10/3/93 8:06:52 PM Opening "Chat Log 10/3/93" for recording. 4AFL Gayle : We're talking about At Risk Projects y tonight. AFL Gayle : So, Nina, what do you have planned for projects for At Risk students this AFL Gayle : year? NinaTE : This year I am trying to put some new things into the project. Still keeping the things that NinaTE : have seemed to go over well. SandyE : OOPS..she left... NinaTE : I'd like to do more with pictures and I had hoped to NinaTE : incorproate a mailing project too NinaTE : I have lots of interest from a variety of places and I'd also like BABZ001 : THe mailing project sounds great! NinaTE : to do something that cronicles the plaaces that are participating AFA Bard : Sounds like an opportunity for some HyperPostcards, Nina. NinaTE : I think it is going to be a very successful year! NinaTE : I am counting on BArb to teach this old dog some new tricks! BABZ001 : I already started Hyperstudio Mac postcards with my telecommunication Club. I'd love to do this with BABZ001 : ESP project. BABZ001 : It's so easy...simple...and kids love it! NinaTE : have you talked to my friend Scott in California? SandyE : Oh! I like the sounds of HyperStudio Mac postcards..tell me more. NinaTE : Please explain what you are doing BArb, we are fasinated SandyE : BTW, my counselors have named 3 students each (that's 9 all together) that they want to include. BABZ001 : We Xapshot the school, our favorite places in town, ourselves in the pictures and talk about them. We BABZ001 : also include a ómap of Millbury and MA and locate where Millbury is. and so on. DUNMORE : Hi All :) NinaTE : If I come out can I get a first hand "in service?" I need to get Hyper-Studio..can Tutor Tech do this BABZ001 : I'm a little worried about what the size will be but we will have silent stacks also. AFA Bard : (Hiya Carolyn!) NinaTE : Hi Carolyn! BABZ001 : I've never worked Tutor-tech but we could try it. NinaTE : I'm willing to try anything, I've got to do something new! SandyE : Hi Carolyn! AFL Gayle : You can import pictures into Tutor Tech. NinaTE : Let's get together at CECA and talk about it OK? AFL Gayle : Have to be double Hi-Res or single Hi-Res. NinaTE : Have you used it Gayle? SandyE : Silent stack?? you mean no talking, right? Or something more esoteric... AFL Gayle : Yes, Nina, a little bit. Mostly just verifying other stacks online in the TT AFL Gayle : Company Su×pport area. BABZ001 : Yes...lets do that. Silent...no sound. Yet kids love Rap'n Roll Cd and love to create their own music NinaTE : Is there a tutor Tech area in AoL? I tried to find it what is it called? AFL Gayle : It's under Company Support. It might be called TechWare rather than Tutor Tech. NinaTE : BArb, I may try to work with my 4 ESP kids and do something in Hypercard. I'm moved to give it a try AFA Bard : (Sez- Tutor Tech & Stack Exchange, Gayle. ) NinaTE : If we start out slow....who knows... AFL Gayle : AED/Company Support/Education Companies S-Z/Tutor-Tech & Stack Exchange NinaTE : Anyone else willing to do something along that line in ESP? AFL Gayle : There's a library and a discussion board. Dave Lampert who wrote TT is very AFL Gayle : good about answering questions you post. AFL Gayle : DLampert is his screen name. NinaTE : öThanks Gayle, I'll check it out SandyE : How is Tutor Tech like/unlike HyperCard and HyperStudio? NinaTE : Well, I haven't used it much, but from what I see it is the II e version of Hypercard KarenDM : I finally found people in a conference hall. What's being discussed? AFL Gayle : The biggest difference, Sandy, is you can use Tutor Tech on a //e and //c, not AFL Gayle : just a GS. AFL Gayle : At Risk Projects, Karen. NinaTE : There are buttons, you can import video and I guess Gayle said it all AFL Gayle : If you read the Tutor Tech message board, Dave has a folder about why use AFL Gayle : Tutor Tech