8/22/93 7:59:19 PM Opening "Chat Log 8/22/93" for recording. AFL Gayle : Topic tonight is Staff Development. Susan G2 : Oh I like that! Susan G2 : How do I get the staff to use this stuff??? AFL Gayle : That's exactly what the topic is about. :) Any suggestions, Susan? Susan G2 : I was going to ask you? AFA Bard : Ever tried TTOM? Susan G2 : Who is TTOM? AFA Bard : TTOM stands for Technology Teacher of the Month. A couple of years agòo, we met with our business AFA Bard : partner & PTA and proposed that we select a TTOM each month... AFA Bard : that person would be the faculty/staff member who best used existing or new technology. Each AFL Gayle : Hmmm.. Sounds like a good idea, Bard. :) Terrific Tom? ;) AFA Bard : month at faculty meeting, we'd announce the name... The winner got a $25 gift certificate to a local AFA Bard : watering hole. :) Susan G2 : Hmm that sounds like a good idea. AFA Bard : This person also agreed to help organize staff development as part of a larger team. ;) Susan G2 : That is what I need to do, the problem is there is no interest on the faculty to use telecommunication AFL Gayle : Hmm... Dragging them in to help with Staff Dev. Great idea! :) AFA Bard : Have you done the "great demo" of AOL for your staff? (Y'know- LCD panel- other folks online, AFA Bard : etc.)? Suósan G2 : Not for everyone, but for a few people. AFA Bard : For the administration and lead teachers? Susan G2 : I have only one interested faculty member Susan G2 : I feel like I am talking to the wall sometimes at my school. AFA Bard : Why not schedule a DUAL FACULTY MEETING between two schools? Pick a topic and have a 10 minute or so AFL Gayle : Hey, you've got one, Susan! Grab that one and let him/her bring along the others. AFA Bard : discussion on a topic of interest via AOL conference room. Would that work? Susan G2 : That sounds like a good idea. Susan G2 : Schedule a faculty meeting on AOL and see who shows. AFL Marty : ack AFA Bard : No, Susan. Make it a part of a REGULAR meeting with a topic like "discipline" or something like that! AFA Bard : ack Marty? AFL Marty : (Sorry... I'm allergic to faculty meetings. :) AFA Bard : me 2 Susan G2 : Me too. Susan G2 : But AOL meetings are fun AðFA Bard : Or.. how about a "live" interview with someone (kid or adult) from another state? AFL Marty : Why don't you do a demonstration of AOL at the next staff meeting? Susan G2 : I could do that I think. AFL Marty : Have coffee & donuts, etc. Susan G2 : No how about fruit juice and watermelon. AFA Bard : Sure! Right, Marty, FEED 'em! Show 'em the possibilities-- EVANGELIZE! ;) Susan G2 : Sugar and caffeine are not good for meetings. AFL Marty : Whatever. If you plan far enough in advance maybe you can coordinate AFL Marty : a meeting with someone online here... perhaps in AED. Susan G2 : :-) AFL Marty : You don't have to -tell- anyone that the meeting was pre-arranged. Susan G2 : Then I have to get phone lines and modems in other departments. But that would happen after everyone s Susan G2 : sees the possibilities, yes? AFA Bard : I agree with Marty-- surprise 'em! Get someone froÖm Nome, AK, North Carolina- even GEORGIA! AFA Bard : Right about modem/phone lines. My first school demo, I used a 200 foot phone cord that reached from AFL Marty : If your objective is to get the faculty interested in telecommunications... AFA Bard : the front office down 2 halls into the classroom. :) AFL Marty : getting phone lines and modems should be the least of your worries. Susan G2 : Marty if I show them without a way in my brain then there response may be great, but I don't have this AFL Marty : Maybe you could get that fellow... what's his name... RR Joe?... Susan G2 : in my room. Susan G2 : Who is RRJoe? AFL Marty : to