3/7/93 8:00:04 PM Opening "Chat Log 3/7/93" for recording. AFL Gayle : OK. Let's get started. Our topic tonight is School to School Projects. AFC Tooter : We had people standing in the back of the room. BobFrost : You don't have to put your name on at the end, Kayak AFL Gayle : Our "guest" is AFC Tooter. We have ONE free hour to give away to the lucky AFL Gayle : person who says the secret word. The word must be said in context and you AFL Gayle : have to stay until the end of the chat to win. Go, TooT! :) AFC Tooter : Well, I'm ready to take all questions about ScrapBook and other online projects, but I'm wondering BobFrost : We are very interested in getting our classes involved in Scrapbook. AFC Tooter : how many of the poeple already here have already involved there classes in some way in AOL. BobFrost : How about a quick run-down (again) on how it works AFC Tooter : What's stopping you, Bob? AFC Tooter : Sure. BobFrost : Time AVWTC2 : Elyria has had three sessions and they have been great. Scrapbook is super!! AFC Tooter : I'll give a brief overview, but for detailed info, send me e-mail and AFA Bard : (Welcome Ty Ann! AFC Tooter's discussion the Scrapbook USA project!) AVWTC2 : We are working with Westward Ho! and CNN news AFC Tooter : I'll send you my usual response tohelp you get started. AFA Bard : discussion=discussing AFC Tooter : ScrapBook is generally an 8 or 9 week project. The aim is for each class to add a chapter full of AFC Tooter : student essays and/or poems to our growing ScrapBook collection. AFC Tooter : We particularly like detailed descriptive views that tell of students' lives, the people, places, thin AFC Tooter : things, traditions, wetc. that make them special. AFC Tooter : The project beins with HELLO day in which each class posts a AFC Tooter : HELLO LETTER to a folder in the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH). Then... AFC Tooter : classes begin work on their chapters by choosing a theme and by sharing information in weekly postings AFC Tooter : to the ScrapBook Chronicle folders. After the exchange of essays midway in the project, AFC Tooter : students go to work on responding, and sometime after the project is concluded we try to arrange an on AFC Tooter : online chat finale. That's as brief as I can tell it. Other questions? AFC Tooter : Hi nina and Ty Ann. AFA Bard : Hiya Nina! AFC Tooter's discussing the Scrapbook USA project! AVWTC2 : Grma Jan is working now and having a great time. Her students see uniqueness in others, Ty AnnM : Hola! NinaTE : Hi Ted, glada I could drop by AVWTC2 : but have trouble seeing it in themselves! AVWTC2 : Anyone else have that happen?? AFC Tooter : That's very common. That's one of the things that they need to discuover. KAYAK44299 : Are there any schools involved that are not in USA? AFC Tooter : I think the project can help them learn that what is common to them is unusual for others. AFC Tooter : We have one school signed up for this exchange from Montreal. We have had contributions AVWTC2 : Sometimes true, however they need to look deeper and this helps them to do that. AFC Tooter : from Vancouver Island and one contribution from Estonia. NinaTE : ScrapBook USA has really blossomed into quite a movement, I hear about it everywhere AFC Tooter : Teachers may need to work with each other, Bill, to help stress and develop that issue. AFC Tooter : BTW, Nina's ESP students' poems have just been rel;eased to the SCHOOLHOUSE MAGAZINE library. Don't m AFC Tooter : misss them. They are wonderful;;. AFA Bard : It really has, Nina. In the beginning, I think we envisioned it would spread. It's VERY exciting! AFA Bard : The best part is that new folks sign on all the time- it's an ever-renewing activity! :) NinaTE : Thanks Tooter, the kids constantly amaze me..but I know what you guys mean AVWTC2 : Reading essays others have done from the library is helpful! AFC Tooter : I should add for Bob and Kayak's sake that we have had several wonderful chapters from Nome. NinaTE : they rarely see their own ability... AVWTC2 : The best advice is to try it and it will all come together for you. BobFrost : What's the process for uploading the files? AFC Tooter : Were there any essays that you found that p[articularly got the kids going and helped them see AFC Tooter : how they are unique, Bill? AVWTC2 : Some of