Date: 8/21/94 Start Time: 7:56:02 PM End Time: 9:05:03 PM Participants: AFA Bard, AFC Tooter, BCS Frank, BHOUSER, CGMoore5, I a retard, Jaleel, MADTeacher, Magholm, MaristR, Mgem, QUIST1, Susan G2, TwinsFam AFA Bard : Welcome to the Apple // Education Forum! Tonight's guest is our own AFC Tooter- guru of online programming and founder of the popular Scrapbook USA online project. Susan G2 : Hiya Bard AFA Bard : How's Life? Susan G2 : Good...did you get my signed release? brb AFA Bard : Absolutely. Right on time. Thank you. Susan G2 : bak Good! Have any ideas for a science project for health science? AFA Bard : Hiya Frank! Susan G2 : Hi! BCS Frank : Bard, Susan, Hi! :) AFA Bard : What kind of health science, Susan? Susan G2 : Nutrition, family relationships or sexually transmitted diseases. AFA Bard : (We'll get cruisin' as soon as our tour guide- AFC Tooter- gets here. :) BCS Frank : Yeah, Tooter does that. :) Susan G2 : Those are the topics that the teacher is willing to try it out on. AFA Bard : CNN's Nutrition series (Turner Multimedia) has a lot of great resources. Hiya MADTeacher! Welcome! Susan G2 : hmmmmm haven't seen that. AFA Bard : Check the CNN forum under Turner Multimedia. Susan G2 : Does it cost lots of money? MADTeacher : Hi! What's up? AFA Bard : No.. it comes with a video and is around $20. Susan G2 : ok... <-----checking AFA Bard : MAD.. our topic tonight is ONLINE PROJECTS... we're waiting for our special guest. :) School start for you yet, MAD? Welcome TLOM! MADTeacher : Kids come Tuesday! AFA Bard : Are you read for 'em? Susan G2 : Oh good then my question is right are topic....:-) Are you talking about healthy eating series? AFA Bard : Aha... I see TOOTER on the info. superhighway! ;) MADTeacher : Always! A new school year never fails to excite me. Are you a teacher? AFA Bard : Yes, Susan... it's great... lots of options. Susan G2 : Ok...checking... AFA Bard : Now a tech. coord., MAD.. taught for 11 years. What do you teach, MAD? MADTeacher : 7th grade Language Arts. What did you teach? AFA Bard : middle school--- science, math and language arts. Aren't middle schoolers wonderful? Welcome BHouser! BHOUSER : Hello MADTeacher : The best! They will either drive you crazy or make you love them. This year my son wil also be in 7th. Susan G2 : Bard, the whe series is $99 Do you recommend the whole series or any parcular ones? AFA Bard : The whole series is a bargain. There are a couple of new ones, though, including "AIDS & Nutrition" and "Eating Healthy for Kids" that are particularly good. Susan G2 : Hmmm ok.......checking for new ones. AFA Bard : BHOUSER... are you an educator? BHOUSER : Yes AFA Bard : (I just finished the guide for the A & N one, Susan, it may not be on the list yet. :) What level, Bhouser? AHA! We have TOOTER! AFC Tooter : *Welcome* *Foodfoodfight* Susan G2 : Bard nothing on Aids and Nutrition.... MADTeacher : Got to go, AFA Bard. See you later! AFA Bard : Welcome Magholm! See you MAD.. keep in touch! Well folks... let's get rolling! AFC Tooter : Hello Magholm. Lots of people here. AFA Bard : Our topic tonight is SCRAPBOOK USA, and other online projects! Our guest is our own "guru of the Magholm : Howdy. Just browsing around tonight. BHOUSER : I teach elementary level. You can call me Bonnie. I think I'll change my login. Soon. AFA Bard : superhighway" Ted Roth (aka AFC Tooter). Remember... I'll give away a FREE HOUR at the end of the chat to some lucky participant! Here in AED, there's no "chat protocol", only courtesy. ;-) So... without any more commercials... heeeerrrreeee's TOOTER! AFC Tooter : Hello all! AFA Bard : (Welcome Bonnie!) AFC Tooter : I'm hoping the storms don't pop up again. We've been drowned in buckets of rain this afternoon. BHOUSER : Yo, Tooter! AFA Bard : Here, too, Toot. AFC Tooter : Hello Bonnie. BHOUSER : We're supposed to have some rain. None yet. AFA Bard : Where are you Bonnie? <-- Atlanta, GA BCS Frank : Rain came here instead. BHOUSER : San Antonio AFC Tooter : We've had plenty, but we aren't in the same state as Georgia yet. BCS Frank : <-- Boston, MA Magholm : I'm with you, Tooter, almost literally. I'm in Rhode Island. Rain is making school come too soon. AFC Tooter : <---- Connecticut. what we see now, Boston gets later. Susan G2 : <----California...sunshine all the time:-)) AFA Bard : I'm jealous, Susan! BCS Frank : Except for the lobsters... we get those first. AFA Bard : ROTFL AFC Tooter : Well, I'm here to answer questions about ScrapBook