Date: 10/9/94 Start Time: 7:49:48 PM End Time: 9:05:00 PM Participants: AFA Bard, Afraqueen, BCS Frank, BIGWEB, BobFrost, ChatMan1, Fritzi2692, KarenK5861, MaristR, RICKP47, Susan G2, WENDALI AFA Bard : Our topic tonight is "Telecommunication and the LEP/ESL Student". AFA Bard : And we have a special guest for that topic, too! (Hiya Roger-- topic is "Telecommunication and the LEP/ESL Student".) Our guest is SUSAN GAER.. an educational consultant/teacher and all around wonderful person. She specializes in working with LEP (limited english proficient) and ESL (English as a second language) students. She ALSO has another online job in the CNN Newsroom forum. ;) Before I introduce Susan... let me remind folks that every night we give a FREE HOUR away at chat's end to one lucky conference participant! More about that later... Please give a BIG AOL WELCOME to our special guest tonight--- SUSAN GAER (susan g2)!!!!! ()()()()()()()()()()()() (:::: cheering wildly ::::) Susan G2 : Thanks Bard. I think everyone but Fritzi knows me. BCS Frank : Way to Go, Susan! :) Susan G2 : Yes I have been teaching ESL for over 18 years. Fritzi2692 : HI, and welcome Susan G2 : Recently I have started integrating telecommunications into it. It teaches students critical thinking as well as language skills. What questions do you all have? (or let me know if you have none.....please?) BCS Frank : I'm at a bit of a loss, being already sold on the idea. Susan G2 : I can also answer questions about LEP students if you like. BCS Frank : I do wonder, however, how you get the schools to install the modems, and phone lines. Susan G2 : Yes good question Frank. I need to give you a little history first. I teach in a very rural California School district. I moved here five years ago. I was given a room and nothing more. Susan G2 : I was told point blank not to ask for anything more. Night Fritzi Susan G2 : Meanwhile at home I was learning about the ESH and the scrapbook project. Susan G2 : AFC Tooter the coordinator was wooing me to try it. I told him no way could my ESL students understand the concept without a modem. So he said to find a grant. Susan G2 : He told me to look around the rotary and Lion's clubs. Yes and doens't give up on you until you try. Hi Karen So I started to make a few phone calls and found that indeed there is a grant for teachers through the Rotary. It was for $500. So I filled out the application and sent it in. Now I teach adult education and usually grants only cover K-12. BCS Frank : Whas your objective to get your classroom on AOL? Susan G2 : Yes But they liked the idea so much (see my grant in the educational libraries.) that they gave me the $500. Afraqueen : We're soon to get our school on AOL in a couple of months. Susan G2 : That got me a phone line and one year of AOL through CNN A teacher who hates computers donated her modem (it was given to her and she had no use for it.) BCS Frank : "A teacher who hates modems," what a discouraging phrase. Susan G2 : And I got a local business to donate a (what was the IBM before 286? ) computer No a teacher who hates computers. I was in businesss. That is how I got hooked up. Still have that computer. BCS Frank : <8808> Susan G2 : That was what it was then Frank an 8808 Afraqueen : What programs did you use after you got hooked up? Susan G2 : was should be is AOL And Wordperfect 5.1 word processor That was all we needed to start telecommunicating. BCS Frank : Woof! You took on a real challenge. Susan G2 : Yes, but it worked. Afraqueen : The typing skills helped the students? Is this what you are saying? Susan G2 : I was in total shock when they actually gave me the money My students have been learning the typiing at different rates. some hunt and peck and some have practiced on Mavis Beacon teaches typing. BCS Frank : Do they get to type in live chatting? Susan G2 : Last week my students meet me at a California Literacy confenence that I was presenting on and helped Afraqueen : So then, the process of typing English helped the ESL students? Susan G2 : with my presentation. It was the hit of the conference. No the process of meeting people from all over the country has helped my students to feel self worth Kids, adults everyone is interested in them. No one makes fun of them because they have accents. BCS Frank : Yup, the screen is the great equalizer. Susan G2 : The fact that they can maneuver (spelling?) around AOL is exciting to them Afraqueen : We practice MULTICULTURALISM in our school. And that also helps to build positive self concepts. MaristR : We use a program similar to AOL chats on our network with the same results. Susan G2 : Yes I agree Afraqueen : Wouldn't you agree? Susan G2 : After a chat is over, we print out the log and read it and analyze it. BCS Frank : I've seen a