with a comparison to HyperCard. Not sure what the folders called. AFL Gayle : It is one of the first folders (on the bottom), as I recall. SandyE : Hi Karen-- NinaTE : I'll keep looking for that board! AFL Gayle : There is also a demo disk in the Tutor Tech L ibrary, if you want to see what AFL Gayle : Tutor Tech looks like. AFA Bard : (Nina- they're info in the TUTOR TECH message base in a folder called OVERVIEW and reviews in a folder AFA Bard : called "Rave Reviews"0 same path that Gayle told ya about. ;) NinaTE : Anyway, for those of you here who will be involved in AT Risk, do you think the whole idea is worth MaristR : Bard, how was the Mac connectivety presentation? DUNMORE : Thanks Nina you have helped open doors for me and the others are holding them. I love Hyperstudio NinaTE : moving on? Do you think there will be enough people capable of some sort of "hyper" project? AFA Bard : Terrific, Rog- missed you! AFL G£ayle : I think it would be good to challenge both the kids and their teachers, Nina. AFC Tooter : Roger, Sandy, and others hidden behind the PEOPLE HERE, Hello! AFL Gayle : The only problem would be other platforms being able to see what you have SandyE : Yes, Nina--I think it will fly. I haven't met the 9 kids to be involved yet, but last year's kids AFL Gayle : created. (Platforms meaning computer platforms.) SandyE : were willing to try anything. I was amazed at the depth of feeling in their poems and alphabets NinaTE : I think we should at least try to do something, even if everyone can't. Let's talk about this NinaTE : more as we get going! SandyE : I do worry about the uploading and size of the files etc..that's all I fear...all else will be fine NinaTE : I wanted to do some "groupingø" ar at least pairing up.this would be a good project for that... NinaTE : What if we kept it simple the old KISS idea? SandyE : Yes! I think kids respond well to one on one (or two on two) etc. They "get to know" each other NinaTE : I want to do more with making the groups involved really aware that they are meeting with REAL NinaTE : kids and adults. I'm not sure we've done that in the past NinaTE : Hi Ted! Thanks so much for dropping by. I know how busy you are! AFA Bard : Nina-- what about some general guidelines (number of pics, etc.) to help folks stay sensitive to the AFA Bard : filesize issue? NinaTE : I was thinking more like one pic, to start with. I know I for onw will be a neophyte. I think I pic BABZ001 : We AFC Tooter : Hi Nina!!! :-))) I hope you got all my mail today. NinaTE : to express something....It's the something I'm not sure of. ã SandyE : I agree with Bard--If we specify max file size, we will still get the kids involved..then we could SandyE : work up to bigger and better. I like the KISS method most of all AFC Tooter : I missed the beginning. Is this all on exchanging kid pictures online? AFL Gayle : At Risk Projects, TooT. NinaTE : I also want to pair groups up for the mailing and for some sort of picture exchange either via video, NinaTE : Giff or simply photos. Depending on the pair AFC Tooter : I figured that, Gayle, was wondering about the pict exchange discussion. NinaTE : I see the "hyper stuff" as added ideas MaristR : We have Video Spicket, if we can ever get the tech to install it. AFL Gayle : TooT, we've been discussing adding a "hyper" element to the project. ;) SandyE : My kids were successful (I think) last year with sending their pics in GIF formøat. Do you remember SandyE : getting them? NinaTE : I have that too....I got another hard drive and I have to put it all together AFC Tooter : That's great!!! However, Hyper stuff is still platform specific. NinaTE : Those pictures are still on our bulletin board. That is the kind of thing I want to do more of! SandyE : But Toot, GIF is OK for everyone, right? AFC Tooter : My HyperStudio ScrapBook stacck is up