File: Date: 6/5/94 Start Time: 7:59:00 PM End Time: 9:04:06 PM Participants: AFA Bard, AFL Gayle, BCS Frank, CNR Susan, JAGarbe, LizzyAnne, Mac4BE, MaristR, MaryEz, MaryPatC, MAX FRIS, PaulRose, RES SHARON, SandyBALL, TKD5135963, VickiW6974 AFA Bard : Hi folks! The topic is "Getting your computer ready for summer!" First one to find me at the conference gets a free hour on AOL! ;) Welcome TKD! BCS Frank : Putting the pressure on, Bard.... TKD5135963 : HELLO! NEW TO THIS! AFA Bard : Next week, by the way, we'll be LIVE from the National Education Computing Conference in Boston with our Sunday night chat! PaulRose : Describe yourself, AFA Bard. MaryPatC : I need an answer to a question about transferring files btween Microsoft Access and Word. MaryEz : After the opening reception, Bard? RES SHARON : Here I am, so close, and yet so professional days left in this contract year. BCS Frank : TKD. just wade in, after a while this place grows on you.... just type and enjoy. TKD5135963 : OKAY! MaryEz : It's the numbers I wouldn't be able to remember, TKD!! AFA Bard : Right MaryEz- you've got it. Paul-- I'll be the one wearing a badge that says "Bard" :) PaulRose : Cool. way cool! AFA Bard : Mary-- go ahead with your question.. we'll try! PaulRose : And that is all you'll be wearing? BCS Frank : -- yup, and I'll be the one not wearing a bard badgeg. :) MaryEz : I will be meeting my Internet group. About 40 of them in the corner of the ballroom. I can't wait to meet my friend from Iceland. BCS Frank : Busy corner.... :) MaryPatC : How do you transfer a file from Access to Word? AFA Bard : LOL, Paul! If the glasses don't blind you the glare off the forehead will. RES SHARON : MaryEZ, are you using a MAC? PaulRose : I get the picture. MaryEz : Yes, Sharon. Or is it RES. AFA Bard : My nickname in elementary school was carrot top, Paul. MaryEz : However, there is no top now! AFA Bard : Indeed! Only the roots remain! PaulRose : So the glow is still there even if the protein isn't. AFA Bard : Must be all this AOL usage? BCS Frank : Hmmm... lotsa greens sprouting from.... nahhhhh! AFA Bard : ROTFL, Paul! RES SHARON : I recall an extras folder that has a file for tranfering, even using a PC disk....maybe... MaryEz : LOL AFA Bard : BFrank- a problem with the metaphor I realized with horror when I turned 18. ;) PaulRose : rotfl...please explain. AFA Bard : rolling on the floor laughing RES SHARON : RES is my school PaulRose : Cool! AFA Bard : Way! MaryEz : LOL, laughing out loud. PaulRose : ditto mary AFA Bard : So, folks.. shall we get to to the topic? Welcome Mac4BE! PaulRose : 40 on the internet. WOW! How do you manage? Mac4BE : Hi AFA MaryEz : I'm so glad to be speaking to some live people tonight. Norm left for a 10 day trip out west and AFA Bard : Our topic tonight is "Getting your Computers Ready for Summer." Some folks just "turn out the lights" BCS Frank : topic? there's a topic? MaryEz : I am lonely tonight. AFA Bard : others do lots of preventative maintenance! What do YOU do???!!!! Mary-- do your computers get a summer vacation? BCS Frank : <-- just turn up the air conditioning... PaulRose : I throw the 800 out the window to see which side it lands on. MaryEz : No, they are used for summer school. I just walk out and leave them. PaulRose : Do you teach Mary? JAGarbe : <==annual clean and cover AFA Bard : How about you, JAG-- any "tips from the wise one" about what goes on at your school? MaryEz : Yes, Paul, I am retiring at the end of next year. I am the computer teacher for 5/6 gr. middle sch. RES SHARON : The computers should be used, all year 'round! BCS Frank : Agreed, Sharon RES SHARON : How else can we justify the expence? PaulRose : Do any of you have any public rooms for the general public to use during the summer? AFA Bard : Does your school system cover repairs over the summer, Sharon, Frank & Mary? MaryEz : After summer school is over, we will be doing som teacher trainer. AFA Bard : Ooppss.. sorry Paul. MaryEz : trainer = training. PaulRose : What did I do?? BCS Frank : <-- don't teach... but BCS has resource