File: Date: 5/15/94 Start Time: 7:57:28 PM End Time: 9:06:41 PM Participants: AFA Bard, AFL Gayle, Barbar1932, BCS Frank, DLevs, JAGarbe, LynnS87832, MaristR, MAX FRIS, McTaine, RES SHARON, RICKP47, SusanPITI, Vin006 AFA Bard : Welcome to AED! Our topic tonight is Technology Staff Development. AFA Bard : It's TECHNOLOGY STAFF DEVELOPMENT. How's things in MA? (More folks are on the way- having trouble getting connected.) Hiya Susan! AFA Bard : Great! Well-- let's get underway! Others will be joining us soon... Welcome to the AOL Education Forum! Our topic tonight is "Staff development in Technology." Several recent studies show that staff development (training) is the one place we're still playing catch-up in technology. Some believe it's not necessary in technology, others that it is as essential as having access to computers. Here's your chance to sound off!! So.... What do YOU think? Does your school do staff development in technology? If so, what areas? Is it successful? If so, why? (thanks for bearing with the macros! I'm done!) SusanPITI : Now that I have my own computer, I'm learning more than ever. In the parochial schools we are somewhat behind because by the time we obtain enough computers for the school, they are all out of date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : So, Susan, you think that having your own computer made a big difference in your use of computers in your school? SusanPITI : I have an Apple 2e and just bought a second-hand printer that I'm trying to connect Yes, I'm not afraid that I'm going to hit a wrong key and have evrything disappear all of a sudden. RICKP47 : Seems the best training happened when I found some printing software that the staff loved SusanPITI : The other day I even manged to solve a problem for the secretary on her Mac when the arrow slid off the screen. AFA Bard : Printing software, Rick? Like Print Shop? RICKP47 : Clifford's Big Book Maker. Everyone started writing and printing. SusanPITI : You're right..printing software was all I did at first. RICKP47 : A real big hit. Just need to buy more printers for the staff. :) AFA Bard : Did either of you conduct/attend those wonderful "computer literacy" classes in the old daze? SusanPITI : I would love to Have Cliff. Big book maker but I don't think its available for any of the computers we currently have at school. RICKP47 : Been doing this since 1981 with Atari 800s. AFA Bard : There are equivalents in all areas, Susan. SusanPITI : Yes, we are hooked up with the local public school and we had to take computer classes... RICKP47 : Been to lots of them. Most a waste of time. AFA Bard : Isn't it interesting how far we've come in just a few years? Now the focus seems to be on USING SusanPITI : but they were boring and because we didn't have the same computers at school I always forgot what I had learned. AFA Bard : the computer, not being able to tell your RAM from your ROM. ;-) RICKP47 : Staff has to have a task to adccomplish with the computer. MAkes it more meaningful AFA Bard : How about gradebook programs? SusanPITI : My class is very lucky because the computer teacher likes us and allows the children to come RICKP47 : One that worked best for us last year was doing a distance learning series for 1.5 hrs and then SusanPITI : to her room whenevr she has an available computer RICKP47 : a 1.5 hr followup with me, library media coordinator to practice. SusanPITI : We have those, too!!! AFA Bard : That sounds great, Rick! We're still experiencing the unfortunate let down when folks return from SusanPITI : I have had fun trying to connect the Image writer printer to my school computer because AFA Bard : staff development classes only to find that there are too few computers. A bummer SusanPITI : the connecting cables that came with the card were not the right cables. So I spent most of yesterday visiting comp. stores trying to find the cable for this old comp. AFA Bard : You're a regular techno-wiz, Susan!! Did you solve the problem? Welcome RES Sharon! Hiya JAGarbe! SusanPITI : Yes, I finally found a 25 pin connector at one end and a round 9 pin doo-dad at the other end at Office Max AFA Bard : Rick.. can you tell us some about the distance learning staff development you're doing? SusanPITI : I have a CD-ROM at home and would love to have one in my classroom. RES SHARON : Whew! I didn't think I'd make it! got bumped of 9600 and couldn't get anywhere! AFA Bard : There's bad weather in the SE... could have an impact. :( RICKP47 : There is a state org. called MCET doing distance learning programming. One class for staff is JAGarbe : Did I miss what "distance learning" is? RICKP47 : Technology in the classroom. Simple direct applications for the classroom. SusanPITI : I'm just impressed with the technology of being able to "talk" to all of you RIGHT NOW!!!! AFA Bard : Me too, Susan! Rick-- your definition of "DistanceLearning?" RICKP47 : Satellite based interactive instruction. Next week, I go into the studio to do a session on Hyperstudi o JAGarbe : Cool! RICKP47 : I teach to a tv camera and take questions by phone. AFA Bard : So, Rick--you introduce concepts over a live, interactive medium and then make "assignments" for students to complete hands-on? RICKP47 : Sites can see me and I can answer their questions through the tv.3 That's it, BArd. RES SHARON : (I hate being late) What state are you in , Rick? Who do you teach for..? SusanPITI : My class has done that on an experimental basis with our local station for special programs AFA Bard : Do you have a computer/screen you can display to the remote site, Rick? If so, how? SusanPITI : but we had trouble getting through on the phone line especially since the phone was on RICKP47 : I am in MA but the programming goes across the country. SusanPITI : another floor of the building.....parochial school technology.... AFA Bard : Phone lines are a problem no matter where you are, Susan! Very frustrating! RES SHARON : Rick, are you universaity connected? RICKP47 : There is a device that allows the screen to be captured by the video JAGarbe : We just got 11 new Macs for classrooms and teachers are struggling to become literate. Any suggestion for keeping them interested JAGarbe : especially since they don't own RICKP47 : No, Sharon, I used to work with the folks who are doing the course. They asked me to do the two sessio JAGarbe : computers at home? RICKP47 : ns on Hyperstudio I teach in an elementary school actually run the library/media center. Hi Gayle SusanPITI : Get some "fun" programs....I love doing things on print do my kids AFA Bard : And gradebooks, too. Focus on applications, not techno stuff. RICKP47 : Get KidWorks 2 from Davidson, JA. great software RES SHARON : I have heard rumors that local cable companies need to supply local schools satillite dishes SusanPITI : Creative writer and Creative artist are great for making newspaper..also one called Imagination for mind-mapping. AFA Bard : Susan, those two programs (by Microsoft) are terrific. Barbar1932 : Thanks, AFA Bard. Question- Do you work for Gwinnett Co? RICKP47 : Depends on the service you use. AFA Bard : Yep. Barbar1932 : Great!! I teach at Richards!! SusanPITI : The parents really enjoy getting the newspaper and are beginning to send in short articles of their own AFA Bard : Oh! Barbara Warren! Great to see you online!!!! Barbar1932 : Great to be here!!! What are you talking about?? AFA Bard : Barbara-- JAGarbe's school is getting 11 new Macs and wants to know how you'd do a beginning RICKP47 : When we subscribed to MCET the dish was included in the costs. AFA Bard : staff development activity-- anyideas? Barbar1932 : At my school we pulled teachers in during planning time to get them acquainted with the machines. The RES SHARON : MCET... a State agency, or something? JAGarbe : Something FUN so they'll make the time to do it, Barbara Barbar1932 : Then we started focusing on programs like Claris works!! Asyou know ,Bard, we hae a great tech. coord. RICKP47 : MCET is a state/private organization. They sell their signal to schools across the country. Barbar1932 : at our school who was so excited by the things she was showing us it became very infectious. When we RES SHARON : Does anyone use Linkway (yes, it's true....We're IBM at my school.) Barbar1932 : saw all of the terrific things that the Macs could do, we couldn't wait to get in that lab!!! It's sti JAGarbe : What kind of ClarisWorks projects did you do? RICKP47 : Hyperstudio for Dos is coming soon. It will be great! better than Linkway Barbar1932 : still tough to get in and we have two labs now!!! We are really going to get more staff development t JAGarbe : I wish my group had your enthusiasm RES SHARON : MCET.....where to Barbar1932 : this year!!! She forced our hand at the start, but it ended up as a terrfic thing to do!! RICKP47 : Get some CDRoms, JA. Grandma and Me, Tortoise and the HAre. Great for whole language instruction. Barbar1932 : We started out with just word processing--usual stuff, but soon she got us into the other aspects of d RES SHARON : Hyperstudio for DOS! Will Linkway files transfer? JAGarbe : I love those. Thanks Barbara and Rick! Barbar1932 : drawing and painting, and we would bring our classes to the lab with a great deal of support from her. AFA Bard : Hiya Vin! We're talking staff development in technology. Barbar1932 : We did some stories and illustrated them using Clarisworks. The kids loved it!! JAGarbe : Were there kids in your