File: Chat Log AED 1/9/94 Date: 1/9/94 Start Time: 8:01:40 PM End Time: 9:05:16 PM Number of participants: 13 Participants: AFC Tooter, AFL Gayle, AnneH48931, BobFrost, BWCAW, DUNMORE, Elaine 100, IIProMarty, MaristR, MaryEz, Rook2, SandyE, Susan G2 AFL Gayle : Welcome, Anne and Bob! Open Chat tonight with our customary free hour to give away to some lucky user! :) SandyE : Hi, all...Happy New Year (?) MaryEz : It is all on the east coast, Bob! BobFrost : So I here. I'd like some more up here to go skiiing on. AFC Tooter : Things are slow tonight, Bob. I think AOL is loaded with people. SandyE : Anybody know anything about the new "camera" a la Zapshot that Apple is coming out with? MaryEz : The cats around here are very busy catching mice. We seem to have a multitude of mice this winter. AFC Tooter : Can I fax it to you, Bob? AFC Tooter : They cleared out the mice before the snow came, so there's nothing fgor them to do but measure the sno snow. What is our topic tonight, Gayle? AFL Gayle : Open, Toot. (You weren't paying attention. ;) MaryEz : Sandy, what have you heard about a new camera? AFC Tooter : Oooops. Sorry. BobFrost : What's the difference between Zap and Foto +? either better? AFC Tooter : Xap doesn't exist anymore except in an expensive version. That's the chief difference. MaryEz : What is a Foto+? AFC Tooter : Fotoman has the power to digitize to the computer built in, but the reviews said the images were inferior to the old inexpensive Xapshot. SandyE : It's called Apple QuickTake 100--spring rollout, selling for $650 (ouch!) combines an optical lens with a CCD (charge-coupled device) array capable of capturing more than 20 24-bit-color images at a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels (I'm quoting MacWeek, folks) AFC Tooter : Boy, Sandy, did you write the specs? LOL!!!!\ AFL Gayle : What was the comment about Zap doesn't exist anymore..., Mary? Explain, please. MaryEz : what is a charge-coupled device? AFC Tooter : Does it digitize, or do you need something like ComputerEyes to get it into the computer? MaryEz : Xap is no longer available because it has been replaced by a higher priced ($1300) model. AFC Tooter : The old Xapshot sold for about $350, but it was discontinued last year. It's a pity. AFL Gayle : Which is called Apple QuickTake 100, the old Zap or the Foto+, Sandy? SandyE : Charged coupled device? I have no idea! AFL Gayle : Any reason for it being discontinued (other than to charge users more? :) SandyE : QuickTake 100 is something new. AFC Tooter : Not that I know of, Gayle. We have had one for over a year and love it. SandyE : Tooter--the specs I read say that you need a serial interface to download them to the Mac MaryEz : I just get used to something old, and they bring on something new. I'm too old for this!!!! AFC Tooter : All Macs have a serial interface, don't they? Or do they mean you need a digitizer that plugs to the serial port. SandyE : Me too Mary! But we are writing a grant to do Photo Journals with some of our kids and we are AFL Gayle : I was just thinking similar thoughts, Mary. I just find out about something and know what it is and then it's gone. SandyE : looking for something like Zapshot that works with the Macs SandyE : Tooter-They don't mention needing a digitizer in the blurb I read, but what do I know? Elaine 100 : It's been so long, I forgot how to get here. AFC Tooter : Fotoman was the cheapest last I looked. Call one of the mailorder companies. Rook2 : Hi- I was wondering about how to make best use of a mac in el. ed classroom AFC Tooter : Hello Elaine and Rook. Rook, are you a teacher? MaryEz : Toot, do you know if you can use a video camera with the Mac computer eyes like I can with the GS SandyE : Elaine--how warm is Florida? BobFrost : Even if pics are "inferior" how does the Foto+do overall? Rook2 : no-school board member AFC Tooter : I guess you just answered my question. I think it depends on what you're teaching, Rook. MaryEz : Rook, the Writing Center by Learning Co. is excellent with elem. kids. AFC Tooter : Elaine, I'll fax you snow when I fax it to Bob. Also HyperStudio!!!!! Rook2 : this is a software product-"writing center"? Elaine 100 : Toot, don't bother, I am freezing now at 60 MaryEz : Right, Toot. Correct, Rook. AFL Gayle : I don't want any snow, Toot! Make sure none leaks over into my mail! ;) AFC Tooter : Also, KidPix is an excellent way to work toward HyperStudio. Rook2 : thanks for suggestion-we glot Macs in eqach classroom but no software AFC Tooter : I want some of Elaine's 60 degrees. Rook2 : as