File: Date: 3/6/94 Start Time: 7:56:37 PM End Time: 9:03:04 PM Number of participants: 16 Participants: AFA Bard, BobFrost, BradleyABE, DjC5797749, DORNS, Elaine 100, HommeFou, KathrynG, LEE 317, LightedGLR, LindaMc718, M Langley, MaristR, MarkAHulme, MaryEz, RedsFan13 AFA Bard : Ok folks... time to get started... but first... a few words from our sponsor... Remember a FREE HOUR is given away to one lucky attendee at the end of EVERY Education Chat... to win, you must be present at the end of the conference and have said the "magic word". The famous "magic word" must be said in context (no guessing!) and is usually related to the topic at hand. The winner receives a FREE HOUR credited to his/her account. Also... look for INTERNET online VERY soon.. it's still in BETA, but looks VERY stable. :-) MaristR : Does a Duck appear with the magic word when you say it? AFA Bard : Our chat topic tonight is "Telecom in Education". Statistics show almost every school has or wants DORNS : Hello AFA Bard : access to the TONS of stuff available through telecommunications services like AOL. AOL, for example, is growing VERY rapidly- (faster than CompuServe or Prodigy) and many are educators or students. So... here's you chance to talk about IDEAS, or things you think are great about using LEE 317 : May I start ? AFA Bard : telecommunications in the classroom. So-- a first question from you all?-- (remember, no protocol) Sure Lee-- go! LEE 317 : Well last year in school we had a modem but not enough money to subscribe to AOL I am at home now but wished I could help at school to get them started MaristR : Lee, CNN has special rates for school. AFA Bard : A tough question! Roger-- can you tell 'em about how much CNN charges and how they bill? LEE 317 : Really I'll tell my teacher I'm sure she'll be very happy MaristR : You pay by purchase order and it's $24.95 for 10 hours a month. MaryEz : Friday morning our kids attended the shuttle launch on Internet using IRC. A teacher from South .... MaristR : Send a note to TBS Lynn if you want more information. LEE 317 : okay thanx MaryEz : Carolina was at Cape Canaveral using a laptop and a cellular phone and the cigarette lighter in her... MaristR : If you don't hear back from her. Send me a note next week after spring break. MaryEz : car. Kids from Australia and all around US were present while she gave a blow by blow description.. of the shuttle launch. Very exciting. LEE 317 : Well thank you I must go let the dog out AFA Bard : Mary-- that's wonderful! What's IRC? MaristR : What is IRC? LEE 317 : Sounds super bye MaryEz : Will AOL be able to interact with Internet like that? IRC = Internet Relay Chat. AFA Bard : Mary-- am I correct that IRC is the equivalent of this conference room on the Internet (only not as easy to use!) MaryEz : As with all TC there are times when you get bumped. I find it fairly easy to use. KidLink has its .. own IRC which is a safe place and not like the general IRC which is open to any craziness that.. can happen. AFA Bard : What did the students think about the experience? MaryEz : I would recommend KidLink and its related lists to anyone who is on internet. Kids loved it. We can't wait to find out how they explained it all to their parents when they went home. MaristR : How much does Kidlink cost? MaryEz : Because of my network, I am able to project to all the monitors in the room from my computer. KidLink costs nothing. MaristR : The price is right, how do you get an account? MaryEz : It is a list which can be subscribed to through a listserv in North Dakota. AFA Bard : Do you have the ListServe address? BobFrost : Bard, where exactly do these logs get posted? I never remember :( MaristR : Can you reach it through the Peachnet Gopher? AFA Bard : In the Apple // Education Forum's NEW FILES menu, Bob. :) (Usually later Sunday evening) MaryEz : Send message to and in the body of the message type SUBSCRIBE KIDLINK your anme. AFA Bard : Rehi, DJ! MaryEz : anme = name AFA Bard : Rog-- you should be able to. How about ERIC-- anyone dial up ERIC from their home? MaryEz : They also have KidCafe, KidForum, KidProj, KidPlan, KidLeadr MaristR : How did you do the IRC connection? MaryEz : They have their own gopher and the IRC. You telnet to their computer and log onto the IRC. AFA Bard : Hiya Marty & MLangley! Welcome! We're