labs at the same time as the teachers? RICKP47 : Don't know Res. Ask Roger at RwagnerInc. He will know. Barbar1932 : I just had a class with Sherah on hyperstudio. I can't wait to get my hands on it and have my kids do AFA Bard : The translator for LinkWay won't be in first release, RES. Maybe later! So all of you have mentioned GREAT ideas about what to teach.. but a big question is- Is there a Barbar1932 : some work on it. I e mailed RWagner Inc about an educator advantage price on Friday. He has gotten m AFA Bard : "more effective" way to do technology (computer) staff development? Is there a "minimum seat Barbar1932 : my message but I haven't heard anything back from hime yet. Any idea on the best price around??? AFA Bard : time" requirement? What do ya'll think? JAGarbe : Good questions, Bard! JAGarbe : Do y'all do staff development in In-Service situations or is there something more convenient AFA Bard : Technology Staff Development, Max! RICKP47 : Probably same as the other versions, Barb Barbar1932 : My concern is being able to keep up with all of the new things coming out so that we can stay ahead of MAX FRIS : Oh Well I just student teach and haven't gotten into staff development yet So I will just listen JAGarbe : The teachers I work with will NOT give up their planning periods (although I think it's a great idea, Barb! Barbar1932 : the kids. If we try to do ours after school it generally is not well attended. I think that you must RICKP47 : First, there has to be an emphasis by adminstration for teachers to do it. DLevs : Hi again. I got cut off. Is there a keyword to get back here in case I go off-line again? Barbar1932 : require the teachers to come in during planning if that's possible in your situation. RICKP47 : Second, the teachers need a simple project to get started on and then someone to hold their hand in case of trouble. MAX FRIS : Here in our schools they cut schools to half a day and have development after the kids leave. AFA Bard : Rick-- what do you mean by "emphasis by administration"? Money? Time? RES SHARON : Presently, our tech. supervisor is doing a weekly 4:00-6:30 workshop in a lab. Topics are w JAGarbe : How do you make yourselves accountable to the state, Max? Barbar1932 : JAGarbe-- It wasn't a matter of the teachers giving up their time. It was a scheduled meeting for us MAX FRIS : I don't know!! But that is what they do. RICKP47 : A desire by the principal to see the computers being used in creative ways instead of playtoys. Barbar1932 : by our administration. There was no choice about attending. You went. MAX FRIS : Our teachers were required to attend also. RES SHARON : well-defined and the format is explanation...then hands-on, more explanation, more hands-on DLevs : We have technology in-service days. All faculty is required to attend. AFA Bard : Does the attendance requirement effect the outcome of the inservice? Do people resent it? MAX FRIS : What is "in-service"? JAGarbe : ...and THAT hath made all the difference AFA Bard : "in-service" - class that happens during the school day. Barbar1932 : I have attended several after school sessions that just don't fly. If there is a choice teachers seem RICKP47 : We give in service credits for courses. These can be used for pay increases. RES SHARON : the projects are well-defined...It's working well....There is no in-contract time of course. Barbar1932 : to come up with a million other things that have to be done (as we are all so busy)- But when you mus DLevs : No students, just faculty meeting on a topic. Might be CPR certification... Barbar1932 : must go and you have no choice, that's different. It wouldn't have worked at our school if the choice MAX FRIS : The teachers here don't go for after shcool programs either, we live in a military town were one Barbar1932 : had been left up to use. We love it so much now I don't know how we would have gotten along without t MAX FRIS : parent has to be home when the kids get there and that fits the teachers schedules. Barbar1932 : the required time. RES SHARON : We can apply for recertification credit for attendance MAX FRIS : The teachers here get recertification credit for the half days. DLevs : We are a private k-8 Catholic school, and in-service days are a part of our contracts! Barbar1932 : We can do the same by receiving Staff development units! JAGarbe : I like Rick's submission of giving credits for salary hike. Are there other incentives tou all use? DLevs : We have mtgs every Weds, and in-service every month or so. AFA Bard : I once heard of a summer course in San Diego where teachers each received a laptop on completion of DLevs : No credits, altho that sounds like a good idea. AFA Bard : the course instead of a cash stipend. Whattaya