centers for trying out 'puters and software. RES SHARON : But, if there's away old files is a must, (should happen anyway) JAGarbe : I spent this last wek erasing files on disks and hard drives PaulRose : Mind rest.... MaryEz : The network has to be on for the secretary who works all summer. We keep no kid files on the fileserver. RES SHARON : ...Also, testing of all programs. A good time to dump old stuff and upgrade. BCS Frank : Good time to back up, rebuild file structures, integrate new software, pop in extra SIMMs. AFA Bard : Does anyone archive student files for more than a year? If so, how and when? MaryEz : No, I don't, Bard. We only have our kids for two years and then they go to a school with a Mac lab RES SHARON : Our kid files are on disk, except for a few that I keep, with compare and show off. MaryEz : so I recycle the disks every other year. RES SHARON : We send the disks with the files. BCS Frank : Mary... you -could- transfer the files to Mac disks. MaryEz : I have some 5.25 floppies that I have been using for 7-8 years. PaulRose : Are there more PCs or Macs out there for school use. ? JAGarbe : Me too, Mary! MaryEz : No need to Frank. Different program at the other school. PaulRose : I forgot the questions mark. AFA Bard : Paul-- that varies widely. More Macs are sold into the education market lately, but there are lots of all kinds of computers. JAGarbe : I have equal numbers of each, Paul RES SHARON : Our school is in IBM land....23 IBM's 4 NEC's, a few old apples, and one powerbook -for forty teachers! MaryEz : I don't want the computers to hear me say this, but I have had only 2 repairs on the 28 gs in 5 years. AFA Bard : one powerbook for 40 teachers?! Argh! Fabulous, Mary! Of course that has NOTHING to do with the fact that you tuck then in every night. ;) MaryEz : I don't do anything to them. Once in a while, I clean their faces. That's about it! RES SHARON : The problem with sharing, : you don't pass on the quriks you learn to the next user. AFA Bard : Welcome LizzyAnne! How about keyboards-- how do you clean then? BCS Frank : You do have a way with those GS's. :) LizzyAnne : Hi! AFA Bard : then=them! MaristR : Hey, guys. AFA Bard : Hiya Roger! We're chatting about PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE for computers... MaristR : Can that be done? RES SHARON : Keyboards....could you use a hairdryers, upside down? (Now, don't laugh...I want to try it) MaryEz : When they are very bad, I use alcohol wipes on the keyboards. JAGarbe : How DO y'all clean your keyboards-mine are filthy! BCS Frank : Marist, it had -better- be done.... :) AFA Bard : Hmm.. never thought of that, Sharon! Do those alcohol wipes really work? PaulRose : See you all later...must go..see you at the Sheraton for the blind date of the decade. AFA Bard : Later, Paul! JAGarbe : Bye, Paul BCS Frank : Sharon... use air blower, but avoid really hot air on keyboard... low melt solder could come loose. MaryEz : Someone gave my a box full so I use them. Whatever is free, I use it!! AFA Bard : (Remember folks a FREE HOUR will be given away at the end of tonight's chat!) RES SHARON : Bye, P....have a great time Hoe do you clean CD's? AFA Bard : I've heard that "canned air" works for keyboards, too. Anyone tried that? MaristR : It's expensive. BCS Frank : I've used canned air... works but sometimes you have to pull off te key caps, MaryEz : It's too expensive and doesn't last long. RES SHARON : Can you clean them...should you? MaristR : I use a regular vacuum cleaner. BCS Frank : wrap tem up in a mesh bag, run them through a wash cycle then reinstall. MaristR : Frank are you talking about the Mac or DOS machines? MaryEz : Hi, Vicki, we're talking about summer care for comptuers. RES SHARON : CD's, CD' there any hope for the skips I've got? AFA Bard : re-hi! Got dumped. :( VickiW6974 : Hello to all MaryEz : computers, that is. BCS Frank : Actually, Apple II and some Mac. Works with at least some MS-DOS boxes as well if not all. AFA Bard : Sharon-- try cleaning them with alcohol and a soft cloth. Use a straight "inside to out" motion and MaryEz : Well, people, I have to go. See you in Boston!! Can't wait!! MaristR : You can get hurt pretty bad inside a mac se. BCS Frank : .. that's if the box can be easily opened, not like Powerbook or IIc. AFA Bard : not a circular motion when cleaning. For the CD player itself, cleaning really isn't necessary. A periodic "realignment" may be necessary for proper tracking though. If you CDs skip a LOT, then BCS Frank : Marist... right, that's cause you're opening a monitor case.... a no-no. AFA Bard : that might be the problem. JAGarbe : Bye, Mary! MaristR : Keep eye out for my department chair, MaristPeg at NECC. AFA Bard : Did you let her know who'll be there, Roger? BCS Frank : One thing -not- to make part of your regular maintenance... cleaning disk drive heads. MaristR : Yes AFA Bard : (and will she be wearing a giant "I know Roger" button?) Why Frank? MaristR : She be wearing a button that says I wish I had gotten a closer hotel. BCS Frank : I've seen disk drive kits that say clean your drive daily... this is murder on disk drives. The cleaning disks, even with solution, are slightly abrasive... RES SHARON : How about using that plastic dummy disk..? BCS Frank : Use them only when you must, if then. AFA Bard : LOL,Roger! BCS Frank : Dummy disk idss very good for intended use... shipping unplugged drive. MaristR : She didn't get approval to go until last week. RES SHARON : Marist, how did she get in? The regist. date was 3 weeks ago? MaristR : She must have called or faxed it. BCS Frank : Best way to clean drives is to keep 'em clean in first place... esp. don't smoke near them. JAGarbe : Is there anything specia l one should do if they have to transport a Mac? (Specifically a llvx) MaristR : Park the hard drive. AFA Bard : Transport in a car/train/bus/planc, JAG? (Roger- the Mac automatically parks the drive on shutdown) JAGarbe : Car-how do you park the HD, Roger? BCS Frank : You -can- open drive cases and remove dust bunnies...if you're good with 'puter gizzards. JAGarbe : I thought it did, Bard AFA Bard : And Frank- how many spit-wads, pencil tops and other goodies will you find inside? We once found an entire "ace of diamonds" playing card! MaristR : How do clean finger prints off a keyboard. We had someone drop a magnet into a disk drive. BCS Frank : In drives, rarely more than a pound... in keyboards I've seen everything except dead pets. AFA Bard : LOL! Ever open a IIe that's been hermetically sealed for 12 years? Talk about dust- dust DINOSAURS! MaristR : We have problems with them switching the keys on the keyboard. JAGarbe : I thought MY kids were creative! AFA Bard : Oh Roger-- I have horror stories about some IBM's in our media center. You know the drill-- the RES SHARON : The switched key prob. is universal....why can't the industry fix that? AFA Bard : superintendent comes to visit and sees every word in the book on the home row of thekeyboards. We BCS Frank : Keypad cleaning... use moist, not wet, pad with isopropal alcohol... gently. Cotton swabs help.. AFA Bard : superglued some and replaced others. ;) BCS Frank : ..on key edges but -don't- get liquid loose between or in keyboard. MaristR : It's like boogle with the keyboard home rows. :-) JAGarbe : My kids prefer to write those words into WP dictionaries! BCS Frank : Sharon, some keyboards are much better to clean and or repair than others. AFA Bard : And-- above all-- hide those mouse trackballs!!!! They bounce REALLY well! MaristR : We had them edit the keyboarding drill text to include those words. JAGarbe : My poor fourth graders found one by accident while spell checking their limmericks! AFA Bard : Well, JAG, as one of my students once said "they ARE words and they should have put them in there already!" RES SHARON : But, we can't keep the equipment away from the kids! -all is lost, then! BCS Frank : Right Bard.... the new touchpads (no ball to loose) promise a whole new era of school computing! :) JAGarbe : LOL! AFA Bard : Yeah, Frank-- that's way cool. Our district actually STOCKS mouse balls because the