talking about "Telecom in Education". M Langley : Hi MaristR : I'll have to see if I can find it on the Peachnet Gopher or Valdosta State's gopher. AFA Bard : Rog-- PeachNet has an IRC connection, too. MaryEz : Of course, my favorite TC project is ScrapBookUSA here on AOL. MaristR : It does? HommeFou : This is where we lose HommeFou and the technical blah blah AFA Bard : Absolutely, mary! Not at all Homme.. hang on! It gets better. ;) Back to ERIC online-- were you aware that ERIC is now available through some colleges/universities for online dial-up? MaristR : Don't leave yet Homme, Bard is right. MaryEz : From AOL, Bard? AFA Bard : Not from AOL- yet. Instead, colleges usually require you to be a registered student, at least right now. They're working on copyright issues. The Univ. of Georgia, for example, offers unlimited ERIC (and other resources) online for students in dial-up mode. Folks on the Internet tell me that similar services are coming available at UNLV, Auburn and others. MaryEz : Today was a perfect example of the power of TC. My sister is taking an International Business course. AFA Bard : Hi Elaine! Welcome RedsFan13! Elaine 100 : Hi everyone. RedsFan13 : hi all MaryEz : and needed some info about Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. I used internet and in 5 minutes Elaine 100 : What have these late comers missed so far? AFA Bard : Right-o, Mary. Soon, when AOL releases their new GOPHER/WAIS area, it'll be VERY easy! Elaine-- the log will be posted later tonight. ;0 MaryEz : had info on those countries from the CIA World Fact Book, transferred the files and emailed them to her on AOL. MaristR : Has anyone heard of a program called Mosaic? I suppose to automate In internet connections. HommeFou : I have just recently become invloved with mailing lists. I am under the impression that Internet is just a piece of mail that gets floated all over the world. How is there live interaction or am I getting confused MaristR : Internet is more than just mail. AFA Bard : Homme-- Mailing Lists are basically a topical version of what you get here on AOL. Anyone can MaristR : You might want to get a book called Internet for Dummies. It's a great book on Internet. AFA Bard : create a LIST, which is simply a list of addresses on the internet. When mail is sent to the LIST, HommeFou : Thanx Marist....humph! AFA Bard : the mail goes to all on the list. NEWSGROUPS, on the other hand, are topical areas where people MaristR : The Dummies serires of books are really great. AFA Bard : POST messages for all to see. I agree, Roger-- the Internet for Dummies book is GREAt! MaryEz : Don't be offended Homme! That's the name of the book! It can be downloaded from Internet. AFA Bard : AOL will soon (very) support both LISTS and NEWSGROUPS, as well as access to GOPHER and WAIS- HommeFou : I know - I had to use it... MaristR : I have a new one called Internet Companion Plus, but I haven't read it yet. AFA Bard : a sort of "information mole" that searches out information from all over the NET based on your keywords. Elaine 100 : Mary, are you saying the entire book can be downloaded? AFA Bard : Hiya Leni!!! RedsFan13 : on AOL--will we have access to ftp and telnet? MaryEz : The nearest analogy for listserv is it is like a magazine subscription. You subscribe and you get AFA Bard : It appears so, RedsFan- but Newsgroup and Gopher access will come first. MaryEz : everything sent to the list. AFA Bard : Welcome McTalk! Our chat topic tonight is "Telecom in Education". RedsFan13 : figures, I have used ftp and telnet more than the others MaryEz : Elaine, you can FTP it. I forget where from but you can use Veronica to find it. AFA Bard : Elaine- there are other downloadable Internet guides available here on AOL- use KEYWORD: INTERNET CENTER. Elaine 100 : Great, I'm headed there tonight. I learn new things here every Sunday. MaryEz : Veronica is a tool which allows you to search all of internet for a particular topic. RedsFan13 : ARCHIE is a good source on internet to find ftp sites AFA Bard : Other similar tools are Archie and Mosaic. Mosaic actually searches a huge part of the Internet MaryEz : Is Mosaic on the market yet? AFA Bard : called the WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW). Mosaic returns GRAPHICS, and SOUND, too! It's for Macs