samples from your book helped my kids. Can't remember which ones. AFA Bard : Welcome SchtChr & Carolyn! AFC Tooter's discussing the Scrapbook USA project! DUNMORE : Hi all:) AFC Tooter : Process for uploading? If you mean how do we share, Bob, before the AFC Tooter : exchange date I set up a distribution plan such that each participant gets some geographical AVWTC2 : Grma Jan had one that was an acrostic on the environment this last time. They liked it!! AFC Tooter : spread and approximately 2 to 3 essays for every one sent. AFC Tooter : MaryEz just found one that is wonderful from Trickum. It solves the mystery of why we all AFC Tooter : wind up with unmatched socks. NinaTE : Does everyone have your book Ted, it was so wel done and so helpful! AFC Tooter : Hi Carolyn! DUNMORE : Hi Toot AVWTC2 : There is also a file in the library-hypercard that is a good demo for the kids to see the project! AFC Tooter : Many of the teachers have purchased the book. For those who don't know, there is a curric guide for REXEFFEX : HEllo AFC Tooter : ScrapBook which is NOT required for participation, but provides a good guide to each of the parts of t AFC Tooter : the project. REXEFFEX : I am a student in 6th grade,though maybe we could talk? Ty AnnM : It is wonderful! AFC Tooter : Yes, the HyperCard stack was made last summer by Babz00 for a presentation we gave together. AFC Tooter : It is useful for introducing kids as AVWTC says. It is beautifully done and AFC Tooter : even contains the *FoodFoodFight* sounds. AFA Bard : Rex... right now we're talking with AFC Tooter about a project for teachers - be glad to talk with AFA Bard : you "IM" if you have questions, though. :) AFA Bard : (IM = instant message) AVWTC2 : Hi to Rex, I teach 6th grade-good to have you with us! AFC Tooter : Other questions? I hope many of you have followed some of the other schoolhouse projects too. AFC Tooter : Westward HO! has been a wonderful success. KAYAK44299 : how do I attain copy of curriculum? AFC Tooter : AFC Leni is also running a great current events game in cooperation with CNN. AVWTC2 : It's like a cafeteria--so much to do--tough to choose! AVWTC2 : So much and so little time, but the kids are really benefiting from all the great "stuff" Ty AnnM : I see a need for more math/science activities online. AFC Tooter : Kayak, you can order the book from me. It costs $25. Send check or school PO and I'll send one out f AFA Bard : And the menu continues to grow, AVWTC2. Try (later) keyword SCHOLASTIC for a surprise. :) AFC Tooter : first class mail. Send me e-mail for my address. AVWTC2 : I just heard that--what is there--summary? AFA Bard : (rehi, Gayle) AFC Tooter : All kinds of things in SCHOLASTIC. I wasn't able to summarize on the mailing I sent and won't have an AFL Gayle : (Grrr... locked up by the FoodFight sound. :( AFC Tooter : any easier time now. Check it out. AVWTC2 : Definitely! AFC Tooter : I'll control myself on the sounds, Gayle. AFC Tooter : Have any of you used the materials in the Lib of Congress area? AVWTC2 : No, we haven't.. Ty AnnM : Yes - we downloaded GIFs of Russian docs - powerfel! DUNMORE : Yes I read the stuff from Russia and shared with SS teacher good AFC Tooter : There are two exhibits. One has been there for awhile. (The Russian one TyAnn mentioned) and Ty AnnM : Excuse the spelling - 3 month old son is on my lap! AFC Tooter : a newer one on 1492. AVWTC2 : Where is this? AFC Tooter : Have you been able to print out the GIF files with the original documents? It is AFC Tooter : incredible to print out documents with Lenin's and Stalin's signatures. Ty AnnM : I hope they keep expanding this area. AFL Gayle : Keyword Library, AVWTC. AVWTC2 : Thanks!! BobFrost : Can people still get in on Westward Ho?and what is it? Ty AnnM : Yes - looks pretty good on a laser. AVWTC2 : Wrapping up Tuesday. AFC Tooter : There is a note from the KGB to Andropov in response to complains that AFC Tooter : there is something amiss in the construction of Chernobyl. The KGB check it out and write that ever AVWTC2 : You might want to read some of the things in the St-St folder and check out the lesson plans in lib AFC Tooter : everything has been corrected and all should run fine now ;-) AVWTC2 : It has been a good simulation and wonderful exchanges with other kids-almost seemed real at times AFC Tooter : Bob, Westward HO! is nearly done for this year, but it will be back and better than ever AFC Tooter : next year. It is a simulation project in which students take on real historical AFA Bard : [[[ Mary! ]]] AFC Tooter : identities of pioneers who followed the Oregon Trail. The kids form an online Wagon Train and BobFrost : Just checking. We finally have some teachers interested in this telecomm BobFrost : stuff and I just want to pursue it. AFC Tooter : follow the Oregon Trial making important decisins all along the way. I hear Mary. AVWTC2 : Bob, what have you been doing with telecomm? AFC Tooter : Has anyone explored the 1492 exhibit at the Lib of Congress. Great stuff, maps and documents and more AFC Tooter : . BobFrost : So far mostly just looking for activities and describing to other teachers. BobFrost : Kayak and others AVWTC2 : That's a good start--whet their appetite! AFC Tooter : Has everyone explored the Joe and Arlo Walk About? BobFrost : I teach in a "regular" classroom only 1/2 day and do computer stuff the rest Ty AnnM : Yes! Big hit here in Iowa!! AFC Tooter : Mary has been doing a great job keeping us all up to date on their progress and there's a great HyperS BobFrost : so it's hard to get my class into it as much as I'd like. AFC Tooter : HyperStack that shows their travels. There are also MaryEz : Joe is sending our kids a bootie from Frank Teasley's dogs from yesterday's Iditarod beginning. AFC Tooter : some great stacks that Joe made with selections from various languages. BobFrost : Is Joe in Nome? I saw that he's from Eagle River. MaryEz : Anchorage. AFC Tooter : Half a day should work, Bob. I only see my kids for 46 minutes a day. :-) Ty AnnM : afk MaryEz : Eagle River is outside Anchorage. AFC Tooter : Joe is originally from Nome. AFC Tooter : He has moved back into civilization ;-) BobFrost : afk? AVWTC2 : Such good geographers you all are!! MaryEz : I believe he is in Homer this week. BobFrost : Kayak and I should try to get him to come to our school, eh. DUNMORE : Homer Illinois ??!!!??? AFC Tooter : Not hardly, Carolyn :-) MaryEz : Homer, Alaska Pet Sounds : afk = away from keyboard :) AFA Bard : afk means "away from keyboard" AFL Gayle : Joe is somewhere near Anchorage, where the Iditarod Race started. Ty AnnM : bak AVWTC2 : learn something everyday!! Pet Sounds : bak = back at keyboard :) AFA Bard : (bak = back at keyboard!) AFA Bard : Echo, Pet Sounds. :) GMTA! AFC Tooter : There are also some new ideas that we hope to be able to get going, if not this year, then next. BobFrost : Betting on Tim Osmar to win Iditarod this year. DUNMORE : Schucks I gues there is more than one. We don't have enough snow for the dog sleds. Pet Sounds : gmta = goofy minds think alike LOL Ty AnnM : Didn't mean to cause so much confusion! Just put the kid to bed. AFA Bard : LOL! AVWTC2 : Asleep yet?? AFC Tooter : One that I'm most excited about is a NEWS Bureau where students in different schools can share news MaryEz : Frank Teasley answered questions from Baldwin kids last Tuesday night when he and Joe had dinner. AFC Tooter : stories, graphics, pictures, and ideas. Ty AnnM : Me or Geoffrey? AFC Tooter : Will Joe have Frank Teasley online aghain, Mary? AVWTC2 : News idea should be a good one! Ty AnnM : I am really intrigued by that idea. WE have several Iowa schools that put together newspapers of a Ty AnnM : national/inernational scope and publish once a month. AVWTC2 : What grade level, Ann AFC Tooter : Yes, Bill. Help us spread the word. We need to gather a decent sized group before we can really put AFC Tooter : it into operation. Ty AnnM : Some 6th and some 8th. Pet Sounds : That's great, Ty Ann. I edit a newspaper. We give the students columns, help them learn. AVWTC2 : Target next Sept. AFC Tooter : I think the NEWS BUREAU can easily handle a wide range of ages and AFC Tooter : a wide range of technological sophisitication. Ty AnnM : I think that we can get you several from our project, Ted. AVWTC2 : No one else uses AOL around here, but we are working on that. AFC Tooter : Great, TyAnn. When I get more time free (perhaps not til spring or summer), I plan to get mailings ou AFC Tooter : to gather interested people. AFC Tooter : Watch your mail in July. AVWTC2 : SV would surely participate! AFC Tooter : SV? AVWTC2 : Spring Valley AFC Tooter : Ahhh! Spring