2/28/93 8:00:53 PM Opening "Chat Log 2/28/93" for recording. AFL Gayle : OK. Our topic tonight is an At Risk Project being conducted SandyE : Bard....behave yourself. They are saints to me (it's all in the eye of the beholder) AFL Gayle : online, and Nina is our guest. AFL Gayle : We'll have one free hour to give away at the end of the chat. The rules are AFL Gayle : simple. You need to say the secret word in context to win. :) AFA Bard : And to me as well, Sandy. And their wonderful LSTC is the greatest saint of all. :) NinaTE : Pete welcome, Jean is anxious to find you NinaTE : Welcome all, we have several things to talk about tonight PeteITE : Jean: I am here. Talk to me! NinaTE : I know may of you are confused about the video and we should talk about that I also want to get topics NinaTE : for the remaining months NinaTE : First of all can you all tell me how it is going? Anyone need help ? AFC Tooter : Energy!!! Welcome :-) SandyE : Well, the kids only come to me (as a group) on Thursdays from 7:45-8:30...it's difficult to SandyE : keep them focused PeteITE : My poems were well received by the Middle School English teachers. The kids were enthused about them Weger : Writing the poems was great but getting them to respond has been difficult Weger : They seemed to enjoy the structure of the I am format PeteITE : The teachers were also excited about the others. One took it to his future problem solving class for SandyE : Yes, two of mine are weak in writing skills and that makes it a real risk for them. NinaTE : Well, maybe we shouldn't push the responding, what do the rest of you think? Energy : Hi. Bringing along the last group... PeteITE : gifted kids. They are now responding to the other poems. English teachers are impressed. Babz00 : I've been asking students to find a favorite from each school and respond Energy : I have a group of gifted & talented as well Weger : I would like to continue having them respond Energy : What is a good way to make sure everyone has a response? PeteITE : My Chapter I kids need the responding . This poem structure was great and meaningful to them. NinaTE : That was my worry, There are so many poems I don't see how we can be sure of that PeteITE : My Chapter I teacher has copies of the poems in the room and the kids have been responding to them. Energy : Should we make sure each set of poems has one thing? NinaTE : Big problem is that Jean from St. Julie's has the largest group of kids and she is having trouble NinaTE : with communicating. She doesn't belong to AoL and is in the project through Internet Energy : I don't think every students should respond to every other student, but as a class, SOMEONE should NinaTE : I know it is important for kids to get responses to their work. but, could we think of a way to NinaTE : simplify? PeteITE : Could we have the kids respond to one or two and build a relationship between them for writing/editing Weger : I agree with that idea Weger : I think they are looking for some sort of relationship NinaTE : If the kids could find even one person to talk to that would be great. But how can we be sure it PeteITE : It would mean a lot to my kids if someone from the ether cared about what they said. NinaTE : won't over whelm a few and ignore others. Could we direct the kids in some way? Energy : I love that idea too, but what scares me is one would not get a reply. AFA Bard : (Welcome Leni- we're talking with NinaTE about an At Risk project.) PeteITE : I've asked my kids to pick one or two poems and write a response to that person. NinaTE : How is that going Pete, any problems having the kids respond? AFC Tooter : When Bard and I originally did ScrapBook, I had each student choose one person he/she wanted to AFC Tooter : respond to and a second that was chosen out of a hat. AFC Tooter : All were covered. Energy : I haven't downloaded yet, but want to lay them out for mass reading and personal response. How many? PeteITE : they need a little more structure as far as response. But I may have to do that with them. AFC Tooter : Could you have some sort of drawing? PeteITE : I am lucky. I can take kids for a few minutes alone and interview/type their ideas. It opens them up NinaTE : Well, I would like to suggest we eliminate Jean's class for individuals, I'm afraid we won't get AFC Tooter : With a random drawing, all could get responses unless one class was larger than all others put together NinaTE : anything going and too many people will be dissappointed. I