or any other kind of online project people want to talk about. BCS Frank : I have kind of a procedural one.... AFC Tooter : Yes, Boston lobsters are a treasure we will pay dearly for. :-) Yes, Frank. Magholm : I was disappointed to read that AOL is discontinuing its Apple II support. AFC Tooter : Me too, Magholm. BCS Frank : ... will the Apple II termination effect many scrapbook projects? Me three... :( AFA Bard : Me too... but the good news is that ALL files will remain for download and the forums will be consolodated. AFC Tooter : I have already received some notes from others disappointed by the loss of Apple on AOL. One person BHOUSER : I'm new. What are scrapbook projects? AFC Tooter : even wrote to send a farewell. However, the fact remains that we are seeing a vast influx of new schools on AOL, more than we are sure we can handle. BCS Frank : Bonnie, have you cometo the right place with -that- question! :) Susan G2 : Bard and Tooter, what will happen to AED? AFC Tooter : Not ARE, but IS. Why don't I start with a brief description of ScrapBook? Magholm : Save us some room. Our school hasn't signed on yet! AFC Tooter : The ScrapBookUSA Writing Project is an, interdisciplinary, multicultural, cross-grade program that uses computer telecommunications to link students in informal and formal writing. ScrapBook Chronicle activities lead to the creation, exchange, and celebration of AFA Bard : (We'll be fine, Susan... it'll be "incorporated" into ESH and TIN.) AFC Tooter : ScrapBook chapters of student-written essays and poems. Students describe the people, places, treasures and traditions of their communities. The 8-week core curriculum has been evolving since 1989. It now concludes with a costume party finale and food fight at which students use HELLO LETTERS, CHRONICLES, and ESSAYS to guess at each other's identities. ScrapBookUSA became a Connecticut Celebration of Excellence project in 1993. Today, more than BHOUSER : A food fight? On the computer? ;) AFC Tooter : 230 classes in 33 states have participated. You bet, Bonnie! Susan G2 : Yes Bonnie you have to be there to believe it. AFC Tooter : As to saving room, I'm sure we'll be able to handle the load in ScrapBook, but BCS Frank : BHOUSER : That must be funny. AFC Tooter : I'm not sure we will handle the crush as effectively in the schoolhouse generally. It's a hoot! Last spring, schools west of the Mississippi threw red food, those east threw green food. AFA Bard : This year it should be "things with legs" and things "without legs". ;) BHOUSER : Now that's funny! Magholm : Are there ways to use Internet access to send some information to Scrapbook (other than the online food fights etc. AFA Bard : Welcome AWIGS! We're chatting about SCRAPBOOK USA and other online projects. Jump right in! AFC Tooter : Good one Bard. I'll make note of that. Susan G2 : It is particularly if you have tooter's food sounds. AFC Tooter : Some work can be done through the internet, but we make heavy use of AOL boards, and there is not time to do transfers for people polaying from the internet. *SnackAttack* AFA Bard : polaying? AFC Tooter : I wish I had my pictures to send, but I'm using the wrong computer tonight. Magholm : What kind of things do the kids get off the boards? BCS Frank : AFA Bard : (Not a rumor, Frank.. coming soon to a screen near you. ) AFC Tooter : Boards are used for weekly SCRAPBOOK CHRONICLE exchanges and for posting ScrapBook FAVORITES at the AFA Bard : Welcome Lynne! We're chatting with AFC TOOTER about SCRAPBOOK and other online projects. Join in! BCS Frank : :) AFC Tooter : end of the project. Also, teachers sometimes make plans on the SCHOOL TO SCHOOL: LINK PROJECTS board. Magholm : lol AFC Tooter : However, if the hope is to save money by using internet, you will still pay for access to AOL. BHOUSER : Can schools get a discount?? Magholm : Does everyone here know about looking up the people at the People icon? Some of you haven't filled in your info yet. AFC Tooter : There are discount plans to AOL offered by NEA and AFT. Also, there are purchase order arrangements that can be made through CNN by calling 1-800-344-6219. AFC Tooter : Yes, it is great when people fill in the MEMBER DIRECTORY. However, in esh... the Electronic SchoolHouse... we will be setting up a new searchable PROJECT PARTNERS' DIRECTORY where teachers can list their interests for online projects. Susan G2 : Very nice idea! Bravo Tooter!!!! AFA Bard : Welcome Roger! We're chatting