, though. With all the snow last winter, they are Wigster : bound to be awful. AFC Leni : brb AFA Bard : They're all waiting just outside your window for the big ambush, Jim. Beware! MaryEz : They are all down at Little Sunapee! AFL Gayle : Why does lots of snow make more black flies, Jim? SandyE : Do you all have time for me to tell you the first paragraph of the book section on PRODIGY? SandyE : It's a DOOZY AFC Tooter : Sure. GA!! MaryEz : It can't be too long!!!!! DUNMORE : Yes AFL Gayle : Go for it, Sandy! :) ::all ears:: Wigster : NO!!!!!!! Keep them away from me! Actually, I mowed the lawn shirtless, in my bermuda shorts... AFA Bard : GA! Sure! Must be all of 1/2 page! SandyE : It's not too long...here I go. Wigster : I would have noticed them if they had been here. :) SandyE : If you were to combine the retailing expertise of Sears Roebuck and the user friendliness of IBM SandyE : and try to somehjow turn these into an online servece, you might end up with something as well named SandyE : as Prodigy. "But", you say, "Sears is in trouble, and the IBM is NOT a fiendly computer". UH HUH, Now SandyE : You';re getting it. Prodigy is NOT a very intelligent service, especially not on a Mac. MaryEz : It is sooooooo slow! SandyE : Whew! Those last 4 messages were in quotes...got it? Wigster : And downright ugly. AFC Tooter : How many people here have tried Prodigy. AFC Tooter : ? MaryEz : Me AFC Tooter : And so illogical. AFA Bard : ROTFLWTIME! We all know what the Sears catalog was used for! AFA Bard : <-- tried and cancelled. DUNMORE : Me too AFL Gayle : Not I. No software for the GS. ;) Wigster : I have seen it but I have never purchased it for myself. MaryEz : cancelled too! AFC Tooter : <-- tried anmd tried to cancel, but they wouldn't cancel me. They just kept sending dunning notices. AFA Bard : They do have a great marketing campaign, though. I was glad to see AOL begin to bundle "test kits" MaryEz : Can't beat AOL, as far as I'm concerned! AFA Bard : with magazines. Remember when Prodigy began to do that? Word has it they're working with a modem AFA Bard : company, too. :) AFC Tooter : Ultimately, they had no choice as they had no address and didn't have my real name. MaryEz : You have a "real" name? SandyE : Never tried it. I started with a gem and never saw the need to try anything else. AFC Tooter : Did everyone see the MacUsers bundled with AOL (or was it MacWorld)? AFC Leni : long distance call...bye all. AFL Gayle : Yes, Mary. The one he calls his son by. ;) Wigster : You mean Tooter isn't your real name? Wigster : Macworld. AFA Bard : MacWorld. AFC Tooter : Didn't give them Tooter, Wiggy. DUNMORE : Compuserve is the worst as far as I'm concerned . You always have to paymore. MaryEz : What's in a name? SandyE : I sent an letter to MacWorld via AOL once, and it got published....see, it really works! AFC Tooter : At least CI$ has lots of services. There is no excuse for Prodigies problems. Wigster : I started out on Compuserve (there wasn't much of anything else then)... I really do like their Wigster : variety. AFA Bard : I saved that one, Sandy. :) It's nice to know someone famous that can write a complete sentence AFA Bard : and make a great point!@ SandyE : I've seen some dynamite ads for CompuServe on TV lately...nicely done. MaryEz : Have never tried C$. AFC Tooter : MNe too, Wiggy. It's the only other service I have kjept. Oh yes, and AppleLink.s AFL Gayle : CI$ was the only one around when I started modeming. SandyE : Thanks, Bard, I just reviewed my typing of the 1st para on Prodigy and I should retake keyboarding. AFA Bard : GTE was around, too, Gayle. I started modeming on that one. Talk about TOUGH to get around... to Wigster : Gayle and I are from the same generation (computing generation, that is).\ AFA Bard : send a message you had to "F-this" and "F-that" and type /S. or some such rot. AFC Tooter : Has anyone been on Genie recently? AFL Gayle : No, Bard. GEnie hadn't started when I was first modeming. It came along later. Wigster : GEnie came about about six months after I started CI$. AFL Gayle : Yes, TooT. Why do you ask? AFA Bard : Not GEnie... GTE. AFL Gayle : Never used GTE. AFC Tooter : What's it like now? How does it compare with the others? AFC Tooter : Friar tells me all his sports friends are deserting Prodigy and most are going to Genie despite his ef AFL Gayle : Really inexpensive for some areas, Toot. Bec reads the science fiction area AFC Tooter : efforts on behalf of AOL. SandyE : The book says pretty good things about GEnie (from the folks who "bring good things to life") AFL Gayle : often. It's at one rate per month. Costs to use the A2 area, though, which AFL Gayle : is my interest, of course. AFL Gayle : None of the computing areas are in the basic rate. AFC Tooter : What kind of ed things do they have going? SandyE : But, GEnie is still text based, the book claims AFL Gayle : They have an education section that's not computer specific. AFC Tooter : And, is