1/12/92 8:00:56 PM Opening "Chat Log 1/12/92" for recording. SPECIAL GUEST: From Moscow.... Economist Yunir S. Mangutov AFL Gayle : OK. Let's get started! TooT found us a last minute guest yesterday. I'd like Teachr CHM : Hi AFL Gayle : to welcome Yunir, who came all of the way from Moscow to chat with us! (Well, YunirNToot : Hi CHM. AFL Gayle : he came for other reasons, too. :) Teachr CHM : Hi Yunir AFL Gayle : A great big AED *Welcome* to Yunir! :) Teachr CHM : Hi Toot LavonneS : Welcome Yunir AFL Gayle : Toot is with Yunir, so Toot and Yunir will be speaking from the special AFL Gayle : YunirNToot name. We also have our special Bering Bridge consultant, AFC RRJoe, AFL Gayle : who has late breaking news from Georgia (as in Russia.) AFA Bard : (Welcome Alex - we're just getting started!) Teachr CHM : No, as in Georgia!! AFL Gayle : Oops, right, CHM. I meant as in not the GA in the US that Bard is in. :) ZinaV8 : RR Joe are you in Atlanta? Teachr CHM : Ahhh... AFC RRJoe : I spoke to a friend in Tbilisi last night. AFL Gayle : We have one free nonprime time hour to give away to the guest who says the AFL Gayle : secret word. You must say it in the context of the chat and stay until the end AFA Bard : <-- in suburb of Atlanta. :)) AFL Gayle : of the chat to be eligible to win. Without further ado, TooT; the floor is AFA Bard : Welcome Marty! AFL Gayle : yours and Yuni's. :) AFL Marty : Hello :) YunirNToot : ************WELCOME************* *Drum Roll Start* AFL Gayle : Welcome, Marty! Thanks for making time to come. :) YunirNToot : **********\*******Drum Roll Start********/********** YunirNToot : ***********\***Rooster*Crowing*LOUDLY **/*********** YunirNToot : Before I introduce our guests, I'd like to say a few words about online links. There are many YunirNToot : opportunities for making online class links on AO. If you have an idea you'd like to get going, YunirNToot : or you are looking for other people to develop a project with, YunirNToot : the best place is the YunirNToot : LOOKING TO LINK--SCHOOL TO SCHOOL board. YunirNToot : This board can be reached either through the Ed Connection in either of the Ed Forums, or YunirNToot : through the Electronic SchoolHouse. YunirNToot : the simplest way to get there is by using keyword ESH. YunirNToot : Big changes in ESH are being planned now, and it is our hope to soon provide a new expanded YunirNToot : ESH that offers opportunities for global links such as the one my school is engaged in right now. YunirNToot : More about that in a moment. YunirNToot : This week in ESH we will begin the 4th ScrapBookUSA Writing Exchange of the YunirNToot : 1991/92 school year. I'm happy to answer questions about that link tonight. YunirNToot : Basically, this Thursday, January 16th, each participating class will begin the 8 week YunirNToot : curriculum by posting a single HELLO LETTER signed by all members of the class. For more info, YunirNToot : visit ESH, send me e-mail, and ask plenty of questions. YunirNToot : Tonight, we have two special guests who will offer a global view of class links. YunirNToot : Visiting my school district from Moscow is Yunir S. Mangutov. Yunir is an economist and YunirNToot : business consultant. He has studied at Moscow State Institute of International Relations and YunirNToot : has a PhD from the USSR Academy of Sciences and has worked as a researcher at the YunirNToot : INFORMELECTRO Research Institute. YunirNToot : He is currently the managing director of UNICOR a research and consulting firm YunirNToot : specializing in foreign economic relations. YunirNToot : He is visiting my school district for a week on his way to an internship with the YunirNToot : Vermont State Legislature. He will then be returning to Moscow. YunirNToot : Yunir is one of at least three visitors who will be in my school district this year. YunirNToot : In two weeks we will host Mary Madej, a Hungarian teacher of English Literature who will be YunirNToot : returning from her internship in Vermont, and in March we hope to host Natalya Sjomkina, YunirNToot : a teacher from Ryazin, Russia, for a month. YunirNToot : All of these visitors are in our district to work with classes and talk with students. YunirNToot : Their visits have been arranged by Lisa Smith (LisaS4) who will soon be YunirNToot : opening a special area in ESH to help serve you with global links of all kinds. YunirNToot : Lisa is a regular visitor to Russia and the east and gives us the benefit of her many YunirNToot : contacts there. Without any further comments, let me open the floor. We will take YunirNToot : questions on all aspects of classroom links, but this is a special opportunity to YunirNToot : Lisa and Yunir about their experiences and programs. YunirNToot : Kindly take turns in asking questions, and go slowly; it may take us a few moments YunirNToot : to put our