about scrapbook USA with AFC Tooter. Magholm : Great. :o) AFC Tooter : Hello, Roger. A word of intro for Roger... MaristR : Great! I can't stay long. AFC Tooter : Roger has just done a big favor to all DOS computer users who join ScrapBook... BCS Frank : Good grief, Tooter, can't you ever let people catch up with last week's new features? Magholm : Anyone know if this can be tax-deductible? I'm spending a lot of "time" online. AFC Tooter : He has taken all the FoodFight sounds that were made by students in MA and translated them into WAV files so everyone can now enjoy the sounds *Fanfare* AFA Bard : Hmmm.. never thought of that, Mag. Seems like the educational use might be if your school isn't reimbursing you. BHOUSER : Your school must be richer than ours if you get reimbursed. BCS Frank : Maybe the same tax catagory as a professional teaching journal? AFC Tooter : There are various ways to cut down on online time without missing anything. Have you explored the AFA Bard : Yes.. THANKS, Roger for converting those sounds! BCS Frank : MaristR : *FOODFIGH* AFC Tooter : flahsmail feature and the log facility which lets you log the contents of boards? Bonnie, you bring up a good point... Magholm : Flashmail I use regularly. Great with my new modem. Log I'll have to investigate. AFA Bard : (File Menu, Mag,under LOGS) AFC Tooter : many teachers have found ways to deal with lack of school support for AOL. A lot of teachers have run a first project and gotten local news coverage and made a big splash at parents' night. Then, the school has clear evidence of the success of online links. AFA Bard : Yup.. that's how we began, Toot. :-0 AFC Tooter : Me too. Magholm : :- Susan G2 : It costs only 250 a year for a 10 month subscription through CNN for 10 hours a month. AFA Bard : Welcome Mgem! We're talking with AFC TOOTER about SCRAPBOOK USA and other online projects. Feel AFC Tooter : The school put in a $5000 budget item for long distance learning. AFA Bard : free to join in! Susan G2 : me too.... Mgem : MGE:, Hi team, I'm really interested in using hypercard. Magholm : OOOOO. That sounds great! BCS Frank : AOL funding would make a great PTA project too. Mgem : Any experience with it? AFA Bard : Any HyperCard projects, Tooter? BHOUSER : I used to use HyperCard but HyperStudio is a lot easier to use. MaristR : I think the Chicago Tribune also offers special rates for schools in Illinois. AFC Tooter : Most teachers I know have been switching over to HyperStudio. We have several HyperScrap chapters in the ScrapBook library now. .We are certainly interested in finding teachers interested in starting any sort of Hyper projects in the Electronic SchoolHouse AFA Bard : (Note: HyperStudio stacks can also be found online using keyword: ROGER WAGNER or STUDIOWARE) AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse. KathHMB will be starting a HyperStudio based ISSUES project. I will be posting info very soon. BHOUSER : Yes, I know. They helped me out with a workshop this summer. They're great! AFA Bard : Welcome AnMRob & CGMoore! We're talking about Online Projects with AFC Tooter. Please join in! Magholm : Better go now. Talk to you around the net. AFC Tooter : It is designed so people who are only beginning to work with HyperStudio can join. TwinsFam : Anybody here talking? CGMoore5 : Sorry, I appear to have stumbled in accidentally. Bye. BHOUSER : I introduced HyperStudio to teachers in our district who were taking home a computer over the summer. AFC Tooter : Other questions? It's a great program Bonnie. I love it. Just did a full day ScrapBook workshop in which all essays ended as part of a HyperStudio stack with pictures and sounds to go along. Be sure to check out the various HyperScraps in the ScrapBook Library. Has everyone run out of questions? What levels or subjects do you all teach? TwinsFam : 3rd grade Jaleel : preschool 3 to 5's Just got here AFC Tooter : fantastic. We've had online participant in projects (including ScrapBook all the way down to grade 1. TwinsFam : We have a mac lab, and one IIE per class. Any suggestions on using the IIE? BHOUSER : Where is the ScrapBook Library? AFC Tooter : Last year a grade one class wrote an ABC book of their town for ScrapBook. TwinsFam : I'm not familiar with Scrapbook AFC Tooter : The ScrapBook Library is in the PROJECT LIBRARIES of the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH). BCS Frank : Oh, FimbleWinter.... the Nodes got me again! AFC Tooter : Twins, I just sent you the early part of this chat in which I described ScrapBook. TwinsFam : Thanks. AFC Tooter : Anybody know anything about the new Quadra 630's? BHOUSER : MECC makes some good programs for little guys on the IIe. I like Reading&Me and Math&Me too. AFA Bard : *FREE HOUR given away at Chat's End tonight!