will respond to her group as a NinaTE : whole and mention individuals. Energy : How many does each have...approximately? SandyE : My kids were each (somehow) already matched with a partner and responded in a pen pal fashion... NinaTE : Barb, what do you think? PeteITE : that would give my Chapter I kids a purpose for writing and editing. Babz00 : I've been telling kids to ask questions...to keep conversation going...so they might want to respond back NinaTE : Sandy, your kids have pen pals cause they asked for them, that's wasn't part of the poem thing AFC Tooter : If all discussion was on the public board, it would not always be from individuals and all could AFC Tooter : participate. NinaTE : Jean has about 50 kids, the rest of us have far fewer. Yes toot we want kids to respond on the boards! Babz00 : I don't think we respond to all, but one general resonse to each school might work, besides single chi Babz00 : choices by individuals. AFC Leni : Nina, you are trying to figure out how all the kids will get a personal response to their writing? SandyE : We could start a "chronicles" type thing like we have in Scrapbook. Toot, care to comment? Energy : I will have 24 poems upload soon. NinaTE : I think kids could either respond to individuals or to groups. I think the teachers should respond also AFC Tooter : The tough part of chronicles is getting them to read and respond. Groups tend to write without AFC Tooter : looking at what has come before. AFC Tooter : A topic of discussion would help to focus. Energy : What's a chronicle? PeteITE : I could go with a random assignment as long as I have slow readers. Energy : A group discussion? NinaTE : That's what I had hoped we could come up with tonight, a focus... PeteITE : Also , would it be ok if I did an additional response for those kids they have already written too? AFC Leni : (bye, all......good luck, Nina and participants) PeteITE : Yes, what is a chronicle? NinaTE : ABSOLUTELY!! Pete, remember, this project will work only if we each can fit it to our needs AFC Tooter : CHRONICLES: In ScrapBook, classes post a weekly bulletin ointo a folder in Student to Student. SandyE : Bye, Leni AFC Tooter : They talk about what is happening in their school and ask questions of the others. They may AFC Tooter : share information about where they live, their teachers and programs. Anything. NinaTE : Some of us see our kids on a regular basis and others only sporadically, I want to keep the conversati Energy : My kids are nosey. They want to know things like regional slang words, fads, hobbies...kids things NinaTE : on going but feel it will die if we don't have topics to focus on. If we can direct the focus SandyE : Energy...your kids would love Scrapbook as well as this project... AFC Tooter : That is perfect, Energy. That sort of question will get the discussion going. PeteITE : OK if we build on the openness that happened in the poem project. AFC Tooter : I wonder what students think of the big explosion last week. Energy : I've done scrapbook, but don't have a modem at school. I have to do the data disk routine. AFA Bard : And, of course, there's always politics. :) Weger : Pete do you mean the openness of their responses? Energy : My kids were horrified because I have a daughter living in NYC...scary! NinaTE : Toot, I'm afraid my ids are much more into themselves, could we come up with a topic for NinaTE : March and April that might have the appeal of the I am poem, but get them out of themselves? AFC Tooter : I know what you mean Nina, but somehow a bomb blast of that magnitude AFC Tooter : might even catch the unincvolved. PeteITE : I would like to see this board get to problem solving level for at risk kids eventually. Build SandyE : Nina, so are mine (into themselves). Two are not fans of school and the other (Alex) is a gifted 8th SandyE : grader who sometimes tends to put the other two down (a la middle school fashion) PeteITE : on the OM or future problem solving models along with writing process to create a problem solving mode NinaTE : What if we posed a problem fo rthem to solve and have them post their own ideas? Energy : How world problems affect them personally, for example, the first FPS problem was stress on students PeteITE : l that is collaborative instead of competive. NinaTE : Believe me the thing we don't need is competition!!! AFC Tooter : Every once in a while I get called Totter. AFA Bard : How about something as simple as likes & dislikes, Nina? PeteITE : I love bringing world problems to a personal level. How do we do it? NinaTE : What if we started with a problem they might identify with, or will that turn them scared? Babz00 : You mean to ask each how they cope with stress in school? home? all? Maybe to help others... NinaTE : The simpler the better! Energy : No competition, just the topics borrowed...for example, how are student's stressed? Make a list SandyE : Nina, they did (at first) respond to the question what they liked and disliked most about school SandyE : they loved doing that!!!! Energy : I had our parent group do that last week and the AFA Bard : Or.. what about how they feel kids are different today than they were 10 years ago. (Maybe some AFA Bard : collaboration with parents on that one?) NinaTE : You might have hit on something...creating a list! PeteITE : How about a problem built on their need for self worth? Energy : student list was almost identical to the parents. Energy : Do you think teachers know what stresses students? NinaTE : Reember the questiopn where we said something about how someone once made them feel special? Energy : That's good NinaTE. Maybe when you're stressed, Energy : who makes you feel special. SandyE : I don't remember that question, Nina...that would bring some interesting answers! NinaTE : Or what , could be something they do or an animal or... SandyE : I do worry about the gifted kids overshadowing the at risk kids...it's already happening in my little SandyE : trio sometimes AFC Tooter : Do any of you know the fallout shelter game? AFA Bard : How about something they're proud of? PeteITE : OPen it to a person or time or event or place or thing that makes them feel special. They can learn AFA Bard : Ooooo, Tooter.. that's a no-no around here. :) PeteITE : to build on that special feeling. NinaTE : Might give them ideas on how to react to others SandyE : I don't know the fallout shelter game. TELL! Energy : proud? Why? Weger : I definitely agree with focusing on self esteem AFC Tooter : Students are given a list of people by profession and detail who are in a fallout shelter. SandyE : I agree with Weger. Self esteem is the greatest need! Energy : Oh, yeah, I remember that one. AFC Tooter : Students play the role of a committee who may, in fact, be choosing the last survivors of NinaTE : I know it's really important to work on this with my kids. Perhpas we can tap into that if they think AFC Tooter : an devastating attack. Could students do such a thing online? NinaTE : they are just adding to a list.... NinaTE : I'm afraid Tooter, my kids just wouldn't get into something like that at this stage SandyE : I hope the kids can get online and chat at some point. They always love that part. Energy : Could we combine encouraging self confidence and creativity at the same time? I'm for that! PeteITE : My 7th/8th graders couldn't handle the fallout game right now. Babz00 : Last scrapbook party we had real pizza, soda etc. and kids loved it. Chat is good down the line. NinaTE : What do you think of posing a problem ie. stress and asking kids to come up with one sentence that SandyE : If mine played tha fallout game, they would pick Madonna, Whitney Houston and Jim Morrison (some SandyE : dont know he's dead already) Energy : Funny Sandy. What about Elvis? Is he? AFC Tooter : In the fallout game you give a specific list of perhaps 15 imaginary characters and must NinaTE : I lost my thought. Sorry, I want to know the best way to get them to talk about what makes them AFC Tooter : select 8 who will be allowed to stay in the shelter. NinaTE : feel special or has in the past... Perhaps advice to someone??? SandyE : No, Energy, Elvis is alive AND ON AOL (we just have to figure out his sign on). AFA Bard : I wonder if Hillary would make it out alive? Energy : I love the stress idea but know my kids would also love the Fallout shelter. Babz00 : I like the question about stress. They would find out they are not alone...next question could be how Babz00 : they cope...again sharing Weger : good idea NinaTE : Perhaps we can shelf the Falllut for later in the year when they are more intuned to responding, let's PeteITE : My kids might like the feeling that they are helping someone with concerns like their own. SandyE : Bard, HRC would definitely make it out. NinaTE : start really easy! AFC Tooter : Don't get stuck on my suggestion. I just threw it out to suggest another slant. NinaTE : And it's a good one that I hope we can work up to! Energy : A