program in Boston, using modems linking ESL sites... far more primitive than AOL. that had similar effects. Afraqueen : Okay. Now I am beginning to understand. It's the CHATS on AOL that help?!!! Susan G2 : Yes but the beauty of AOL is the distance you can reach out to. Everything on AOL helps Afraqueen. BCS Frank : Well, there are many directions to go on AOL..... BCS Frank : Hi, Chatman :) Susan G2 : Students can look up the news, weather, Susan G2 : do projects.... BCS Frank : Sounds like the common aspect is empowerment. Susan G2 : We publish a cookbook every year that we sell to the world. BCS Frank : Giving real tools to real people. Susan G2 : Yes that is what it is. I have been doing this for three years and I have seen a change in the students thinking Afraqueen : Very interesting! Susan G2 : They are critical thinkers now. AFA Bard : I LOVE the cookbook idea! Great! Susan G2 : They are very computer literate. And most of them came here non literate. BCS Frank : Afraqueen, from what I've heard of multiculturalism, it encourages group self esteem. Afraqueen : How can I purchase this cook book? I would like to share it with my ESL teacher. Susan G2 : In English, their own language let alone computers. I will arrange for you to get it via email BCS Frank : The empowerment with tools seems to encourage personal self esteem.. a complementary effect. Susan G2 : You will find that students on AOL alnd throughout the world have contributed. ChatMan1 : food ! Afraqueen : BCS. Won't it also help ESL students? ChatMan1 : Susan, Got a Question,.... Susan G2 : Great. Afraqueen : Thanks Susan! Susan G2 : What is the question Chat man BCS Frank : Susan G2 : Great to both!!!:-))) ChatMan1 : Would my &th - 8th school like AOL in the Computer lab 1 Susan G2 : Yes they would. They would love it. BCS Frank : Chat, you'll have a real problem.... Susan G2 : But it can't be networked, can it Bard. BCS Frank : ... prying them off the keyboards. ChatMan1 : What would you say if I'm a 12 year old ? AFA Bard : I'd say hello and welcome. :) Getting AOL for your school is a great goal! :) Susan G2 : Yes the problem will be they won't get off line BCS Frank : You have an exciting teen age ahead... wish I coulda gotten on AOL when I was 12. ChatMan1 : ok, I'm in the computer class, I'm the Computer Wiz in the class ! Susan G2 : They will love it and use it. Then you could participate in projects put on by the schoolhouse. ChatMan1 : AOL is Great !! Afraqueen : I have been on AOL practically all day. If it enfluences kids like that, they can't help but learn. AFA Bard : Susan.. a question.. Susan G2 : The computer whiz teaches the non whizes and they all become whizes. Go ahead Bard AFA Bard : what's a typical first reaction from one of your LEP/ESL students to the online environment? Susan G2 : They don't understand it at first. ChatMan1 : I work on try to make the old Apple 2'es to print on one printer ! Afraqueen : Hi, Rick. Susan G2 : IT takes a while for them to realize what we are doing ChatMan1 : It's a pain it the but ! But's at less it's networked ! Susan G2 : So in the beginning I am doing most of the chating and typing. But soon (withhin a month) they won't l let me near the computer ChatMan1 : I used to hate Mac's,.....(IM) Susan G2 : Imagine that they came from refugee camps AFA Bard : To what areas do they tend to gravitate when you let 'em loose? Susan G2 : Lived in a jungle environment with no shoes, roads televisons, telephones or tvs. Mostly we do email and chatting When something happens we get the news WE also use CNN Newsroom ChatMan1 : Susan did I interouped you ? Susan G2 : Every morning before the class starts we watch it. No feel free to ask a question at any time Chat man. ChatMan1 : ok My mon a RSP Teacher ! Susan G2 : We are now taking digital pictures and sending them to our friends online. ChatMan1 : for 7th and 8th grade students ! MaristR : Do you have a digital camera? Which one? ChatMan1 : Susan does your class do all this online stuff ! Susan G2 : Yes sounds like fun doesn't it Chat Man? Roger I have the FOTOMan It only does black and white. AFA Bard : The QuickTake is a great camera. Lots of our schools use those. MaristR : Will it work with DOS machines? Susan G2 : So one thing has led to another and we now have 6 486 CD Rom computers with which to play wiht I think it needs windows (Fotoman that is) In our room we have those computers MaristR : Did you have to use grants to get your 486's? ChatMan1 : Sorry for being a ZZZZZZZ, but who pays for aol ? Susan G2 : No the school gave them to me and promoted me to Media center coordinator. I still have one ESL class and try to get other teachers to use the center other times. The first year Chatman the grant paid. Afraqueen : Susan, those chat rooms for kids have