File: Chat Log 11/7/93 Date: 11/7/93 Start Time: 8:03:05 PM End Time: 8:58:14 PM Participants: AFA Andy, AFA AndyW, AFA Bard, AFC SteveB, AFC Tooter, AFL Gayle, AFL Marty, Barbara764, DrDavidC, DUNMORE, Elaine 100, Gada, JanevaR, MaristR, MaryEz, Saleh44627, SheldonS4, Shiloh9996 JanevaR : HELLO AFL Gayle : I've used TurboGrade, Andy. Liked it a lot. AFA Andy : Slow node :( AFL Gayle : Hi, Bard! :) AFA Andy : I can't either one to work :( ^get AFL Gayle : What's the problem, Andy? AFA Andy : They both stop with Path Not Found Break In xxx AFL Gayle : With TurboGrade. I used it on a 3.5" disk. AFA Bard : Do you have more than one disk drive, Andy? AFL Gayle : Did you create a data disk and give it the name of the data disk at the right time? I used a subdirectory to make it easier. AFA Andy : I have an 80 meg hd, 2 5.25s, and 1 3.5. AFL Gayle : Welcome, Pierre! :) AFA Bard : Gradebook Magic requires that you pre-format a data disk and use a 5.25 or 3.5 as a data disk location AFA Andy : I'm trying to set it up to work on a IIe at school. AFA Bard : It can't be the same as your program disk, either. :( AFA Andy : Ok, I'll check on it. Thanks Bard. :) AFL Gayle : OK. Well, then, (as I vaguely recall), you need a data disk in drive 2. AFA Bard : Right-o, Gayle. On target as usual. :) Elaine 100 : Is anyone on line, working as a guidance counselor? AFA Andy : Hi Mary :) AFA Bard : [[[ Mary!! ]]] AFL Gayle : And it needs to be formatted in advance. JanevaR : HI, MARY AFA Andy : I have a degree in counseling but I'm teaching computer right now. MaryEz : Hi, boy, the node is slow tonight. AFA Andy : I'll try that, Gayle. I didn't see any docs, I'll look for those too. DrDavidC : Hey Bard ! AFA Bard : DAVE! What's new at CDC? JanevaR : Hi, Doc DrDavidC : Not much ...we loved the Bond outcome!! Elaine 100 : AFA Andy, what do you do if a child comes to you 4 -5 times a week with problems that are beyond Guid. AFL Gayle : There are docs for TurboGrade. Also, there's a chat with the author of the MaryEz : What is this, Georgia night!! AFA Bard : Me too, Dave. Any more news on new stackware from Dr. DC? AFL Gayle : program in the archives of the Transcripts library. Shiloh9996 : hi, all AFA Andy : Reffer the child to a private counselor or the county mental helth, Elaine. Elaine 100 : Hi Shiloh. AFA Bard : Howdy, Shiloh! AFA Andy : I just downloaded the chat, Gayle. Thanks ;) Shiloh9996 : what's up in here? AFA Bard : Just getting started, Shiloh. How's thing in Tennessee? DrDavidC : Roxann and I just finished a geography stack for 1st grade on Land Forms. Elaine 100 : That's what I have to do Andy, it's a shame we do not have facilities at schools to help. AFL Gayle : Open Chat tonight, Shiloh. What would you like to talk about related to education? :) Shiloh9996 : COLD!!!!!! AFA Bard : I'd love to see it, Dave! AFA Andy : I agree, Elaine. AFL Gayle : We have a FREE hour to give away tonight, but you MUST participate and you MUST stay until the end of the chat to be eligible. :) MaryEz : I just started using HyperStudio for the Mac. Nice and easy!! AFA Bard : For the rest who don't know, DrDavid C did a WONDERFUL stack dealing with basic biology AFA Andy : It's cold in Sequatchie Valley, too. Elaine 100 : Sounds good to get the free hour, thanks. AFA Bard : concepts like cells. GREAT stuff! DrDavidC : I'll send you a's pretty simple programming...we imported 12 pictures to support the concept AFL Gayle : Well, you haven't won it yet, Elaine, but good luck! :) JanevaR : Anyone here using Newton? AFA Bard : Not yet, Janeva.. you thinking about taking the plunge? MaryEz : Not yet, but maybe someday. Trying not to buy this one the first time out! @;-> JanevaR : Yes, I do Clasroom consultations and need notes. DrDavidC : Bard, do you know when the HyperStudio upgrade is due out ?? AFL Gayle : LOL, Mary! Don't want to be First on your Block this time? :) Shiloh9996 : andy who consults w/ you AFA Bard : Dave, I think it's shipping on 11/15. Evenin' Barbara! Barbara764 : Hi MaryEz : Right, I remember the 128K Mac with all the memory you would ever need!! @;-> AFA Andy : Lots of places in AL. I