Valley. NinaTE : Night all, maybe we'll start a paper :) now it's my turn to put the kids to bed. Talk to you soon! AVWTC2 : Bye... AFA Bard : Nite Nina! Thanks for joining us! AFC Tooter : So long, Nina. Do you have a moment to take any questions about ESP? Ty AnnM : We are trying to find a time to get together this summer and write some curriculm connections for AOL AFC Tooter : Oooops, gone. Ty AnnM : for our Iowa group. We'll look forward to that info. AFC Tooter : Let me know if I can be of any help, Ty Ann. Ty AnnM : Anyone interested in some online collaboration sometime this summer? BobFrost : How do you get your schools to pay for all the online time? AFC Tooter : Are there any math teachers in the crowd? AVWTC2 : We use money from our sixth grade earnings. AFL Gayle : Bob, IA has a grant that pays for their time this year. MaryEz : I'd be glad to collaborate this summer. Just let me know. Ty AnnM : We have 25 classrooms in our Iowa Carver project that received funding through a private foundation. DUNMORE : Put me on the list please we will justrecycle more cans for the fees. AFC Tooter : Bob, a little good publicity can go a long way. Run a project and make sure you contactr the local pa AFC Tooter : newspapers. AVWTC2 : The rates for schools are very reasonable. MaryEz : Not on prime time, though! AFC Tooter : Rates on PRIME are the same as NON PRIME for schools. Ty AnnM : The CNN package is very attractive for schools. AVWTC2 : That has saved us a bundle! DUNMORE : What are the rates for schools for AOL and CNN? AFC Tooter : The CNN deal allows 10 hours per month for $25. AFC Tooter : You must sign up for at least 4 months. Also, AVWTC2 : Best deal going MaryEz : Ten hours is a lot of time!! AFC Tooter : schools are protected since there can be no cost overruns with the CNN deal. DUNMORE : Oh that is a good idea. Ty AnnM : That is crucial for adminstrator support. AFA Bard : Toot's right... the CNN deal is a GREAT way to control costs. DUNMORE : School boards get panicky AFC Tooter : You can have 5 screen names. At my school next year I planb to have 3 modems in reserve. AVWTC2 : Well it's been fun, have to go--bye AFC Tooter : When teachers decide to do a project, I will give the teacher an AOL disk and a modem to use for the AFC Tooter : duration. That way the teacher (if s/he has a computer can run the project in part from AFC Tooter : home and be in on all the planning. AFL Gayle : Gee, I was just going to ask if you were going to give them a computer, too, AFL Gayle : Toot. ;) AFC Tooter : ) between computer and can :-( AFA Bard : That the way I do it, Tooter. I bundle the disk with your text file on "About Scrapbook". They're on AFA Bard : in no time! AFC Tooter : I wish I could. Thinking of buying a Powerbook for ME. DUNMORE : Wow Tooter have ypu any openings in ypur district? Ours is balking at a telephone line. BobFrost : I'm right there with Dunmore AFC Tooter : The telephone line is often the hardest thing. Modems are cheap. Yopu can often get them for free fr AFL Gayle : Carolyn, sometimes you can "borrow" a phone line. Just buy lots of extra AFL Gayle : telephone line from Radio Shack. ;) AFC Tooter : from local businesses. 1200 baud modems are out of fashion :-) BobFrost : Our administrators sent out a letter the other day that said that we can BobFrost : expect no money for technology next year DUNMORE : Wicked idea Gayle AFL Gayle : It works, Carolyn! Eventually, the principal comes to love you, too, because AFL Gayle : if you're on the phone line, his phone doesn't ring! :) AFC Tooter : Hi Marty! Glad to see another CT representative. BobFrost : Just carping, I know that things can be done. Just got to keep trying DUNMORE : I have another idea to fund it Lets all ask the military to sponsor us. They have all the $ they need AFC Tooter : Can't tell you how to handle NO money, Bob. Just go into his office and be persuasive, I guess. MaryEz : Get the publicity if you can, Bob. Makes all the difference in the world when you ask for things!! BobFrost : Kayak has a phone line and now that she's into this...;) AFL Marty : Send the letter to the local newspaper :) DUNMORE : and we have to run bake sales let's switch for a year in the budget depts. AFC Tooter : Mary, can you tell us something about what is going on with the book chat project? AFL