got to be better monitored if they are to be used Susan G2 : Now it costs the school $250 a year for 10 hours am month Afraqueen : extensively in school. Susan G2 : I use the education chat rooms not the people connection ones Afraqueen ONly students and teachers come in there. I also use the CNN studios quite often.It is usually empty ChatMan1 : OK, maybe my mom's school can get that, there a chapter 1 School ? Susan G2 : Sure she can write it into the chapter one grant. Ask her to email me and I'll help her BCS Frank : Chatman, funding's a battle, school by school. Never easy. AFA Bard : (Get information about the CNN/AOL deal by visiting Keyword: CNN and clicking on CNN NEWSROOM) Susan G2 : You can't go over your 10 hours which is nice. BIGWEB : any 2 E users out there?? BCS Frank : IIgs user here. ChatMan1 : My VP needs a Computer badly, what should I do !\? WENDALI : help!! ChatMan1 : working on fixing //'es! Susan G2 : Maybe Frank or roger can answer that question Chatman. BCS Frank : hmmm...what's a VP? WENDALI : anyone know all the supreme court justices? AFA Bard : BIGWEB and WENDAL.. if you'll send me an INSTANT MESSAGE, I'll be happy to try to help you. :) ChatMan1 : Vise Principal ! BCS Frank : Not personally, Wendali. AFA Bard : Wendal... try keyword: WHITE HOUSE. ChatMan1 : OK Susan I asked them all readly ! WENDALI : thank you!!! AFA Bard : (You're welcome, Wendal!) MaristR : Wendal try going to IES and paging a teacher for help with home work. Susan G2 : What questions do others have? (remember if there are none, please tell me) AFA Bard : Susan.. Susan G2 : Yes....Bard.? BCS Frank : School administrator; I'd advise having a Mac like a 630... networked... But the school should have RICKP47 : HAve you used any other services, Susan? Anything on the Internet? AFA Bard : What about the parents or relatives of your students.. how do you explain to THEM what you're doing withtelecom? MaristR : The Interactive Eduaction area is great for getting help with homework assignments. BCS Frank : the network for students and teachers first. ChatMan1 : Susan where's Visalia ? I'm in the Bay Area ! Susan G2 : Ok first Rick...I only have AOL so we haven't tried anything else, but we can gopher on aol and that t Afraqueen : Where is the Interactive Education Area on the system? Susan G2 : takes us lots of places. ChatMan1 : AOL AFA Bard : Keyword IES, Afraqueen. Susan G2 : Now for Bard's ChatMan1 : Keyword: IEA (i think ) ! BCS Frank : Susan, I do have a thought, since AOL costs, even though the rates are low. MaristR : Keyword IES Susan G2 : I don't try and explain anything to anyone. If they like I show them. That usually works. ChatMan1 : sorry worng keyword BCS Frank : IES for Interactive Educational Systems. MaristR : The reference area is also a good place for homework assistance. Susan G2 : Go ahead frank...I am listening... BCS Frank : ... If you can use regular telecome software to link your classroom Afraqueen : Y'll got it right, now? BCS Frank : computers to computers in other classrooms, direct rather than by AOL, there is a great deal of practice in the straight chatting online. Susan G2 : But that gets rid of the geography of it and that is really cool to them. BCS Frank : The only cost to the school(s) is that opf the phone call. MaristR : We do chatting over our network using a program called Dadaelus. BCS Frank : Don't drop AOL! But even chatting with a school on the other side of the city, or near by, can Susan G2 : When I am sick though I do chat with them from home. and now they are part of my presentation. BCS Frank : be very usedul. Right... ChatMan1 : Susan, what type of computers do you use in your class room ? An where's the city you live in, ? Susan G2 : WE have Gateway PCs now. But we started with an old IBM> BCS Frank : A major benefit comes from just "talking through your fingers," helps to internalize all sorts of grammer, spelling, and like protocols. RICKP47 : How is the telecom tied in to the curriculum? Susan G2 : It is the curriculum for me now. We do projects and chats and it takes up all our time. BCS Frank : That modem to modem chatting works on -any- computer.... Commodore 64, IBM 486, whatever. ChatMan1 : Gateway, big $$$ Susan G2 : They have learned how to read, think critically ask good questions and respond to mail. ChatMan1 : Are computer good in the class room ! Susan G2 : Literacy is very important curriculum goal for my class. RICKP47 : But what is the point of the chatting, writing skills, geopgraphy, computer apps? Afraqueen : Are administrators buying into this new approach to teaching ESL students? RICKP47 : Can you define literacy for me? BCS Frank : fluency in the written language. Susan G2 : Yes they are begging me to present to faculty. Afraqueen : The ability to read