thoughts together in English: *and the fight goes on* YunirNToot : GA YunirNToot : Lisa just called on my other phone and will be here right away. AFL Gayle : Before we have questions, Joe, would you like to tell us the news you have AFL Gayle : heard? AFC RRJoe : Briefly, AFC RRJoe : I called an English speaking librarian for the Georgian State Library, AFC RRJoe : The news is that we have more news on CNN (and AO NewsWatch) than she does. AFC RRJoe : She asked me what was going on. Rustivili Avenue is wasted, but some how AFC RRJoe : the Georgian State Library building was left untouched. All are staying in their AFC RRJoe : r homes, and fighting is feared to be close at hand, more fighting that is. LisaS4 : Greetings Yunir and toot! Welcome to America Yunir, good to talk to you this morning!!! AFA Bard : Welcome Lisa, Thelma! Rehi Alex. Teachr CHM : Welcome Lisa LisaS4 : Hi AFA Bard! AFC RRJoe : So, after 2-3 weeks the phones are open again. That's it. More to come LisaS4 : hi Teachr CHM and RR JOE! Teachr CHM : The road to democracy is a long tough road with many pitfalls!! YunirNToot : Lisa, you missed the wonderful intro I gave you and Yunir. LisaS4 : sorry toot, I had a little trouble locating you. Glad to finally be here though..... AFL Gayle : I'd also like to extend a special welcome to AlexCatson, Oles Kozhukhov, a AFL Gayle : System Programmer. Where were you from in the ex-Soviet Union, Oleg? AFL Gayle : We're delighted you stopped by to chat with us. Now, questions for Yunir! The AFL Gayle : floor is open! :) Teachr CHM : I have a question to start it off. AlexCatson : I'm from Kharkov, Ukraine YunirNToot : Or for Lisa about the programs she can offer. It is because of her that Yunir is here. AFL Gayle : Thanks, Oleg. YunirNToot : Go ahead CHM. AFL Gayle : Right. Or for Joe about Bering Bridge or for Toot about School to School AFL Gayle : Projects and ScrapBook. Teachr CHM : What are your thoughts, Yunir, on what must be done to improve the distribution and production in Russia? Teachr CHM : And is the Black market implicated in this problem? AFL Gayle : Great question, Ralph! :) YunirNToot : Translating!!! AlexCatson : What do you think about business opportunities for US firms on the new-born market in the ex-USSR YunirNToot : One of the main things necessary is to make good conditions for all to produce goods and services. YunirNToot : First... AlexCatson : Especially in computing/software development YunirNToot : taxation... ZinaV8 : Toot, is your program restricted to any grade levels? AFL Gayle : No, Zina. In fact, we have adult literacy students involved, too. YunirNToot : must be reduced up to 3% or 5% per person. AFA Bard : What are taxes now? YunirNToot : 3- 5% per each company. Teachr CHM : I agree in order to free the money flow. LisaS4 : AlexCatson, are you interested in software development in Russia? If so, I have some great ZinaV8 : Our elementary school has a school in Tbilisi that is tough on communication YunirNToot : I'll take your question in a minute, Zina. LisaS4 : Russian programmers I'm looking to help....start a joint venture in this area. YunirNToot : Taxes now are 32% on profit. Teachr CHM : That is WAY to much!!! Svetlana : AlexCatson : Actually I'm Russian myself. I worked as systems programmer for a private firm in Kharkov, Ukraine. LisaS4 : Problem seems that the government is flat broke though, which makes it necessary from their view to Teachr CHM : oops to=too LisaS4 : keep taxes high.... YunirNToot : Zina, ScrapBookers are usually grade 3 through college or even adults. YunirNToot : All are welcome to join, Zina, even individuals. ZinaV8 : Thanks,Toot AlexCatson : Our firm and our colleagues are looking for opportunities to cooperate with foreign businessmen Teachr CHM : The reason that I asked that question is because it appears to me that the distribution of goods is possibly... Teachr CHM : being hampered by the former bureaucratic system that must still be in place in Russia and the entire Commonwealth RagenT : After the initial euphoria of "freedom", how are the people's spirits? YunirNToot : To Lisa, the number of entrepreneurs will be too few if the taxes remain so high and there will be YunirNToot : monopolies. Teachr CHM : That bureaucratic system must be radically dismantled and replaced with a free flow system. BCS Frank : Hmm... we have entrepreneurs here with a 33% tax rate. YunirNToot : To CHM, Yes, what you say is true. LisaS4 : yes, I agree Yunir. I was just making the comment about taxes and why they are high from the govt's LisaS4 : point of view Teachr CHM : When you change that top heavy system then that will be a long way to changing the problem. YunirNToot : The whole bureaucratic system and individuals with special interests hamper distribution. Teachr CHM : I saw a piece on TV two nights ago that spoke of a