Marty : With the what? MaryEz : Do you have a PTO, Bob? They are great supporters of special projects. AFC Tooter : Book Chat Project, Marty. AFL Marty : I'm not familiar with that project. BobFrost : They spend all their money on Kayak's art stuff. MaryEz : The book chat is in ESH and is a folder for students to place reports about favorite books. AFC Tooter : Marty, can you tell us what ModieM is planning wit the Book chats? AFL Marty : Oops... I thought you asked -me- to fill you in. AFL Marty : (boy do I feel dumb) MaryEz : It is just getting started but I think will pick up some speed shortly. Modie Moore is the teacher MaryEz : who has started the folder. Ty AnnM : Argh! This is why I don't demo AOL live - I use a tape now! MaryEz : We have whole team of kids doing a favorite author project right now and they will be adding their AFC Tooter : A tape? I love live demos. Just finished one in Rhode Island. Hopefull we will have some RI teacher AFC Tooter : online soon. MaryEz : reports to the folder in a week or so. AFA Bard : If you haven't seen AOL's promotional tape, it's a winner. Ty AnnM : I use the L-TV card for the Mac LC and give a taped tour. AFC Tooter : Is that the one you use, TyAnn? AFA Bard : TyAnn.. a GREAT idea! AFC Tooter : Very interesting idea. Of course what the teachers liked best in RI was talking with BobFurino and BobFrost : HHow do I get a copy of the tape? Ty AnnM : If I'm tyring to sell folks on how easy it is to use, I don't want to get kicked off. AFL Gayle : Toot, speaking of demos, don't forget to mention David's request. AFC Tooter : Liv4Lafs. They were very amused amidst the blizzard to speak to someone from southern FLorida! Ty AnnM : Mine or AOL's, Bob? AFC Tooter : Oh yes, DavidT93 will be demo-ing AOL this Saturday. He want some teachers to stop by and IM AFC Tooter : him during the morning. Do you remember tyhe hours, Gayle? Rach1 : Hi all AFC Tooter : David will have a whole crowd of Utah teachers to sing to. AFC Tooter : Rachel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rach1 : Toot!! BobFrost : Aol first and then one from you, Ty AnnM AFC Tooter : How's the baby? AFA Bard : Welcome Rachel! Rach1 : She's great-- AFL Gayle : 9:30-12:30 Mountain Time next Sat. BobFrost : Sorry it takes me so long to answer. Kayak and I found instant message. AFC Tooter : PLEASE think about giving David a hand on Saturday. Send him e-mail for the details (DavidT93) AFL Gayle : Talk to people at the UCCE Conference in Utah. BobFrost : That's a great feature Rach1 : Do you have a topic tonight Toot? Ty AnnM : Bard, how do we get the AOL demo tape? AFC Tooter : Thanks Gayle. That's 11:30 to 2:30 ET. AFA Bard : AFC Tooter's discussing the Scrapbook USA project! AFL Gayle : *drumroll* AFC Tooter : TyAnn, how do I get a copy of your tape? AFL Gayle : Time to announce our winner for tonight! BobFrost : Kayak, we'd have to get up realllly early. AFC Tooter : *Fanfare* AFA Bard : Ty Ann... call the toll-free number - 800-267-6364 - they can tell you how. Ty AnnM : Send me a tape and I'll send a dub back. AFL Gayle : But first, a message from our sponsor... AED. ;) AFC Tooter : Will do. I'll write you for your address. AFL Gayle : Our topic next Sunday is BYOT, Bring Your OWN Topic! Here is your chance to AFL Gayle : discuss anything you want to related to education! And, of course, we'll have AFL Gayle : ONE FREE hour to give away again next week. AFA Bard : (Hiya Rog.. we're just winding down!) AFL Gayle : Our winner THIS week is Kayak44299! MaristR : I forgot about the chat. AFL Gayle : Kayak won for the word curriculum! :) AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : Hooorrrrraaayyyyyyy Kayak!!! DUNMORE : Congratulations********** BobFrost : Congrats, Kayak. Aren't you glad you didn't leave!! AFL Gayle : And a BIG round of *Applause* for our host tonight, AFC Tooter! :) AFA Bard : Kayak! Kayak! Kayak! Kayak! Kayak!Kayak!Kayak! Kayak!Kayak!Kayak! Kayak! Kayak! Kayak! Kayak! AFA Bard : GREAT chat as always, Toot. :) AFL Gayle : And, now, I've got to run because I've got a meeting. Thanks to AFL Gayle : coming tonight! :) AFL Gayle : Good night, all! :) Ty AnnM : Love those balloons! AFA Bard : Folks.. the log of this chat will be posted by tommorrow morning. :) Rach1 : Good night Toot--nice to see you. 3/7/93 9:06:19 PM Closing Log file.