send something from Russia. AFL Gayle : AFC RRJoe AFL Marty : A short Email note perhaps. Susan G2 : He is in Russia? AFL Gayle : He's our consultant that runs the Bering Bridge area, Susan. AFL Marty : Uh huh Susan G2 : Ddoes he have an AOL connection? AFL Marty : afk getting caffeine AFA Bard : Yup. AFL Gayle : He's in Alaska, connected close to Russia. Susan G2 : I have never heard of him. AFA Bard : Check the EDUCATION CONNECTION library in the ELECTRONIC SCHOOLHOUSE for the Bering Bridge library. AFA Bard : Welcome Charmarose! Susan G2 : Wonder if we could get him to send in a recipe for the second edition of the cookbook. AFL Gayle : No. Check Special Interest Groups here in AED. The Bering Bridge is there, too. ;) AFA Bard : Oops.. right, Gayle. ;) Susan G2 : Will do thanks Gayle and Bard. AFL Marty : bak AFA Bard : Susan.. does your school regularly host classes for continuing ed. credits/staff development units? Susan G2 : No. Unfortunately. I have been selected to do that thãis year. Susan G2 : That is good. Susan G2 : I teach adult ed and we have no money for staff development days AFA Bard : Aha! You're in the driver's seat, then! Technology! Isn't there state/local money to pay Susan G2 : So I have to work it in during prep times AFL Gayle : Great, that you have been selected, Susan. Now you have more control over it. :) AFA Bard : for continuing ed? (recertification) AFL Marty : It would really be slick if you could do an online demonstration with AFL Marty : a cellular modem. Susan G2 : I can do it in my room.I am all hooked up. AFA Bard : Way cool, Marty! Try using AOL from a moving school bus! ;) AFL Gayle : That's Bard's forte, Marty. ;) He did the chat last weekl that way. :) Susan G2 : Really with a cellular modem? AFL Marty : I saw such a demonstration once... way back when AOL (then AppleLink PE) was Susan G2 : Muæst be expensive. AFL Marty : introduced. AFL Gayle : In a parking lot, no less, he did it. AFL Marty : :) Susan G2 : How expensive is it. AFA Bard : At .35/minute, no less. ;) Susan G2 : I love the idea Susan G2 : Do you need a special modem? AFA Bard : Not usually, Susan. Most cellular phones/car phones have a data port nowadays. AFL Gayle : A cellular one, Susan. AFA Bard : Just use your own modem. Susan G2 : Oh, so you connect the modem to a car phone and how do you dial? Susan G2 : I don't think my phone has one of those. I bought it two years ago. Susan G2 : ::looking:: AFA Bard : Same way as usual. Mine had a data port in the side.. I just dialed my local SprintNet node and AFA Bard : it was no problem. AFA Bard : Is the keypad in the hand-held part of your mobile phone? Susan G2 : What does it look like? AFL Marty : At $0.35 per minute, a one-hour conference would cost ô only $21.00. AFA Bard : It's a standard RJ-11 connector (like your home phone jack) Susan G2 : :-) but this means when desperate... Charmarose : ? Susan G2 : I don't think my phone has one. AFA Bard : A question, Charmarose? AFA Bard : Susan, Is the keypad in the hand-held part of your mobile phone? Charmarose : Yes, I've been to the TIN and tried to download a file. With the GS I have, Susan G2 : Yes it is a mobile one and is only one piece Charmarose : I used open-apple-3 to d/l and got the message:Invalid Pointer,Parameter. AFL Gayle : What was the file, Charmarose? AFL Marty : I bet that file was uploaded by a PC. AFA Bard : Susan, check the place where your hand held-unit plugs into your base unit-- is it a standard phone AFL Gayle : I think you stumbled upon one uploaded with the Windows AOL software. :( Charmarose : Lesson Plans: Exploring Computers (Middle School) AFA Bard : jøack size, or a larger "RJ-45" connector? Charmarose : Others have txt or A2 by them, this one didn't. Susan