students take so many. Sigh. MaristR : Next time we need a mouse ball I'll know who to call. AFA Bard : $20 each, Roger. ;) MaristR : Cheaper than a new mouse. AFA Bard : ($30 if you want the ones that bounce REALLY high!) JAGarbe : Thank God they dont come in attractive colors, huh? AFA Bard : How about printers-- anything to be done before they sail into summer? BCS Frank : You don't make students bring in their own mouse balls at the beginning of each year? RES SHARON : On our network, I believe added dict. words are particular only to your own user id. BCS Frank : Yes... printers suffer greatly from lack of care. They is moving parts, not like computers. AFA Bard : Mostly just dusting, Frank, or what? MaristR : I just wish they won't add misspelled words to the dictionary. BCS Frank : Each type of printer needs it's own type of care. JAGarbe : We're small enough to stay un-networked, Sharon RES SHARON : Are there tips to keep ribbons pliant? BCS Frank : No, some need vac, and pencil removal... then some want a -very little- lube, ... and adjustments are often in order. RES SHARON : Ajustments are ALWAYS in order! AFA Bard : The lube should be sewing machineoil, right Frank? (Not Quaker State!) BCS Frank : Sharon.. yes: 1) use new ribbons, 2) keep openned ribbons in air tight ZIP lock bags, and MaristR : In the fridge BCS Frank : 3) keep ribbons in fridge -- not freezer. RES SHARON : Zipbags....great idea! BCS Frank : Ribbons are kinda like lettuce, once opened. They "wilt." JAGarbe : I neber would have thought about the fridge- Thanks! MaristR : Since our printers don't use ribbons anymore, our fidge is filled with cokes. JAGarbe : neber=never AFA Bard : Do imagewriter ribbons have a "shelf-life"? BCS Frank : Bard, if you're not in Arctic (try 40 weight there) you want very fine machine oil.. like singer MaristR : If you keep them sealed they should last a long time. BCS Frank : sewing machine oil on cross bar in say, an ImageWriter II. RES SHARON : Imagewriter....reinks for @ $12 AFA Bard : Hiya Sandy! We're chatting about preventative maintenance on computers! I've heard not-too-pleasant things about re-inking ribbons. What do you think, Frank? MaristR : $12! You can buy them new at Office Max for $5. BCS Frank : If you use a re-inker for ribbons... have one person be your reinker expert. SandyBALL : Hi all! RES SHARON : office Max....a catalog? SandyBALL : I've reinked ribbons. It's not worth it. BCS Frank : Re-ink Apple ribbons. Re-inking -some- off brands leads to globby messes. JAGarbe : Hi, Sandy MaristR : They are a large office supply store, they do have a catalog. AFA Bard : An office "superstore", Sharon. They've also got them at Office Depot. MaristR : But they don't take purchase orders. RES SHARON : Tell me where....I'm in little ole Vermont. AFA Bard : Welcome Peter! BCS Frank : If you re-ink, remember that no ribbon lasts forever. Discard worn ribbins immediately no matter how much ink they still hold. RES SHARON : How about Staples? We've got a new one. SandyBALL : They will open an account for your school and send a bill. MaristR : They are just in the southeast. BCS Frank : A frayed ribbon can wreck havock on dot matrix head. AFA Bard : If they're an "authorized Apple dealer" they'll have 'em. MaristR : Their 800 number is 788-8080 SandyBALL : In western PA too. AFA Bard : BFrank-- you bring up another item-- cleaning the printhead. Should it be done? When? BCS Frank : Some non-Apple brands re-ink ok, but you'll have to experiment. JAGarbe : If anyone is upgrading SIMMs: I attach a pin backing to those worthless 1 MB SIMMs and give them out as computer awards BCS Frank : OK, the printhead can be cleaned, and should, but best way to to have someone already MaristR : Sorry it says they have 300 stores coast to coast. They just list the Southeastern stores on our catalog. BCS Frank : familiar show you how. There is on th eimagewriters a small plastic tab that locks in the print head mechanism... easy to break and costly to replace. JAGarbe : Those old //e wrenches make great keychains as