there any menu driven front end as you can get with CI$? AFL Gayle : Right, Sandy. AFL Gayle : You can use menus, yes, Toot. AFL Gayle : It's about as "easy" to use as CI$. (Note easy is in quotes!) It's relative! SandyE : For novices who just want to access people, places and things easily...nothing could beat AOL AFC Tooter : CIS with or without Info Manager and Navagator? AFL Gayle : Is that a quote, Sandy? AFC Tooter : Definitely, Sandy. AFL Gayle : Without, TooT. I can't use those. :) AFC Tooter : You could on your laptop. SandyE : Yes, that's a quote (from me, myself and I) AFA Bard : See... I told you she could write. :) SandyE : It may also be in the book...I've just not read it thoroughly yet...just got it today. AFL Gayle : Only use my laptop for AOL, Toot. :) AFC Tooter : And she spells better than Toot tooo. AFC Tooter : and punctuates. SandyE : Bard, I'll be sure to pass it on to you as soon as I finish it. That may be AFTER school is out. AFA Bard : Great, Sandy... like anyone has time to read BEFORE school is out? Wigster : We still have 4 weeks of school left. :( AFC Tooter : Whenb does your school end, Sandy? SandyE : Right...and how's the dissertation coming? AFL Gayle : 9 student days AND counting! :) AFA Bard : How's the weather, Sandy? DUNMORE : We have 12 days like the song AFC Tooter : Ugh! Seems like we still have two months to go. AFA Bard : :0 SandyE : FOUR WEEKS! we have 12 student days--96 hours, but who's counting? Wigster : Graduation is the 19th and I start work at camp on the 20th. AFL Marty : <-- 20 days to go AFL Marty : ugh AFL Gayle : Hi, Marty! :) SandyE : Say... when do you guys start back up? AFA Bard : TWENTY days?? Marty.. wow! When do you folks START school, Christmas? AFC Tooter : About the same as Marty. Wigster : I also am dreading next weekend... the long Momorial Day weekend and I will be chaperoning the AFL Gayle : What's the topic of your dissertation, Bard? AFL Marty : I wish Wigster : senior class trip. :( AFL Marty : We start in early September. AFC Tooter : I am aching for Memorial Day weekend, Bard!! SandyE : Ah Ha, we start in mid August AFL Gayle : Sandy, we don't even THINK about starting up again yet! ;) AFL Marty : We had 3 snow days which had to be made up. AFA Bard : Factors that effect a successful technology implementation, Gayle. A qualitative study. :) SandyE : Right-O Gayle.... AFL Marty : Starting school in mid-August is heresy. AFL Gayle : No Memorial Day off here. :( Wigster : We don't have to make up our 2 snow days and we still get out on the 19th. :( AFA Bard : <-- off on Memorial Day!! SandyE : OK, Bard, now say it in English. DUNMORE : It is teacher abuse AFL Gayle : And those factors are? :) AFC Tooter : That's unAmerican, Gayle. AFA Bard : A Gayle, A Toot, A Sandy, A Marty, A Carolyn, A Wiggy.. and a dash of AOL? AFL Marty : It wouldn't be a dissertation if it was in English :) AFC Tooter : LOL!!! AFL Gayle : Yes, but it gets us out a day earlier. ;) Wigster : Ooo... with a cast like that, they should make it into a movie! AFC Tooter : I'll keep that long weekend, thanks. SandyE : Can Jane Fonda play my role? AFL Marty : (Sounds like a cast of suspects :) DUNMORE : You could call the movie A Bit of th Bytes. Wigster : <--- Wants Robert Redford playing him. AFL Gayle : What happened to A Bard? ;) AFL Marty : John Candy will probably end up playing me. AFA Bard : I want Tom Cruise to play Tooter... hmmm... Sharon Stone could play Gayle? AFC Tooter : <---- playerd by Boris Karloff. Wigster : (will probably have to settle for Michael J. Fox... He's short) AFL Gayle : Or A Brevard, since this is in dissertationese. ;) AFL Marty : (He's also younger than you, Wiggy :D) Wigster : Oooo..... And I wasn't going to be mean to you, Marty. This is war! AFL Marty : lol AFA Bard : Indeed, Gayle! Wonder if that's where the verb "to dis" came from? SandyE : WOO, Gayle--Sharon Stone! AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* AFC Tooter : Bard will be played by Frank morgan (who was Oz) AFA Bard : Rolling... AFL Gayle : It's that time you've been waiting for... the announcement of our FREE hour! AFL Marty : <-- going to be really really good to avoid Wiggy's wrath AFA Bard : (Better than the Scarecrow, Toot) AFL Gayle : First, an announcement. NO chat next week! Enjoy your Memorial Day! :) AFC Tooter : I'll be played by Toto. AFL Gayle : Now for our winner.... Wigster : Okay, Marty... I'll let you go this time... but you be good. AFL Marty : O:-) AFL Gayle : For giving us the BEST tip of the night... a wonderful book to read... our AFL Gayle : hour goes to... AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* AFC Tooter : Hooooray AFL Gayle : SandyE! :) AFA Bard : CONGRATULATIONS SANDY!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Sandy! Wigster : Yay, Sandy! AFL Marty : Hooray for Sandy DUNMORE : *Elephant*Congratulations Sandy SandyE : Hey!! Thanks...now everyone run to the library (or link up) and see if you can get it...