yet-looking for a good place to start AFC Tooter : You must work in a school, Rook!!! MaryEz : My grandkids (4 and 7) love KidPix especially adding their voices to their pictures. BobFrost : I saw 60 ...5 months ago AFL Gayle : 60, Elaine? Send that front north a little bit to NC! It's freezing here! AFC Tooter : What do you want your kids to do, Rook? BobFrost : Isn't that the way things usually go... hardware but no support? AFC Tooter : Hello, Roger. *Welcome* Rook2 : learn to navigate directories and basic WP skills. MaristR : Hey! Rook2 : Wasn't the way I planned it Bob AFC Tooter : Writing Center is what you want, Rook. BobFrost : I'm getting 13 LCIIIs but no software. Not complaining a lot but... AFL Gayle : Rook, what software do you have? BobFrost : Hardware is the place to start Rook. AFC Tooter : KidPix is a great intro to computer paint and it is made so that every kid and every adult will go MaryEz : But, you need to have hardware to learn to use the software or else it won't go any further. Rook2 : Almpost none-just the stuff that came w/ LC 111's AFC Tooter : crazy over it. Lots of fun!!! SandyE : Rook-Navigate directories? You mean folders...don't talk PC to me, I break out in hives! AFL Gayle : And which Mac and what hardware do you have? Elaine 100 : Macs in every class. Wish we had that in our school Rook2 : I'm a PC'er-but ok folders and files AFC Tooter : HyperStudio is a color version of HyperCard or LinkWay. It is so easy kids will pick it up on their own. They will have a blast recording their voices and triggering them with buttons. Of course every file they save will halp them learn about nesting folders. Rook2 : Mac's w/ video camera set-up's. I'm not sure what we'll do with video cameras AFC Tooter : My sixth graders just discover they could animate the tongue of the giraffe they drew in HyperStudio. SandyE : Use your video cameras with HyperStudio....? AFL Gayle : You definitely need HyperStudio then, Rook! AFC Tooter : You are set. Whatever you don't want, Rook, send it my way!!! Rook2 : What sort of things does writing center do? BobFrost : Pictures with author pages EXCITE kids, Rook MaryEz : Our 5th graders make their own commercials using computer, video, music sources etc. MaryEz : Writing Center is a children's desk top publishing program. Excellent Rook2 : I think HYPERSTUDIO came w/ Mac lc iii's AFC Tooter : No, Rook, HyperCard player came with the Mac. HyperStudio is similar but made with kids in mind and Rook2 : well this gives me some ideas to reecommend to teachers MaryEz : No, that was HyperCard, Rook. HyperStudio is another program. Much better, by Roger Wagner. AFC Tooter : much more fun. Also with full color. Rook2 : they love recommendations from board members MaryEz : I wish someone from our BOE would darken the door of my lab!!! Elaine 100 : I wish our board members would give us a contract. AFL Gayle : Ah, so you're a Board member, not a teacher! Wonderful, Rook! :) MaryEz : They just keep cutting out my supply and software budget. Rook2 : Mary-start a booster clu8b w/ parents-like for athletics but for AFC Tooter : I wish I could get our BOE to look at AOL. MaristR : That's the nice thing about a private school, no board to deal with. Rook2 : technology instead. AFL Gayle : Why would you need software and supplies with computers, Mary? ;) (said ironically. :) AFC Tooter : Rook, have a look in the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH). There is plenty there for teachers at your school to chew on. AFL Gayle : I know that problem well. MaryEz : Thanks for the suggestion, Rook. I do work with the PTO. MaristR : Rook, there is also a lot over in CNN. DUNMORE : Collect al. cans and have parents hgelp or have a computer club for kids at a time parents have to Rook2 : I know-Itry to encourage them to use on line services for sup-port and info AFC Tooter : Yes, Roger, but you know I'm patial ;-) Rook2 : but they're not comfortable w computers yet DUNMORE : transport . It gets them into the building. Rook2 : want to be spoon fed MaristR : Tooter, I know you are. :-) AFL Gayle : AOL will make 'em comfortable, Rook. :) AFC Tooter : Is there a computer coord/facilitator in the school? Rook2 : Can a schoo subscribe to AOL? yes MaristR : Rook, CNN also offers special online rates for schools. Rook2 : Tooter MaryEz : Yes, Rook. AFC Tooter : Yes, Rook. CNN offers P.O. accounts. AFL Gayle : Yes, most definitely, Rook! :) Rook2 : Who do I contact? MaristR : Rook, send a note to TBS Lynn. She will tell you how to get online. Tell I sent you. AFC Tooter : The system is slow processing our answers it seems. Roger must have the fast node. Rook, call 1-800-344-6219 AFL Gayle : Welcome, Marty! :) MaristR : She has the flu so it may take a few days for her to get back to you. IIProMarty : hi took almost 5 mins to get in! MaristR : It's just that it is warm here in the south and the lines are frozen. SandyE : Roger! LOL AFL Gayle : It's not just you, Marty. ;) The whole system is slow. :( MaristR : The system has been running real slow lately. It took me 20 min. to get on last week. AFC Tooter : I know, when it gets cold the electrons get brittle and can't make the curves in the wires. BobFrost : Will fiber-optics help, Toot? IIProMarty : Maybe they should use the electrons that spin the other way. SandyE : I actually got a new message last week - " All AOL lines are busy, please call back later" I've never seen that one before, anyone? AFC Tooter : Perhaps with fiber optics Elaine can send me some of her sunshine. BobFrost : Anybody have a definitive on which is better...KidDesk or Easy Access or any MaristR : Sandy, what number to call AOL on? BobFrost : other such program? MaryEz : Me too, Sandy. AFL Gayle : I've seen that one recently, Sandy. Hadn't seen it before. AFC Tooter : We have been using At Ease and it hasworked quite well. Elaine 100 : I keep getting the message the host can not respond MaristR : At Ease is great. It has solved a lot of our problems. Do they have a windows version? IIProMarty : The host is on break :) AFC Tooter : If you wait a bit, Elaine, it often responds later, often when you don't need it anymore. BobFrost : Didn't mean Easy Access... meant At Ease sorry if i confused IIProMarty : It will respond eventually... you just have to wait. MaryEz : I know, Elaine and it's a pain when you are trying to read your mail. MaristR : Sandy, they have been really bad lately. Try the 9600 numbers. AFC Tooter : Sometimes, Marty. Sometimes you could starve waiting. Our 9600 is the busiest. BobFrost : The phone company probably lovesit. I connect through Seattle! MaryEz : AOL is growing so fast they need to add more nodes! Elaine 100 : Toot, I know what you mean, however it keep booting me out of rooms. AFL Gayle : You don't have to starve while you're waiting, Toot. :) The host doesn't care AFC Tooter : Definitely, and they need to put some of them where I can call directly. AFL Gayle : if you run off to the refrig while you're waiting. ;) MaristR : Elaine, what version of AOL software are using? AFC Tooter : Yes, Gayle, but each step is ringing in my cash register. Elaine 100 : Microphone AFL Gayle : AOL doesn't add the nodes, Mary. They're dependent upon SprintNet and Tymnet to add them. SandyE : Wait, Roger...can I call the 9600 #s??? MaristR : Sandy, I think you can and still connect at 2400. AFC Tooter : Mary, how many times have I told that to Steve Bombera at our meetings, but he still keeps complaining about AOL. SandyE : What are they, Rog? Anyone besides me use FoolProof? I love it much better than At Ease Elaine 100 : I am still contacted at 2400. MaristR : You can keyword to 9600 and get them. I can't get them unless I sign off first. MaryEz : But doesn't AOL have to pay for them, Gayle? SandyE : OK, Roger. Thanks, will try that sometime soon! AFL Gayle : Huh? You can call a 9600 baud number and get on at 2400? (Not that it's any- MaristR : Elaine, is Microphone the software you use to call AOL? AFC Tooter : You can with some modems. AFL Gayle : thing more than a theoretical question, since I don't have a 9600 baud node.) No, Roger. Everyone has to call AOL with AOL software. Elaine 100 : I think so, that's what hubby told me. I just use this, don't understand... AFL Gayle : Mary, yes, AOL pays Tymnet/SprintNet for our use. MaristR : Elaine, are you using Windows, DOS or Mac software? Elaine 100 : Mac AFC Tooter : But they don't seem to have too much control over where the nodes oare put or how many there are. MaristR : OK, I've had some problems with the windows softare similar to yours and I think I fixed it. AFL Gayle : TooT, they don't have ANY control over that, unfortunately. MaryEz : Then why couldn't they buy more nodes? It seems easy to me. AFC Tooter : That was my understanding too, Gayle. MaristR : You can always call tymnet and sprintnet 800 numbers and get the 9600 node numbers. AFC Tooter : It's not up to AOL, Mary. It's up to Sprintnet. AFL Gayle : What Toot said, Mary. AOL just pays to use the lines. AFC Tooter : AOL simply pays to use their network. MaryEz : Not if you don't have a 9600 baud modem, Roger. AFC