milk farm in the same village where milk shortages were prevail YunirNToot : Spirits are rather low right now, Ragen. YunirNToot : It is necessary to do something to start realizing reforms immediately. LavonneS : Do people have the income to buy necessities with prices rising so fast? YunirNToot : So that people support Yeltsin. AFA Bard : Are the Russian people aware that things aren't going so well with the US economy right now? Teachr CHM : A bureaucracy will turn inward trying to protect itself, so it will not be easy but it must happen!! RagenT : Or people will be more disillusioned. YunirNToot : The node is slow. Svetlana : Soviet/American Science conference. I met some wonderful teachers. What emphasis is the new YunirNToot : Yes, people are aware of problems with the U.S. economy. MaryEz : There were large protests today in Moscow with the old guard showing pictures of Lenin and the ZinaV8 : To Yunir, I hear employees of Pizza and Macdonald's are happier than most, true MaryEz : old flag flying. :( Teachr CHM : This is what scares me, that the old guard (old line Marxist-liniists) will try a counter-revolution to Teachr CHM : re-install the old guard. If the goods are not moved to the people faster, then the pressure will increase. YunirNToot : I don't know the number of protesters in Moscow, but I know that this action was prepared before I left YunirNToot : t for my visit to the USA on Jan.12th, I suppose, by former party bureaucrats and YunirNToot : conservatives. YunirNToot : conservatives who are against radical reforms in Russia. BCS Frank : Yunir, I'd like to follow up some of these ideas with you... where can I YunirNToot : Don't know about MacDonald's and Pizza Hut employees. Teachr CHM : The Communist Party may not control the legislature, but unfortunately they still seem to control the bureaucracy BCS Frank : get in touch with you after tonight's chat? LisaS4 : I talked to some McDonalds employees when I was in Moscow last Oct. and they liked working there, yes. YunirNToot : Frank, you can call my house if we set a time in advance (Toot). AFA Bard : Yunir, do you have access to CNN in Moscow? LisaS4 : McDonalds employees said they were paid 800 rubles per month - then more than 4x what engineers are Pd. YunirNToot : Yes, we get CNN in Moscow, I think. Definitely BBC. AFC RRJoe : Q: Do you see the Russian Orthodox Church as coming back in full, as a power, Teachr CHM : What about the possibility; of the goods of production being detoured to the Black Market. Is this possible,Yunir? LisaS4 : Gee AFA Bard, I've gotten lucky in Moscow myself with CNN. My friend has an antenna and I watch it LisaS4 : regularly when I'm in Moscow.... AFC RRJoe : as a good power or too strong, and what of other forms of Christianity, and the AFA Bard : Do you see the CNN coverage as objective? AFC RRJoe : influence they weld, especially from the West? YunirNToot : Yes, the Church will regain power. LisaS4 : I like CNN myself. Actually in Moscow its a combo of Headline News and CNN International. Yes, I see YunirNToot : Not sure if CNN is in Moscow. LisaS4 : it as fairly objective. AFC RRJoe : Will the Church in power be good? It wasn't always so good there, something of YunirNToot : I don't watch TV regularly. AFC RRJoe : a tyrant as well. Teachr CHM : Do you think that the Church and the State still should be held in check to protect the freedom of the people? ZinaV8 : I hear that the eastern Catholics and orthodox are fighting for power true? BCS Frank : Thanks, Toot :) YunirNToot : translating... Teachr CHM : In this country we have separation of church and state in our constitution. LisaS4 : One of the other projects I'm working on besides helping Russians like Yunir come here to USA for YunirNToot : No, I don't think the church will be dangerous for democracy and freedom. LisaS4 : internships is helping the Carmelite Order build a monastery in Moscow. They're a branch of the catholic AFC RRJoe : good BCS Frank : What kind of computer user groups are in the Ukraine? LisaS4 : The Carmelites are very low key, not wanting any publicity about it so as not to upset the Russian AFA Bard : Great question, Frank! LisaS4 : orthodox church ZinaV8 : Great! I know the Carmelites, I'm eastern rite too, Ruthenian BCS Frank : Thanks, Bard; I have a follow up question too. :) YunirNToot : Don't know about the Ukraine. MaryEz : How much are computers used in education in Russia? YunirNToot : Lisa, I'm not a Russian, I'm Tatar from Russia. Teachr CHM : I have heard that PC's were rare until just recently. BCS Frank : In Russia then? YunirNToot : There are some computers in some schools in Russia, Mary. ZinaV8 : Are VCR machines easily accessible at schools? Teachr CHM : It is not surprising that the rise of PC's follows the rise of personal freedom in Russia and the Commonwealth. YunirNToot : Computers