Date: 3/20/94 Start Time: 8:00:07 PM End Time: 9:05:43 PM Lines: 469 Chat length: 32211 bytes Number of participants: 25 Participants: AdeliaW, AFA Bard, AFC Leni, AFC Tooter, BOBODDO, CarolMcF, CopOLeary, DavidT93, DSGee, Elaine 100, F1reandIce, JAMMAN3146, Johnosail, LAMartyr, MaristR, MarkAHulme, MaryEz, Miller Ave, MMAK, NancySmith, SamuelC147, SandyE, Simplexity, TerryG9694, ThomasC31 AFA Bard :Tonight we've got something REALLY special... AFA Bard : Besides awarding a FREE HOUR at the end of tonight's chat, we've got a VETERAN online teacher AFA Bard : to keep us all fired up about some amazing things going on online. It's projects like SCRAPBOOK USA AFA Bard : that differentiate AOL from the rest of those services-- *and* the wonderful, creative teachers & online staffers we have online. So... without too much of an introduction (our guest blushes really easily!), I'll introduce you to a gifted educator, online wizard and a true friend-- Ted Roth, aka AFC Tooter heralds from Washington, CT and Shepaug HS. He's gonna wow us with some online updates AFA Bard : about what's happening in ESH and with Scrapbook--- Go for it TOOTER! ;-) : AFC Tooter : Whew! Too much to live up to, but definitely friend. I should introduce some others here since AFC Tooter : there are new faces in the room. SandyE, AFCLeni, and DavidT93 are three of the people who make the Electronic SchoolHouse finction smoothly. AFC Tooter : They have all involved classes in ScrapBook as well as other online projects and have created Miller Ave : Hi everyone. Any protocol I need to follow? AFC Tooter : projects of their own. Welcome MillerAve. AFC Leni : (just enjy, Miller :-)) AFA Bard : Miller-- no protocil in the AED chat room-- just jump in when you get the urge. We're all polite here. ;) AFC Leni : (oops...enjoy!) Hi, Nancy :-))))) AFA Bard : Remember, too... a FREE HOUR will be awarded at chat's end!!! DavidT93 : I'd rather enjy, myself AFA Bard : Welcome Nancy! AFC Tooter : I'm not exactly sure where to start. Not sure what people already know. ScrapBook is an 8 week AFC Leni : :-> David! NancySmith : Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late AFC Tooter : cross-grade, interdisciplinary, multicultural writing project that links students from all over the country and beyond. AFC Leni : (Hi, Elaine :->) JAMMAN3146 : Very Cool! AFA Bard : (Welcome Elaine!) AFC Tooter : Hi Nancy and Elaine. I'd feel a whole lot better about this if there were some questions. JAMMAN3146 : How are the students linked? Elaine 100 : Evening everyone. AFC Tooter : Particularly from some of you who are new to ScrapBook and the Electronic SchoolHouse. NancySmith : I have a question about modems. ..... AFC Tooter : Sure, Nancy. I just sent you a note about modems. Go ahead NancySmith : I have one and the schools I'm working with are nrevous about getting involved (PS got the note) because they fear the kids will somehow run up a big bill AFC Leni : Hi, DS :-) AFC Tooter : What is their fear? Oh. great question. DSGee : hi AFA Bard : (Hang on Jamman- we'll get to your question next!) NancySmith : How do all of you work out the logistics? AFC Tooter : How many in this room have modems and phone lines in school? AFC Leni : Hello, Carol :-) NancySmith : I don't even remember seeing phone plugs in most of the rooms. AFC Leni : I do. CarolMcF : hello DavidT93 : We do. AFA Bard : Welcome Carol! - we're chatting with AFC TOOTER about the Electronic Schoolhouse & Scrapbook USA! Miller Ave : Ido. SandyE : I do--in my lab AdeliaW : I do BOBODDO : Not one I have access to Elaine 100 : We do, only in the media center. NancySmith : HiDavid. Loved your conference in Utah. AFC Leni : Ours is in the lab, too. DavidT93 : Thanks. AFA Bard : Hiya Sam! - we're chatting with AFC TOOTER about the Electronic Schoolhouse & Scrapbook USA! AFC Tooter : I know Sandy does and I do. Have any of you had trouble with phone bills? How do you keep your lines secure? AFC Leni : Hi, Samuel :-) Miller Ave : We have one in the lab, but I have one in my room too. NancySmith : How do you get the kids to actually take turns? AFC Leni : Hello, Terry :-) AFA Bard : Yo, Terry! - we're chatting with AFC TOOTER about the Electronic Schoolhouse & Scrapbook USA! AFC Leni : I have them work online in small groups, Nancy. DavidT93 : They go online when I tell them to, and log off when I tell them to. No problem. AFC Leni : This has always worked well for me. TerryG9694 : whats the subject? AFC Tooter : Nancy, do you know about CNN's purchase order billing for AOL. That's one part of the answer. Miller Ave : Mine go in pairs, but I have to be around to tell them what to do. It is a fourth grade. SandyE : I've never had a problem once I explain that it's like a long distance call. They're 13-15, they understand money... AFA Bard : We're chatting with AFC TOOTER about the Electronic Schoolhouse & Scrapbook USA! AFC Leni : Hi, LA :-) NancySmith : How do you work the Online time/billing? AFC Leni : We have done as much offline as possible. LAMartyr : Hi, Leni (?) I'm new here. NancySmith : I've seen some of the info. Purchase orders for a year? What about summer? Miller Ave : Isn't CNN's billing more expensive than hour home accounts if you don't use 10 hours? AFC Leni : (right...Leni) DavidT93 : Ask if they would be willing to pay for a $20 text for each student on telecommunications. Miller Ave : That should be our home accounts. NancySmith : The CNN field trips were $5+ per person. AFC Tooter : Online billing for AOL is best handled through CNN. They will set up a special school purchase ord DavidT93 : Then tell them that AOL is that text. SamuelC147 : What about the electronic schoolhouse? I've got my students on At&t learning network. NancySmith : Good point David. But easier said than done! AFC Tooter : account. when the time is used up, the service shuts off, so a school can never exceed its AOL budget You can find out all about it by calling 1-800-344-6219. LAMartyr : Leni, I just got on-line...and I'm new to hypercard .I teach fifth grade Ideas where to look? AFC Tooter : Then, all you have to be concerned about is the phone line itself. Samuel... AFC Leni : Stick around, will get ideas right here ;-) NancySmith : One of the schools I'm working with is moving in that direction. This transcript will help. SamuelC147 : Yes? AFC Leni : I used to teach 5th grade, too. AFC Tooter : AT&T is a very different kind of thing than the Electronic SchoolHouse. when students are working NancySmith : I remembered to turn on the log! AFC Tooter : on AOL they are working in a real world setting with access to many people of varying AFC Leni : True, Ted. Miller Ave : What about the Scholastic Network. Don't you have access to ESH through that also and is it cheaper? AFC Tooter : views and backgrounds. It is not JUST an educational community. That makes a lot of difference. AFC Leni : It is more collaborative and more personal, Samuel. DavidT93 : Take a survey of your local employers, and ask them if having graduates familiar with telecommunications networking would be a plus AFC Leni : The Scholastic Network is an additional charge, Miller. You can use ESH if you belong there.... DavidT93 : for employment. That should open some eyes. AFC Leni : but not vice versa. AFC Tooter : Scholastic is also running projects as the Electronic SchoolHouse is. There is an extra fee SamuelC147 : Is ES associated with AOL? AFC Tooter : to join Scholastic. They have lots of great things going on. We also have neat projecxts in the Electronic SchoolHouse, however. AFC Leni : Right :-) ES? ESH, Samuel? AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse is an area of AOL run by teachers for teachers. All of us who work in the Electronic SchoolHouse are also working full time in school. Miller Ave : Scrapebook has people writing about themselves in essays and poems. Have you tried similar projects... with other types of writing? AFC Leni : Yep :-> AFC Tooter : There is no extra charge for joining the fun in the Electronic SchoolHouse beyond your AOL fee. SamuelC147 : So am I sorry about the abv. AFC Tooter : Are you interested in starting a project, Miller? Miller Ave : Not this year, maybe next. LAMartyr : What's AFC stand for?? Leni? AFA Bard : It's easier than you think, Miller. ;) AFC Tooter : the projects in ESH are all the result of an idea a teacher had and put into action. We are always happy to help people get started and share any experience we may have. AFA Bard : AFL= AOL Forum Leader, AFA= AOL Forum Assistant, AFC= AOL Forum Consultant. ;) (all remote staff folks) LAMartyr : Thanks, Bard. AFC Leni : Thanks, Bard :-) AFC Tooter : AFC = Almost Fully Conscious. Miller Ave : All the 4th and 5th grade in my school except me are doing Kidsnet this year. AFC Leni : Hi, Roger :-) AFA Bard : Welcome Rog!