Tooter : You can access AOL with a 2400 baud modem through the 9600 baud numbers, but you will access at 2400. BobFrost : If the host is so busy, will a higher speed make any difference? AFC Tooter : At least it works with SOME modems. I can do it with my PB modem, but not with the Supra on my desktop Mac. MaryEz : I guess I'm going to have to break down and buy a new modem! Although, life is fast enough at 2400. AFC Tooter : Actually, when the nodes are busy, the best bet is the 1200 baud numbers. MaristR : A file that takes 24 minutes to download at 2400 takes 6 at 9600. AFL Gayle : Check your nodes before you splurge, Mary. There aren't any nodes for 9600 in my area. Toot, when using a 1200 number, can you still get on at 2400 baud? AFC Tooter : Supra 14,400 LC seems to be the least expensive modem that runs at 9600. Elaine 100 : Is 9600 for Mac yet? MaristR : I recommend getting a fax modem. AFC Tooter : No. The 1200 baud nodes go no faster than 1200 baud. That's why they';re 1200 baud nodes ;-) SandyE : Beta test, Elaine... AFL Gayle : How much is the Supra, Toot? AFC Tooter : Soon, Elaine!!! :-))) AFL Gayle : Are they really worthwhile, Roger? Everything I've read said don't bother. Elaine 100 : So I still have to suffer with stuffy nodes and the host not responding> AFC Tooter : $169. You may be able to get a real 9600 baud modem for a bit less, but it is worth it, I think, to MaristR : I use my fax modem to send my lesson plans and seating charts to school when I'm sick. AFC Tooter : pay the extra $25 and get a 14,400 baud modem. Elaine 100 : Pretty good Marist. MaristR : It's cheaper to send a fax then to send a letter. MaryEz : How many of you have Fax at your schools? AFC Tooter : The supra is a fax modem, but I have never faxed with it. Not even snow to Bob. MaristR : We have both a Fax and Fax modem. Elaine 100 : We do.But I never used it. AFL Gayle : We don't, Mary. Elaine 100 : I don't think many teachers have either. AFC Tooter : There is a fax machine in the Supt's office downtown. BobFrost : School has a fax but discourages teachers using it! MaristR : Several of our teachers have fax modems at home. SandyE : We have a fax (finally) MaryEz : I won a fax machine and instead of putting it in our school it was put in the central office. AFL Gayle : Yes, but the Supt. isn't in as early as the sub will need the plans, Toot. ;) Elaine 100 : Our fax is used by the secretary. BobFrost : Almost everything is long distance for us. AFC Tooter : I wonder if when blackboards were first invented, they discouraged teachers from using chalk. MaristR : Bob, who gets to use it? AFL Gayle : Ack, Mary! You didn't have any control over placement? BobFrost : Secretaries MaryEz : Can teachers receive faxes on the school machine? Elaine 100 : Does anyone want to correspond with a typing teacher and her students? MaristR : The first year I taught the school kept the video equipment locked in the safe along with SandyE : Our teachers can receive faxes. I've gotten a few. Elaine 100 : She is looking for pen pals. MaristR : duplicating paper. BobFrost : Who faxes teachers? AFC Tooter : sure, Mary, but it will take three days for the central office to hand deliver them. SandyE : Elaine--have her join the next AOL Scrapbook exchange! MaryEz : I would like to receive faxes re: pricing on SIMMs etc. AFC Tooter : :-)))) Elaine 100 : Sandy We do not have AOL at school. SandyE : That's what I use it for, Mary...price quotes etc MaristR : We start each day with a paryer at school. The FAX machine sits right next to the PA. SandyE : OOPS, sorry Elaine, I forgot. You mean REAL pen pals...? AFC Tooter : why not just call 800 numbers, Mary and Sandy? MaristR : I set my fax modem at home to send a fax telling the person saying the prayer to hurry up. BWCAW : I cannot believe how slow AOL is! Are Genie and Delphi like this? SandyE : I do that too Tooter, sometimes they fax me stuff too MaryEz : Because my nepher who owns the chip company is always on the golf course and he gives me the best price. BWCAW : Oh -- hi, everyone :) Elaine 100 : Real pen pals...remember those days when people wrote with pen and pencil. MaryEz : Nepher = nephew MaristR : I told it send the fax right at 8:10. You could hear it the fax come on during the prayer. AFL Gayle :Sometimes Delphi and GEnie are this slow. Growing pains. AFC Tooter : BWCAW, AOL is particularly sluggish tonight. I think it is almost full to capapcity. There is also a lot of testing and big changes underway. BobFrost : With football over, everyone must be bored. AFC Tooter : If you all read the message from Stve Case, AOL has just about doubled its membership in the past year BWCAW : Just frustrating -- seems like it's usually like this. AFC Tooter : All those members are stressing the system. At the same time they are expanding for 9600 and ne new internet services. BobFrost : This is the slowest I/ve ever seen, BWCAW BWCAW : AOL's marketing was way ahead of their technical abilities, I think. Sorry, to get you off the topic. AFC Tooter : Are you a teacher, BW? SandyE : As opposed to Apple whose marketing always seems behind their tech abilities, I think BWCAW : Yes, but on sabbatical this year. AFL Gayle : No problem, BW. You're ON topic. The topic is Open tonight. :) BWCAW : Good point, Sandy. AFC Tooter : What do you teach. Lucky you! MaristR : Sabbatical? Do they still exist? BWCAW : I'm a gr. 6 teacher in Northeastern Minnesota - all areas AFL Gayle : Do you have any computers in your classroom, BW? SandyE : What special things are you doing on your sabbatical? BWCAW : Well, not really a sabbatical. I've been working in Northern Idaho (The Inland AFC Tooter : Are you new to AOL? Welcome! BWCAW : Empire) doing construction since August and am headed for Maine, I think, in a couple of weeks. MaryEz : Why, BW? BWCAW : I've been on AOL for a year or so - on and off. MaryEz : That seems to be such a diametrically opposed thing to do! BWCAW : Mary, I promised myself I'd do this after 10 years when I started teaching. It took 14 years, actually, but I've finally gotten around to it. MaryEz : Maybe we should all do that to keep from getting stressed out! BWCAW : It's been very interesting and refreshing -- also, pounding nails in the rain SandyE : Which do you like better, constructing minds or stuctures? AFC Tooter : Are you definitely going back to teaching next year? BobFrost : Stress..what STRESS!!! AFC Tooter : Mary, you are far from stressed out!!!!!! BWCAW : has made me appreciate teaching more. MaryEz : But I would be afraid my job would be gone when I got back. Toot, as you can see, I eat my stress! BWCAW : Sandy - "helping kids construct minds" :) Elaine 100 : Didn't the holidays alleviate all of our stress? AFC Tooter : LOL, Mary!@! That's good to hear, BW. When you get back to teaching, be sure to BWCAW : Tooter, yes, definitely. I really miss it, believe it or not. AFC Tooter : visit us in the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH) her on AOL. BWCAW : Oops, forgot comma -- can't do that around all these teachers Elaine 100 : I miss the classroom this year, I know what BWCAW is saying. Yet, I don't miss the grading or lesson plans. BWCAW : I'm very interested in pushing GS computers on AppleShare to the limit, BTW, if anyone is interested in that -- besides educ. MaryEz : Ah, another GS afficionado!!! BobFrost : There are just a few of us left! Susan G2 : Hi Everyone. It took me 10 minutes to get in here. SandyE : Hi Susan! BWCAW : All right, Mary! We'll have to e-talk sometime.! And Bob, too! MaryEz : I love the GS!! But I don't know what will happen when they start to fall apart!! AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* SandyE : We've all been complaining of the sluggishness tonight AFL Gayle : It's time to announce our FREE hour winner! :) Elaine 100 : I'm sluggish AFL Gayle : Our winner tonight is... Susan G2 : LOL! BobFrost : that hour will pass quickly at this rate BWCAW : Mary, I'd like to buy up a bunch of used ones just to have on hand for that AFL Gayle : Elaine for the word microphone! :) *Applause* BWCAW : Good point, Bob MaryEz : *fanfare* SandyE : Way to go Elaine! Elaine 100 : Wow, sluggish and all, I still have it in me. Susan G2 : Great!Elaine MaryEz : Bye all, got to go!! BobFrost : I still can't get those nifty sounds to work. I'll have to really work on BWCAW : Congrats, Elaine!!! :) Elaine 100 : Thanks... BobFrost : it and then see if anyone can help. BWCAW : I had meant to get here earlier, but I haven't gotten used to being 3 hours early. Susan G2 : Night all. I will try again next week. Elaine 100 : Nite all, see you next week. AFL Gayle : We meet every Sunday, BW, so come next week. :) BobFrost : Meeting next week??? or on the 23? BWCAW : Bye, I'm anxious to read the log to see what I missed. Elaine 100 : Oh I won't be here next week, day off on MOnday. AFL Gayle : Oops! Bob, you caught me! Right, none next week because of the MLK Holiday. Elaine 100 : Long weekend away.. BWCAW : Lucky! :-P) BobFrost : bye from Alaska SandyE : 'nite all...see you in two weeks. AFC Tooter : Bye, Bob. Glad to see you again.