Date: 5/22/94 Start Time: 7:58:56 PM End Time: 9:09:54 PM Participants: AFA Bard, AFL Gayle, JAGarbe, KEN7690362, MAI229, SandyE, SusanPITI AFA Bard : Hello & Welcome to the Apple // Education Forum! Tonight's Chat topic: Summer Projects! Here's your opportunity to share your best ideas for summer activities to keep technology in your school or district alive & growing. Welcome! AFA Bard : Our chat topic tonight is SUMMER PROJECTS in technology. Here's your chance to share ideas abou what you'll be doing this summer- or great ideas you've heard for teacher training or KEN7690362 : Why don't more kids do summer projects that are helpful to others? AFA Bard : fundraising during those summer months! Ken-- I've heard of a few doing summmer projects teaching senior citizens to use computers. Have you heard of others? KEN7690362 : I know personally that SUMMER MONEY is always a factor. I would enjoy teaching others to use computers. AFA Bard : How about starting your own consulting business, Ken? [[[ SANDY! ]]] KEN7690362 : I was just talking to someone in another room about how this is his first time on line. AFA Bard : There are many more each day, Ken! Any ideas on how we can use the SUMMER months to help more kids learn more about the info-superhighway? JAG-- how about you-- any ideas? KEN7690362 : Stop pouring computermoney into Schools, I've never gotten much use out of them. SandyE : What Ken? KEN7690362 : My home computer is much more useful because I'm teaching myself how to use it. JAGarbe : I don't understand your comment, Ken AFA Bard : You're a student, Ken? KEN7690362 : Yes I am, My dad is and my mom was a teacher. SandyE : You are fortunate to have a computer at home. For many of my students, school is the only place for them to learn about computing KEN7690362 : THe computers at a school are not easily accesible in high scool. JAGarbe : True for my students, too And until this padt Christmas, True for their teacher! SandyE : Yes, Ken, this is unfortunately true, but changing I hope. I'm in middle school and just visited the high school my 8th graders will attend next year. The lab was full, but not doing the stuff we've been doing in our middle school KEN7690362 : Exactly! SandyE : Perhaps some local summer projects could re-introduce high schoolers to the "fun" in computing AFA Bard : How might you do that, Sandy? KEN7690362 : Until kids (and adults) realize that computers are toys, to be played withuntil they work people will continue to be scared of them. SandyE : I think telecommunicating can be most educational and fun too JAGarbe : I disagree with your perspective, Ken AFA Bard : How so, Jag? KEN7690362 : How so? JAGarbe : I think people need to STOP thinkng of them as "toys" SandyE : I'm with JAG--not toys by any means, unless you also consider things like books toys also JAGarbe : Most of my students want only to play computer games KEN7690362 : When a small child reads a book he is entertained not educated that comes later JAGarbe : They don't realize the fun they can have when they take the time and initiative to use them as a real tool KEN7690362 : when an interest in reading has already been planted. SandyE : So, why can't the two go hand in hand. Why must "education" be "unentertaining"? AFL Gayle : I don't agree with that statement, Ken! Young children learn a LOT from books, JAGarbe : But first ,Ken the child must learn to READ AFL Gayle : identifying animals, colors, learning nursery rhymes, etc. No! Infants can enjoy being read to! KEN7690362 : Yes, I use my computer as a learning tool. Ilearned to use it by playing with the different aspects of it I'm not talking about computer games I'm talking about how computer skills are taught. JAGarbe : How would you like to see computers taught? What projects do you think kids should do? KEN7690362 : I would like to see intelligence respected give kids a manual, but dont force them to memorize it. AFA Bard : You have to memorize a manual? JAGarbe : Ken, are you Middle or High School aged? AFA Bard : So, Ken, you're saying use it more like they do at work, but for fun projects? KEN7690362 : As far as project this should begin with doing regular school work. I'm in highschoolGR!) AFA Bard : What, then, might the ultimate, way-cool computer project look like, Ken? KEN7690362 : Why do teachers