7/18/93 8:03:17 PM Opening "Chat Log 7/18/93" for recording. AFL Gayle : Tonight is BYOT. I hope you all have your topics. :) AFA Bard : Yes, Toot... I see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's still 8 months away! AFL Gayle : Yes, TooT. Busy Bard. ;) AFC Tooter : Congrats!! mine has been 8 months away for 20 years now. AFA Bard : Ted.. remember the LC520 article I sent you? AFL Gayle : So the major conference will be NECC in Boston? AFC Tooter : Yes. I sent it on for publication yesterday. AFA Bard : Someone- I don't know who- linked it to Apple. Someone from Calif. called to say that it'd been AFL Gayle : What are you doing this summer, Carolyn? AFA Bard : linked to over1,500 people. Now I wish I'd REALLY spent more time on it. :) AFL Gayle : Famous Bard, too, it appears. ;) AFC Tooter : I don't think it will reach quite that many people in CT. AFA Bard : Or infamous. :) AFA Bard : Are there that many people in CT? AFA Bard : :) AFL Gayle : I was thinking that but didn't say it. :) AFL Gayle : Uh oh... Better duck, Bard! AFC Tooter : There used to be that many in CT, but the economy is eending them to Atlanta where there are jobs. AFA Bard : Welcome Bob! AFC Tooter : eending = sending AFL Gayle : Hi, Bob! :) DUNMORE : Just finished teaching summer school & am working on a curriculum project. Njbob : hello .... AFA Bard : Problem is, Toot, they're all picking soybeans. :) AFA Bard : What kind of project, Carolyn? AFC Tooter : And I have nearly finished (todsay) writing the philosophy report for our upcoming accrediting visit. AFL Gayle : It's Bring Your Own Topic Night. What have you been doing this summer, Bob? AFC Tooter : Or teaching people how to pick them. AFL Gayle : "My philosophy is I want the school to be accredited." ;) DUNMORE : Science K-5 Outcomes based with varied routes for assesment. Njbob : i'm attending math seminar this summer. having fun playing with manipulatives. AFA Bard : Wow, Carolyn! You're developing outcomes or developing assessments? AFL Gayle : Sounds like fun, Bob. What's your favorite manipulative? AFA Bard : [[ Mary!]] AFL Gayle : Hi, Mary! :) It's Bring Your Own Topic night! DUNMORE : Both and we are building in a technology strand . The 5th graders will have an electronic portfolio. MaryEz : *ToTheRescue* AFA Bard : Awesome, Carolyn! Will you use Grady Profile or some other method to build the profile? AFC Tooter : It's MAry to the rescue. AFL Gayle : Wow! I like the idea of Electronic Portfolio! MaryEz : Hi everybody! DUNMORE : Hi Mary what are you rescuing? MaryEz : All of you!! AFL Gayle : Grady Profile? What is that, Bard? AFA Bard : Grady Profile is a HyperCard-based program that allows detailed archiving of student work- including MaryEz : Just got my demo from Aurbach this week. It looks good! AFA Bard : scanned images, audio and written work. AFC Tooter : Come to the CECA conf in October, Gayle, We have a session on Grady P{rofile scheduled. DUNMORE : Mostly Hyperstudio for the Mac. We like Grady but the curriculum director will use it to brow beat us AFA Bard : We're experimenting with it as part of Apple's Early Language Connections software. MaryEz : Will need a great deal of memory for large schools. AFL Gayle : Doesn't do me much good without a Mac to hyperwith, TooT. ;) AFA Bard : HS Mac, huh, Carolyn. Actually a GREAT choice! You designed your own templates? DUNMORE : Hyper with the GS and Hyperstudio Gayle AFA Bard : Yes, Mary.. close to 10 MB per student if you use all the zillions of features. AFL Gayle : How do you like, HS Mac, Carolyn? AFL Gayle : I can do that, yes, Carolyn, but it won't run the Grady Profile stack, but then AFC Tooter : If you want info on Grady Profile, try contacting DonnaC. From what I understand, she has implemented AFC Tooter : it in her school. AFL Gayle : sounds like you are creating an alternative to that for the GS. DUNMORE : I just got it last week and can't get away from it!!! AFA Bard : I like the animation