* Jaleel : how little? AFC Tooter : How little? Nearly new. BHOUSER : Well I think she was talking 3 to 5 year olds. BCS Frank : Yup MECCs got Number Jumpers and Rescue in the Outback coming out too. Jaleel : yes and "she's" a he TwinsFam : I didn't know anybody was still writing new programs for IIe's AFC Tooter : How do the kids take to the IIe's after they've worked on the Macs? BCS Frank : IIe? Sure. BHOUSER : They don't seem to care. They just like the buttons, etc. TwinsFam : Not much problem. I've been using the in-class IIe to practice keyboarding. AFA Bard : We use the "right tool for the right job" approach, Toot. Most of our IIes are now used for WP and keyboarding (& MECC). BCS Frank : Kids rarely care about your CPU chip series number. AFC Tooter : Tutor Tech is a great Hyper program for IIe's. Not sure kids that little can use it. TwinsFam : I also use it to talk about old "dinosaur" computers compared to new tech. AFC Tooter : What was the story program that turned AppleWorks into HyperText. MaristR : We still have few kids that use the IIe at home so we have one Mac LC setup with a IIe card. BCS Frank : StoryWorks. AFA Bard : Hyperscreen (Scholastic) is also a great hyper-program for the IIe. AFC Tooter : That's it, Frank. That was a nifty program. BCS Frank : And Story Works runs on everything from Apple II+ to the IIGS. AFC Tooter : If you are looking for IIe stuff, you might want to also contact PShapiro on AOL. BCS Frank : It still is, and was updated a few months ago. MaristR : Is TI&IE still making files for AppleWorks? QUIST1 : I hate to butt in, but how do you arrange live chats with other classes and where do these take place? AFC Tooter : In the Electronic SchoolHouse, there is a chat room called the SCHOOLROOM that is designed for class t to class chats. BHOUSER : Does anyone know of a shareware program for the Mac that will allow kids to practice signing in on a modem? AFA Bard : Electronic Schoolhouse can be reached with KEYWORD: ESH. AFC Tooter : DavidT93 will let you know details and help you avoid conflicts, but it is usually available. AFA Bard : First Class is a great start Bonnie. QUIST1 : Thanks! My principal is trying very hard to get the $ needed to hook my room up. It'll happen - I am going to be the guinea pig for our district BCS Frank : "practice signing in?" There is FreTerm, but that's Apple II. AFC Tooter : until November, you can use AOL on a IIe :-(( Oh, practice on the Mac... Hmmm. AFA Bard : Excellent, Quist. Arrange a live demo for thepower-brokers. Always a great sell! ;) AFC Tooter : You mean without actually getting connected??? BCS Frank : I'd practice with a local BBS... the school could set up one in the next room if needs be. AFA Bard : Isn't there a HCard stack that simulates AOL, Ted? BHOUSER : Yes. or No. Just some way to practice. TwinsFam : If you just want to practice using a modem, try getting the log-on number to your local library AFC Tooter : Not that I know of Bard. I have often thought of making one in HS. It would be easy. QUIST1 : I have investigated AOL all summmer at home. I am sold!! So are the powers on high, it's just gettin BCS Frank : You- -could- make a HC stack to simulate signing on, or most any other app as well. BHOUSER : Yes I guess I could. AFA Bard : Sounds like a great "kid-project", Toot! AFC Tooter : I'm not sure such practice would be much fun, and it might leave them more confused. QUIST1 : g the $$ AFC Tooter : There is always a level of disbelief by little kids who are only used to seeing computer as self-contained entities. BCS Frank : Hmmm... it'd be a lot better if there's someone on the other end... I'd link classrooms. AFC Tooter : It all comes alive when they get to chat with someone. TwinsFam : Quist - what grade do you teach? BCS Frank : There was an adult literacy project in Boston that linked schools... simple text... AFC Tooter : Yes. Make a mini network between two classes in your school. That's a great idea. TwinsFam : Speaking of chatting - does anybody know where on AOL there is software to ... BCS Frank : was very effective in getting people to type like mad. QUIST1 : I teach a 3/4 multiage. BHOUSER : I don't have the technical knowledge to do that.:( AFC Tooter : Chats do that, don't the, Frank? AFA Bard : There's a pretty cool program called NET CHAT - it's ShareWare for System 7.x macs. I think it's TwinsFam : let two mac's on Appletalk do chats QUIST1 : I teach a 3/4 multiage. AFA Bard : online here on AOL. Check the MCM forum. AFC Tooter : Bonnie, it is mostly built into the Mac and not hard to do. AOL is a great place to get your questions answered. BCS Frank : Yep, they were chats, but on a zero budget, and in class schedules. TwinsFam : Thanks Bard AFC Tooter : All you need is a couple of connectors at about $5-$10 each and some telephone wire. AFA Bard : Welcome Kevin! MaristR : Back at 2400. BHOUSER : Yeah, thanks, you're giving me some good ideas. AFA Bard : The connectors are called "localtalk connectors" and they're available from Farallon (who calls them TwinsFam : Quist - I teach 3rd at year-round school now. AFA Bard : PhoneNet connectors) and other vendors. TwinsFam : I'd like to get the kids on computer, too. BCS Frank : 1200 or even 300 Baud modems are fine for chat speed... and very very cheap. AFC Tooter : Remember, all the things for which you lack tech knowledge are thee things that AOL will help you solv e. BHOUSER : Now that would impress parents on Parent Night. AFC Tooter : Or order from MacWarehouse or MacConnection or one of the mail order vendors. AFA Bard : Indeed! Before the time gets away, Tooter, can you say a bit about the next deadlines for Scrapbook? AFC Tooter : Many people will give away old 1200 and 2400 baud modems for free. See if your local paper will run a notice for your school. AFA Bard : ** Free Hour Giveaway in just a few minutes! ** BCS Frank : To link two puters you don't need a network or BBS set up, just 2 modems and regular telecom software on each. BHOUSER : Would ClarisWorks do it? BCS Frank : Even simpler, you can connect the computers with a null modem cable, no modems needed.however, you can print on each other's printers :-> BHOUSER : Sorry to have taken you away from Scrapbooks. Please continue Bard. BCS Frank : It should, or ProTerm, TIC, Microphone, any of that ilk. AFC Tooter : No problem, Bonnie. Happy to talk about what everyone is concerned with. AFA Bard : No problem Bonnie.;) ClarisWorks, by the way, would do fine. ;) AFA Bard : Toot... scrap deadlines? BHOUSER : Can I write to BCS Frank later? BCS Frank : What's a "deadline?" :) BCS Frank : Bonnie, sure, any time. :) AFC Tooter : Uhhh? Not sure what the schedule is, but it is posted in the ESH PRO(JECT & CHAT CALENDARS section of AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse (keyword ESH). AFA Bard : Great, Tooter! AFC Tooter : There is estill plenty of time to sign up for ScrapBook and a bunch of other ESH projects. AFA Bard : Ready for the FREE HOUR!?! First a short commercial... AFA Bard : : AFA Bard : Join us right here next week for our next AED chat! Our topic: AOL in the Classroom.. real ideas AFA Bard : from real users (like YOU!) Here's a chance to get fired-up again about a multitude of online goodies AFC Tooter : READY, READY, READY!!!! Who won??? Telll tell. AFA Bard : .... I also want to thank AFC Tooter for a GREAT job (as always).... AFA Bard : (He love to get mail... ) AFC Tooter : You're very welcome. My pleasure to be here and meet new people. AFA Bard : (::: reaching into bag-o-screennames for winner:::) BCS Frank : Bard just says that cause Tooter does such a great job. :) AFA Bard : Tonight's FREE HOUR winner is.... AFC Tooter : ::::blush::::: AFA Bard : BHOUSER! AFC Tooter : Tell tell BHOUSER : Aw right! AFC Tooter : Hooooooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BCS Frank : Way to go, Bonnie!!!! :) AFC Tooter : Congratulations. TwinsFam : Congrats AFA Bard : Congratulations, Bonnie!!!! The free HOUR will be credited to your account within 72 hours! BHOUSER : What a wonderful bunch of intelligent people. AFA Bard : Remember.. we give away a FREE HOUR to a lucky attendee every week! AFC Tooter : That's quick. AFA Bard : It's great to meet YOU, too Bonnie! Hope you'll join us again! BCS Frank : BHOUSER : For sure AFC Tooter : Nite all. Thanks, Bard. Thanks for coming, everyone. AFA Bard : LOL, Frank! AFA Bard : Have a GREAT week of KIDS, folks! BCS Frank : Neat, you even cleared out the room on schedule. :) AFA Bard : Great chat with SusanG tonight... check out keyword: ESH (or CNN) from 9:30-10:30 PM. 8/21/94 8:59:46 PM Closing Log file.