always use computers for special projects, why not a regular essay. JAGarbe : Some kids find essays boring SandyE : They are used at my school for regular essays, telecommunicating essays, math, social studies, science KEN7690362 : I did an essay on HIgh Noon which incorporated captured video frames. SandyE : you name it--it has been used! JAGarbe : That's the kind of thng i like to do with my students, too, Ken AFA Bard : Cool, Ken! Can you tell us more? JAGarbe : But before they can do the cool stuff, they have to "memorize the manual" on how to incorporate Quicktime movies KEN7690362 : I did some pictures of the track team that analyzed form AFL Gayle : Who is requiring students to memorize the manual, Ken? Where are the computers housed? KEN7690362 : I only look into the manual when I've failed to figure something out on my own. JAGarbe : I wish ALL my students were like you, Ken KEN7690362 : Adults usually need to feel secure in what they are doing before they begin. JAGarbe : Depends what kind of learner they are, Ken KEN7690362 : For me this is like going to a lecture before learning to walk. AFL Gayle : Yes, Ken, but most adults don't want to read a computer manual, either. KEN7690362 : Why cant I just figure out how to put one foot infront of the other. JAGarbe : Some people need to see the individual blocks before they can build the pyramid... Others need to see the pyramid before they can find the blocks to build it KEN7690362 : I am blessed with a Macintosh and the blocks are right there. AFA Bard : Ken-- I'd submit that you're pretty sharp- not only because you can make a great argument, but also because you're HERE on AOL. Think how many don't have a clue. That's why I'm glad there are students like you who can teacher other students (and TEACHERS) what you know! KEN7690362 : My sister Larkin is champing at the bit to say something! JAGarbe : Hi, Larkin! AFA Bard : Hiya Larkin! KEN7690362 : Yes bard tachers need to step off the stage and take a bow sometimes. Larkin will type L: before the thing she says to avoid con fusion AFA Bard : Great idea, Ken! Is Larkin a student, too? SandyE : Go for it Larkin--what age are you? P.S. I LOVE your name! KEN7690362 : L: The only way a person learns anything is by practicing it and not having it shoved down their throats. If a stuydent is allowed to enjoy using the computer instead of being made to think that they SandyE : I agree with you L.-and the Mac makes "practicing" so much fun, don't you think? KEN7690362 : Must learn something, they will learn more as a result and also enjoy it. I'm in eighth grade. K+L yes it sure does. SandyE : I agree, Ken (and Larkin)--but some eighth graders do need to be steared in the right direction Otherwise, the "play games" syndrome rears its ugly head. KEN7690362 : That's where teachers comein. They should be providing guidance, not instruction. JAGarbe : <--Smiling with recognition SandyE : AMEN!--I've been a "facilitator" for 2 years now. I'm not a "teacher" per se. Can you two get cloned and fill my lab? KEN7690362 : Yes! AFA Bard : A Guide on the Side.. not a Sage on the Stage! KEN7690362 : There are none like us, we rule above all others. JAGarbe : You know, Ken tou might be surprised at how kany kids insist on being "spoon fed" instead of allowing me to "mentor"! AFA Bard : Re-hi MAI1229! MAI229 : I got disconnected KEN7690362 : I think that one gets used to being spoon fed, the trick is giving them their own spoon to manipulate JAGarbe : I agree SandyE : yes, Yes, YES! No one ever got independent by being allowed to continue to be dependent... KEN7690362 : The problem with public education is that we struggle to find one answer ther isn't one JAGarbe : There are MANY SandyE : Sad but true. You also have to remember that teachers struggle to do the most for as many as they can JAGarbe : As many answers as there are learners SandyE : It's hard to hit the highs, the mediums and the lows in only 8 hours a day KEN7690362 : So many infact that an hour of valuable online time is spent discussing them:-) AFA Bard : Indeed! And that online time is just the ticket to school reform - I'd say. It's empowering lots of teachers and STUDENTS to know that expectations are too low! JAGarbe : But spent well I think That's wht I sign on Amen, Bard! SandyE : Oh Oh--did Ken and Larking get