features, Carolyn. Tried those yet? AFL Gayle : Great, Carolyn! The posts in Roger's message board say the HS Mac Library AFL Gayle : should be opening soon. DUNMORE : I brought some students in to try it out and they don't want to go home. AFL Gayle : LOL, Carolyn! :) DUNMORE : Yes we animated the school mascot a cute bear . DUNMORE : How do you get to Rogers bulletin board? AFL Gayle : It's right here in AED, Carolyn. AFC Tooter : Babz00 says she may switch over from HC to HS. I love it. AFL Gayle : Choose Company Support. Then Roger Wagner DUNMORE : Thanks Gayle. AFL Gayle : Or rather the A-R Companies. Then Roger Wagner Company. :) AFA Bard : Wonder if Apple plans to undate HCard? AFA Bard : LOL! undate=update AFL Gayle : undate, Bard? MaryEz : Me too! I am also going to try PEAK which is another multimedia program. AFC Tooter : Have you tried HS, Mary? AFL Gayle : Tell us about Peak, please, Mary. MaryEz : Just the demo which we got at NECC. DUNMORE : Just give us a little PEAK, please. AFL Gayle : Hi, Leni! :) AFC Leni : Hi, Gayle :-) AFL Gayle : You can tell us about HS Mac, too, Leni. :) ARubino1 : Hi, all AFA Bard : Welcome Anne! AFC Leni : I got your mailing on Friday! Thanks. AFL Gayle : What mailing, Leni? AFC Leni : Anne is producing some terrific teaching materials...sent me some info :-) AFA Bard : We're pondering Lulu. :) AFL Gayle : Great! What kinds of teaching materials, Anne? ARubino1 : What are we discussing tonite--I just got home AFL Gayle : It's Bring Your Own Topic night, Anne. Now we're ready to discuss your topic.:) AFC Tooter : Has anybody seen Adobe's Acrobat? AFA Bard : Read a review in MacUser- have you see it, Ted? DUNMORE : Give them a Blast Ann. ARubino1 : We have some elementary integrated materials that tie science and math and geography to literature. AFC Tooter : Not yet. Seems very expensive. I was also wondering if it would work in the Apple II environment. AFL Gayle : Ooohhh... Sounds good, Anne! AFC Tooter : Tell more, Anne! AFA Bard : Hmmm.. dunno, Ted. Tell us, Anne! DUNMORE : It is . The kids eat it up. Teacher made the very best way. ARubino1 : We've written a set of labs and hands-on math/geography projects keyed to the idea of a trip . AFL Gayle : Can you give us an example, Anne? What literature are you using? ARubino1 : Each one deals with a certain country, Brazil, Russia, Japan. ARubino1 : There's a long bib. of trade books to do the whole language with. ARubino1 : Idea is--get them from the library cheap--then do the hands-on stuff. AFC Leni : Tell them the publisher, Anne, so they can look for your books :-) That's what I plan to do :-) ARubino1 : Publisher is Fireworks Educational, Box 2325, Joliet, IL 60434 AFL Gayle : Title of your book? ARubino1 : There are three: Maude Visits Japan, Maude ...Brazil, Maude... Russia.Maude's a marmot,rodent schola. AFA Bard : What a great idea! A rodent scholar! LOL! AFC Tooter : What age level is this directed at, Anne? ARubino1 : They're flexible-- 1-5 are best. You pick what fits your kids. AFC Tooter : Do kids cost out their trip for the math component? ARubino1 : Yews, that's one suggestion--also do mapping and other planning. Some foreign landuage. DUNMORE : Toot you should see the study of convection currents of the Amazonusing coffee& cream. She is AFC Leni : They are pretty open ended, aren't they, Anne? DUNMORE : a genius at taking simple stuff & teaching profound lessons AFC Leni : All right, Anne! ARubino1 : Yes, Leni--very. There's more in a book than you would need to do with one grade. AFC Tooter : I'll have to look for them to pass on to our primary people. Sounds fantastic. Perhaps some AFC Tooter : opportunities for good online tie-ins. AFC Leni : Yes....they might make wonderful starting places for interactive projects, Anne :-) DUNMORE : We should have Anne as a guest presenter some time in the fall. AFA Bard : Joe & Arlo go interdisciplinary! :) ARubino1 : IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE E_MAIL ME A "paper address" Sorry my caps button was stuck. AFC Tooter : GoPerhaps do a chat on travel and curriculum. AFC Tooter : Will do. ARubino1 : Toot--that would be fun. Travel is so broadening (especially in Italy with the pasta) DUNMORE : LOL AFC Leni : All kinds of ideas :-) ARubino1 : Thanks, Leni--I hope you can make use of it. DUNMORE : Did you mention the filmstrips and the blackline masters? AFA Bard : Welcome VWhaley! AFL Gayle : Welcome, VWhaley! It's Bring Your Own Topic tonight! :) AFL Gayle : No, she didn't, Carolyn. Tell us, please, Anne. :) AFA Bard : Welcome Lasonda & Rowley- It's Bring Your Own Topic night in the Apple Ed. Forum! ARubino1 : Thanks, DUNMORE-- my 3K memory again. There are films and audio that tell the story of Maude's trip. AFC Leni : Hi, Whaley, Rowley, Lashonda :-) AFA Bard : Now Anne, if you could just get that in to HS and Quicktime... ;) ARubino1 : We ARubino1 : re thinking--looking for sources of funding. Also writing another one on Egypt. AFA Bard : Oui? DUNMORE : Givw her time she doesn't know that her Hyperstudio arrived Friday AFC Leni : Kids could make HS stacks as part of their work, Bard :-) AFC Leni : Why should Anne have all the fun? AFC Leni : :-) AFA Bard : Great idea, Leni. And incorporate some video of role-playing in QuickTime movies! DUNMORE : Because she shares with everyone ARubino1 : Distribution is the toughie--we don't fit easily into anyone's pigeonhole for curriculum. AFC Leni : Or old fashioned video production :-) LashondaS : Hi everybody! I'm a newcomer to this so be patient with please AFC Leni : Ahhhh...good point, Carolyn :-) AFC Leni : We are very patient, Lashonda :-) Welcome :-) AFL Gayle : Great, Lashonda! We are delighted to have newcomers. :) AFA Bard : Welcome, Lashonda. Where are you calling from? DUNMORE : Hi Lashonda and welcome we all started like you & we don't bite AFC Tooter : Perhaps we can get Maude to visit with us online? ARubino1 : She is a slow typist (the claws, you know)--but willing to try anything. LashondaS : I'm having a hard time getting information on literature for children. Can you help me with topic? DUNMORE : She makes a cute sound AFL Gayle : What specifically do you need to know, Lashonda? AFL Gayle : Literature for children is a rather broad topic. :) AFC Tooter : But Anne seems to be an expert. LashondaS : I need information on Caldecott honors books, the year 1964 and Newbery honor books for the year 1953. AFC Tooter : Hmmm. Not sure where one could find that. That's very specific. AFL Gayle : Charlotte's Web was a Newbery Honor in 1953. AFL Gayle : I can find it, TooT. Hang on. AFC Tooter : Shoulda known - just ask Gayle LOL AFC Leni : Gayle is a whiz at Lit. :-) AFC Tooter : It always pays to have a librarian in the crowd. AFC Leni : She KNOWS where her list of Caldecotts and Newberry's are! Impressive! LashondaS : I need to know about the media of the illustrators and their illustration. AFA Bard : She's also a media specialist extraordinaire! AFL Gayle : 1953 Newbery Honor Books... AFA Bard : Welcome Zipped! ZippedGS : howdy all AFL Gayle : Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgliesh AFC Leni : Great books!!!!! AFL Gayle : Birthdays of Freedom, V. 1 by Genevieve Foster AFC Leni : Hi, Zipped :-) ZippedGS : anyone check out my awesome paintworks animation Buzz Buzz Bee? AFL Gayle : Moccasin Trail by Eloise Jarvis McGraw LashondaS : Charlotte's Webb was the award books for that year. ZippedGS : howdy leni AFL Gayle : Red Sails to Capri by Ann Weil AFL Gayle : and Charlotte's Web by E. B. White AFA Bard : I remember Red Sails- a GREAT book! LashondaS : Do you have anything on Birthday of Freedom ZippedGS : i'll be back...i gotta check something out...brb LashondaS : I need the Red Sails as well AFL Gayle : No, Lashonda. Secret of the Andes won the award in 1953 AFL Gayle : 1964 Caldecott Honor books AFL Gayle : Swimmy by Leo Lionni AFL Gayle : All in the Morning Early illustrated