- we're chatting with AFC TOOTER about the Electronic Schoolhouse & Scrapbook USA! AFC Leni : LOL, Ted! Miller Ave : I think I've convinced them to drop it next year and do AOL SandyE : ROTFL Tooter! MaristR : Hey guys. NancySmith : So, back to the modem question of mine. I have a 14,400 --but this hooks up at 2400. What should the school buy? SandyE : Talk to me about the pros and cons of Kidsnet..Miller SamuelC147 : Well gotta go wlak on the beach see ya ! Sam AFC Tooter : Buy 14,400, Nancy. AOL will be fully 9600 very soon. Many are already accessing AOL at 9600. Miller Ave : The pros are that you are linked with other schools in a project that is overseen by a scientist LAMartyr : Is there a list of these symbols somewhere* :-)* ? AFC Leni : The school should buy the fastest they can afford, Nancy. Miller Ave : in National Geo. NancySmith : also: they just got an AV Mac and now I have to have them find some extra $$ to get the geo-connectio AFA Bard : 9600 VERY soon! ;) MaristR : Nancy, buy the fast modem you can along with FAX. Miller Ave : The cons are it takes forever and you never see what is happening online. AFC Leni : (I will send you one, LA) Miller Ave : It is also very time frame oriented. LAMartyr : Thanks NancySmith : =|:-)= Uncle Sam Miller Ave : Will 9600 cost more? AFC Tooter : Have a byte of AFA Bard : No Miller. NancySmith : They are "Emoticons" I found a whole list of them somewhere Online. AFA Bard : (List of "emoticons" can be found in the BEGINNER'S FORUM- keyword: BEGINNER) AFC Tooter : Dessert time :-) NancySmith : Oh Tooter!!!!! Is this from your food fights? AFC Leni : Miller, that is the advantage of using our projects. The interaction is felt by your students. LAMartyr : I'll bet my kids could come up with some of those emoticans... AFA Bard : A terrific idea for an activity, LAMarty! AFC Leni : They could, LA...and would love to :-) DavidT93 : If all you are going to do is email, message forums, and have kids chat online, you do NOT AFC Tooter : I'll bet they can, Martyr. That would be a neat project. DavidT93 : need a high speed modem. NancySmith : Remember the days when we were lucky to get a typewriter in the classroom. Usually with a broken key! LAMartyr : Is there a beginner's forum for teachers? DavidT93 : You only need that if you are going to be downloading tons of files. AFC Leni : David, eventually we will all be using internet...then we *will* need those highspeed... modems. DavidT93 : Yes, but by then the price will have come down. AFC Tooter : Beginners are joining in the Electronic SchoolHouse activities all the time. MaristR : Make sure your computer can handle the high speed modems. AFC Tooter : It is a good way to learn. AFC Leni : LA, there is a beginner's chat for all users. ESH is a warm and welcoming community for newcomers. Miller Ave : Will they ever change the interface so that we can read messages or download them all at once... rather than one at a time. That would save us a lot of money. AFC Tooter : Not sure what you mean, Miller. Miller Ave : On CompuServe if I want to read an capture messages I can follow a thread... AFC Tooter : With Mac interface you can choose DOWNLOAD LATER and then download a bunch at once. You can also AFA Bard : You will able to do that, Miller. :) AFC Tooter : go explore elsewhere while downloading. AFC Leni : Miller, do you use logs and flashsessions? NancySmith : Tooter got me started with Flashsessions. They are great! Miller Ave : On AOL I have to go one message and then do next until I've read them all..Time and cost ineffective. AFC Tooter : Oh, Miller, you can make a log of the bulletin board messages as you quickly flip through them. then you go offline and read them later. NancySmith : I set my Mac to rush online at 6:33AM (when Online is oworking then) and grab my mail and sign off AFC Leni : How do they compare in content, Miller and LA? Miller Ave : I've used logs, but am not sure how flashsessions would help in this instance. NancySmith : the sit and have coffee and read my mail. What a life! AFC Tooter : Flashsessions are for mail, Miller. Logs