?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"This should patch SMT's INSTALL program for installing the No Slot Clock" ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"patch to Prodos version 1.8. Just LOAD the basic INSTALL program, then" ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"EXEC this text file. It will print this message, patch the program," ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"and then tell you to save it. Simple, huh?! I was more than a little" ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"annoyed that SMT expected $10 for us to be able to get a single line" ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"to add to their program! They could have just put this in their message" ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"rather than asking for money! Ah well, here's the patch!" 158 IF PEEK (X) > < 76 AND PEEK (X) > < 96 THEN X = 20742:R=10294:REM PRODOS 8 V1.8 PATCH ?CHR$(31)"That's it! Note, I assume this will work on all versions if INSTALL, but" ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"if you have a version that already HAS a line 158 then I can't guarantee it." ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"Now, just SAVE INSTALL back to the disk it came from (hopefully a BACKUP" ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"COPY!) and you're ready to patch PRODOS 8 V1.8!" ?CHR$(31)"PRODOS is a copyright of Apple Computer." ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"SMT and No Slot Clock are trademarks of SMT corp." ?CHR$(31)"I make no guarantees of this patch for any purpose, and its use is at your" ?CHR$(31)CHR$(31)"discretion. ALWAYS work on BACKUP COPIES!"