think? SusanPITI : In-service is part of our contract, too...they want us to be current MAX FRIS : HUM...I'd rather have the money. DLevs : where do you sign up, AFA Bard! Barbar1932 : I want to go!!! Do they still do it??? I want a lap top!!! SusanPITI : I would love to have a laptop......:) MAX FRIS : Laptops don't interest me,.....yet. RES SHARON : We all have in-service days in the contract year. my district has 8....a teacher steering committee plans 3 of them. AFA Bard : How about other incentives? Anyone heard of others? DLevs : How can teachers not stay for meetings and get away with it? We would be in big trouble! SusanPITI : We would also get into trouble. MAX FRIS : I think it would depend upon the relationship with the principal D. DLevs : Incentives? How about guilt? Fear? JAGarbe : LOL! Barbar1932 : I agree. Don't teachers have a genuine interest in being the best they can be?? Don't they want to gi give their kids every advantage that's out there today?? MAX FRIS : Some teachers don't care. They are in it for the vacation and the benefits RES SHARON : We get a "column move" for every 15 credits (about $1000) but I'm at +60, stuck at the top! JAGarbe : Oh, Barbara...How I long for that SusanPITI : Most of the teachers in my Catholic school will attend anything just to improve...but a DLevs : We don't even have a published salary schedule. Everyone is at a different place. SusanPITI : at the end would certainly be impressive. MAX FRIS : Where are you D.? DLevs : Susan, are you a parish school? Barbar1932 : MAX FRIS You're breaking my heart!! DLevs : Pasadena. BCS Frank : Incentive? Run the training programs for the students... then the teachers -have- to catch up. :) DLevs : Where are you? SusanPITI : Yes, we are...the parents had a BIG lottery this year to help raise the money for our pay MAX FRIS : Yours and mine. The sad thing is I go to school with some of them. :( SusanPITI : increases MAX FRIS : I am in Fayetteville NC RES SHARON : Max....get out of there (and bring the kids with you)...middle America still has values. SusanPITI : I'm in Syracuse, NY..Where are you? AFL Gayle : Goldsboro, NC here. :) AFA Bard : Or come further South, RES. ;) DLevs : Some of who, Max? Why are you sad. AFA Bard : <-- Atlanta. Barbar1932 : I agree with Bard. AFA Bard : Are the teacher preparation programs in your state doing a good job of introducing rookies to tech? MAX FRIS : D., some of the student teachers I go to school with only teach for the benefits and vacation. RES SHARON : just outside of Burlington Vermont, on the west coast of New England :-) MAX FRIS : I don't think so, but I haven't been affected negatively. SusanPITI : That's sure not true of the Catholic school teachers..we also have certification and Masters requirements MAX FRIS : I actually want to teach in an impoverished area or on the Cherokee resevation here in NC DLevs : It is a GREAT JOB! I am paid for part-time 9 hours per week spread over three days; JAGarbe : Then tell them to get out, Max before they hurt someone! ; ) DLevs : but I probably average 20-25 hours per week. I love it. MAX FRIS : They don't care to here J. AFA Bard : Max- what did you have as far as technology preparation for teaching? MAX FRIS : It is a 24/7/365 job. AFA Bard : (MAX you should try Teach For America) DLevs : Definitely! MAX FRIS : We had a computer course that didn't teach anything. I learn more here. Barbar1932 : Absolutely! MAX FRIS : What is Teach for America? MAX FRIS : By the way I didn't mean to change the subject! :) DLevs : I learned on my own? But came in from volunteer work at ourschool. They liked our parent newsletter and asked me to take on the journalism class. AFA Bard : It's a US-wide program to place teachers in inner-city and rural areas. They can be reached online through the Electronic Schoolhouse (Keyword: ESH). LynnS87832 : HI BARD Where are you from? DLevs : Can you work on a Masters on-line? RES SHARON : Teacher prep.....Our local undergrad. colleges do a good job, but it's the semester of AFA Bard : (Or try KEYWORD: TFA) Lynn-- from Atlanta! (Or just north of there!) RES SHARON : student teaching that does the most for the new teacher MAX FRIS : Thanks Bard. You are ssssooooo helpful :) AFA Bard : You're mighty welcome, Max. ;) MAX FRIS : That's right Sharon and boy have I learned alot. MAX FRIS : I had a bad experience and had to reassigned right at the end and am teaching longer, but am better 4 it AFA Bard : I remember my computer classes as an undergraduate in a teacher education program. I took 3 courses DLevs : Susan, do you have a computer lab at your parish school. AFA Bard : in BASIC and we used PUNCH CARDS. And I'm not THAT old! LOL! Welcome McTaine! MaristR : Hey, all just