bumped? JAGarbe : Bummer.... AFA Bard : Yea.. I think they did.. that's 4 tonight. :( Welcome Bertha! JAGarbe : I like their topic better than ours... AFA Bard : Me too.. of course we can continue... ;) MAI229 : What is the topic? AFA Bard : The "official" topic is Summer Projects (what to do this summer to get folks excited about using technology. But.. we wandered a bit to an equally excellent topic. ;) SandyE : I, for one, am priviledged to be teaching some elementary school teachers who will facilitate in Macintosh labs next year. AFA Bard : Hey Maribel! Welcome! SandyE : There are going to be some awesome workshops going on JAGarbe : Like? SandyE : We will be doing an 8 day training in ClarisWorks, Kid Pix, Kid Pix Companion, HyperStudio, The Writin Writing Center, Lab management, hardware trouble shooting--you name it, we're gonna try to cover it JAGarbe : Say, Sandy...Do you have the secret for getting all 99 trucks on one screen in Kid Pix? SandyE : We'll get into networks, servers, intergrating technology into the ES curriculum What do you mean--all 99 into one screen? I've had kids make slide shows with about 30 trucks-- JAGarbe : There's a way to get all of the trucks from the Slide Show in the editing screen at once so that you JAGarbe : can make quicktime movies MAI229 : We have a Mac lab that is suffering from lack of training. Where, Sandy is this training? JAGarbe : I saw it in a workshop but lost the notes on how to do it! SandyE : In Georgia.. JA--They must be very itty bitty....I've not seen this done Tell me more JAGarbe : I wish I could! I lost the notes ; ) SandyE : I'm trying to visualize all 99 trucks on a 12 inch monitor (I'm squinting) AFA Bard : RE-hi Ken & Larkin! WE missed you! KEN7690362 : Sorry Call waiting disconnected me It'll probably happen again when My dad calls! JAGarbe : You have to scroll but they're all available at once SandyE : Ken, when you're older and pay the phone bills, you can bypass call waiting and drive your kids crazy KEN7690362 : I guess th converstion broke down without us! SandyE : JA--have you called Broderbund? Yes, Ken---we just had to perservere without you two--welcome back AFA Bard : Or.. use keyword: BRODERBUND here online to ask your question! KEN7690362 : However this offers a symbolic point JAGarbe : No, I fear they'll make me pay the $20.00 to buy the extra animation manual KEN7690362 : At school valuable learning is broken into one hour increments. You can't spend the time needed to really acomplish something. JAGarbe : We're going to "block" times next year for that reason AFA Bard : Right Ken (or is it Larkin?) The way the school day is organized is just one reform that's badly SandyE : Ken-does your high school offer independent study to students? AFA Bard : needed. SusanPITI : Ken, what grade are you teaching? AFA Bard : Welcome BChips! KEN7690362 : I'm on block scheduling, Suasan I'm in 10th grade Block scheduling just mesns that you are more dissapointed when a fun class is over. SusanPITI : Although I'm a fourth grade teacher, I'm also involved with training teachers in ITI KEN7690362 : Most of my classes aren't fun anyway. SandyE : How does your "block" scheduling work? AFA Bard : (*Just a reminder, folks, a FREE HOUR will be awarded at the end of the chat!*) SandyE : Susan--what's ITI? SusanPITI : (integrated Thematic Instruction). We're just starting to get into high schools. KEN7690362 : Monday I have all periods, other days alternate odd and even. SusanPITI : We teach all subjects through one major concept and theme throughout the school year I am able to spend as much time as I need on a concept until the children fully understand KEN7690362 : Zero period is every day and my zero class is ahead of that tacher's other classes SandyE : We call it Interdisciplinary and we do that in our middle schools SusanPITI : We(as teachers) have decided to choose what's important and what to teach. Actually its KEN7690362 : Inter disciplinary is cool because the other teachers know how much home work you've already got SusanPITI : more than interdisciplinary...because all of the teachers involved might work on one theme SandyE : Exactly, Ken, team teaching allows much interaction and communication--we like it KEN7690362 : We have the one theme thing in our middle schools, but SusanPITI : It also