and it's FREE via Internet from the National CSA (NCSA). Uhm..I'll have to check on that address for you. :) MaristR : Mosiac is a Freeware program. AFA Bard : Welcome Linda! LindaMc718 : HI AFA Bard : Rog-- do you remember the source? (I'm looking at my GET INFO on the appl. now.) MaryEz : FTP is something I haven't mastered yet! AFA Bard : It's available from the NCSA. Sorry, I've got no address for that. MaristR : I have a windows version. AFA Bard : It's also available in XWindows and UNIX, Roger. MaryEz : Kermit is another tool I haven't mastered yet. AFA Bard : How about SCHOLASTIC online here on AOL-- anybody tried it out?? MaristR : I haven't been able to use it yet. I'm not sure if it will work on Peachent. RedsFan13 : I teach history, have found tons of info using anonymous ftp MaryEz : Have any of you checked out my Books for Discussion folder? We trying to encourage discussion groups AFA Bard : FTB (by the way) stands for FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL- it's the Internet way to DOWNLOAD files. MaristR : How about Chicago (Chicago Tribune) and Time Magazine. MaryEz : around particular books. Mysteries are the topic right now. MaristR : On Aol. AFA Bard : And MERCURY - it's keyword: MERCURY and presents an inside look at Silicon Valley. It's very information rich! Time is Keyword: TIME (if you want THE time- use keyword: CLOCK) Chicago Online is KEYWORD:CHICAGO MaristR : I also like the WhiteHouse area and C-Span areas. AFA Bard : Welcome Bradley! Rehi-Bob! MaryEz : Has anyone heard about Clementine and can you tell us about it? AFA Bard : And don't forget CNN- they've got a lively bunch of folks there. :) BobFrost : Hi, again. Just went out for a bit. AFA Bard : Clementine--- hmmm... not me-- anyone else heard? BradleyABE : Hi! I just came in from Tennessee and am happy to find someone here. What are we talking about? MaristR : CNN has the all their lesson plans. AFA Bard : Our chat topic tonight is "Telecom in Education". MaryEz : Clementine is supposed to be a disposable satellite which is sending back moon pictures which are downloadable from internet. But I can't find anything out about it. Was on CBS news last week. I missed it. AFA Bard : A disposable satellite? Ha! Have you used GOPHER or WAIS to search for INFO. Or-- have you checked SpaceLink (NASA's online service)? BobFrost : Leaving again. Maybe I'll have more time next week. Bye. MaryEz : Found info with gopher and thought I had transferred the file but can't find it in ABYSS at Yale. AFA Bard : Mark-- how are YOU folks using telecom lately? MaristR : I downloaded the 96Budget, the NAFTA Treaty, and the Clinton Health Care Plan from the White House area. AFA Bard : Reds-- how about you? What are your favorite uses of telecom? HommeFou : Stupid Question: How exactly did you get all that stuff Marist? Show us to the light.. MaryEz : Can anyone explain UUENCODED graphics and how to open them? MaristR : Homme, you mean the White house information? HommeFou : Yeah, and NASA's online service - the whole shabang! RedsFan13 : I have used Internet for ftp the most AFA Bard : Great- Reds. MaristR : Just use the Keyword WhiteHouse for the WhiteHouse area on AOL. You can even send E-Mail to the President. BradleyABE : We are SO NEW! My JOBS Adult Education class is interested in genealogy and studied Mormons via AOL! AFA Bard : And his staff usually answers! (although they seem to be inundated lately)! MaryEz : RedsFan13, have you transferred graphics files and converted them? RedsFan13 : have also used telnet, Archie, even e-mail to correspond with people in many areas MaristR : Several Congressmen also have internet addresses. HommeFou : Hmmmm...Thanx.... MaristR : Homme, also try the keyword CSPAN. AFA Bard : Bradley-- AWESOME! Have you shown them EAASY SABRE yet? (The online travel inquiry/booking program.) RedsFan13 : I guess so, I have a Gif program available on my terminal at school and have downloaded gifs BradleyABE : No, but they check the weather and horoscopes! RedsFan13 : is that what you meant? AFA Bard : WIRED magazine, which is represented here on AOL at KEYWORD: WIRED also has LOTS of great Internet addresses and resources. Try it! MaristR : To send an internet mail to a congressman. The address is the state, MaryEz : Also, Bradley, have you tried the stock