just moved here so I'm looking for some consulting Barbara764 : What's the topic? AFA Bard : It's an OPEN CHAT this evening, Barbara... just jump right in. DrDavidC : Wonderful...I haven't done much with mine yet. I was waiting for the enhanced version. AFA Andy : after school hours, Shiloh. AFA Bard : YOU have a Newton, David? (:: jealous! ::) AFL Gayle : Santa going to bring you one, Bard? ;) Elaine 100 : Has anyone tried a Peer Mediation or conflict resolution group at their school? AFA Bard : I wish, Gayle! DrDavidC : No, Iplayed with one at CompUSA but it was in a demo mode so I don't put much weight on its ability AFA Bard : We have several schools into conflict resolution, Elaine. Through peer-groups and training in conflict managemetn. DrDavidC : under those circumstances. AFA Bard : Tell me about your school's plan. Elaine 100 : I am trying to get one going at my school. I have only research but I would like first hand experience AFL Gayle : I think you're the first hand experience for the rest of us on that one, Elaine 100 : Right now I am doing it all, I would like to train kids to take over, esp. the problems of rumors etc. DrDavidC : Bard, why isn't the county buying a site license for HyperCard ??? AFL Gayle : Elaine. :) AFA Bard : Elaine, try visiting the ACOT area of the Electronic Schoolhouse (Keyword: ESH), you'll find some good stuff there. AFL Gayle : (Ooohhh, good question for Bard. ;) AFA Bard : Dave-- now that the bond's passed, you'll be sure we'll do some of that, too! We're looking at HyperStudio, though. Elaine 100 : Thanks Bard, I'm pretty new to AOL and I trying to figure out how to get around. AFA Bard : Anytime I can help, just yell, Elaine. :) DrDavidC : I haven't used it much since I bought it, the documentation wasn't very thorough and the're weren't any books like Danny Goodman's for HyperCard to learn from. Elaine 100 : Ok, Help, how do I find the area where I can purchase childrens books? AFA Bard : Sounds like a GAYLE question! AFL Gayle : The area to purchase books is in the Shopping section, Elaine. Can't recall AFA Bard : (Dave, there are some HS files in Roger Wagner's forum here online.) AFL Gayle : the keyword offhand specifically for the bookstore. AFA Andy : I think there is a book store in Shopping. AFL Gayle : Andy, can you help us? JanevaR : bye DrDavidC : Any specific ones ??? (ie names) AFA Andy : I believe you're right Gayle. I can't recall the bookstore keyword either, I suppose it's BOOKSTORE :) Elaine 100 : I'm looking for Dr. Suess or any other books with a message to give to middle school kids. A great one is the Giving Tree. AFL Gayle : Not sure how thorough the bookstore is. I haven't checked it for children's books. Middle school kids love all of Shel Silverstein's books. Shiloh9996 : THe Lorax AFA Andy : I haven't either, I think it's mostly computer books. Elaine 100 : I found it at one time when I was exploring but now I do not know how to get back there. They did have AFA Andy : I do too, Gayle :) AFL Gayle : Lorax is Seuss, right. Elaine 100 : The Places we go by Seuss, Yes to Lorax is Seuss. Shiloh9996 : right AFA Bard : You might try Graeme Bass' books too. They have a message. (Eleventh Hour, etc.) Elaine 100 : Any titles of Graeme Bass books? Shiloh9996 : Bev mcclary AFA Bard : I'm looking for a book about "siblings" (young ones) getting along- any suggestions? (for a 5 year old firl) firl=girl Elaine 100 : What age level for your sibling book? AFA Bard : from 5 to 7 I'd say... AFL Gayle : There's a great resource called BookFinder. It's in 3 different volumes. It's Elaine 100 : Sorry, I'm into the middle grades. However, I do use easy books to teach messages. AFL Gayle : geared specifically for reading and guidance. You look up the topic, and it Elaine 100 : Has anyone read The True Story of The Three Pigs as told by a Wolf? AFL Gayle : lists the books. Yes, Elaine. Kids LOVE it! AFA Andy : Bard, why not write and illustrate the book yourself. You could tailor exactly the way you wanted then. AFA Bard : Yes, Elaine. It's hilarious! There's a similar parady called "The New Dick & Jane" that's equally