has to be "real-life" and offer "being there" experiences. It's based on Bloom's taxonomy, Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, McLean's Triune Brain, and brain research KEN7690362 : Sometimes teachers try new things they learn and it doesn't work out SusanPITI : The concept is actually the most important idea while the theme pulls in the curriculum KEN7690362 : We've had block schedule for one year and the teachers are probably going to vote it down for next yea SusanPITI : I agree...but I also feel that a person has to stick with something new and give it a fair chance KEN7690362 : r JAGarbe : How do your parents respond to this way of teaching, Susan? KEN7690362 : I think that teachers like you are the ones who it works for SusanPITI : If you have a chance, read ITI: The Model, by Susan Kovalik..This is how my classroom looks. KEN7690362 : I dont think that schools/districts should dictate the way teachers teach. SusanPITI : The parents LOVE it because all of the children are gifted and talented when you teach AFA Bard : In general, I'd agree Ken, but all teachers aren't super creative and talented any more than all SusanPITI : and encourage multiple intelligences. Our school population has increased from 160 to AFA Bard : musicians are. ;) Some need more guidance. SusanPITI : 325(approx) since we began five years ago SandyE : My school has 1550 student this year and over 1600 projected for next year. That's a a lot of intelligences running around KEN7690362 : Yes but if a teacher is sub-standard the kid s can't stop buying the record!;-) SusanPITI : Schools traditionally have emphasized verbal-linguistic and mathematical-logical but many AFA Bard : ROTFL, Ken! Well said! SusanPITI : children do not have those as strengths JAGarbe : Some of these buzzwords need explaining.."multiple intelligences"? KEN7690362 : Expand ROTFL please AFA Bard : ROTFL- rolling on the floor, laughing. ;) KEN7690362 : We have multiple personalities;---) SusanPITI : Gardner, Project Zero, Harvard, multiple intelligences, so far, but expect to AFA Bard : LOL! SusanPITI : find more discover more AFA Bard : OK folks... ready to see who wins the FREE HOUR? KEN7690362 : Laughing out loud! I'm getting this lingo now! AFA Bard : OK.. first a small commercial... Join us next week same AOL time, same AOL channel for another great chat! Tonight's conference JAGarbe : Hurry... the Menendez Brothers are on CBS...;) AFA Bard : was great evidence of what creative (and intelligent) folks we have online here! Tonight we're going to BREAK TRADITION and award TWO free hours (thanks to AFL GAyle!) The free hour is awarded to a participant who JAGarbe : THanks, Gayle! AFA Bard : says the "secret word" in context during our chat. Tonight's FREE HOUR goes to TWO active participant who we're glad to welcome to our chat.. KEN7690352 for the word "access" (or, in this case "accessible") and his sister LARKIN (we'll credit both hours to JAGarbe : HURRAH!!!!! AFA Bard : Ken on the condition that Larkin uses one!) THANKS for your participation, Ken & Larkin!!!! SusanPITI : Congrats KEN7690352 and Larkin SandyE : Way to go Ken and Larkin! AFA Bard : Everybody SCREAM!!!! yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEN7690362 : Thank you so much everyone this has been fun and edu JAGarbe : WOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! AFA Bard : And hang in there JAG.. next week might be YOUR lucky time!!! :) SusanPITI : YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : A log of this chat will be posted in AED New Files after editing. JAGarbe : Happy to be aboard...! SandyE : Way to go, everyone! Have a good evening and great week! AFA Bard : Folks have a GREAT week (pray for SUMMER!) See you NEXT week! Thanks for joining us! SusanPITI : Bye, see you next week. JAGarbe : Ciao, all! SusanPITI : I really enjoyed using my free hour from last week:) KEN7690362 : Bye from K+L AFA Bard : Susan... lightning can strike TWICE here on AOL-- we're always looking for great people to win free hours! G'night K & L! AFL Gayle : So who do you think the Mom was, Bard? AFA Bard : Dunno, Gayle... I think she was piloting from behind K & L. ;) AFL Gayle : Ah, I see. Well, off to put in the free hours request. Good night! :) AFA Bard : Well- I'm off to plan the week! See you folks online!!