by Evaline Ness AFL Gayle : Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes ill. by Philip Reed. LashondaS : I can't find anything on Philip Reed's Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes AFL Gayle : That's it. The Mother Goose has wood engravings. DUNMORE : Swimmy is wonderful and has an environmental message for all ages. AFC Leni : Lashonda, is this your lucky night, or what??? :-) AFC Leni : Hi, Susan :-) DUNMORE : Fan fare for Gayle Susan G2 : Hi! Have I missed the whole chat? AFC Tooter : Susan!!!! Long time no see. Susan G2 : Yes, I have been busy. AFL Gayle : The best children's book of all time (Yes, I'm biased ;) won the Caldecott in AFC Leni : Nope, not yet, Susan :-) AFL Gayle : 1964, Where the Wild Things are by Maurice Sendak. AFC Leni : Ohhhhhh.....a real favorite! AFC Tooter : Did you ever hear of Mickey. How he heard a racket in the night... AFC Leni : My own kids LOVED that book :-) AFL Gayle : My all time favorite, Leni. :) AFL Gayle : In the Night Kitchen, Toot. AFC Leni : LOL.....close :-) AFC Tooter : Both my kids memorized that one. Guess they got dad to memorize a bit too. LashondaS : How can I get download on Philip Reed's Mother Goose AFC Tooter : I've learned my lesson, Gayle. I'll let you answer. ARubino1 : Have any of you used The Great Kapok Tree-- Lynne Cherry. It's great for many grades as environmental AFL Gayle : Download, Lashonda? AFL Gayle : My students love The Great Kapok Tree, Anne. AFC Leni : I love that book, Anne :-) AFA Bard : I know that one, Anne. A terrific way to get 'em early. :) AFC Leni : I have all of her books....are there two or three, Gayle? AFA Bard : And don't forget Graeme Base's books-- Eleventh Hour, Anamalia, etc. Wonderful! DUNMORE : It is a real winner.Even older kids love it. LashondaS : I can't get the book from any of the libraries here but I need the information AFL Gayle : If you have them all, then you can answer your own question, Leni. :) AFL Gayle : What information do you need, Lashonda? AFC Leni : Well......does she have a daughter? Or is she the daughter of another writer, Gayle? LashondaS : Nor can find Red Sails AFL Gayle : Don't know that offhand, Leni. Try looking in Something about the Author. AFL Gayle : OK. It's time to announce the winner of our secret word contest for tonight's AFC Leni : The Lande's (WindyCreek) gave me a beautiful book about pioneers...I think it is my her daughter. AFL Gayle : chat. :) AFL Gayle : But first a commercial. :) LashondaS : I've never read the book therefore, I need to know about the book and the author and illustrator and the illustrat AFL Gayle : Be sure and join us again next week, same time, same keyword, for our chat! AFL Gayle : Our topic will be an Open Chat, so bring something to talk about. :) AFA Bard : Also.. be sure to download the "Incomplete Internet Guide" if you're dying for some easy-to-read info. AFA Bard : about the INternet. :) AFA Bard : (AED/New Files Library) AFL Gayle : Yes! Hot new files in the library from the Internet, Incomplete (but it's VERY AFC Tooter : And visit the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH) t n for fall projects. AFC Tooter : t n = to plan AFL Gayle : full of information!) Internet Guide and the Federalist Papers! AFL Gayle : Now for our winner AFL Gayle : *drumroll* AFL Gayle : ARubino1 for the word hands-on! AFC Tooter : *Fanfare* AFA Bard : Hooray for ARubino!!!!!!!! Yippppeeeeee!!!!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* ARubino1 : Thanks--whet did I win? DUNMORE : Huraaaaayyy !!!!!!:) :) AFC Leni : Yeahhhh! Huzzah!!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : A free hour will be credited to your account later this week, Anne! :) AFL Gayle : We give away a free hour every week but you must attend our chats and AFL Gayle : participate to win! :) ARubino1 : Bye-- see you next time AFC Leni : Bye, Anne :-) AFA Bard : Nite folks! We're glad you joined us! 7/18/93 9:07:05 PM Closing Log file.