funny. AFL Gayle : Also, his newest one was a Caldecott Honor Book last year. It's mixed up fairy AFA Andy : I did that when I taught reading. AFA Bard : Nice idea, Andy, but I need it TODAY! ;) AFL Gayle : tales. AFA Andy : I did them in days. I used PrintShop to do it. AFA Bard : Didn't know you were a budding author, Andy! Elaine 100 : I tried to write a children's book, problem is trying to get it published. AFA Andy : Just very easy children's books :D AFA Bard : Hiya Carolyn!!! AFA Andy : I didn't publish, them. DUNMORE : HI All AFA Andy : I bound them so they looked nice though. Shiloh9996 : gotta go now. I'll b back AFA Andy : By Shiloh :) DrDavidC : Gotta run...see ya later Bard...nice chating with you. AFA Bard : Bye, Dave. Keep in touch! DrDavidC : You bet ! DUNMORE : Elaine why don't you contact ARubino1 @AOL she has the same interest at least you will have company. AFL Gayle : That's really a toughie, Elaine. I've had a friend who has tried to break into publishing with no luck. You have to have an agent to get anywhere, but you DUNMORE : She has published and knows some of the roops AFL Gayle : have to be published to get agent. It's an endless circle. AFA Andy : There is a Writer's special interest group here on AOL too. Elaine 100 : Gee I didn't know that. AFA Bard : You might also try the professional organizations like the NCTE, NCTM, NSTA and NSSA- they all have publishing contacts. AFA Andy : I think you can get there by using keyword ENTERTAINMENT. AFC SteveB : Hey, y'all :) AFA Andy : Hey Steve :) DUNMORE : The ImpactII project in some states is one that will allow you to publish and get paid for your AFL Gayle : Hiya, Steve! :) Elaine 100 : Then again maybe the book wasn't that good for publishing. The kids liked it, does that matter. AFA Andy : That's what matters the most, IMHO. AFA Bard : Welcome Gloria & Steve! DUNMORE : work for articles on Math and science if you do that you can get an agent. Elaine 100 : What does IMHO mean? AFA Bard : in my humble opinion AFL Gayle : IMHO=In my humble opinion AFA Andy : Thanks Bard, Gayle :) Elaine 100 : Thanks, I told you I was new to his on line. AFL Gayle : No problem, Elaine. We all were green and new at one time, too. :) AFA Bard : As a matter of fact, I discover something new online almost every day. The new TIME MAGAZINE area, for example, is wonderful! AFL Gayle : Andy, hi!:) AFA Andy : I haven't seen it yet, Bard. :/ hi Andy :) Hi Saleh! Saleh44627 : hellp evey one AFA Bard : Welcome Saleh! Help? What's the problem? AFL Gayle : What's the problem, Saleh? Saleh44627 : hi AFA Bard AFA AndyW : Hi Andy..  AFL Gayle :  AFA Bard : Toooooooooooooot!!!!! Elaine 100 : OK Gayle, what does that symbol mean? AFL Gayle : TooT! Hi! :) AFC Tooter : *Drumroll* AFA Andy : Hi Toots :D AFC Tooter : Andy. Long time no see! AFA Andy : I've been sorta busy, sorry. :/ AFL Gayle : Question for you, Toot,that was asked earlier. Do you know any educators in WA? AFC Tooter : Me too. I haven't been to a chat since my phone rates jumped. AFA Andy : Yikes! AFC Tooter : Will Oregon do? AFL Gayle : Which symbol, Elaine? You mean :) Turn your head sideways to the left. It's a smile. AFC Tooter : The only Washington teacher I knew has dropped out of AOL. AFL Gayle : Oh, well, I told the user to send you email. You were the Master Keeper of the educators list. :) You are, that is. :) AFC SteveB : :) AFA Andy : Oh, BTW, Toot, I've moved to TN ;) Elaine 100 : Where are you all from? AFL Gayle : I'm from North Carolina, Elaine. How about you? AFA Andy : Jasper, TN AFC Tooter : LOL I have 500 or 600 names, but I couldn't tell you where a quarter of them are from. DUNMORE : Illinois Elaine 100 : I am planning to be in TN over Thanksgiving. I live in Central FL AFA Andy : Dress warmly. It's cold here! AFC Tooter : A new job, Andy? AFC SteveB : brb :) AFA Andy : Yes, I'm teaching 7th and 8th grade computer, Toots. Elaine 100 : After FL anything would be cold. I'm cold at 70. AFL Gayle : Gee, TooT, you ARE behind the times. ;) AFC Tooter : Great! AFL Gayle : Welcome, Roger! :) MaristR : Hey all AFA Andy : We never got above 40 today, Elaine. AFA