market. Great fun to watch your stocks. I wish I had the guts to buy some! MaristR : Newt Gingrich's address is AFA Bard : Like AOL, Mary.. it's soared! ;0 Does Newt answer his mail, Roger? MaristR : I haven't gotten anything yet. MaryEz : Yesss! Bard, wish I had bought it at 15. MaristR : The President has an auto reply. Mary, have you done the Bulls and Bears game? MaryEz : No, I haven't, Roger. Tell us about it. MaristR : We haven't done it either. AFA Bard : Road & Track online is a good source for classrooms, too. Great technical writing & MaristR : I've just seen it online. AFA Bard : statistics for your MATH class! KEYWORD: CAR MaristR : I like to download the weather maps. I post them in class. AFA Bard : You use keyword: TRAVEL for that, Roger? MaristR : I use weather. AFA Bard : Yup-- that's another way you can get there. :) MaristR : Does AOL have news pictures like Rueters on Compuserve? BradleyABE : I've never found maps. How do I do that? AFA Bard : Also.. remember that KEYWORD: NEW gets you the latest stuff online. MaristR : The maps are in the download area of Weather. AFA Bard : Rog-- only those posted in the NEWS libraries- so far. ;) Hi Kathryn! We're chatting about Telecommunications in Education. MaristR : I'll check it out. KathrynG : How are members here using telecommunications in education? BradleyABE : Is this a regular time that some of you chat? MaristR : Another area I like is the IES area for homework help for students. AFA Bard : Yes, Bradley-- you're welcome to join us EVERY week from 8-9 ET to chat about education-related topics MaryEz : I like the help areas for different software like RogerWagner's HyperStudio. Great help when you are doing a stack and need quick answers. AFA Bard : Kathryn-- so far, we've heard some GREAT ideas like: using the STOCKS area for classroom simulations, MaryEz : Keyword: RogerWagner AFA Bard : downloading weather maps, accessing CSPAN info and sending Bill Clinton e-mail. :) Have you got any ideas? MaristR : If you type CARTOONS you can download editorial cartoons. KathrynG : How are you downloadig weather maps? AFA Bard : Rog-- one more time? MaryEz : What do you need to see them, Roger? Gif Converter? MaristR : Yes, you need a Gif Viewer and they are in the weather section. BradleyABE : Any chance everyone would identify their home states? AFA Bard : Use KEYWORD: WEATHER They are mostly in GIF or PICT format. Sure-- Bradley! MaristR : They show the lines on the maps. AFA Bard : <--- Georgia MaryEz : Connecticut MaristR : <--Georgia KathrynG : Massachusetts BradleyABE : Tennessee AFA Bard : Reds-- where are you from? HommeFou : The Great Lake State=MI AFA Bard : MarkHulme's from Georgia. :) OK-- it's FREE HOUR time!!!!! MaryEz : Red had got to be OHIO duh... HommeFou : Eeeeuuu...(as in nasty) AFA Bard : What a GREAT chat tonight! TONS of ideas! Remember you can find a complete LOG (in ASCII, text RedsFan13 : CA sorry checking scores! BradleyABE : Thanks! Good to meet you! AFA Bard : format) that can be downloaded from the AED New Files library later this evening! Before I announce MaristR : Reds, checking to see if the BRAVES won again. MaryEz : Did the UConn women with today? with= win AFA Bard : the FREE HOUR WINNER... I'd like to thank all you folks for signing on tonight- and hope that you all have a great week... OK... how about a DRUMROLL from someone??? MaryEz : *fanfare* RedsFan13 : glad the Braves now in other division AFA Bard : **FREE HOUR WINNER: HOMMEFOU!! (for the secret word: interactive) Let's have a hand for HommeFou! ()()()()()()()()() MaryEz : {}{}{}{}{}}{}{}{}{{}{}{ HommeFou : Thank you, thank you...I'd like to thank my mom.... MaristR : Boy, I bet your glad you stuck around! MaryEz : Oops, a few one handed claps there! AFA Bard : And the academy, Homme? :) HommeFou : Yes, looking back on it now, I think that I made the right choices.... AFA Bard : Join us NEXT week- same AOL time, same AOL channel for another great online chat!!! BRING your FRIENDS! RedsFan13 : bye MaryEz : Bye, all, see you next week! AFA Bard : G'night RedsFan!! HommeFou : Au revoir.... MaristR : See, you later I have to go and check my grill. AFA Bard : Night, Roger! Nite folks-- off to edit the log! MaryEz : Je ne sais pas is all the French I can remember! HommeFou : Boooo AFA Bard : G'night [[ Mary ]]