got in from a Band Parents meeting. JAGarbe : You must be YOUNG, Bard! AFA Bard : LOL! NOT. SusanPITI : We have a lab in our building that our alumni outfiited..16 computers and printers plus 1-2 DLevs : I remember those punch cards too. What a drag. RES SHARON : I hate to tell you...but in my undergrad was one 3 credit AV course...learned JAGarbe : We learned about film projectors and ThermaFax machines! AFA Bard : I used to drop them all the time, DL. Bummer! SusanPITI : computers in each classroom prek-6 AFA Bard : JAG-- yes! Blue Dittos!!! RES SHARON : to run a reel-to-rell projector, remember those? AFA Bard : Or, more exactly, purple. :) SusanPITI : JAGarbe, you and I might be from the same time frame:) McTaine : Thanks, Bard. I'm a new line member from TN MAX FRIS : AV course?! My assistant just should me how to make masters for mimiographs DLevs : I helped my boyfriend on those late nite sessions ;) JAGarbe : LOL! MaristR : Hey, my degree is in AV! AFA Bard : So what SHOULD the teacher preparation program be teaching?? (Either for media or for classroom MAX FRIS : And you can forget that risiograph machine and laminating machine. AFA Bard : teachers)? MaristR : What about dial access? DLevs : Bard, it should teach how to keep the excitement flowing. MAX FRIS : We don't have teacher preparation for machines and and forms. JAGarbe : DTP, Audio/Video production... Barbar1932 : I think that there should be some sort of requirement made that the student teachers have to prepare a DLevs : How to deal with administrative politics. JAGarbe : MIDI MAX FRIS : It should teach how to get duplicating ink of your hands :) AFA Bard : You've got THAT right, DLevs-- some of us STILL haven't mastered that one. Barbar1932 : a unit based upon the use of technology. If we could teach them Clarisworks and some sort of multimed program, they would be the better for it and so would their students! JAGarbe : The focus needs to change from how to run the machine to how best to implement the software AFA Bard : Well folks-- how about the FREE HOUR GIVEAWAY??? MAX FRIS : Our kids hardly get near the computer to worry about technology. DLevs : Did anyone hear about the article in Saturday's LA Times on technology in the classroom MAX FRIS : ::::Drum roll::: AFA Bard : Everyone ready to see who said the "secret word"? AFA Bard : First.. the obligatory commercial! AFA Bard : What a GREAT chat we've had tonight! The contents of the conference will be posted shortly after MaristR : The secret word, say it and a duck falls from the sky and you win a prize. AFA Bard : this session in AED's NEW FILES library! AFL Gayle : What did the article in the LA Times say, DLevs? AFA Bard : Join us each Sunday night from 8-9 pm for another spirited chat! DLevs : Gayle, it said that technology would only be a fad unless teachers learned to change their teaching AFA Bard : Tonight's secret word was: "solve" and the first to say it was... MAX FRIS : If he doesn't hurry up........ DLevs : too technology based. AFA Bard : SUSAN PITI!!!!!! Congrats to SUSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've WON! JAGarbe : SUSAN!!!!!! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Susan! :) AFA Bard : Everybody SCREAM!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! BCS Frank : Way to go, Susan! :) MAX FRIS : :::::::::Clap Clap::::::::::: RES SHARON : Clapp, clapp....Susan!! DLevs : congrats susan, whoopie MaristR : *YEE-Ha!* JAGarbe : \^^^/ ...and a crown Barbar1932 : Congrats, susan! McTaine : Congrats, Susan SusanPITI : ME!!!!! I can't belive it:) Now I can come back next week!!!!!!!!! AFA Bard : Susan-- you're FREE ONLINE HOUR will be credited within 72 hours!!!!! SusanPITI : Whoops..believe BCS Frank : That's the idea! :) JAGarbe : *Homer -Emmm beer* AFA Bard : By the way-- if you have TOPICS you'd like to see discussed, or that you'd like to be our GUEST RES SHARON : No, no Susan... Like a cake, cut it up and serve it round:-) SusanPITI : Thanks very much AFL Gayle : Your free hour, he means, Susan. :) Barbar1932 : Thanks, bard. This was great! See ya next week. AFA Bard : HOST for, we're scheduling chat topics for the FALL!! Please send e-mail! JAGarbe : Good one, RES AFA Bard : (to AFA Bard) SusanPITI : Bye...I'm going to celebrate:) MaristR : Bard, maybe we could get Bill Husted from the AJC to stop by and talk about computers. RES SHARON : Good night, All ;-) DLevs : Won't anyone be around this summer. I can't surf for three months straight.... AFL Gayle : And I'm off to put in the request for Susan's hour. :) Good night, all! JAGarbe : Ciao! AFL Gayle : Thanks for coming! MAX FRIS : It's been fun> AFA Bard : Great to see you all online! See ya NEXT Sunday! Same AOL Time, SAME AOL CHANNEL!