little fourth grade group made a abc book of things that are stresses. It's wonderful. ???? SandyE : Nina, I like the "advice" idea. I find these kids shine when asked to help others. NinaTE : Could we start with a list of stress producers and then advice ieas to relieve stress Energy : Could each class come up with just 26 stresses? SandyE : Energy....26??? is this a magic number? NinaTE : that would take up two assignments,,, might even give us some topics for in house discussion Energy : One for each letter in the alphabet. PeteITE : My kids are stuck on ME and relate to kids who are like ME. That's what made the Iam work so well here AFL Gayle : Sounds like maybe that's how many students Energy has, Sandy? AFL Gayle : Oops, wrong guess. ;) AFA Bard : (An aside... there are no fewer than 10 "Elvi" online. One's a PhD. A search for the member NAME nets AFA Bard : the following result: There's no match for Elvis. Most would agree! ) NinaTE : Why a magic number??? Pete do you thingk the list idea would work for you? Babz00 : PeteITE, my kids also. SandyE : AHA, I got it...the ABC book of Stresses. LOVE IT! AFA Bard : Welcome, Marist! NinaTE : Barb, what about you? AFA Andy : Nina, I used Jacobson's Muscel Relaxation in my classroom. Energy : The number goes along with the Stress ABC book. The top stress list could be any number... NinaTE : Andy, tell us AFC Tooter : ABC Book of stresses is neat. With cures it might be published online. AFA Andy : You have the children tighten and relax muscel groups. Energy : But you know how the late shows have their top 10 list. My kids love them...funny. PeteITE : A list is a do. My librarian is interested in putting this stuff out in our school library. I Weger : I think the ABC book would also give my students structure Babz00 : We could put all streses together in ABC book and publish on line. Babz00 : Think the same, Toot. PeteITE : think our other kids would get into it, too. AFA Andy : Tell them to feel the different between tension and realxation. AFC Tooter : They would publish the bopok online to give advice to students everywhere! AFA Andy : You work through all the muscel groups from feet to head. AFA Bard : How about one step further and asking them how they cope with stress? SandyE : I REALLY like that idea. 26 top stresses and cures for each. Let's try it now. What's an A stress.. AFC Tooter : bopok = book SandyE : anyone care to try? NinaTE : HEy, we're onto something!! Energy : Some of the stresses are humorous, but many are too true. Let each class use their creativity! AFA Andy : The problem is some of them will fall asleep before you finish :) AFC Tooter : Angry teachers. AFA Bard : "A stress" = Anything from the state department of education. :) SandyE : Andy: LOL...happens to me every time. PeteITE : A stress is all the APPLEs in my life(even though I love them) NinaTE : I have put all the poems into Page Maker and we are working on publishing and sending copies to all.. AFC Tooter : Argyle socks. SandyE : Bard: LOL!!! Babz00 : Yes how to cope would come next, after we get list of stresses NinaTE : This could be the next project! Two installments, causes and cures! SandyE : Nina...by George,, I think you've GOT IT! PeteITE : Based on the Iam poem project some of these could be very sensitive and good! Babz00 : Just a note..we Xapshoted pictures, digitized and published our poems...will show in video AFC Tooter : Would students have to negotiate online for the most severe A stress to go in the book? AFA Andy : I taught science and health, we did stress as part of health class. NinaTE : ATTENTION!! Announcing the next ESP focus SSSSTTTTRRRREEEESSS Producers!! SandyE : We could vote on the final contenders, before we publish the ABC Book of Stresses. PeteITE : Perhaps we could edit as a project to select most popular or best ones, collaboratively. Energy : Yea! Energy : I'm not stressed anymore. NinaTE : YEAH!! PeteITE : This is getting good! Babz00 : Sounds good...we found a focus Weger : When do we start? AFA Bard : Maybe teachers could make their own alphabet, too? NinaTE : Now the 26 makes sense!! SandyE : How about a B stress everyone. for me, it's Boys who wear their pants so low even I want to ankle Babz00 : I wouldn't have enough paper for my stresses, Toot AFC Tooter : Good idea, Bard. Energy : You know there is a real list of the stress with numbers given each by psycharists. I have it. AFC Tooter : N= noisy class SandyE : them...and that's an inschool