awards, too MaristR : Anybody have problems with little magnets on the Imagewriter II falling off? BCS Frank : Once you have the head removed, pat gently with old friend isopropal alcohol. AFA Bard : Magnets, Roger-- where are those? BCS Frank : Good online source for tech advice on those IW is "QualityCom," Bill Carver. MaristR : They are on the cover. The magnet tells the printer that the cover is on or off. AFA Bard : I've had a few occasions where some of the tabs have been broken off, though. Hello Max! MAX FRIS : Hi there! What is the topic right now? AFA Bard : "Preventative Maintenance"! Any ideas? RES SHARON : need to go; "see" you next week -online -at the NECC! BCS Frank : The roller on dot matrix printers like the IW & IWII need cleaning too. MAX FRIS : UM....not at the moment. JAGarbe : Bye, Sharon MAX FRIS : But you go ahead and talk and if I see anything that wakes my brain I will chime in. BCS Frank : ... and the very smal plastic shield in front of the matrix head often needs replacing. AFA Bard : Before folks need to leave-- let's wind this up. I'd like to thank BCS Frank and all you other folks BCS Frank : Sometimes the impact head itself is too worn... needs replacing as well. AFA Bard : for your great expertise on our topic tonight. Before we award the FREE HOUR, a small "commercial...." BCS Frank : Thank you :) MAX FRIS : UGH. AFA Bard : Join us next Sunday LIVE from NECC! That's right-- we'll be "transmitting" live from the National RES SHARON : I can wait.... AFA Bard : Educational Computing Conference in Boston Mass. on Sunday night from 8-9 pm! Join us for the CNR Susan : Hi everyone...b etter late than never! AFA Bard : latest on what's up at NECC! MAX FRIS : I usually change the channel during commercials. AFA Bard : And now... it's the FREE HOUR time! (Hiya Susan!!!) Tonight's free hour goes to the first person who said tonight's secret word-- the word was "fix"- the free hour goes to..... RES SHARON!!!!!!!! Congrats, Sharon--- YOU WON!!!! Everyone SCREAM!!!!! MAX FRIS : Congratulations! JAGarbe : HOOOORAY! RES SHARON : Yippee!!! I never win anything! BCS Frank : Way to go, you did it Sharon!!! :) CNR Susan : Yaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!! MaristR : {s yee-ha!} RES SHARON : Now I can go to the the NECC, of course! AFA Bard : Your free hour will be credited within 72 hours! JAGarbe : LOL BCS Frank : Have you picked out your costume and mask yet, Sharon? : AFL Gayle : Hi, all! :) CNR Susan : Hi Gayle JAGarbe : Have fun in Boston, y'all! BCS Frank : Gayle, Hi there! :) MAX FRIS : Hi Gayle. RES SHARON : See you all online next week ;-)....costume? mmmm JAGarbe : Hi, Gayle! AFA Bard : Hiya Gayle! Just in time to clap for RES SHARON our free hour winner! RES SHARON : Thanks, all! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Sharon! :) BCS Frank : What better way for AOL'ers to get together than in a costume ball!? CNR Susan : Well next week is NECC....I can't go and hope all of you will fill me in. MaristR : *YEE-HA!* JAGarbe : Looking forward to next week- hope you all will be SOBER!!!!! ;) BCS Frank : "all?" AFL Gayle : LOL, JA! :))) RES SHARON : I'm weak with all this excitement, bed, now. MaristR : I have finals in the morning. AFA Bard : Sober, JAG? Of course! TUI (Typing under the influence) is a felony. :) CNR Susan : LOL...I'll try and make it earlier next week. MaristR : Bard, did I tell you we are getting enough new computers for two labs with a grant. CNR Susan : Night all. JAGarbe : BYE AFA Bard : Yes, Roger-- I'm VERY jealous!!! G'night JAG-- always glad to see ya online!!!! MaristR : We have to give the students 24 hour access. AFL Gayle : Off to request the free hour. Good night, all! :) MAX FRIS : 24 hours? BCS Frank : Well done, Roger! :) MAX FRIS : How is that going to work? BCS Frank : How do you staff that? MaristR : Yes, by modem. I wonder what that will do to our security. AFA Bard : Do you serve fries with that, Roger? MAX FRIS : Ohhhhh. That makes since. MaristR : Swing door here. AFA Bard : Indeed, Roger! When do the computers arrive?