can get bulletin board messages and chats. AFC Leni : They help you read your mail offline. Not online messages, Miller. AdeliaW : I'm new to Scrapbook, what suggestions do you have in getting the students started online? LAMartyr : I don't know what a "navigator" program is? Is it the software that came with the modem? DavidT93 : Wish you could get bboard messages with flashsessions. That'd be nice. AFC Tooter : Adelia, did you see the notes I sent you on ScrapBook? AFC Leni : Adelia, Scrapbook is an ambitious but good project to start with ;-) AdeliaW : yes, thanks AFC Leni : It is so well structured that it is easy to do. NancySmith : ... and Tooter never sleeps! so you always have answers. MaristR : You can automate your sessions. AFC Leni : Yep :-) AFC Tooter : Leni's comments are accurate. You are coming in just after HELLO DAY. One thing you can do is get the HELLO LETTERS and then use the Scavenger hunt to locate all the schools and find out about them. In my class we make a large map and put the schools on it with info. I know Sandy does that too. AFC Tooter : In order to answer some of the Scavenger hunt questions, your students will need info from the other schools. AFC Tooter : They can ask querstions of the other schools in their ScrapBook Chronicle postings. NancySmith : Did you see the AOL "Prodigy Refugee Camp?" AFC Tooter : They can alsoi write their own scavenger hunt questions. AdeliaW : About how much classtime do you need a week to be successful? AFC Tooter : Does that help, Adelia? AFC Tooter : That varies very widely. In my own classes, it is our chief work for 8 weeks. It is the heart of SandyE : Adelia-I've found that much can be done in the classroom AFC Tooter : my writing program for that period of the year. I teach high school, Adleia, so I only see my students for 46 minutes a day. AFC Leni : Hi, Anna :-) AFC Tooter : Hello Fire&dice SandyE : Then the kids come to the lab to word process and send F1reandIce : Hi Leni...Hi Tooter :-) AFA Bard : Welcome Fire&Ice! - we're chatting with AFC TOOTER about the Electronic Schoolhouse & Scrapbook USA! Miller Ave : Have grades under 4 used Scrapbook and how successful were they? AFA Bard : (great screenname!) AFC Tooter : David, how much time does ScrapBook take in your classes? F1reandIce : :::grin:: Thanks Bard...I like yours too. AFC Tooter : My son's class did ScrapBook in both 3rd and 4th grades. AFC Leni : Miller, we had a second grade class do it last year. They got a lot out of it ;-) AFC Tooter : We have our first second grade group this time and have created a modified ScrapBook for them. DavidT93 : I would guess about an hour a day. AFC Tooter : Oh, the one this year is first grade, isn't it David? NancySmith : What parts of it do the kids take home? Do they all get some part? AFC Tooter : I don't follow, Nancy? DavidT93 : But sometimes we spend a couple of hours in a row on it. We have more flexibility re scheduling in elementary schools. Our Scrapbook Junior partners in New Jersey are indeed First Graders. AFC Leni : True, David. It is easier to wrap curriculum around it in elementary school, too ;-) AFC Tooter : I wish we could have concentrated time for writing in high school. It is rediculous. It is a whol e different experience when kids can sit and write for two hours. NancySmith : When the "stuff" has been gathered, do the kids want to have a copy for themselves --or is it a group effort and stays with the group. AFC Tooter : Yes, that is the group that we have devised the modified program for. They will carry on a special exchange with David's class. DavidT93 : Our first grade classes want to see their stuff too, and might write back through us! AFC Leni : We have kept it with the group, Nancy. We build a "scrapbook" :-) NancySmith : Does the scrapbook stay in your room? Library? Time Capsule? at end of year. DavidT93 : You mean the stuff the kids at theother schools write? If someone wanted it bad enough to take home, I would let them. Of course, they would have to write a message to the author in praise, etc. That has happened once in awhile. Miller Ave : The favorites that are posted in the Favorites chapter are posted by a receiving school? AFC Leni : It stays in my room....makes a wonderful model for the next year! SandyE : When I did scrapbook