6/13/93 7:51:29 PM Opening "CHAT0613" for recording. AFL Gayle : We're officially an Apple // Forum, Leslie, but we welcome all educators. :) AFA Bard : Yea! Still looking forward to Orlando, Mary? AFC Tooter : What kind of presentation do you want to do, Bard. I'm planning to put in a ScrapBook/ESH proposal. LeslieG1 : I, am actually with Apple... I am a Systems Engineer with K-12\ LeslieG1 : So, I thought I would pop in AFL Gayle : Great! Delighted to have you here! :) AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is Technology Planning. LeslieG1 : Where is she located? I am here in Southern California LeslieG1 : I can help big time with Planning! AFL Gayle : Great! :) MaryEz : We finally got our vision statement together this fall, sent out a survey to all staff and are now LeslieG1 : Probably why the name doesnt ring church bells. Ed Advantage are a good group of people AFL Gayle : I have a question about Ed. Advantage then, Bard. Why are the options under Educator AFL Gayle : Advantage so limited? MaryEz : planning our professional development strand for technology for next year. AFL Gayle : I had hoped to see more PowerBooks listed. AFA Bard : Actually, Gayle. You can get almost all Apple products by calling the Ed. Advantage toll-free number. AFA Bard : It's based mostly on availability. The Color Powerbooks, for example (165c) isn't currently AFA Bard : available. :) AFA Bard : Welcome Njbob! Njbob : good evening, all AFA Bard : CJ!!!! AFL Gayle : Well, the flyer I got at school, Bard, listed only about 3 or 4 computers. Said MaryEz : It must be Bob from New Jersey? AFC Tooter : CJ!!! :-)) *Fanfare* AFL Gayle : that was what was available until Sept. LeslieG1 : We just added the Centris 610 to educator Advantage AFL Gayle : Welcome, Bob and CJ! :) AFC Tooter : And njBob!!! *Drumroll* AFA Bard : Yup. saw that flyer, Gayle. Probably the same sent out everywhere. It's always safest to call the AFA Bard : toll-free number though to find out more. CJ4Short : Hello ya all! AFL Gayle : Our topic tonight is Technology Planning. AFL Gayle : What can you share with us about the topic, Leslie? :) AFL Gayle : (Or anyone else. :) MaryEz : Have you all had good luck with contacting your local Apple Reps? So far I have been left on hold LeslieG1 : Well, there are two items that are out to help 1) MaryEz : and have left messages with no replies. I'm not a happy camper with the new procedures. LeslieG1 : TLT: Teaching, Learning and Technology. Its a Multimedia set-up that takes you through planning for... LeslieG1 : technology. AFC Tooter : I have found the 1-800-SOS-APPL works very well. LeslieG1 : Its very cheap and sold through Intellimation. The second I can send to you free. It is a HyperCard.. AFC Tooter : TLT is great. We;ve used it. LeslieG1 : stack that allows you to create you main goals. Kinda like a pre-vision statement MaryEz : Leslie, we purchased the whole package, but nobody has time to sit through it all!! AFC Tooter : I took it home and explored for an evening. The videos were great for persuading admins anmd boArd me AFC Tooter : members. LeslieG1 : Well, find out if anyone in your district is planning on getting it. Form a group a talk Apple into... LeslieG1 : holding a one day training AFA Bard : Mary.. I think the strength of the program is for use by a small group- say your technology planning AFA Bard : team, to help guide a larger group. We've used it's great research resources and it's presentation AFA Bard : tools to do some dandy stuff. LeslieG1 : This is a great topic. Huge amounts of money are wasted because of no planning MaryEz : We have tried but as usual our computers are not compatible with the software etc. AFC Tooter : Do you have a laser player, Mary? MaryEz : Yes AFC Tooter : I think you can get at the videos directly without the software on the CD ROM. MaryEz : and CD player but the computer only has 2 mb of ram AFA Bard : Yup.. TLT is available on video and in CD-ROM formats. LeslieG1 : Yeah. AFC Tooter : Only two MB. Then there is no questions what your first planning goal has to be. LeslieG1 : hahahaha LeslieG1 : what kind of machine Mary? AFA Bard : One thing we've realized is how important it is to have a local *and* a district plan that compliment MaryEz : Toot, remember I have a lab full of Apple