to 7000K. AFC Tooter : Right. And GIF files can be VERY small. AFA Bard : SEVEN MEGS? Looks like the voice narration in three languages has got to go, Ted. ;) AFA Bard : Can't wait to see it! SandyE : That's nice Toot...what does one do with a 7000K stack (do you have to feed it daily?) AFA Bard : ROTFL NinaTE : I like the idea of Giff files and the kids were SUPER excited about getting thm. SandyE : Kids!! Heck, I love getting GIF files myself. I have a wall oæf them in my office. Kids walk by and MaristR : I can scan pictures if anyone needs them done. AFC Tooter : LOL!!! 2000K is sound. SandyE : want to know "Is THAT Tooter?" "Is THAT Arlo and Joe?" NinaTE : I just thought a few of us might also like to try out some of the hyper stuff availabe AFC Tooter : HyperStudio Mac is WONDERFUL!!!!! NinaTE : I have a scanner too...that's something else I want to do more with! AFC Tooter : So is HyperStudio GS. BABZ001 : Even in Hypercard..children's stories with voice created by student are 2-3000K. HYPERSTUDIO is TERRIF SandyE : Scanner here, three. Sounds like the GIF idea will do well. DUNMORE : Yea Toot Love Hyperstudio Mac or Gs. NinaTE : I am going to mention the Giff stuff in my next mailing The survey should be out this week AFC Tooter : Barbara, have you tried the HyperCard compression utility? It can cut thåat significantly. BABZ001 : No...Where can I get that? SandyE : HC compression? Where? How? AFC Tooter : It's on the bottom of the AUDIO PPALETTE. Try 6 to 1 compression. SandyE : Nina--I don't want to lose the "I AM" poems either. The kids loved it! BABZ001 : Thanks AFC Tooter : And it doesn't stutter the wayy my ttyping doess. AFL Gayle : (Leave off the Mac part, TooT. HyperStudio is wonderful! (period. :) BABZ001 : We usually Xapshot the kids pix and place them above poems for display. DUNMORE : Toot if you have both HC and HS can you import the copression factor to Hyperstudio? SandyE : Oh, the sound compression. I thought someone had thought of a way to stuff HC stacks. AFC Tooter : Yes, but I must say that on the Mac it gets smoother and simpler. Sorry, Gayle. AFA Bard : Welcome Gilda! NinaTE : I never intend to get rid of the I am poems. I see þ them as the building blocks of the whole project! SandyE : Nina-I couldn't agree more....almost like the Hello Letters in ScapBook USA. NinaTE : I'm just looking for ways to make the project more interesting throughout the year BABZ001 : Would like online chat like one Scrapbook party where we had real pizza, soda, chips, and good time SandyE : Yes, Online chat is always the best...after the kids have gotten to "know" each other a little. NinaTE : I've gotten letters from 16 new people over the summer, I hope we get lots of interest SandyE : One of the things I like best about AT Risk is that the number tend to be small and kids can feel more SandyE : personal about the exchanges. NinaTE : An online chat would be fun,,,Toot would hve to help me know how to keep it managable AFC Tooter : Great food graphics on the party screen of the stack, and you (Barb=ara) know what happens when you AFC Tooter : click on the hamburger. NinaTE : That's why I wanted to pari or group for part of the year..I think small is important lots of the time NinaTE : pari + pair AFC Tooter : Bard is quite expert on chats, Nina, but I can give you help. Best to run it from a Mac with macros. SandyE : yes, Nina, especially with these particular kids BABZ001 : Kids love the sounds... NinaTE : We'll talk abaout it later..there are so many ideas going on here I'm getting whiplash! AFC Tooter : and the graphics SandyE : Yes, Nina, it's called MacLash (also known as eye strain).... NinaTE : My little Classic doesn't make the sounds:( AFA Bard : Andy!!! NinaTE : At least I can't hear them AFA Andy : Hi Bard :) SandyE : It's just Tooter, blowing into a bag (sounds a lot like a