suspension at our school. NinaTE : OK, I think we have to let the kids do some responding to poems, but lets not let that PeteITE : It's also higher level thinking skills for at risk kids, very important! NinaTE : bog us down.... AFA Andy : And you can't use your kid's names ;) AFC Tooter : Use the poems as a possible source for the stresses to list. PeteITE : can we just send messages to each other to cover the responding to poems. Maybe penpaling will result NinaTE : Let's plan to work on the Stress Book during March and into April after April vacation :) we work on NinaTE : the cures NinaTE : YEs, Pete tht might work, what if each teacher responded to a group of poems in the folder? SandyE : I like that, Nina, will it be done in ESH? Folder? NinaTE : Yes, for all to see PeteITE : Yes, I might need help on procedure, but I like it. SandyE : Don't forget, tomorrow IS March.EEKS! NinaTE : I could contact each teacher and ask them to respond to a particualr group AFC Tooter : The ides willsoon be upon us. SandyE : I'd be glad to respond to a group. Energy : Glad we're doing this. Me too. Weger : me too AFL Gayle : Tomorrow is March! Hurray Babz00 : I'll bet the Ides comes with snow this year, Toot. At least in MA. AFL Gayle : :)) April vacation is closer. :) PeteITE : can we just go ahead with our kids on the ABC or do we need more prep? SandyE : In like a lion for sure around here! NinaTE : OK then if that is settled, we can take several weeks to do the stresses, time commitment stress me NinaTE : more than anything else!! AFL Gayle : OK. It's time now for our secret hour winner! :) NinaTE : Anyone feel we need more prepon stress?? AFL Gayle : *Drumroll* AFL Gayle : But first, a message from our sponsor. ;) Weger : Nina I just wnat to thank you for all of your hard work and correspondence! Great job! Energy : Thanks! Great group AFL Gayle : Our chat topic next week is ScrapBook, USA, with none other than AFC Tooter! :) SandyE : Nina, let me add my thanks to Weger's. AFL Gayle : This is your last official time to scrap for this school year, so be sure and PeteITE : Nina, you have met a tremendous need with this board. We can't talk fast enough! AFL Gayle : attend to find out all about it! AFL Gayle : Now for our hour winner... AFL Gayle : PeteITE won one free nonprime time hour for saying the words problem solving! AFL Gayle : *Applause* for Pete! :) NinaTE : I'll write ther March letter this week explaing what we are doing! Thanks all!! NinaTE : Congrads Pete!!! AFA Bard : Congrats Pete!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!! Super!!!!!! Energy : Congrats Pete AFA Andy : I gotta go to work. Night all! WTG, Pete! AFL Gayle : And a BIG round of *Applause* for ALL of our Project participants, but AFA Bard : Thanks Nina... GREAT chat! SandyE : Congrats, Pete!!! Energy : Catch ya later folks Weger : bye everyone! AFC Tooter : slipping & squwishing softly through cranbury jelly toward RAYMONDVILLE. AFL Gayle : ESPECIALLY for Nina! :) NinaTE : Thank you all for being here, I'll be contacting you soon!!! AFC Tooter : Parsley, sage, rosemarySoap bubble chimeras, glistening sweetly. Babz00 : Great talk,Nina... PeteITE : This has been great! SandyE : It was wonderful being here tonight!!! Thanks all! AFC Tooter : Great job Nina. Hope I didn't hit you with mush. AFL Gayle : Thanks, Nina! Stay tuned to the Message Board for more details about the AFL Gayle : Project. :) SandyE : Nina, I look forward to hearing from you soon. NinaTE : I think we'll have a great project ! And maby more will join! PeteITE : Let's do this again soon,please, it's great support. NinaTE : Fine with me, Let's say the end of April? Gayle??? PeteITE : Sounds good to me! NinaTE : Don;t forget the videos!!! AFC Tooter : Nina, you can arrange a chat any time. The rooms are always here. PeteITE : OK, what do I do about the videos? Just do them? NinaTE : I'd better go put my kids to bed, goodnight and talk to you all soon! SandyE : Nina, I'm unclear about the videos...please catch me up sometime... Babz00 : Do you want first focus on school and surroundings and then into class in videos? MaristR : Hey, Murray it's Roger NinaTE : Yes, Pete, just give it a go! NinaTE : Whatever you are comfortable with is fine, let the kids plan it, just be sure it isn't AFA Bard : Roger.. it's great to catch you online! NinaTE : more than 5 or 7 minutes, so I can splice them all together AFL Gayle : Good night, all! Thanks for coming! :) 2/28/93 9:08:47 PM Closing Log file.