IIgs and will not have Macs until all the other schools are MaryEz : up to me. I was the first. AFA Bard : each other. Anyone else hit snags in that area? AFC Tooter : BTW, Mary, my PB memory died again. I took it back and Henry replaced the memory for no charge. I AFC Tooter : now have 12 mb in my 160. MaryEz : Still the same ram chips? AFA Bard : Died AGAIN, Tooter? So far my Duo 230's cooking along just fine. (:: knocking on wood ::) Mickey & AFC Tooter : He replaced the aux (non-Apple) memory. AFA Bard : donald's fingers were too big for the keyboard though. :) MaryEz : We are still using Apple II+ in some classes. AFC Tooter : The dealer I bought from has been getting a lot of lousy memory. AFA Bard : Mary.. does your district have a "growth and replacement" fund? AFC Tooter : LOL!!! AFL Gayle : You mean the plusses are still running, Mary? Our two were finally retired. AFC Tooter : growth and replacement fund *ROTFL* MaryEz : We have no fund. Have been dependent almost totally on Chapter II funds. Very little in ten MaryEz : years has come from BOE funds. AFA Bard : Great idea in concept, though, huh? I've put it in my budget (systemwide) for a couple of years now, AFA Bard : each year they've been axed. :( Any lottery funds come your way? MaryEz : PTO has supported some schools LeslieG1 : Can I ask what districts and States we are from? So I can get an idea? AFC Tooter : Can you put some in for my school too, Bard? MaryEz : Connecticut AFA Bard : ROTFL, Toot. :) AFL Gayle : I live in North Carolina, Leslie. AFC Tooter : <------ Connecticut AFA Bard : <--- Gwinnett County Schools, suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. (Micaela Weeks is my wonderful rep.!) CJ4Short : I'm sure glad I don't have these problems! hahahahaha! State Game - CALIFORNIA! AFL Gayle : Bob, how are things in your district? Is your system good about replacing/ AFL Gayle : updating? LeslieG1 : The reps love Mac Champions like you Njbob : luckily, state money has rolled into our district in last two years, but they're starting at zip.... LeslieG1 : Short, You are in California? AFC Tooter : The reps may, but my board members keep whispering EduQuest in our ears. AFA Bard : How is most of the money used, Bob.. for stand-alone units or labs? CJ4Short : 4ever! LeslieG1 : I know... we hear the same thing. But, I think out price is helping that out LeslieG1 : Where at In Ca? Njbob : as of now, a few small labs, and sneaking one here and there into individual classrooms .... AFA Bard : (Now if Leslie could just crank out more LC IIIs, we'd be fine. :)) ) LeslieG1 : VERY GOOD POINT! CJ4Short : Redwood City - 20 miles south of San Francisco! AFL Gayle : Leslie, what should Toot's response (or anyone's) be who gets told to buy PC AFA Bard : Bob.. are you beginning at ES level? AFC Tooter : Price is helping, but we have one who is so closed minded on the subject that I think he has a AFL Gayle : instead of Macs? AFC Tooter : sweetheart deal all set up and stands to lose millions if we buy Mac. LeslieG1 : I would do a few things. LeslieG1 : (remind me to tell you the good news about LCIII before I am done here) MaryEz : Jim Monk is my rep. Never hear from him. AFA Bard : It's that dreaded "blue underwear" syndrome, Toot. Grass roots is definately the answer! AFL Gayle : Bob, what computers are you buying? Are the labs networked? AFC Tooter : Tell, tell!!! MaryEz : We don't buy enough to be interesting. AFC Tooter : The LC IV is coming out tomorrow? LeslieG1 : One thing is to find an upper ranking person to help. They listen more when you have someone... MaryEz : No, Toot, IX and X!! LeslieG1 : else to listen to.... LeslieG1 : There are also great studies dealing with this whole eduquest/writing to read. that blast it Njbob : we have 16-station lab in library, but no in-house leadership on goals ..... LeslieG1 : Or, call your rep! they hate to hear about this.,.. it fuels the fire AFC Tooter : Principal and Supt are solidly behind the tech plan we put together. This board member tried to cut Njbob : we are desperate for writing lab .... AFL Gayle : But the upper ranking people are the ones muttering Blue, blue, Leslie. ;) AFC Tooter : ALL computer funds because we put Macs in the plan. AFA Bard : Not all of 'em Gayle. ;) LeslieG1 : Most, not all.... I have