firecracker though) AFC Tooter : No sounds on the classic? I thought they all had speakers. SandyE : Yes, Gayle. I hear them. My kids walk through this room and think I've gone round the bend NinaTE : I heard that! Why can't I hear the others, because I don't have them on my Mac? MaristR : I need to get some WAV files. I'm missing all the fun. NinaTE : How do I get more sounds? ûAFC Tooter : Yes, Nina, they have to be installed. All the ScrapBook sounds are available in the ScrapBook Library SandyE : I heard the CNN tag...I think there were 5 online sounds I downloaded, is that all there is? AFC Tooter : Those are the sounds we have been using here. NinaTE : OK, that's one more thing to look into! AFC Tooter : Barbara's kids made many of them. MaristR : Are the scrapbook sounds available in WAV form? Wigster : I refuse to have a butthead beep, though. BABZ001 : DO we have an applause sound. One of my kids just put an applause in at the end of his Hyperstudio st AFC Tooter : Oooops. Forgot the Ss's AFL Marty : More truth to that than you know, Toot! bAFC Tooter : LOL! AFC Tooter : Me too, Marty. Head cold time. AFL Marty : Why's that, Jim? AFC Tooter : *Aaaahchooooo* AFL Marty : Allergies here Toot AFA Andy : I saw that the other day, I din't care much for it. AFC Tooter : I have to go to meet people at the News Bureau chat. Hope to see some of you there. AFL Marty : Fortunately for me, this is my house :) MaristR : What's going on there tooter? AFL Gayle : There ya' go, Babz. :) Wigster : It is time for me to go. I've got to get to work on stuff for school tomorrow. Night all. SandyE : I didn't hear ûthe applause. Is this a new sound? BABZ001 : I don't have it. Is it in Scrapbook Library? SandyE : Gayle...is the applause a sound from somewhere? SandyE : Roger, Tooter is helping launch a new project (that's my understanding). Meeting is at 9PM in SandyE : the ESH chat room. Coming? MaristR : I may stop by for a short time. I have to be up by 5 to get to school by 7:30. NinaTE : I look at the clock and see our time is up. I think as many of us as possible should join Tooter don't NinaTE : you? SandyE : Yep...morning comes too early here also. AFL Marty : What's the project? SandyE : Yes, we should all just move this chat to ESH AFA Bard : Hang on!!!! HERE comes the FREE HOUR!!!!!!!!!!! AFL Gayle : Applause is an OLD sound. Been around for ages. SandyE : Come on over to ESH Marty and we'll find out together. AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* NinaTE : I want ot thank everone for all the new ideas. Now if  I can find the time in the day (or night) do AFL Gayle : Time to announce our free hour! NinaTE : to try them and work it out! SandyE : Gee...I'll have to check on it AFA Andy : That sounds like a proposition to me, MartMan ;) AFL Gayle : But before you run away, PLEASE listen to a brief message from your sponsor, AFL Gayle : AED! :) MaristR : At least I won't have to stay up and watch the baseball game tomorrow night. Thanks Dodgers AFL Marty : Yeah. Now all I hšave to do is find the time. AFL Gayle : Next week we have a SPECIAL guest! Mike Westerfield will be here to tell us SandyE : OK AFL Gayle : about a BRAND new program for the GS, 3D LOGO! He has prizes to give away! AFL Gayle : And AED, of course, has its free hour, as always. :) Please come! :) AFL Gayle : Our free hour winner tonight is... AFL Gayle : Babz for the word kids! :) BABZ001 : Great! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Babz! :) SandyE : Way to go. BABZ!!!! AFA Bard : Congrats to ....... BABZ! Good job!!!! NinaTE : *Wild Eep*Yea! MaristR : Baby goats? Way to go BABZ! SandyE : See you all next week. I'm sliding over to ESH now...'night all. Thanks Nina, for all you do NinaTE : On that great note I've got to say bye, I'll be in touch with all my ESP people soon! 10/3/93 9:07:32 PM Closing Log file.