Bard : Welcome Sheldon... Hiya Rog!! AFA Andy : Hi Marist, Sheldon. Elaine 100 : Andy, I am going to be frozen. AFL Gayle : Brrr... Andy! And I thought it was cold here! SheldonS4 : I thought I would listen for awile AFA Andy : I bet, Elaine :) AFA Bard : You're welcome to listen, Sheldon-- jump right in if you get the urge. AFA Andy : We snow flurries last night, Gayle. AFL Gayle : We're having an Open Chat tonight, Sheldon, so jump right in with any topic related to education. AFA Andy : ^had AFL Gayle : Keep 'em there, Andy! :) AFA Andy : :) Elaine 100 : Do you close the schools in the snow? AFL Gayle : Or send 'em to Joey Schober. He loves snow. :) AFA Andy : If it's bad enough, I hear. This is my first year, so I'm not sure :) AFA AndyW : Andy, our high here was 36 today.. SheldonS4 : Right now I am doing this week's plans. The quarter ends on Friday -procrastination AFA Andy : That's about what it was here. AFL Gayle : In Cincinnati, AndyW? :) My father told me there was snow last week for the AFA AndyW : No flurries though, although they said it was possible.. AFL Gayle : Miami University game in Oxford. AFA AndyW : We had 4-6 inches of snow last saturday.. AFC Tooter : I went to visit my daughter and give a presentation in Syracuse and there was snow. Elaine 100 : We already ended our 9 week marking period. Report cards out this Tues. How are your students doing? AFA Andy : Now Sunday when I woke up it was snowing like crazy. None of stuck though :) AFL Gayle : Yikes, AndyW! :) AFC Tooter : Ugh! I have been grading papers all day for report cards due in Friday. AFL Gayle : Our report cards for the 9 weeks went out on Tues. There were a lot of unhappy AFA AndyW : None of it stuck to the streets, but it piled up elsewhere.. AFL Gayle : students, particularly freshmen, having high school shell shock. ;) We really AFA Andy : It will next time, Andy. ;) DUNMORE : We had one shovelable last Sat. & ground cover this Sat. Tomorrow they say about an in. AFL Gayle : DO fail students in high school. ;) Elaine 100 : I'm upset about the lack of motivation of the middle grade student. They do not seem to care about gra SheldonS4 : My students are doing well. All of the resource students are mainstreamed in my class Elaine 100 : grades. What to do? AFA Andy : Welcome back, Steve ;) AFL Gayle : Re-Hi, Steve. :) AFA Bard : Lack of motivation in middle schoolers? Really? Sounds like a technology transfusion is in order. ;) SheldonS4 : My students care about grades when they know their parents will see them Elaine 100 : When HW is assigned almost 3/4 do not do it. AFA Andy : It does, Bard :) AFC SteveB : re! :) AFL Gayle : Do you have many computers in your school, Elaine? Elaine 100 : What type of student do you teach Sheldon> AFC SteveB : MARTY AFA Andy : Hi Marty!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : Hi, Marty! :) AFL Marty : Hi AFC Tooter : Gayle, there are 136 names in the directory that pop up when you search for WA and teacher. Elaine 100 : Yes, we have a computer lab. But the apathy is :( SheldonS4 : I have 150 7th graders, 30 8th graders. 7th grade English, 8th grade DTP AFA Bard : The Mart-ster!!! AFL Gayle : Strangest thing, I thought, at the school where I started teaching this year. AFA Bard : Elaine, have you tried entering the SIM CITY competition? AFC Tooter : Did you make it to CECA, Marty? AFL Marty : Yes, I was there. AFL Gayle : Kids don't have to bring their report cards back signed by a parent/guardian. Elaine 100 : What is SIM City? SheldonS4 : How does the Sim City competition work? AFC Tooter : How come I didn't see you? Perhaps because I still don't know what you look like. AFA Bard : SIM CITY is a one of a suite of programs by MAXIS/BRoderbund that features real-time simulation AFA AndyW :  AFL Gayle :  AFA Andy :  AFL Marty :  AFC SteveB :  AFL Marty : The conference was fairly well attended... there were many people there. Elaine 100 : No, half the time parents are not even aware that report cards were sent home. AFA Bard : of complex problems. It's the sister program of SIM ANT, SIM EARTH and SIM LIFE. THe competition AFC Tooter : The