learned to find them. It gets easier. The big problem is ignorance AFA Bard : Bob.. there's lots of research out there to support the installation of writing labs. Have you checked AFA Bard : ERIC for some ammo? AFC Tooter : If really deperate, you could make a great writing lab out of used IIe's. I've got a few to sell ;- MaryEz : I see more and more IBM compatibles showing up in homes. I survey my classes every year. Apple MaryEz : used to be ahead but no more. LeslieG1 : Every Apple rep has collateral to show our advantage. I would request, videos and all. and set up a... LeslieG1 : quicke meeting with teacher, Apple and upper people. Kinda like a town hall meeting AFC Tooter : In seriousness, Bob, the Writing Center we put in is an NCTE Center of Excellence and it is all IIe's AFA Bard : Same here, Mary. I really like the IMPRESSIONS video if you can get your hands on it. Some of the AFC Tooter : and works fine except for those students who have newer machines at home. AFC Tooter : We need to update to pull them back into the Center. AFA Bard : IMAGINE series (satellite)are terrific, too. LeslieG1 : Imagine is very good. The newest tape has an intro from Gore and Clinton. Did you know Clinton has.. LeslieG1 : an Internet address? MaryEz : Yup AFC Tooter : Hello SINE. Welcome to the Apple Ed Chat. AFL Gayle : He has an address on AOL, Leslie, even closer than Internet. :) CJ4Short : !.. You can also reach him as CLinton PZ on AOL LeslieG1 : We freed up some LC III 4/160's and I beleive if your rep has some they will contact you to swicth and LeslieG1 : Have you heard about the LCII deal? AFL Gayle : Clinton PZ email and WhiteHouse keyword to find his press releases, etc. AFC Tooter : NOpe. Not sure I would invest in IIs, though. AFL Gayle : No. Tell us, Leslie. AFA Bard : You mean the price reduction on the LC II and the Ed. Advantage deal? Njbob : if apple was serious about ed advantage, they would take trade-ins .... LeslieG1 : If you have any LC III's on backlog.. your rep may call with info on how to get a sweet LC II deal LeslieG1 : But, this all depends on what your rep gets allocated, etc, etc, etc AFC Tooter : How sweet? :-) AFA Bard : You mean a coupon for an upgrade to an LC III? MaryEz : We put in for a Chapter II grant for September but BOE hasn't approved it yet. Will III's be SINE : You can upgrade your LC ll to a LC lll for only about $600. MaryEz : available by then? LeslieG1 : Well, I dont think I am allowed to say... But, its nice..... AFA Bard : (I think it's already available on AppleLink, Leslie. :) LeslieG1 : I am only a Systems Engineer and do not know the whole ins and outs of the sales deal AFC Tooter : They throw in a PB at no cost ;-) MaryEz : I just finally got the LC I's upgraded to LC II's in the other middle school lab. AFA Bard : Leslie... do you know Tim Matheny? LeslieG1 : BAH! Where do I buy my LC??? LeslieG1 : Now, that name sounds familiar AFA Bard : He's our SE. :) Works with Breck DeWitt. Learned MUCH multimedia from him. He's WONDERFUL (Tim, that AFA Bard : is. :) AFL Gayle : What do you actually do at Apple, Leslie? (i.e. what is a systems engineer? :) LeslieG1 : I am a Tech Weenie for the Sales Team. I present software and Networking solutions, future issues... LeslieG1 : general help, all the technical stuff AFA Bard : So you're working on the 650? LeslieG1 : And, I support K-12 schools throughout Southern California. There are 3 SE's in the team LeslieG1 : Working on the 650? as in? AFA Bard : Never mind. :) LeslieG1 : hahahaha AFA Bard : So, Leslie.. where would YOU start in building a technology plan? LeslieG1 : Feel free to Email me here or send me an AppleLink at FISHER AFL Gayle : So, besides watching videos, what else is important in technology planning? CJ4Short : I'm back - I was bombed when Tooter tooted ***FANFARE*** and something about Clinton? AFC Tooter : Leslie, are there any problems with networking computers if some have sys 7.01 and some have 7.1? LeslieG1 : I would gather a technology team that ranges in computer knowledge and expertise LeslieG1 : No, only if you get the wrong printer drivers AFA Bard : (rehi CJ). :) AFC Tooter : Wrong printer drivers? CJ4Short : You can write him on AOL Clinton PZ - but his computer people don't answer very promplty!:-( AFA Bard : LOL! LeslieG1 : and I hear they send a form letter SINE : Question: I run a nursery school, and we just got funding for new computers and software... AFC Tooter : I definitely have a raging team :-((((( SINE : where to start? AFA Bard : One difficulty I've seen with some tech. plans I've seen is that they put too many specifics in their LeslieG1 : Ok, after they rage together... I would then take them out of the short range and discover what they . MaryEz : Macs and Kid Pix AFA Bard : plans.. you know.. it's just a shopping list... 14 LC III's, 4 PC's, etc. Because the market changes LeslieG1 : would like to accomplish in the classroom AFA Bard : so quickly, I've found it works better to look at usage, location & productivity instead of lists... AFC Tooter : Ours won't stop raging :-( Wrong printer drivers, Leslie? AFA Bard : that way you don't LOCK yourself into the wrong brand. :)) LeslieG1 : Dont even talk about computers in the beginning. work on the big picture. then integrate the component LeslieG1 : after you have set your "Vision" AFA Bard : Mary's right, SINE. Some of the items in the EARLY LEARNING package are wonderful. AFL Gayle : So back to Sine's nursery school. Where to start? AFA Bard : Indeed... Mary.. you said you folks had your vision-- can you share some it with us? SINE : I teach 2 - 5 year olds LeslieG1 : Wrong printer drivers... meaning one person is on driver 8.0 and another is on 7.1 MaryEz : Our committee won't even let me talk about hardware. They are still visioning. It takes so AFL Gayle : Welcome, Marty! Technology planning is our topic. :) MaryEz : blinkety, blank long to get anyone moving!! LeslieG1 : Keep the group small.. report to one upper person. Easier said than done i know! AFC Tooter : Should 7.1 drivers be in all even though some systems are 7.0? AFA Bard : (Don't think most have 8.0 in schools, yet, Leslie. :)) LeslieG1 : Yes, all the drivers should be the same. Is that this a problem you are running into? AFL Marty : How large is your committee? CJ4Short : Enjoy! Have a good school week! See ya tomorrow nite with Special bulletin no.3 - ukw? You know what:- LeslieG1 : I don't even have 8.0 printing yet! AFA Bard : Me either. And it was supposed to be twice as fast? NOT. LeslieG1 : hahaha LeslieG1 : good double page feature on the driver though AFC Tooter : It may be. I've had a few minor crashes and thought the 7.0/7.1 conflict muight result, but I'll try AFC Tooter : changong all drivers to 7.1. LeslieG1 : give it a try.. but not all machines at work.. Try it slowly to make sure it works AFC Tooter : result = be the cuase AFC Tooter : Thanks. LeslieG1 : Did my example on how to plan make sense? AFC Tooter : My experience with planning has been that most ofthe uissues that really cause problems are AFC Tooter : personality issues. AFC Tooter : That makes them particularly hard to solve. MaryEz : Bard, I will send you the file. It was developed from the one in the Apple package. LeslieG1 : yeah... but I would have it rather come up in planning then when the plan is complete AFA Bard : Thank you! My presentation at NECC is on Technology Planning. :) I'd LOVE to use it! MaryEz : Save me a seat!!! LeslieG1 : Are you on AppleLink Bard? AFA Bard : We've managed to get around the personality issues through two sneaky methods... AFA Bard : first, build GRASS ROOTS support- district personnel can't always ignore the din! Second, AFC Tooter : Oooh, share that, Bard!! AFA Bard : build a list of "vision statements" like "I think teachers should be able to do productivity and AFA Bard : communications tasks from their desks..." The more generic, the better. If everyone agrees on these, AFA Bard : leave the hardware selection up to a subcommittee. LeslieG1 : (hitting nail on head) AFA Bard : AppleLink: Gwinnett LeslieG1 : Cool: Look in the K-12 folder. I beleive there is a planning section AFA Bard : Had a few nails of my own, Leslie. Seen the K-12 folder.. wish it was as dynamic as AOL's Electronic AFA Bard : SchoolHouse! :) LeslieG1 : Did you know AOL started at Apple? AFA Bard : Uh huh. Some of us were ALPE users, too. :) LeslieG1 : I just learned that AFC Tooter : Some of us were here when it was ALink Personal Editions. AFL Gayle : Yes, Leslie. :) Some of us were beta testers. AFA Bard : Did you know ALINK's about