as a language arts teacher, my kids made a scrapbook. It was fantastic. Miller Ave : Not the ones that wrote it. NancySmith : I find that the kids I've worked with have picked up my "precious Paper" syndrome.... SandyE : I haven't found a teacher willing to spend the time on one yet...but I have hopes! DavidT93 : What they REALLY want to take home is their own oneliners and favorites messges. AFC Tooter : Nancy, in addition to whatever happen to the ScrapBook IN your school, all of the ScrapBook chapters that classes have written all the way back to 1989 are in the ScrapBook Library and can still be downloaded. The first ScrapBook class are freshmen in college now. Bard, whewre is you your group now? NancySmith : Will you have some of your students do some kind of five year reunion? with their scrapbook? AFC Tooter : When the first class became seniors, just before graduating, some of them write a goodbye chapter. AFA Bard : They are still in HS, Toot. They were 7th graders then. :) NancySmith : I like that! AFC Tooter : You ought to see if they want to add a pre-graduation chapter looking to past and future. AFA Bard : That was a REALLY fun first exchange-- I remember it like it was yesterday. Who'd have thought it AFC Leni : Good idea, Toot! AFA Bard : would build into the mega-hit it is today! ;) AFC Tooter : Nancy, one of my favorite chapters was written when Leni's fifth graders in California asked a AFC Leni : And mega-hit it is! NancySmith : You are all legends here online! AFC Tooter : class of seniors in New Hampshire what it was liike to be 17. DavidT93 : Two more years and some of those kids will be student teaching...and perhaps they will being THEIR classes online. AFC Leni : That was special to both groups, Ted. AFC Tooter : Never thought of that David!! NancySmith : I can imagine that they will always remember it, too. AFC Leni : Hi, Mark :-) MarkAHulme : Hi :) BOBODDO : Have science teachers tried to collect data from across the country using Electronic Schoolhouse? AFC Tooter : Mark!!! *Welcome* NancySmith : They will have to call you Mister DavidY93 then. DavidT93 : Mr.T F1reandIce : Time for me to go. See you later. :::waving bye::: AFC Tooter : Sure, Bob. There is also plenty of room for science classes to get into ScrapBook, but there SandyE : Boboddo--yes, they have AFC Leni : Yes, Bob. More and more science projects are popping up. AFC Tooter : are also other projects that are specifically science oriented. AFC Leni : Bye, Anna! AFA Bard : Hiya Mary & Thomas! MaryEz : *fanfare* DavidT93 : There is one coming next month on weather observations all scross the country ThomasC31 : Hi AFC Leni : Hi, Thomas, Mary :-) SandyE : Bob--check out the Schoolhouse'll find some past science stuff that has been archived DavidT93 : and another right now on egg dropping AFC Tooter : Mary is another ScrapBook original!!! AFC Leni : And our Egg-A-Thon will be perfect for science :-) MaryEz : Check the Books for Discussion folder. ThomasC31 : I'm new in this forum - what are typical discussions NancySmith : David--did you balance your Equinox egg today? BOBODDO : That's really cool. I'm going to try to come up with something. DavidT93 : I will try that when I go offline--outside, on the patio tablee SandyE : Thomas--this is teachers talking to teachers about integrating technology into the curriculum DavidT93 : tablee=table MaryEz : I'm an original all right, Toot. NancySmith : We won't see a patio until July this year! AFC Leni : LOL, Mary! AFC Tooter : Ooooh! The EGG-A-THON is coming. We also have a SCHOOLHOUSE NEWS BUREAU for schools that publish a newspaper. ThomasC31 : Sounds good to me. I'll listen for a while AFC Leni : Hi, Cop :-) SandyE : Thomas-are you a teacher? CopOLeary : hi MaristR : Tooter, Paul Harvey did one of his rest of the stories this week about our Buddy the Eagle. AFC Tooter : Hi Cop. Are you a teacher or is your name your profession. ThomasC31 : Kind of - taught public school for 25 years - now am an assoc. prof in teacher ed in CT AFC Leni : Really, Roger? AFC Tooter : That ought to lead to anotehr Buddy story for the news bureau. MaristR : It was the same Eagle our 7th grades adopted. CopOLeary : I am a teacher, you? SandyE : Thomas-sounds like a teacher to me! AFC Tooter : I teach high school English. What do you