conference was wonderfully well attended. We sold out! AFA Bard : pits school against school to create the best city. The prize- a trip to Washington DC to meet the pres. himself! Contact Broderbund for more info. Elaine 100 : What computer does SIM City run on? MaristR : I can't wait for the windows version of Sim Farm. SheldonS4 : We use Sim City in math and science AFL Marty : The chat via satellite with Senator Dodd was pretty neat. SheldonS4 : I am not sure how it's used, but it is projected on an LCD screen for the entire class to see AFC Tooter : What happened that my computer showed a bunch of these: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SheldonS4 : Line noise??? AFA Bard : Mine too, Toot. ;) AFC Tooter : I've never seen that before, but five people's messages popped up with symbols I can;t send you. AFA Bard : Ditto. AFL Gayle : It was telling you to give it a break, Toot. ;) MaristR : Bard, have you had trouble connecting in the evenings? AFC Tooter : LOL AFA Bard : A bit.. I've had to use TYMNET on occasion. Have you, Rog? Elaine 100 : I had trouble connected this evening. AFC Tooter : Things have been bad for about three weeks, but better the last two weeks than before. MaristR : Around 10 it's been almost impossible regardless of the number I use. AFL Gayle : BTW, Broderbund is online in the Industry Connection if you want to find out more about their products. AFA Bard : All our West Coast buddies, Rog. ;) Elaine 100 : Whose up at 10? With a 5:30 wake up, I'm lucky to be on now. AFC Tooter : I'm seeing many double and triple posts on the message boards which have to be deleted. MaristR : I think it's all the Prodigy refugees clogging up the system. AFA Bard : Me too, Toot. I deleted over 10 this morning. SheldonS4 : It's only 6:00pm here AFL Gayle : Hmmm... Sheldon must be one of those Left Coasters. ;) SheldonS4 : lol Well, gotta go. I have to get back to the school thing. C'ya AFA Bard : Don't bail out too soon, folks... our FREE HOUR is right around the corner! AFA Andy : Sorry, I got bumped. AFA Bard : re-hi, Andy! AFA Andy : Thanks Bard :) AFL Gayle : Better now than during your own chat, Andy. ;) AFL Marty : Hi Andy AFA Andy : I'm off tonight, Gayle :) AFA Bard : Anyone out there use MACSCHOOL in your school? Hiya Gada! Gada : hi MaristR : Bard, what's a good grading program for the Mac? Elaine 100 : I'm going to have to sign off shortly, my daughter up in #1 FSU just called. AFA Bard : Rog, I really like MAKING THE GRADE- it's the MAC big-brother to Gradebuster 1/2/3. It's wonderful! AFL Gayle : Hang on just a minute, Elaine, while I announce the free hour! :) AFA Bard : Don't leave yet, Elaine... FREE hour giveway is MINUTES away! MaristR : Thanks, one of our teachers is looking at the 185c. AFC SteveB : A grade hacking program to break into the school's DB and change grades? :D AFA Bard : A bargain right now, Rog. AFL Gayle : We have a chat every week from 8-9 pm ET. Next week our topic is School to AFA AndyW : See you all later.. AFL Gayle : School Projects with none other than AFC Tooter! :) MaristR : I don't know what the rebate is on the 185c. AFL Gayle : We give away a FREE hour every week, but you've got to be here to win! *Drumroll* Our free hour winner tonight is... Elaine 100 for the secret word, child! :)( AFA Bard : Alright ELAINE!!! (Aren't you glad you didn't leave!!!) Yea, Elaine!!!!! AFL Gayle : Congrats, Elaine! *Applause* Elaine 100 : Wow thanks. MaristR : WTG Elaine AFL Gayle : An hour will be credited to your account later this week. AFA Andy : :/ Elaine 100 : Now I need to sign off and call my daughter. It was great talking to ya all AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, Elaine! Come back again! :) AFA Bard : Tell her your online friends said hello! AFL Gayle : A log of this chat will be posted in the New Files library by tomorrow. :) AFC Tooter : I wonder if Elaine will call my daughter too. MaristR : Well, see you guys later. AFL Gayle : LOL, Toot! Did you give her the number? :) Bye, Roger! :) AFA Bard : G'nite, Folks.. from Atlanta. See you all next week- same AOL time, same AOL channel!!!! ;)