to use the AppleLink interface to beef us AGE? AFA Bard : Not AppleLink--- AOL. :) LeslieG1 : You guys can teach me a few things! AFL Gayle : Right, Bard. :) AFL Gayle : Apple has a contract with America Online, Inc., to use its AOL interface for LeslieG1 : Ya know, I never know when I can comment on something AFL Gayle : AppleLink. AFA Bard : BTW... if you haven't been reading about NREN, Gayle's got some GREAT sources. THANKS, Gayle, for AFC Tooter : Thanks for ther plug to the Schoolhouse, Bard. I hope Leslie makes a visit there. AFA Bard : the things you've passed on. LeslieG1 : Yeah. I should look AFA Bard : Me too, Toot. I plug it whenever I can. Wait till NECC! LeslieG1 : Spin my propeller head over there AFC Tooter : :-))) AFL Gayle : Keyword ESH, Leslie. AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH) :-) AFA Bard : I'd wear a neon sandwich sign at NECC if I though it would help the cause. :) AFA Bard : Hiya Sepp! Sepp109559 : hi LeslieG1 : Hmmm I think the keyword... Just came to me... ESH AFC Tooter : Helo Sepp! MaryEz : You're close by, Sepp. I'm in Branford, CT Sepp109559 : Howdy, just came exploring AFC Tooter : Are you a teacher, Sepp? MaryEz : Are you a teacher? Sepp109559 : How do you know where I am from? Yes I'm a teacher AFC Tooter : What do you teach? AFL Gayle : When we do a Get Information on you, Sepp, it tells us you're from New Haven, AFL Gayle : CT. AFA Bard : Welcome, Caryl! MaryEz : I checked the people in the room to see where they were from. Sepp109559 : Gotcha. I teach German to snotty undergrads at Yale LeslieG1 : hahaha AFA Bard : LOL!!!! Indeed! Sepp109559 : Can't believe I said that CarylK : Hello LeslieG1 : funny as heck though MaryEz : That must be great fun! AFA Bard : Reality check, Sepp. :) Honesty hurts, doesn't it! Sepp109559 : Yeah it is fun most of the time, but I'm dirt poor and trying to finish my dissertatio AFA Bard : Bless you.. I'm ABD myself. :) AFL Gayle : What's your topic, Sepp? AFC Tooter : Hi, Caryl. Welcome to the Education chat. Sepp109559 : Representation of Women in satirical novels of the German Baroque AFC Tooter : That makes three of us, Bard. I've been ABD for 20 years ;-) AFL Gayle : ABD? MaryEz : about done? Sepp109559 : All but dissertation AFA Bard : all but dissertation... or, in my case... all but dead. ;) Sepp109559 : I can identify AFL Gayle : It's time to announce our free hour winner for tonight! AFL Gayle : But first, a word from our sponsor, of course... :) AFC Tooter : I stopped when I learned it would not be viewed favorably in secondary ed community. AFL Gayle : AED will take a vacation from chatting next Sunday to let y'all spend Sunday MaryEz : Why not, Toot? AFL Gayle : with your favorite father (or let your kids have their favorite father off the AFL Gayle : computer ;) AFL Gayle : We'll return on June 27 for an Open Chat! AFL Gayle : Now our free hour winner... MaryEz : We'll join you from Orlando. AFL Gayle : MaryEZ wins tonight for the word vision! AFA Bard : Way to go MARY!!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Mary! LeslieG1 : YEAH AFC Tooter : LeslieG1 : Speech speech AFC Tooter : Hooooooray Mary! MaryEz : Yea!!!!!! AFA Bard : Another note... Mary E and bunches of other AOL'ers will be at NECC in Orlando later this month.. we'l AFA Bard : we'll be joining you from someone's hotel room with all the latest... :) MaryEz : *fightgoesone* AFC Tooter : Gee guys. Don't stop talking. You've got to pop thise balloons. AFA Bard : And.. remember the text of this chat will be edited and released in the APPLE // EDUCATION FORUM AFA Bard : before tomorrow morning. LeslieG1 : Well, it was very nice meeting you... you guys are doing some real important things with this topic AFA Bard : Thanks, Leslie.. it's GREAT to meet you. AFC Tooter : Please come back, Leslie. Also visit ESH. AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming, Leslie! You're welcome any Sunday from 8-9 pm ET. :) AFC Tooter : the Electronic SchoolHouse (Keyword ESH). AFL Gayle : Now off to request Mary's hour. 'Night all! :) AFA Bard : Nite Gayle! AFC Tooter : Night Gayle. Night al;l. MaryEz : Thanks everyone!!! AFA Bard : Night all! LeslieG1 : Good night all... Please feel free to Email AFA Bard : See you on AppleLink, Leslie. :) 6/13/93 9:07:16 PM Closing Log file.