G2 : No base unit. Susan G2 : It is just one unit AFL Gayle : We'll look into the problem later and upload one you can download with your GS, AFL Gayle : Charmarose. Charmarose : Thanks, so much AFA Bard : OH! Don't think that type will work, Susan. :( Susan G2 : Too bad! Charmarose : Bye AFL Gayle : Sure. Sorry you ran into the problem. :( Susan G2 : I was thinking about the possibilities AFL Marty : Perhaps someone on your staff has a cellular phone you can borrow. Susan G2 : Actually I am thinking about all those presentations I do and they have no hookup for a phone.... AFA Bard : or a car phone? If you've got access to a Powerbook, you could have the meeting ouside. ;) AFA Bard : ouside=outside. :) AFL Gayle : Or just string a long phone line from your room to the meeting room, Susan, although AFL Gêayle : it won't be as spectacular (but cheaper! :) AFL Marty : Yes... with the built in internal modem. Susan G2 : I can do the staff development workshop in my room not a problem. Susan G2 : I am all hooked up. No one else is yet.... AFA Bard : Another idea is to offer FREE SOFTWARE to participants of staff development class. About Susan G2 : We even have a school account. AFA Bard : two years ago, we rewarded participants with a free copy of MAKING THE GRADE (Mac) and an AOL sign-on AFA Bard : kit. Since then, these classes, entitled "EXPLORING INTERDISCIPLINARY TECHNOLOGY" have been AFA Bard : jammed. We get funding from local software vendors and PTA. AFA Bard : Wiggy!!! AFL Marty : Hi Wigster Wigster : Hi all! Susan G2 : Another good idea. Susan G2 : Hi Wigster Susan G2 : Get software vendors to help AFL Gayle : Wiggy!! Hi! :)) Wigster : Hiya, Gayle! I just got home from 6 weekçs of driving around the country. AFA Bard : Six weeks? And you didn't come to Georgia??!!! Wigster : I actually thought of Marty today as I drove near Middletown. :) AFL Marty : Awwww shucks :) Wigster : Georgia? In the summer???? You've got to be kidding. :) AFA Bard : We've got gnats as big as birds. ;) AFA Bard : Better than any Arizona lizard farm! Wigster : What's the topic tonight? AFA Bard : Staff development AFA Bard : Any great ideas, Wiggy? Wigster : I've got to get back into school mode. Meetings start a week from tomorrow. Wigster : Staff development? Sheesh, that's where I need help. They see me coming and they run! AFL Marty : My meetings start on the 30th too. AFL Marty : I'll get into school mode next Sunday night ;) Susan G2 : I go year round.. AFA Bard : Year round, Susan? Susan G2 : Yup Wigster : LOL, Marty! We've got a new principal this year so Iþ have to look like I am productive. :) AFL Marty : Sometimes I think I became a teacher because I love summer vacations so much :D Wigster : What kind of time off do you have, Susan? Susan G2 : Two weeks at Christmas, three weeks in June. Susan G2 : That is it. AFA Bard : Whew! Susan G2 : But I take time off when I need to. We hire a sub Wigster : That's it? I hope they pay you a lot more than I get. Susan G2 : (no pay of course) AFL Marty : You work for free? Susan G2 : Nah adult education people are paid per hour. No step increases no merit raises. Susan G2 : I get paid per hour. Susan G2 : No pay when I take time off. Wigster : Sounds like where I taught in L.A. two years ago. AFL Marty : I hope you manage to keep very healthy. Susan G2 : Drinking mineral water now Marty. Wigster : I even went in and did office work during the spring break to keep my paycheck more reasonable. Susan G2 : :-)) AFL Gðayle : Hey, Wiggy, you were supposed to visit ME on your trip! :( AFA Bard : <-- RC & a moon pie for me. ;))) Susan G2 : I met Leni in New York. Wigster : Well, I didn't make it down south, Gayle. The closest I came was Atlantic City. AFA Bard : We'll let's all save it up for BOSTON and NECC next year!!! Wigster : <--- Diet Pepsi and 4 oreos. Susan G2 : It is dinner time and you are all making me hungry. AFA Bard : Oreos!!! I LOVE those! You can cook for me anytime, Wiggy. ;) AFL Marty : <-- water (and an occasional cup of coffee :) AFA Bard : Gayle.. what're YOU drinking tonight? Susan G2 : ::waiting for Gayle to answer:: AFA Bard : :: waiting for Gayle to answer :: AFL Gayle : Tap water Wigster : Yep! Oreos kept me going as I made those long 12 hour day drives. Susan G2 : Where are you now Wigster? AFL Gayle : With ice cubes in it. ;) Wigster : Of course, now that I am back, I will húave to start eating healthy again... I am amazed that I didn't Wigster : gain much weight on the trip. AFA Bard : Put a few miles on the Toyota, did ya, Wiggy? Wigster : I am in Hanover, New Hampshire... I drove out to CA and back... Wigster : took me 6 weeks and I still missed a bunch of stuff I wanted to do and see. :( Susan G2 : You should have visited the California onliners then. AFL Gayle : Oh, Wiggy, you haven't heard my news! I've got a new job as media coordinator for Susan G2 : Next time tell us. Wigster : Well, I visited my sister... Does that count? Susan G2 : :-) AFL Gayle : a high school in Goldsboro, NC. 1200 students, grades 9-12. Susan G2 : That sounds like fun Gayle AFA Bard : Gayle's finally in a job where she can be appreciated for her amazing talent! She'll have Wigster : Wow! That's great, Gayle! AFA Bard : those folks whipped into shape in no time! AFL Gayle ÿ: Sounds like a lot of work, Susan! ;) This school hasn't even seen the 20th century yet. AFL Gayle : ;) AFA Bard : Sounds like a Scrapbook opportunity, Gayle. ;) Susan G2 : Sounds like my school (except for my room of course) Wigster : Sounds like my school. Susan G2 : Yes Gayle start with the cookbook AFL Gayle : Not this year, Bard. We don't even have a computer in the media center, never mind Susan G2 : It is easy and fun. AFL Gayle : a modem. Susan G2 : Do you have some money you can spend? Wigster : &%)&#$@ 286 computers! AFA Bard : Maybe your repaired GS needs a home in Goldsboro HS? AFL Gayle : My big job for this year is weeding the collection and getting us automated. AFL Gayle : Nope, Bard! I need my GS too much myself! :) Besides, it's long distance to Telenet/ AFL Gayle : Tymnet here. AFA Bard : sigh Susan G2 : Bummer no local access number? AFL Gayle : No money yet, Susan. What I've been promised is lots ÿ of money to beef up the book AFL Gayle : collection. Wigster : I did think of you, Gayle. I saw that sign in Barstow again... The one that says, Susan G2 : But you need a local access number..... Wigster : "Wilmington, NC - 2456 miles." AFL Gayle : Wilmington 2456 miles. Right! :) AFA Bard : LOL, Wiggy! AFA Bard : Really? AFL Marty : Do you have to buy books? Can you get CDs instead? AFL Gayle : Nope. No local number. I'm calling long distance to Raleigh. Wigster : It is really there... Right in the middle of the desert. AFA Bard : LOL! AFL Gayle : Yes, I have to buy books! The collection is terrible! AFL Gayle : Yes, Bard. The Wilmington I40 is the farthest East point. Barstow is the western end. AFL Gayle : There's very little there even =I= would want to read, much less high schoolers. AFA Bard : OIC AFL Marty : I figure if you go CDs you'd naturally need a CD player and computer to ÿAFL Marty : use them :) Susan G2 : Yes, you have a lot of work ahead of you Gayle Wigster : <--- Has a CD player!!! AFL Gayle : Yes, I see your logic, Marty. :) AFA Bard : <-- read Jurassic Park on CD Susan G2 : If any of us can help out let us know. I had to fight and write my own grant to get set up on AOL in m Susan G2 : my school. But I had a local access number. AFL Gayle : Huh, Bard? Lots of pictures?? Wigster : <--- Will wait for the floppy. :) Susan G2 : LOL Wigster : Actually I read it in book form. :) AFA Bard : Yup.. a HyperCard interface. AFL Gayle : The floppy paperback of Jurassic costs almost $6! AFL Marty : Goodnight all. AFA Bard : Is that too much? AFA Bard : Nite, Marty? Susan G2 : Night Marty. Wigster : Oooo.... So you are good at writing grants??? That's something I want to learn. AFL Gayle : Night, Marty! Thanks for coming! :) Susan G2 : Nope not good I was just desperate. AFL Gayle : Enjoy your last week off! ;) Sëusan G2 : I wanted AOL in my room very badly. Susan G2 : NOw I have it. AFA Bard : You should upload your grant proposal to AED for others, Susan! Wigster : That's one thing I do have. My own phone line and modem. Susan G2 : It is already uploaded. Susan G2 : I sent it to tooter. AFA Bard : Where? Susan G2 : He uploaded it. AFL Gayle : Where, Susan? English Library? Susan G2 : I'll check. I think it is there and in ESH somewhere. Susan G2 : Hold on. AFL Gayle : Why, that sly TooT. It's probably in ESH. AFA Bard : Uh huh. ;) AFA Bard : There is a file in our library from Susan entitled VISALIA, CA, but that's a Scrapbook file. AFL Gayle : Besides, if her grant file was in our libraries, we'd know about it. ;) AFA Bard : (hopefully) Wigster : Well I am going to have to go searching for that file. Susan G2 : It is there somewhere but there is so much stuff there. AFA Bardò : QuickFinder ;) AFA Bard : Do you remember the file name? Wigster : Yous guys should set that up... A grant writing seminar in the Education Forum... Find some real Wigster : experts to help us out. Susan G2 : I got it. It is in scrapbook. use quickfinder and type in Grant proposal Susan G2 : It has had 72 downloads AFL Gayle : We did that back in our first year, was it, Wiggy? We had someone. Wigster : Yep... We did it then... But I want to know more... AFA Bard : Thanks, Susan! Susan G2 : We need to do one again. Susan G2 : We need a person who knows how we can put it together and get a major funding for scrapbook Susan G2 : Maybe somesort of federal grant Susan G2 : Where we can put in modems and phone lines in various schools Wigster : How to find funding sources and then how to write a good proposal. AFA Bard : Great idea, Susan. Maybe the Dept. of Education? Susan G÷2 : Yes. Maybe we need a workshop.Something more than a chat. AFL Gayle : I don't know anyone who has done that specific kind of grant. Susan G2 : I don't know if any one exists. Wigster : Yeah... I was thinking a whole seminar. Several speakers ranging from the people who give grants Wigster : those who successfully write the proposals. Susan G2 : How about a class. Susan G2 : Get people online who are experts. AFA Bard : Online U. class? Susan G2 : To teach us how to do it. Susan G2 : Where to find them AFA Bard : templates, maybe? AFL Gayle : Teacher University, perhaps? AFA Bard : Bet Tom would go for that, Gayle. Susan G2 : That sounds good. I would sign up. AFL Gayle : There is a Grant Chest in TIN. You might check there for resources, Susan. Wigster : Yeah... A class... how to write and where to apply and maybe some good jargon. I hear jargon really Wigster : goes over well. :) SusanÑ G2 : I have it is not kept up to date AFL Gayle : Really, Susan? I know we have a problem of computer specific files in that area. ZippedGS : howdy all... AFA Bard : Welcome Zipped! Susan G2 : THe grant opportunities have not changed for a long time. ZippedGS : i didn't know there was a chat tonight, sorry Susan G2 : At least the entire academic year. Susan G2 : Hi zipped AFA Bard : No problem, Zip.. you're welcome!` AFL Gayle : We always have a chat from 8-9 pm ET, Zip. 8/22/93 9:02:51 PM Closing Log file.