are very expensive for Russians. There are some, but not many. Teachr CHM : The PC IS an expression of personal freedom. RagenT : What kinds of computers are used in education? YunirNToot : There are VCRs, but also expensive for most people. AFC RRJoe : VCRs overseas support a different format for signal transfer, PAL etc. than us. ZinaV8 : Thanks, I know PAL Teachr CHM : That must make it difficult to exchange VCR media for us and the Commonwealth. AFC RRJoe : Yes ! ZinaV8 : I think most businesses here in USA do PALs for export trade tapes Svetlana : placing on improving the educational system? YunirNToot : Many PAL systems are here (Toot). AFC RRJoe : You can buy VCRs that support multiple types, think $$$$$$$ MaryEz : I think is interesting to be called the Commonwealth when there is so little common wealth. Teachr CHM : $$$$ they don't have!! MaryEz : I guess there is hope for the future in that designation! AFC RRJoe : $$$$$$ I don't have !!!!! LisaS4 : PC's are rare in Russian schools MaryEZ. Most don't even have copy machines, much less computers Teachr CHM : There are a tremendous amount of natural resources and the people themselves that can be shared in common, Mary. YunirNToot : Let us hope so. May be wishful thinking, however. YunirNToot : Last comment to Mary. Teachr CHM : The problem is to exploit those resources and get the resulting products to the citizens of the Commonwealth. Svetlana : Am having transmission problems. Will try again...What is the fate of the education system MaryEz : We are rooting for you all!!! YunirNToot : (Toot) Feel free to ask questions of Lisa as well. She has some excellent programs to offer. Teachr CHM : These former Republics MUST work together for this to work. YunirNToot : I know very little about what is happening in schools right now. ZinaV8 : LLisa what is scrapbookers? YunirNToot : (Toot) we will have some other guests later in the year who are Russian teachers and who YunirNToot : will answer that kind of question with authority. Teachr CHM : Let me ask an economic question to Yunir that was bypassed a few minutes ago. May I? MaryEz : What is our responsibility as a host home for a visiting Russian teacher? AFL Gayle : Thanks, TooT. Well, it's about time to draw to a close. Any last minute YunirNToot : Nationalism of individual republics is not good for the whole. That should be clear. AFL Gayle : questions (besides CHM's)? AFC RRJoe : Yunir, What is the exchange rate now? ZinaV8 : Anyone going to Tbilisi in near future? Do you hand carry mail? AFC RRJoe : Can Americans fly on Rubles yet? YunirNToot : 150-170 rubles to the dollar. Teachr CHM : Is the Black Market a possible diversion route for the lowered distribution of goods? If so what is the Russian AFC RRJoe : I have contacts Zina. IM me later. Teachr CHM : government doing to correct it? YunirNToot : I don't think you can buy a ticket in your country for rubles. AFA Bard : Rehi, Thelma! AFC RRJoe : But when over in Russia can I buy in Rubles tickets? YunirNToot : Only sensible solution regarding the black market is to create a class of businessmen who develop free YunirNToot : enterprise and laws to support. LisaS4 : sorry toot, computer got stuck, had to turn it off. What's up with the node tonight? Teachr CHM : Yes, I agree with that assessment. Have you been in contact with American businessmen who are interested in joint AFA Bard : Makes sense, Yunir only question is - can your country do it FAST enough to preempt a larger, Teachr CHM : ventures with Russian citizens? AFA Bard : stronger black market. YunirNToot : No, Joe. You will have to pay 418 dollars plus 4000 rubles, one way. AFA Bard : Yunir = Yunir, the! AFL Gayle : OK. Time out for a short commercial and the announcement of our winners. AFL Gayle : Please be with us next week as Brandy Shaw tells us about the Christa AFL Gayle : McAuliffe Institute. It's a year round telecommunications project this year. Teachr CHM : Thank you, Yunir and Lisa for giving us a peek into Russia. AFL Gayle : And now for our winners... We had so many great participants, that we dug deep YunirNToot : Depends on decisions of Russian )Parliament to adopt the right laws. Let's hope so. AFL Gayle : into our bag and found TWO free hours! :) YunirNToot : Hooray!!!! YunirNToot : (Toot) MaryEz : *Clink-Klank* AFL Gayle : Our first winner is AlexCatson for the word Ukraine! *Applause* YunirNToot : *Rooster* LavonneS : Yea !!! Teachr CHM : Great going AlexCatson. AFL Gayle : Another short announcement before I announce our second winner. RagenT : ()()Bravo()()Alex! YunirNToot : *We're having food fight2* AFL Gayle : The next Stump the Forum Staff Event is scheduled for Sat., Jan. 18th at 10 LisaS4 : clap, clap.... AFL Gayle : pm in the Forum Rotunda. You can win LOTS of free hours there as you stump AlexCatson : Thanx a lot BCS Frank :