and write. Susan G2 : It teaches students to function in the real world Rick. Afraqueen : Then, come to my school. Is that possible? RICKP47 : So, the telecom activities are tied to the development of writing skills. Susan G2 : Reading and writing and listening and speaking BCS Frank : In general people learn skills better when learning as part of a task important to them. ChatMan1 : Susan, ehat programs do the student use and do they know now to use DOS and Windows ? Afraqueen : Reading and Writing, Rick. The two go together. Susan G2 : Listening and speaking go on inthee classroom while we hcat. chat RICKP47 : Granted, Frank BCS Frank : Turns out that chatting is important to the people "talking," so they pick up literacy faster. Susan G2 : They know how to use Windows ChatMan1 : 3.1? Susan G2 : Yes Chat man ChatMan1 : who about mouse's ? RICKP47 : Also granted, AfraQueen. Just seems like an expensive way to accomplish the end result Susan G2 : They read the logs over and over ChatMan1 : my mom still haves problem with them ! AFA Bard : OK folks.. our chat guest has to leave at 8:55.. so we've got time for a few more questions. :) Susan G2 : No it is an exciting way to achieve the end result AFA Bard : (Remember.. a FREE HOUR will be awarded to a lucky conference participant at chat's end!) BCS Frank : I taught ESL and ABE students writing with IIe's, no modems... even that empowered them. Rick, the question is a good one... but the answer is very clear in the field..... Afraqueen : It's keeping the students motivated that's most important. Susan G2 : Yes (wishing I had one IIe for its video possibility) ChatMan1 : Susan, my mon loves her Apple //e in her classroom, how can I make her switch to A Mac or PC BCS Frank : getting people on computers, tols, not quiz machines, is fantastic. AFA Bard : That is is, Frank! BCS Frank : Why switch, ChatMan? AFA Bard : (That IT is!) BobFrost : How would you use the IIe as video? use of technology to help kids develop fully Susan G2 : That bob is another topic for another chat yes Bard? BCS Frank : Bob, use the Video Overlay card, and a VCR and TutorTech for casette top publishing. ChatMan1 : she's lobes the idea of puting in a disk and bresto the programs works ! AFL Gayle : Hi, all! :) Susan G2 : Hi Gayle AFA Bard : Hiya [[ Gayle! ]] BCS Frank : Chatman, get her an external SCSI drive... she'l;l love that even more! :) RICKP47 : Hi Gayle BCS Frank : Gayle, Hi! :) BobFrost : Can one still get Overlay cards? AFA Bard : Yes, Susan.. another chat! ChatMan1 : drive ? AFA Bard : OK folks.. Hang on a second... Before we give away our FREE ONLINE HOUR... Afraqueen : This has been very enlightening. AFA Bard : let's give our chat guest, SUSAN G2 a huge round of applause... BCS Frank : ChatMan1 : online hour ? AFA Bard : THANKS, Susan. I learned so much!!! ChatMan1 : I used themall up !! BCS Frank : Susan, you gotta come back soon and often! Susan G2 : Thank you for having me. Afraqueen : APPLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEE! ChatMan1 : Susan can I still talk to you ? Susan G2 : ::blush blush blush::: AFA Bard : OK... spinning the magic CHAT WHEEL.... RICKP47 : {}{}{}{}{}{} AFA Bard : who will win????? Susan G2 : Of course chat man but through email please AFL Gayle : *Applause* AFA Bard : And the FREE HOUR goes to..... MaristR : *DRUMROLL* Susan G2 : Applause Afraqueen : me!! AFA Bard : CHATMAN 1 !!!! Yippee!!! Wow ChatMan... you WON! ChatMan1 : what MaristR : *FIREWORK* ChatMan1 : ? AFA Bard : A FREE ONLINE HOUR will be credited to your account within 72 hours!!! Susan G2 : Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! RICKP47 : Congrats, Chatman Afraqueen : nuts!! Shifra1 : Way to go! Susan G2 : Applause BCS Frank : Way to go, Chatman! :) AFA Bard : Yippee Chatman!!! MaristR : *YEE-HA!* ChatMan1 : I love you guys !!! I'm crying AFA Bard : LOL! :) ChatMan1 : you made my day BobFrost : Where do I find the neat sounds for a Mac. All I get now is the words. Boring AFA Bard : Join us anytime, Chatman. We're here eveyr Sunday evening from 8-9 PM ET. AFA Bard : Remember.. a full LOG of this chat will be posted in the AED NEW FILES library before tomorrow morning. :) AFA Bard : Thank you all for coming! Our guest, SusanG2, had to bounce to another chat! Busy person! Afraqueen : Thanks AFA!!! It was worth the wait. Bye now. AFA Bard : Thanks for joining us Afraqueen! MaristR : See you guys later.*GOODBYE* AFA Bard : (yes, ChatMan... send e-mail to AFA BArd and let me know what you'd like to talk about.) We schedule these chats a couple of months in advance. :) BCS Frank : Great chat Bard :) AFA Bard : months. :) Thanks BFRANK.. Great to see ya again!!! Virtually, of course. :) BCS Frank : :) AFA Bard : Nite! ChatMan1 : This is so cool, i just won freen online time !!!