teach? ThomasC31 : Also strong interest in technology/reform/etc DavidT93 : 5th grade kids. AFC Leni : I teach middle school technology. CopOLeary : High school math and computers MaristR : I hope to have some more stories once soocer season ends along with my jury duty. DavidT93 : (Couldn't resist) MaryEz : 5/6 computers SandyE : OOHH, Thomas, you're in the right place AFC Leni : (Hi, NMAK) MMAK : Hello ThomasC31 : Also taught G/T for 6 years in a Jr./Sr. High AFA Bard : OK folks.. before we close, it's time to award the FREE HOUR!!! Are you READY? NancySmith : Thomas--are your college students up to doing theis kind of thing when they get a job? AFA Bard : : MaryEz : Did you Scrappers see the Hello from my guest writer? AFC Leni : :-) AFC Tooter : Are you at UCOnn, Thomas? NancySmith : I teach pre-service art ed. and my kids are not getting much experience --if any with computers. SandyE : Yes, Mary--loved it. I could hear the British accent AFC Leni : Hi, Simplexity :-) ThomasC31 : Good quesstion. Some are, some aren't MaryEz : Did the UConn Women win today? AFA Bard : FREE HOUR TIME! But first.. ThomasC31 : Did my Ph.D at UConn - now at western CT State AFA Bard : a word from our sponsor... Simplexity : Hi. Before you all leave, I'd like to plant a bug in your collective ears ... AFC Leni : Well.....WHO IS THE LUCKY WINNER????? AFA Bard : Join us in AED next week, same AOL time, same AOL channel for a spontaneous chat about an equally MaryEz : Bard, saw Atlanta Hawks beat Celtics today at Boston Garden. Simplexity : about using the Quickie COLOR scanner in the classroom. ThomasC31 : Did the UConn women win? AFA Bard : spontaneous educational software--- HYPERMEDIA! We've got a surprise guest in the wings, too! AFC Tooter : Those of you who are new to the Electronic SchoolHouse, will receive the latest SCHOOLHOUSE NEWS. AFA Bard : And of course, we'll award a FREE HOUR then, too! And.. Before I announce the FREE HOUR.. AFC Tooter : If you don't want to be added to the mailing list, just send me a note via e-mail. AFA Bard : a HUGE AOL Thank you to our guest for tonight, our own Ted Roth (aka AFC TOOTER). Thanks to Leni & David & the rest of the crew for helping out, too! Let's give 'em a hand! AFC Tooter : _ |=| AFA Bard : ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() AFC Tooter : | | / .\ |-: | Doubly Bubbly Soda Fizzzzz | | | | . | |...| |...| |_|. | | :| |. | |. :| | .| | .| |_____|--------|___|-----|___|--- ready to *Ssplat* ? AFC Leni : Yeah, Toot!!!! :-)))) LOL BOBODDO : Thank you!!!!!!!!! AFC Tooter : No alcoholic bevs in school. AFC Leni : Hi, John ;-) NancySmith : :-) THANKS!!! )()()()( You are amazing, Tooter! AFA Bard : And the FREE HOUR GOES TO... DavidT93 : SHlurp! Johnosail : ME AFC Tooter : Get ready!!! SandyE : *smash* AFC Tooter : To...... AFC Leni : Holding my breath! SandyE : OOPs, sorry I dropped my glass AFC Tooter : tooooooooo...... AFA Bard : MILLER AVE for saying the secret word... FAVORITES!!! Yippeeeeeee! DavidT93 : Oh, this is so exciting Johnosail : GUYS HOW ARE YOU? AFA Bard : MILLER AVE -- YOU WON! AFC Tooter : ( ) SandyE : YEAH!!!! Miller--way to go!!! AFC Tooter : | ThomasC31 : I'm confused Miller Ave : Thanks, It's all in the wrist. AFC Tooter : | | AFA Bard : A FREE HOUR will be posted to your account within 72 hours! AFC Tooter : DavidT93 : Yay, Miller AVe! BOBODDO : Yeah Miller Ave AFC Leni : Yeah, Miller!!!!!!! NancySmith : )()()()()()()() Congrats! MaristR : WTG Miller. AFC Leni : Huzzah!! Hooray!!!!! MaryEz : *fightgoeson* SandyE : Thomas, don't be confused--at the end of our hour, someone gets a free hour online AFA Bard : Join us next week for HYPERMEDIA CHAT from 8 to 9 ET same place!!!! AFC Leni : Simplexity...I want to hear your news :-) AFA Bard : An edited LOG of tonight's SCRAPBOOK chat will be posted shortly in the AED New Files library. :0 AFA Bard : THANKS for joining us tonight folks!!!!!!! BOBODDO : Goodnight Miller Ave : *Goodbye* AFC Tooter : Nite all. Thanks for coming. NancySmith : Fun, as always! See you next time. AFC Tooter : Balloons, Nancy! MaryEz : Night all, sorry I was late. Just got home from Boston. AFC Leni : What is that, Simplexity? SandyE : 'nite, Mary AFA Bard : Well folks--- G'night! Off to turn in the free hour and edit tonight's log! See ya! SandyE : 'nite all!